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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)


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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Nemuru 13th October 2015, 7:47 pm

    (continued from here-https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t17644-evening-relaxation-closed-social-nemuru-and-ciren-garlfang#207690)

    The trip from Peace Village to Hargeon town seemed painfully long. The poison mage had grabbed another random job request to keep her on the move. The distance was rather short, and could normally be reached in a few hours by simple carriage. Yet, Nemuru had chosen to walk. After a few hour’s trek in silence the scenery began to look monotonous. At least she had met Ciren, who now accompanied her.

    Soon, she found herself hoping to arrive in the Port Town and ready to get back to work. Nemuru had felt particularly restless of late with these jobs babysitting, modelling and housekeeping. Idly, she wondered what it’d be like to be a more powerful mage, going on adventures.

    The job appeared to be a rather strange one, buying a gift for a man's wife for him. After 25 years, didn't he have a better sense of her?

    "Oy, Ciren..." She twirled the card to purchase it between her fingers. "I know ya said you didn't have much sense for it but do you have any ideas what type of jewelry would be best to put a gem in?"
    (190 words)


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1
    Ciran Garlfang
    Ciran Garlfang

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Ciran Garlfang 13th October 2015, 8:06 pm

    He had trudged along peacefully as they walked, quiet for the most part as he just took in the path they travelled, so he seemed slightly startled when Nemuru called him out. "Jewelry...ah...let me think." He tilted his head in thought. "Its to be a present for his wife for twenty five years....and she has a good bit of jewelry already....so we should look for something unique, that will stand out from the gobs of rings and brooches and such she likely already has..."

    He fell silent again, "A circlet of some sort maybe? Not a crown, because we don't want the royalty to get all offended...but a diadem, made to look like it was something living, holding the jewel above her brow?" Another pause, and a gesture at the job listing. "Does it describe his wife in there at all? Or are we working in the dark. Because depending on how she looks and is built, different things would work better or worse...."
    (164 words)

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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Nemuru 13th October 2015, 8:19 pm

    Nemuru looked at the request and frowned deeply. "No, not really... married twenty five years, loves jewelry...," a groan of frustration escaped the poison mage. "Ah! Here's something! Well, maybe we can work with it."

    She looked up at the tall man walking at her side, "in summation he's saying she'll get angry with him for lying to her. It sounds like she has a fiery temper. It's not looks or build but..."

    Her brows furrowed, "it'll have to be of an open construction then, no matter what we end up doing. I had originally thought a necklace, yet you're right. I suspect she has so many it'd get lost as well. It's unfortunate he didn't give up a better idea of what she already owns."

    "Well, we're nearly to the port city of Hargeon." She looked at the buildings they were beginning to approach. "Maybe we can look around a bit after we collect our reward." A dreamy look crossed her face.

    "Ah, that reminds me! There's a lot of good stores tucked away in the back alleys."


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1
    Ciran Garlfang
    Ciran Garlfang

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Ciran Garlfang 13th October 2015, 8:52 pm

    "Back alley shops can sometimes have great deals...but they can also be fronts for the black market, which can lead to trouble i've found. Good eye on the fiery temper part....hmmm. A jewel in a bright shade of red perhaps? And an open, flowing design is one option. The other being a very chaotic, jagged design to be a representation of the temper the woman has...though that could backfire horribly if the woman doesn't think she has a temper...so something smooth edged and flowing and calm looking would be my recommendation, though male it may be."

    He peered curiously at the buildings. "Looks like a rather big city.....I'm sure we can find what we want here easily...You've been here before, so where would you recommend we start looking? Is there a store known above all others for the quality of its jewels? The sort that the nobles of the area and the most powerful mages of the area go to for their shopping....a place that has built such a reputation its name means wealth and quality."


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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Nemuru 13th October 2015, 9:06 pm

    "I know a few back alley shops that aren't too bad, yet the clientele can be a bit rough. A red jewel, if we can find a high quality one would be ideal. It needs a good size, clarity, shape and so forth... Perhaps we should look for something smooth edged, but yet a feminine design. Intricate metalwork that will hold the solitary stone in the middle. I wonder if we could find one in the shape of flames itself. A thin, stylized fiery design. Anyways, lets worry 'bout the gem first."

    She paused, it's a rather grand city, yes?" Nemuru spoke with a hint of pride. "Yes, there is one rather renowned jewel shop, it's actually one of the best in Fiore. Reniro Isle Jewelry Shop, it's named. I've never been in there, yet I've looked through the windows many a time." A slight bit of excitement passed through her. She began brushing both of their clothes off as they walked down the cobblestone street.

    "Here's the card to purchase it. If they ask, you're Anthony Spiff." Before he could object, she attempted to slide her arm under his and interlock it, though the height difference was comical.
    (199 words)


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1
    Ciran Garlfang
    Ciran Garlfang

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Ciran Garlfang 13th October 2015, 9:17 pm

    He starts slightly at her motions, but tucks the card away into a pocket, and lightly pats her on the head, chuckling a little at the height difference. "I do say my dear, we are on the market for the best, so lets go find the best....Just point the way" He kept his arm hooked through hers as they walked the street, standing tall, as if he belonged there, as if daring someone to say that he didn't. Acting like you belonged was the first part of fitting in.

    He followed her directions to the jewel shop that she had mentioned, and when it was in sight he didn't even stop to look through the windows. Straight to the door an through, ignoring everyone around him as he went to the front counter. "My good sir, I want to see your best jewels in the shades of red. Bring them out, let me see them so I may inspect them for the best and choose my purchase..."


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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Nemuru 13th October 2015, 9:33 pm

    Nemuru guided Ciren toward the store, careful to not bump him with her hand. "Remember I'm hoping to find a bright red one a bright and clear as the passion of our love." She barely stifled a laugh at the terrible lines. When in doubt, lie through your teeth, she thought.

    The shop attendants still eyed them suspiciously as they looked over their clothes. "It's our 5th anniversary, my beloved promised me a stone of fine quality."

    "Well then, perhaps over here." The owner, dressed in a fine tux with his purple hair and mustache impeccably groomed, directed them to some medium quality gems.

    Nemuru feigned disinterest as she looked them over, doing her very best not to look at the jewel cost on even these. All were well beyond the poison mage's means. "N-no...," her usual personality nearly breaking through. She cleared her throat slightly. "My husband promised me the very best," Nemuru emphasized as she leaned her head against Ciren blushing slightly.

    Last edited by Nemuru on 13th October 2015, 10:01 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot to write word count)


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1
    Ciran Garlfang
    Ciran Garlfang

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Ciran Garlfang 13th October 2015, 9:45 pm

    He half patted, half caressed her head, feigning a gesture of tenderness and affection, then turned back to the owner, voice raising to an almost bellow  "You Insult me, ME! with this showing of sub par jewels!  From any other store I would expect this to be their best offering, but you are Reniro Isle Jewelry Shop!  You are supposed to be the best there is and you show me this drivel!  Perhaps your reputation is undeserved!"  He half turned, as if looking to leave, or perhaps looking for something better then the offering in front of them.

    His jaw was clenched, as was the free hand that Nemuru wasn't attached to, slightly shaking, as if holding back his rage.  Lie through your teeth, act angry, and treaten the reputation they had earned to get them to bring out the good stuff...that was how you did it.  At least, thats how he planned to do it this time.


    Last edited by Ciran Garlfang on 13th October 2015, 9:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Nemuru 13th October 2015, 9:59 pm

    Nemuru looked up at her 'husband' with an attempted expression of adoration through the outburst. She continued to play along as he turned to leave. "Well... I guess they don't have anything worth our business..."

    "Ah, but sir I assure you no other store can even compare to those. They are extremely fine gems for a person of your-" The manager leaned in to whisper to Ciren, "I am only trying to be considerate, sir." A sigh escaped the man as he endured the outburst, "alright, I do have finer, the finest... yet you'll have come with me in back to see it. He whispered again to the large man, though clearly unnerved by him, "I worry, with no undue disrespect, sir, it may too expensive for any but the highest of nobility."

    Nemuru cocked her head slightly at the whispering. The poison mage clenched her fist ever so slightly as he spoke up to mention going in back, just enough the muscles in the arm around Ciren's would tense.


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1
    Ciran Garlfang
    Ciran Garlfang

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Ciran Garlfang 13th October 2015, 11:10 pm

    He gave an aggravated snort, and gestured for the man to lead the way. He laid one hand on the Nemuru's upper back, as if guiding her, but in reality he'd placed it there to try to calm her. He could feel the tension in her body, and he wanted her to know that he was there if things went south. Sure, he didn't have the gear to use his magic here...but he still had his fists and his wits. They were a team, at the very least for this job, and he protected his team.

    He ducked to go through the door after the manager, a scowl still on his face. They had the funds to buy whatever they wanted in here, but he wasn't going to let the manager know that, or he wouldn't haggle...sure, they had the funds, but it galled him to not try to get the best price he could. That was part of the game of buying and selling things after all, and part that he enjoyed greatly.

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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Nemuru 14th October 2015, 7:12 am

    Nemuru gave the slightest of nods as his hand moved from her hand to her upper back. Standing upright a bit more, she followed the Manager. She looked up to note his expression, and sighed sti trying to play up her role as the doting wife.

    Some of the sales people that had eyed them fell in behind them through the door, without a word spoken. Preventing a theft, I guess.

    "Alright, this is our latest shipment from beyond Fiore's borders." The manager pulled out a small briefcase, holding it open. Embedded in the silk folds of their carrying case were a multitude of gems in all colors imaginable. Nemuru leaned forward and narrowed her eyes as she inspected the pro-offered goods.

    "This one, could you pull it out sir?" He complied with a pair of jeweler's tweezers, and Nemuru continued to inspect. Noting a scratch on one of the facets, she shook her head "perhaps, this one?" The next was too cloudy, another an uneven cut. The poison mage did her best to not think what they must cost. She wondered if she could get a job as a jeweler in the future. This is kinda fun.

    After the third reject, the store owner sighed. "I see you have any eye for rubies. There is a one..." He eyed them again critically. Pulling a box from behind the counter, the manager removed the contained ruby. The ruby had a diameter of nearly a half inch.

    "Synthetic or natural?" She eyed it closely not finding a single flaw.

    "Why natural, of course, my dear." The manager beamed with pride. "Found in a mine in Seven, it just arrived yesterday. I assure you it is a faultless specimen. Though..." He looked over to Ciren, tone changing from one of pride to that of a merchant. "I can't imagine letting such a priceless gem go for less than a million jewel."


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1
    Ciran Garlfang
    Ciran Garlfang

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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Ciran Garlfang 14th October 2015, 6:13 pm

    He didn't let the shock reach his face, and just smiled.  "If i may have a moment to consult with my darling before we get down to price?  She is more knowledgeable on the subject then I, and i take her advice seriously."  He gently led Nemuru away from the others, whispering to her.  "You know jewels better then I....What do you think would be a fair price for such a gem?  I need to know a good settling price so I know how much i'm going to need to haggle him down?  Seven Hundred Thousand sound about right?"

    They had been told that the price was no object, but his pride as a craftsman and merchant wouldn't let him just give in to the first price asked for.  The first price from the merchant was always absurdly high.  Only a fool accepted the first price, and Ciran Garlfang was no fool!


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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Nemuru 14th October 2015, 6:31 pm

    The manager rolled his eyes slightly, "yes, yes, as you will."

    Nemuru looked thoughtful a moment. She whispered back, "I'm no jeweler, it is actually a remarkable quality.I didn't see any visible flaws. If he will offer the certifications with it to ensure it's not magic created then... yes. I'd guess seven hundred and fifty thousand to eight hundred thousand is the most it'd be worth. Though high quality, it's not a lacrima gem after all." The though of talking about such a stone as only worth so much in a flippant manner made her head spin.

    She continued speaking as low as she could, "if you think you can get him down lower than that, try for it. You know these things better." Just please don't get us kicked out, the poison mage thought. A worried look crossed expression.

    Whispering just a bit louder, so she might possibly be audible to the manager, Nemuru spoke in a pleading manner. "That's it, the one we're searching for. Isn't it beautiful?"

    The manager's expression perked up and he chimed in, "I am willing to negotiate a bit on the gem if the lady desires it so."


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1
    Ciran Garlfang
    Ciran Garlfang

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Ciran Garlfang 14th October 2015, 6:47 pm

    He gave a slight nod as he stood up taller, turning back to the manager. "Oh, its quite splendid. I do have one requirement. I will need the certification of where it came from. If you have that, we can get down to negotiating." He tapped his chin a moment with one fat finger. "As a counter offer, shall we say six hundred and seventy-five thousand?" It was a low shot, but you always shot way low to counter the high offer. "It is quite the splendid specimen of a jewel, but it isn't as if it is a lacrima..."

    He stood taller, and seemed more sure of himself as it turned to negotiation. He had done this before, unlike shopping for jewels. He stood on firm ground for this part, at the very least. He kept his eyes on the manager, a easy, comfortable smile on his face instead of the grimace that had been there most of the time in the shop.


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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Nemuru 14th October 2015, 7:04 pm

    "Of course, of course, Sir." He produced the documentation and offered it over to Ciran. "Six seventy-five, sir? That is an insult to a gem of this quality. You agreed yourself it's a beautiful piece. Perhaps seven hundred.... I simply cannot bear to let a piece like this go for so little. I am sure other customers will appreciate it for what it's worth." He stared firmly at the two, scrutinizing them.

    Nemuru stood behind Ciran watching him negotiate and bit her lip. She was counting on him to get them a good deal. Not that it mattered too much the client said money is no object, she thought. I wonder what kind of person the client is. The poison mage stared at the stone with longing. Just how many meals could I get for that? How many shopping trips?

    "Your wife obviously sees the value in this and wants it, Sir. You wouldn't let her down now would you?"


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1
    Ciran Garlfang
    Ciran Garlfang

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Ciran Garlfang 14th October 2015, 7:09 pm

    He stroked his beard a moment, as if in thought, though the price that was being offered was good. Still, he had a plan. "Seven Hundred....is acceptable, to please the joy of my life. If you can include an reference to a good gold smith as well, i will even go up to seven hundred and twenty-five thousand. We have an idea for a setting that we need a good goldsmith to pull off." He reached into his pocket, pulling out the card, and offering it to the manager, though he wouldn't let go till the price was finalized and agreed upon.

    They were making a good team, it seemed....This would be something to pursue in the future for sure....working together they could overcome some of the stigmata that being guildless held, he hoped. Plus they could cover each other when the fighting started....And, truth be told, he was lonely. He was tired of traveling alone.


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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Nemuru 14th October 2015, 7:29 pm

    The manager took the card with a smile, "of course, sir. We shall stick to seven hundred as I offered. That information is free here as there are several amazing goldsmiths I work with." He began listing off goldsmiths and their specialties, "Eiril on South Main does a lot of intricate work. As well as Norah on Riverside Drive.... an' Ennah by the docks for engagement rings, though it seems you don't need her services." He gave Ciran a wink. "Oh and there is Isaac a few blocks down for bangles and the like, though he tends to set lacrima stones." He began to place sample images of their work on the counter for the two to look at as he rang out the order.

    "These two look promising, " Nemuru spoke up finally as she pointed to the ones listed as Norah's and Ennah's. Thin silver and gold ornamented the former's work, whereas the latter's was a knotted elegant tribal style. "And they're both within a few blocks," the poison mage marveled at their luck.

    "You can take the pictures with you," the manager said to Ciren, seeming far more pleasant. He handed over the black velvet box containing the gem. A wistful smile crossed Nemuru's face. "Take care, we hope to see you again!"


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1
    Ciran Garlfang
    Ciran Garlfang

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 124
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    Experience : 325

    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Ciran Garlfang 14th October 2015, 7:53 pm

    "It was a pleasure doing business with you, my friend." He shook the mans hand, and let Nemuru carry the box as he flipped through the pictures on the way out the door. "hnnn. I'm more prone towards the second of the two you picked out. The designs seem to flow better....you've got a good eye for this. Maybe we should find jobs dealing with jewels and jewelry more often...i'm sure they hire mages for protection and transportation of them..."

    He quickly figured out the directions they had been given, plotting a path to the door of the goldsmith, tumbling thoughts over in his head as they walked. He had a few ideas for how they could go about mounting and displaying the jewel in jewelry to its best effect, now to see what their choosen gold smith had to say about it. Hopefully he could make the ideas he had work...He'd never worked with gold much...another skill to pick up sometime soon

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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Nemuru 14th October 2015, 8:20 pm

    The poison mage held the box to her breast protectively. Nemuru looked over the two again and nodded. "I'm no metalworker, so the design and quality check is all on you. I suspect there may be more, yet I don't know. Either way it seems to be going smooth enough so far. Perhaps I can look at gems for inlays on weapons in the future, if I gain the proper training first though. Have you designed a piece like this before? Oooh!" She continued flipping through the designs. "Perhaps something like this?" She held a sketch up to Ciren. "This one looks like fire kinda, but it's beautiful, delicate. Reminds me of something a noble would wear to a grand ball while dancing." Her eyes unfocused a minute as she fantasized.

    "If that kinda thing looks good to you, you'd have to figure out setting and how structurally sound it'd be. This is your area of expertise. Oh... are you looking at white gold, yellow or rose?"


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

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    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
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    Ciran Garlfang
    Ciran Garlfang

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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Ciran Garlfang 15th October 2015, 12:04 pm

    "hnnn. Rose gold to compliment the color of the stone." He pushed open the door "Actually, push comes to shove, if he doesn't have a piece already created, or time to do a custom piece, we buy the gold off of him and I can make it. While i mostly work in steel lately, gold isn't that much different..." A slight smile as he looked around the walls at the various pieces of work, admiring the detail in them.

    "This smith is a good one....he may already be booked, and we are on a timetable....so that might be out best option honestly. Plus, admittidly, i'm itching to get in more practice with stuff other then steel..." He lightly touched one of the half masks on the wall, white gold beaten out till it was almost paper thin so it was light enough to be tied onto the face.

    As he did so the smith came out from the back, all smile. "Hello! Can I help you at all?" He was slightly sooty, with burns on his arms and hands from working with the hot gold, but looked cheerful enough.


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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Nemuru 15th October 2015, 4:39 pm

    "It isn't? I thought gold was a soft metal, that is why no one makes golden armor? Sure, we can buy the gold off him but do we have time to make such a piece. The job states it needs to be delivered tonight, Ciran. We need a fitting piece that will be truly stunning, yet it must not be overdue. I don't think there would be any reimbursement if we are late and worse yet he might charge us for that gem. I certainly don't have anywhere near that much and I doubt you do either. No offense." An animated stream of speech erupted from the small poison mage.

    She briefly admired the masks as well, hand hovering over one themed after a snake. "He might be booked, but it can't hurt to ask."

    Nemuru moved forward to speak to the smith. "Errr, h-hello. This design, do you have time to create it? We have a gem we would like to get set in it. We need it for tonight, sorry for the short deadline. We can pay a bit extra for your services to expedite it."

    The battered smith simply smirked and raised a finger to shush the worried poison mage. He pulled a box from behind the counter and revealed the circlets hidden within. There were three, one in each shade of gold. He asked Nemuru to show him the gem so he could figure out the setting. Complying, the smith's eyes widened slightly but he said nothing as he took measurements. An hour they were told, an hour and the gem would be set, the piece ready for delivery. Cost negotiation she left up to Ciren as it was his area of expertise.

    "I think we should stay here just in case," Nemuru whispered to Ciren. "I-I mean, h-he's a smith and all an' from the way you are I expect he is rather trustworthy b-but... I don't w-wanna part too far from the goods."


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
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    Ciran Garlfang
    Ciran Garlfang

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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Ciran Garlfang 15th October 2015, 4:51 pm

    He noded slightly to her suggestion, and sunk down on one of the benches as they waited. "Don't have much anywhere else to go anyways. And your right, i don't have anywhere near that many jewels if our client were to charge us....luckily he had some premade items...but push comes to shove, i could have crafted it in a short time. I'm not just a smith by trade, but i'm a smith mage. Manipulating, smelting, and forging metals and other items is what I do."

    To demonstrate, he took out a small block of iron, and placed it on his palm. Focusing, a series of magic circles formed between his hand, suspending the metal between them, illuminating it as he took in the structure of the metal, brow beading with sweat a moment. The circles wavered a moment as he focused, then smaller ones formed on the surfaces of the cube, starting to glow as power flowed into them. It was of a low power level, but the details were intricate, as if it was possible to do more with it, if only he was more powerful.


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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Nemuru 15th October 2015, 5:08 pm

    She sunk into the bench beside him and nodded. "A smith mage, eh? That's a first..." She grinned up at the man next to her. The poison mage cocked her head as she watched him cast. Her eyes widened in amazement as the metal rippled and shifted. "So beautiful," she breathed.

    "I'm just a lowly poison caster. Though, it has a few interesting manifestations." She blushed as she grinned up at him, rubbing her hand slowly over the surfaces of the iron cube. Dragging a fingertip across the top, a green magic circle formed and expanded around her hand. A glowing liquid dripped from her fingers and filled in the cracks continuing to hold its glow, even after she moved her hand away. A smile crossed Nemuru's face as she showed off her ability. "It only lasts a few minutes but it is useful in a pinch. If you aren't above toxic weaponry that is."
    (155, 'envenom' surface's top 3 rounds)


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
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    Ciran Garlfang
    Ciran Garlfang

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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Ciran Garlfang 15th October 2015, 6:08 pm

    "Nothing wrong with poison if used on foes. Im very...practical." As he focused the circles started to rotate, the iron seeming to start flowing, and heating, as if being forged by the magic itself "can make bigger things with this spell....but it takes longer and longer to cast, and the strain of it takes longer to fade before i can cast it again the bigger the project...."

    A grunt of concentration as the rough form of a bird begain to shape, eyes half closed as he channelled his magic through his hands. My father was much stronger then me...my creations take time and are weak. His were strong as hell and created in a flash....my dream is to surpase him in skill and have my name known far and wide....each job is a step closer to that goal." He gave slight grin. "And im going to drag you along with me little poison mage."


    Last edited by Ciran Garlfang on 15th October 2015, 6:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other) Empty Re: A trial of teamwork (Nemuru+Ciran/job-A wrath like no other)

    Post by Nemuru 15th October 2015, 6:31 pm

    "It has it's place, after all and may help us with time. I can shield us as well, as well as a few direct attacks. However, I am unable to use this ability myself to a proper extent, as I am unskilled with weaponry. Perhaps if I poisoned a rock..."

    She nodded with understanding at the limitations to his magic. Nemuru continued to watch the poison bird to form with an expression of delight, completely enthralled with the shifting metal. "S-so cute!"

    Tears of joy streamed down the poison mage's face as he spoke. "R-really? You'd take me along as you strive towards your dreams? But I am not so good a fighter, I have to get close to my enemies. Someday, we will end up with jobs where we will have to battle our enemies. I do not wish to impede you. Not all jobs are going to be as easy as this one."


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1

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