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    Leonidas Versus The Vikings

    Leonidas Jarnefeldt
    Leonidas Jarnefeldt

    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 243
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,644,504

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Force Magic
    Second Skill: Rex Aetheres
    Third Skill:

    Leonidas Versus The Vikings Empty Leonidas Versus The Vikings

    Post by Leonidas Jarnefeldt 30th May 2022, 1:12 pm

    Leonidas Jarnefeldt rolls 10 Monster Die for the enemies.

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    Leonidas Versus The Vikings Empty Leonidas Versus The Vikings

    Post by NPC 30th May 2022, 1:12 pm

    The member 'Leonidas Jarnefeldt' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Leonidas Versus The Vikings R2fEWNz Leonidas Versus The Vikings OdAaNwh Leonidas Versus The Vikings OdAaNwh Leonidas Versus The Vikings OdAaNwh Leonidas Versus The Vikings OdAaNwh Leonidas Versus The Vikings R2fEWNz Leonidas Versus The Vikings NXDHjfc Leonidas Versus The Vikings OdAaNwh Leonidas Versus The Vikings OdAaNwh Leonidas Versus The Vikings OdAaNwh
    Leonidas Jarnefeldt
    Leonidas Jarnefeldt

    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 243
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,644,504

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Force Magic
    Second Skill: Rex Aetheres
    Third Skill:

    Leonidas Versus The Vikings Empty Re: Leonidas Versus The Vikings

    Post by Leonidas Jarnefeldt 30th May 2022, 3:32 pm

    -Bellum, The Western Grasslands near Lake Kyrie-

    Wearing his usual outfit of white t-shirt, olive green cargo pants, and black boots plus Silver Falchion in its scabbard on his left hip, Leonidas walked towards the village he was here to protect. It had been a long journey to get to this place, but Leonidas had made the journey to Bellum to fight on behalf of the Luminous Covenant. He had arrived here to protect one of the numerous villages in the path of a Viking raiding party, a cause he found to be just and well worth fighting for. The blond man also had plenty of experience in fighting off raiders, so this was a task that was in his wheelhouse.

    Leonidas had fighting off raiders back home in Desierto ever since he could carry a sword and use magic. He had helped defend his home village from repeated slaver and bandit raids for at least ten years, if not longer than that. He had lost track of when exactly he had first started defending his home village, but it had to be since he was at least ten years old. As a result of that informal but nevertheless valuable training in how to fight he was ready and willing to take on the task of defending one of Bellum's villages from the marauding band of Vikings.

    Leonidas was defending this village alone without any support of any kind, only his weapons and his magic. That was fine with him, though. Bellum needed to put its forces elsewhere and he was not going to make them divert any soldiers to support him for a task he should be able to do on his own.

    Leonidas would only need his weapons and his magic to defeat the Viking raiding party. Maybe he should have also invested in some armor like a steel plate cuirass or something to wear for protection before heading to Bellum, but it was too late for that now. Leonidas would have to do without armor for this mission.

    When he was thirty meters away from it Leonidas looked towards the village and noted that there was nothing that really made it stand out. It was just a collection of ordinary wooden houses built in an ordinary style sitting along one of three paths leading into the village and out of it; there was one on the far left, one leading down the middle, and one to the far right. It did not matter to Leonidas, though. This village was the location he had been tasked with defending and he would defend it at all costs. He was not going to let the Luminous Covenant down when they needed him.

    As Leonidas approached the village he spotted a trio of red-haired people wearing brown leather armor and carrying weapons walking down the center path. For a moment he was not sure if they had spotted him, but when they raised their weapons and began charging towards him at high speed, that doubt instantly vanished. Leonidas drew his Silver Falchion and let them approach without much concern. He was not bothered by their approach until a pair of lanky men wielding knives and wearing distinctive white wolf pelts over their outfits started running down the right path. Judging from the speed at which they moved, they might be something of a challenge to deal with.

    While the first impression was they would be tough to deal with because of their speed, Leonidas was not terribly concerned about that. Since he was not as fast as his mother or his sister he was not going to chase his enemies down and wear himself out. Instead he would fight them as they came and do his best not to let them use their superior speed to their advantage. However, that was easier said than done. He had no idea how fast the men could really move or how sharp those knives were.

    Instead of going after them Leonidas was going to wait where he was and let his enemies come to him. The best thing he could do was to not put himself in a situation that played to their strengths. If they retreated he was not going to give chase because that was a classic setup for an ambush and he was not going to fall for that trick if he could help it.

    [Post Word Count: 734]
    [Total Word Count: 734/4,000]

    Leonidas' Base Stats:

    Enemy Stats After The First Round Of Combat:

    Leonidas' Stats After The First Round Of Combat:
    Leonidas Jarnefeldt
    Leonidas Jarnefeldt

    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 243
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,644,504

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Force Magic
    Second Skill: Rex Aetheres
    Third Skill:

    Leonidas Versus The Vikings Empty Re: Leonidas Versus The Vikings

    Post by Leonidas Jarnefeldt 30th May 2022, 10:45 pm

    Standing his ground until the enemies were well within range of his spell, Leonidas raised his left hand and fired a Cyclone Tunnel spell at his opponents, sending a visible silver cone of concussive wind towards them. The three red-haired warriors were all hit by the spell and collapsed to the ground, but the two knife-wielding men spotted the incoming cone of wind and dodged it by running left and right respectively before it could hit them. That was fine by Leonidas because for now the battle was two versus one instead of five versus one. Those was much better odds for the scar-faced mage.

    Leonidas watched the two men approach... one approached on each side of him and he had to pick who to fight first. Leonidas decided to attack the man on his left first. He turned to face him and raised his left hand towards the target, then channeled silver magic into it. He waited until the target was within a meter of him to fire a Compressed Air Bolt at the man. The silver bolt of magic hit the target in the chest and defeated him in one shot, giving Leonidas just enough time to turn right and face the second opponent as he closed in on the scar-faced mage.

    Leonidas was too slow to dodge the attacks and felt the knives cut his right arm around the elbow, taking two hits in rapid succession. The blond mage swiped at the enemy with his Silver Falchion but missed because the man quickly dodged the attack with a large leap backwards. He then turned left and began to run back into the village, leaving Leonidas with two slash wounds to his right arm. He had been foolish to stand there and take the hit when he could have retreated from the two men, but he was not going to let enemies attack him from behind if he could help it. Leonidas would just have to fight smarter for the rest of the battle.

    While the second knife-wielding man retreated to the safety of the village Leonidas retreated twenty meters away from the village to give himself time to prepare for the next part of the fighting. By the time he stopped running he already knew what he needed to do... he needed to boost his offensive power to make up for his lack of speed and his lack of armor. Knife-wielding opponents who could not get within melee range could not hurt him, after all.

    Leonidas channeled black magic into his left hand and raised it above his head until the spell was ready, then cast his Raging Cyclone spell. The moment he cast it a visible black wind began to swirl around his body and keep swirling around him. His preparations were only partially complete, though. He was torn between healing himself now and  or saving his magic reserves for offensive spells and doing his best not to be hit for the rest of the fight. Leonidas did not have much time to think because he spotted a gleaming object flying towards his face.

    The scar-faced mage instinctively ducked under it and looked towards the source, which was the knife fighter who had cut his right arm twice. He was standing forty meters away on the far right side of the center path while two more knife fighters raced past him on the way to engage Leonidas. The blond mage remained where he was and prepared to face the oncoming enemies. As risky as the decision was, Leonidas would have to save the healing spell for later because if he let those men attack him while he was casting the healing spell the time and magic power would have been wasted and he would only have more wounds to show for his effort.

    Leonidas watched the enemies get closer as he tried to decide what spell to use against them. He needed something powerful that could hit both of them at once, but he needed to make sure that his spells connected because he did not have much magic power to waste on missed spells. That meant waiting until his opponents got too close to dodge his spells, a tactic which carried its own risks, risks that had come to light in dramatic fashion when the second knife fighter from the first pair had landed two knife slashes on his right arm.

    [Post Word Count: 736]
    [Total Word Count: 1,470/4,000]

    Enemy Stats After The Second Round Of Combat:

    Leonidas' Stats After The Second Round Of Combat:

    Spells Used:

    Enemies Defeated:

    Last edited by Leonidas Jarnefeldt on 31st May 2022, 11:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Leonidas Jarnefeldt
    Leonidas Jarnefeldt

    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 243
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,644,504

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Force Magic
    Second Skill: Rex Aetheres
    Third Skill:

    Leonidas Versus The Vikings Empty Re: Leonidas Versus The Vikings

    Post by Leonidas Jarnefeldt 31st May 2022, 10:33 pm

    While the two knife fighters approached from the central path he noticed two more approaching from the right path. Since he needed to try and catch all of them in his Cyclone Tunnel spell Leonidas immediately turned around and sprinted ten meters away to give himself a little extra space and to force his enemies to string themselves out so that they could not attack him as one big group. He retreated the distance and turned around to find two of the knife fighters still following him, but the two on the right path had likely deduced what the scar-faced mage was trying to do and backed off to the safety of the village. The survivor of the first pair had also vanished from sight, leaving Leonidas to fight the two men in front of him.

    Leonidas raised his left hand and channeled silver magic into it, then fired his Cyclone Tunnel spell at the approaching knife fighters. The visible cone of concussive wind hit both men and killed them in a single hit, dropping both of them to the ground like puppets whose strings had been cut. Once they were down Leonidas saw the knife-wielding man who was the survivor of the first pair race towards him along with the two men who had approached before they deduced that they were being set up to be caught in a spell.

    Leonidas stood his ground and waited for the three men to approach, then used another spell that allowed him to attack multiple opponents at once. Leonidas channeled silver magic into his left hand and when the spell was ready dropped to one knee and placed the palm of his left hand on the ground. He cast his Rising Cyclone spell and created a visible silver cyclone that emanated from his position and caught all three knife fighters in its radius, causing them to fall to the ground on the spot.

    The scar-faced mage was doing fairly well so far. He had already defeated three red-haired warriors and six knife fighters and he had only taken two hits to his right arm, which was cut a bit around the elbow but was still usable. He had no idea how many Vikings were left to oppose him, but Leonidas was feeling fairly confident that he could defeat them all without too much trouble. That was until he spotted a gleaming object headed for his left shoulder too late to dodge it.

    The thrown object hit Leonidas in the left shoulder and lodged there, prompting him to look down and see that it was a knife. He felt an intense cold sensation in that shoulder and looked up to see one of a pair of knife-wielding men on the left path twirling with a grace Leonidas had never seen before. He saw a second knife being thrown at him and was able to duck before it slammed into his right shoulder. Leonidas then saw the men start running towards him.

    Leonidas knew that he had to retreat further, so he turned and ran another ten meters, then stopped on the spot. He had to take them down before they could close in with him, but he needed a few moments to decide what spell to use. Before he could decide they closed in for melee combat, forcing the blond mage to go on the defensive.

    Leonidas took a big leap backwards as the two men tried to catch him between them in a pincer movement. He landed on his feet and saw them rush at him again. Leonidas raised his left hand and prepared a Compressed Air Bolt... he aimed and fired at the man on the left, but his opponent saw the spell and dodged it with a timely duck. Meanwhile the man on the right closed the distance and attacked Leonidas with both knives in a swift pair of slashes aimed at his right elbow.

    Leonidas stepped back just in time to avoid them, then swung his Silver Falchion at the knife fighter's chest. The diagonal left-to-right slash hit the man and made him back away as Leonidas felt a slash on his left elbow. Leonidas turned his head left to find the assailant already retreating for the safety of the village and his partner on the right soon followed suit. The scar-faced mage let them retreat... he was not going to get lured into an ambush in the village. He would deal with those two later because he had other concerns.

    On the central path were three more red-haired warriors followed by a burly individual wielding a heavy axe in each hand. That big guy looked like bad news. Leonidas decided to forgo healing just a bit longer in order to save magic power for offensive spells. He just hoped that he would not regret the decision.

    [Post Word Count: 808]
    [Total Word Count: 2,278/4,000]

    Enemy Stats After The Third Round Of Combat:

    Leonidas' Stats After The Third Round Of Combat:

    Spells Used:

    Enemies Defeated:


    Leonidas Jarnefeldt
    Leonidas Jarnefeldt

    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 243
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,644,504

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Force Magic
    Second Skill: Rex Aetheres
    Third Skill:

    Leonidas Versus The Vikings Empty Re: Leonidas Versus The Vikings

    Post by Leonidas Jarnefeldt 1st June 2022, 11:12 pm

    Leonidas stood his ground as the three red-haired warriors and the burly man with an axe in each hand charged towards him as fast as they could go. Leonidas waited until the three warriors were too close to dodge, then prepared and cast a Cyclone Tunnel spell with his left hand. All three warriors were hit by the visible cone and collapsed onto the ground, but the muscular Viking had not been hit because the red-headed trio had a headstart on him, so he arrived just when the spell hit the Vikings in front of him and dissipated. That was all right, though... now the fight was down to Leonidas and the burly man.

    Or it was until the two knife fighters from earlier decided to put in an appearance.

    Leonidas saw them racing down the right path and  did not have time to dwell on that... he had to fight the muscular man in front of him. Leonidas raised his left hand again and charged a Compressed Air Bolt spell, then fired it at the charging Viking. The silver projectile hit the Viking in the chest but did not faze him at all... the scar-faced mage had to jump back to avoid catching an axe to the torso or face, then jumped back a second leap to get a little more space.

    He did not want to go toe-to-toe with the axe-wielding Viking unless there was no other choice, so Leonidas turned and ran for his life approximately 30 more meters until he reached that distance and stopped, then turned to find the muscular man only a short distance away. The two knife fighters had joined the pursuit and were about ten meters from the two combatants; Leonidas had to take them out of the equation before he even thought about fighting the burly man.

    He jumped back and dodged the ax swings of his first opponent, then turned to face the knife fighter approaching from the left. Leonidas waited until he got within range, then slashed at his chest with his Silver Falchion in a diagonal right-to-left slash and cut him. Leonidas then jumped backwards to avoid the burly Viking's attack and that of the knife fighter who had approached from the right, who had performed a lunging stab aimed at Leonidas' right arm.

    The blond mage landed and saw the knife user on the left approaching again, so he slashed at the man a second time with his Silver Falchion in a horizontal left-to-right slash aimed at his throat. The sword cut the target across the throat and the knife fighter fell backwards onto the ground, where he began bleeding from the wound. Leonidas then jumped back again and only narrowly avoided getting an axe to the torso. The knife fighter to Leonidas' right moved in, but the blond mage had anticipated that and turned to face him, then performed a horizontal left-to-right slash at the man's throat. The blade cut him across the throat and he fell backwards, landing on his back and bleeding out like his companion had done moments ago.

    While Leonidas was distracted the burly Viking attacked, swinging his left axe at the scar-faced mage. Leonidas dodged by the skin of his teeth with a well-timed backstep, then turned and started to run from his assailant, trying to get some distance from him before he even considered how to retaliate. He continued to run until he was twenty meters away from where he had started, then turned and faced the incoming Viking.

    Leonidas channeled silver magic into his left hand and raised it, aiming for the charging Viking. He then jabbed his left index finger towards the target, firing a narrow and visible silver cone of air towards the target. The Pressure Cone hit the Viking in the chest and caused him to drop to his knees and glare at Leonidas before falling forward to the ground and expiring. Leonidas breathed a sigh of relief.

    He had somehow survived that fight without taking another hit, but his relief was short-lived. He spotted six more knife users in the distance who were running towards him. The scar-faced mage frowned and decided that he had better heal himself before the upcoming fight. Leonidas channeled black magic into his left hand and raised it above his head. When the spell was ready he cast it and a column of black sunlight enveloped him; the Dark Sun's Grace spell gave him the healing he needed to stay on his feet a little longer.

    Leonidas would need it because those knife-wielding men were a challenge to deal with. They were fast and they knew how to coordinate their attacks to ensure that at least one of them hit the scar-faced mage... Leonidas was certain that he would take another hit or two before all of them were defeated.

    [Post Word Count: 810]
    [Total Word Count: 3,088/4,000]

    Enemy Stats After The Fourth Round Of Combat:

    Leonidas' Stats After The Fourth Round Of Combat:

    Spells Used:

    Enemies Defeated:


    Leonidas Jarnefeldt
    Leonidas Jarnefeldt

    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 243
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,644,504

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Force Magic
    Second Skill: Rex Aetheres
    Third Skill:

    Leonidas Versus The Vikings Empty Re: Leonidas Versus The Vikings

    Post by Leonidas Jarnefeldt 2nd June 2022, 10:46 pm

    Leonidas stood his ground as the six knife-wielding men approached him all at once. They seemed to be certain that they would be able to easily defeat the lone mage who opposed them. They would soon learn otherwise. Leonidas could still lose this fight, but he was not going to make the mistakes he did earlier in the fight... he had some idea of how the knife-wielding Vikings operated.

    He saw a gleaming knife heading towards him from the center and ducked under it, then saw another gleaming knife heading for his head the moment he ducked. Leonidas quickly stood up and jumped to the left, dodging it by so close a margin that the blade cut the right side of his shirt but did not cut his flesh. The mage looked around him and saw that the enemies were forty meters away and closing... two men on the left were circling around while the two men on the right were circling around to his right to try and catch him between the groups.

    Leonidas looked around again and saw that the pair on the left were closer, so he raised his left hand and prepared a Cyclone Tunnel spell, then cast it. The visible cone of concussive wind caught both men and took them down with a single hit, leaving Leonidas to face only four of the Vikings now. He looked left and saw the two men in the center splitting up; one was moving to Leonidas' left while the other kept charging at him.

    The two men on the right were almost upon Leonidas, so he had to make a choice soon. He could either run or he could stand and fight using spell and sword. He was outnumbered, but he was not out of the fight. He had just healed himself a bit and had gotten a harsh lesson on how the knife users fought, so he had some ability to defend himself despite being outnumbered.

    Leonidas spun right and saw the two Vikings lunge at him with flashing knives. He stepped back and avoided the slashes of the first enemy that were aimed at his throat, then sidestepped to the right to avoid a lunging stab aimed at his abdomen. Leonidas felt a slash on his back and knew that the enemies had gotten behind him. He quickly spun around and began to run to get away from them before they boxed him in and cut him to shreds.

    Leonidas felt a slash on his left arm as he began to run but managed to get away without further injury. However, this move would only buy him a brief moment to think before they were in his face again. He knew exactly which spell to use... Rising Cyclone.

    Leonidas continued to run from the Vikings for ten meters before he spun around and quickly prepared the Rising Cyclone spell by channeling silver magic into his left hand. Once the spell was ready the scar-faced mage dropped to one knee and placed the palm of his left hand against the ground as one gleaming knife flew just above his head and the other plunged into his right shoulder, causing an intense cold to bite into his shoulder and almost cause him to drop his Silver Fachion.

    "YOU'RE TOO LATE!" Leonidas shouted just as he cast the Rising Cyclone spell. The silver cyclone caught the two Vikings in the center as they were only a meter away from him and took them down in one hit. Both of the Vikings who had approached from the right also went down in a single hit. Once the spell had finished casting Leonidas stood up and looked around him for any more Vikings who might have escaped being caught in the spell and were looking to finish what their colleagues had started.

    He was not seeing any, but just because he did not see them did not mean that they were not there. He would walk around the village and check everywhere to be sure that he had defeated all of the Vikings, but first he had to remove the throwing knives lodged in his body. Leonidas wiped his Silver Falchion off on the body of the nearest Viking, then put it down and began pulling the knives lodged in his body. The scar-faced mage groaned in pain as he removed each one, but once they were removed he took a deep breath and faced the village.

    He had been cut in more than a few places and his white shirt was a little bloody, but he was still alive and still able to move under his own power.

    [Post Word Count: 778]
    [Total Word Count: 3,866/4,000]

    Enemy Stats After The Fifth Round Of Combat:

    Leonidas' Stats After The Fifth Round Of Combat:

    Spells Used:

    Enemies Defeated:

    Last edited by Leonidas Jarnefeldt on 2nd June 2022, 11:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Leonidas Jarnefeldt
    Leonidas Jarnefeldt

    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 243
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,644,504

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Force Magic
    Second Skill: Rex Aetheres
    Third Skill:

    Leonidas Versus The Vikings Empty Re: Leonidas Versus The Vikings

    Post by Leonidas Jarnefeldt 2nd June 2022, 11:39 pm

    -Three hours later-

    Partially because he was so beaten up from the fight with the Vikings and partially because he wanted to make absolutely certain that there were no active enemies left, Leonidas had spent three hours carefully scouring the village for any more Vikings who might have hidden from him during the earlier fighting so that they could ambush him in the village once he had let his guard down. Over the course of those three hours he had not spotted any Vikings who were still alive. Leonidas could only conclude that he had defeated them all. He was still going to sweep the village until he was certain that there were no more Vikings anywhere in it.

    Once he was certain that they were all defeated he put his Silver Falchion back into its scabbard and voluntarily dispelled the Raging Cyclone spell that had gotten him through the tough fight with the Vikings. They were a lot tougher than he had anticipated them to be, but it was a fight that had been well worth fighting. Leonidas had defeated all of the Vikings and had won a victory that he could be proud of. He had gotten a good fight from his enemies and he had fought for a just cause and that was something that he could be proud of until the day he died. Leonidas was going to remember this day for a very long time.

    Leonidas' thoughts turned from his victory over the Vikings to the issue of how he was going to get back to Fiore. He had forgotten to consider that detail before he set out for Bellum, but he would sort that out later once the adrenaline stopped flowing long enough for him to be able to plan out his return trip. Right now he wanted to sweep the village a few more times before he left it behind and set out for Fiore. Leonidas did not want to leave any enemies behind, so he resumed walking through the village and looking for any enemies he might have missed on previous sweeps.

    [Post Word Count: 350]
    [Post Word Count: 4,216/4,000]


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 12:28 pm