Fairy Tail RP

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    Act I: Genesis

    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Act I: Genesis Empty Act I: Genesis

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 9th August 2015, 6:43 pm

    Act I:
    ((OOC: I'll RP as Lexa Grimoire, and her RP does not count to my word counts.))

    ~~Lexa Grimoire~~
    Lexa sat at the edge of the Ancient Ruin's entrance, hoping that someone from a guild of strong wizards had received her letter. To be honest, she didn't need super strong wizard, just some people who could distract the monsters inside and let her hit em a few times. She stood up, and looked at her sword. The four foot sword hadn't been properly treated for the past few days as she was busy being thrown about inside the Ancient Ruin's labyrinth, and then ran into that idiot Goldshriner. Lexa sighed as she saw the shadow of a large serpentine figure from above flash over her body, and looked around for a safe hiding spot.

    Seikatsu had saw a small figure sitting near the entrance to the Ancient Ruins. He didn't normally see people hanging around that place for no reason. He saw the figure running behind some rocks as Lisa flew past, figuring the person to be scared by the size of his friend. 'Lisa, I'm going down on my own, you make yourself less... massive and come after me.' Seikatsu said, using the telepathic bond between himself and his pet.

    Lisa flipped over and allowed Seikatsu to fall from her back, him dawning a pair of feathery wings upon entering free-fall. A few meters before he would hit the floor, Seikatsu angled his wings and jerked into a parallel line with the ground, speeding to the entrance to the ruins. He angled his wings and flapped harshly, causing him to immediately stop but a kick up a huge gust before he dismissed the wings and dropped to the floor. "I know you're here my lady, I assure you I mean no ill intent." Seikatsu said in a calm voice. Seikatsu felt something hit his stomach with a bit of force, but not enough to cause injury. The pressure was eased when whatever hugged him had let go, and took a few steps back. Looking down at it, he saw a girl a little under five feet in height, wearing a black miniskirt. Her feet had a pair of black boots that had sleeves extending all the way to just below the knee, where her skirt began a few inches higher up. She wore a black shirt with no sleeves, and a pair of black fingerless gloves. Her hair was a bright blonde hue, and was left to hang freely due to it being short for a girl. Seikatsu looked at her face and noticed that she seemed to be between 14 and 16.

    Lineage : Aspect of Jupiter
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    Act I: Genesis Empty Re: Act I: Genesis

    Post by Arata 9th August 2015, 7:06 pm

    Riko was simply walking around the Ancient Ruins, disgusted at how horrid and disgusting they looked, when he saw a massive Wyvern swoop down, leaving behind a man behind, and the man seemed to be talking. Riko was rather curious, perhaps he could kill this man, that would be rather nice, as it had been quite a while since he had killed someone... Riko removed his ragged cloak hood and unwrapped his black bandages, revealing his jet-black hair and deep crimson eyes. It also revealed small horns, both of them a light gray color, as well as his fang-like canines, which were so long that they protruded from the inside of his mouth, with the tips of them resting on his lips. Riko then started chuckling out of the blue, for no reason whatsoever. He then walked up to the entrance of the ruins. He then saw a girl, who could not be much older than him, perhaps fifteen years old, and felt an urge to kill her. However, something told him that he could not kill this girl, he did not know what, he just knew that he couldn't kill her. The girl wore a black shirt with no sleeves, as well as black, fingerless gloves. Her hair seemed to be blonde in color, and it hung freely, as it was not all that long. Riko then approached the man he had heard and growled, "Who are y-" While in the middle of this sentence, Riko entered one of his rare moments of clarity. "Hi! I'm Riko!" He said brightly, "Who might you be?"


    Act I: Genesis Arata_by_ravenart5-d9mu30e
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    Act I: Genesis Empty Re: Act I: Genesis

    Post by Shipping Goddess 10th August 2015, 3:22 am

    Ivy ran around, playing in the ancient ruins. She had recieved a letter from her maid Nunzia while at home a few days prior to the present, and Nunzia said she found it in town. It was a request to assist someone by the name of Lexa, and this Lexa person would give Ivy something in return. This peaked Ivy's interest, because if all she had to do was assist someone and then she'd get something for free Ivy was all game to that, so she decided to go.

    Now it was three days later, and Ivy ran around playing with her fairy. Neither Ivy nor nana knew where this Lexa was, until they both saw a massive Wyvern fly threw the sky, and as they chased after it they both soon heard voices. Nana landed upon Ivy's head and sat there as Ivy ran up to the two. "Hi there! Which one of you is Lexa?" Ivy smiled brightly but felt a tug on her hair, from the little brown-haired fairy that rested on it. The fairy jerked the hair to the man that spoke the most recently, and Ivy wondered what for and looked at him.

    The child mage then saw it. It was on one of the people's neck, the tattoo of basilisk fang. This member was of basilisk fang, and the newly appointed Fang of Basilisk Fang didn't recognize this member at all. Was he a new member that Ivy wasn't around to speak to? It didn't matter, for now Ivy focused on the one that she needed to find out was Lexa.


    Act I: Genesis M7mHyEw
    Act I: Genesis CKWpl03
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Act I: Genesis Empty Re: Act I: Genesis

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 10th August 2015, 12:36 pm

    ~~Lexa Grimoire~~
    Lexa saw two more people arrive, noticing both were considerably younger than her, while the other was a good bit older. Lexa quickly ran over to the boy, who at first tried to look scary, and gave him a big hug "Nii-chan!" she said, having already labeled him a little brother. She then ran to the other, a young girl, and gave her a big hug as well "Imoto-san!" she said, labeling her as a little sister. Lexa then pointed at the large man in the cloak, saying "Big brother!" with a child like tone, and big grin. She skipped to the middle of the three and did a quick twirl, grabbing the ends of her skirt and curtsying as she said "I am Alexandria Lexicus Grimoire. Lexa for short." with a calm, well mannered voice. "I'll stay behind big-brother and attack when needed..." she said with a bit of embarrassment in her voice at the fact that a mercenary was hiring mercenaries.

    Seikatsu felt rather uncomfortable with being labeled as family to anyone, but the person looked so young he couldn't smash her spirit by being mean. "Look lady Grimoire, I must apologize for being rude, but I wish to be addressed by the only name that is befitting of one such as myself. I am Seikatsu, the traitor of Life. I hail from the Tribe of Souls." Seikatsu said, hoping he hadn't offended the young girl. "I don't mind if you stay behind me, just do not hinder my combat ability." he added in a calm voice. Seikatsu looked at the other, a young male, and from the looks of his soul not fully human. Seikatsu didn't want to have a battle of power just yet, he had no one suspecting him of what he truly was, and he wished to keep it like that. The other, a female, younger than the male, seemed to have a small brown sprite with her. 'Interesting...' Seikatsu thought, his dull dark purple eyes focusing on the tiny thing. Out of the blue, Seikatsu's pet wyvern landed on his arm in its smaller form. The one foot, seven inch long black critter made several clicking sounds, and a growl in the younger boy's direction. "Be nice dear." Seikatsu said while rubbing Lisa's head. Seikatsu addressed the others, "As I've said, I am Seikatsu of the Tribe of Souls. This is my friend Lisa, I raised her from an egg. We look forward to fighting along side you." Seikatsu said while rubbing the small wyvern's head. Lisa let of a few high-pitched clicking sounds before crawling into Seikatsu's cloak to take her normal hiding spot, laying in wait for her master to have use for her. Seikatsu could only imagine the other two had came to aid the little blonde girl, if so, Seikatsu wanted to help.

    Lineage : Aspect of Jupiter
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    Act I: Genesis Empty Re: Act I: Genesis

    Post by Arata 10th August 2015, 12:59 pm

    Riko was hugged by the girl, and she immediately labeled him as her 'Little Brother'. Normally, Riko would have killed the girl, however, he was still experiencing an abundantly rare moment of clarity. "Shall we get going?" Riko said, his voice still light, and extremely cheery. He then smiled and walked into the tunnel system, rubbing his light gray horns. The tunnel was dark and didn't seem to be very straight at all, it waved around, as if they were following the path of a giant worm. However, Riko noticed quite a few stalagmites, which meant that they could not be following the path of the giant worm. As he walked, he said, "So, I'm Riko! Who might you all be?" He said, his grin invisible in the darkness of the tunnel. After a few minutes of walking, Riko noticed that the tunnel branched into five separate tunnels. One of the tunnels went downwards, but at an angle at which it was possible to walk, and there were two going to the right, and another two went to the left. Riko frowned, and looked at the blond girl, the one named Lexa. "Which direction do we go in, Lexa?" Riko asked, frustrated that he didn't know what to do. Riko didn't even know where they were going... He had just followed the man and girl because he had been curious. He hoped he hadn't gotten himself into anything that he wouldn't be able to handle... After all, at the moment, he wasn't even able to perform his magic...


    Act I: Genesis Arata_by_ravenart5-d9mu30e
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    Act I: Genesis Empty Re: Act I: Genesis

    Post by Shipping Goddess 10th August 2015, 1:42 pm

    Ivy was assaulted by a hug soon after arriving, and was actually quite happy about it. Now dubbed a little sister Ivy smiled at Lexa. As ivy was embraced the fairy flew off of her head, and began glowing a bright blue light that enveloped her whole body, so that all that could be seen was her wings. She flew down to Ivy's ear, and paused. As she stopped her glow dissipated so she leaned up to Ivy, and whispered something to Ivy that would prove to be inaudable, and pointed to the Wyvern. The fairy earned a silent nod from Ivy, and then Nana returned to the top of Ivy's head and nestled in the pink locks.

    Soon the older but possibly newer Basilisk Fang member began trotting off, so Ivy dashed... Well moreso skipped towards him and the others. The boy asked who everyone was, so Ivy answered happily. "I'm Ivy Kissos, infamous wind mage of Fiore and one of the Fangs of Basilisk Fang!" Soon she got another tug on the hair from the little brown-haired being, and it was much harder than before. "Ow ow! Stop i- okay okay! Geez... And this one up there is Nana!" Ivy giggled and skipped along, finding this protection job easy so far, and the young girl didn't like that. Too boring. If Ivy was gonna be a mercenary to fight for someone, she was damn well going to be in a fight. If this job turns out to be action less and boring Ivy hould have never participated... But at least shell get free stuff without much work attached.


    Act I: Genesis M7mHyEw
    Act I: Genesis CKWpl03
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Act I: Genesis Empty Re: Act I: Genesis

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 10th August 2015, 2:14 pm

    ~~Lexa Grimoire~~
    Lexa and her party came across a five way split. The first tunnel went down at an angle, but was still able to be traversed, the next one was across a small chasm with three more along the tunnels. "I'll be back for you big bro." she said in a kind voice while smiling. Lexa placed one hand on each of the two younger members of the group and allowed herself to teleport with the two to the tunnel across the small chasm. Lexa was about to go back for the cloaked man, but she slipped on the edge and fell down, only stopping her fall by grabbing the edge with both hands.

    CD: Teleport - 3 Posts

    Seikatsu watched as the two children were taken across first, and saw Lexa slip into the chasm. He dawned a pair of black feathery wings and flew across the small gap. Upon arriving to the other side, he'd noticed sounds coming from down the hall, and addressed the two children. "Help her." Seikatsu requested in a calm voice as he walked past. He stopped moving when he saw something in front him, something with glowing marks on it. 'Must be the reason she didn't just clear it herself...' Seikatsu thought to himself. Seikatsu placed his hand in the air as a king ordering his men to attack while saying "I hereby order the souls of my fallen brother to strike the evils of this world in my name!" with a firm, commanding voice. The ground shook for a quick moment, which seems to have alerted the enemies downs the tunnel to his presence. He then placed his hand on the floor, first being engulfed by a small bit of black energy, the corruption of the light around his hand, and then he began expanding the black bubble that engulfed the entire area. Seikatsu stepped away, making room for the groups attackers to take the bait. The only visible things were his crimson glowing eyes, and their bright yellow glowing bodies. Seikatsu flashed a large grim as the darkness consumed the world around him, knowing that no enemy will remain when his attacks finished. "Come to me, my toys... come and be consumed." Seikatsu said in a soft, deep voice.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 72% (-30% for 2x B Rank Spells, +2% MP Regen)

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    Act I: Genesis Empty Re: Act I: Genesis

    Post by NPC 10th August 2015, 2:14 pm

    The member 'Seikatsu' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Act I: Genesis WeakMonster Act I: Genesis NormalMonster Act I: Genesis StrongMonster

    Lineage : Aspect of Jupiter
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    Act I: Genesis Empty Re: Act I: Genesis

    Post by Arata 10th August 2015, 8:20 pm

    Apparently, the young girl was a member of Basilisk Fang as well, but he would deal with that later, because as soon as she said this, Lexa grabbed her and Riko and teleported to the other side, slipping to the chasm, barely holding on in the process. Riko pulled the girl up from the chasm, grunting at the physical stress that it caused him. He then heard something approaching, and looked back at the tunnel, only the be confronted with a strange spider, a strange dog, and a strange man. They all seemed to be covered in a strange kind of circuitry, and Riko frowned, there was nothing he could do to defend himself. "Anyone got something I can use to fight?" Riko asked, losing some of his cheerfulness, "My hands are somewhat tied when it comes to magic, at the moment." As he waited for a response, Riko grabbed some more black bandages and wrapped them around his face, he then proceeded to lift the hood of his cloak up. Riko stayed as far back as he could without being in danger of falling and stared at his enemies more closely. The man appeared to be wearing ripped white cargo shorts, no shoes, and no shirt whatsoever. He wore a pair of rimless square glasses and had strange circuitry all over his body, and wore a white tattered lab coat in an attempt to hide this. Riko frowned, he wasn't sure how, but somehow he knew that these people would be tough to beat, especially since he most likely wouldn't be able to fight, and most of his allies were, well, less than threatening. The spider and dog looked similar, but they were animals, and, therefore, wore no clothes.


    Act I: Genesis Arata_by_ravenart5-d9mu30e
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Demon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Act I: Genesis Empty Re: Act I: Genesis

    Post by Shipping Goddess 11th August 2015, 5:22 pm

    Ivy was shocked when Lexa up and teleported her, but didn't really mind in the long run. When Lexa fell Ivy quickly grabbed her arm, and helped Riko lift her up. It didn't strain Ivy as much, despite being a child Ivy still had quite some strength. "Well that happened! Wait who're they!?" Ivy felt the surge of power come from Seikatsu, and decided that it was best that she not intervene with the battle at hand. She drew her sword just in case, but ultimately knew that none of these things would survive what was to come. However Ivy didn't know exactly what was to come. This in term just led Ivy to stay by Lexa and Riko, deciding out of just sheer judgment and instinct that both Ivy herself and this Seikatsu person are the two strongest, and that led Ivy to let out a disgusted growl. She stayed cheery though, because there was no need for such pissy activity on the battlefield.

    "There is no need for you to fight. I think that one has it okay! He will kill them all, so don't worry. So now let's stay and watch the stuff happen, and if someone comes I'll just kill them. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!" Ivy giggled, having never taken anything seriously when it came to battling or fighting. It was all a game, a game that Ivy knew she couldn't lose. Why would there be any need to worry if you already know you're gonna win? This led to be both Ivy's strength and weakness on the battlefield. It was a strength because she was confident, but it was a weakness because she might be too confident.


    Act I: Genesis M7mHyEw
    Act I: Genesis CKWpl03
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Second Skill: Ice
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    Act I: Genesis Empty Re: Act I: Genesis

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 11th August 2015, 11:59 pm

    The area grew a faint blue hue, resonating with the power built up inside Seikatsu's soul. The true Guardian of the Damned had awakened within the large man in the tattered tan cloak as the glow became an all consuming light. This blast of light erupted violently from the darkness, giving off the silhouette of the enemies within, and showed as their bodies were torn asunder by the wrath of Seikatsu's soul army. The light was again consumed by darkness, and as the darkness returned to Seikatsu, it revealed the dead bodies of two out of three of his opponents. Seikatsu gently pulled his sword out, the Thorn of Betrayal, a three foot long, pure black straight katana with a single white stripe at the back, and six crimson glowing jewels, three on each side. The hilt of his blade held a very jagged, slightly blue dagger with red, bloodstained ribbon attached to the grip. He approached the circuit covered scientist slowly, his every step making a distinct grinding sound as the rock below his bare feet were crushed by the energy he was emitting. Seikatsu grabbed the man by the scruff of his clothes and slammed him against the wall, looking at him with crimson eyes. "This mortal appears to be no more human than the shredded clothes he is adorned with." Seikatsu said with a deep, unamused voice. He placed the blade of his sword against the scientists throat, and slid it. The blood flew and splattered onto the wall and Seikatsu released the corpse, letting another body hit the floor.

    Looking around, Seikatsu saw the dog and spider on the floor. The spider upside down with its legs curled inwards as the dark energy finished consuming its life force, and the dog lay on its side with the same aura. "Such a waste of life... may your souls find peace in the netherworld." Seikatsu said before stepping over them.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 74% (+2% MP Regen)

    Strike of The Fallen Prince - 5 Posts
    Corruption of The Light - 5 Posts

    ~~Lexa Grimoire~~
    Lexa felt her allies grab her wrists, and a firm pull as she was lifted from the crevice with somewhat red cheeks from having been so clumsy. "I'm so sorry, I seem to have misjudged the distance of that. Thanks so much for helping me you two!" Lexa said in a cheery voice. She looked at the cloaked wizard with a somewhat sour expression, "You could have taken a moment to get me out you know." she said with an irritated voice knowing her big brother, who was bigger than the children, would have been physically strong enough to lift her out with one hand. She moved to the hall to see what happened, and saw that there were enemies already dead on the floor, and one had left splatters on the wall. "Since you seem more focused on the fighting, I'll... just stick with Imoto-san..." Lexa said hesitantly, not wanting to stay near the cloaked man for fear she'd be the next body on the floor.

    Moving down the tunnel, the small group consisting of the cloaked giant and the young children had come across a spot where the rocks turned to metal. "Looks like were here!" Lexa said happily. The door was already left open, which explained the three enemies they found, and it looked like the lab had been trashed a bit. "Let's not stay longer than needed..." Lexa said and motioned for the giant to go and do his killing thing.

    Teleport - 2 Posts
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    Act I: Genesis Empty Re: Act I: Genesis

    Post by Shipping Goddess 17th August 2015, 5:33 pm

    (Skip I guess...)
    Ivy hugged Lexa and stuck her tongue out at the cloaked man. "Heh, I guess this big sister thinks I'm better than you!" Ivy gloated at the man, eyes happy with glee. The young girl skipped alongside Lexa as the three came across a metal ground, as opposed to the rocks the group saw before.

    "Woah this place is cool!" She said while looking around, the place being darker than normally accessible to see. "By the way, there are enemies over there." She said while pointing behind her (she's now facing a different direction). There was a multitude of enemies approaching, although the lot had no magical power radiating off of them that could be really sensed, and they just kinda approached. Of course for any normal person these enemies might've ambushed the team, but Ivy wasn't normal. She could see everything, all around her. The wind provided her this secondary sight, and she liked exploiting it as much as she could whenever she got the chance. It was fun.

    Ivy stood with Lexa, feigning fear. "Oh-Oh no! The enemies are coming! I'm so scared!! Help me mystery man... Oh wait!" She giggled, and the small fairy that tugged her hair came up from it, now that she was flying she looked like a ball of blue light with wings (think Navi) but soon changed into a wind spirit, a little white pet thing. "You guys leave Ivy alone!" A giant wind vortex appeared around Ivy, the cloaked man, and Lexa with the pet at the center of it. The wind inside were raging on, extremely violent. However it would bend around Lexa, the cloaked man, Ivy, and the fairy, for she knew who the allies were. All of the others would be slowed down, and constantly stabbed and sliced with wind.


    Act I: Genesis M7mHyEw
    Act I: Genesis CKWpl03

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    Act I: Genesis Empty Re: Act I: Genesis

    Post by NPC 17th August 2015, 5:33 pm

    The member 'Kissos' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Act I: Genesis WeakMonster Act I: Genesis WeakMonster Act I: Genesis WeakMonster Act I: Genesis NormalMonster

    Lineage : Aspect of Jupiter
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    Posts : 104
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    First Skill: Shackles of the Damned
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    Act I: Genesis Empty Re: Act I: Genesis

    Post by Arata 17th August 2015, 7:56 pm

    Riko still stood back, as none of his allies seemed to care enough to supply him with so much as a sword, and then, he had an idea, arguably a stupid idea, but still an idea. Riko proceeded to hop off of the cliff, "Buh-bye, friends!" Riko said gleefully, making his allies think that he was falling to his death. He then grasped onto a stray stone, which he had seen earlier, and hung there, trying to get away from the battle. Riko yawned, "Can someone go ahead and warn me when the fighting is over?" He said, yawning once again. He started his arm waving around on the stone, creating a waving rhythm for himself. He then proceeded to hum happily grinning, after all, his psychotic personality had been suppressed, and he was just a gleeful thirteen-year-old, happily hanging from a rock. Well, maybe the wasn't normal, but it was still the way that Riko was acting at the moment. He continued, at this point, he was probably getting on the nerves of his allies, but he didn't really care, he would just keep giggling until his allies and enemies were done battling. A sense of euphoria was still enveloping Riko, and it showed no sign of wearing off, it would probably last at least another hour or two. Riko still giggled euphorically, and there was absolutely nothing that anyone could do about it, except maybe if his allies defeated the enemies, then he might start to take things a teeny bit more seriously.


    Act I: Genesis Arata_by_ravenart5-d9mu30e
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Act I: Genesis Empty Re: Act I: Genesis

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 27th August 2015, 2:05 pm

    Seikatsu looked at the few weaklings that came before him, his body still recovering from the spells he'd used not too long ago. 'This could be problematic...' Seikatsu thought to himself before letting out a small chuckle. "That would do..." he said in a soft, deep, sadistic voice. He heard as his... ally... had dipped out of the fighting due to being useless, so he had no worries for his safety. He walked next to the youngest girl, who was standing in front of Lexa and held a blue orb in his hand while the four enemies charged. The blue orb expanded, engulfing the three fighters in a blue sphere. The four enemies hit it all at the same time, causing it to break and explode in a type of... mist or fog, the kind you see before a ghost comes out and kill you. Seikatsu's eyes turned bright blue with black energy slowly, ominously moving around in them as he activated his soul sight, allowing him to see through the thick fog. He walked to where he saw Riko was hiding, and noticed the boy's soul looked similar to his own. "You and I are not so different half-breed." Seikatsu said in a calm voice. "I too and half. With that, you have permission to use my blade." he added on, reaching into his cloak. Seikatsu pulled out a sword and stuck it in the ground next to him, at the top of the ledge. "This is the Heart of War. You may choose to create a strong barrier to protect yourself and others, or summon my... contractor to aid us. If you summon her before using the barrier, the sword will shatter and you won't be able to use the barrier. Use the abilities sparingly, as this blade is a blade of choice." Seikatsu said in a cold tone before turning around, leaving the blade stuck in the ground at the top of the ledge.

    MP:63% (-15% for 1D+1C rank spell, +2% MP Regen)

    ~~~Lexa Grimoire~~~
    Lexa saw as the world turned blue, and then became a very dense fog. Unable to see the world around her, she decided to sit on her knees and let her mercenaries take care of the legwork. Should any of them require aid, she would be glad to step in. "Imoto-San, please don't get too hurt please, if you were to brek something I'd never forgive myself." Lexa said in a sweet, caring voice.

    Last edited by Seikatsu on 16th September 2015, 1:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

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    Act I: Genesis Empty Re: Act I: Genesis

    Post by Shipping Goddess 15th September 2015, 2:46 pm

    (Skip again i guess...)
    Ivy smiled at Lexa, happily accepting her concern. "Don't worry big sister, nothing can hurt me!" The young mage, seeing behind her that the three spiders were still alive, and the dog had perished due to the damage. The windstorm still raged, and the spiders continued to get sliced up, and one lunged for Ivy, but the young mage stabbed it in the face, sparks flying from it as the spider's body fell from the blade that was held by Ivy, the blade known as Aether. "Mister boring man! I got the rest of them!" She yelled out to Seikatsu, and then went back to the two spiders, those that remained. Whipping the sword, it changed forms, into a 9 meter long whip of blades. and sliced the spider in half, and cut each leg off the other spider. They all were defeated way too easily, and it bored Ivy entirely. Walking back over to Lexa, the girl looked at Lexa for instruction. "Nothing can hurt me, not now not ever! So what do we do next? Where do we go?" Ivy asked with big eyes closed and a wide smile on her face, for she had not needed to even face the right way to observe the scenery, plus it had been quite dark at the time, so she couldn't see much regularly. Ivy focused on her secondary sight, and used her real eyes to focus on the people right in front of her, those that were easy to see.


    Act I: Genesis M7mHyEw
    Act I: Genesis CKWpl03

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