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    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411]

    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
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    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] Empty Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411]

    Post by Julius Seas 12th September 2015, 12:17 pm

    Job information:

    Julius got of the train and took a deep breath. So this is Oak town. Julius must say this town looks as old as all the stuff they have here. Now where is Zecarayus-kun? Julius brought along his new Fairy Tail friend. Just like Julius Zecarayus is new to Fiore and Julius thought it would be nice to take Zecarayus with him to see more of fiore. But it wasn't like Zecarayus had a choice since Julius just dragged him to the station.

    On the train Julius explained the job to Zecarayus how there was a man that kept losing money and it was their job to spy on a man in a hood that would appear at the center of the town in the afternoon. For once Julius wasn't wearing his normal attire since he would stick out as a sore thumb. So for once he is wearing a dark blue cap along with a white t-shirt, dark blue shorts and dark blue shoes. Julius also wore black sunglasses.

    Julius looked at the clock in the station and saw it was almost time for the hooded figure to appear in the city. Shoot we have to hurry! ZECARAYUS-KUN HURRY UP IT'S ALMOST TIME! Julius screamed.



    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] X9tEBuc

    The Maker's necromancer

    The Maker's necromancer

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Position : None
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: SOTL
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    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] Empty Re: Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411]

    Post by weretiger5411 12th September 2015, 2:29 pm

    Lineage passive and ability that has been chosen:

    "HEY!" zecarayus yelled back at him and quickly put an arm around julius, "I told you we would make it on time to the show in time! You know nothing of patience!" he said to him and led them walking to a corner to where they still had a full view of the circle. "Julius, I thought we were suppose to spy not make a racket, I mean that is spying right? Not making a racket?" he asked julius in a hush whisper.

    Zecarayus had no idea spying was going to be done today. But julius came to him needing a partner for the job, which zecarayus wanted to think about doing, but julius dragged him along. On the train julius explained the job to him more in detail. Even though julius was ready for this mission, zecarayus only had enough time to grab his bag, which on occasion sounded like dice or bones colliding together when it moved. Good news was that zecarayus's attire with the bag made him look like a traveler or a foreigner, which let him blend more easier. And although he did not know a lot about spying, he at least knew you were not suppose to be making a lot of noise when trying to.

    "Ok, so I will follow your lead since you were the one who chose this job, know who to look for?" he asked julius, deciding julius would be the one in charge for now.


    "Those who do not fear power, are too easily destroyed by it."

    "Humans are the biggest monsters. How else can you explain a dragon's need to burn down their homes, a demon's need to slaughter them, or a god's attempt at brainwashing them to devote loyalty? It is because we have the greatest chance to destroy them with whatever else gets in our way, and slayers are not the only method how."-Zecarayus Trevelean

    Note: Until I get this in his character sheet, his name is changed to nevarran. Same soul though!

    info on apps:
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
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    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] Empty Re: Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411]

    Post by Julius Seas 12th September 2015, 11:35 pm

    Zecarayus started scolding Julius for screaming through the train station. Julius is sorry Zecarayus-kun. Julius said as a child getting scolded by his parents. You're right Zecarayus-kun spying is not making a racket. 

    Since Julius didn't know his way trough Oak town he asked the way to the center of the town. On their way to the center Julius tried to talk with Zecarayus. So Zecarayus-kun how is your wound doing after your almost assassination. A while back when Julius was exploring Magnolia he encountered Zecarayus and they both went to the library so Zecarayus could tell his backstory. When they wanted to leave though a woman in shrouds stabbed Zecarayus. Luckily Julius caught the person and Zecarayus survived. By the way. What do you think of Julius's new attire? Did you recognized Julius? *giggle* 

    When they where at the center of the town Julius dragged Zecarayus to a bench. It was almost afternoon. Alright we need to look for a hooded man that is acting suspicious Julius looked around and he saw the hooded figure he was staring right at Julius and Zecarayus. Julius started to panic he didn't know what to do. So in panic he grabbed Zecarayus's head Please forgive Julius... Julius said and then started kissing Zecarayus. While kissing Zecarayus he kept a eye out for the hooded figure and saw that the man wasn't looking at them anymore.



    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] X9tEBuc

    The Maker's necromancer

    The Maker's necromancer

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Position : None
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
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    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] Empty Re: Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411]

    Post by weretiger5411 13th September 2015, 3:18 pm

    Zecarayus nodded in agreement, "All right well as long we don't try to make the mistake again julius. But hey lets look for this guy eh?" he then followed julius. He noticed that julius did not know his way through town and asked people on the way. Zecarayus was surprised by this, he would have thought that julius would already known the town because, it seemed to zecarayus that julius would be out more and know a lot of these places.

    Of course they talked on the way, which julius was asking about zecarayus's state after the assination attempt in magnolia. "Ah...well enough julius." he said, although it troubled him, the lady was not the nightingale as zecarayus thought, this clear by julius's ability to overwhelm her. So in fact, how many of the nightingale's members were here? He didn't know, and it troubled him deeply. However his troubled look was overlooked by julius who asked about his attire. "Well if you didn't yell at me I suppose I would have overlooked ya, so maybe it was best for you to be loud then." he said with a smile, trying to make up for the scolding earlier.

    They made it into the center of town now, and he began to look for the cloaked man.Okay, the man himself should not be to hard to spot since he is dressed in solid black...zecarayus thought to himself but then was interrupted by the sudden grab of julius and an apology. Honestly zecarayus should have known what would have happened next but he didn't think julius would do what he did, which was kiss him.

    Zecarayus was shocked, long enough for the man to look away from the two. However julius had dodged one bullet, he put himself in the way of a missile. Zecarayus pushed julius away with both hands still on him. He took a deep breath then looked at julius with a small smile, however his eyes went wide with rage as he grabbed julius and dragged him to the fountain near them which he shoved julius in. "YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU FUCKER! YOU KISSED ME! BY THE MAKER YOU KISSED ME!" He yelled at julius then went to the fountain and started to rinse his face while trying to get rid of his blush on his face after the embarrassing moment. Julius would have learned that zecarayus had picked up on some of the colorful language in fiore, and also the whole situation had created a big scene that the normally peaceful citizens of oak town watched with curiosity.


    "Those who do not fear power, are too easily destroyed by it."

    "Humans are the biggest monsters. How else can you explain a dragon's need to burn down their homes, a demon's need to slaughter them, or a god's attempt at brainwashing them to devote loyalty? It is because we have the greatest chance to destroy them with whatever else gets in our way, and slayers are not the only method how."-Zecarayus Trevelean

    Note: Until I get this in his character sheet, his name is changed to nevarran. Same soul though!

    info on apps:
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] Empty Re: Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411]

    Post by Julius Seas 14th September 2015, 7:15 am

    Julius felt a push and saw that Zecarayus had his hands around him he had a smile on his face but Julius could see the rage in Zecarayus's eyes. Without a warning Zecarayus dragged Julius to a fountain and threw Julius in it Zecarayus even began to yell and scream to Julius. Julius never saw Zecarayus so mad heck this was the first time he saw Zecarayus mad.

    While Julius got out of the fountain Zecarayus was washing his face and trying to hide the red shade on his face. Julius dried himself up by using his magic. Alright that is what Julius deserve for kissing you. But Julius went in panic mode when Julius saw that the hooded was watching at us. Julius hopes you forgive him and Julius hopes you won't remain mad. Also understand that Julius won't ever do it again and Julius also understands that you won't be friends with Julius anymore after this. Julius knows that you are not interested in men. You have the choice Zecarayus-kun you may go back to Magnolia which you have the right to do or you follow Julius and spy on the hooded man. Julius was on the edge of tears and quickly ran away to pursue the hooded man. When Julius found him again Julius was crying because he may lost a friend because of his own actions.



    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] X9tEBuc

    The Maker's necromancer

    The Maker's necromancer

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] Empty Re: Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411]

    Post by weretiger5411 15th September 2015, 12:13 pm

    Zecarayus finished splashing his face and recovered enough to see julius run off. He was still mad about what julius, but then he slowly started to remember what julius said. He then realized that julius did that to not blow their cover and continue their mission, which zecarayus did not think til now. Freaking julius, gah I hate it when im wrong! he thought to himself as he went in the direction that he thinks julius went. Of course it was clear that the people sided with julius then zecarayus, as someone tripped him and stepped on his hand as they walked by. He gasped in pain and got up immediately, nursing his hand, and then realized that he was lost in the town and had no idea where julius went. Zecarayus ran into an alleyway to get away from the hostile group of people, a bit bruised and beaten up by them. "Hah...ok now time to try and find julius." he said to himself, as he started to look for julius from the alley ways.

    Julius crying would not have gone unnoticed, as the whole scene created a scene in the first place. A few people might have offered julius their condolences in regard to the whole messy situation. Including the man they were suppose to be spying on, "Hey!" the man called called out to julius. However he came over with concern on his face, "Did he hurt you? Ay he didn't seem like a good person to hitch your wagon with anyways." he said to julius.


    "Those who do not fear power, are too easily destroyed by it."

    "Humans are the biggest monsters. How else can you explain a dragon's need to burn down their homes, a demon's need to slaughter them, or a god's attempt at brainwashing them to devote loyalty? It is because we have the greatest chance to destroy them with whatever else gets in our way, and slayers are not the only method how."-Zecarayus Trevelean

    Note: Until I get this in his character sheet, his name is changed to nevarran. Same soul though!

    info on apps:
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] Empty Re: Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411]

    Post by Julius Seas 15th September 2015, 12:37 pm

    Julius was still crying in the alleyway and then he noticed that a man was standing in front of Julius Julius thought it was the man they needed to spy on but he wasn't wearing a hood. He started to talk to Julius. he also began starting talking trash about Zecarayus. Shut up... *sniff* you don't know anything about him... *sniff*. He had the right to throw Julius in that fountain and *sniff* it's because of Julius's stupid actions that he got mad at me... *sniff*. He has the right to hate Julius and Julius doesn't blame him for it because for Julius he will remain Julius's friend even though he may hate Julius *sniff*. Julius's voice was trembling the whole time he was talking to the stranger. Julius got up and wiped of his tears. Who are you anyway? And why are you talking to Julius? Julius knew he shouldn't trust anyone in the town since they all could be the hooded man. Listen Julius is kind of busy so if you have any businesses with Julius just say it now Julius has important stuff to deal with. Julius was starting to get inpatient he wanted to clear this job and go back to the guild so he could forget this awful day



    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] X9tEBuc

    The Maker's necromancer

    The Maker's necromancer

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Position : None
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: SOTL
    Second Skill: NA
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    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] Empty Re: Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411]

    Post by weretiger5411 15th September 2015, 11:26 pm

    The man was surprised by julius seriousness,"Nothing I suppose then.", and went on his way, a bit confused about how julius  could defend his partner like that. However it was a good thing as the target, the stranger, was in full view of julius now. He was in all black as the client said he would be, the cloak covering any identifying details except his eyes. The man was also tall, perhaps as tall as julius from julius's sight. It was surprising how a man as tall as him could actually be a thief, but then he would start to disappear from julius's view as he went into the crowd.

    "By the maker...how bad are people here??!" zecarayus said to himself. He tried to integrate into the crowd again to try and find julius or the stranger, but a few angry people took jabs at him so he had to retreat back to the alleyways, leaving him to look like he was recently in a fight being scuffed and his clothes slightly dirty. However he was able to navigate through them well enough to end up on the opposite side of the circle of where julius was. He then spotted the stranger, and saw him in the act. The stranger was clever enough to target people that were busy and had their attention occupied, as he picked the jewels out of a ladies purse that was open as he walked by. However the shop owner noticed this, "Hey! Thief!" he called out an the man, zecarayus watched, moved fast enough to retreat to the alleyway where zecarayus was. He brushed past zecarayus as if he didn't existed existed and continued down the alley way. A rune knight, a young beginner of the trade and in magic, on patrol spotted the stranger too and chased him down the alley way, also ignoring zecarayus. Zecarayus was caught in the moment and thought about the next choice, follow the rune knight or report back to the client since by all means he could confirm the client's suspicions by now and try to find julius, completing the job.

    OOC: At this point one more reply by me can end the job now or we can continue past this to go down the rabbit hole. Your choice KTH.


    "Those who do not fear power, are too easily destroyed by it."

    "Humans are the biggest monsters. How else can you explain a dragon's need to burn down their homes, a demon's need to slaughter them, or a god's attempt at brainwashing them to devote loyalty? It is because we have the greatest chance to destroy them with whatever else gets in our way, and slayers are not the only method how."-Zecarayus Trevelean

    Note: Until I get this in his character sheet, his name is changed to nevarran. Same soul though!

    info on apps:
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] Empty Re: Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411]

    Post by Julius Seas 18th September 2015, 7:29 am

    As the man walked away being surprised by the fact that Julius still defended Zecarayus after the things he has done he noticed that the stranger was on his way to. The stranger walked by Julius as if Julius wasn't there. Julius kept a eye out for him and then noticed that Zecarayus was still doing the job. Zecarayus-kun... Julius couldn't help but smile again. Julius also noticed that Zecarayus was wounded and his clothes where covered in mud to. Zecarayus-kun what happend to you? Julius said to himself. Julius started to not only follow Zecarayus but the stranger to. For some reason the whole crowd was against Zecarayus. Why are they all against Zecarayus-kun? It isn't he that is doing bad things but the hooded man. Or is it because whit what happened at the fountain?  He then suddenly heard screaming thief. Julius turned around and began running to the scream he noticed that the stranger was running away followed by Zecarayus. Julius quickly followed suit. He ran into the alleyway the stranger and Zecarayus ran into. Not long after a Rune Knight was mixed in with the pursuit of the thief. Julius didn't know what to do. what if they lost track of the thief?

    (OOC: the job states that every player needs to make 10 posts)



    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] X9tEBuc

    The Maker's necromancer

    The Maker's necromancer

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 637
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: SOTL
    Second Skill: NA
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    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] Empty Re: Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411]

    Post by weretiger5411 20th September 2015, 11:36 pm

    Zecarayus saw julius and saw he was headed after the rune knight and the stranger and realized he had to chase, or else he would loose julius again. The stranger moved remarkably fast, and the rune knight must have had god leg or something close to the magic to keep up with him, for soon only the rune knight was in sight and they came out of the maze of alleys. However, julius would have ran into a feeble old lady and both would have fell and zecarayus would have stopped to help her up, until she hit him square on the head with her cane. "Ow! Look ma'm i'm sorry my friend ran into ya but still-" and then stopped as he realized who it was.

    To zecarayus, the old lady was a retired mage who seemed to have it out for dark guild members and he was thought to be a dark guild member. What he did not know was she was a guild ace known for her sensory abilities and her secret spell. Of course, zecarayus only cared that she had it out for him, in which he had little patience left for her. So he got up and planned to rush by her to avoid any trouble, however while he was helping julius up he could feel a very strong surge of magic. He looked around trying to pinpoint the source and realized it was from the old lady herself, which had a vein popping on the side of her head. Both could have only watched as she held up her index finger and twirled it around. And soon julius and zecarayus were caught in the legendary H-rank spell "1000 years of spinning", in which the targets, zecarayus and julius, were caught forcibly spinning in a spiral going so fast they were a blur to other people.

    But the old lady had her fill of revenge from the two and spun them back into the alleyway from were they came from and continued to walk on the sidewalk with some swagger. Zecarayus span til he hit the wall and collided with julius back and forth before they stopped, zecarayus couldn't tell if he was mixed with julius or not, he just knew the world was spinning to fast for him. "Julius...think we need *hrp* sit somewhere...." he managed to get out. Because of the incident though, both would have lost sight of the stranger and the rune knight.

    OOC: My bad, let the show continue!


    "Those who do not fear power, are too easily destroyed by it."

    "Humans are the biggest monsters. How else can you explain a dragon's need to burn down their homes, a demon's need to slaughter them, or a god's attempt at brainwashing them to devote loyalty? It is because we have the greatest chance to destroy them with whatever else gets in our way, and slayers are not the only method how."-Zecarayus Trevelean

    Note: Until I get this in his character sheet, his name is changed to nevarran. Same soul though!

    info on apps:
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
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    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] Empty Re: Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411]

    Post by Julius Seas 22nd September 2015, 11:35 pm

    *huff* gosh those 2 are fast! Julius is getting tired. Julius was still in the pursuit for the thief along with a Rune Knight. When Julius took a right he bumped into a old lady. Ouch! Please forgive Julius ma'm it wasn't Julius intention of bumping into you. Julius did his best to apologize to the old lady when suddenly Zecarayus appeared. He helped the old lady stand up but his reward was a hit with the old lady's cane. Zecarayus also helped Julius up. Zecarayus-kun... Julius is so sorry. Julius wanted to burst into tears but he saw that the old lady was pointing at the 2 mages and she casted a spell called 1000 years of spinning. Julius was still trying to make sense of what the lady said when suddenly Julius started spinning not only Julius was spinning Zecarayus was also spinning. Someone stop the world!!! Julius screamed. When they finally stopped spinning Julius was trying to hold his balance and tried not to throw up. Zecarayus proposed to sit down. Julius *hrp* agrees let's find a bench. Walking through the alleyway people looked at the 2 mages like they where drunk. When they finally sat down the 2 where slowly regaining there normal field of view. There was a short silence until Julius broke the silence. Julius is so glad you didn't went back to Magnolia! Julius ensures you that he won't kiss you anymore Julius did it in a state of panic. But more importantly what happened to you? Your clothes are covered in mud and your hand! What happened to your hand? Julius was panicking because he didn't know what happened to Zecarayus of course Julius didn't know that it were the town folks that did that to him



    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] X9tEBuc

    The Maker's necromancer

    The Maker's necromancer

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Position : None
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: SOTL
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    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] Empty Re: Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411]

    Post by weretiger5411 24th September 2015, 9:04 pm

    Zecarayus was still spinning in his head when julius agreed and both helped each other through the alley way and onto the bench, near where the horrid kiss scene happened. His mind was still spinning and he was disoriented, so he had to focus in sitting up on the bench. By the time julius spoke, zecarayus for the most part recovered, though he was still seeing a julius and a half. Then he heard him speak of zecarayus leaving for magnolia, apologies about the kiss, and asking about what happened to zecarayus. The sudden barrage of questions stirred his mind more, and zecarayus was sure if it did not settle down it would be considered scrambled.

    "Julius! Please stop a moment." Zecarayus said, then after a deep breath the dizzyness began to subside. "Julius, why would I return to magnolia? We both have a job to do and im not going back on it. And about the kiss..." Zecarayus sighed, it was awkward to talk about it, especially since that was his first kiss like that. "Julius...that was a good call you made, I just didn't know that you were going to do that and I took it bad obviously, I apologize for that." he finished with a little blush on his face, then he turned his attention to his hand in the same manner as if he felt something suddenly on his hand. After feeling it and wincing, he looked back at julius, "Karma julius, Really its the only way I can explain it." he finished with a laugh, zecarayus did not know if julius would go after the people for revenge when their was not a need for it, so he didn't explain it on purpose. "But still, now what do we do julius? I mean is the mission done?" zecarayus asked, then saw something.

    Two rune knights met together where both zecarayus and julius could see and hear them and they were speaking to each other. "Has tim reported back yet?"The first asked. "No, He was suppose to report 15 minutes ago." The second replied. "I swear if he's slacking again il have his head." "Nah, must be caught up in something, you know how fast he runs." "Yeah true, tell me if you see him." and on that last note both rune knights departed.

    Zecarayus had to assume they were talking about the rune knight he and julius were chasing earlier. And he couldn't help but think the thief had something to do with this as well. "Julius...think they are talking about our rune knight?" He asked him, zecarayus apparently was curious in this matter that was not theirs to begin with.


    "Those who do not fear power, are too easily destroyed by it."

    "Humans are the biggest monsters. How else can you explain a dragon's need to burn down their homes, a demon's need to slaughter them, or a god's attempt at brainwashing them to devote loyalty? It is because we have the greatest chance to destroy them with whatever else gets in our way, and slayers are not the only method how."-Zecarayus Trevelean

    Note: Until I get this in his character sheet, his name is changed to nevarran. Same soul though!

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    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

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    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] Empty Re: Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411]

    Post by Julius Seas 26th October 2015, 11:38 pm

    Julius was patiently waiting for a answer from Zecarayus. When Zecarayus gave his answer Julius couldn't help but sigh from relief. You don't know how relieved Julius is with you saying this Zecarayus-kun! Julius was actually really surprised hearing a Zecarayus saying sorry for what Julius did but it caught Julius most of guard hearing Zecarayus saying it was a good call from Julius with kissing him. The next time Julius will give you a warning... kidding there won't be a next time I can assure you that. Julius almost lost his best friend because of his actions it would be stupid to do that again. When Zecarayus gave answer to Julius question about his hand Zecarayus gave a kind of strange answer that it was karma that got to him. Julius thought it would be for the best to not press the issue.

    Julius heard 2 rune knights talking about a other Rune knight known as Tim. When they where done talking Zecarayus asked if it could be the Rune knight that was in the pursue of the thief. It must be him because Julius thinks there aren't any other Rune knights we met that can run as fast as that Rune knight. What should we do? Julius asked Zecarayus because Julius was afraid that he would screw up again.

    (OOC: I am so so so so so so so so so sorry for not posting for a month I have started with college and they like it to give us homework and a schedule with the ridiculous hours but I have a break for school so I have enough time to RP. 
    P.S Have I alredy told you I'm sorry?)



    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] X9tEBuc

    The Maker's necromancer

    The Maker's necromancer

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    Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411] Empty Re: Spy watch [KTH and Weretiger5411]

    Post by weretiger5411 14th November 2015, 7:46 pm

    "Uh good question, well I mean we should go see if the rune knight is ok. Just..." Zecarayus stopped mid-sentence. How do you find someone going at that speed, not only that but how to find them when you already lost track of them? He was deep in thought and finally made up his mind after thinking for awhile. "The alleyways, that is where they were running through. If they are still in that area then it's where we can find them." he said as he got up and stumbled a little, by now that was the last of the side-effect of the spinning torture both had experienced earlier zecarayus would have felt.

    He motioned for Julius to follow him as he went into the same alley way they came from. "Hey julius, open to ideas for where they could have ended up at?" he asked as he led him through the different alleyways, occasionally coming across a person or two wanting to be in the alleyways undisturbed. Little did they know that something big was going on, a criminal meet-up in the alleyways, and it could be by chance that the two could have stumbled across it on their search for the rune knight.

    (Normally this is the part where I get after you then say it was ok, but im just as guilty here XD. Also totally understand, college hurts your free time and muse, at least for me.)


    "Those who do not fear power, are too easily destroyed by it."

    "Humans are the biggest monsters. How else can you explain a dragon's need to burn down their homes, a demon's need to slaughter them, or a god's attempt at brainwashing them to devote loyalty? It is because we have the greatest chance to destroy them with whatever else gets in our way, and slayers are not the only method how."-Zecarayus Trevelean

    Note: Until I get this in his character sheet, his name is changed to nevarran. Same soul though!

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