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    Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Tess 18th August 2015, 7:38 am

    Allison had left the young man to his own devices in the hopes that he would come out unscathed; something that the red haired mage would rarely have done, but she had witnessed his ability to defend himself. It was similar to the other brown haired boy who had been partnered with her on a more difficult mission such as this-- in fact, the two mages were quite similar but yet completely different at the same time. Eventually shrugging it off, the girl glanced towards Ardere to realize that he had promptly defeated the second duo of lycans and had been attacked by three more, and seeing as the man seemed to have a strategy to defeat them, Allison decided not to interfere. Instead she turned to face the two werewolves which had addressed her, leaping to the ground and cautiously circling around the redheaded mage. The girl wasn’t particularly worried; after all, they didn’t seem to be a huge threat, but nonetheless she truly did want a response from the lycans she attempted to communicate with; besides growling and soon after, battle. Tilting her head to one side, the mage regarded the two werewolves with something like curiosity, eventually opening her mouth to speak. “My name is Allison! It’s nice to meet you-- but I know you can’t speak. Please don’t fight each other, okay?”

    A few moments later, the lycans had finished their response to her words; a swift charge directly at the girl, from head-on, with outstretched claws and bared teeth. The red haired mage dodged neatly out of the way before drawing her sword and slashing easily at the nearest lycan. Skipping to the other and then to the more seriously injured one, Allison continued to attack until she deemed that the werewolf was nearly knocked out; although the redhead wasn’t a fan of fighting, she was still perfectly fine with doing so since her attacks didn’t cause pain anyways. After several moments had passed, she had finished doing the same thing to the second werewolf, who had been kindly circling around the first fight, preventing their prey from escaping. However, what it ended up doing was allowing Allison to concentrate on one battle rather than two at a time, although she herself didn’t notice this fact. Once the red haired mage had finished checking that both werewolves were unable to continue fighting, or hunting villagers and causing chaos for that matter, the girl glanced around-- surely that wasn’t the end of them. And her suspicions were confirmed when only a couple seconds after this thought, two more werewolves emerged from the shadows, heading straight towards the girl. Counting up how many she had seen so far, Allison came to the conclusion that they should be getting close to the end of them, for now-- most likely the rest were in other parts of the town, although since the village was rather small, she and Ardere were apt to discover more soon. And with that, the red haired girl leaped towards the two werewolves, cheerfully smiling and saying a greeting and an introduction as she went.

    (( 521 Words. 13/25 Posts. ))



    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 PXRL2Kd
    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
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    Posts : 1740
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Ardere Kasai 18th August 2015, 12:31 pm

    Ardere stared down the three lycans that had leaped from their original position on the roof tops, snarling and growling. Their intent was to bite him, perhaps even eat him if they were hungry. He would not allow this to happen, it was not in his nature to give in. Though, as the lycans charged into battle, he noticed something strange. Just as one of the furry creatures bumped against another, it chomped it's sharp teeth at it. After that, the creature that was bit at, tackled the other lycan. Celica taking to the sky to avoid the third beast's charge, it seemed that they would fight each other if angered. The two lycans slashing and pounding against each other's flesh, which would be ripped up and torn. Arching a brow, he shook his head. Unintelligent beasts, no that was not right. It was not that they were unintelligent, it was that they were primal in instinct. While two seemingly finished each other off, he turned his attention to the last one. It seemed to be focused on trying to reach his phoenix, and such it seemed to have devised a plan. Climbing up the building next to the blazing bird, he jumped off the edge and towards the fire mage aboard the majestic beast. Using the momentum of the beast's own lunge, he plunged his blade into it's chest, and slung him over the phoenix. The momentum allowed him to send the beast in an arc formation, right down off his partner and into the ground. That's what you get, filthy animals.

    Laughing a bit at his partner, he did not have much time to celebrate. When the furry beast hit the ground, it hit hard. Making a small dent or crater even in the ground, it was fairly angered. It struggled to walk for a moment, them scrambled towards the bird. Rather than allowing it to lunge again, Celica rose up then slammed her talons into the back of the beast. Picking it up, the beast was completely wrapped in claws, barely able to struggle. Then she dropped him into the fountain, the beast slammed into what little was left of the water and crushed half the fountain. Marble and stone cracking, it could barely get up. Ardere instinctively turned his attention to the two remaining lycans, who seemed to have gained a third member. Judging by how many came at a time, he assumed this would be the last wave on his end. But first he gave a quick look to Allison to make sure she was alright. As much as he liked doing his own thing, he had to make sure she was alright. Twirling his red and white blade in his hands, the fire king cracked his neck. Narrowing his eyes down towards the last few, Celica charged them. Feeling the breeze rush past his fluffy brown hair, he planned on finishing them off.
    @Allison WC: 490/400 Post: 13/25

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 FYZkfE1
    God Force:

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    Posts : 1756
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    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Cr1tikal 28th August 2015, 1:18 am

    Boy was she late to the party! Before she had even had a chance to look at the board a group of two others from Sabertooth had gone on the job she wanted to do. "Here I am, still without a room to call my own in the guild and I'm already chasing after others to keep me from going broke!” The transfer to another guild had really eaten into her funds, though it was well worth the costs. She felt bad changing guilds away from Mei, she liked the girl a lot to just leave her, but Mao needed a good friend near her at all times until they could figure out what was going on with her memory. It just wasn't natural to forget one's friend completely! She shook her head to clear her mind for the mission, she had to catch up to Ardere and whomever was with him! She had asked Raven if she could do so, and it had been approved. Hopefully the others wouldn't be upset about that!

    Now that she had reached the village in question, she could see the mayhem had already started. A quick trek towards the sounds of battle, and the howls of wolves, would bring the bandaged legs of the mage to find a tall, brown haired, man fighting what she would assume were the lycans. The job had them here to hold off and stop from killing, or turning, the people all around; something she planned to succeed in now that she was here to help out. The man must have been Ardere, as that was the only Sabertooth male supposedly on the job. She didn't see the other girl, Allison, anywhere in sight so she assumed she was elsewhere and ran towards the fire god slayer to help him out.

    The short girl was intercepted by a single werewolf as she tried to get to the other job taker she could see, the creature jumping down from a roof somewhere and barely missing her with a claw that sunk into the ground to her right. A gasp would leave her lips as she leaped to the side, a whip like swing of bandages striking the beast in the face as she did so. ”Memory! Bring me the Dire Wolf!” That was all she could give, in the sense of commands, before the werewolf began pressing in constant attacks for her to avoid; the ground being torn up with each slice of the claws that struck each spot she was leaping out of. Somehow she managed to draw her weapon in her left hand, which surprised even her as she had not thought to draw it, and swing at the creature's arm the next time it came down at the short girl. The sharp side of her weapon caught the limb in between wrist and hand, slicing it like a hot knife against butter. The primal howl of pain was enough to make her shudder as she swung again, slicing it at the knee as Memory finished summoning the monstrous wolf from her long past job with Seikatsu.

    The ten foot creature her pet had summoned was quite larger than their current foe, something that came to her advantage as her summon suddenly pounced on the werewolf and used it as a personal chew toy. Not wanting to stay and watch the grisly scene of attack longer than needed, Aiyana began to make her way towards Ardere. She needed to find out everything that had happened so far and figure out what the plan was! She didn't have to worry about her pet or pet's summon, they would follow close behind once the dire wolf decided the lycan was well past being a fun toy, though still alive.


    Last edited by Aiyana on 30th August 2015, 10:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 MQNhOUw

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Ardere Kasai 28th August 2015, 10:48 am

    Having Allison retire from the battle was perhaps the smarter idea here, it would be good to get reinforcements at this point. He found it unfortunate however, because he had enjoyed her company so much, though he was sure they would meet again sometime soon. Soaring down towards the lycans on Celica's back he prepared himself, as she would swoop in and catch the two ones on the edges with her sharp talons. All the while, the fire mage would leap off of her back, through the air gracefully and land his blade into the middle one. It would not be long before they had finished off their enemies, but this was no easy battle. These lycans had an acute sense of smell, and they would stop at nothing to spread their curse. It was unfortunate that a town such as this had to experience that, however they would not be in danger for much longer. The Sabertooth mage had dealt with the lycans accordingly thus far, and he would continue to do so.

    Celica smashed the two lycans into the ground, creating a large dent as the ground cracked around them, they were severely unconscious. Ardere was locked in combat with the third one, deflected strikes as he was faster than this beast, but it would not be enough. He twirled through the air, and smacked the wolf creature with the flat side of his blade. Repeatedly smacking it, he slammed it into the wall. The fire mage was much stronger than mages of his own rank, almost as strong as mages of the rank above him in fact. These creatures of the night unfortunately stood no chance, but something was different. He heard footsteps, they were footsteps of a person, and an animal but not a lycan. Turning, he would land the beast to see a young girl coming his way. Stretching his arms a bit, he looked to make sure Allison had made it off safely, and she did. Turning back, he would wait for the girl to arrive. She seemed familiar, but he wasn't sure from where. If the two had met before, it was only for a brief second. And might I ask who you might be? For someone who had just gotten out of a life threatening fight, he seemed fairly calm. Whoever the young girl was, if she was an enemy she would have surely made that known by now. Perhaps she was one of the new guild members, they seemed to be getting those lately. Assuming she was not too shy to introduce herself, he was sure his memory would be jogged sufficiently.
    @Aiyana WC: 442/400 Post: 14/25

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 FYZkfE1
    God Force:

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    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
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    Age : 33
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    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Cr1tikal 29th August 2015, 12:23 am

    Aiyana watched the impressive display of power from the male mage as he took out the rest of the lycans that were visible from where they were located as she walked the rest of the way towards him. He had good hearing as well, as he heard her and her two creatures that were with her coming up behind him from a good distance. Upon getting close enough to have a conversation without raising their voices, the man spoke up with a question; who was she? There were many answers to that question, but only one that was suitable for what was going on around them. ”My name's Aiyana! I just transferred to Sabertooth from Lamia Scale, it's nice to meet you!” A wide smile would reach her face as she slightly rolled onto the heels of her feet, green eyes squeezed shut in happiness over meeting someone from her new guild for the first time.

    Now it was time for the man to introduce himself, even though she had been given his name at the guild hall, and maybe even tell her what the game plan was for this job. She definitely did NOT want to be going around blind with just the two others knowing what was going on. Wait...now that she thought about it, where was the other girl that was supposed to be here on the job already? ”Oh! And wasn't there supposed to be someone else with you already? I didn't seem to see anyone else other than the villagers as I came this way.”

    An anticipatory growl left the maw of the massive dire wolf as it sniffed the air, most likely scenting out other werewolves in the area from a distance further than the human's of the group would ever be able to do. The beautiful creatures dark gray fur seemed to shimmer with the light breeze, and the bright red eyes seemed to have an unnatural glow as it looked into the bandaged mage's green ones. Only the blood of a lycan marred it's beautiful features, it's muzzle and fur down the front of its body stained a darker crimson color; making it look black in color. The creature from her old job had been a sad kill for her, one to put it out of misery instead of out of spite or conflict. It still saddened her that such a being had had to be killed, beautiful as it was. Her eyes went back to Ardere's shortly after, listening intently to the man who was in charge for this job.



    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 MQNhOUw

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Ardere Kasai 29th August 2015, 12:40 am

    Ardere took note that this young girl seemed very nice, and that she was in fact new to the guild. He did not mind the company of women in the slightest, but he did find it strange that two young ones had been assigned to a mission this brutal. Though, if she was as useful as Allison she would more than make up for it. She had vigor, and that was something he appreciated in a mission. My name is Ardere, nice to meet you. I hope you find the guild to be a suitable place for ya, though we don't have too much time for chit chat I'm afraid. Having his rather large phoenix revert to her normal form, he tightened the leather Samurai armor he was wearing just as she landed on his shoulder. His red head band waving a bit in the wind as he greeted the newcomer to the mission. Allison needed to retire, this mission is quite dangerous, so I hope you're prepared. We should check on some of the citizens, then get to the source of all of this crap. Agreed? Waiting for confirmation from his mission partner, he would turn back to the street they were on.

    Walking over to one of the houses, he saw a woman peering through the window. Ma'am, are you alright? Then she shut the window immediately, locking it. Frowning a bit, he arched a brow and turned to his phoenix partner. Well, that was rude. Looking down the street, he would notice all of the houses and windows were barred up, it seemed everyone had taken to hiding. He did not find this strange, as large lycans were roaming the streets tonight. Looking at one of the houses, he saw large claw marks covering the sides of the wooden house. Shaking his head, he lifted his foot up as it sunk down a bit, noticing a large set of lycan tracks in some of the places were there was no pavement. He actually noticed that the beasts left heavy imprints in the pavement, they were that strong. It was no wonder he had several cuts from them, even with his higher speed they were just so strong. Beasts of the night, furious and frightening. I suppose we should follow these if we want to find their lair, or nest I suppose would be the correct term.
    @Aiyana WC: 400/400 Post: 15/25

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 FYZkfE1
    God Force:

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    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
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    Age : 33
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Cr1tikal 29th August 2015, 1:29 am

    At least she had the right person! Not knowing the face and introducing herself to someone she didn't really know was kind of nerve wracking in the environment they were in. The Sabertooth girl listened to him talk about Allison retiring from the mission, something she frowned slightly over. She was really hoping to meet the girl, she LOVED meeting people and making friends. After that, Ardere mentioned checking on some of the citizens before they began their search for the source of the insanity and bloodshed that was wrecking havoc during the perfect moon. 'Oh gods! I'm missing the perfect moon festival in Magnolia town while out here!'  She was missing a once in a lifetime opportunity, unless she lived through the next fifty years and made it to seventy four, to try and save lives. While the trade-off was worth it, as any life spared was worth more than fun for a night, she was really sad to miss out on such an occasion.

    ”Yeah, let's make sure people are all right before we try to solve this for them.” With that said she followed after the slayer from the same guild. The young, bandage wielding, mage was usually extremely talkative, but Ardere had said there wasn't time for chit chat so she was keeping quiet until she was needed to talk; instead using her right hand to pet the dire wolf as they walked to a house. The tall man questioned a lady through a window, asking if she was all right, only to be ignored as she went back into hiding by shutting and locking the window. ”Yeah, that was rude. Guess I can't blame them with everything that's going on. We're all that's really keeping them safe at this poi~” Her last word was stopped as she fell to her knees in what she thought was a shallow hole she hadn't noticed. Upon standing back up Aiyana realized what it really was, the footprint of one of the werewolves. 'Good lord! Their own walk crushes the ground! Guess I'll need to be a lot more careful when fighting here. This is nothing like what I'm used to.' Ard's speech brought her out of her thoughts, the man bringing up following the tracks to lead them to the 'nest' of the turned humans to end it once and for all. ”Sounds...peachy. Let's just be careful, and you lead the way.” While she was used to being the one doing the leading, she loved being able to say those words. The binding bandage mage was MUCH more comfortable taking the orders rather than giving them.



    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 MQNhOUw

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Ardere Kasai 29th August 2015, 11:08 am

    Running his fingers across the concrete, Ardere felt the large footprints and claw marks that raked the concrete like it was dirt. This was the true power of the lycans, their steps destroying the earth beneath them. It wasn't necessarily as dramatic as that, but perhaps it was, considering. Foot step after foot step, he noticed how some homes has large scratch marks and holes in them. It was a shame, truly. Their priority was to find this lair, and get rid of whatever amount of these beasts remained. Stopping for a moment, he heard foot steps, though they were not of the beasts. Coming their way was a group of people with torches and guns, with a look in their eyes, a look that he knew all too well. They were the town's guard, likely looking for retribution. Let me handle this. He would give the young woman a reassuring look. Whoa there, what are you doing? The group of men seemed irritated, and he expected no less from a town under attack by lycans. We're going to find the beasts and kill them, now get out of our way! Attempting to move the brown haired mage out of the way by force, he would find that he was not strong enough to move him.

    Ardere was almost as strong as a mage an entire rank higher than he was, which gave him a solid amount of strength as a wizard and as a warrior. They went that way then. Giving a smile to the men, he pointed them in the wrong direction. Scoffing with their torches and guns, they rushed off in that direction. His smile retreating, the god slayer arched a brow at the men. Let's keep going. He had sent them in the wrong direction to spare their lives, there was no way they could keep up with the lycans even if they had silver bullets. It would take him a moment, since the hairy creatures seemed to take to the roof tops sometime, but he would find the trail once again. It was at this point he noticed that it was leading towards the forest, and unfortunate situation. The creepy forest surrounding the town was not the most pleasant, but they would have to do it. Letting out a sigh, he rubbed the back of his neck. Into the woods we go. His sword was still sheathed once again, but he had a feeling that would not last long.
    @Aiyana WC: 415/400 Post: 16/25

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 FYZkfE1
    God Force:

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    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Slayer
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Cr1tikal 29th August 2015, 8:14 pm

    The two walked quietly along, Ardere leading the way as he tracked the large beasts to where they hoped would be the nest of the werewolves. Aiyana wondered what the nest would look like when they finally got to it. Would it be a cave of some sort, dug out with tooth and claw? Or would they create something from the ground and trees of the forests around the village? The bandaged mage would just have to find out when they finally tracked the creatures successfully. It was terrifying to see the damage that had been caused in the village in the time they had started their rampage, houses tore up and the very ground destroyed in places. It wouldn't be long before the two stopped moving, the sounds of footsteps reaching their ears of something other than the large feet of the lycans.

    What they saw was a large group of villagers, torches and guns in hand. 'Are they crazy? They would never survive a fight against these things!' The girl didn't have to say anything to the people as Ardere told the short girl that he would handle it. A simple question was asked by the slayer, the answer given back simple and followed with failed hostility. Ardere kept his calm, something not many could do when they were done wrong, as he simply pointed off in a direction that was quite off from where they had been going towards. It was most definitely the wrong way. While they would be mad later, it would spare their lives from being taken this very night.

    They were back to the tracking once the village revenge group was out of sight, so they wouldn't just follow the mages, and it didn't look promising to Aiyana. It seemed that the nest was going to be somewhere out in the mess of forests that surrounded the village. The trees were unwelcoming, the noises even more so as she looked into the darkness. Her weapon sheathed, and her pet and summon on each side of her, the woman prepared to follow her job partner into the forest after he sighed and talked about going into the woods. ”Well, as long as their nest is not a house I'll be fine. Don't want to have my favorite fairy tale ruined because of this job.” The words were more for herself than the man she was with, only saying them slightly above a whisper as a spoken thought.



    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 MQNhOUw

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Ardere Kasai 30th August 2015, 1:02 am

    The two mags would enter the forest, with Ardere taking the lead. The forest was full of black, decaying or rotting trees. It was quite the creepy place. Why anyone would live out here? He was unsure of that, but he supposed if someone wanted to be secluded, this was the place. The eerie and ominous feel had not gotten to him, but it was strange to be in a forest that looked dead. No ounce of fear ran through his bones, but caution did. After what he had seen these lycans were capable of, he had to be cautious. Staying next to Aiyana while she was walking was the smartest idea, they could not afford to get split up. Walking beside his new mission partner, the two traversed deeper and deeper into the dark abyss of the woods. Feeling the cold chilling breeze roll past him, he drew his blade. It was strange how close he had come to his sword, then again being from Midi where the way of the sword was life, he understood. These furry beasts had no idea who they were dealing with, but he was quite intrigued to see his new partner in combat.

    After a few more minutes of walking, he could hear rustling in the trees. Rather than stop and look around, he kept his cool. Their enemy had an acute sense of smell, and no doubt knew their every movement at this moment. He did not turn, but he spoke to the young woman softly. Keep cool, but I think were being surrounded. Act natural, but be weary. He said it calmly and casually, which just went to show how laid back of a person he was. When it came to missions he was quite the serious one, but he wasn't the kind to have a stick up his ass the entire time. Ardere noted that the young lady seemed good at taking directions thus far, but he was sure she could carry her own even without him. They were walking down a dark path, with the trees rustling perhaps loud enough for the other mage to even hear. Being stalked was not necessarily something he enjoyed. Even though he was a warrior, and loved what he did, it was situations like this that took him out of it for a moment. The Blood Moon shining bright in the sky, he clutched his blade tight. Something would then erupt from the trees and bushes, making itself known to the two guild mages. Whatever it was, he was prepared to engage into combat with it. His cloak flapping slightly in the breeze, he narrowed his eyes. Letting out a slight sigh, he scanned what was upon them. Yare yare....such a pain.
    @Aiyana WC: 433/400 Post: 17/25

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by NPC 30th August 2015, 1:02 am

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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Cr1tikal 30th August 2015, 10:26 pm

    A shiver was the outward showing of the fear she felt as they walked through the forest. Decaying trees littered the place, decaying ones filling in where the decaying trees were not. As if it wasn't creepy enough, Aiyana could hear the sound of the werewolves wandering around outside of their human vision. Everything seemed dead, or dying, and the forest would have been silent if not for the breeze around them causing the leaves to shift in protest. A fear of the dark was not fun either. She was in a dark forest, with only one man around her. The bandaged mage wasn't sure why, but the thought of it just being him made her even more nervous; as if triggering some fear she wasn't even sure she had. As if feeling her fear, not that she was good at hiding it, Ardere moved to walk beside her instead of leading the way. It worked in a weird way for the poor girl, both making her more nervous and letting her feel a bit more safe.

    It wasn't much longer that they had to walk before a rustling amongst the trees nearby would reach their ears; werewolves close by. The dire wolf started growling at the noise as Ardere informed her about them being surrounded, and to keep calm and wary. A deep breath as she stopped moving would be the young mage preparing herself for battle, her khopesh being drawn with her left hand as she stroked the side of the dire wolf with her other hand. Her bandaged legs kept moving as she continued walking next to Ardere. The flame god slayer showed no outward signs of fear or nervousness, Aiyana wishing she could be that calm even if just on the outside. Her eyes always gave her away her thoughts and feelings, even if she wanted to keep them a secret sometimes. The slight fear she had grew a bit worse as the dark path they took grew noisy with the sound of the rustling leaves, werewolves bursting forth from both behind and in front of them at the same time. The tall man muttered something after letting loose a sigh as the enemies revealed themselves, two lycans behind them and three in front of them; all charging in and ready to tear them apart if they didn't fight back! 'Well, looks like the trip to Grandma's house is already ruined.' The sour joke in her thoughts made her frown slightly as she prepared herself for the two enemies now running at her.



    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 MQNhOUw

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Ardere Kasai 30th August 2015, 11:08 pm

    Hearing each individual foot step, and their fast beating hearts, Ardere was aware of how many lycans there were before all had revealed themselves. He was also aware that a much larger one was waiting in the shadows, but he was sure they would deal with him later. Three in the front and two in the back, seemed like a good division for the two mages. I'll take the front. Rather than waiting for the lycans to come to him, he would perform a counter charge. His blade would burst into flames, the flames expanding until they reached a length of ten meters. Swinging this massive flame blade in an arc, it would smack into two of the lycans. Once ducking under it, would attempt to pounce onto the mage, but would instead receive and kick to the head, which the mage would then use to leap backwards away from the group. All three caught on flames, two from the sword, and one from his Godly After burn effect. Pivoting, he took a stance as he stared down the three very angered beasts of the night. It seemed they did not take to his fire too kindly, which did not surprise him at all. However this did not deter the beasts from charging him yet again. Unfortunately for them, he could swing the massive flame blade as fast as a normal blade, for the flames added no weight.

    Swinging the gargantuan blade of flames, also known as the Sword of Kings, for a reason. He would slam it into the three furry beasts, twirling his body to hit them repeatedly like a fan. All three likes yelping in pain, one pouncing right towards him. His body falling backwards, keeping his feet against the beasts paws, close to it's chest to avoid a slash. The fire mage's hands hitting the ground, he would use his enhanced strength to send the beast over him, into a tree. The tree shattering from the weight and force, wood splinters shooting across the area in the back. One being taken out, he twirled his flame blade awaiting the other two's attacks. As soon as the two charged him, he spun his body around to smack the flames into them once again. Moving back towards the tree, he would perform a three step jump. Flipping backwards over one of the charging lycans, which slammed right into the tree causing a large dent. Hearing the breaking of wind, he rolled out of the way, as a sonic roar caused the dirt around him to lift upwards, as trees were split and crushed by the force of the roar. Melting straight through the trees, he would perform a barrage of slashes onto the beasts. Scorching hell would rain upon the beasts, as he used his sword to burn them into unconsciousness. Three beasts laying before him defeated, a couple more light scratches from the extremely close calls with the pouncing.
    @Aiyana WC: 493/400 Post: 18/25

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.


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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Cr1tikal 31st August 2015, 12:04 am

    So Ardere would be taking on the three coming at them from directly ahead. That left Aiyana with the two coming up from their rear. ”All right, just be careful. It sounds like there's more still in the bushes.” With that said, Aiyana stood her ground as the two werewolves continued to run at full speed towards the woman. One of the lycans would have the displeasure of being tackled by the ten foot beast that would go by the name “Fenrir.” At the same time as this the bandaged mage would slide underneath the legs of the beast charging in her, her weapon coming upward to swing into the beast's knee as she went through. A loud crack would be heard by those around, the leg cracking as a pained howl left the wolf as it fell to the ground for a moment.

    Not waiting to see how the monster was going to attack, Aiyana threw out a group of bandages with a simple flick of her wrist. These bandages would wrap around the downed werewolves legs, just above the knees, as she pulled and brought the wolf back to the ground with a dull 'thud' as it's chin hit the ground. The thing roared in fury as it reached down to cut through the bandages, only to find the side of it's head being repeatedly hit with the blunt side of her blade until it only saw darkness. With the beast unconscious Aiyana turned her attention to the second wolf she was charged with fighting from this group. It appeared that her dire wolf had taken a slash along it's left side, though not without shredding both arms of the lycan it was in battle with. The Sabertooth female charged into the fray, smashing the hook of her weapon into the open mouth of the beast as it went in to bite at her precious summon. ”My friend is not your food! Bad werewolf!” With teeth flying about as the creature shook it's head, Fenrir went in with a tackle that took the beast to the ground, the head of the creature striking a decently large rock that would drive it to darkness that it would not soon wake from. ”With luck it will stay out until this night is over.” By then they would have defeated the entire group of creatures and, hopefully, saved the village. The young woman turned her attention to the trees around them, keeping an eye out for any would be attackers that may charge the medium sized group that composed of humans, pets, and summons.


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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 MQNhOUw

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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Ardere Kasai 31st August 2015, 12:26 am

    After defeating his enemies, Ardere's attention immediately shifted to the beast hidden in the darkness. Waiting for it to come out, slowly two beefy furry arms would emerge from the shadows. One of the Omega lycans making itself known to the group, looking at the fire mage and roaring. Dashing to the side, he just barely dodge the sonic wave that would burst right through the trees around him, sending wood and leaves scattering. The beast then turned it's attention towards the young woman and her pets, charging them. This would be his partner's first chance to attack the beast. Thinking he had knocked the fire mage away, the Omega was much faster than the other beasts. However, it would catch flames to it's back as the Sword of Kings was arced across the area. Flames burning it's back, the Omega didn't seem very injured, but it was pissed off. For the first time in battle, he was going to have to use his Crash magic. He just hoped all of the training he did in the Cliffs paid off, and so he would see. Tapping into the energy of the earth, he was far enough away to only affect the large beast and it used it's sonic roar against Aiyana and her companions.

    The earth beneath the monster would tremble and shake, causing it to split and rupture from the overload of energy within. Move back a bit! The beast seemed to be slightly unaffected, so the god slayer would kick an orb of black fiery energy into the side of the beast, causing a massive explosion which would encase the beast in flames, sending him to the side a bit. Most enemies were shook and sent tumbling from Ardere's attack, but this beast barely moved an inch. The ground beginning to wither away from the corrupted black flames, the Omega still seemed to be kicking. Sending it's sonic roar all over the place and tossing large pieces of tree, the two Sabertooth mages were in a bit of a pickle due to this thing. This would be his partner's second chance to attack, his only hope was that Aiyana would attack and barrage the beast as much as he did, cause if she didn't take it out, it would charge the fire mage. He responded with slashes of flames, but the beast kept coming. He had a feeling it would take a bit longer to take this bastard out, perhaps even longer than the one before him.
    @Aiyana WC: 412 Post: 19/25

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.




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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Cr1tikal 31st August 2015, 12:47 am

    Aiyana was almost surprised at the sudden attack that would be aimed towards Ardere. She had not seen it coming, and the young woman wasn't too sure if she had been able to react in time had it been her in his place instead. The tall man managed to avoid the swipes, and supersonic roar, of the creature before it began to make it's way towards Aiyana's small party. A large swipe of those massive arms would come at Aiyana, the girl jumping backward with all her might to just barely miss the attack. She felt the displacement of air from the attack hit her face, the coldness of the air from it chilling her spine as her dire wolf latched onto one of the arms and bit down with all its might. The burning beast did not like this, not one bit, as it swung with the other hand to slice across the creatures face. The poor dire wolf was struck along one eye in the process, the precious piece to the body being cut through like a sharp knife to a grape; losing the sight from the eye completely.

    Her summon let go of the arm howling in pain as it jumped back, only to be struck by a howl that shook the foundations of the very earth. Her pet's creature would be sent flying, desummoning along the way before completely disappearing just before it was going to fly into a tree. Not having time to feel sad that her summon had been defeated, the bandaged mage was commanded to move back. She did a quick turn, running a few feet before stopping with a turning slide to see what was going on. The magic was nothing like fire magic she had seen before, and it seemed like there was more than one type of magic at play when there was suddenly a massive explosion that set the werewolf ablaze; the attack slightly moving the creature in the process.

    Another supersonic roar would send debris everywhere, Aiyana catching a decently large, and very sharp, piece of tree in her right hand as she made her charge back at the werewolf omega. After it's roar, the creature began to move towards her job partner, something she wished to stop. A swing of her khopesh would strike it's back as it began to move, the beast ignoring the strike to continue after the target it wished to now kill. Before he was out of range, the young woman drew the sharp wood back as let loose with a throw that would pierce the creature through the left shoulder. The attack struck true, the natural spear shredding through and severing enough nerves to render the left arm useless. With the beast continuing the charge Aiyana ran in to catch up to it. If Ardere didn't manage to take it down before she got to them she would make sure it stayed down.



    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 MQNhOUw

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Ardere Kasai 31st August 2015, 11:01 am

    Ardere was fast, but it was quite obvious this beast could rival if not beat him in terms of speed. So his choice of reaction would not be to dodge, for that could fail easily. Instead, he held his gigantic blade of flames in front of him, performing a jab. The beast was running through several meters of flames before it tried to divert it's course, but due to it's size and weight the fire mage could easily change how he was holding the sword. The bright flames continuously burning the beast as it got closer, until it finally would leap upwards over the flames. Rolling to the left, he would just barely escape the claws of the Omega. Literally by inches he escaped, feeling the shock wave of the creature's landing. Tumbling across the ground, the brown haired wizard quickly regained his balance, sliding across the dirt smoothly. Staring down the beast, he would strike his sword forward just as it turned, repeatedly jabbing into it. Sliding down across the earth, just barely dodging another sonic roar. The sound waves rushing just past his back, ripping up the earth and trees behind him.

    With one final jab, he caused the beast to fall into unconsciousness. Panting slightly, Ardere stretched his arms a bit. It wasn't easy to continuously fight lycans for this long, but he made it back onto the path nonetheless. Pain in the ass. You alright? Checking to make sure if his partner was okay, he didn't notice any immediate injuries. However he did notice the rustling in the trees as five furry beasts began to make their appearance known. Splitting into groups of two and three yet again, these creatures chose to circle in on the mages. They were probably angry from losing their Omega, but soon they were going to lose their Alpha if they found the nest. Clutching his sword, the sabertooth mage took a deep breath. It seemed the waves of lycans would never end, and they were bound to continue fighting them for a while. If that was how it was going to be, then he would give it his all in that endeavor. Lifting his Sword of Kings, he would twirl it above his head, the flames causing the beasts around them to back up a bit. They were none too fond of flames, which had been working in their favor thus far.
    @Aiyana WC: 403/400 Post: 20/25

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 FYZkfE1
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Cr1tikal 31st August 2015, 1:09 pm

    Aiyana and Memory ended up watching Ardere knock out the massive beast just before the group could merge on the strong creature. It was worriesome watching him fight the creature amongst the trees, and the flame god slayer was panting slightly as he made his way back onto the path to speak to the bandaged woman that had managed to escape unscathed so far. ”Yeah, I'm all right. My dire wolf kept me safe so far, sad he couldn't last the rest of the job though.” It really was disappointing, even if the summon had helped take out a multitude of monsters stronger than they were.

    She was about to ask how he was doing when the rustling of trees signaled the next batch of werewolves attacking them. It was another group of five, the same split up as last time. ”What! Is it just because I'm a woman?” The Sabertooth female yelled this at the two werewolves, the creatures not even acknowledging the words before coming in at the girl. She ran towards them, jumping over a low swing, and smashed the khopesh twice into the face of the one that she had managed to dodge. ”Memory, give me that frightful spirit!” The words were screamed over the sound of the howl that she managed to knock her off of her feet, something impressive with her ability to stay standing due to her magical hat. Getting up as quickly as possible, the young woman saw one wolf trying to swing at the ghost; the thing immune to physical attacks due to having an ethereal body.

    Using this to her advantage she focused on the already injured one. A wrist would be caught with the hook of the khopesh, a hard twist cracking the bones before she swung her other arm around to strike with bandages into the side of his head. The creature was fazed for a few moments, though it was surely confused right after. Her summon had possessed it, turning it's body around to howl at the other lycan that had come after her. The second monster looked confusedly at it before they two were engaged in combat, both taking heavy damage before the possessed one was knocked out with a blow to the face. The spirit left the unconscious beast, striking out with it's ghostly form to defeat the other raging beast in it's weakened state.



    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 MQNhOUw

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Ardere Kasai 31st August 2015, 1:39 pm

    Twirling the large blade of flames in his hands, Ardere's tone turned a bit serious. He could hear muffled sounds off in the distance, in what he presumed was the Lycan's lair or nest of sorts. That meant the beasts standing in front of him were in his way, but not just in his way of getting there, but in his way of saving people. No furry beast was going to stop him from finishing this mission, not a hundred or even a thousand. Smiling a bit at the young woman's comment, he went full speed on the beasts. A barrage of jabs would hit one of the creatures, it's body shaking from the repeated trauma of the flames burning his skin. Twirling his blade around to keep the other two at bay, he drew a line of flames around the beast. Screaming in pain and fear, he felt for them, but that feeling went away as he remembered what they were capable of. Thankfully he was not here to slay these beasts, they were people deep down, and they could be helped. Now if they had been mindless beasts or demons, he would have shown no mercy like he was here.

    As the one surrounded in flames fell into unconsciousness, the fire mage twirled his blade around like a fan, causing the other two to back off. But it seemed they were angered, for the charged him anyways. Spinning, and spinning to create a constant rotation of flames, he repeatedly hit the lycans. Burning flesh and hair, the smell was actually quite strange. He ignored it, and laid out the beasts, sending them into unconsciousness as well. Once all of the creatures were dealt with, he would turn to his partner surrounded by a scene of obvious chaos. The howling wind and slight flames, he sighed a bit. I think we're close. Allowing her a moment to regain her mindset and strength, the two would then return to their journey towards the nest. He could hear more muffled sounds in the distance, he assumed that they were lycans but he was unsure. At this point, he did not have much to go on. All he knew was what he had seen, what he had been told, and his mild research on the topic. Unfortunately this did not encompass as much information as he had wished, though it did allow him to understand how these creatures worked. They were smarter than they were given credit for, but that was already known at this point. Whatever kind of lair they had, he was expecting something quite creepy.
    @Aiyana WC: 437/400 Post: 21/25

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Cr1tikal 1st September 2015, 9:01 pm

    The noises of the lycans, somewhere out the in this deep forest, were not the kind one would ever wish to hear again. Aiyana wished to just find the lair and take care of the leader of the pack, taking out their chain of command in the hopes that it stopped them from carrying out coordinated attacks. Even with her want to take them out, it wasn't like she wished mortal harm on them. She had never killed any other human on her own, even if they were deserving of a death sentence. Sure she had slain many monsters and animals, but how many would fault her in that when she only did so when they were attacking her or her friends?

    The young woman watched Ardere finish off the werewolves that had gone after him as she walked closely in his direction. The flaming sword was a beauty to have seen in motion, the young woman adoring the flames even though they were the one, slight, weakness to her magical bandages. Managing only a slightly upturned nose, and a small frown, at the burnt flesh and fur smell, Aiyana nodded to the single comment the tall Sabertooth mage said to her. ”Yeah, it can't be too much farther now. Not with how many of the beasts are coming at us.” The man gave the bandaged woman time to compose herself for a moment, something she really needed after losing it for a moment over something as simple as gender inequality.

    Moments later the pair would be on the move again, footsteps quietly sounding on the beaten path they were walking on. Strange noises could be heard off in the distance, though the origins of them could truly be said to be 'mysterious' as the young girl could not begin to guess what it really was. She had to be honest, Aiyana knew nothing about werewolves other than they turned into bloodthirsty creatures with the right moon; such as the one tonight. Other than that she was relying on her job partner, and guild mate, to handle the knowledge part while the two did their best to complete this mission. The amount of questions she had on the subject were limitless, though they didn't have time to get them answered with the rate at which they seemed to be coming up to the nest these things had created. 'Please, please, PLEASE do not be a house that they set up in! If they ruin “Little Red Riding Hood” for me I'll never be able to think about the story ever again!'



    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 MQNhOUw

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Ardere Kasai 1st September 2015, 9:20 pm

    Chuckling a bit at the young girl's comment, Ardere's composure changed a bit as he gazed up at the Blood Moon. It seemed to be at it's peak, shining bright in the sky unlike any moon he had ever seen before. As they wandered along the path, they would reach their destination. A cave, with a rather large entrance was unveiled. He could tell the noises were coming from inside the cave, they were noises of struggle. Into the depths we go eh? Holding his blade, the flames on it would dissipate. The elegant blade red and white revealed itself, it had been hiding underneath those flames. His armor was tight, and his mind was sound, as they entered the cave. It would not be long before they came across a large room, but something was off. Moonlight shone down into the room, onto some sort of tablet which he presumed was the source of this curse. Red moon light caused the tablet to shine, but in the back of the room he saw something. Several of the townspeople were tied up in the back, presumably to be fed on or turned. The room was silent now, which sent a chill down his spine.

    Just as he was about to make a move to go save the people, the earth beneath him shook. A figured, dark and gargantuan would appear. Golden fur, shining in the moon light. A beast larger than any of the previous ones, but what was the most disturbing was how calmly it carried itself. Walking on two feet rather than all fours, it's red eyes focused on the two mages. The Alpha, it was no doubt. Slowly walking towards him, for the first time in his life, Ardere was overwhelmed by a power that sent fear through his veins. He had experienced mild fear before, but this prompted him to stand still for a moment. Then, a voice ran through his head. It was the voice of his mentor, Hephaestus. The flame of the Gods, a flame that cannot be extinguished. He remembered those words, and a new fuel for his power appeared. The combination of Will and Anger he rarely experienced together, sent a powerful dark aura across his body. He had never let out the full potential of his magic before, he had always held back to protect his friends, but this time he would not hold back. His attitude almost never switched from laid back to angry, he could be serious, as he did not view the world as a joke, but his feelings here were amplified unlike any situation he had encountered. The Alpha gaining on them with a wicked smile, would find a being of black flames and rage in front of him, holding one of the most well crafted blades in the country. For a moment, he forgot Aiyana was even there. She could provide ample support to his attacks, but he still had to make sure he did not harm her. It was time to end this, the mission, the curse, all of it.
    @Aiyana WC: 502/400 Post: 22/25

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 FYZkfE1
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Cr1tikal 1st September 2015, 10:28 pm

    So this was it, they had found the place that the creatures called home. The large entrance of the cave seemed to loom over them in the light of the blood moon. It was bright for a moon, making it even more spooky when they entered the cave after Ardere's rhetoric about entering. Flames would be put out as Ardere led the way into the cave. A brief walk would find them in a large room, a very occult looking one. Moonlight shone down onto a tablet sitting in it, the object shining intensely because of it. If the young woman didn't know any better, she'd say that it was the cause of the whole curse. Before she could bring her attention to figuring out how to break it, however, she noticed the people tied up at the back of the room. A fit of shivers left her as moved towards them through the silent room.

    The Binding Bandages user never reached the people to rescue them at that moment, the earth beneath her feet shaking as a massive creature walked into the room. It was a giant werewolf, red eyes burning into both of the humans eyes as it looked at each of them in turn. The fur of the creature shown like the finest gold in the light as the beast walked towards them, on only it's hind legs. This was definitely the alpha werewolf, and it showed. Aiyana could only pick a few times she had felt this scared before, though they were always when she was alone. This was different, she was with someone else!

    The wicked smile of the wolf would find a bandage coming in at it, a claw swiping at it slightly to late as it took a direct hit just about it's nose. The creature's swing hit her bandages and sliced what she had out to tiny pieces. The bandages attached to her would slowly regenerate as she began to circle around as the beast charged in towards the mage that looked the most threatening, the flame god slayer. The man had a dark aura around him, showing the darkness magic that was added into his flames that were meant for the killing of gods and all that was holy. One day she would ask how he had gotten to have the honor of being taught his line of magic, if it was even something allowed to ask about.



    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 MQNhOUw

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Ardere Kasai 1st September 2015, 10:52 pm

    Staring the golden beast down, combat would ensue. Lifting a fist up and drawing his sword back, just as the lycan appeared to be charging him. Black flames enveloped the fire king as his body was shot forward, like some sort of rocket. The trail of flames he left behind began right in front of his partner, she would not be harmed but she would feel the power behind the attack. His flames would crash right into the beast, as he expected to knock it into the wall. Instead, he found that he was in mid air firing like a rocket, as the beast barely moved back a meter, being mildly harmed by the flames. Widening his eyes a bit, Ardere began to overload the magical energy within the beast himself as an instinctive reaction, and caused a massive explosion in front of him. Shaking the entire room, some dirt and rocks fell from the ceiling. The combination of Crash and Flame magic left the room with a golden glow for a moment, which he found ironic due to the color of the Alpha's fur. Sadly, the werewolf barely slid back another meter. During this ruckus, he slashed twice with his blade to deal damage to the beast, but it seemed his skin was quite tough. Instead, it howled at the fire mage.

    Taken by the shock of the howl, he had no choice but to activate one of his sword's abilities. Creating a sphere of black flames, he blocked the brunt of the howl, but was sent tumbling back next to his partner. Quickly regaining his balance, he stabbed his blade into the earth to stop himself from being flung any further. Stopping right next to Aiyana, it was obvious he had taken some damage, but not enough to take him out of the fight. He was surprised that the beast was unaffected by any of the knock backs from his spells, instead it seemed to tank all of it. The beast was injured there was no doubt, but he was far from beaten. If anything, now was a great time for his partner to attack. Kuso. That beast is strong, you distract it a bit and I'll try and pop around it. Swearing in his native tongue meant the situation was serious, and of course it was. Though he knew they could beat this large bastard, even if they were knocked around a bit. The lycan did not seem to be distracted for the moment though, for he was about to charge the two mages relentlessly. Sch strength and ferocity, it was no wonder he was the Alpha. This would perhaps be the hardest battle he had fought thus far, which surprisingly enough could be a good thing. Strength was to be gained here, and that was his alternative goal from saving the village.
    @Aiyana WC: 477/400 Post: 23/25 HP: 80% MP: 85%

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.




    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 FYZkfE1
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Cr1tikal 2nd September 2015, 12:04 am

    The heat of the flame from Ardere's attack were strong, strong enough that she stepped back in reaction. The young woman wasn't in danger from it, but she knew better than to hang around open flames that could harm her bandages. Last thing she needed was to get burned by 'friendly fire' after all! She watched as the man's attack hit the lead werewolf, the beast barely sliding backward with the powerful blow. Coming in from the side, avoiding flames and falling debris that were now coming from the ceiling, Aiyana let loose a double swing of bandages that would strike onto the back of the creature before the room would suddenly glow golden. While the irony was not lost on her, the bandaged mage had other things to worry about at the moment.

    Weapon in hand, and her summoned spirit going in to land a free attack, the young woman charged in to attempt an attack of her own. Her khopesh swung downward, striking at the back of the monster's knee. The creature ignored the hit, kicking out to the side to strike her in the chest; sending the girl sailing until she hit the edge of the wall. She stood up slowly, her head swimming as she heard her job partner ask her to distract the massive beast. Nodding her head, a single call yo her summon could be heard throughout the room. ”All right spirit! Get in it's face and annoy the crap out of it!” As her ghostly summon distracted the creature, the Sabertooth female went in with a volley of bandage attacks that would strike up and down the creature from head to toe. The beast just grew more irritated at this, however, and decided it needed to take care of her over the burning man.

    The swift claws came at her, the young girl jumping back in time to avoid being physically hit. What she did not expect was the attacks being so strong that the claws would slice past what they were attacking. The next thing she knew she had four large gashes along her midsection, one bleeding bad enough that she would need to heal herself when the heat of combat was off of her. Sadly this was not the case, as the creature thought her to be the one that needed to die. A roll to her right would allow her to avoid the bite that would have taken out her throat, if not her entire head as well. This lycan was deserving of the title of Alpha. With this much strength, speed, and brutality it was a force to be avoided if one could.


    HP: 45%
    MP: 95%


    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 MQNhOUw

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
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    Mentor : Hephaestus
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    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon! ( Mission / Ardere )

    Post by Ardere Kasai 2nd September 2015, 12:29 am

    Ardere, dashing around to the left, watched as the beast would attempt it's onslaught upon his mission partner. Gritting his teeth a bit, the fire mage charged to the beast's side. Laying out heavy slashes with his enhanced strength, the ground beneath the two shook a bit. Repeatedly laying out slashes, the beast performed a swipe to counter. Ducking beneath the swipe, some of the air from it caught him, and sent him backwards. The man sliding back a bit, like the beast was also relentless. This was the final stretch, and he would not let it go to waste like this. Repeatedly pummeling the beast with his sword, he blasted black flames from his feet. Fueling his jab, the blade broke the skin of the beast between it's ribs, prompting a howl from the pain. Dropping down, he performed two slashes on both of the beast's legs, until it finally collapsed. The god slayer was panting, his body banged up from the attacks, but they had finally beaten the beast. It had taken them some time, but they had completed all but one task; destroy the tablet to end the curse.

    First, he needed a moment to gather himself. Fighting the beast was exhausting, even for a mage with stamina far above a normal human's. Stabbing his blade into the ground, he lifted himself up. Looking over at his partner, who seemed to be injured, he made sure she was alright. Are you alright, do you need help? It was merely in his nature to be concerned for the well being of other people, especially guild mates. The two had gotten together this far, it would be a shame if they could not finish it together. Letting out a slight laugh, he was glad he had beaten the large golden bastard behind him. The alpha was completely unconscious, covered in burn and gashes. The golden fur seemed to have large black splotches now, unfortunate for the beast. Sheathing his red and white blade, Ardere helped his new friend up if she needed it. His armor was a bit tattered and worn, but as was expected from a battle such as thing. He had gained a lot of experience on this mission, something he could use in his life. The only thing left to do was destroy the tablet. Looking over to the glowing thing, the moon light still shining on it. Looking back to Aiyana, they knew what they had to do here now.
    @Aiyana WC: 417/400 Post: 24/25

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.




    Shine Like the Moon!  ( Mission / Ardere ) - Page 2 FYZkfE1
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