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    Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 10th July 2015, 8:38 pm

    Job Details.:

    She had been tasked to head over to a village by the Rune Knights as a test to see if she could hold her own and as such a solo mission was prepared though she only got the gist of it, as she was sleeping through the meeting and had to get the briefing on the way. "So do you understand the job Keira?" the man giving her the briefing looked like a tall gruff man who had dealt with many people before but she seemed to annoy him greatly, "O-Oh! Ah yes!" and while it looked like she was ignoring him and being rude all she was truly thinking in her head however was, "Oh god a man, Oh god a man. . ." she could not even look at him but being alone with him in the carriage taking her to Beanstalk Village meant she had to deal with it.

    After an hour of pure awkward silence between them she finally reached the Village and got out smiled and patting the horses mane that brought her there with a smile as the soldier got out and shook his head with the only thought being, "She is gonna come back all beat up and I know it." With that he gave her one last briefing on the details of the mission and went back on his way to headquarters. "Oh. . .I feel like I am forgetting something. . . Oh well!" What she did not realize she had forgotten was to look out for any signs of dark magic in the area which was suspected and this meant she was going in blind.


    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 10th July 2015, 8:51 pm

    She had no time to waste as she walked quickly up to the tent of the village leader gaining many a stare from men which she tried to ignore for the sake of her sanity. "Hello?" She was nervous to enter on her own but upon being greeted by a small elderly woman she calmed a bit, "Ah you must be the Rune Knight they sent to help us yes?" The small petite woman looked no taller than four feet tall but that could be hard to tell due to her leaning on a cane for support and had white hair tied in a hive on her head holding her cold judging eyes on the her. "Yep that is me! I was sent to help you with the crop problem!" she held a smile on her face to provide confidence and the older lady simply eyed her down and shook her head at the attire, "Then . . . Follow me." She was quickly taken to the crop fields by the elderly woman.

    "Ah thanks!" She smiled and the woman shakes her head walking back to the village scoffing under her breath, "Maybe when she fails they will send a more professional Knight. . ." She could hear the elders comment and felt a bit hurt as she looked down at herself and sighed with a look of defeat on her face but quickly turned her attention to the field when she heard rustling that was moving quickly towards her, "What was. . . " She stared at the area as her eyes grew deadly focused and she got into a crouched posture like an animal on alert and waited for whatever would pop out toward her.



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    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by NPC 10th July 2015, 8:51 pm

    The member 'KeiraLazuli' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job) NormalMonster
    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 10th July 2015, 9:05 pm

    Within moments she heard the whizz of something heading her way but could smell it before then as she dodged out of the way narrowly avoiding a bullet like piece of corn. "W-What. . . Corn?" She could not believe what she had seen until around four cursed plants came sulking out of the field, "One. .  Four. . ." She counted the enemies and looked at them like enemies and before she could react got smacked clean in the back by a piece of corn, "GAH! AGGGGGH!" She could feel the pain spread through he as it seemed the corn hit the spine itself, "Hah . .  Five." She could not let this happen again but before she knew it her heart began to pump and her eyes were growing red and she began to lose her ability to speak, "NO NO NO NO. . . NOT. . . Now!" Her mind was shutting down as her rage only grew her glasses falling off her face.

    The demons were laughing at the time thinking she was in true pain but before they even had time to react she had lunged at the first enemy in her sight which was between the one to the far right and the middle left demon. Within seconds she unleashed a one-two combo of a punch and kick launching the now corpse of the demon into the fields she could not hold on and let out a bellow before quickly kicking a corn demon away from her and sending another flurry of punches at the right most demon killing it as the juices from the corn covered her hands as the other two who had not been hit away or killed look on at her in surprise.


    HP: 80%
    MP: 100%

    Last edited by KeiraLazuli on 10th July 2015, 9:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 10th July 2015, 9:13 pm

    The blood was rushing to her head damage meant nothing she had prey to kill and within seconds she lunged at the one on the ground and head butted it killing it where it lay. The laugh she let out at the kill only caused the other two to try and run as they need distance to snipe her down but she would have none of it. Once she had the smell of the demons in her nose she quickly ran to the corn demons with massive speed and began to violently beat and rip apart one of them while the other stood back and began to prepare its corn cannon. As soon as it fired at her she recognized the sound and smell of it moving slightly to the side as it missed and looked at the last remaining demon her eyes filled with pure animalistic rage as she lunged towards and began to tear at and EAT the demon where it was standing as it screamed in agony.

    When she woke up from the rage it was after devouring the demon almost completely and she quickly yelped in surprise. "N-No! DAMN IT!" She hated going into her berserk state it felt so invasive but every time it came on she could never stop it and she felt so powerless afterwards. But before she had the chance to try and compute what the damage was to anything the rustling started again and this time she was prepared as she looked towards the source of the sound while listening for ANY movement behind her.

    HP: 80%
    MP: 100%
    End of Berserk.

    Last edited by KeiraLazuli on 10th July 2015, 9:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 10th July 2015, 9:14 pm

    This time she was ready as five demons that looked of broccoli came from the front but behind her three were dashing at her with their heads raised, and to either side were the other two ready to smash her if she dodged in those directions. "Dang. . ." She knew what to do as the other three behind her were about to smash their heads down she dodged forwards a tad and jumped back on top of the demons. While on top she kicked the two on the sides of the middle demon away from her and stomped the on she stood on into the ground decapitating it. "My turn you disgusting creatures." She calmed herself as a blue glow came from the tattoo on her lower back and she looked at the demons her eyes glowing red as a massive blue aura covered her body. Within moments the looks of a giant wolf appeared in the aura and bite down on her as she let out a loud howl of a wolf and the armor poured from her tattoo covering her in the Wolf Gods Armor. Within seconds her hands now had blades mounted on them and she had a metal tail along with a nice speed boost. "You are my prey now. . .LETS DANCE!" She was ready to hunt her prey and they were equally ready to kill her.

    Within moments the two side ones went in for a ram with their shoulders while the five in front did the same; however, she would quickly dodge to the side of the left most side demon and begin to let loose a flurry of slashes and punches at it cutting it to pieces. "Cmon now! You have to do better than that!" And with a deathly yell that made her cover her ears she got what she taunted for, more trouble.

    HP: 80%
    MP: 90%

    Duration (Wolf Gods Armor): 3 Posts.

    Last edited by KeiraLazuli on 10th July 2015, 9:41 pm; edited 2 times in total



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    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by NPC 10th July 2015, 9:14 pm

    The member 'KeiraLazuli' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job) StrongMonster
    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 10th July 2015, 9:26 pm

    Within moments her taunting cause many problems as ten tomato like demons came sprawling from the fields and all looked at the stronger ones "You called boss!" The one broccoli demon pointed at her and growled, "Oh? Okay boss!" The demons all looked at her and laughed, "Get the bitch! she aint shit compared to us!" the tomato demons pissed her off was all she could think, "You die first." She pointed at the tomato ones and got straight to work. Within moments she maneuvered around all the broccoli demons and cut into around three with one arcing claw swipe. With three dead she turned to a broccoli demon that was trying to ram into her and countered with a parry by throwing a punch with her claws extended. "MY TURN!" She cut into the demon her arm taking a bit of damage but not enough to worry her.

    After she had finished cutting apart the broccoli demon she had another problem, "Huh?" The tomato demons had surrounded her and were all preparing an attack, "How to. . ." She had barely anytime to think as they all gushed out. . .Ketchup? Tomato Juice? She had no time to think as she ducked it and used her right arm to swipe at four around her and her tail rip at the enemies behind her with a massive arc cutting up the last of the tomato demons. "PHEW!" But before she had the time to think a massive force hit her as a broccoli demon bum rushed her with a ram and knocked the wind out of her.

    HP: 50%
    MP: 90%

    Duration (Wolf Gods Armor): 2 Posts.

    Last edited by KeiraLazuli on 10th July 2015, 10:08 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by NPC 10th July 2015, 9:26 pm

    The member 'KeiraLazuli' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job) WeakMonster
    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 11th July 2015, 4:37 pm

    With seven demons left currently in her area and the mind going blank she had to do something before she went berserk AGAIN, "N-Need to. . . CALM. . . DOWAAAAAAGHHHHHHH!" She began to hold her head as the demons surrounded her a blue aura covering her and the wolf top of the helmet coming down covering her eyes as the berserk form began to take over. The demons had not seen this before and simply raised their heads to smash it down on her not aware that in this state she would be just as dangerous, "RAAAAAAGHHHHHHHH!" She let out a monstrous scream and lunged at the first demon in front of her sticking her claws straight into its body and began to violently rip it apart with hit after hit while the other demons look on in fear and awe them whispering growls at each other. Within moments she looked over to the demons behind her and the next target was spotted, "AAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHH" With another feral scream she lunged again but this time on all fours towards the demon to the opposite side of the one she just butchered and the others did not wait to see what happened this time as the went to ram into her.

    However unlike when she was blindsided before she flipped over the ramming demons and lunged at one the had missed right in front of her coming from behind ripping open it's back with another series of vicious claws and punches. The demons were confused as to how they were loosing to just one girl when the armor began to tick as the helmet began to rise again. they growled and conversed with the biggest of the five remaining let out another howl hoping to gain another opening to hit her again with a distraction.

    HP: 50%
    MP: 90%

    Duration (Wolf Gods Armor): 1 Post.

    Last edited by KeiraLazuli on 11th July 2015, 4:39 pm; edited 3 times in total



    Posts : 23944
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    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by NPC 11th July 2015, 4:37 pm

    The member 'KeiraLazuli' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job) WeakMonster
    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 11th July 2015, 5:03 pm

    Her blood boil was coming to an end but this time it seemed like a a bit of deja vu as soon enough ten more tomato demons came out from the fields all laughing and grinning sending their taunts at her, "Heh. . . Heh. . . .I need a plan. . ." And she was right if she kept this up they would eventually kill her and she could not let that happen, "Okay. . . This is the longest I can keep up my armor of the wolf. . . I need to do some damage but stay safe. . ." It was then that she had an idea, "If I cannot fight them in the open with the wolf. . . Then. . ." Within seconds she had dashed up to one of the tomato demons and decapitated it, "Follow me you freaks of nature!" Within moments she had entered the thorny fields and was lying in wait far in the middle of it after a mad dash and she could hear the tomato demons speaking, "The bosses said they would wait outside the field in case of her trying to escape out there so we gotta find her! Split up and scream if you find her!" Now was her time to shine she had to sneak around them all and decapitate them to prevent her from being found. Soon enough she was ready to release the armor since for now she needed the quiet of her own body and the armor dissipated in a light amount of time as she sat and waited to hear the demons split up.

    HP: 50%
    MP: 90%

    Cooldown (Wolf Gods Armor): 4 Posts.


    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 11th July 2015, 5:12 pm

    After a moment of waiting she could smell the demons at different points but she had to check something to make sure what she heard was not a lie. After a minute of sneaking and careful moves she got in range to smell the broccoli demons waiting outside the fields entrance to catch an escaping Keira. With a confirmation that she needed to put her plan into action she made headway to the outer most tomato demon. Within moments of getting near it she had to be careful and with it pacing in the open thornless line she had to be weary of every movement this demon made as one mess up could put her in a tight spot.

    As she noted this demons pattern she got to work and quickly dashed behind it and used her monstrous strength to decapitate it and pulled the body into the thorns whispering to herself, "One down eight to go." With another quick move she came to the next demon and repeated the stalking procedure and the same way of decapitating it. She then ran into trouble on the third one for as soon as she thought she had it's pattern and decapitated it she did not account for a fourth one to appear and try and contact allies barely getting out a sound before she killed it but just enough to get the attention of the next two closest demons, "Shit. . ." She thought to herself and dashed behind some of the thorns and hid herself from view as the other two called the last three and they conversed noting it would be better if they stuck together to find her.

    HP: 50%
    MP: 90%

    Cooldown (Wolf Gods Armor): 3 Posts.


    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 11th July 2015, 5:37 pm

    This was a very annoying advancement as now she had to deal with five of them and not alert the broccoli demons outside the field. She was thinking in her head on how to deal with this as best possible, "I could fight them outright that makes it easy but then they will bring in the broccoli demons. . . I just want to rip into the bastards but I have no choice but to fight this carefully. . . Maybe if I create a distraction. . .No. . . Wait. . . If I use that armor. . ." She had a great idea and this time It would mean that she would have an advantage to work off of. She stood up from the thorns as soon as she could no longer smell the tomato demons and began to calm herself, "Okay. . . Lets do this!" Within moments her tattoos on her shoulders began to glow red as a massive red aura grew around her until a metal falcon like being appeared in the aura and bit down on her as she let loose a loud screech and metal wings appeared from her shoulders along with the armor itself pouring from the tattoos covering all but her now once again red eyes. "Okay. . . Time to end these fools!" as she said that she could hear the tomato demons running towards the screech and she took to the skies.

    While in the air the demons all pointed at her and let loose a yell to alert the Broccoli demons. All she could do was laugh when they did that, "Thanks for bringing them here! Saves me the flight!" Within moments of saying that she did a fast nose dive and like a falcon extended her right hand and used the claws to rip all five of the tomato demons in half by using the momentum of the dive and then quickly rose into the skies again, "Okay you Broccoli bastards. . . Lets see how you deal with me now."

    HP: 50%
    MP: 80%

    Cooldown (Wolf Gods Armor): 2 posts.

    Duration (Falcon Gods Armor): 3 Posts.


    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 11th July 2015, 6:01 pm

    After she had dealt with the tomato demons the last of her current problems came running into the field looking for her and never thought to look up it seems, "Heh~ Good they don't see me!" Within moments of saying that she lunged down in another dive bomb and grabbed one of the demons in the back with her talons on her feet digging them into its back and the using her right hand to claw it apart and throw it's remains back into the field itself, "You will make good fertilizer." After the pieces hit the ground the demons began to group to try and split when they realized one of their own was missing, "Do they even realize?" She laughed and lunged down again landing on the front most demon while the other three looked at her in fear as she stomped on the demon she stood on with the talons, "I am going to butcher each and every one of you. . . So run while you can, fight while you can cause I am going to kill you all." And true to her word she got to work quickly. Before they even had time to react she grabbed on of the demons and carried it into the sky with her as she used her other hand to rip open the demons stomach and then decapitate it.

    "Run while you can cause there are two to go!" She laughed and lunged at another of the demons landing on it while the final one charged up its head slam, "Oh no you don't!" She had learned the hard way the pain of that and used her right foot to swipe at the charging demon and knocked it back while she finished off the one she stood on, "Any last words demon?" It nodded and let out an ear piercing screech and in return she cut it's throat twice and decapitated it. "What was that?" She was confused why it did that but soon she got her answer

    HP: 50%
    MP: 80%

    Cooldown (Wolf Gods Armor): 1 Post.

    Duration (Falcon Gods Armor): 2 Posts.



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    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by NPC 11th July 2015, 6:01 pm

    The member 'KeiraLazuli' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job) WeakMonster
    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 11th July 2015, 6:44 pm

    She was standing on the ground and expecting to see tons of enemies of great strength to fight but instead around ten tomato demons came from the fields around her, "That is it?" She began to laugh and took to the skies quickly rising into the air as she looked at the spread around demons and planned out where to herd them. Within moments she launched metal feathers down on the demons hoping to herd them into where she needs them as the demons ran in a panic to different portions of the field, "Oh come on!" She lunged down after firing all the remaining feathers into a straggler pinning it into the ground, "Well I guess I gotta hunt you all down. . ." She sighed and dove at the demon using her talons on her feet land heavily on the tomato of a head squashing it as she took a bow of style, "Now then. . . I need this armor still. . ." She looked down at the demon and picked at it's tomato juice from the now crushed head and got an idea.

    She held out her hand as she began to siphon the juice into her armor and mix her magic with it, "Okay! ELEMENT CROSS SYSTEM ENGAGE!" Within seconds a large blue aura consumed her armor and she screeched into the air as a warning to the demons as it began to change shape and become something different while losing the bonus strength from the original armor gained some new abilities and a new look. "Okay! Lets hunt some demons."

    HP: 50%
    MP: 70%

    Cooldown (Falcon Gods Armor): 4 Posts.

    Duration (Falcon Cross: Water): 3 Posts.


    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 11th July 2015, 8:00 pm

    Soon she was in the skies looking for the demons that had scattered into the fields, "Where did you run?" Once she had been flying around the area she caught a few hiding waiting to spring a trap for her, "What the. . . Are they stupid?" She laughed and dove at the using the talons on her feet to rip open their heads and rise back into the skies. "Okay! Next. . . Is. . ." She quickly dove back into the fields and looked around her wings still up since they cannot go back down, "Where did they run off too?" Before she could ask again though a shot of ketchup came right into her back knocking her forwards into the thorns, "GAH!"

    "Oh you thought you had us but we were leading yah on!" The last demons laughed at her while she was face first in the thorny crops, "Gah you got me good!" she laughed and got up looking at the demons as she lunged at them and began to rip at the demons which had gathered including the rest of them. Soon she was covered in the juices of all the ripped, slashed and bashed heads of the demons. Once that was over and finished with she sighed and walked through the fields towards the exit when she heard a single rustling and watched as a middle aged man in long dark robes walked out of the field and looked her right in the eyes, "You have messed with my curse on this village. . . You will die."

    HP: 40%
    MP: 80%

    Cooldown (Falcon Gods Armor): 3 Posts.

    Duration (Falcon Cross: Water): 2 Posts.

    (Authors Note: Got Admin permission to just have the boss appear for any questions consult Kihia.)


    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 11th July 2015, 8:04 pm

    Before she even had a chance to react the Dark Mage attempted to launch a curse her way but to her luck she was able to avoid the problems it would cause, "My name is Keira Lazuli! I am a recruit of the Rune Knights and I am here to put you under arrest! Please come peacefully and I will not have to harm you." She sounded as stoic as she possibly could but in the face of her the man simply laughed, "You would take me in without a fight? Oh please I PLAN TO KILL YOU!" He laughed at her and raised his hand glowed dark and within moments lunged at her his hands covered in curse magic. To counter this she used her wings to block the hit but at the cost of them shattering from the force of the hit, "Then I have no choice. . . I am sorry!" Within moments she countered his hit with a blow right to his chest causing him to cough up blood and look at her in surprise, "W-What! How  did a single blow do that. . ." She looked at him as rage built in her, "Once as a child before I found my parents I was sold into the sex trade. . . Since then I became afraid of men due to the abuse and torture I sustained." She looked at him as a massive azure aura surrounded her and water began to collect near her hands, "So to break the fear I will take out people like you that only harm others for the fun of it. . . SO FOR NOW I WILL BEAT YOU TO SUBMISSION!" Within seconds she lunged at the man and hit him with two swipes from claws made of pure water knocking him back right at the edge of the fields.

    HP: 40%
    MP: 80%

    Cooldown (Falcon Gods Armor): 2 Posts.

    Duration (Falcon Cross: Water): 1 Posts.

    Last edited by KeiraLazuli on 11th July 2015, 8:18 pm; edited 2 times in total



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    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by NPC 11th July 2015, 8:04 pm

    The member 'KeiraLazuli' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job) Block
    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 11th July 2015, 8:15 pm

    Once he was knocked back the mage in another attempt to curse her fired another and she once again avoided it, "You keep trying I keep avoiding keep it up!" She lunged at him again and this time swept under at his legs with her talons only managing to hit his left leg severely injuring it. "GAH!" The man screamed as his leg was ripped at badly, "H-How!" She looked at him and grinned, "Because you are just a weak man hiding behind your evil, I am using my strength to help those who need it!" She smiled though the man could not see due to the armor and once again lunged at the man this time grabbing his arm and began to grip it so hard that the bone broke in it making only his right arm usable, "GAAAAAAAAH" His screams were loud and pained, "You are no Rune Knight! You are too cruel!" She looked at him and gave him a glare of pure death, "You think that this is cruel? LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO THESE PEOPLES CROPS! THEIR LIVELIHOOD!" She jumped back away from the man who could barely walk anymore and now only had one usable arm. "By the end of this if you can still stand it would be TOO kind." She looked at him and got into beast like stance ready to try and avoid his spells or at the very least deal with them and in that event deal with him appropriately but was surprised when her armor faded and she was left without the armor.

    HP: 40%
    MP: 80%

    Cooldown (Falcon Gods Armor): 1 Posts.

    Cooldown (Falcon Cross: Water): 4 Posts.

    Last edited by KeiraLazuli on 11th July 2015, 9:43 pm; edited 2 times in total



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    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by NPC 11th July 2015, 8:15 pm

    The member 'KeiraLazuli' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job) Block
    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 11th July 2015, 8:36 pm

    The dark mage attempted to curse her while the armor was down but she avoided it once again but this time dashed right up to him and punched into his stomach knocking him back again, "How! How do you keep avoiding my spells!" The man was enraged his ribs were cracked, arm broken and leg nearly ripped to shreds. She however was not done with him, "You think I am done? Oh no not yet!" she calmed her mind as her tattoo on her lower back glows and that familiar blue aura surrounded her with a spectral wolf appearing in the aura biting down on her as she lets out a monstrous howl and the armor pours from her tattoo. Within seconds she was already barreling down towards the dark mage as she ripped at his robe ripping off one of the metal buttons, "Would you like to see how I am going to deal with you?" She smiled as the metal began to fuse to her armor and within seconds a white aura covered her body and let out a howl capable of instilling fear within the village. Once the aura dissipated the dark mage looked at her and gasped when he saw her new claws, "W-What are you?!" All she could do was laugh and look at the man with blood thirsty eyes, "I am an animal." and within seconds she was dashing at the man her claws raised and flying at him as her narrowly dodges the hit, "I-I have to kill you!" He was desperate at this point and terrified.

    HP: 40%
    MP: 60%

    Cooldown (Wolf Gods Armor): 4 Posts.

    Cooldown (Falcon Cross: Water): 3 Posts.

    Duration (Wolf Cross: Metal): 3 Posts.

    Last edited by KeiraLazuli on 11th July 2015, 9:45 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by NPC 11th July 2015, 8:36 pm

    The member 'KeiraLazuli' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job) Block
    Igsa Yeoja
    Igsa Yeoja

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Lamia Scale.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Zuo Cii (Deceased)
    Experience : 187.5

    Private Re: Wizards Grace TO LEAVE! (Keira Solo Job)

    Post by Igsa Yeoja 11th July 2015, 10:04 pm

    This time the dark mage had no time to curse he was in too much panic as he tried his hardest to run away from the Rune Knight on his tail, "I cannot die here! I will NEVER die here!" It was a rather sad desperation but she knew that to let this mage escape. After a moment to gather his scent she dashed after the barely escaping dark mage and cut down the muscles in both legs making sure than her cannot escape, "PLEEEEEEASE! DON'T KILL ME!" She looked at the dark mage and sighed as she used only her arm to smack the back of his head knocking him unconscious, "That deals with this problem. . . But now to deal with the next one."

    After some waiting for her armor to wear off she finally dragged the dark mage back to the village watching as the crops sprung back to life, every thorn falling to the ground and every last one of the crops slowly rising and turning back to their vibrant green. Once she reached the village many people were gathered seeing her return with her body quite beat up and her bones mostly fractured the only things keeping her going being the natural endurance she had, "I have captured the source of the problem." The villagers all glared at the currently unconscious dark mage and celebrated her victory. Soon a familiar insulting old woman came up to her with a solemn look on her face.


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