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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika}




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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 Empty Re: Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika}

    Post by Fair 18th July 2015, 8:13 am

    Finally, something interesting in sight. Tane studied the seemingly daunting exterior of the building. What an interesting hideout. Or maybe the girl did not consider this as her hiding place like the humans thought. Maybe it was where she resided, a place Lilith called her ‘home’. Tane stood still for a solid minute staring fascinatedly at the establishment. She completely pushed the dancing sword to the back of her mind. Luckily, it was gone now, had disappeared into thin air. She turned to Hika. Her partner probably noticed it too. Of course she did. She already asked her if they should go in. “Yes, let’s,” Tane replied before gesturing the blue haired mage to take the lead. Everything creaked when touched. It was a very old house, probably about a hundred years old, without maintenance or occupants. It was a sad place. Tane heard the faded cheerful laughter that stuck to the old teak. Hika would not hear it however, as it was a Prestigious ability. It must have been home to a happy family.

    Tane wondered if Lilith was the ghost of a child of the family. What if she was doing this because she did not like how she died at an early age? Maybe they were killed? With these thoughts and questions flooding her mind, Tane made her way through the corridor alongside Hika, and into the back of the house. She had a feeling going upstairs was not a good idea. It was a house with high ceilings. Lilith could set up all kinds of traps. Falling from the upper floor could cause serious injuries. That was not what Tane wanted. She liked to stick to solid Earth. Falling into traps here was much better than falling into traps upstairs. They were almost in what seemed like the kitchen. Tane strode right in, walking faster than her previous pace. A small girl with a slightly translucent form stood, head down, with a stuffed teddy bear in her right hand with an equally translucent body. There she was.




    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 Empty Re: Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika}

    Post by Hikachu 22nd July 2015, 2:33 am

    you think i'm

    The blue haired mage almost never noticed the dancing blade since she had set her sights on the building that stood tall before her eyes until the sword suddenly vanished. Relief settles in as she heaved out a long sigh, the vapour lingering around the area of her lips. Nervous, her crimson eyes darted around the place anxiously, looking out for any danger that might occur to the Sabertooth mages. Silence reigned supreme and there was minimal light she could barely even see what was in front of her. Squinting through the dim light, she observed everything in her surroundings, taking whatever she saw in her sight. A huge staircase, the width almost filling up the entire hallway, like those ones in Disney movies, laid before her feet with a long red carpet placed on top of the marbled stairs, which leaded up to another floor of pitch darkness. An enormous chandelier hung over the ceiling that was meters above her height, her neck almost strained Deciding not to set her foot on the stairs, she turned her direction to where Tane was walking and trailed along with her.

    The light was faint, however, she could at least see what was around her much better than when she was in the hall way. Examining every object around her, she noticed a figure approaching the two Saber mages. Hesitantly, her legs stepped back a few feet as she prepared herself for whatever that might leap onto her. Instead, as the light finally reached onto the figure’s features, reflecting to her eyes as she try to make out who exactly it was. Lilith. The name immediately popped up into her head as soon as she noticed the child’s face. A fluffy bear was stuffed underneath her arm, her dark eyes glaring at the mages that stood in front of her as though the two of them had made her angry, a grin smeared across her lips, teeth shining over the reflecting light. Well, fuck.

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    @Biatch Sharon


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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 JhB4MAf

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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 Empty Re: Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika}

    Post by Fair 22nd July 2015, 7:38 am

    Tane knew it was wrong to hurt children, but this child was something else. She was an evil being, with a teddy bear as if to prove that she was innocent. Besides, it was plainly obvious that she was an evil spirit, otherwise she would be in the ‘heaven’ that humans believed existed which is otherwise the top of a mountain, a wish granting factory for those who were dead and did good deeds during their life. Tane looked straight into the small girl’s eyes that were glowing with mischief. Why was she holding a teddy bear? Was it just for cosmetic purposes? Or did it have an actual purpose? What if it was a bomb? Why was Tane thinking too much?

    The child would begin giggling. The sound was provoking, maybe it was meant to be. Tane did not feel angered, however. This girl was good at mind games, but she was not going to trick Tane into her own trap. Apparently, Tane did not have too many weaknesses, so she could not do many tricks that had to do with her mind. Plus, she was not human. This girl was probably used to working with human brains, so she would hopefully find Tane’s brain harder to mess with. She breathed normally, giving the child a serious stare. It was a blank stare, one that did not bleed a drop of emotion. The girl was still giggling softly, her shoulders shaking slightly as she did so. She was staring back at Tane right now. It was kind of obvious, if she was a psychological expert, that Tane would not be moved the slightest bit with her powers. Hopefully Hika was able to pull an equally serious expression and pretend to be unperturbed as well, even if she actually was.




    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 Empty Re: Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika}

    Post by Hikachu 22nd July 2015, 5:58 pm

    you think i'm

    Her eyes finely slit with a curve of jaw upwards, she let her red hues glide over the features of the  young girl in front of her. When both of their eyes connect, a sort of intimidation was released at her, but to no avail, it barely affected her. With her dark hair concealed over her face which only allowed Hika to notice the child’s eyes, as though she was possessed by some sort of a dark being before she started giggling loud, the sound echoing through the walls of the kitchen and through the hallway. This had made Hika startled, causing her to blink nervously and stare at the girl for a whole solid minute, watching if she was attempting to do anything else. Observing every move she makes, from inhaling an intake of air to taking a step towards them, Hika would count every single action she made. Pretty paranoid, she would say to herself. The soft features on her face immediately cringed up when the child started giggling out of nowhere. It was loud and piercing, her body shivered from the sound of it.

    All of her sudden, the child went quiet as silence overruled the entire room before a voice broke the tranquility. ”How can you be still alive even after I summoned all those swords!?” Her dark eyes shifted between the two Saber mages, her hands flailing with the teddy bear flying in the same momentum as her arms. Oh, so she can talk, was her first impression of the child. Hika did nothing, other than just to look fixedly at the child, raging in front of her. It appeared that both of them had made her rather pissed her off. Her eyebrows raised, a slight smirk on her face with her slender arms folded across her petite chest. ”This will be the end of you two. I will kill you all.” A sinister laugh erupted  loudly in the room, her shoulders shaking violently and her words aimed right at the two Saber mages.

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    @Biatch Sharon


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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 JhB4MAf

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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 Empty Re: Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika}

    Post by Fair 22nd July 2015, 10:48 pm

    Tane grunted mentally. So the child could do more than giggle uncontrollably. She was speaking, openly threatening them. Speaking of such things meant that she was either actually capable of doing it or she was overconfident. More importantly, she had threatened to kill them “all”. That was funny. Maybe she thought they had brought more people with them? Or she was hallucinating. Either way, she had made a mistake. Tane kept still, allowing her to spit more hostile words. Lilith took a step forward, a smirkish expression on her face. In a human's case, it would have been a very difficult task restraining the urge to wipe off that expression from her face. But in her case, she did not mind. At all. If he was trying to anger them or get them to attack first, it was not working. Especially since Hika did not seem TOO bothered by what she was doing.

    The first thing Tane would do was counter any attack the girl would try and throw at them. Tane's only weakness now depended on Hika. Basically, she was the only thing right now who could cause a flaw seeing that she is human. As long as she remains as she is right now, Lilith would have epic trouble getting through to their minds. Tane chose not to speak the entire time. If she did, Hika might try to too. And if Lilith found a fault in her speech, it was going to be troublesome. For a moment, the child stopped laughing, taking another step forward. Then, she continued to giggle. What was wrong with her? There must have been something seriously funny going on that only she could see. Or maybe she needed to laugh like that before being able to take another step forward or something.




    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 Empty Re: Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika}

    Post by Hikachu 24th July 2015, 4:50 am

    you think i'm

    Despite how Lilith had been using numerous tricks taunting the two Saber mages, it undoubtedly had no affect on them. Repeatedly exclaiming that she would kill them did not frighten her at all, not even did it cause a flinch on her. The girl figured it was best to stay silent, God knows what move she might make, perhaps get into their minds and even force them to fight against each other. The thought made shivers ran down her spine, her lips lightly curled into a frown. She couldn’t even imagine fighting against a fellow comrade for her allies are extremely dear to her. Her thoughts wandered off while Lilith kept babbling on and on about how she was going to kill the two of them. It was already starting to irritate her, her brows twitching slightly as she wondered how long she was going to keep ranting. The blue haired girl decided to wait until Tane begins a move since she guessed Tane would be the better one at creating strategies and Hika was the one that attacks on instincts and mostly depends on situations. It was just her prediction, she wasn’t sure for certain how Tane would fight in battles so it leaves her to observe her moves as well.

    If Lilith kept spitting nonsense from her tiny mouth, it will definitely be a waste of time and Hika would probably end up stuffing her teddy bear into her mouth to shut her up. She never knew children can be so loud and noisy, she would rather prefer to hear rocket explosions or the sound of guns. How can a mere child like her have insanely powerful abilities?, or so she heard from the Magic Council. Nonetheless, Hika wasn’t convinced to believe what the people from the Magic Council had declared until she witness the truth with her own eyes.

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    @Biatch Sharon


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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 JhB4MAf

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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 Empty Re: Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika}

    Post by Fair 24th July 2015, 9:46 pm

    The Prestigious one began to get bored. She could commence the fight, but knowing that the child was physically incapable of combat, she was not sure if she should do that. It was pity mixed with annoyance. Hika seemed to be waiting on something. Maybe she was waiting for the perfect time to strike, or she could have been waiting for Tane. Lilith would continue to threaten them however, repeating herself most of the time making her look like some kind of automated hologram, especially since her form was slightly translucent at the moment. The teddy bear must have been an object of importance to her, something she loved dearly maybe? Human children usually had something they held close to them at night. Maybe for Lilith, this was it. What if she removed it from her? Would she get angrier? Or would she feel sad, beg them back for it? Maybe she would finally give up. This was their best bet - the teddy bear.

    Tane calculated in her head, her expression hard as stone. How should she inform Hika of her plan? Hopefully she was smart enough to pick up her body language. The kitchen was not the largest she had seen and Lilith was right in the center. To her right (that is Tane and Hika’s left) were basins and stoves while on her left (Tane and Hika’s right) were cupboards and things like that. Tane was standing closer to the basin while Hika was standing closer to the cupboards. She was not sure if Lilith was going to be something they could not attack like the dancing sword from before. What if they passed through their body too? Tane could not wait to find out. As soon as she felt ready, she shouted, “HIKA!” while pointing with her right hand to the right, and running towards the basin. Attacking from in front of the enemy was not the best idea, well not in this case. What if the teddy bear was actually a weapon in the form of an unsuspectable object? Tane on reaching the basin would charge at Lilith with her fist, hoping Hika got the message and was doing the same. Since the teddy bear was on Hika’s side, she yelled, “The stuffed toy!” It was all a gamble, from the moment she shouted her partner’s name. Anything could have happened.




    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 Empty Re: Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika}

    Post by Hikachu 27th July 2015, 12:52 am

    The temperature of the kitchen began to fluctuate and all of a sudden, the sapphire haired girl could feel beads of sweat forming on her forehead. The air stale and damp, her skin moist with sweat as the blue strands of her hair remained glued to her neck. It was one of the things she despised the most; the other, which was Lilith rambling about and intimidating them. It was pointless to them, honestly, which made her wonder why Lilith was even trying so hard to begin with. Her ruby eyes glided over the teddy bear that she was holding. It was as though the bear was very precious to her, she wouldn’t let go of the stuffed toy. However, Hika got the feeling that this bear could be a threat to them, in any way, seeing how attached Lilith was to her toy.

    Tap. Tap. Tap.

    Silence filled the room once again as Lilith ceased ranting and the droplets of water spilling into the basin was the only sound she could hear at this precise moment. Her attention shifted over to Tane’s and attempted to read her expressions, which she wasn’t that good to be precise. It appeared that Tane was searching for a moment to begin the attack? Perhaps, not. It was mentally confusing her but she decided to push it aside to the back of her mind. Now, to wait until Lilith starts a move and they will strike, hopefully. Unable to predict what Tane had on her mind, Hika waited until she noticed a signal from her fellow partner. It has been minutes of waiting but Lilith hadn’t made any moves yet. In this way, they will never progress on the mission unless one starts to strike another so they can quickly get rid of Lilith.

    Her mind began to wander just the moment a voice pierced into her ears, causing her eyes to wide open as she turned to look at the source of the voice. Tane. Her comrade had yelled her name, finger pointing towards her left. Involuntarily, she glanced at the direction of her finger and distinguished cupboards placed in the corner. Forcing energy into her legs, she pushed them forward and strode towards the direction where Tane had pointed. So, they were going for the stuffed toy, as she had expected. As little time did she had to react, the blue haired girl grabbed a hold of the teddy bear and snatched it away from her hands. Should I run? Hesitation swept across her before she promptly stormed out of the kitchen and into the hallway, running as if the enemy was on her tail.
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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 Empty Re: Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika}

    Post by Fair 28th July 2015, 5:19 am

    Tane smiled widely as she saw that her partner had successfully obtained the stuffed toy and had begun to run. Everything was going perfectly well. Now that her teddy bear had been taken, the kid would probably be infuriated to the extent that she wanted to kill Hika. It was Tane’s responsibility to stop that from happening since Hika’s job was to keep the toy as far away from Lilith as possible. “YOU FOOLS!” the child roared with anger. The Prestigious one could feel it seething out of her being. She did not exactly know how to stop a ghostly creature from going after her partner. She did not know if she had incredible speeds, or if she could walk through walls, or if she could just bring Hika back by playing games with the Saber’s brain. Tane was exactly next to Lilith, on her right. Right at the moment she would call them fools, Tane clenched a fist, packed with force to punch her in the face, praying to whatever god was above, that her attack hit the child ghost. The next few seconds passed like hours. Everything went in slow motion, her hand moved at the speed of one meter per second (not really) and the punch looked somewhat like this:

    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 Tumblr_nj31u89FhR1tw9r1lo3_500

    Once her hand had retracted after the punch, she jumped backwards, onto the basin. Lilith was obviously hurt, thank Fismuth. She fell on her rear, holding a hand up to her face where she was punched. The young ghost began to...cry? That was what she heard, but she knew it was probably fake. The child was too tainted with devilish thoughts, this had to be one of her tactics. Tane knew not to approach her, so instead, she leapt for the door that led into the kitchen, then ran like the wind, outside of the haunted house, hoping to meet Hika there. Tane turned back to check if Lilith had followed her. It seemed not, because she could not see her, and usually the noise of someone coming out of a house made of wood would sound like soft thuds. Since not a single sound was heard that matched with her guess, she guessed Lilith had given up. Now she was supposed to find Hika. She looked around, then went around the house to find her. Where did she go?




    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 Empty Re: Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika}

    Post by Hikachu 30th July 2015, 3:21 am

    Sapphire hair sailing behind the girl like a kite, the ace of Sabertooth ran as fast as she could, not even throwing a slight glance behind her, although she was certainly aware that she could outrun Lilith with ease, considering the fact that the young mage was able to travel 30 meters per second for she is one of the Light mages. A few minutes of running had brought her to a place she wasn’t familiar of — her mind went blank and numb she had no idea where she was running to. Darkness and silence encircled her, as though her eyes were blinded, her sight was blurred and inaccurate. A sob? Her head twisted around to the direction of the source as hesitant steps approached closer, her ears peeled for the sound she had just heard. …Is Lilith crying? It must be Lilith. There was no other child than Lilith in this whole building, perhaps a ghost but that was extremely unlikely to happen. A smirk slowly curved onto her lips before a stifle laugh erupted from her as she immediately held her mouth closed, ensuring that she doesn’t attract any attention from Lilith. The stuffed bear was clutched tightly against her chest as if she was scared that the toy might slip off from her hands. After hearing Lilith cry, the Paragon of Faith pondered on what Tane had done to their only foe. She wondered if it was something very silly.

    Silence reigned supreme in the building once again as Hika ambled around the place aimlessly. A dot of glowing light attracted her attention and she immediately shuffled towards it, her hands pressed against it. A small window. The glass was dusty and indistinct with handprints and lines, as if someone had scratched the window for no reason. A figure emerged in her sight. She squinted her eyes, trying to unfold who it was before she realised the dark hair and the glimmering skin — Tane. Why was she out there? It confused her to see Tane outside the house. Maybe she tried to escape from Lilith, thinking that Hika would be waiting outside for her with a teddy bear in her hands. The thought made her chuckle before she rested her knuckles on the window and produced a knock so as to inform Tane that she was still inside the house, possibly on the second floor of the building if she recalled correctly. No response. Hika knocked yet again, but louder this time. Hopefully, Lilith didn’t hear it otherwise she would be in deep shit. Ugh, god, look at me! Impatiently, she kicked her legs and moved restlessly as she continued to knock on the door.

    ”Well, well, look who’s here.” A tiny voice caught her off guard which almost caused her to fall. Snapping her head around, a small figure stood behind her, a sly smile on her face. Fuck.
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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 Empty Re: Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika}

    Post by Fair 30th July 2015, 3:47 am

    A soft thud sounded, reverberating before reaching her alert receptors. Tane’s head snapped skywards, her squinted eyes focusing on a small window on the second floor. A hint of blue caught her attention. Hika! What is she doing up there? She should have run outside. Now she is trapped! The Prestigious one dashed into the house. She could not allow the female beastling to get her stuffed toy back. Ideas and plans formulated automatically in Tane’s head, connecting the dots and finally coming up with a plan that could not fail. They had to catch the girl. She took the steps of the huge wooden staircase two at a time, moving at great speed, a record breaking one. The child could still have her powers, if her assumption was incorrect. She could hurt Hika! Tane calculated the probable possibilities, guessing that Lilith must have reached Hika’s location by now.

    On reaching the second floor, Tane kicked down the first door she saw, revealing the back of Lilith’s translucent form. It was a miracle nothing had happened to Hika yet. Now that both of them were there, Lilith would be the one trapped, between them. The brunette wizard shut the door behind her, standing in front of it in a defensive stance. Lilith could not run from them. If only one of them could trap her, everything would end flawlessly. The ghost child turned to face her. “Ahh, you are here too. Welcome to our little party,” she spoke with a twisted smirk.

    Party? To celebrate your defeat?” Tane questioned, an eyebrow cocked in mock naivety. “You are fooled if you think your powers can stop us. We are far more powerful than you, a puny child with an obsession for stuffed animals,” she spoke on. The summoner was only buying time for Hika to come up with a plan to trap her. Surely, she must be thinking of this. It was their big chance. Lilith was already trapped, now all they needed to do was to put her in that position, literally.



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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 Empty Re: Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika}

    Post by Hikachu 31st July 2015, 3:21 am

    Panic kicked in as the petite girl’s breathing fastened. Skin damp with sweat, knuckles white, her chest heaved relentlessly as she attempted to calm her breathing. Unsure if she would be able to attack Lilith alone, the sapphire haired girl clutched onto the stuffed toy, which was originally Lilith’s, against her chest. The sound of loud thuds resonated through the building, however, Lilith failed to notice this somehow. She must be filled with blood thirst to murder her for stealing her beloved toy. The thumps on the staircase grows louder, her crimson optics shifting all over the place as she searched for a spot to escape. Was it an enemy? Or an ally? She pondered. It was as if her feet were glued onto the place where she was standing for she found herself unable to move for some reason. Is this Lilith doing? Lilith approached closer, placing a firm foot in front of her as a wicked grin rested on her lips. Clueless of what Lilith was able to do without her bear, Hika voluntarily reached her hand outwards, her fingers spread wide as she tried to summon a spell so as to protect herself from anything that Lilith had planned to do to her.

    The door flew open. Ruby eyes wide, the girl stared at the wooden door and there she was — Tane, barging into the room, as if she was not concerned; not even the slightest bit, of invading other person’s privacy but Hika was certainly delighted she had come to her rescue — as if she was her Superman, which was a pretty lame thought that came up her mind to be honest. It appeared that Tane had indeed, came up with a plan to defeat this child but she was unknown of that idea. Maybe, Tane could give her a hint?
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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 Empty Re: Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika}

    Post by Fair 31st July 2015, 4:20 am

    Tane almost narrowed her eyes. Hika did not seem to have a single clue on how to trap the girl, or she was not getting the idea of it at all. Swallowing subtly, Tane eyed Lilith. She gave her back to the blue-haired mage, giving her no attention at all, and focusing on Tane. She wondered if the kid found out that she was the one who had an idea. Tane could not use body language to tell Hika anything because Lilith would be the first person to see her movements and catch what she was trying to get at. She had no choice. If Hika was experienced enough, she would be able to understand what Tane meant by the utterance of two words. It was her best bet - that Hika could think fast and act fast. Tane give the ghost child one last look before shouting at her partner.


    Hopefully, Hika understood what she meant immediately. There was only one way to trap her anyway, and that was by the use of magic. Tane prayed that Hika had a magic trick that involved a trap. They needed to take Lilith back to the Rune Knights Headquarters. Leaving her unarmed did not mean that it was the end of it all. They were given the chance, they should snatch it before it was gone. The Prestigious one, after shouting, hurried over and pushed Lilith down from her shoulders, so she was dumbfounded, and on the floor. She obviously already knew what was going to happen, but Tane was faster. Hopefully, Hika was, too. More importantly, she had to have a trap involved ability. Hell, Tane did not even know what kind of magic her partner use. All she could see was that she was armed with two guns.




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    Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika} - Page 2 Empty Re: Sabers and a Lilith {Job|Hika}

    Post by Hikachu 1st August 2015, 9:34 am

    Scarlet eyes squinted, the girl stared at her partner awkwardly, her eyebrows arched as she tried to convey what Tane was trying to say. At the worst moment possible, Hika can be slow at certain times. Besides, Lilith was facing Tane so her back faced Hika, which indicated that Tane was unable to express anything with her hands. The Sabertooth mage stood there as a clueless statue, head tiled to one side, eyes shifting from Tane to Lilith every now and then. They have to act fast before Lilith attacks anyone, otherwise both of them will be in deep shit. The voice of Tane calling out interrupted her thoughts abruptly as her body jerked up in response to her command. Trap! How could she never noticed what Tane was trying to portray? That was indeed, truly dumb of her. Mentally slapping her own forehead, Hika raised her hands in front of her as if it was reaching something as she chanted out the spell.

    Kinetic Field.

    Electric arcs protruded from the tip of her fingers outwards into the direction of Lilith and encircled her body, forming a barrier around her, secluding her so that Lilith could not escape easily. Stunned by the spell Hika had created, Lilith looked around her only to find herself being trapped inside a barrier. Not only did it trapped her, it deals quite a lot of damage as well. A static storm built up inside a barrier as it electrocuted Lilith with electricity. Her hands still outstretched, the trap was up already, but she had no knowledge about how Tane was going to deal with this situation. Maybe attack from the other side as well?, she pondered. In this way, their plan would be more accurate and would even be able to easily take down Lilith.
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