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    The Plague


    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 250

    The Plague Empty The Plague

    Post by Fantastico 23rd May 2020, 4:21 pm

    The Unusual Weed:

    It was approaching noon in the area around the plant village, and the red coated pirate was out in the area taking a simple job considering his circumstances. He wanted to get some work in, but at the same time he had a much larger commitment to uphold at the same time...

    "Daddy! I'm stuck again!" Came from the young girl ahead of the red pirate. Fantastico chuckled softly as he walked ahead to notice his second eldest daughter, Clarice had her tail stuck under a branch. Clarice was a chest length brown haired silver eyed girl, while she was only four years old chronologically, she was a half breed of human and dragon and had an accelerated growth rate appearing closer to eight or nine years of age with dragonic features such as blue wings, a long blue tail, slit eyes, and the ability to convert nails into claws. However the most unusual thing about Clarice was that her dragon half, was Arctic Gale dragon, a rare breed among Ice dragon.

    While normally she stayed with her mother, the dangerous ice dragoness Shrena, she had her current mate were in the midst of a brutal fight and Shrena took Clarice to Fantastico, he remembered the blood lust in her eyes as she told him that her mate decided to move  a fight to war, and it was time for him to learn why that was a mistake. So for the meanwhile Fantastico had to take care of Clarice for an unknown period of time, estimated a week, so for the meantime Fantastico took his daughter along on simple jobs like this one. 

    Fantastico caught up, noting the branch. "Clarice, you got the means to get yourself out. Think, what makes wood easier to break." He waited, watching for her to think of the solution. "Freezing? Oh!" She took a deep breath before releasing it as breeze of immensely cold air and ice. The Branch started to get encased in ice as it cooled down rather quickly until it was frozen solid, Clarice turned her right hand into a claw before smashing down on the branch causing it to shatter. She giggled as she started to skip ahead again. Fantastico looked around and saw a purple blur in the distance. "Clarice wait!" He called out and the dragonness halted in her tracks.

    The pirate sped up as he saw the target of the job. "The target's ahead. These plants are poison, nasty stuff that you don't want on your clothes or against your worst enemy. Stay behind me." He said as he walked ahead, approaching the grotto as his eyes traced around the room looking at all the plants. Fantastico's eyes traced on all seven locations. He reached inside his coat and pulled out the key of the red knight, flicking the idol back revealing the key, before it glowed in a red light that enveloped Fantastico and beyond, taking the shape of the armor, shield, and sword of the legendary knight before solidifying into the armor before giving off red sparks, Fantastico threw the shield up into the air as he charged red electricity through the sword, timing his swing to collide with the shield charging it with energy as it quickly moved around the grotto, electrocuting six of the seven purple plants leaving nothing but ash before the shield returned to Fantastico, and the whole requip soon faded away as Fantastico stared at the last plant.

    He motioned over for Clarice to approach as he got close to the last plant, pulling out a long glass vial. Fantastico got onto his knee looking at it. "Alright sweetie, gonna need ya to help daddy out here. I want you to freeze the bottom of the plant, closest to the ground you can get it without risking touching it yourself." He said, the young girl nodded. "Okay daddy." She said before getting down onto a knee and she spat on the ground by the base of the plant. Fantastico heard the crackling as ice formed around. Fantastico put his fingers around the ice as he gently pulled the plant out and slowly and carefully dropped it into the vial. "Good girl. All we gotta do is drop this off and we're good." He said as he put the cork on the vial. Fantastico put the vial in one of his inner coat pockets, standing up preparing to walk away, wondering what to do for the rest of the day.

    WC 749


    Fantastico: 990000


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 10:14 am