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    A Wizard's Grace(Job)


    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Completed A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 2:10 am


    Speculo had hopped aboard a train from Magnolia Town heading North Northeast. There was a few villages on the way to, wherever he was going. Maybe he would stop off at one of them.
    Hours passed of grassland after grassland, then trees after trees as they went through a small forest. He wondered how occupied the Assassin Guild was with trying to kill Speculo. He had been moving at a rapid pace through the country, presumably going too fast for them to catch up with him. Well, he couldn't sit and wait in one spot for them to show up. Better to jus keep moving. So far he had helped a lot of people in his travels. He was glad of the service he was providing. Made him happy to see others happy.

    Grassland after Grassland. Thorns after Tho-.. Wait, Thorns? Speculo looked closer through the train window. Yup. The crops were withered away and thorns were everywhere. Why in the world was it like this? Those thorns didn't look natural in any sense of the word.

    "Beanstalk Village." The announcer announced through the lacrima-phone for delivering messages throughout the train to it's passengers. Speculo picked up his bag, and stepped off of the train.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 100%
    Link: "Character Magic"

    Last edited by Speculo on 14th August 2015, 4:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 11:06 am


    The train blew it's whistle and started back up again, chugging like a snail for the first few moments, then picking up speed and traveling away. Spec was the only one to get off the train at Beanstalk Village.

    Every crop in every field was dead, shriveled up and dead, black thorns in their place. Various farm tools were left around, presumably this happened rather quickly and the farmers just dropped what they had an ran. Speculo stepped off the train platform, across the dirt road and to the field. He took off his glove and picked up a thorn branch, feeling it while avoiding pricking himself. It was impossibly smooth. These were definitely magical. And if his memory was correct, this was curse magic. Who would curse a farmers town? Unless..

    That's right! Curse magic also brought inanimate objects to life, making them hostile to anyone except the user of magic. With a farm, the vegetables should be the things targeted. They would be squishy, but still have formidable strength. But, where were they? And where was the wizard who cast the spell?

    As if to answer his question, he saw shapes running at him in a distance. Too irregular to be humans. Short, fat, tall, all shapes and sizes. Looked like a fight. Spec slipped back on his glove, and tossed his bag back onto the train platform.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 100%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    A Wizard's Grace(Job) Fighting-giffy
    I Make My Own Luck

    Posts : 23944
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by NPC 14th August 2015, 11:06 am

    The member 'Speculo' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace(Job) NormalMonster A Wizard's Grace(Job) NormalMonster

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 12:32 pm

    (This post shouldn't be here)

    Last edited by Speculo on 14th August 2015, 1:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 12:33 pm


    Two lumbering behemoths of corn cobs were running at him with white legs that shouldn't have been there. They were within 50 yards of Speculo by the time they stopped running, took a wide stance, and both yelled "Corn Corn Cannon!" They looked to be inhaling air, and Spec took action.

    As the giant corn cobs spewed bullet fast corn at Spec, the Mirror Mage spawned a mirror in front of both hands. He would normally use the mirrors already on his gloves, but with these flying at him, if they just barely missed his hands, he was in trouble. best to go with the larger mirrors. "Intervention!" He cast. The mirrors flashed with a magic circle as the corn bullets flew into them, the mirrors absorbing the corn like a nice meal. Speculo calmly and carefully stepped closer to the massive cobs. When they had stopped firing, Speculo gave a smirk. Bringing his hands as if he was doing a wall pushup, then shoving them back out. Corn bullets shot forth with more accuracy than the monsters had launched them at.

    The pieces of corn landed squarly on them, knocking them back and blowing chunks of corn off of their body. They slowly got back up, very near defeat.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 90%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    A Wizard's Grace(Job) Fighting-giffy
    I Make My Own Luck

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 12:39 pm


    "We're to stylish to lose!"
    "Hoorah to that brotha!"
    "W-what? Stylish?" This confused Speculo a bit as to how corn could be stylish. But he had to keep his head in the game. He had to preserve his magic at all costs. There was bound to be a whole lot more of them around here. He would need some sort of weapon. The ground was littered with farm tools, and Spec ran over to a pitch fork. He picked it up in time to see the corn cobs launch themselves in the air, coming right down on top of Spec. "Crap!" He jumped back just in time as they collided into the thorny ground. The earth shook with vibrations and where they landed there was a small crater.

    Leaning back on one foot and holding the pitchfork like a javelin, Spec threw the improvised weapon at one of them as they stood up. It took him right in the face, and he fell down, dead. His comrade cried a "Noooooo!" as he fell. Spec grabbed a nearby shovel and ran over to the crying cob. He looked up as Spec drove the blade into his face.

    Well that was over. But he could hear more coming.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 90%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    A Wizard's Grace(Job) Fighting-giffy
    I Make My Own Luck

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by NPC 14th August 2015, 12:39 pm

    The member 'Speculo' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace(Job) NormalMonster A Wizard's Grace(Job) WeakMonster A Wizard's Grace(Job) StrongMonster

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
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    Experience : 250

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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 1:17 pm


    Another Corn Cob, a Giant piece of broccoli, and a big, fat tomato was hobbling towards Spec. The broccoli was the first to get within range. It was surprisingly fast. Spec ripped out the shovel from the corn cob he just took down and backed away. "Broccoli Swat!" The giant vegetable tree called as it lifted it's leafy end up in the air, and like a spring board came down ontop of Spec. Spec once again barely dodged it, but as he got up he heard from behind "Tomato Juice Cannon!" "Room of a Thou-" Spec didn't get past his one potential defense spell, and got blasted in the back with high-pressured ketchup.

    Speculo fell down among the thorns, scrapping him up and tearing into his jacket a bit. He tried to get up, but the thorns catching on his jacket prohibited him. He heard the corn cob sauntering up, so he ditched the jacket and booked it. They all turned to him, and seemed to ready up more attacks. Think Speculo, Think! He told himself.

    He spawned a mirror infront of him, held it out and called on the spell, "Mirror Shatter!" The monsters stopped their attacks, and looked into the mirror. A moment later, the mirror violently splintered and dispersed. All three of them cried out and fell on their white thin knees, obviously in a lot of pain.

    HP: 90%
    MP: 80%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    A Wizard's Grace(Job) Fighting-giffy
    I Make My Own Luck

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 1:30 pm


    With the shovel in hand and the monsters distracted, Spec ran over to the weakest looking one, the tomato. With a mighty heave, he brought the shovel down on it's head and spilt it in two. The corn cob noticed this and turned to him, but couldn't do anything before he swung the shovel into his face. He wasn't dead yet, but should be close by then. The broccoli came out of nowhere and grabbed the shovel from Spec's hands, throwing it a great distance away. A punch in Spec's face was next and Spec staggered backwards, falling back onto his coat and thankfully not more thorns.

    As he got back up, he saw the Broccoli getting ready for another Swat, and the corn cob was sky diving as a combo. "Room of a Thousand Mirrors!" Spec casted around himself. This spell, while on him, protected him from outside spells. And he could do this neat trick with it. "Mirror Shard!" Combining the two spells together in his own combo, the mirrors that made up his shield came apart and flew in all directions, doing heavy damage to the Broccoli and Corn cob, knocking them both back.

    That expended Spec's magic a lot, but the Corn fell dead, and the broccoli looked very hurt.

    HP: 85%
    MP: 60%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    A Wizard's Grace(Job) Fighting-giffy
    I Make My Own Luck

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 1:55 pm


    Spec was panting. He had almost used up half of his magic points, he would take a gander at. The Broccoli got back up and tried to do another "Broccoli Swat!" But Spec was ready for him. Holding up his hand, he cast "Intervention!". As the broccoli head came down onto Spec's outstretched hand, it was instantly repelled backwards, exploding into pieces. Spec didn't budge an inch. It really was a good idea to put mirrors on his gloves when he first got them.

    Clap. Clap. Clap. "Well well, you can sure hold your own against them." Spec turned quickly in the direction of the voice, seeing a man in a black robes. He was middle aged and had a glorious beard.

    "Who are you?!" Spec demanded from the man.
    "I'm the one who did all of this. And the one who is going to kill you and collect the reward."
    "Hmph. So the Treasure Coffers Guild don't have the people to kill me on their own, huh?"
    "That's correct. and they put quiet the bounty on you. I heard that you have been helping people out in Peace Village and Magnolia Town, so I figured you couldn't help yourself but help this village as well." He held up his hand, and quickly cast a spell.

    HP: 85%
    MP: 60%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    A Wizard's Grace(Job) Fighting-giffy
    I Make My Own Luck

    Posts : 23944
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by NPC 14th August 2015, 1:55 pm

    The member 'Speculo' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace(Job) FailedBlock

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Posts : 120
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 2:11 pm


    Spec's left arm went limp. He couldn't feel it, couldn't move it or anything. It was practically jelly! He panicked and was too occupied with his arm to see the fist coming at his gut. He lost his breath and was launched backwards into thorns. The cut into him, stinging him with small cuts all over. Damn this Curse Magic! He got back up in time to see the man before him once more, throwing a kick to Spec's right. Speculo might not have been a full member of Treasure Coffer, the Assassin's Guild that raised him, but he still got the hang of basic martial arts from some of them.

    Spec raised his right arm and caught the kick under his arm. It still made contact, but he still held on as one of his ribs possibly cracked. He didn't have his other arm useful, so instead of injuring the mans leg he just threw it upward, making the man fall onto his back on the thorns. Spec was instantly on top of him, and landed two hits in the face before the Dark Wizard threw him off.

    He held up a hand and cast another wordless spell.

    HP: 80%
    MP: 60%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    A Wizard's Grace(Job) Fighting-giffy
    I Make My Own Luck

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by NPC 14th August 2015, 2:11 pm

    The member 'Speculo' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace(Job) FailedBlock

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
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    Experience : 250

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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 2:38 pm


    This time he checked all of his limbs. He seemed to be fine in all places, so what did his spell just do? As the mage ran at him again, it was apparent. Spec couldn't hear anymore! No sounds of boots of thorns or his clothes flapping in the wind. All was quiet. The man this time sent a kick to Spec's left unprotected side. Spec used his right hand grabbed him by the ankle. He had to get this over with, and quick before he was completely useless. "Mirror Shard!" Using the mirrors on his glove, he sent them stabbing through the mans ankle. He cried in pain and Spec threw him to the ground once more.

    The mirrors had cut all the way through his flesh, one went in between his leg bone and foot, severing the connection and dealing a large amount of pain to him. That foot was probably damaged for life. Normally the shards would disappear, but these were used from a physical object, not a magical mirror like Spec normally used. And so, these stayed inside of the mans foot.

    The man looked up at Spec, tears from the pain in his eyes as he grasped his leg. "Damn you!" He held up his hand and sent another curse and Spec.

    HP: 75%
    MP: 55%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    A Wizard's Grace(Job) Fighting-giffy
    I Make My Own Luck

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by NPC 14th August 2015, 2:38 pm

    The member 'Speculo' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace(Job) Block

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 250

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    First Skill: Mirror
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 2:50 pm


    The Dark Wizard didn't get to set off the spell before Speculo kicked his hand away and then pivoting on that foot, sent his other booted foot into his face. The man was now planted on the ground, and Spec got on top of him, straddling his upper chest and placing his knees on the mans shoulders.

    "You were gonna kill me, huh?" Spec mocked him. "You were going to kill me?! Well, I think I might kill You! There was something in his veins. Something angry, and sadistic, and strong. Very, very strong. He felt himself almost get rejuvenated. He felt like he was thrice as strong as before! And he was! He slugged this guy in the face and throat twice each. The man couldn't get the leverage to throw Spec off with his injured foot. Speculo was just a brute who kept on swinging.

    Before Speculo could land another hit, a large amount of Tomato Juice slammed into him, knocking him off of the Wizard. Spec landed on his feet this time though, with standing the blast from the tomato that helped his master get back on his feet. Two more broccolis and another pair of corn cobs showed up as well. This was going to be fun.

    HP: 75%
    MP: 55%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    A Wizard's Grace(Job) Fighting-giffy
    I Make My Own Luck

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
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    Experience : 250

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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 3:19 pm


    Spec looked down at his side and found a farmer's scythe. Well that looked like fun. It was well polished too. He could see his reflection in it. He picked it up, tested it with a few swings, then turned to the Dark Wizard and his five minions. Two broccoli's, two corn cobs, and one tomato. The broccoli's took the defensive stance while the tomatoes and corn cobs got ready their "Corn Corn Cannons!" and "Tomato Juice Cannon!"

    Spec cast "Intervention!" on the scythe blade and started running at them all. Somewhere in all that process, he regained the control of his arm, and was using it to help him control the scythe. The tomatoes and corn cobs launched their attacks at Speculo. Spec found himself to be so much faster and stronger at this point. Some of the corn was hitting him, but even though they cut into him, he didn't care. He caught most of the bullets from one of the corn demons into the scythe blade, then he spun around and launched the corn at back at the corn cob. Next incoming was the Tomato Juice, and that all got sucked into the blade as well. He threw this one at one of the broccoli, knocking him off of his feet. Those pesky corn-bullets were bugging him. He caught more of them into his scythe blade as he plunged down onto the corn cob, splicing him in half with one horizontal swing.

    A Broccoli came over and tried to Swat Speculo into the ground, but didn't get far. Two swings of the scythe and he was down. Just the tomato, a broccoli piece, and a near death corn cob stood in his way. Spec could feel the strength fading away, but was glad of his ability to move his arm and hear once more.

    HP: 50%
    MP: 50%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    Posts : 23944
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by NPC 14th August 2015, 3:19 pm

    The member 'Speculo' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace(Job) Block

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mirror
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 3:31 pm


    The man had gotten up the nerve to cast another spell at Speculo. But the Mirror Mage was ready this time. Although the curse was near invisible, Spec caught it inside the scythe blade and threw it right back at him. It disabled his right arm, the arm he kept using to cast such Curse spells.

    The Tomato was trying to slam into Spec by running at him, but Spec sidestepped and swung the scythe at him. It sunk deep into the tomato's face and with a heave Spec picked it up, and threw it back onto the ground, squashing it to slushy bits.

    At this point, Spec was beaten and scratched up to hell from all the thorns. He was bleeding from just about everywhere on his body. His clothes were torn and bloody themselves. Speculo's hair was hardly in it's ponytail anymore, and was disheveled and dirty. Nevermind the injuries, he was exhausted! He slouched a little, the length of the fight finally getting to him.

    Spec looked up to see the last corn cob rolling towards him. He tried to leap away, but got caught in it and was rolled against the thorns. his back was getting destroyed through all of this, and when the cob finally stopped, Spec hardly had a shirt anymore. As a miracle, he still had the scythe on him.

    With one giant amount of will, he swung the scythe and got the cob in the side of where his head would be. It fell, taking the scythe out of Spec's hands. The broccoli was still by the it's master, and he was still trying to get his arm to work. apparently he wasn't very good with his left arm.

    HP: 30%
    MP: 50%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    A Wizard's Grace(Job) Fighting-giffy
    I Make My Own Luck

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mirror
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 3:44 pm


    Speculo couldn't die here. Not yet. He had to at least free this village from this man. He had no doubt that he would keep terrorizing the village, and that was not something Spec could stand for. So he stood to stop it. Slowly, and painfully, he stood up and faced the Dark Wizard.

    "How are you not dead!?"He cried at Speculo as the Mirror Mage took steps towards him. The broccoli stepped infront of his master, protecting him. Speculo was having enough of this crap. Creating a mirror, he cast "Mirror Shatter!". The broccoli's eyes couldn't resist looking at it's reflection, and when the mirror shattered, the broccoli cried out in pain and fell to the ground. He was out of the way now.

    "You'll pay for thi-" The man got no farther as Spec had trapped him in a Room of a Thousand Mirrors.

    "No, you'll pay. With your life. Mirror Shard!" The mirrors that was the cage for the man tore themselves into tiny pieces, pointed inwards, and sent themselves flying into him.

    The body dropped to the ground, the mirror shards dissipated back into nothingness. The man was covered in bloody holes all over him. He wasn't dead, but without medical treatment and fast, he was going to be. Spec observed as the thorns slowly started to retreat back into the ground. The vegetables that Spec had slain turned back into normal vegetables, although squashed or sliced up. The ground became green once more, but the crops were still dead except for those that got turned into demons and didn't get killed.

    Speculo couldn't really stand anymore... he fell towards the earth, and then black.

    HP: 30%
    MP: 20%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    A Wizard's Grace(Job) Fighting-giffy
    I Make My Own Luck

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 3:55 pm


    Spec blinked opened his eyes slowly. There was a low amount of light in the room, not making it painful to open his eyes. If he was correct he was.. in Beanstalk Village. Maybe? He groaned as he moved his head to the rest of the room. His head was pounding with each heartbeat and movement he made. As he looked around he found that there was a small boy there, staring right at Spec and looked overjoyed for some reason. "I'll go get mom! You stay right there. Don't move!" Hah. Like Spec felt like moving at all.

    While the boy was gone going to get his mother, Spec tried to play back what had last happened that he remembered. He defeated a bunch of demon vegetables, found the wizard responsible, defeated him, and then... and then what? Did he pass out? That would explain where I am... He reasoned. But.. what was that he felt in the battle? That rage? That power? In his current physical state, he shouldn't have been able to do what he did with the scythe, how fast he moved it. He had to be proud of himself. If I was told that this battle would happen, I would have thought me to be dead in the water for sure.

    HP: 50%
    MP: 50%
    Link: "Character Magic"

    Last edited by Speculo on 15th August 2015, 3:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mirror
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 14th August 2015, 4:05 pm


    A woman came into the wooden room that Spec had identified to be a bedroom of sorts. This woman was presumably the boy's mother. "Alright, let's take a look at our injuries.." She muttered as she inspected Spec over. He was covered in bandages and she looked at them all, making sure none of them had been filled with blood and were working properly. "Wh-.. where am I?"
    "In the village you saved. Beanstalk."
    "Saved?" Sure, he got rid of the curse on the crops, but they would have survived, right?
    "Yup. We supply around a third of Fiore's Produce, so if we didn't get things replanted soon, we were going to be be bankrupt. Of course, we still lost a whole lot of crops to the magician, but our people are already planting and scavenging what they can."
    "Wow.." Was all he could muster. A Third of Fiore's produce? That's insane! No wonder the fields were so ungodly huge!
    "The mayor has a big thank you to hand you in person. It's a present from all of us."
    "A present? What is it?"
    "That is something you will figure out when you get it." She finished checking the bandages and sat back on her seat.
    "How bad are they?"
    "They'll be healed in a few days. You have been out for a full day, almost two. You should be alright to walk, but I wouldn't start running anytime soon."
    "Almost two days?" Speculo chuckled. "He really did a number on me..Can I have some water?"
    "Sure." She passed him a bowl and helped him sit up as he drank it.
    "No getting up. Night is falling and you  need to sleep."
    "Alright." He didn't feel up to argue. Within moments, he was out once more.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 100%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mirror
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 15th August 2015, 7:16 pm


    The next day, Speculo was forced to stay in bed by Patricia, the one nursing him back to health, and Ubero, her son. Ubero was very fascinated by Speculo, and looked up to him as a hero of sorts. "Coming out of nowhere when nobody knew what to do~ fighting those giant food demons, and then that old guy in the robes~ It was just so awesome!" Speculo only chuckled at the kid. It was nice to be admired. But, when the kid was retelling the tale, (He was watching out of his bedroom window during the whole thing) he made it seem like Speculo was a complete badass. And that was not something Speculo was. He was just able to do what he could, and won. Simple as that. But after telling Ubero this, he denied that Speculo was anything less than the "greatest wizard ever".
    "Haha. Maybe one day I will be, kid. Maybe." The Mirror Mage ruffled Ubero's hair.
    "Hey, could you go see when dinner is ready?"
    "Sure!" Ubero complied before scampering off to the kitchen. The kid had a very distinct belief that his mother was the best cook in the whole village. Now was the time to see if that was true.

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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 15th August 2015, 7:35 pm


    The following morning Speculo was able to walk, but he still ached everywhere. His back was plastered with bandages. They wrapped all the way around his torso, around his arms, and a lot of individual ones all over his legs. He almost looked like a mummy.

    The Mayor and the whole village thanked Speculo in the village common ground with everyone gathered around. The Mayor looked like something off of a cereal box. Top hat, coat tails, white mustache, the whole shebang.
    "Speculo, Wizard that saved our town from vegetable demons, I would like to award you with this!" He handed Spec a large heavy sack, and Speculo took it before setting it on the ground and looking inside. It was filled with jewels!
    "How much is this?!" Speculo asked in disbelief.
    "10,000 Jewels. A befitting award for your actions."
    "But, you'll need this to keep yo-"
    "Nope! I will not take a no for an answer! This is our reward, and not a penny less!"
    "But you'll be penniless!" Spec continued to argue. The Mayor laughed and replied,
    "Son, when you make almost a third of the entire kingdom's food, 10,000 jewels ins't much."
    "Well, if it's not much... Then I guess I'll accept it.. Can I ask for one more thing though?"
    "Name it!"
    "My clothes.. My jacket was left in the thorns, and I need a new pair of pants and a shirt."
    "Already on it!" Called someone from the crowed.

    When he went back to sleep that night, he found his bag that he left on the train platform sitting next to the bed. He pushed it off and fell asleep easily.

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    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Completed Re: A Wizard's Grace(Job)

    Post by Speculo 15th August 2015, 7:41 pm


    The fourth day since he arrived, Speculo woke to some clothes on the bedside table. When he unfolded them, he realized it was his white coat that he left in the thorns. He had requested it yesterday, infront of everyone when the mayor gave him that huge amount of money. The thought made Spec look at the giant bag sitting at the end of the bed, tied shut. Looking back at the coat, he inspected it. Incredible! All the tares were sewed shut, almost invisible unless you knew they were there and felt for them. There was also a new black shirt and black pants. It seems they agreed with his color choices when they found him. He also found his boots had been cleaned and made looking new. He didn't even ask for that, and they did it anyway. He started to tear up as he sat back on the bed. Nobody had cared this much about him since.. probably his mother.. Certainly not anyone at Treasure Coffer...

    He had to thank the woman who nursed him for this, all of this. And if it wasn't her that fixed his coat, he had to thank the person responsible.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 100%
    Link: "Character Magic"

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 12:04 pm