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    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 7th April 2021, 9:25 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933

    "This might be the single stupidest idea you have ever had." Arnaluuk sighed as she took a hefty sip of her drink.

    "Nonsense!" Odhran insisted. "This is a fantastic idea, the single best I have ever had!"

    "I gotta agree with the snowy cat on this one, boss," Amittai admitted, flipping a coin.

    "Apologies, but I also have to agree with Lady Arnaluuk and Sir Amittai!" Pudley agreed. "Perhaps I would not use as harsh of words, but it is as foolish and reckless an idea as challenging Her Majesty, Queen Lolly-"

    "You guys are just bullying me at this point! It's honestly just rude, don't you think?" He said, imploring Lupa to side with him.

    Lupa barked.

    Odhran hung his head in shame. "You too, Lupa?! I trusted you! And you've just... betrayed me like this!"

    Lupa barked.

    "Oh, I do suppose that's true."

    "Would've somehow been a much better idea if you managed to actually be somewhere with a real population, but we're in a tavern in the middle of nowhere."

    Odhran dismissively waved a hand. "Don't worry about it, things will fall into my lap! I am the God of the Celestial Spirit Realm, nothing I do can ever be wrong!"

    Arnaluuk rolled her eyes, unknowing of just how good of luck Odhran would get from this incredibly stupid idea.

    WC: 0223 | TWC: 0223

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord SQB8HXg
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3579
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 7th April 2021, 10:40 pm

    -Mountain Village, in a tavern-

    Wearing her green, white, and gold outfit with Argent Gloves on her hands, Silver Longsword in its scabbard on her left hip, and Ses Revanche hidden in her right boot, Leona entered a tavern in Mountain Village. She had been traveling through the area to get out of the guild hall and get a momentary escape from her problems, which were many. There was a lot of guild-related paperwork to be done, a lot of her gear needed upgrading, she needed to look into acquiring a laser pistol to better suit her "weapon and magic" fighting style, and she needed to start studying for a GED exam.

    While on her way back to the guild hall to return to reality she decided to stop by a local tavern to see if she could pick up any interesting rumors that could lead to an interesting adventure. Leona had ended up going into a nondescript tavern that really did not have anything special to make it stand out. No special name, no special theme for the decor, no special layout, nothing. At least the atmosphere was pleasant enough.

    Leona walked across the tavern while doing her best not to cause a scene by her mere presence. She looked around her and saw a platinum-haired mage sitting off to the side while drinking in the presence of some very strange company. The Wizard Saint saw a woman in elegant blue clothing, a wolf, a giant man who looked like a walking mishmash of different types of pastries and candy with a cupcake for a head, and a skeleton wearing a rather nice black suit with antlers on his head. Leona did not look at the scene too long because it was impolite to stare, so she looked away and soon sat down at the wooden bar on a stool four seats away from the end of the right side.

    Once in her seat Leona remained quiet and waited to be served like an ordinary person instead of using her name and title as a way to get quicker service. While she waited she began to think back to her problems, which were numerous. She had so much to do and so little time in which to do everything.

    [Post Word Count: 380]
    [Leona's Word Count: 380/11,000]


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 8th April 2021, 10:55 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933

    Arnaluuk was absolutely dumbfounded by the luck. She instantly recognized the woman walking in, banging her head on the bar.

    "Too much to drink, Arnaluuk?" Odhran chuckled.

    Arnaluuk shook her head. "No, you idiot. I'm just... absolutely shocked. Your plan actually worked."

    Odhran smugly sat up straighter. "Of course it did! My plans always work, because I am the single most brilliant man in existence! All of my machinations will lay undetected until the time when I am ready, for this world is imperfect, and I need to make it as beautiful and awesome as myself!" He leaned over to whisper to Amittai. "What's she talking about."

    Amittai sighed, getting up from his seat with another flip of his coin. "I'll show you, boss." He got up, grabbing his unsurprisingly undrunk beer and bringing it with him.

    "What do you think you're doing?" Odhran asked, confused as opposed to offended. "You can't drink that! You're a skeleton!"

    Amittai nodded, but said nothing, merely walking up to the new woman who had entered. "Sorry if I'm being presumptuous, missy, but you're one of those Wizard Saints, ain't'cha?" Amittai bowed. "My name is Amittai. I suppose it doesn't take a Wizard Saint to recognize that I'm not exactly a human. I am a Celestial Spirit, summoned by the man over there with the menagerie of strange people and a dog." He set the beer in front of the woman. "Unlike my summoner, I keep up with the news out here in Fiore, so I recognize ya. Leona Jarnefeldt, Saint of Courage, Guild Master of the Silver Wolf guild. I respect the commitment to being humble. Fits a saint, I think." He pulled a seat up beside her. "Anyways, we're both smart enough cats to know that I'm not just here to make small talk. I'll be honest with you, my boss and I, as well as all my fellow Celestial Spirits, are planning to kill you. It's mostly just for the reputation, to be honest."

    As soon as he finished speaking, a dark mist began pouring from the holes where his eyes once were, engulfing the entire inn. Everyone was paralyzed with fear, their minds corrupted by whatever they were afraid of most. "Sorry, cat. Gotta do this to ya. Shame. Scorpio would probably have liked you. Then again, he liked anything vaguely humanoid. Though..." Before he could finish his thought, he pulled the coin out of his pocket, flipping it absently in his hand a few times. He mulled over some thought in the midst of his mind - or whatever it was that Amittai used in order to think - before his coin flipping ended. "No time to monologue." He placed his bony finger against the Wizard Saint's head, preparing to fire a laser away as Odhran got up from his own seat, having manifested a gas mask onto his face, despite the mask not being necessary. He was both immune to fear and immune in general to his Spirit's actions towards him. Odhran trusted Amittai to finish off the Wizard Saint, deciding to use this time to walk around, his arm manifested into a large, fleshy blade. He stepped over to the nearest person, an older man with a time worn face. Odhran knelt over.

    "I wonder what you're thinking about..." he asked, smirking evilly. "A dark, deep abyss? No way to escape? What about watching your child, your grand child, burning and melting in the flames? The world around you, crumbling around. You've seen it all, haven't you? You've seen the worst of the worst, or so you thought. Now you're only around, helplessly choking away, on the verge of death. Will the poison get you? Was it the drink? Did they ever care about you? Will the fear pollute your mind?" A manic laugh escaped his lips as he stood, beginning his monologue. "Listen to me, all you foolish and petty mortals! I am Odhran Aegisbane, the God of the Celestial Spirit Realm! I shall rise to be the god of my new world, and you all must bow and pay homage to me for your survival! Nothing has the chance to stand to me in my new order! My word shall be absolute, my world shall be absolute! Saints cannot stand up to a god! This saint, this foolish mortal who dares claim divinity with myself will fall! Watch, all of you! Let the fear grip your death rattles! Watch as Odhran Aegisbane ends your protection!" He knelt back down beside the man. "And you shall be the first." He thrust the blade into the man, lifting his still living body into the air. "Saint, listen to me. You certainly have power, but you are no god! You will be a martyr to show the fear that the world will have towards seeing me in my glory, and they shall one by one watch as their hopes and dreams fall before me!"

    Amittai sighed, the laser at his fingertip nearly ready to fire. Odhran took too much time monologuing. The Saint was about to fight back, he knew. Leona would not be the first martyr in this battle.

    Amittai would.
    WC: 0864 | TWC: 1087

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord SQB8HXg
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3579
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 8th April 2021, 10:16 pm

    Leona sat patiently at the bar waiting to be served when she saw someone approaching her out of the corner of his eye. The Wizard Saint turned a little and noticed that it was the well-dressed skeleton with the antlers or horns sticking out of his head... she was so tired that she was not sure what they were. As he approached he asked her if she was a Wizard Saint. He then bowed to her and introduced himself as a Celestial Spirit named Amittai and informed her that he had been summoned by the platinum-haired mage Leona had spotted on the way to her seat.

    Confused by the odd sight and more than a little winded by her journey, Leona listened to the well-dressed skeleton continue to speak to her. Amittai stated that unlike his master he kept up with news in Fiore. As a result he recognized her and stated her name and titles as proof of his claim. Leona was mildly impressed by his knowledge and listened for what he had to say next as Amittai pulled a seat up next to her and sat down, but before he did he praised her for her humility before going on to speak further.

    When he sat down beside her she faced him and the conversation took a dark turn as Amittai revealed that he, the other Celestial Spirits, and his boss were here to kill her. He claimed that it was nothing personal... Leona was going to be killed for the reputation boost the platinum-haired mage stood to get for killing her. The blonde frowned and moved to stand up when a dark mist rolled out of the skeleton's eyes and she began to see the ground beneath her suddenly drop and form a deep pit with a yawning black mouth inviting the Wizard Saint to drop in for a permanent visit.

    Leona panicked and began to sweat as her mouth dried out... her worst fear had just come to life. She was deeply afraid of heights and no amount of willpower could make her get over that deep-seated fear. If she moved a muscle to get out of her seat she would fall into the abyss and no one could save her. She need not have worried about moving because she found that she could not move a muscle even if she had wanted to.

    She was paralyzed and teetering on the edge of a long drop!

    Leona sat paralyzed as the mist filled the entire tavern and Amittai flipped a coin a few times before stating "no time to monologue." and placing a single finger on her head, presumably to prepare for a killing blow. Out of the corner of her eye she witnessed the platinum-haired mage manifested a gas mask and got out of his seat before changing an arm into a large fleshy blade and walking towards an old man who was powerless to escape the platinum-haired mage.

    The mage knelt over the man, then asked the man about what he was thinking about and what he feared the most before launching into a monologue that told Leona his name. The platinum-haired mage's name was Odhran Aegisbane and he was the God of the Celestial Spirit Realm. Leona was pretty sure that was a self-appointed title, but she could not disprove his divinity while she was paralyzed. She needed to get free, but how could she?

    Odhran knelt down beside the man and stabbed him with the large fleshy sword, then addressed the Wizard Saint. He asserted that while she was powerful, she was no god. He then stated that she was going to be a martyr to inspire fear in the world. Once that was done he would proceed to crush the hopes and dreams of everyone in his path as he marched towards a position of unassailable power.

    Leona felt a surge of adrenaline as Amittai's attack prepared to fire directly into her head. She had to break free of the paralysis. She might have been dangerously naive in allowing Amittai to get this close to her to use his dark mist, but she was not going to die like a chump. She was especially not going to give Odhran the pleasure of getting the reputation boost he was looking for. Leona would save the people in the tavern and send him and his Celestial Spirits packing.

    Powered by a mix of adrenaline and sheer spite for Odhran, the Wizard Saint clenched her teeth and forced herself to rise from the bar stool, struggling to her feet and eventually forcing herself upright with one final surge of adrenaline; the moment she stood upright the floor reverted back to normal. Now that she had freedom of movement back the polite and well-dressed skeleton was going to be the first to go down. She took a half-step back and powered up with Gale Force, causing her hair to blow about even though there was no wind in the tavern. She then launched a right-handed Hurricane Punch that hit Amittai twelve times in the torso, her right arm moving so fast that to observers it was a blur.

    Before the skeleton could recover and fire off his attack Leona put the index and middle fingers of her right hand together, then channeled silver magic into them. Once the spell was ready she swung them towards the skeleton's neck and decapitated him with her Silver Blade spell. Once the skeleton was gone Leona turned her angry green gaze towards Odhran. She would have to mind the other Celestial Spirits he had out, but she could handle them. Leona took a few steps towards him with the intention of putting his claims of godhood to the test.

    [Post Word Count: 960]
    [Leona's Word Count: 1,340/11,000]


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 9th April 2021, 1:01 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933

    Odhran heard a rather unpleasant ruckus, turning around to see that the Wizard Saint had gotten up and now Amittai's skull was flying through the air. "Told ya, boss. Should've focused on the Wizard Saint first." As soon as the words escaped Amittai's... skeletal equivalent of lips, the Spirit faded into a light blue dust, dissipating into the Celestial Spirit Realm.

    "That's..." Odhran said, more irritated than anything. "Look, Amittai, I need to make sure I make a scene! No villain worth his weight in bread loaves would just immediately take down the hero! Villainy 101 says that you need to make sure your plans for killing your opponent are long, drawn out, and easily escapable! Honestly, Amittai! You'd think you'd know better on matters of being evil with the whole 'being a skeleton' thing."

    "Sir Odhran?" Pudley asked, a mace of licorice in his hand. "I do believe that Sir Amittai is actually quite a pleasant man despite being a skeleton."

    Odhran looked over and shrugged. He stood in silence for a moment before coming to a realization. "Oh, right. The Wizard Saint killed Amittai. She can't do that! Shoot her, or something!"

    Sir Pudley nodded and charged ahead, swinging his mace as he did, a giant ball of candies and cookies merged as a meteorite tearing its way through the tavern and towards the Wizard Saint. Pudley knew that, despite his honor as a knight, he was first and foremost a protector of his Liege, Queen Lolly of Candyland, Fourth of her Name, Caesarina of the Cuberdon Concretions, Dronning of the Dumle Diatrene, and Taiko of the Turo Rudi Talus, and secondmost the protector of his summoner, Odhran Aegisbane. This woman posed a threat to him, and if he had to go through civilians in order to protect Odhran, he would do so. By time she cleared away the meteor, Pudley had already reached a melee range, swinging his mace defensively, primarily looking to stall for time as Odhran prepared something good for them to do. He was progressively pushed back, each attack of the Wizard Saint denting his shield more and more.

    "You certainly are a valid opponent for the Captain of the Third Royal Guard of CandyLand, lady Saint!" he roared, through labored breaths, or whatever Pudley had instead of breaths. "But as my title of Sir Pudley Tafferton, Order of Confectionalot, I will not fall!" He bashed his shield outward, knowing it would do little in terms of damage and only succeed in briefly pushing her away so that he could focus energy into his shield growing massively in size. The licorice mace in his hand faded away into a lance of rock candies, the tip of its spear such small enough to fit in the holes in the cookie shield, keeping him still mostly safe while Odhran continued with his work, Pudley's shield completely blocking any route for the Saint to escape through.

    "Sheesh, this woman is annoying!" Odhran said with a pout. "Lupa, do the thing!"

    Lupa barked.

    "Yes, that thing. The one we talked about."

    Lupa barked.

    "Yes, at the dog park!"

    Lupa barked.

    "That one, yeah."

    Lupa barked and flew through the wall of the tavern, preparing her own plan that had never failed once ever. Odhran decided to ignore that the plan had never needed to be tried ever, as he never faced an opponent quite yet that he needed to actually strategize around, but what mattered was that Lupa had her own thing to do. Odhran ripped off the gas mask, some of his face peeling away with it. "Now for my turn. Arnaluuk! Prepare yourself for a Brinacle Surge and Vortex of Ice combo! I have my faith in you!"

    Arnaluuk nodded, her trident manifesting in her hand as she softly began chanting. Odhran snapped his fingers, his casual clothes manifesting into black armor as his arm blade thinned in its sheer size. His other arm now began to mold and transform as well into yet another blade, this one thinner and shorter and also a chainsaw. He knew that things were serious and that he had to actually focus for once. A thrill rushed to his head, a fire bubbling in his stomach. He had not felt this rush, this excitement, this utter joy and satisfaction in such a long time! A cackle could not help but escape his lips, basking in the absolute enjoyment he was finding in this whole situation.

    "Wizard Saint!" he barked, his voice losing its pompousness and casualness and descending into one of pure madness. "You stand before a God! Bend your knee to me!"

    He roared into a laugh yet again, his mind racing. The manifestations of his mind, the sheer power that he held with the Ark of Embodiment, the absolute wonders that he as an Avatar of Creation could do began to rise into the real world, bubbling like a cauldron. The walls around them would begin to bleed, each crack of the wooden walls dripping with red sap. The floorboards cracked and shook, the roof would begin manifesting spiders, and the sky itself would begin to take a red tint. His smile was plastered all over his face, the elation of a kid in a candy shop having no chance of matching up to this.

    "Sir Odhran! I may not be able to hold much longer!" Pudley roared, still blindly stabbing the spear through the little bit that he could of his spear.

    Odhran smiled. "Very well. Hold the line as long as you can. You will be rewarded for your efforts, Pudley. I will assure you, whenever I arrive in my own kingdom, when we create our new world, when reality itself falls under my thumb, I will grant you a kingdom befitting your status and your wishes! All who bend their will, all who succumb to my great power will be granted a place in my grand designs, in my new realm of my own making! Pests like this Wizard Saint shall be cast aside, sent to the flames of my wrath, and I will not let them stand for a moment! I am Odhran Aegisbane, the God of the Celestial Spirit Realm! The God of this World and the Next! I am the very manifestation of all that is desired within a ruler! My power! My might! My wonderful visions shall all become the truth! Behold, people of Fiore! You stand in the presence of a God!"

    He could hold his joy in no longer, and he could do nothing but laugh.

    WC: 1097 | TWC: 2184

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord SQB8HXg
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3579
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 9th April 2021, 10:38 pm

    Leona strode towards the self-proclaimed "God of the Celestial Spirit Realm" and was somewhat surprised when Amittai survived his decapitation long enough to pass word to his master that he should have focused on the Wizard Saint first. The Wizard Saint strode towards Odhran and saw the giant man who looked like a mishmash of candy and pastries move to block her from getting to his master. He swung a mace and sent forth a meteorite of candies and cookies that hurtled towards Leona at a fast clip.

    Leona, not wanting to let the meteorite hit the tavern wall and risk destroying the building or hurting anyone hiding behind the bar, deliberately tanked the meteor by raising her Argent Gloves in a defensive pose in front of her face. She felt it hit her and staggered back, but she recovered in time to see the candy man approach and swing his mace at her. Leona made the defensive posture again and felt a sharp impact from the mace, staggering back a second time before recovering. Leona could not use her long-range spells because of the confined space of the tavern and the presence of civilians, but she could certainly use her sword.

    Leona drew her Silver Longsword and immediately went on the attack. The candy knight defended himself against the blonde's onslaught with skill and determination, determined to trade his life to buy time for his master to enact his plan. Each swing of the Silver Longsword was met with the shield being raised to block it, then a precise counterattack that forced Leona to parry or evade the counterattack. The Wizard Saint was fighting a skilled opponent with something to protect and could not help but to feel a certain amount of respect for the candy knight doing his best to protect Odhran from the angry blonde.

    When "Sir Pudley Tafferton" complimented Leona on her worthiness to be his opponent, Leona could not help but to comment back.

    "You're pretty good too, Sir Pudley Tafferton! I don't have anything against you, but I can't let your master win!" Leona returned the compliment without sarcasm and delivered her version of "nothing personal" to him like Amittai had done to her mere minutes ago. She knew that she could not dissuade the candy knight from his task. He was determined to sell his life as dearly as possible for Odhran and he could not be swayed.  It was a pity that the candy knight was in the service of someone like Odhran because Sir Pudley seemed like a good candy man to know, but Leona could not let pity stay her hand. She had to win.

    The candy knight bashed outward with his shield and Leona raised her left arm in defense, barely blocking the shield from hitting her in the face. Her arm felt a pressure as the shield hit it, but having her arm hit was a lot less dangerous than taking a shield to the face. Leona recovered and saw that the new shield Sir Pudley had was large enough to box her in and severely limit her options. The only way around the determined candy knight was to go through him, but his enormous shield had formed holes and he was stabbing at her though them with a lance made of rock candies.

    Leona knew that such a move was stalling for time and Sir Pudley was doing a good job of it. However, she had to get through to stop Odhran before he could successfully enact his plan. Leona attacked the shield with her sword and dodged the lance thrusts the best she could, slowly but surely chipping away at the deceptively sturdy shield. She was making progress, but she was not making it fast enough because she could hear Odhran shouting orders to his other two Celestial Spirits. Odhran then commanded her to kneel to him.

    "I won't kneel to you!" Leona retorted defiantly as she continued to hammer at the cookie shield barring her way. It was slowly starting to crumble, but it seemed to be infused with Sir Pudley's determination because the cookie shield was just not giving way no matter how hard the Wizard Saint struck it. Leona's attention was momentarily taken off of the candy knight and drawn to her surroundings, which began to take on a rather ominous appearance.

    The cracks in the wooden walls began to drip red sap that looked a lot like blood. The floorboards beneath her feet began to crack and shake and the roof began to spew forth spiders, but that was not all that was going on. As if all of the preceding were not bad enough, the sky began to take on an ominous red tint. Just what was Odhran preparing to do?

    Leona turned her attention back to Sir Pudley and narrowly avoided a lance thrust to her left leg, sidestepping the attack and striking the shield with a downward two-handed power chop. She must have been wearing Sid Pudley down because he called out to Odhran that he might not be able to hold out much longer. Hearing that declaration, Leona renewed her attack in the hope of breaking through before it was too late.

    Odhran promised that when the platinum-haired mage entered his kingdom, made a new world, and controlled reality itself, Sir Pudley would receive a kingdom that was commensurate with his efforts. If Odhran was really going to follow through on his promise of reward and was not just leading Sir Pudley along with false promises, the candy knight would receive quite the kingdom for his efforts. Leona could not let Odhran win today because she was determined to not let his ambition come to pass. Nothing good could come from someone like him gaining control of reality.

    Leona was not impressed with Odhran's rant near the end of his monologue. He was no god... if Leona could get to him she would be happy to disprove his claim. However, the tone of his laughter was more than a little disconcerting. He had clearly gone off the deep end, which did not bode well for Leona or for anyone in the tavern. Things were about to get very bad.

    [Post Word Count: 1,041]
    [Leona's Word Count: 2,381/11,000]

    Last edited by Leona Jarnefeldt on 16th November 2021, 12:49 am; edited 2 times in total


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 10th April 2021, 7:33 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933

    Pudley continued to struggle under the weight of the punches, but he was relieved in knowing that he did not need to do any more waiting around. Lupa had burst through the wall on the other side of the Wizard Saint, just as Arnaluuk's spells began to strike. The ground beneath the Wizard Saint burst into icy spears, a solid mass of ice wrapping around her legs. Almost as soon as that was finished, Lupa had come in, rapidly slashing at the Saint with her front paws, fire in her left and earth in her right. Pudley kept his shield held high, continuing to poke through hesitantly with his spear. However, when Odhran announced that he wanted a piece of the action, Pudley shortened the shield for a moment, Odhran himself diving above the now normally sized shield. He began haphazardly slashing away with both of his arms, going for more powerful, slower strikes with his thicker blade arm while the chainsaw went and prodded around her for openings in her defenses. Arnaluuk held her staff high into the air, a circle of magic forming over the Saint's head. Merely a moment before the circle activated, Odhran and Lupa disengaged, Odhran getting to the other side of Pudley, who expanded the shield once more. The ice around her feet began to melt as the area around her began to blow a sharp, harsh wind. Odhran now knew that the Saint was mobile once more, but he was wise enough to know that it would not be enough to finish off the Saint.

    "I suppose it would be for the best if I fully fleshed out my numbers. Jin-Ho! Come forth and bring gore to this world of impertinent liars and cheats!"

    He swung the Year of the Ox's key, the Zodiac arriving in splendor.

    "That's not the right type of gore, Odhran. I use the gore as in a bull goring something with its horns, not the gore as in the garish blood and guts you have around here."

    "It is no matter! I want you to be prepared for when Pudley's defenses fail!"

    Jin-Ho smiled, brandishing his rapier and getting into a proper stance on the other side of the shield from the Wizard Saint. However, the assault was not done even yet. Lupa continually went in for dive attacks, flying by with a quick paw swipe before retreating again. Pudley did not allow her to have any attacks on her, as Pudley would continually poke the Saint with the spear, aiming for vital organs to ensure that there really was not a chance for her to take out Lupa.

    Odhran let his arms transform back into actual arms for a moment, flaring his hand out, a marble appearing in between his fingers. "Well, I certainly haven't used this as much as I really should..." he chuckled, a bit of sanity coming to his voice. "Watch and learn, Saint! I am a god of creation, I am a god of reality itself! Behold the power I possess over this fragile, feeble reality!"

    The marble in his hand began to glow as the world shifted once more. Gone were the bleeding walls and cracking floors and now was a ruin of sandstone, sand beneath their feet. The only reason to tell that this was merely a projection onto the real world was the occasional ripples in the fabric of this "reality" that had been forged by the marble in Odhran's hand. He smiled, excited to see how his Spirits would continue their plight. Odhran knew he made a mistake by letting Amittai go down so easily, but now he was not messing around.

    Lupa fluttered a few meters away from the Wizard Saint, before pouncing onto the ground, akin to a fox hunting in the snow, a wave of pure earthen energy rushing towards the Saint. Since there were people between Lupa and the Saint, Odhran opted to capitalize on her already observed tendency to go and save civilians, ordering Pudley to lower the shield once more. Pudley nodded, putting the shield on his back and switching his rock candy lance for a lollipop battleaxe. He rushed forwards, just as Arnaluuk prepared another magic circle above the woman's head. Jin-Ho likewise prepared to rush in, his horns going into a metallic sheen, and a wave of energy forming around his feet. The metal sheen applied to his rapier as well, before he thrusted forwards. Odhran, too, got in on the fun. manifesting a sniper rifle into his hands and taking aim. Only when he shot, instead of a bullet, it was a teddy bear that happened to have an explosive inside its stomach. Odhran smiled, thinking that the Saint had no chance of surviving the onslaught of Pudley's axe strike, Jin-Ho's sword stab, Arnaluuk's spell, and the explosive teddy bear mere moments after the elemental wave would have hit.

    However, he did not account for this being his biggest tactical blunder he could have made by going for an all out attack.

    WC: 0843 | TWC: 3027

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord SQB8HXg
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3579
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 11th April 2021, 12:36 am

    Leona had held back too much power in preparation for confronting Odhran himself and now she was going to pay the price. Sir Pudley's powerful shield had delayed her long enough for Odhran to put his plan into action. As a result of her folly Leona was going to be in for a hard time.

    Leona noticed a solid mass of ice wrapping around her legs way too late to do anything about it and was stuck in place as a result. Just as the chill began to set in the wolf from earlier zoomed in from nowhere, slashing at her with both of its paws: fire was in the wolf's left paw and earth was in its right. Unable to move, Leona protected her face with her arms and was hit with fire on her left arm and earth on her right arm. Leona groaned from the hits and dropped the defensive posture long enough to use her Silver Longsword to parry more prods from the candy knight's spear... they were mostly a distraction, but if Leona slipped up he could still land a lucky hit and stab her in a critical place.

    Leona observed Sir Pudley shorten the shield for a moment and saw Odhran himself leap over the shield with two bladed arms, one of them a thick sword and the other a... chainsaw? Leona clenched her teeth and did her best to parry the blows with her own sword while her legs were frozen in place. Leona was so busy carefully parrying attacks from Odhran that she failed to notice what else was going on until both Odhran and that wolf jumped back; Odhran jumped back to hide behind Sir Pudley's shield that had expanded again, causing the blonde to suddenly feel very exposed.

    The ice around Leona's feet began to melt and Leona was suddenly blindsided by a sharp, harsh wind that began to blow around the area. She took the hit and recoiled from the impact, but now that she had gotten her mobility back she could get back in the fight. Knowing that she had regained her mobility, her enemies were not letting up: the wolf began to dive bomb Leona with swipe attacks that she dodged. Sir Pudley got in on the action and began prodding at her with his spear, keeping her from being able to hit the dive-bombing wolf by making her focus on dodging spear strikes.

    Leona took a risk and landed a sword strike or two on the shield between dive-bombing attacks, but they did not deal nearly enough damage to finally break the shield. After those ineffectual hits she kept dodging both the wolf and the spear thrusts from the candy knight, but she risked making a sword strike against the shield every now and then to keep Sir Pudley on the defensive instead of letting him emerge to go on the attack. Leona continued to dodge both the wolf and more spear prods while the world changed around her.

    Odhran declared himself a "god of reality" who held the power to change it however he wanted. Moments after making his declaration the area had indeed changed according to his will.

    Now instead of bleeding walls and cracking floors Leona was standing amidst sandstone ruins with sand beneath her feet. The new scene reminded her of the sands of Desierto, but now was not the time for nostalgia, not with Odhran and his summons trying their level best to kill her. They were making a good effort... despite Odhran's obvious lunacy his tactic of choosing an enclosed tavern full of civilians as the battlefield was a sound one because it took Leona's ranged spells and crowd control spells out of play. He was also good at coordinating his summons because they carefully coordinated their attacks to leave Leona very little room to retaliate against one of the summons without exposing herself to harm from another.

    The flying wolf hovered a few meters away from Leona before suddenly diving to the ground and sending out a wave of earth energy at her. Since there were civilians who stood to be hit if Leona did not stop the wave, she put herself in the path of the attack and took it to keep the civilians from getting hurt. After that came a series of attacks from Odhran's other summons.

    Sir Pudley led off with a swing from his lollipop battleaxe that Leona just barely avoided with a sidestep as it descended and missed her right arm. Next came a burly ox wielding a rapier that was thrust forward at her as she turned to face him. He missed plunging the rapier into her chest by Leona performing a well-timed sidestep to the left but tore the right shoulder of her outfit and grazed the shoulder, drawing blood. Leona ignored the pain and bleeding and performed three large jumps back, narrowly avoiding taking a hit from the wind spell from earlier. However, just when she thought it was all over Odhran fired a teddy bear with an explosive in its stomach that landed right in front of Leona and went off just as she raised her arms in front of her face to shield it from the blast.

    Leona's ears rang from the blast and she lowered her arms to find that her outfit sleeves from the wrist to the elbow had been shredded, exposing her arms from the elbow down except where the Argent Gloves covered her hands and part of her forearms. Leona had taken a few strong hits, but she still had plenty of energy left in the tank. Now that the flurry of attacks had abated for the moment the time was right for the Wizard Saint to start fighting back and her first target was the honorable Sir Pudley. That deceptively durable cookie shield HAD to go if she wanted to have any hope of winning this battle.

    When the smoke cleared just enough to see the candy knight Leona put away her Silver Longsword, then maneuvered to align herself with Sir Pudley. Once that was done she stepped forward and disappeared in a "flash step", reappearing in front of him and using a Sonic Slash with her right hand coated in a sharp blade of wind to cut the candy knight across the midsection. She then followed up with a right-handed Hurricane Punch, landing all twelve hits on his torso. She then finished with a Silver Blade spell to his neck that decapitated him, removing the cupcake from the rest of his body.

    Sir Pudley and his cookie shield were now out of play. Despite that small victory Leona needed to stay calm and think clearly in order to win the big victory. She quickly put some distance between her and the rapier-wielding ox and focused on maintaining situational awareness over blindly launching counterattacks. She still had that wolf, the ox, and that woman in elegant blue clothing to deal with in addition to Odhran himself.

    Leona took a deep breath and began to use her brain instead of just her muscles. She began to prioritize the threats still standing.

    Getting rid of Sir Pudley and his shield helped her indirectly pressure Odhran because he would no longer have a mighty defense to retreat behind if he got too cocky and overextended himself.

    Getting rid of the flying wolf would give Leona some room to breathe and concentrate because she would not be subjected to swift, repeated dive-bombing attacks or those earth magic attacks.

    Getting rid of that woman in blue would take both that immobilizing ice spell and that wind attack out of play.

    Getting rid of that rapier-wielding ox would give her still more room to breathe and take another summon away from Odhran.

    Getting rid of Odhran himself would win her the fight, but that was not possible while his summons were still active.

    With the ringing in her ears starting to subside, Leona remained where she was and watched to see whether Odhran himself or one of his summons would attack next. She was raring to go on the offensive and take the fight to Odhran, but she needed to use bursts of controlled aggression to take out his summons first. If she blindly charged at Odhran she could get surrounded by his summons and would pay a high price for her folly. Leona would continue to play the waiting game and dodge attacks until she got a chance to strike back.

    [Post Word Count: 1,422]
    [Leona's Word Count: 3,803/11,000]

    Last edited by Leona Jarnefeldt on 27th November 2021, 1:00 am; edited 3 times in total


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 7th June 2021, 10:02 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933

    As Pudley crumbled away with a somewhat disappointed sounding "Apologies, I appear to have failed," Odhran let his arms go to normal and he began to give a slow round of applause.

    "I suppose it was my fault for underestimating the abilities of a Wizard Saint," Odhran admitted as he stepped forwards casually. He knew he had to stop playing around as much if he had a chance of... no, winning was not an option. He only had to survive. But perhaps he could draw her in, make her do something reckless that he could take advantage of. All of his Spirits were still noticeably on guard, even as Odhran began to casually walk ahead. He knew the Wizard Saint would be on guard two. This had devolved into a chess game, and Odhran found chess dreadfully boring. "You've definitely done well so far. It's been quite a while since I've had even one of my Spirits fall, let alone the two you've slain so far and you don't even look close to stopping!" He got up into her face. She had no way of knowing he had Hallow's Phantom prepared to block a strike if it were to come at him unannounced. "This certainly is fun. Well, it is for me." Odhran had not even noticed when the Saint struck, but he was lucky that Hallow's Phantom had a limited mind of its own, catching the strike. "That was incredibly rude, ma'am! I come here for an armistice and to give you a bathroom break, adn you respond by trying to stab me! No wonder so many people hate the Council! It's me, I hate the Council. I can clone myself. That's why it's many people. Plus all of my Spirits share my worldview."

    "No, we really don't," Arnaluuk slightly annoyedly scoffed.

    "You're just pretending you don't," Odhran dismissed with a wave. Hallow's Phantom kept its grip on the Saint as Odhran began to dejectedly retreat. "I suppose I ought to put on my game face." He smiled a bit as he began to walk away, snapping his fingers to get into a proper set of armor, quickly spinning a key around his finger to summon up Atsuai. Once it was too far of a range, the Phantom dropped the Saint's method of attack and started at her, prepared to kill if need be. He yawned as he grabbed a bar stool and pulled it over towards himself to sit on. "Now then, break time's over. Need a water, Saint? Coffee?" he rhetorically asked, a bottle of water and a cup of coffee appearing on a tray next to himself. "I'll keep them waiting for you right here. Anyways, bathroom situations sorted out? Good. Let's get going then!"

    As soon as he clapped his hands, the fight resumed once more. As soon as that happened, Jin-Ho and Lupa rushed ahead at a quick speed to begin to strike at melee range with the Saint, knowing that they were primarily distractions. Jin-Ho would poke and prod with his rapier, his expert work with the weapon enough to at least keep match with the Saint with how frantic everything else was. Lupa continued her dive bomb attacks, diving in with her paws and swiping away at her face. Arnaluuk and Atsuai, despite their differences, knew what they had to do. Arnaluuk began preparing another barrage of ice at the Saint's feet, but this was only a distraction for the arrows shot into the air by Atsuai, each one exploding into many smaller arrows that rained down upon the Saint as Jin-Ho and Lupa reared back for a large assault. However, Odhran had another trick up his sleeve. He dramatically flared his arm out as Lupa and Arnaluuk vanished into the golden dust of their portal to the Celestial Spirit Realm. In their place, two keys poked out from between his fingers. He swiped them both down, Superbia and Noel taking the place of the elemental wolf and the icy maiden. Jin-Ho flared out a wok, just as his entire body glowed red. The wok was not quite as impeding of forward progress as Pudley's shield, but it was certainly enough to make movement past it difficult.


    Superbia proudly laughed in enjoyment as diamonds erupted from her spear, just as Noel teleported behind the Saint, his back to her as soot and ice and coal began pouring out like a cloud of death, the hurricane force tearing away at the ruined, illusionarily desert walls of the once wooden tavern as it pelted the Saint. The diamonds from Superbia also flew out just as Noel's hurricane struck, pelting the much more powerful Saint as they did. Odhran smiled, allowing Hallow's Phantom to get involved, firing out its most powerful pair of eye lasers at the saint as Atsuai fired an arrow of magic into the air, dark energy darting towards the Saint. Jin-Ho finally began to charge ahead as the torrent of attacks flew at the Saint, Odhran wondering how well the Saint could endure this full blow of magic.

    WC: 0918| TWC: 3945

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord SQB8HXg
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3579
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 8th June 2021, 9:15 pm

    Leona took a deep breath and looked at Odhran's assembled spirits. She had taken out two of them, but the wolf, the woman in blue, and the ox were still on their feet. She would need to take care of them before she could take on Odhran. She expected him to let his spirits do all the fighting, which was why she was more than a little surprised when Odhran began to slowly approach her.

    Odhran complimented Leona by claiming he had underestimated her. Whether that was a genuine compliment or not was up in the air, but Leona did not have time for playing word games. She wanted to get rid of him and his spirits. They had done enough harm for today and she could not send them packing fast enough.

    Odhran got right into her face and complimented her for taking out one of his spirits, let alone two. The odd fellow was way too close for comfort, so Leona decided to give him a pointed reminder that invading her personal space was a bad idea. She prepared to stab him with her Silver Longsword while he talked to her and acted friendly.

    Leona frowned as Odhran talked about his idea of fun. Attacking a tavern full of innocent people and causing property damage was "fun" to him?

    Having had enough of his nonsense and unwilling to delay giving him a pointed reminder to back off any longer, Leona moved to stab the rambling fellow. The sword was halfway to him when some kind of skeleton grabbed the blade and halted its progress in mid-air before it could reach Odhran. Leona could not conceal her surprise at this unexpected development.

    Odhran actually seemed offended by her stab attempt and launched into another mini-speech.

    In his ramblings Odhran made it clear that he took umbrage to what she had done and rambled about cloning himself. Leona knew that she was naive, but she might have finally met someone who was more naive than her. He had sent a spirit to paralyze her and then try to kill her before the fight started and he was lecturing her about being rude by trying to stab him after he got way too close to her?

    The odd fellow declared his intent to get serious and began walking away before snapping his fingers to put on a suit of armor and starting to twirl a key around his fingers. Leona was deterred from pursuing him by the skeleton spirit that had caught her sword earlier, but she was also deterred by the suspicion that he was deliberately trying to lure her into overextending herself. She remained where she was and Odhran pulled out a bar stool and sat on it, facing her as if he was watching a sporting event from stadium seating.

    He offered to get her a coffee like they were old friends sitting down for a leisurely chat.

    "No thanks." Leona turned down the offer. She had made a lot of dumb mistakes over her career, but accepting drinks from an enemy mage would be one of the biggest she could ever make. The drinks were probably laced with either a poison that would weaken her over time or a paralyzing agent that would take effect immediately and leave her wide open to attack from Odhran and his spirits.

    Odhran engaged in more inane banter about bathroom breaks before declaring the restart of the fight. Leona was glad to have a brief break, but she was even happier that he had finally stopped talking.

    Odhran sure loved to hear himself talk.

    Leona saw the ox and the flying wolf immediately go on the attack; the ox poked and prodded at her with his rapier while the flying wolf dive-bombed her and aimed claw swipes at her face. She parried the rapier thrusts while stepping backwards and narrowly ducked under the claw swipes, almost losing her footing when she ducked as she stepped backwards. However, nearly losing her footing when she did had an unexpected benefit when it revealed to her the telltale sign of the lady in blue preparing an ice attack.

    Leona quickly jumped to the left just before the ice attack manifested and avoided it, but she was oblivious to the threat from above until it was already whistling down on her. Leona looked up and saw a rain of arrows descending on her! She had to take evasive action before she caught an arrow through the top of her head and was taken out in one shot.

    Leona used a short five-meter Zephyr Dash towards the side of the tavern to avoid the worst of the arrow storm and ducked, weaved, and dodged the rest. She avoided the remaining arrows by sheer luck and eventually weathered the storm by nothing short of a miracle. Thankfully she did not take an arrow to the knee... or to the head.

    When Leona emerged from the arrow storm somehow intact she noticed that the flying wolf and the lady in blue had disappeared and been replaced by a skeletal Santa Claus and a purple-skinned young woman with pink hair. The ox swordsman created a wok to slow the Wizard Saint down and Odhran spoke again.

    He chanted what might have been a lengthy incantation. It was so long and so dramatic that Leona was getting bored waiting for it to finish. However, what happened next was enough to rouse her from her boredom.

    The moment he finished speaking Leona was in for a series of attacks from all five spirits at once.

    Leona was pelted from behind by a hurricane of soot, ice, and coal and the illusory desert that reminded her of her home country was ripped away. Next Leona was hit with a barrage of diamonds from the front that was cast by the purple-skinned young woman with a staff. Having weathered those two attacks and having lost a good chunk of the sleeves of her outfit, Leona was in for more trouble as the same skeleton that had caught her sword earlier fired a powerful pair of eye beams right at her and a young female archer fired an arrow of dark energy at her.

    Leona narrowly avoided the eye lasers by stepping out of the way but was struck by the arrow of dark energy and took a painful hit to the chest. Last but certainly not least was the ox swordsman, who was charging towards her. Leona knew better than to challenge the charging ox and sidestepped followed by an evasive spin, easily avoiding its charge.

    Leona had taken a few hits, but she was still strong enough to fight. She had to be if she wanted to get out of this alive. She had to take more of those spirits out of play, but which ones should she go after?

    [Post Word Count: 1,148]
    [Leona's Word Count: 4,951/11,000]

    Last edited by Leona Jarnefeldt on 16th November 2021, 12:59 am; edited 1 time in total


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
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    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 10th June 2021, 12:45 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933

    Odhran was incredibly irritated at this point. The saint was a nuisance to him for sure. Despite all the barrage of attacks, she managed to still be standing. He jolted to his feet.

    "The absolute audacity of this woman!" he shouted. "Don't you just know when to lie down and die, damn woman!?" He paced around. "I swear, all the lot of you, useless! How hard is it to kill one damn woman!" He shook his head, all of his Spirits backing off. "That's it, Saint. I'm done playing around now! I'm taking matters into my own hands!"

    He snapped his fingers, the scenery around them disappearing and being replaced with what seemed to be a floorless room, surrounded on all sides by stars and a night sky. They were not falling, but there was nothing beneath their feet, only more darkness and more stars.

    "Honestly, all I wanted was one simply thing!" He declared, breaking at the seams "Is it too much to ask for a single Wizard Saint to die at my hands so I can be the most feared Warlord in the world? I mean, look at them! Janet is cool and whatever, but what about those other two Warlords!? Trinity or whatever the hell she... he... it... whatever Trinity is!? She's way worse of an Ace of Elysium as me! I mean, Seika's fine too, I have no issues there, and she honestly kinda scares me but she just has so much potential for evilness! But Trinity?! She's just a wannabe me! I'm way better than her in every way and yet she's the one that Janet trusts with the guild when she's out and not me? Trinity's the Warlord?! I'll punch her in the face next time, I swear. Oh, and the audacity of someone not in Elysium being a Warlord? Blasphemy! We can't have circus clowns be scary! Clowns aren't scary at all, though there was that one movie made based off that one book by Shawn Queen, That. I suppose Dimesmart was a bit intimidating... oh well. It's still nowhere near a living god, a deity above the rest of the world standing amongst the mortals! I am a bonafide god of reality itself! And yet, no one bows! No one lets me rule! No one listens to my damn orders!"

    He shook his head, breathing heavily. She would not have been able to see the invisible restraints she was in as he monologued. "Now, I think you're kind of cheating, to be honest," he said as he calmed down. He snapped again, her sword turning into a balloon animal snake. "It's a bit unfair for you to be using weapons when I'm the one that's supposed to win. It's just like wrestling, I'm the one that's booked to win, ma'am. Whatever, I can deal with you." He sighed, raising his hands as a pair of pistols formed in them. "That said, I'm the one that's supposed to win so I'm not just going to lean back and let that just come to me."

    The restraints quickly visibly formed around the Saint's body before fading away as Odhran began rapidly firing the revolvers, not caring that revolvers were not capable of rapid fire. Each shot left a small puff of pink dust on the ground where he missed, mostly from her being able to dodge. Once she got near enough for an attack, a wall of pink gum shot up between the two of them, catching her attack. Odhran sprouted wings at this point, flying high above the wall and peppering down more shots from his aerial location. He quickly landed, the guns morphing into a dual bladed saber. He swung them towards the woman, dueling blade against whatever she had available, whether it was another weapon or just her hands. They traded blows, neither able to land a proper hit on the other for a few minutes, until Odhran stomped on the ground and the scenery shifted once more to the desert visage of the tavern. Odhran tossed the saber into the air, Jin-Ho rushing forwards, rapier in one hand as he easily grabbed the saber with his other. He pierced with the rapier, simultaneously swiping the saber horizontally slightly above the pierce. If she jumped higher, she would have faced off against a flurry of arrows from Atsuai, but if she ducked under both, a switched in Lupa, replacing Noel, would be pounding on the ground, a wave of energy flurrying through the ground.

    No matter which route she took, Odhran jumped back into the fray, diving towards the woman as the Hallow's Phantom's wide, skeletal arms punched at her, the shockwave from its collision with her, regardless if she took the full blunt or managed to block some of it, shattering the seemingly sandstone walls, the real tavern's furniture breaking into hundreds of pieces. The desert visage faded, the real tavern's ruined state being shown. Just as soon as Odhran's attack was finished, Superbia joined in as well, swinging her spear around with immense skill around the woman. Atsuai fired yet another arrow, dark energy barely grazing the Saint, causing the balloon snake to break and returning her sword to normal. Odhran thought little of this, just seeing if a physical assault could change things. However, it did remind him that Atsuai would have dimishing returns for the devolving into a melee fight, switching her out for Sweetie.

    Sweetie gladly cracked her knuckles, Odhran not caring exactly how the woman made of candy could crack her knuckles. She rushed ahead, delivering some skillful unarmed moves to the woman from a variety of martial arts styles. She kept her assault on repeatedly as the other melee fighters dove in and out for their more powerful attacks. Lupa's dive bombs would always approached from the opposite side of Sweetie, but aside from that, the remaining three would dart in and out anywhere, their different styles, especially with Odhran switching between Hallow's Phantom and a plethora of different weapons, ranged or otherwise, keeping her on her toes. They would have an unspoken chemistry as they attacked, keeping their containment in just enough bursts that she was always being attacked by at least two people, sometimes even three of them. Hallow's Phantom eventually missed with a punch because of a dodge, whether intentional or not, and driving a massive hole through the tavern's wall. Lupa gave no favors with her dive bombs, the wall being mostly gone as the tavern's roof struggled to stay up above the prone citizens, panicking still from the plethora of magic, even with Amittai's spell broken from his defeat. The fight soon began spilling outside, Odhran and most of his Spirits switching to the outside of her, trying to keep her contained into the tavern, not realizing that they had left Sweetie by herself.

    WC: 1146 | TWC: 5091

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord SQB8HXg
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3579
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 10th June 2021, 9:02 pm

    Leona had taken a few hits during that last combined attack from Odhran's spirits, but she was hanging in there. She was trying to figure out which spirit to take down first when Odhran got out of his seat and launched into a rant. He chastised his spirits for being unable to take down a "single woman" despite outnumbering her five-to-one and vowed to take matters into his own hands.

    Leona was somewhat amused by the rant. If Odhran had done any research on Wizard Saints, he would have known that they were very powerful mages who were hard to kill. Oh well... he would just have to learn that lesson the hard way.

    Her amusement soon faded when Odhran snapped his fingers and turned the surroundings into scenery featuring stars and a night sky. When she instinctively looked down her stomach did a flip when she saw nothing but darkness and more stars! Leona had to calm down... she was not falling, but her fear of heights had come up for the second time today and she needed to put a lid on it before Odhran clued in on that and began exploiting that weakness.

    Once the new scenery was in place Odhran launched into yet another rant that was lengthy and rambling.

    Odhran's ranted about people named "Janet" and "Trinity" plus (for some reason) clowns. Leona did not recognize those names, but they were obviously of importance to him given how he ranted about them. She also learned that Odhran wanted to become a Warlord. That speech bought the Wizard Saint just enough time to suppress her acrophobia before he could pick up on it. Now that she was in the right frame of mind to focus on fighting again Leona was ready to begin taking down Odhran's spirits.

    However, the Wizard Saint's focus was shaken when her sword suddenly turned into a balloon snake!

    Why did it have to be snakes?

    Leona momentarily panicked and dropped the sword. Odhran came in guns blazing with two revolvers he had summoned to his hands and Leona began to dodge the incoming rounds. She watched the bullets burst in pink puffs as they hit the ground around her. Leona kept her cool as she dodged the bullets with graceful spins and well-timed sidesteps.

    Odhran drew close enough for an attack and Leona took the chance to use a Mach Straight as a prelude to a magically enhanced punch combo of Mach Straight leading into a Mach Uppercut, but to her surprise a pink wall of bubble gum caught her attack!

    Leona did not have very long to be surprised because Odhran began an aerial assault by flying around on wings and firing his revolvers at her until he landed and turned the revolvers into a dual-bladed saber. Leona quickly drew Ses Revanche and began to parry Odhran's sword strokes without even bothering to try and attack because the knife did not have the range needed to strike him without leaving herself open to counterattack. The Wizard Saint and the aspiring Warlord danced around each other without landing any solid hits until Odhran stomped the ground and changed the scenery back to the desert.

    Odhran tossed his saber into the air and the ox swordsman moved with surprising speed and grace to catch it. He then stabbed with the rapier and slashed with the saber. The archer fired a flurry of arrows at the Wizard Saint and Leona ducked under both attacks only to be hit by one of those ground waves from the flying wolf.

    Leona recovered just in time for Odhran to dive towards her with the skeleton's arms punching in a rapid-fire flurry. Leona was able to block some of the punches but her arms took a few hits. Still, that was better than taking all of the punches to her face or her body.

    As soon as Odhran finished his attack the purple-skinned woman went on the attack with her spear. Leona began dodging the spear while the archer fired another arrow of darkness at her that barely grazed her. She noticed that her sword had been returned to normal, so she quickly rushed to it, scooped it up, and put it in its scabbard. Leona also noticed that the archer had disappeared and in her place emerged a strange-looking young woman who looked like living candy.

    The candy woman rushed forward and engaged Leona in hand-to-hand combat, attacking with a mix of martial arts strikes from numerous different styles. Leona was kept busy fending off the candy woman as the flying wolf zoomed in for dive-bombing attacks and Odhran himself attacked from time to time. There were so many attacks to dodge that Leona took a hit from the candy woman here and there, but the Wizard Saint was managing to hold her own. The skeleton spirit eventually missed with a punch that she dodged and made a massive hole through the tavern's wall. Leona stole a quick glance at the hole and was glad that she had not been on the receiving end of that punch.

    She looked up and noticed that the tavern's roof was barely staying up and the people trapped inside were still prone on the floor trying their best to avoid being hit by all the magic flying around. Leona had limited herself to using her Silver Longsword and magically enhanced martial arts strikes out of fear of hitting the people if she missed with her ranged spells. Wind Blast and Silver Tempest were not exactly precision spells and she did not want to hurt the people she was supposed to be protecting. Her restraint had put the Wizard Saint at a great disadvantage, but it was paying off because the only people getting hurt by her magic were Odhran's spirits.

    She noticed that Odhran and his spirits had moved outside the tavern, which meant that the candy woman was left by herself. The Wizard Saint was determined to take her down so that she had some breathing room, so she immediately went on the attack. Leona quickly Ses Revanche back in her right boot and then disappeared in a "flash step", reappearing in front of the spirit and performing a horizontal slash with a sharp blade of wind covering her right hand directed at the candy woman's midsection. The Sonic Slash spell hit and the candy woman briefly paused and put a hand over her midsection, then resumed fighting.

    Leona quickly drew Ses Revanche and began fighting the candy woman with fist and knife. Now that she was free from attack by Odhran and his spirits the fight was a lot easier. The spirit put up fierce resistance; she blocked several punches and even landed a hit to Leona's face with a mean right jab, but when Leona channeled magic into her left hand and left arm for a Hurricane Punch and landed all twelve punches to the torso, the candy woman was left vulnerable to a finishing blow. Not wanting to let the tenacious enemy rally for another exchange of martial arts strikes, Leona shifted Ses Revanche to her left hand, put together the index and middle fingers of her right hand and forming a fist with the rest of her fingers. She pointed the index and middle fingers down at her right side, then channeled silver magic into them.

    Once the spell was ready Leona slashed at her opponent's neck with a Silver Blade spell and decapitated her. She disappeared and Leona finally had a moment to breathe. The reprieve would not last for very long, so she had better use it wisely.

    Leona shifted Ses Revanche back to her right hand and held the dagger against her heart, causing a magical circle to appear below her and move up her body. The circle moved up her body and Leona felt a bit of her vitality return: if she remembered correctly, the ability she had just used was called "La Remise à Neuf." It was a handy ability that would keep Leona on her feet a bit longer, which was exactly what she needed considering all the hits she had taken up to this point.

    Leona pulled Ses Revanche away from her heart, put the knife away in her right boot, and drew her Silver Longsword again. She would need its reach for when Odhran and his spirits went on the attack again, which would be very soon once he learned that the candy woman had failed to defeat Leona.

    [Post Word Count: 1,422]
    [Leona's Word Count: 6,373/11,000]

    Last edited by Leona Jarnefeldt on 16th November 2021, 1:03 am; edited 1 time in total


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 15th June 2021, 10:35 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Odhran : #f37c98
    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933

    "Dammit," Odhran muttered, more defeated than anything. He made a tactical blunder, and Sweetie paid for it. He seemed prepared to summon Atsuai yet again, but he held off on it. Instead, he decided to rescind all of his Spirits. His strategies were not working, he needed to do something else, needed to try something else. She was competent enough in hand to hand combat to ward off all these simultaneous fighters in melee. She was strong enough to take any hits spells could give, and quick enough to dodge the most powerful attacks.

    "This is the power of a Wizard Saint, huh?" he asked, his voice conversational. "I suppose the Council's lapdogs can't just be picked out of a hat. Maybe it would have been better for me to go after a weaker Saint. Arnaluuk always gets on my case about not preparing enough in time. Well, this was always something I wanted to do. Killing a Saint would get me enough renown to last me a few lifetimes. Of course I would study this. Saint of Courage, Guild Master of Silver Wolf. Leona Jarnefeldt. Rumored to be on par with the Gods of Ishgar. And who am I? I'm just an Ace of Elysium. I'm not a Guild Master, I'm not a Warlord, heck, I'm not even regarded a Coming Storm anymore. Not gonna stop me from trying to kill you, though. I've determined that this is what I want to do." He chuckled, giving a thumbs up. "I was gonna shake your hand, but you'd just try to stab me again. I suppose that's understandable." He cracked his knuckles and sighed. "I wanna see how I can do against you. You got your weapon, I got mine."

    Hallow's Phantom materialized behind him as Odhran's armor morphed away into a much more casual green coat and jeans. "I've heard that sometimes just being more casual is a bit more intimidating. Arnaluuk tells me I try too hard. Maybe I should just... be more calm." As he neared the extent of the Phantom's range, it extended a hand for a handshake. "I'll bring the fight out of the tavern. You're holding back because you're wanting to keep them safe, right? Never understood the care for collateral damage, but to each their own. I want to fight you at full strength. Maybe this is a way for you to rest up. One and a half opponents is much more difficult than five or whatever it was I was doing."

    Regardless of how she responded to the hand shake, Odhran soon charged in for the battle. He first had the Phantom disarm the weapons from the Saint, wanting to get into a fully blown slug fest. He knew that in terms of physical strength, the Saint would out match him. Odhran had been learning some techniques from Sweetie, though he also enjoyed some of the professional wrestling that he had seen within his free time. He would start off in a boxing style, keeping quick strikes all around her body, entirely offensive. However, she would eventually begin to land hits on him, and he would switch his style to one more reminiscent of jiu jitsu. He would keep a defensive front at this point, only occasionally attacking. The Phantom itself did not get involved with any punches for the time being, though the Phantom still existed as a deterrent. Eventually, Odhran would cartwheel out of the way of a punch, darting his arm out as it extended into a blade, whizzing right past the Saint's ear. He stomped on the ground, popping her sword back up into the air.

    "Alright, you win the unarmed round," Odhran conceded, waiting for her to grab her weapons again. As she did, he prepared himself for the next round of combat. As soon as the Saint seemed ready, the Phantom fired a blue laser from his eyes, with Odhran extending arm blades on either side of the Saint, trying to cut off her potential dodge. However, without thinking he may have brought the blades back too soon as he rushed ahead, both clasping both arms together as they morphed into a large hammer. He haphazardly and slowly swung it around, trying to strike the Saint who seemed to be just too wily for him to catch with such a slow attack. If she tried getting any strike in from behind, Odhran would flip his heel up and catch the strike with the bladed boot, similar to a cleat but with three inch long blades in exchange for the much smaller spikes. He swung his arms around, the hammer being exchanged once more for blade arms. Once he had a little bit of space, he manifested a dual bladed saber and quickly returned to the fray, spinning and slicing with the blade, more concerned about acting defensively, parrying away strikes more than making strikes at her. He would only sparsely attack, and they would just be the smallest of strikes at her, not enough to do more than a light scratch if even that. He would eventually flip backwards, the Phantom firing another laser, this one red in color. Odhran then charged forwards, throwing his bladed arm out. Whether intentional or not, the silver blade ended up severing Odhran's arm. The Phantom fired a few more lasers at the Saint's feet to give Odhran time to retreat.

    He laughed a bit, amused in nature. "Damn, you're strong. Plus I haven't been super serious like this in a hell of a long time. Kudos, Saint." As his left arm began pouring blood from being severed, the mark on his right bicep began shining. "I've had enough solo fun with you." The ground beneath them began sprouting up into flowers and greenery. The somewhat barren, rocky land around them soon shifted into a natural garden, the wonderful land of Elysium. The tavern itself even had trees to hold it up for the time being. Odhran's arm would slowly begin to reform on him, though he could have easily brought it back with the Ark of Embodiment. "Elysium. The promised land. A place where everyone, no matter their background, no matter who they are, can be equal. The land where human and animal, Spirit and mortal, are side by side. It's a wonderful thing, isn't it? Of course, just letting that around without any supervision would be asking for disaster. That's why we need leaders. That's why we need the masters, that's why Elysium must exist. Elysium is paradise. Elysium is the ideal world, where nothing wrong can happen. I boast about statues to myself, I boast that I am a king, and that is because I still am. I am one of the people destined to lead the upcoming new world. Look around you. Look at what I can do. Look at how I am the king of reality itself." A pear tree calmly sprouted beside the Saint. "Take, eat. Let it rejuvenate you. It will not be as effective to you as it is to me - the gardens of creation themselves only bend their will to those I trust as allies - but it should still be delicious. My Ark of Embodiment creates lies. Any food I make with that would provide no sustenance. My garden? Quite the opposite." He twirled the keys on his finger, summoning Superbia, Atsuai, Lupa, and Jin-Ho. "I get why you want to stop me. You don't trust me to be an adequate leader of the world. Maybe you're right. But this is my destiny. I can't shy away from destiny like that."

    He calmly walked forwards, his arms outstretched. "Come, when you are ready. Let the gardens of the new world be the battleground for our fight. Let this new world in my image be the end of your old world. Let red blood paint the green canvas of Elysium."

    WC: 1320| TWC: 6411

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord SQB8HXg
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3579
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 16th June 2021, 9:25 pm

    After defeating the candy woman and earning a bit of breathing room for herself, Leona was preparing for Odhran and his spirits to come after her again. They had hit her hard, but the Wizard Saint had defeated three of his spirits and was still able to stand despite all the hits she had taken. She had held her ground so far, but she had better not get too confident. Leona was still outnumbered five-to-one and if they made another serious and coordinated effort to take her down she might not be able to hold them off again.

    After asking a rhetorical question about the power of a Wizard Saint, Odhran complimented Leona in a backhanded way by claiming that Wizard Saints were not just picked at random from names in a hat. She was not terribly amused by that.

    Leona learned that he was wanting to take her down for the immense boost to his reputation if he somehow accomplished the feat. She also learned that her opponent was once a Coming Storm and that he was a current Ace of "Elysium." Leona now knew what exactly was motivating the odd fellow, but it did not change anything. She would show him why he should take Wizard Saints more seriously. At the end of his mini-speech Odhran then gave her a thumbs-up and refused to shake hands for fear of falling victim to another stab attempt.

    Leona saw that he had learned something from this encounter, namely not to try and be friendly with her after using the well-dressed skeleton to paralyze her and then go after the innocent patrons of the tavern. She would be glad to teach him more lessons about why picking a fight with her was a bad idea.

    The skeleton with the powerful punch materialized behind Odhran as he changed from his armor to a more casual look. He claimed that a casual look sometimes made him a bit more intimidating. Leona frowned. He could change into whatever clothing he wanted, but he was still going to get a harsh lesson in why Wizard Saints were not easy targets.

    For some reason known only to him the odd fellow offered to take the fight outside the tavern so that he could see what she could really do once she no longer had to hold back to protect the innocent people within the establishment. The Wizard Saint was surprised that he would make such an offer, but she was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. He was either really confident that she had been weakened enough for him to defeat without the aid of his spirits or he was so desperate to win that he was throwing caution to the wind and counting on surprise to level the playing field. Still, she had to answer the call to battle, so she left the tavern.

    -Outside the tavern-

    Leona stopped outside the tavern and took a deep breath. She had done well so far, but she needed to stay focused and not get overconfident. If she could do those things she stood a good chance of forcing him to retreat, if not outright winning.

    The skeleton spirit had extended its skeletal arm for a handshake, but Leona refused to take it. It was an obvious setup for it to grab her hand and hold her in place with one hand and hit her with a powerful punch from the other hand that was aimed at a vital area. Instead Leona waved the skeleton off and readied herself for a fight, one which Odhran soon gave her when he rushed in for hand-to-hand combat after the skeleton had taken her Silver Longsword from her.

    Odhran had approached her for hand-to-hand combat, an area in which Leona had plenty of experience. He started off with a style reminiscent of boxing and made rapid punches aimed at her body, landing a few hits to her abdomen and chest. Leona landed some hits of her own and the two continued to square off until he switched to a style that she did not recognize. She went into a defensive posture and did not make many attacks during that time until he cartwheeled to avoid a punch and thrust his arm out, extending it into a blade. She had not expected that kind of attack, making it fortunate that the blade had missed her ear.

    After that he stomped the ground, sending her sword into the air. She caught it by the grip and faced Odhran, who had waited for her to be ready before he went on the attack. His skeleton spirit fired a blue laser from his eyes and Odhran extended arm blades on both sides of her in an attempt to box her in. She narrowly dodged the laser by a margin so slim that the beam cut away more of the fabric on her right shoulder and missed her skin by an inch.

    Odhran formed a hammer with his two arms and swung it around without really aiming the weapon. He was presumably counting on her panicking and running into the hammer while trying to avoid it. Leona remained calm and easily dodged the slow and unwieldy weapon, refusing to attack while the hammer was in play. Eventually he swung the hammer around one last time before exchanging it for the dual-bladed saber from earlier and went back on the offensive.

    Again Leona took a defensive posture and focused more on parrying than landing hits because this was her first fight against an opponent wielding a dual-bladed saber. Despite her deft parrying she took the occasional light scratch on a non-vital part of her body like the front of her leg, but she could survive those wounds and they did not hamper her movement. Eventually Odhran performed a backflip and the skeleton spirit fired a red laser.

    Odhran charged towards her and extended a blade arm towards her. Leona slashed at it on instinct and ended up severing the limb. She had just scored another small victory that could lead to the big victory if she kept a level head.

    After that bit of unplanned surgery Odhran praised her strength. Leona kept a straight face and kept quiet. However, Odhran was no slouch. She had not been pushed this hard in a fight since the duel with Aven Alveron during the Fairy Festival in Magnolia Town a little over two years ago.

    After a dry comment the scenery changed yet again, this time to one with flowers and greenery. Leona was startled by the change... she had not been expecting that. She looked around her and saw that the tavern itself had trees holding it up for the time being. Hopefully the people inside would take advantage of the unexpected boon to escape before the structure collapsed on top of them.

    Odhran launched into another lengthy boast about the meaning of "Elysium", the equality that would prevail in the new land, and his status as a monarch that made Leona clench her teeth because of how annoyingly long it was. While what he had just done was impressive, he was still not the master of reality. He was also not a king. Leona would show him that he was mistaken on both counts.

    Odhran bade her to eat from a pear tree that had grown up beside her and recover for the fight ahead. Leona remained silent. For all she knew he had poisoned the fruit and was wagering on her being so weak that she would eat it to heal herself. She might not be the smartest of the Wizard Saints, but she knew better than to accept food offered to her by an enemy.

    He then summoned the purple-skinned young woman with the spear, the young female archer, the winged wolf, and the ox swordsman for another round of fighting. Leona was tempted to bring in her own summons to level the playing field, but she held back for the time being. He was likely studying her and learning what she could do, so she would keep her summons a secret for a little bit longer.

    However, if things got desperate enough, Leona would call them out to fight.

    She could not let her pride get herself and innocent people killed.

    Leona let another one of his remarks pass by without comment in favor of focusing for the fight ahead.

    Odhran bade her to go into the verdant battleground known as Elysium while approaching her with open arms. Leona took a deep breath and readied herself for the next round of battle. She had to stay calm and keep situational awareness, but she could do this. She could send him and his spirits packing.

    Once she was ready she began slowly walking towards him with a facial expression and posture that showed she was ready for a fight.

    [Post Word Count: 1,487]
    [Leona's Word Count: 7,860/11,000]

    Last edited by Leona Jarnefeldt on 16th November 2021, 1:15 am; edited 1 time in total


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 7th September 2021, 8:51 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Odhran : #f37c98
    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933

    The Wizard Saint seemed angered by Odhran, who was ready to welcome her challenge. "Cautious, aren't we? It makes sense. After all, this whole duel began with me attempting to slaughter dozens of innocent people. Paralyzing the room in fear, as well. The pear is poisoned, that's what you think. I know. I can see it. Your loss, I suppose."

    Compared to the frantic nature of the duel before, there was an eerie calm to this. The Saint walked forwards, eyeing up each of the Spirits. Jin-Ho took the vanguard, with Lupa close on his left. Superbia was a few paces behind, while Atsuai moved herself behind Odhran and to his right. The world seemed to hold still for a few moments, the grass of the Garden flowing in the wind. Time itself held its breath, waiting for the next eruption of strikes.

    Then it happened.

    Odhran snapped his fingers. From behind the Saint, a mass of vines sprouted from the ground, attempting to pummel her into the dirt. Lupa's paws slammed upon the ground, a tidal wave of dirt and grass shockwaving towards the Saint. Jin-Ho leaped into the air, just enough to pass the waves of earthen energy. His horns were a deep metallic tone and he flew towards the Saint, rapier at the ready. Superbia fired a swath of diamonds towards the Saint, covering her right side as she dashed towards Leona, staff ready to pierce as Atsuai covered the left with a flurry of arrows. Odhran knew that she had few options to dodge left, bidding Hallow's Phantom fire out a laser above her head before he himself rushed in. Regardless of what happened during that initial flurry, the team continued their assault, rotating between Jin-Ho's expertly skilled rapier thrusts, Lupa's frenzied, random paw swipes, Superbia's sweeping spear-staff swings, and Odhran's constantly shifting form of combat, all while accompanied by the assistance of Atsuai's arrows. A serious look was on Odhran's face as he continued to try to do anything to break the Saint's defense, just for the smallest opening. If she made a single mistake in the flurry of attacks, she was as good as dead.

    But she was not a Saint for nothing, eventually managing to outlast the flurry of attacks. Before she could take a significant advantage of the shifting tides, the group in close ranged combat dropped back, Atsuai giving covering fire alongside Superbia's slower retreat as she fired diamonds from her staff to cover the retreat. Nothing was working. The solo attacks, the flanks, the head on assaults, no strategy was working! Even with Odhran using shieldbearers, focusing on defense, nothing! There was no time to think of a complex strategy! This fight had not even been long, the whole thing only having gone a matter of minutes, and thinking of some new strategy was completely out of the books. He had the advantage of the Garden, but it was exhausting to maintain. This fight needed to end, and fast. He was afraid that he might lose this fight.

    Wait, afraid? Was... was this fear? Had Odhran finally felt fear? He chuckled, calling off all the attacks before breaking out into a manic laughter.

    "Well done, Saint! You truly are impressive! My hands have never shook like this before! You've truly shook me to my core. Never had I thought I would be afraid, let alone that be from the possibility of losing. I suppose you aren't a Wizard Saint for no reason. Truly, you've made me into a cornered animal, but you know what they say. A cornered dog fights back. Or something along those lines, I'm not certain." He gave a genuine, amused chuckle at himself. "Man, I am an idiot. No matter. I think we should be getting ready to end this, Saint."

    He clapped his hands as the Garden disappeared and his Spirits once more rushed into battle. This time, however, the five would attack concurrently. Jin-Ho was directly between Leona and Odhran, while Lupa primarily attacked her left flank while Superbia attempted to strike her down from her right flank as Atsuai threaded arrows in the tightest of windows, leaving the Saint only moments to react to each attempt at slaying her, even without the plethora of strange and unique projectiles Odhran's Ark of Embodiment sent her way. He had to go all out. There was no chance at defense. He needed to win, and now. He could not outlast someone this powerful, so he simply had to overwhelm. His mind was completely empty, devoid of strategy. This was all instinct. Each strike was not thought about, not a single interrupting thought between all of the Spirits. They were entirely focused on the task at hand, entirely focused on the goal of killing the Wizard Saint. Each of the Spirits completely ignored any thought of defending themselves, knowing that in the grand scheme their lives did not matter. They would eventually come back, but the Wizard Saint would not. They all moved as one motion, not even thinking. The empty mind of Atsuai still managed to flawlessly aim her shots, the blank state of Superbia still able to attempt to trip up the Saint with a random combination of firing her magic projectiles and swinging her staff, the zen mind of the Year of the Bull surgically aiming for key points within the Saint's body to kill or wound her, the perpetually blank mind of Lupa trying to crush any bones, trying to see if any elements would shatter the Saint's bulwark, and the focused future Warlord letting his mind run on autopilot, conjuring whatever came to his whims without thinking of aiming. With the Hallow's Phantom continuing to fire out beams of magic whenever there was some nearly unseen opening, the whole group worked as a perfect tandem, keeping a constant assault on the much more powerful mage.

    But eventually, something had to give. This nonstop attack meant that these precious few seconds, this blink of the eye in the perception of a mere mortal would decide the fate of either combatant. Either the Wizard Saint would fall, or the God of the Celestial Realm would be slain.

    A small smile creeped on Odhran's face as he reveled in the sheer scale of these few moments. His life or death depended on this.

    WC: 1059 | TWC: 7470

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord SQB8HXg
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3579
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 8th September 2021, 9:19 pm

    Leona listened to Odhran talk to her before hostilities resumed. It was like the calm before the storm all over again. The adrenaline was pumping throughout Leona's body and she was ready for a fight despite all the hits she had taken.

    The odd fellow took a moment to say that Leona was right for being cautious by refusing his gift and claimed that not taking it was her loss. Leona had likely handicapped herself by refusing the gift of a healing fruit, but she had serious doubts that the offer was genuine. She had no reason to trust Odhran after all of the stunts he had pulled in the tavern. Why would she trust someone who had vowed to kill her and was doing everything he could to make good on that vow?

    It would have been foolish to accept the "gift" from him because the fruit could have easily been poisoned. That poison could have either killed her outright or left her so weak that his summons could easily finish the job. She had made a lot of dumb mistakes over her life, but taking a gift from someone who wanted her dead was not going to be one of them. Leona would trust in the power of Ses Revanche's healing ability to give her enough of a boost to help her get through the fight with Odhran.

    And what a fight it had been.

    This had not been a skirmish with dime-a-dozen bandits who thought that they could take on a Wizard Saint just because of their numbers. Leona was fighting a genuine Dark mage and he had given her a tough time. In between his strategy of using the well-dressed skeleton to paralyze her so that she would be off to a bad start, outnumbering her with summons, forcing her to go and stay on the defensive, and using the tavern and its patrons as a shield so that she could not use her most powerful spells without wrecking the place or hurting an innocent person, Odhran had picked his battleground well.

    Now they were in his "Garden" and they were away from the innocent people, but that did not mean that she had carte blanche to let loose with her magic. Odhran's summons were still willing and able to defend him and even now they were moving to bar the way to their master.  The rapier-wielding ox took the lead and the flying wolf stood to its left. The purple staff-wielding summon was behind the flying wolf while the female archer moved behind Odhran and to his right. Just like earlier, Leona would have to get through the summons before she could attack Odhran directly.

    But before Leona could decide which summon to try and take out of play first, Odhran snapped his fingers and the respite was over.

    Leona instinctively looked behind her and saw a lot of vines erupting from the ground. She dodged them with a jump forward. Big mistake. Ahead of her a wave from the flying wolf was racing towards her. She jumped to the right to avoid it and narrowly dodged it... it was so close she could feel dirt being kicked up onto her left leg. The rapier-wielding ox flew towards her with glowing horns and sword at the ready. With only seconds to dodge before she was either hit with the horns or run through with the sword, Leona jumped to the right to avoid the descending ox.

    Leona dodged the ox only to find herself facing a veritable storm of diamonds flying straight for her. Leona quickly commenced dodging them by weaving from side to side and ducking but ended up with a few grazing wounds to her arms and shoulders plus a few minor wounds on her midsection; there was even a small scratch on her left cheek just below her left eye from where a diamond had grazed her when she ducked to avoid taking diamonds to the eye. The skull's laser beam was fired just above her head, making jumping not an option. The summons continued to attack her with teamwork and precision, not allowing her any room to make an attack on them or on Odhran.

    If she tried to make an attack now she would leave herself open to a series of blows that would become fatal, so Leona remained on the defensive despite her adrenaline-soaked mind urging her to risk everything on winning the battle with one powerful attack aimed at Odhran. She parried the expert sword attacks of the ox, dodged the furiously swiping paws of the wolf, avoiding the purple-skinned summon's sweeping staff swings, and Odhran's relentless and ever-changing attacks.

    Just when she thought she had an opening to take the fight to the summons the ranged summons covered the retreating ones and making it very risky to attack, even with ranged spells. Keeping on the defensive and parrying any attacks that got near her, Leona managed to survive this round of attacks without a scratch. She was not sure how much longer she could do this, though. She had been at it for quite some time and she had already taken quite a few hits.

    Odhran praised the Wizard Saint for pushing him far enough for him to have shaking hands before and pushing him far enough to make him actually fear losing. He then made a not-so-vague remark that since he was at a disadvantage he was preparing to fight back hard. Leona was mildly amused by his confession. He had good reason to be afraid of losing. He had even more reason to be afraid of her.

    After those statements he then hinted that the clash between the two mages was going to end soon one way or the other. Leona paid close attention to that remark. She was not sure if he was on the ropes like she was, but she was fairly certain that he was going to throw everything and the kitchen sink at her in one last attempt to take her down.

    Odhran clapped his hands and the Garden disappeared. Then the spirits rushed into battle with the ox standing between her and Odhran while the wolf attacked from her left and the purple-skinned summon attacked from her right. Leona saw them coming and jumped back to avoid being caught between them. She landed on her feet and saw arrows heading right for her head and body, so she ducked under the first few and backed away from others while weaving to try and avoid being hit.

    The purple-skinned summon alternated between firing more diamonds and closing in for staff swings that the Wizard Saint dodged and parried respectively. The ox came in with sword thrusts aimed for points that would cripple or kill her, but Leona managed to either parry the thrusts or dodge them. The skull kept firing its lasers at her, forcing her to forgo opportunities to eliminate one or more of the summons in favor of dodging. The arrows kept coming, forcing her to dodge to avoid becoming a pincushion and costing her more opportunities to attack the summons and buy herself some breathing room.

    Her adrenaline-soaked brain was screaming at her to fight back, to come out swinging with her most powerful spells and take out the summons before going for Odhran himself, but with the way the summons were covering one another, there was no way to attack without taking a hit that she could ill afford to take at this point. She would continue to remain on the defensive until just the right moment presented itself. However, if the "right moment" did not present itself soon, Leona just might have to take a big risk and take a hit or two in order to make that moment for herself.

    If and when she got that moment, she had better make it count because she might not get another.

    [Post Word Count: 1,324]
    [Leona's Word Count: 9,184/11,000]

    Last edited by Leona Jarnefeldt on 16th November 2021, 1:21 am; edited 1 time in total


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 29th September 2021, 7:59 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Odhran : #f37c98
    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933

    Odhran's magic was running too low. He could not keep up this rush of magic and weapons, the Spirits already flickering on and off from his rapidly draining strength. He had to make a move, and fast.

    He rushed ahead, ordering all his Spirits to commit an all out attack. Superbia and Jin-Ho and Lupa all struck simultaneously as Odhran tried a big strike with his bladed arm and the Hallow's Phantom rushing ahead with a flurry of punches. Atsuai fired as many arrows as possible, everyone involved in this assault upon the Wizard Saint forgoing defenses, going all in, pushing every last chip into the pile to win.

    And it did not work.

    Soon enough, his Spirits began falling. They were overextended, and a single strike could take them out. Odhran rushed out of the way as his draining magic forced Atsuai to retreat. The color drained from Odhran's face as it felt as if his life was about to end. The world seemed to dip into slow motion for him as his Spirits faded from this plane of existence, the only thing now between his death and the Wizard Saint being a desperation flurry of laser blasts from Hallow's Phantom, exploding against the ground around his feet and sending him soaring backwards. Upon his harsh landing on the ground, he burrowed through the earth, landing against a barely standing old oak tree. As the dust settled from around the Saint's feet, Odhran saw that she still stood.

    "Damn it all..." he muttered to himself as he spat out blood. "I'm sorry, all of you. I got too far in over my head. Now I'm going to die. At least I went out with a bang, huh?" He coughed and sputtered up blood a bit more, grimacing at the shard of tree that impaled his gut. His eyes blurred, and blood drained quickly from the Ace of Elysium. Even as he lay dying, the Saint just kept walking. She seemed surprisingly unharmed. The bruises all looked superficial, the bumps and cuts little more than nuisances.

    "So... this is the power of a Wizard Saint?" he barked out towards her as she approached him. She was still a fair ways away, he had enough time to gloat. "Leona Jarnefeldt, huh? Damn you're a tough bitch. I threw everything I had at you and it still just failed time and time again. Even to the end, I tried my hardest and still got nothin' more than a shard of tree in the gut. Pain in the ass. Well, moreso a pain in the gut, but you know what I mean. Metaphoric pain in the ass, literal pain in the gut." It was not all too long until she got close enough. He could tell from her eyes, she was going to show no mercy. So, if he was to die, he was going to die on his own terms: fighting. He ripped himself off of the tree branch, letting it slice even more of his skin and flesh off, a bigger hole opening in him as he struck at her with his arm blade. He knew he aimed high, but he could not even see where the strike landed until his vision faded to white.

    An eternity felt like it had passed until he woke, knowing immediately where he was. He was in his Palace in the Celestial Spirit Realm.

    "Close call, huh chief?" Amittai said, puffing on a finger made to be a cigarette.

    "I didn't die?"

    Lupa barked.

    "Oh, thank... well, if I'm god, then who do I thank?"

    "The King still has a use for you," a somewhat familiar voice said.

    "You're done with the King's summons?" Atsuai somewhat bitterly asked.

    "Don't sound so excited..." Jin-Ho said with a little bit of irritation in his voice as he polished his rapier and wok.

    "Indeed! That is no way to speak to Lady Ophiuchus!" Pudley said, the opposite amount of energy in his voice as opposed to Jin-Ho's.

    "The King had summons for you?" Odhran asked, genuinely confused.

    "I don't know why you're surprised. I'm a Zodiac."

    "I mean, if we want to be exact, she's not really a Zodiac, she's an Imprisoned Spirit..." Sweetie said as she popped some bubble gum.

    Ophiuchus stared daggers at Sweetie before continuing to speak. "Yes, if you want to grasp at straws, I suppose. But that is no matter. The King was watching your fight with the Saint. Everyone was taking bets."

    "Damn, so many Spirits must have lost..."

    "Only five percent thought you'd win."


    Ophi rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say. Anyways, he still said that you're too valuable an asset to the Realm to let die like that. And we all knew that you weren't going to surrender. You were going to try to die fighting, like the god damn idiot you are. So he forcibly grabbed you out of there. Anyways, that's not important. What is important is that you got something big for you to do. The King noticed some weird dimensional stuff going on and he wants you to check it out. Oh, also Elysium got destroyed."

    Odhran frowned a bit at the ending statement. "Damn, Elysium was a great gig. I was really proud of it. Raised me as if it were its own..."

    "Well, you can start something new here. Now, let's get going."

    Odhran nodded, ready to follow Ophi, but he stopped when he realized something. "Oh, wait hold up. I know you can hear me, so... Rider, go check out what that Saint is up to. I wonder if my last ditch attack killed her."

    A yip was heard before Odhran left to follow Ophi, the Key of the Rider jingling out of his pocket and into Earthrealm, the forest girl and her wolf landing in the alien land. She looked around, her mobile ears twitching.  Her leaven wolf ruffled its mane as she rode out to meet up with the Saint.

    "You all good there, lady?" her thick Savanti accent rolling off her tongue. "I 'erd fightin and I came quick as I could. Looks like things got real banged up, eh? If you need any help, I'd be glad to help ya out with makin' sure everyone 'ere's okay. Oh, name's Ochossi. This good girl's Eleggua. 'ow's about you, miss?" The Rider offered her hand with a bright smile. If this was the woman that could beat Master Odhran, then how was she going to do anything to her? Ochossi knew that she had to be cautious around the woman and help her out in any way she could. She knew that Master Odhran would not take a loss so easily, and so it was Ochossi's job to help scout out some strategies to take down the master of wind magic.

    WC: 1141 | TWC: 8611

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord SQB8HXg
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3579
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 29th September 2021, 11:55 pm

    Leona was desperately fighting the urge to throw caution to the wind and just go on the attack already. It took everything she had not to rush into the hail of attacks and risk everything for one shot at hitting Odhran with her most powerful spell. Leona clenched her teeth as she struggled against both her adrenaline-soaked brain and Odhran's summons, who were doing their level best to keep her from reaching their master.

    When she noticed the rush of the rapier-wielding ox, the purple-skinned young woman, the winged wolf, Odhran himself, and the punching skeleton, Leona took evasive action to avoid the attacks. She jumped back three consecutive times and avoided the attacks but immediately had to dodge the arrows the archer had fired at her. Leona again took evasive action, ducking and weaving to avoid being hit but coming away with a few more grazing wounds to her arms for her trouble due to the archer's incredible precision. At least she had not taken any hits to vital areas.

    After taking the grazing wounds from the arrows Leona was again fighting the urge to charge in when she noticed something peculiar going on.

    All of Odhran's summons were vanishing.

    This was her chance to attack!

    Leona struggled to keep her adrenaline-soaked brain on a tight leash as she gripped her Silver Longsword tightly and began walking forward. She had been on the defensive for most of the fight and she had taken a lot of wounds. Now she was going to pay Odhran back with interest for those wounds when she finally reached him.

    Leona's walk towards the Dark mage was interrupted when a flurry of laser blasts from the skeleton began to rain down near her feet. Leona stopped walking and quickly used her arms to cover her face to avoid sustaining eye injuries from small rocks and other debris that could be kicked up by the laser blasts. Nothing would be more humiliating than to hang on for all this time and then lose at the last minute because she sustained eye injuries that gave Odhran an opening to attack and kill her.

    The Wizard Saint's quick thinking and quicker reflexes spared her from such a humiliating end and when the lasers stopped she was still standing. She wasted no time in resuming her walk towards Odhran, who was now lying at the base of an oak tree and coughing up blood from a wound he had sustained to his stomach. She made eye contact with him as she carefully approached the downed Dark mage to finish the fight. Even though a chance to seize victory was in sight she needed to be careful... people were at their most dangerous when their back was against the wall and Odhran definitely had his back against the wall, so to speak.

    Odhran asked her another rhetorical question about the power of a Wizard Saint while she was still a good distance away. Leona remained silent as she continued to approach the Dark Mage.

    As she approached Leona heard Odhran start his latest rambling spiel with her name before lamenting his failure to kill her and complaining about his injured condition; he had given her a sort-of compliment when he called her a "tough bitch." Leona was more than a little amused by that. One had to be tough to succeed in her line of work.

    Leona approached him and was within striking range when he suddenly pulled himself off of the tree branch he was impaled on and lashed out at her one last time with his blade arm before he suddenly vanished. Odhran's last strike missed anything vital, but him even being able to attempt the strike in his condition gave her a very unpleasant surprise. Thankfully the worst he did to her was cut open the midsection of her outfit, exposing part of her midriff and barely missing the flesh. That was what she got for getting overconfident... she should thank her lucky stars that outfit damage and a scare were the worst things that Odhran's last strike had done to her.

    With Odhran suddenly gone the Wizard Saint's grip on her Silver Longsword tightened until her fingers began to hurt. She could still hear her heart beating loudly as she began to look around for her adversary and anticipated yet another storm of arrows flying in her direction, but so far no storm of arrows had appeared. None of Odhran's summons were to be seen, not even that skeleton that had been firing eye beams and throwing volleys of punches at her.

    Leona kept looking for Odhran and his summons while the adrenaline rush she had been on since the start of the fight began to wear off. Leona struggled to remain vigilant since fatigue was beginning to assert itself and that would be a prime time for Odhran to suddenly reappear with his summons and resume the fight. If he appeared again now the Wizard Saint was not sure if she could fend him off in the shape she was in.

    Leona heard a voice sound from behind her asking if she was "all good" and spun around to meet the person with her sword held in a defensive posture. Leona saw a young woman and a wolf that was seemingly made out of leaves. Once she looked them over and determined that they were not a threat Leona lowered the sword but did not put it away just yet.

    "I'm fine. Thanks. Sorry about greeting you like that." Leona replied to "Ochossi" in short sentences that betrayed her fatigue. After apologizing for greeting the young woman with a sword raised in a defensive posture the Wizard Saint took a few moments to recall what Ochossi had said to her.

    She recalled that the new arrival offered to help out with making sure that everyone was OK. She had also introduced the wolf made out of leaves as "Eleggua." Leona briefly wondered how they had gotten here so quickly before recalling that Ochossi said that she heard the sound of fighting and hurried towards it as quickly as she could go.

    The Wizard Saint took some time to consider Ochossi's offer of help. On one hand, Leona did not really need help when she could bring out her own summons to aid her in checking on the townspeople. On the other hand, she was too tired to bring out her summons and she needed to begin her search for survivors as soon as possible. Leona took a deep breath and ultimately decided to accept the offer.

    "Sure, Ochossi. If you want to help me out, you're welcome to." Leona accepted Ochossi's offer of help. She put her sword back in the scabbard so that she did not appear hostile to the stranger and finally accepted the hand that had been offered to her. Now that the fight with Odhran was well and truly over the blonde began to relax a little and shift her focus to the task of making sure that the townspeople were all right.

    [Post Word Count: 1,184]
    [Leona's Word Count: 10,368/11,000]


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)
    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 23rd November 2021, 11:51 pm

    Strength80 | (1.6x)
    (Melee Damage | (Summon))
    SP1 | (1.6)
    (Spell Power Multiplier | (Summon))



    Odhran : #f37c98
    Arnaluuk #66fff
    Scorpio : #cc9900
    Noel: #00ccff
    Sweetie #ff33ff
    Sir Pudley #cccc66
    Atsuai #E14F76
    Amittai #7425B7
    Superbia #701B61
    Jin-Ho #cc9933
    Emperor #6D6FA2

    "Let me see through your eyes, Rider."

    Aye, aye, boss! Ochossi called back, her voice silent as she telekinetically connected with her summoner in the Celestial Spirit Realm.

    Ochossi started to make her way towards the inn, or at least what was left of it. The place was a complete mess. Odhran had the tendency to do that at times. She had seen this place before Odhran got involved with it, but there was hardly anything to recognize about it. The mahogany building was splintered and fractured, only barely holding up by the flimsiest of walls. Lupa had done a number on the opposite wall, but really all that was left was the husk of the place that had once been a niche, yet beloved rest stop in the countryside of Fiore. Surprisingly, all of the civilians seemed to have survived, mostly due to the Wizard Saint's immense power. It certainly was something to watch. Everyone in the Celestial Spirit Realm was watching, or at least it seemed like it. At the very least, all of Odhran's Spirits participated. As soon as one fell in battle, they would hop back in to watch the fight unfold. Ochossi unfortunately had lost quite a bit in the ordeal, having bet a lot on her Master. Eleggua was a smarter sort, betting on the clear favorite and coming out on top. Apparently wolves know strength well. In fact, Eleggua was constantly raving about the strength of this Saint, how she was a remarkably strong warrior and a guild master for a reason.

    Ochossi sighed as they started walking, seeing the staggering steps of the Saint. Hell, if nothing else, Odhran got damn close to taking her out. Ochossi sent a telepathic message to her partner in crime, and the wolf soon grew in size just enough to assist the Wizard Saint in making their way back to the tavern. Even more surprising than everyone surviving was everyone remaining, though they were very visibly battered and bruised.

    "Oh, thank the heavens!" the barkeeper said as the trio approached. He twirled his handlebar mustache, the brown still drenched in sweat. "I thought we'd never make it out of here! Just such incredible luck has come upon us that we get a Wizard Saint in our midst!"

    Of course they would get a Wizard Saint there. That was why Odhran was there in the first place.

    "Fortunately, I, in my infinite wisdom, took a photo of the criminal!" a flashy man in what likely used to be a very fancy white suit laughed.

    He would have posed for the photo if you asked.

    "And we've already made a call to the Rune Knights, Madam," an exhausted looking woman said with a sigh. "I'm sure they'll be here in due time. We'll have wanted posters up and I'm sure that the criminal will be brought to justice!"

    Probably not.

    Ochossi soon enough began walking around, examining the battlefield. So this was the strength that two people of this immense power could possess? The scent of the Garden still floated on the air, the faintest smell of cherry blossoms and fruit drifting through the light breeze that this place now possessed from its lack of wall. Massive craters dotted the landscape around the tavern. And this Saint was holding back. Odhran may have had ambitions to be a Warlord, but he was nowhere near equivalent to the power of a Saint.

    "Gods, I don't think we'd be alive without you, Miss Saint!" the barkeep said again.

    Were humans always this boring?

    Ochossi sat down in a booth a few feet away from the crowd that had gathered around the Saint.

    Thine master hast little regard for his own safety. Eleggua's deep, rich voice hummed in Ochossi's head.

    It certainly doesn't.

    Yet we have been tasked with overseeing the foolish mortal.

    Mortal's an understatement. I think he may genuinely be immortal at this point.

    A low laugh echoed in Ochossi's head. Thine own mind hath been enraptured by his boasting?

    Nothing of the sort. Just a genuine thought.

    Ochossi smiled and hopped off the table. Sure enough, the humans were still chattering away.

    "Wizard Saint! Please! Autograph my hand!"

    "Shake my hand, Wizard Saint!"

    "An impressive display, without a doubt."

    Ochossi and Eleggua were shocked as the familiar voice rang out.

    Dammit, Ophiuchus wants to get on the ground and speak to the Wizard Saint.

    Should I-

    No. Let her speak.

    Ophiuchus stepped forwards, looking very different to everyone else in the tavern. "Truly the power of a Wizard Saint is something to behold. Apologies, Madam Jarnefeldt. I haven't introduced myself. My name is Ophiuchus. I am a Celestial Spirit. Don't worry, I'm not a servant to Aegisbane. I work of my own accord. I simply am just here to offer... congratulations, I suppose. And perhaps even some thanks would be in order? She looked around. "Oh, of course. How foolish of me. I haven't made them show proper reverence, have I?" She raised her hand into the air and immense magical pressure pushed everyone down to their knees, as if worshipping the forbidden Zodiac. "Don't worry, I have no intention of doing anything with you, personally. Though I would wager that I could defeat you myself at this point given your current state, the Celestial Spirit King has told me explicitly not to interfere in the affairs of mankind. At least, not in this capacity. I will abide by my King's orders and not strike you down, as much as I believe it would help in the future. Instead, I merely bring you words as opposed to a blade, or a spear as it were. Well, I suppose it would be safest for me to bring myself a little safety and assurance that a vicious human wouldn't bite back." She pointed a finger at the Wizard Saint and made her kneel as well.

    Since when was Ophiuchus this powerful?

    The Wizard Saint has been battered and bruised by thine master. In this realm, Ophiuchus has not the strength to control the Saint though she were a minion at full strength.

    "Now then, allow me to speak unhindered. As I am sure you know, the man that came here today is a god in the Celestial Spirit Realm, loathe as I am to admit it. However, there is more at work than merely the Celestial Spirit Realm. While my King is content with sitting in his royal palace at his realm, there is more yet to be done with this realm, and my King is not happy with someone claiming lordship over his domain. And so, the gears have been turning. My King is not the only being of immense power, not the only god that rules across the cosmos. There are many resting outside of this realm, and my King is not content with this being the only one to call from his."

    T-The hell? The King hasn't said anything of the sort!

    Indeed. Such are the machinations of Cassiopeia.

    Why does the Princess want to-

    You have always been a naive pup, Ochossi.

    "So, there are certain... duties that must be done. Odhran may not have won this battle, but in the end, the war shall be won. Odhran, the God of the Celestial Spirit Realm, shall soon lose his rank! He will become the god of this realm! The God of Fiore! The God of this very plane of existence!" She realized how much smiling she was doing and soon ceased, coughing lightly. "But of course, he is by himself... less than a strong enough candidate for holding this dominion in his hands." She raised her hand, a portal seeing into other realms forming above her palm. Soon enough, an image would appear, one of a massive dragon, destroying cities in its wake. "Ankhos, the scourge of a realm more powerful than this. Soon enough, we shall gain enough power to bring him to this realm." Soon, the image shifted to yet another dragon, seemingly endless in length. "And here sits Quetzalcoatl, the guardian of the Crossroads, the place where all dimensions meet! Quetzalcoatl puts all you filthy humans to shame! Soon enough, Odhran Aegisbane, God of the Celestial Spirit Realm, will claim this realm as his! The Plumed Serpent has guided his path, and forever will! All will fall before him, all will fall as he claims his rightful place as a Warlord of this country, and the god of all realms!" Ophiuchus smiled lowering her hand to remove the visions of the other dimensions. "Now then, there is certainly a lot to be gathered from this. The Odhran Aegisbane you saw then? He is nothing more than a shell of his potential. He will become the strongest dark wizard that this world has seen, and he will crush all that he has underfoot!" She smirked as she took a few steps towards Leona. "That includes you, Leona Jarnefeldt. You have your precious little guild. You seek knowledge, you seek treasures? You look in the wrong place. You are welcome to join us, of course. A Wizard Saint, fallen to the darkness. It would certainly be a thing to behold. One of the greatest heroes, a shining beacon of the light, falling to the dark. You have power, yes. But do you feel any resentment? How there are those damnable Gods of Ishgar above you? You can claw and struggle all you want, you will never be at their level if you continue to adhere to those damnable rules you believe you must hold to. Your guild is meaningless compared to ours. I am sure that Odhran would consider letting you live if you just bend the knee to him. Well, bend of your own will. I won't count this as bending the knee."

    Ophiuchus raised her hand again, a small clipboard forming in her hand. "And I am sure that my God will provide for you. He will forgive you for this slight and he will surely be accommodating to your... whims." She looked through the clipboard and winced upon reading it. "Ah. I see there will be a problem." A snake slid down Ophiuchus's arm, flicking its tongue against the Saint's nose and rattling its tail. "You don't do too well with snakes. Perhaps I'll have to keep that in mind if you foolishly deny my God's infinite grace. But I can peer into your mind and I can see all that you desire, and we will grant it." She walked over to the exhausted woman, likely a barmaid for the tavern and touched her on the forehead. "Go and spread the word. Spread the word that all your hearts desires can be fulfilled with the Plumed Serpent." The woman nodded and got up, wandering away in a trance. "This power is something that courses through me as a gift from Ankhos, as a gift from Quetzalcoatl. And this is something you can get as well."

    Ophiuchus sighed and stepped back, the snake and the clipboard dissipating into the air. "I've talked enough. I start getting a little delirious outside of the Celestial Spirit Realm. But remember that we will forever get stronger, and one day we will slaughter you in cold blood, Leona Jarnefeldt."

    Ophiuchus snapped and in that instant she was gone, the immense pressure lifting off of everyone and allowing them to stand. Ochossi got up and hesitantly approached Leona. "Sorry 'bout that, lady. Shoulda figured sum'in was up. I... I'm also a Celestial Spirit. Me and Eleggua 'ere. I thought I sensed sum'in in the air, but wouldn'a figured it'd be Ophi. Ain't got a clue what she was blabbin' about."

    Soon enough, the crowd swarmed around the Saint once more.

    "Save us!"

    "Are we in danger?"

    "Please, don't let me die!"

    "The hell was that?"

    "Please, protect us!"

    "But... all of our desires?"

    "Now's not the time to be thinking about that!"

    "Y-Yeah, but..."

    "If you think about it, it's not a bad idea..."

    "Oh, puh-lease! That was promised to us by a crazy snake witch!"

    "But she said she got that power elsewhere..."

    Ochossi sighed. "It's an awful problem, in'it? But... she seemed damn serious 'bout it. Sorry, lady. Think I got'cha caught up in all sorts of trouble, didn't I?"

    Odhran was beaming brightly at the masterful speech that Ophiuchus gave.

    "My, you certainly are an entertaining speaker when you put your mind to it!"

    "The words came across half-baked."

    "Indeed! You appear to have lost your composure there for a moment!"

    "Tch. It's that damn human realm. You got something planned about that, right, Odhran?

    "Of course! I just need to figure out how all of that weird Quetzalcoatl stuff you gave me the dossier about works."

    "You can make it way easier if you just go through with our real plan."

    The room of Celestial Spirits went silent, that silence hanging in the air for what seemed like a year.

    "You cats have got some gall on ya."

    "Oh, please, Ami. You say this like you don't have a horse in this race."

    "You're taking human idioms now?"

    "I find it, like, really charming! Human phrases are so weird!"

    "Ah, but we do not have a horse in this race, as it were. We have a scorpion, no? Heh heh heh."

    "Such dreadful jokes harm my lovely and perfect image!"

    "Ain't nothin' gonna be able to hurt your image, cat."

    "My, Ami! You're trying to steal my role! I'm the love finder here, aren't I?"

    Odhran sighed and sat back. "I could've won that if Scorpio wasn't on vacation."

    "You're relying too much on that philanderer."

    "He wouldn't have to if you just came in and helped first."

    Ophiuchus laughed. "True. But I had other things planned."

    "I take it that's good news then?"

    Ophiuchus smiled and laughed. "What do you take me for, of course it's good news! Preparations are nearly complete."

    Odhran smiled and stood up, rubbing his arm in pain. "Good. Soon enough, the time will come. Things are certainly moving into motion. Not only with Plumed Serpent...

    ...but soon enough, the Celestial Spirit Realm will be under new management."

    WC: 2369 | TWC: 10980

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    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord SQB8HXg
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3579
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord Empty Re: Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 25th November 2021, 1:57 am

    As she walked around Leona had been waiting for Odhran and his summons to pop up and try to finish the job, but to her surprise and relief neither the pretentious Dark Mage nor his retinue of Summons had reappeared. That was a good thing because the Wizard Saint had taken a beating and it showed. With the flow of adrenaline gradually decreasing until it stopped entirely she was feeling all the hits she had taken over the course of the fight.

    Odhran and his summons had done everything in their power to make good on his threat to kill her. They had all worked together towards that goal and had showed flawless teamwork; his Summons had kept her so busy dodging their attacks that she did not have an opening to go after Odhran without exposing herself to a potentially fatal blow. Thanks to his Summons Leona had taken so many hits during the fight that she had lost track of them all. Looking down at herself and seeing some of the wounds she had taken, the blonde was surprised that she was still able to stand under her own power.

    At least she was still standing.

    Limping about the village, it was obvious to everyone that the Wizard Saint was on her last legs, but thankfully that was only in the metaphorical sense. The tavern that had been the battleground between the Wizard Saint of Courage and the aspiring Warlord was on its last legs too. It had been nothing short of a miracle that the place had not collapsed yet. Leona counted her blessings as she walked towards it and was greeted by townspeople who were grateful for rescuing them from the clutches of Odhran.

    Leona listened to the accolades from the townspeople and listened to them tell her about various things while doing her best to pay attention to each person. One brave fellow had somehow managed to take Odhran's picture at some point without being noticed and killed. Another woman had already put out a call to the Rune Knights for help in finding and apprehending the aspiring Warlord. Leona was glad to hear both of those things and gave everyone her best smile. The fight with Odhran had been a tough fight even for her.

    It had been a tough fight because for all his pretensions of divinity and propensity for indulging in rambling speeches Odhran knew how to select his battleground and knew how to coordinate his Summons to put up an effective defense as well as use them to form the backbone of a punishing offense. However, it had been worth it for more reasons than one. She had saved the people of Mountain Village from Odhran and had won a victory for the forces of good, but she had also won a great personal victory.

    She had won this battle by herself.

    Leona had won without the help of Samira Nassar, her Summons, or PG-13 or Mortemer. This victory would be the shot in the arm she needed to keep going as a Wizard Saint. This victory should silence Leona's inner critic for awhile because she had gone up against a powerful Dark mage and won... barely, but a win was a win.

    Leona was finally starting to relax when an oddly dressed dark-skinned woman entered the tavern and introduced herself as a Celestial Spirit named "Ophiuchus" who acted of her own accord, not as one of Odhran's helpers. The Wizard Saint barely had time to make sense of that before the Celestial Spirit raised a hand and everyone in the tavern simultaneously knelt, everyone except Leona. Ophiuchus then began to address the Wizard Saint.

    The newcomer assured Leona that she would not attack the Wizard Saint. Leona refrained from bravado or witty comments and kept her mouth shut because the blonde was silently relieved by that declaration. She had barely made it through the last fight and she was doubtful of her chances of survival should Ophiuchus decide to try and take her out.

    Ophiuchus then pointed a finger at Leona and the Wizard Saint was compelled to kneel by a force a lot stronger than she was.

    The Celestial Spirit continued to speak, telling Leona that Odhran would one day become a lot stronger than he was and ascend to even higher power. Then the spirit activated a portal that showed the Wizard Saint two dragons, one named "Ankhos" and the other "Quetzalcoatl." Leona paid attention to the two beasts and was going to remember their names for the future. She would certainly remember Ophiuchus' name.

    The Celestial Spirit dispelled the visions and launched into a brief speech about how Odhran would become the strongest Dark Mage before turning to the topic of Silver Wolf and Leona herself.

    Leona listened to Ophiuchus offer her a place as a Dark Mage and immediately frowned. The spirit then tried to work the "resentment" angle and claimed that no matter how hard she tried Leona would never equal the Gods of Ishgar as long as she worked for the forces of good. After disparaging Silver Wolf as bereft of meaning she claimed that Odhran would be inclined to spare the Wizard Saint's life if she submitted to him. The chances of Leona doing that were nonexistent.

    Leona got through that lengthy monologue with a frown, but when Ophiuchus produced a snake that slithered down her arm and flicked its tongue against Leona's nose, the Wizard Saint's face changed from silent disdain to fear. In front of her face was the thing she feared as much as she did heights and with the Celestial Spirit's announcement the Wizard Saint's big secret was out. Soon everyone would know that Leona feared snakes.

    After a little more conversation Ophiuchus eventually tired of talking and departed, but not before promising that Odhran and his forces would one day end Leona's life. With the Celestial Spirit's departure the magical compulsion to kneel vanished, allowing Leona and the others to finally stand up again. Leona had barely stood up when Ochossi approached her and revealed that she too was a Celestial Spirit along with the wolf Eleggua.

    Leona was surprised by that revelation and did not have time to ponder the implications before the people inside the tavern started to gather around the Wizard Saint as if she were a talisman of protection. Ochossi then asked if she had gotten Leona in a kind of trouble that even a Wizard Saint would have trouble dealing with. Leona tuned out the chatter of the worried crowd and faced the young woman.

    "You didn't get me in trouble, Ochossi. Trouble tends to find me one way or another." Leona assured the young woman that she was not to blame for what had just happened. If trouble had to find someone, it was best if it found her. Leona was strong enough to handle it and send it packing like she had Odhran and his retinue.

    [Post Word Count: 1,165]
    [Leona's Word Count: 11,533/11,000]


    Wizard Saint and (Future) Warlord KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 12:17 pm