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    Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin)

    Mei Lin
    Mei Lin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 30
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Lei Fang
    Experience : 25

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    Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin) Empty Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin)

    Post by Mei Lin 16th February 2015, 10:28 pm

    Mei Lin was restless with bound energy. Her master had wandered away from the guild once again before she even had a chance to speak to him. The witch decided to take on a job to relinquish all of her boredom. She arrived in Peace Village with a frown. "Peace Village.... Ew...." She said. The only reason she was here is to do her mission. Something with a name as Peace Village made her want to blow up everything in site. The young woman put her hand up covering her eyes from the bright sun. She growled at the lost of her umbrella. The foolish man taking it for something important. He was probably trying to frame her for something once again. Shaking her head, she rushed to the near by restaurant that her employer was awaiting. She knocked on the door three times before she heard a deep voice. "Password?" It asked. The witch rolled her eyes and replied, "The kettle has come to a boil." She said getting a grunt in reply as the door opened and the woman slipped inside.


    Missions Completed:
    D Rank: 1
    EXP: 25

    Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin) Lei_fang_3ds_render_5_by_x2gon-d65nbc9

    "Darkness is the only light I need."
    Mei Lin
    Mei Lin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 30
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Lei Fang
    Experience : 25

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    Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin) Empty Re: Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin)

    Post by Mei Lin 16th February 2015, 10:47 pm

    As Mei Lin walked deeper into the building, she was followed by her employer. A tall man that looked like he was in his mid thirties. His brown hair was worn in a short choppy manner while he sported stubble on his chin and cheeks. His deep grey eyes stared at the witch before a grunt. "With you being here, I guess you know what this assignment requires right?" He said walking in front of the female and leading her to his office as he took a seat behind his desk reaching into a draw and pulled out a bottle of liquor. Mei nodded silently and took a seat herself. She observed the man and saw his seriousness over this request. "Just tell me the location of the place and I shall go get it. Maybe cause some havoc while I'm in town." She smirked leaning back. The man glared at the woman and grunted. He pulled out a glass from one of his desk drawers and poured himself a drink. "Look I don't care what you do as long as you get the recipe from that woman, so I can destroy her business and make mine the best in town." The man downed his drink before quickly pouring himself another. "Her place is on the other side of town. You can't miss it. It's the only other large restaurant in town. Your best shoot at getting in is through one of the employee side entrances. There you'll have to find her office yourself. Get the recipe and bring it directly to me. You took so long getting here that blasted woman would be here by nightfall." Mei rolled her eyes at the man's dramatic sentence and stood. "Don't worry your pretty little eyes. I'll get it before then, old man." She said walking out of the room.


    Missions Completed:
    D Rank: 1
    EXP: 25

    Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin) Lei_fang_3ds_render_5_by_x2gon-d65nbc9

    "Darkness is the only light I need."
    Mei Lin
    Mei Lin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 30
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Lei Fang
    Experience : 25

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    Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin) Empty Re: Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin)

    Post by Mei Lin 16th February 2015, 11:14 pm

    Mei Lin walked through town heading towards her destination. The young witch took her time in reaching the place she needed to. To her surprise, the restaurant was open and busy. "Maybe I don't have to sneak around. I could just go in head first." She waltzed inside the place and asked to be seat. After a few minutes, the witch was seated near the employee's resting place. It was all too easy, though her paranoid mind made her believe they expected her.

    The woman ordered some food and slipped off while it was being prepared. She walked into the employee area and towards the back smiling. She hid around a corner as two employees walked pass her complaining about something or another. She shook her head and continued to look around as she peered into door checking for the main office. Sighing, the young witch came up empty the only room she hadn't checked was one that she first passed. Her eye witched as she speed walked to the room in question. Opening it slowly, she peered inside and groaned. "After all this time... The room was the first one...." She muttered to herself as she closed the door behind her quietly. She paced the room thinking of were the chef's safe would be. Mei checked the walls and behind the paintings coming up empty before she sat in the chair and rested her head on the desk. The action cause the desk to buff her away a little. "Hm? What's this an enchanted desk?" She said grinning and opening draws looking or the safe. She found it in the last draw and took it out. After that, the witch heard alarms go off in the building. She cursed to herself and rushed to the small window on the back wall. She tossed the safe out first before jumping out herself not caring about the glass she had just broken or the cuts as she landed in the alley beside the restaurant. She grabbed the safe and ran farther into alley away from the place she had stolen from.


    Missions Completed:
    D Rank: 1
    EXP: 25

    Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin) Lei_fang_3ds_render_5_by_x2gon-d65nbc9

    "Darkness is the only light I need."
    Mei Lin
    Mei Lin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 30
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Lei Fang
    Experience : 25

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    Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin) Empty Re: Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin)

    Post by Mei Lin 16th February 2015, 11:29 pm

    Mei Lin stopped when she couldn't hear the alarms anymore. She panted as she placed the safe near a wall and fell beside it. Once she caught her breath, she looked at the safe and growled. Obviously if the desk was enchanted, as little enchantment as it had, then this safe was not going t be easy to open. She pondered on bringing it back to the alcoholic man, but if she was wrong about the safe holding the item then she wouldn't get paid. She couldn't go back to the restaurant if she was wrong as well. The witch glared at the safe before placing her hand on the safe and not feeling any magical pressure surrounding it. She smirked and formed one of her booms ready to toss it. Then she remembered that the recipe couldn't be damaged and threw the bomb behind her. Sighing, she got in front of the safe and did it manually. The witch took a few bobby pins out of her hair and stuck it in the key whole before fiddling with it. The perks of growing up on the streets is being a talented lock picker. She picked the lock with ease and pulled out the papers inside. A few were important business contacts, others were wills to family members and so forth. But the real prize the the last envelope, the woman opened it revealing the recipe in disturbingly precise detail. She smirked and stuffed that in her bosom before forming another bomb and setting it in the safe as she walked away.


    Missions Completed:
    D Rank: 1
    EXP: 25

    Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin) Lei_fang_3ds_render_5_by_x2gon-d65nbc9

    "Darkness is the only light I need."
    Mei Lin
    Mei Lin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 30
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Lei Fang
    Experience : 25

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    Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin) Empty Re: Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin)

    Post by Mei Lin 16th February 2015, 11:43 pm

    She sighed as she walked through the town. Her mission was complete, but it was tedious and she couldn't wreak havoc like she wanted. Arriving at her employer's place of business, she slipped inside unnoticed and made her way towards the man's office. Taking the envelope out of her bra, she slammed it down on the desk. "Here you go. One stupid recipe unscathed, old man. She said as she plopped into a chair and glared as the man looked over the paper inside the envelope.

    The man smirked and let out a booming laugh. "Finally, I'll be able pay that heartless woman back from all those years ago. She'll regret ever dumping me and running off with that rich jerk." He said grinning. Mei sighed and shook her head. She went through all that for a heartbreak revenge scheme. The witch stood and brushed her dress off. She glanced at the tears in it and sighed for the millionth time that day.

    "If that's all, I'm going okay. Send the money to the guild." She said walking out doubting that he heard her over his gloating. She continued walking out of the restaurant and bumped into a woman about her height. The woman apologize profusely but Mei Lin shook it off and kept walking away. She had a feeling that woman's day was going to be the worst one of her life. It wasn't until she was a few days from her guild that she remembered to tell the man not to make the fudge so soon because of the alarms and everything. "Oh well. Not my problem anymore." She said looking at the bright sky. "Ugh, I'm going to throttle him for taking my umbrella....."


    Missions Completed:
    D Rank: 1
    EXP: 25

    Steal The Famous Fudge Recipe! (Mei Lin) Lei_fang_3ds_render_5_by_x2gon-d65nbc9

    "Darkness is the only light I need."

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 7:35 am