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    Just like Old Times [Group Mission]

    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,535

    Character Sheet
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    Just like Old Times [Group Mission] Empty Just like Old Times [Group Mission]

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 11th September 2022, 3:28 pm

    Mission Details:

    It was a completely strange experience when Zincarla had shown her iLac to him and explained that these devices worked with some type of crystals and magic. What was even more bizarre was the fact that, with magic, these devices seemed to work exactly as cell phones did back in his old world. That alone had been enough to make him interested but on top of everything, these devices seemed to mimic smartphones, at that! It was like a breath of fresh air that filled his lungs when he found out about this device, almost instantly pestering the woman about how to get one. And that was when the final discovery had been made that these wonderful devices could be received for free by any who were willing to venture into the Neutral Zone.

    From what he had understood, this area shut down all uses of magic in any and all regard, making it so that everyone was on equal terms. It was an interesting idea, would an area like this shut up the Hero Spirit that harassed his every thought? It would be a nice thing, that was for sure. But he would begin to push these thoughts to the side as they approached the area marked the Neutral Zone,
    "So, the company that we're looking for is a place called Orange, Taku-san." Of course, he had brought Takumi along for this experience, was there anyone else to share it with? Sojiro had opted to wear one of the only outfits that he wore, his old school attire from the prestigious college the two of them had both gone to. It was a white button-up with short sleeves, black dress pants, and a red tie. His red-framed glasses accented his amethyst-colored eyes, his blue hair mostly tidy with a few unkempt strands, "I won't try to hide my excitement about these devices, I wonder what kind of apps they have."

    WC: 321


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000
    Takumi Yoko
    Takumi Yoko

    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 43
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 16,323

    Just like Old Times [Group Mission] Empty Re: Just like Old Times [Group Mission]

    Post by Takumi Yoko 29th September 2022, 5:11 am

    Takumi had to admit, out of all luxuries of the old world that he had came to terms with never using and seeing again, an iPhone had to be pretty damn high on that list. Although he suspected it was just this universe fucking with him since they named this version an iLac from the revolutionary company called Orange. He made sure to make a note for himself to start up a company called Cyborg and see about creating a rival phone called the Far Flung Universe, if these people get rip off Apple, he was at least going to get rip off Android and make a killing in the upcoming phone boom.

    "So... We just gonna ignore the whole iPhone and iLac situation or...?" Takumi decided to prod his friend, curious to hear his thoughts on the very similar naming conventions of both phone and company. At the mention of apps however, his mind did wonder what else would be similar in this world's version of an iPhone, would he be slicing vegetables in Veggie Ninja? What would this realm's version of Facebook be? Is Apple that big of a deal that they just kinda cross universes in one way or another? Does that mean there's someone running around with a discount Steve Jobs name? Steve Hobbs? How deep does this rabbit hole go?

    WC: 225


    Takumi Yoko

    He's here to help!

    Speech: #cc9900

    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,535

    Character Sheet
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    Just like Old Times [Group Mission] Empty Re: Just like Old Times [Group Mission]

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 2nd October 2022, 11:15 am

    As Takumi had begun to point out, at least what was to them, the obvious there was a small laugh that he gave in the initial response, "I had been pondering over the same thing myself. Our world was a lot different than this one, focusing primarily on scientific progress. But somehow, in this world full of magical wonders, they have still managed to make a cellphone?" Sojiro would shake his head in true bewilderment, "That's why I need to have one. My curiosity won't be sated until I see what they are capable of." Sojiro had been paying attention to the street signs to make sure they were still heading the right way.

    "Hey, how many years out do you think this world is from computers? If we can figure out how these phones work, we could try to copyright the process. Think about it, we can kickstart a company named Bell, start with computers and then home entertainment systems. And then we'll never have to work another dangerous mission..." The man would begin to trail off as he began to think about all the possibilities, a wide grin starting to appear along his features. At the end of the street, there was a large sign with a white organ on it, with a small piece taken out of it; which was part of the design.

    WC: 228
    TWC: 549


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000
    Takumi Yoko
    Takumi Yoko

    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 43
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 16,323

    Just like Old Times [Group Mission] Empty Re: Just like Old Times [Group Mission]

    Post by Takumi Yoko 20th November 2022, 6:27 pm

    "I mean it was bound to happen eventually, being able to communicate long distances without investment in magic, pigeon or radio towers is always going to be seen as a strong advantage for any civilization." Takumi would explain with a simple shrug of his shoulders, there was a reason some things with similar to their old realm and that was because it worked well enough for humanity to survive. From weapons to domesticizing animals for their uses in the everyday life, humans were bound to follow a heavily similar path as it natural with evolution.

    "The thing I don't get is the naming being so damn similar to Apple and iPhone. It's like whatever created this universe couldn't think up their own unique name and just copied our universe's phone." That truly was the one thing he couldn't fully understand because how likely was this to happen? A world with an entirely different set of laws and culture had managed to come so close to reinventing the iPhone to the point that Takumi would've called the iLac a Chinese bootleg back in their realm.

    Although the topic of computers did raise a valid question, how far would Orange go? Were they working on their version of an iMac right now? Or was their focus on improving the mobile phone first? That was a very good question, the computer came before the cellphone but the phone came before the computer with the only difference between the phone and cellphone being the ability to be mobile with the device thanks to the computers. "It honestly is probably easily doable right now but they haven't considered the usage a computer would get just yet. Mobile phones are easier to advertise because it can save so much time, no more having to walk across town just to find out your friend isn't home."

    It was then he'd feel a grin creep on his face as he considered just what exactly he could do with their technical future knowledge. "Instead of trying to beat them to the punch, we should release all the apps we can remember being popular. Imagine it, we could make Facebook and call it Magebook, Twitter could now be Tweeter. We can make a killing off their work without having to worry about the device and it's market trend suddenly changing from what we know. An app or website can move from phone to computer but if we create a computer and it flops because nobody knows what they'd use it for? Well that's a good few money and hours wasted for nothing." The wheels in his head were turning full speed ahead as he considered just how exactly they could take advantage of this once in a life time opportunity they've been provided.

    "I mean I don't know about you but creating an app that tracks where you put your finger on the screen to pretend to cut fruit sounds so much easier to do than reverse engineering a combination of technology and magic to create ourselves a computer." Takumi was not a smart man but he had to admit he felt pretty damn smart right now, even if his idea was just to hijack the ideas of everyone smarter than him but the only person who'd ever know is Sojiro. Not like there'd be another Isekai'd person to call them out on it.

    WC: 564
    TWC: 789


    Takumi Yoko

    He's here to help!

    Speech: #cc9900

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:28 pm