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    Relight the beacons!


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Relight the beacons! Empty Relight the beacons!

    Post by Luceam 24th May 2020, 6:48 pm


    To say the start of the day was unusual would be an oversimplification. It was early in the morning when Luna was not planning on anything except some self care for the day. She had no jobs and for once all her obligations were handled. She wanted to enjoy essentially her day off by having a decent lunch, reading a book, and after a nice dinner enjoying a bubble bath with the recent magical bath mix she acquired to relax. "Well, things are looking nice for the day." She thought with a cup of tea in her hand as she sat at the kitchen island, wondering what she was going to cook for dinner. 

    She was grateful for the serenity and peace she had in moments like this. She was considering going to the market and see about getting some special ingredients for dinner. She took one last sip of tea finishing the glass before standing up and walking over to the sing and rinsed out the glass when she heard a knock on the door. At first it didn't seem to hurt her mood at all, all her neighbors were well aware of who she was. Having a skilled healer in the neighborhood did everyone some good, and helped Luna gain a good name. She didn't mind people coming when they needed some healing, which is why she kept a stock of her Mediocris Lacrimis by the front door. Slowly she walked towards the door, preparing herself for what may be on the other side.

    While the majority of the jobs she did were her answering general requests, she was no stranger to the concept of asking for specific mages. Luna was used to being called onto jobs before, mostly by referrals and former clients, and under a blue moon the Magic Council. All of which always sent for the Nature Fairy via a call on iLac, but this time the Magic Council sent a personal envoy to Luna's door at the crack of dawn with a letter and a sheathed dagger and gave a brief overview that Luna was drafted to take a certain job at the direct order of the Magic Council. Opening the letter she read out loud the following:

    "Dear Lunaris "Luna" Mira, Lunaris Daughter of Shirain, LuShirain, and so forth as titles merit:

    Under emergency circumstances it is the request of the Magic Council that you undertake a dangerous job, normally one of the wizard saints would be called upon in an instance as rare and unprecedented occasion. In ancient times of the first Archmages, a threat existed ton the world that has been all but forgotten, only legacy of the danger left behind is the magical seal keeping the unknown at bay, one that spans across the great nation of Fiore. All records pertaining to the specifics of the seal are unknown, including and not limited to the spell that created it, the history behind its creation, what dimension and the contents or prisoner(s) of said dimension.

    There exist several great islands, some of which you may be familiar with, others you may not have heard of: Shadow Island, Thunder Island, Sphere Island, Crescent Island, Galuna Island, Snowfall Island and Divide Island. All of which are different in population, flora, climate, and aside from the fact that they are within bounds of Fiore, they have one thing in common. The seal is comprised of seven beacons, each spread out and far apart, designed with the goal in mind of preventing all of the components from being rendered inoperative at once.

    It brings no joy to admit that the speculated impossible has become reality, and seven immensely powerful creatures have risen and rendered all of the beacons inactive. It is the will of the Magic Council that you, and whoever you deem capable enough to undertake this job. Your priorities are to travel to each of the islands in the earlier mentioned order and slay all seven creatures and restore the beacons to working order. 

    Due to the nature and power required to cause such an incident, this is to be considered a job equal in peril to a hundred year level job, and please take that into account when choosing allies. Enclosed with this letter is a dagger imbued with spacial tear magic to allow you to easily move between the seven islands around Fiore, merely channel your magic through the knife and think of the name of the location, and cut through the space, opening a portal.

    All parties involved will receive a substantial reward, and all medical expenses caused by this job will be covered. Best of luck and may you succeed without casualty.

    -Count Sparrow."

    Luna could hardly believe the letter, and by the time she had read through it the envoy was already gone leaving Luna standing there holding the sheathed dagger. Luna sighed and figured she was fixed into taking this job at this point, so she clipped the dagger to behind to her short's waist underneath her qipao and sighed. She walked back into the townhouse and walked to the Armour, opening it up before glancing at Amelia. "We've been drafted."  Luna said jokingly as she strapped the fire whip to her left thigh. Amelia was laying down on the couch reading a book, but after hearing what Luna said she dropped the book onto her face before she groaned. "Magic Council? What they want now."

    Luna slid the Lightning Dragon Eye onto her left ring finger. "Hundred year level job ordered by Count Sparrow himself. An ancient seal came loose cause of a bunch of creatures beyond normal level and we gotta go around the country on an all expense paid via portal knife trip to restore all the beacons to prevent the seal from breaking."  Luna handed Amelia the letter, as she grabbed the Infinite Improbability Chronometer and fastened it to her wrist before placing the folded Smart Holographic Glasses in her pocket. As Amelia finished reading the letter she sighed as she stood up. "Well, sounds like we're dealing with tough creatures. We going alone, calling for support, or taking the kid? One of them is called Thunder Island after all."

    Luna thought about taking Mai along for a moment, having a slayer of Mai's range could prove to be beneficial from one standpoint, however Luna started to believe that this would be an occasion a bit beyond her protege's current strength even if she went into force and she was too inexperienced. However just because she couldn't take Mai doesn't mean she didn't have any options when looking for aid. "Sounds like we should check on some of the guild's members, though. See if Itori or Samira is available."

    Amelia sighed agreeing with Luna that she made the right decision on the matter but as of late she didn't expect much since as far as she knew, there were only three members for sure that could take on the job, she didn't want to chance it and have anyone's blood on her hands. The two women headed down to the Red Dragon Tavern first. Once they entered they proceeded to look around the room, before Luna walked over towards the bar and stood by the side. "Excuse me, but is Victoria Sheridan working at the tavern today?" She asked to the bartender. The Bartender batted an eye over to the pink haired woman before shaking her head. "No, sorry, I think she might be out of town working a job today." Luna bit her lip as she was slightly disappointed that the timing was bad. "What are ya looking for hun?" The bartender asked. "Magic Council drafted me into an emergency job, and it's been classified as on par with a hundred year but it's a tad more dangerous then most."

    The bartender whistled in response. "Yeah, sorry, haven't seen Samira, Victoria or Itori today." Amelia sighed Then I suppose we'll handle this ourselves. Fact is this is undoubtedly going to get ugly and Luna can't afford to spare the energy to always heal others, hundred year job level isn't something to take lightly." The bartender scowled at Amelia. Amelia rarely set foot in town and the bartender was well aware that the artificial being was not in fact a member of the Sabertooth Guild. Since the Gynoid was a companion of a member she tried to show respect, but when Amelia disregards other members that is where she draws a line. "That's just rude. Any of them can hold their own against any critter you can." Luna stood between the two before tension could get any worse. "What Amelia means is that the job is dangerous and requires a certain level of strength and expertise if the Magic Council immediately compares it to a century level. We'll be on our way, if you happen to see any-" The Bartender cut off the Fairy wanting to end this conversation before a scene started as well. "I'll send them your way if you're not back first, I got it, good luck." The bartender stared slightly offended at the gynoid as Luna and Amelia walked out of the bar.

    Once outside Luna sighed, rubbing her closed eyes as she did not want to take apart any unnecessary fights between Amelia and any civilian today. "Amelia, try not to offend the bartenders, my guild mates, and perhaps the town itself? Amelia however found this to be an example of a fine line. She understood that people had feelings, but what was on her mind more were that people had just one life. If that life was lost, there would be no others, feelings could regenerate over time and mend. "Well, we can't always take people's feelings into account. Luna this is life or death level stuff, and I was just trying to save you from feeling guilty. Asking someone to join and them dying on your watch isn't ideal." Luna was more then displeased with Amelia but what bothered her more was the undeniable reasoning used against her. She couldn't be mad at the reasoning, but she was still able to hold the high ground over the actions. "Again, still can't just go around insulting mages.

    Amelia shrugged before waving off Luna's words, focusing on the issue at hand of trying to find any support for this endeavor. "Fine fine, we'll talk more about this later if it will make you feel happy. Now what about that womanl who clearly wants to get you in bed but you are too worried about her example but if that somehow got off the table or if she got dragon or dragon slayer you'd let her do anything?" Amelia inquired. Luna raised an eyebrow at that description being incredibly precise. "You mean Sarah?" Amelia nodded seemingly confused by the question. "Unless there's another woman you're passively trying to fight off attraction with." Luna's face turned red for a moment. "I am not going to dignify that with a response." Luna responded. Amelia giggled slightly at the response Luna gave to the whole situation.

    Luna sighed and figured she'd be better off moving on. "Anyways, she's out at a fighting tournament or something in Talonia if I recall right. Either that or she's on her way back. Either way she's out of the picture so let's drop the subject and move on." Amelia stared at Luna, knowing that she'd have to probe the situation eventually at a later date. For now she and Luna knew quite well they'd need to check out their options. "What about the guild master or the other aces?" She asked curiously. Luna shook her head. "If Itori is unavailable Kenna probably is as well, and as for Imai, not sure as I never heard or seen much of him. Also regarding Gaia, her schedule is normally so busy you need to reserve in advance just to reserve a month in advance. I don't know how that woman does it." Amelia stared blankly at Luna with slight disbelief. "Girl you managed to plan every minute of a week and carry that out. You know how she handles it."

    Luna sighed as they had already gone through most of the list, leaving some of the more inexperienced members left available. Luna did not want to risk their safety by dragging them along. She understood that more bodies doesn't mean more might in certain circumstances, and if a few century old seal was being undone Luna had no idea just how powerful the enemy was. Once all was said and done, Luna figured that there was little usage remaining in Ace of Spades. "Alright I think we should just get onto this job. We might be spending time we don't have on this search for help." Amelia nodded, agreeing with the assesment of her partner. "Well you got the tool, cut a tear between places and let's go it."

    Luna walked over to a secluded corner out of the way of the public and prepared herself"Alright, to Shadow Island we go!"Luna drew the knife and focused on the name of Shadow Island, the dagger glowed in a flurry of colors before Luna thrust the blade and suddenly it sunk into the air as the blade seemingly disappeared. Luna slowly cut downwards before making a four foot incision in the fabric of reality. Luna pulled out the knife before she reached her fingers inside and pulled open the tear, and on the other side was the first stop, Shadow island. 

    WC 2262

    Last edited by Luceam on 5th July 2020, 11:34 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Relight the beacons! Empty Re: Relight the beacons!

    Post by Luceam 26th May 2020, 6:09 pm

    After Luna and Amelia managed to squeeze through the narrow portal, it sealed behind them as the took int the drastically different scenery from the cozy town of Ace of Spades to a cooler and gloomy environment like Shadow Island. It took a brief moment for Luna's eyes to adjust, but then she was able to fully grasp the mood. She heard rumors that even in the brightest day darkness still held this island with a tight grasp, she always thought those were nothing more then over-exaggerations. However with the grey scenery in sight, the smell of the staleness haunting the air, the eerie silence stunning the ears, the cold feeling on her skin, and most unsettling of all was that any of the local life on this planet seemed to be lacking in vibrant passion, the dull energy was barely bellow content living.

      "Well. This place certainly sets a mood." Luna said as she started to look around. However a cold shiver ran down her spine quickly as she sensed what she thought was a massive dark presence, but in truth once she calmed her mind from the panic she was able to notice gaps, distances between, instead of one aura, she was sensing the magical auras of many different dark beings, some seemed passive, but there was a considerable amount of chaotic if not violent auras. 

    Luna felt her feed start to get cold as she looked down, it sunk in that the portal had opened up on the verge of the island's shore, water hitting her feet. Luna walked forth slowly as she reached into her pocket and pulled out the Smart Holographic Glasses and put them on, turning them on so they synced with her iLac. "HUD command, sync and activate minimap, limit to current island." Out of the corner of her eye she could see the island map, studying her location on the island and any facts she had available from the Lacrima net.

    "I see. Seems like we're on the northern coast." However as she was looking ahead, she looked up towards the top of the island, the massive island. When her gaze traced up the tall mountain her glasses seemed to show a red outline in the distance, it seemed that the targeting function, it was small so she could barely see what the outline was of but it was something shrouded in the darkness. She pointed up to the peak of the island. "Something is up there." Just as Luna said it, the shadowy figure seemed to turn around and two red eyes even from the distance stared with a penetrating intensity with clear blood lust. A tense moment passed before the figure on top of the island roared so loud that the vibrations could be felt even beneath Luna and Amelia's feet.

    Amelia smirked as she looked at the creature with a slight look of respect as she could see what he was playing at. "King of the hill, plain, simple, power, I like this guy. Credit where it's due he's got guts. Guess he's the big bad monster that knocked out the beacon, and he's feeling pretty confident if he decided to give such a warm welcome." Amelia cracked her knuckles before cracking her neck side to side, seemingly excited by the job. While Luna did not share the artificial life form's excitement for this encounter, she did feel ready to accept the challenge. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a hair tie and tied her hair back into a ponytail. "Well it'd be rude to keep our host waiting now that he knows we've arrived."

    Amelia noticed the odd behavior Luna exhibited, and filled with unease and almost unnerved as she saw the black scar on the back of Luna's neck. She recalled her experiences with the mannerisms of the Nature Fairy, and this seemed to contradict a few of them as she is exposing the wound normally kept private. "Even in a fight she never tied her hair back before. Is it the low possibility of anyone seeing us, or is this her version of taking off the kid gloves?"

    "Stealth isn't much of an option now, he knows we're hear and his sight is dead locked tracking us. We should probably get close and try to overwhelm it with speed, knock it down a few kilometres." Luna said as she started to run towards the mountain with Amelia right behind her. They ran in a straight line towards the mountain, ignoring the plant and rock obstacles as Luna took a deep breath and swallowed when one was in her way, causing the plants and rocks to break down as they got close for her to swallow. "Gotta admit, that is a useful function for Slayer Lungs." She said however on closer inspection she saw small amounts of blood trickling off Luna, realizing that she was effectively risking hitting herself with shrapnel the entire way.

    As the two started to run up the sloped mountain, Luna stopped as she was feeling something through the earth, and hearing something as the two looked ahead, there seemed to be two large bodies coming down from the top of the mountain. At first she thought the figure on top of the island sent down two large boulders however as the distance closed she could recognize the familiar noises and form of two bulls, to be more precise they were shadow bulls with piercing red eyes. 

    Amelia stepped in front of Luna as a ball of electricity generated in her hand. She looked up at the bulls and smirked before she tossed the ball into the air, it expanded till it was a sphere half a meter in diameter. "Secret Elemental Art: Lightning. Tick, tick, boom." Amelia said as the ball of energy pulsated before exploding into two bolts of lightning that struck the two bulls, the left one on its left side, and the right one on its right side. Their cries could be heard as they were knocked over and slid past the two women as their bodies slowly disintegrated into the darkness.

    "Impressive." She said as she felt the magical presence of the two shadow constructs disappear before looking back as their particles scattered into the wind. " I have a feeling what might be up there... Amelia, go on ahead." Luna said to Amelia, who nodded believing she was thinking the same thing. "Minotaur?" She asked, and Luna nodded in response.

    Amelia started to run forward, sparks coming off her body before she jumped into the air as her body converted to lightning that shot out towards the top of the mountain before materializing in front of the dark figure of the Minotaur of darkness known as Voolvurk. The massive dark frame stood over the smaller gynoid and huffed, quickly raising his foot and stomping it down before Amelia could have time to react, and as a result Amelia was knocked off the top of the mountain and sent tumbling down the mountain. 

    Luna tensed her hand into a fist as the earth seemed to shake beside her, before a rectangular chunk rose out and quickly moved to the side creating a five by two feet hole three feet deep in the path of the tumbling gynoid, which she happened to just crash, stopping her rapid descent. There was a thud before a groan came out of the hole. Her hands reached out to the edge as she slowly lifted herself back up. "Thanks. That was painful, it's indeed a Minotaur up there, but not a biological one. One construct of pure darkness." Amelia said as she managed to restore her balance, wiping off the dust and rocks off her black dress. "Some reaction speed though, if he caught you by surprise. Even if you materialized right in front of him he'd have to be fast to at least try to knock you off that bad on the first swing."

    Amelia nodded, this time she couldn't argue with results and the reality of the situation. "Indeed, while it packs the strength you'd expect of a minotaur, it has the speed of a shadow jaguar. Fact is we should avoid blind zones or periods, even if they are under half a second." Luna started to sidle to the right away from the hole, Amelia read into the behavior of the fairy and followed suite by heading left as she climbed out of the hole carved by the slayer.  "I'm gonna summon woody once I get close, at the very least he'll give the minotaur too much to think about with all three of us. Once distracted, I'll finish him with something he can't dodge."

    Amelia nodded, while she disliked the spirit mentioned, she had to agree that his unique skills would be preferable to this situation. The two ran from up the mountain from the different angles, their focus locked onto the minotaur. Luna made sure to keep her pace so she was behind Amelia. Luna could see the blue sparks coming off Amelia's hand as a blue ball of energy was gathering at her fingertips before pointing it at the Minotaur before the orb exploded into a bolt of blue lightning that hit the minotaur's knee, and ice quickly formed around and in a moment the Minotaur's lower half was frozen, stuck in ice. The minotaur roared in anger as it's gaze was fixed at the gynoid, giving Luna a chance to sneak in her move. A pink liquid oozed between her right index and middle fingers before condensing and taking the form of a seed. 

    Luna whipped the seed as hard as she could as she approached the mountain, and it went over the head of the Minotaur, landing behind the great dangerous beast. The seed burrowed into the ground before a twisted root quickly sprouted, before unwinding halfway as the pink magic circle formed. "I call forth from the forest beyond the horizon, the guardsman of the defenseless, Woody!" Emerging out of the portal was the tall wooden man holding a half mug of ale, groaning and reeking of several scents, most notably beer, ammonia, and rotten fruits and vegetables. Even from the distances Luna's newfound slayer senses cringed. Woody groaned as he waved it off. "Accidental fistfight occurred at a bar ending up bringing down a silo at a farm, long story." He said as he looked ahead to the back of the minotaur, before finishing his drink. "Aye, I see, ya gals want me to mono e mono this bull faced schmuck, right?" He said after throwing the mug away and and cracked his knuckles, charging towards the man shaped beast from behind, but the minotaur saw the moves coming twisted it's upper body was much as it could before striking down at the wooden individual, the hit connecting with the collar and the force knocked him into the ground with enough force to shatter him into pieces.

    Luna and Amelia stopped, keeping their distance as the minotaur's focus was on the wooden man that started to regenerate already. The shards and slivers slithered or expanded as they reconnected, reforming the wooden man stronger then before. He quickly rose up and punched the minotaur in the snout. The minotaur roared aggressively, the ice encasing it's lower body started to crack, at first it was rumbling but suddenly the entire trap was fractured before shattering as the minotaur turned around and kicked Woody in the gut sending him flying off the mountain with great force. Luna could hear his scream drown out as it got further way, before the feint sound of something splashing water in the distance. Luna looked at Amelia and tapped underneath her chin before grabbing it. Amelia nodded understanding what Luna was asking.

    Amelia quickly ran towards the minotaur, sparks coming off her body as she sped up, jumping at the shadowy beast wrapping her legs around it's neck, her hands grabbing each side of it's snout causing the beast to jerk and thrash around, but the gynoid managed to hold on. Luna watched the movements of the beast for half a minute, watching as how often it thrashed forward, to the side, and backwards. A smirk donned on Luna as she was about to see when the minotaur was about to jerk bawards towards the edge. A purple seed protruded from Luna's right palm before she flicked the seed up as the minotaur jerked it's head back, the seed getting stuck in the bovine's ear. Luna saw the occasional dark orange glow flicker from the ear. "Amelia now! Throw it off balance towards the edge!" Luna called out  Amelia nodded as she ran an electrical current through the fingers of her left and before letting go of the snout and sticking her fingers in the red eye of the minotaur, causing it to jerk back and this time Amelia jumped off, converting her body mid air into lightning before landing and reforming next to Luna.

    The minotaur stumbled back as the dark orange glow stopped flickering and remained consistent. "Luna, did you?" Amelia started to ask but was cut off. "It felt like the quickest way to deal with this situation." As the minotaur was about to regain balance it seemingly fell over again as a dark purple stem extended from the ear before the minotaur fell off the side of the mountain, sliding down and high speeds. Ultimately it's head crashed into a boulder before its body decomposed into a dark energy that evaporated into nothing. Luna looked around the top of the mountain and found the deactivated beacon, she was about to approach it but she sensed something resonating from it, and suddenly the crystal inside started glowing a purple light as a purple beam shot into the sky for a moment before vanishing, leaving the pulsing purple light of the beacon active.

    "One down, six to go. It's Thunder Island next right?" Luna nodded as she pulled out the dimensional tear dagger, imagining the next elemental island in her mind as she cut through reality and started to open a portal to the next location, sliding through with the gynoid in tow, not sure what to expect this time around.

    WC 2385
    TWC 4647

    Last edited by Luceam on 5th July 2020, 11:38 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Relight the beacons! Empty Re: Relight the beacons!

    Post by Luceam 14th June 2020, 1:40 am

    To say that the sudden difference in setting shocked the senses of the two as they left a darkened land that echoed of dullness and dreariness and within a second were standing in the midst of an area deeply in the opposite. Luna knew that after her eyes and ears were adjusted to the setting of Shadow Island's dark atmosphere, suddenly going to another one would most definitely be overwhelming for at least a moment. However since she knew little to nothing about the second destination aside from name, the illumination and noise was an unwelcome surprise. Unlike Shadow island's dark curse, Thunder Island was a haven for light and energy, an island that sees no night as it's always a bright day on the island with glowing rocks littered about.

    As Luna stepped into the shallow water of the shore of the island, she was looking directly at a glowing rock, the sudden illumination was a shock to her eyes right before a loud booming thunder could be heard. Immediately she hunched over closing her eyes groaning in pain as she heard ringing in her ears and a throbbing pain in her head. Her hands glowed in a soft pink light as she healed herself using the Nature's Mercy spell. While not suffering any damage per say, the spell's calming qualities allowed her to reset herself enough to get her bearings. 

    Eventually she opened her eyes and stood back up, slowly opening them before moving her hands away as she blinked a few times, her sight clearing up, she looked around, however she was still seeing spots, only to realize it was just the distortion in her smart holographic lenses. She took them off, folding them up before putting them in her pocket. Amelia walked around, noting Luna's struggle however given that her senses were artificial, she was not as susceptible to blinding flashes. "Glasses not working?" she casually asked, Luna nodded in response. "Not surprising, this place meddles with a lot of electricity. wireless signal electronics get kicked around like crazy. You can't get a signal here if your life depended on it."

    Luna nodded, when she took a moment to sense the area, she could sense that everything was vibrant and energetic, especially any life she could sense. However the magical energies were just as powerful, she could only imagine how deadly lightning mages were when they were on this empowered place. "Guess this place is where you are at your peak, huh?" Luna said as she slowly stepped out of the water approaching the sand with Amelia right beside her. In response Amelia raised her arms in a crossed form to make an X. "Can't get any more wrong, here's where I'm at my weakest."

    Luna raised an eyebrow as she was very much so confused by the answer Amelia gave. "When it comes to magic, there's three core elements, skill, power, and soul. While I am skilled and powerful, this land messes with lightning and electrical based magic. To fight here, it's all about who wants it more, who's got the soul and drive, that can make or break lightning magic." The fairy sighed as she knew what the artificial lifeform was starting to drive at. Luna never enjoyed talking about the nature of artificial lifeforms existence, Luna knew it despite being sentient and power, Amelia was different from lifeforms as she could sense just magic energy, no life force at all when it comes to Amelia. A being that was made from Archive and Lightning Magic would be little different in concept than her iLac or Smart Holographic Lenses when it comes to this island. No matter how much Amelia would want something, her artificial soul isn't as attuned to magic as much as a real one.

    An awkward silence came between them, Luna got slightly nervous and decided to change the conversation. "So you been here before?" Luna asked since Amelia seemed to know about the island. "I've only been here once and that was Lightning Convergence." Amelia responded much to the confusion of Luna. She had heard Amelia reference the event before, most notably when the two had found the lost god slayer Mai Stormschild. "Can you explain to me again exactly that that was?" Luna asked, all she could remember was various beings of the lightning element gathered. "Well, It was, weird. A meteor containing a strange energy lacrima that's drawn to electricity crashed down on Thunder island, and well, once it crashed something resonated within a lot of electricty based beings that attracted them to the island. This strange lacrima needed something from whatever it drew in. Energy, know one could tell what for until-"

    Amelia was cut off by the sudden roar followed by a low growl as something began to emerge from the trees. Sparks were flying off the large bear as it made its way into visibility. Luna and Amelia instinctively split up as Luna went right and Amelia went left. The beast's gaze followed Luna, and she kept jumping back as the beast advanced and lunged at her, until she ended up tripping over a rock and landing on her back. The beast lunged on top of Luna, roaring as it had one of her arms pinned down. 

    In the moment of panic Luna managed to reach a state of calm as the world seemed to slowly around her. Taking a moment to sense the situation, she could feel the agitation, and the ache of the bear through it's magical aura and life force. Her eyes followed the energy until she found the distortion, there was a large electrical rock stuck between it's ribs. Luna cooed softly, her hand quickly reached out and pulled the rock out before rubbing the bear with the back of her hand. Her hand glowed in a soft pink light. The bear readied itself to strike but seemed to soon calm down as the wound healed. "There there, it's alright, calm down."

    The bear stepped aside, sitting calmly as Luna stood up slowly, rubbing the bear's snout. "It's okay, be at peace. You are forgiven." She said softly before the bear started to walk off into the distance. "Wouldn't it have just been easier to snap it's neck?" Amelia asked, Luna sighed as she saw Amelia was being practical about the situation as opposed to emotional. "Anyways, lets just look for the beacon." She said as she started to walk away, searching through the forest.

    Like a crack of thunder or happening to have been looking in the direction of a lightning bolt, Luna was able to sense a strong magical presence and life force that overshadowed everything else for a mere second. In that second Luna's eyes followed and stared in the direction and she started to run. Amelia followed however something clicked, the familiar sights as she started to figure out where Luna was running towards, "Luna wait!" Amelia tried to call but a booming thunder seemingly well timed had drowned out her voice.

    Shite! Bloody hell. This direction, it's the crater." Amelia thought as they cleared the woods into an open area in the midst of the woods, a large crater the size of a small town. Amelia recalled the rumors of the accident. She knew that the site would be a dangerous place to be, especially if the creature that is keeping the beacon shut down resides even close to there. When Luna approached the crater she came to a sudden stop as she looked down in the distance to see what appeared to be an elderly man propped up by a cane, one that could easily pass for late nineties. He was wearing sunglasses, a mahogany tangzhuang jacket, pants, and cap. "I don't believe it, is this an illusion? A trick?" Luna asked in slight disbelief as the man seemed barely able to stand, his legs were trembling as was his grip on the cane.

    Luna knew not to judge from appearances but the sight of the feeble old man and the lack of life force Luna sensed seemed odd at first. While not as radiant as how she sensed it earlier, she could tell that this man had the same life force. Amelia caught up to Luna a second later, curious by what had the slayer baffled. "What's up-" She said before she too saw the man in the distance. "He's gotta be what, eighty nine, ninety two?" Amelia whispered, the man was looking away from the two mages. Luna shrugged as the life force of the man was ancient but it was filled with mixed energies. "At least ninety five, I'm gonna guess probably a lot older. Perhaps he's lost?"

    Luna nodded, however when she took a step forward she ended up slipping and sliding down the crater after she barely regained her balance mid descent. Eventually her descent came to an end as she reached the somewhat flat bottom of the large area. "Ku ka ku..." She heard the man chuckle as he slowly turned to face the fairy. "So yer the one that send Voolvurk back to the shadows. Pleasure to meet ya young lady!"

    Luna was slightly confused and off-put by the strange man who spoke so casually, nor seemed surprised by her arrival. However the phrasing of the mans words seemed to alarm Luna. She merely held up her guard. "How'd you hear about that so quickly?" She asked inquisitively. The elderly man chuckled. "You've come to counter us, to do so you have to operate in the order! I am Eibon, and today I am your executioner!" In a blinding flash the man seemed to diappear leaving his cane behind. "Teleportation?" Luna thought but before she could move, before she could even start to react she could sense the life force of Eibon right behind her before she felt a strike to her lower back with immense force that sent her flying forward, she tried to land on her feet but she struggled to find her balance and fell to her knees, ending up coughing out blood before she managed to jump to the side.

    "Strange, you're still conscious? That move should have knocked any girl your size and weight out- no, any pure human girl." He lowered his land, keeping a loose guard. "You're body must be quite unique, skin smooth as a pebble but with the strength of earth, and perhaps even a unique flow of chi and blood, maybe some extra organs and magically enhanced ones as well. However the way you humanly act, I'm guessing you're a slayer aren't you child?"

    Luna was scared, the man's analytical abilities and wisdom were beyond her own, and up until this point she always had the analytical edge over her opponents. Secondly, the man seemed to possess incredible speed for his age, Luna predicted that the reason the man was the one keeping the beacon at bay was he was a skilled lightning magic user that intertwined it with martial arts. A pink liquid started to ooze out of Luna's fingertips as she planned on casting a spell to summon Vita however the man reacted with great speed, Luna tried to jumb back but the elderly man ended up striking the joint of her elbow sinding a painful sensation throughout Luna's right arm stopping the pink liquid's production causing it to expire quickly as it fell off her finger. "Did he just stop my casting?"

    Luna was shocked and her expression reflected it as she stumbled back managing to recover her balance, the elderly man stood there once more seemingly with his guard down. "Interesting, I hit with enough force to dig into the nerve of a man thrice your weight of muscle. But you escape with a bruise. No matter, seems I was right. You're magic is slow. I suppose you never encountered this possibility yet, even though you need about two and a half seconds, you managed to win a few close range scraps I suppose?" He said still with a calm demeanor, but his words were etching into the mind of the fairy as one strike was all it took for the man to determine the flaw of her entire magic. "Normally I excelled by using wisdom or speed, but this one has me pegged down in both and had the confidence to tell me my critical weakness to my face. Meaning I can't beat him normally."

    Luna mentally grounded herself in knowing that she's taken down  many strong opponents before, most recently a dark minotaur, she merely had to be patient and careful. She assumed weapons would't provide much more effective against the lightning martial artist then a spell would, and Luna traced over her roster of abilities and surroundings. Very little plant life grew inside the crater so that means all she had was rocks and dirt. 

    Carefully going over her options she only had one option, a tactical retreat to put some distance between her and Eibon so she would have enough time to prepare something. She knew she needed get him off balance before attempting to rush the man with a barrage simultaneously keeping him off balance and inflicting damage. Luna jumped back spontaneously and attempted to back up, knowing better then to turn her back on someone who can stop her from materializing her seeds. However as she moved she saw Eibon start to chase after by springing and lunging forth towards Luna. In response Luna clenched her fist as she focused on the ground beneath Eibon, causing a brief rumble before large chunks of earth sprung forth beneath the man. 

    However the man responded with quick response as he managed to lift his foot up onto one of the larger rocks as it was approaching and sprung up into the air above, rolling his body forward mid air as he came down for a kick on Luna's left shoulder hard knocking her face down onto the ground hard before Eibon landed on her back, before stepping off. Eibon resumed his relax demeanor and body language. "Don't you see it young lady. Every move you make requires time. Reaching for a sword, preparing a spell, or perhaps even leaving there is always a window between initial motion and carrying out the action. For someone of higher speed and martial arts caliber like me, those windows turn into open doorways. Isn't it obvious? Every move you make, I counter with one percent more effort." Eiborn started to chuckle a bit as he took one more step back giving Luna space.

    "Meaning none of your moves are able to happen, you can't reach me."

    Luna grimaced with her face in the dirt at those words, and for a dark moment she began to believe them. This man had her outclassed in her strong suits. Her mind drifted back in time to a previous point where she was outmatched in her strong suits. In one of the few times Luna left River Village, it was when she and her brothers were helping out on a ship delivery, during a port stay at a town on the way back Luna found herself playing for extra money on behalf of Hakar and Gordon in a trading card game, and she managed to keep a winning streak of fifteen games until she encountered her first loss. She was puzzled, perplexed at the time, and surprised that Hakar wasn't pissed off with her. There were so few times that Hakar came across as wise, and the wisest words he ever said to Luna happened afterwards. "Lulu, when you develop a strong suit for anything, you also develop habits, sometimes that becomes a weakness and you gotta shake up to keep going. But when you face someone of your strong suit and they're above ya, sometimes the best thing to do is see what else ya got as."

    Luna smirked a moment as she snapped back to reality from her daydream, and refocused on the situation. The man she was facing had analytical abilities and reaction speed that surpassed anything Luna could dish out in her normal routine. "Guess I'm gonna have to shake this up, do something outside of my normal set. I'm gonna need an attack, no, any move that can offput him before he can counter. But he's able to read me when I try something directly powerful- that's it!"

    Luna clenched her firsts as she slowly got up, standing as she looked Eibon in the eyes, and once on her feet she moved her left foot in front of the other, and raised her hands, her left fist in front of the other. Eibon looked stunned for a brief moment before he burst out laughing for a minute, almost keeling over. Meanwhile Amelia stared from the edge of the crater as she was dead confused as to the reason Luna was switching up her methodology to something it is clear she's outmatched in. "What is she doing? There's no way she can beat him in martial arts!"

    Luna watched Eibon as he seemed to register no threat from Luna. He quickly stood back up straight. "Oh that's rich girl, do you even have training in martial arts?" In response Luna shrugged as she recalled only brief training. "I was briefly trained for a day to take down Rune Knights with my bare hands, so technically but not anything as grande as your training." She honestly admitted expecting it to annoy the man but was slightly shocked by his indifference but wrote it off. Quickly she rotated her left foot before she rotated her full body as she attempted to swiftly and strongly kick the man with her right foot.

    Eibon had no trouble or difficulty catching Luna's foot with two fingers. "You think you can beat me in this fashion? You are mistake-" He said before he realized what Luna's real intent were as she opened her fists tossing out what appeared to be dust powder.

    When Luna was down on the ground, she gathered up various stones and loose dirt she could hide. With slight obscurity Luna went about pursuing the next stage in her plan as a dark sphere quickly formed in her hand, to which the elderly man was able to see. "Do you think you have enough opportunity with a second of partial obsurity!" He said before he proceeded to kick the stone before Luna could do anything, only for it to explode into a cloud of black dust. "Harvest goddess dispersal." Luna called the spell's name. Eibon closed his eyes but it would do him no good as in this moment Luna gently swayed her fingers forward causing as much dust from the cloud as she could gather to attempt to invade the eyes of the man by attempting to squeeze past his closed eyelids and through the ears. Once they got through to the optic nerves and eardrums respectively, Luna commanded the dust to condense into sharp blades made of dark unholy earth and attempt to sever each.

    Once the dust cloud was fully gone, all one could see was the man screaming in pain instead of being smug over the fairy which not a minute earlier he demonstrated a complete control of the fight against her. "What the hell was that!" Amelia watching in the distance shared a similar question. "Not that you can hear me, but that was optic nerve and ear drum severing at the same time. You're world has just gone dark and quiet at once."

    Luna assumed she had about less then ten seconds before the man would be able to recover his calm state of mind. Luna took a deep breath as she lifted her right foot off the ground, leaning back as she channeled her magical energy through her body culminating in her throat as she slammed her foot down and thrashed her body forward. "Harvest Goddess Bellow!" She called as she breathed out a wave of black rocks and dark purple plants consisting of flowers, vines with thorns, small fruits and vegetables, and shrubbery. Eibon was bombarded with the rock and plant barrage, and being repeatedly knocked back and off balance. When the wave was over Luna knew she couldn't afford to risk losing any momentum.

    Pink liquid oozed from between two of Luna's knuckles on her right hand before she flicked her hand causing the droplets to fly forward as they condensed into seeds. Once they made contact with the ground they quickly burrowed in. The forward one quickly sprouted into a spiraling tree that struck the man in his sternum sending him flying back again as the other seed sprouted into what appears to be a large flower with orange petals yet to bloom, until it quickly opened with an explosion. The buzzing sound could be heard as out from the flower came a horde of orange hornets that flew towards Eibon, attempting to latch onto him. Eibon tried to shake them off but the hornets soon exploded. Luna heard Eibon's scream as he was on the ground writhing. Luna prepared herself for one more strike however she sensed a radical shift in the man. She felt the man's magical energy flair up thrice and his human life force instantly disappear. Sparks started to emit from the man's body. 

    Soon lightning started to flair from his body and in the distance around the crater. Smoke came as the body was burned to a crisp and ash. Eibon's voice was distorted as laughter could be heard as a mass of energy got up, having a shape like a snake with two piercing red eyes. "Very good girl, no, woman. You really got some skill. I'm impressed." He said as lightning bolts were coming off his body in random directions and intensity. Luna and Amelia both sensed it through the magical aura the spirit was emitting, the instability, they knew he was going to blow soon.  

    Eibon sprung forward towards Luna as the spirit seemed to disappear, before appearing right in front of Luna as it finished its strike as it repeatedly attacked Luna. Amelia gritted her teeth as she knew she had to do something. She stood up and reached out her hand as a yellow magic circle formed, she reached into it and pulled her hand back as a rod emerged. Amelia jumped and slid down the crater watching as Luna tried to get her bearings but was attack so fast and repeatedly. 

    Halfway down, Amelia tossed the rod down into the bottom of the crater, it landed down at the side, leaning slightly. Just as the spirit of Lightning and Thunder was about to go in for one large strike, it seemed to be pulled back towards the lightning rod. "Amelia's lightning rod, that's it! It's body is pure energy. Hopefully this works..."

    Luna turned and burst far, roughly making it twenty meters before she turned, a dark purple seed shot out of her knuckle into the ground and quickly burrowed into the ground before a black vine rose, and the bud of a dark purple pumpkin formed. While Eibon was resisting the rod's pull, he soon noticed the pull of the plant Luna created and screamed in pain. "I, I, I, I, I, wi, will, des, destroy you!" His increasingly distorted voice yelled. Luna and Amelia locked eyes as both silently nodded agreeing, understanding both had the same thought, to run.

    Amelia started to run back up the crater while Luna partially transformed by exposing her wings as she ran and jumped. Half a minute passed and both barely got out of the crater and managed to get a small distance away before ducking for cover as there was a large explosion coming out of the crater. Luna and Amelia waited a few moments as the electricity died down. Eventually Luna and Amelia stood up, and both noticed on the other side of the crater a yellow light shined in the distance, the beacon had been relighted. Luna walked towards Amelia, retracting her wings as her body glowed in a soft pink light healing herself. "Nicely done Luna. Gotta admit that was a bit out of the box thinking."

    Luna smirked as she reached for the portal dagger. "Thanks, but I'm just eager to leave this island." She said as she quickly drew and slashed the air, cutting open the next portal. Amelia chuckled as she couldn't help but agree. "Yeah I don't like this place either. Sphere Island next." She said as Luna tore open the next portal to the next island, wondering what awaits them there.

    WC 4122
    TWC 8769

    Last edited by Luceam on 5th July 2020, 11:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Relight the beacons! Empty Re: Relight the beacons!

    Post by Luceam 21st June 2020, 11:26 pm

    Stepping out onto the shores of the third island in the seven island quest, Luna was grateful for the change of pace as the island on first glance wasn't close to pitch dark or blindingly bright. "Ah, Sphere Island. This is a great change of pace after the last two." Amelia said as she stepped out of the portal behind Luna who was approaching land. Luna however was curious as to the island itself, she reached inside one of her pockets and put on her smart holographic glasses again. "Local map." She commanded and the island brought up a circular map showing Luna's position to be on the north north eastern shore of the island. "Wow, the whole island really is circular." Luna remarked as she looked around at the scenery, noting that despite the flora and vegetation the island was predominantly rocks and dirt. Aside from a perfectly round shape there seemed to be nothing particularly interesting on the surface.

    "Do you know why this place is called Sphere Island?" Amelia chimed as the two looked around. "Because it's round?" Luna responded as she was very much unfamiliar with the island. All she had to go on was the data from her senses and the display on her Smart Glasses.  "Close, this island naturally brings out the magical essence of the elements of earth and balance. The island naturally forms itself into a sphere, we're lucky we appeared where we did as only the top layer is above water. Over time it naturally returns to that shape, despite never being a perfect round."

    Luna was intrigued about the island now, however a second thought came to mind as she was starting to see a pattern. Voolvurk the dark Minotaur suppressed the beacon of Shadow Island, the island where those of the darker magics thrive. Eibon, lightning demon possessing a man and a mastery of martial arts held down the beacon of lightning island, the place where lightning mages thrive, and now here they stood on Sphere island, the place where the element of earth gets some strength. "So if the pattern holds true, we are on an island where the element of earth is enhanced, and the beings that are suppressing the beacons are corruption powered, should we be hunting down some form of earth golem?"

    Amelia shrugged as she wasn't quite sure that logic panned out in practice. "Probably- She said before a large flare of magical energy before the ground itself started to vibrate and shake as loose dirt, rocks, and plants raised in the air. The two mages barely regained their balance in time as they felt the immense vibration before hearing a deep roar from the top of the island. However unlike before, Luna didn't sense any life force coming from the source of the magical energy. "Probably a golem. I didn't sense any life force."

    Luna and Amelia slowly made their way towards the top of the island. As they got closer to the top of the mound they kept low as to avoid being seen. Luna could hear and feel the movements of the colossal beast. As the two made it on top they saw the giant earth quadruped. It's main body was a perfect half sphere, and six points that of extension. There were rows of boulders that formed four leg like structures with large boulders at the bottom. There was a medium sized bolder with two glowing red eyes, signaling a head like structure, and two smaller ones behind it forming a tail. The turtle was east as the two mages had approached from the north.

    Amelia looked at the earth entity as an idea formed. She reconnected to Luna through the archive link to avoid the golem potentially listening to the two. Luna groaned silently, after a recent melt down of Amelia's, Luna felt incredibly uncomfortable being in a archive link alone with Amelia after she revealed all her thoughts about Luna's family and practically insulted almost every aspect about Luna's life. But since this was a state of emergency she didn't object. "So these guardians, corrupters, or whatever they're called aren't exactly Olympians, so they got some high levels of power. You've used up quite a bit of energy, and you could use a recharge and if we're lucky a boost..." Luna cocked an eyebrow as she was not sure where Amelia was leading with this at first. "You said there's no life force, so that's a golem filled with charged earth magic. You are an earth slayer. We got four more of these level opponents, maybe higher and even though you healed, your stamina could use some boost."

    Luna listened to the theory, she couldn't object to it immediately at it did sound rational. She weighed the pros and cons of both sides, however she knew the most likely outcome was going to be... God Force. A prospect she did not relish. However she relished the idea of fighting an unnecessary battle when there are seven beyond ace level fights to do today and she was sore after two. "Fair point. I'm gonna snack on the leg joins first, diagonal then get the other two."

    Amelia nodded and stepped back. Luna knew she would need to be quick and swift as she started to run. She suspected that she was soon gonna get the turtle golem's attention, so she knew she had to rely on her speed over the slow pace of a turtle. She ran as fast as she could towards the right hind leg of the turtle. "Remember, don't gotta eat the whole leg. Just the joint closest to the main body."

    Luna approached the right hind leg as she prepared to take a deep breath in before jumping, grabbing onto the main body with her right hand and the leg with her left. She took a deep breath in as the boulders closest to the main body started to chip, before quickly break and be swallowed by the pink haired mage, once the first two boulders were swallowed Luna tossed aside the leg before she began to climb atop the turtle that was trying to thrash in pain, however the earth golem was very slow. Luna was able to regain her balance after almost losing it as she made it to the top of the round body towards the front left leg before she slid down, partway grabbing into the body of the golem to slow her descent. She landed with her foot on the island making sure to be on the left side of the golem to potentially evade in case it had some breath based attack. Luna managed to stop herself by landing on the joint. She could hear the golem growl with rage. The golem new it was too slow, and without four legs turning would be a problem. 

    The unnatural beast tried to lift its leg up and down, in attempt to shake off Luna. Luna managed to kneel down as she wrapped herself around the leg before she bit down hard on the bolder and took inhaled in. The boulder connected to the main body slowly broke apart into shards that Luna swallowed. In a desperate attempt to save itself the golem tried one last stomp with all it's might, but Luna was more then halfway through consuming the joint when the stomp hit the ground, the joint shattered and broke off. Luna had jumped back, kicking the leg aside mid air. Luna quickly ran towards the other front leg, sliding underneath the head of the golem before she used her arms to spring herself up. She missed her timing and lost her balance, ending up falling into the third leg. She gritted her teeth as she regained her balance and quickly focused on the boulder that was the joint. She bit into the boulder which slolwy broke into shards that she swallowed up, managing to eat through the two closest boulders. 

    Luna jumped to the side as she knew what was bound to happen now that the large body only had one leg to stand on, and it was on one side, the large golem fell down face fist. Luna had ran around towards the last leg. This time she took a deep breath in, the boulders and some of the ground beneath them. However Luna could soon see what was bound to happen. Now that the legs of one side were gone and the only one on the opposite side was just removed. The body was now flat on the ground.

    Luna lifted the leg in her hands and began to continuously eat at the boulders of the leg one by one, before walking around and repeating the process with each of the legs, ending up at the back of the beast once again amost doing a complete lap. She mentally prepared herself as she knew this was not going to be a pleasant experience, at least once the day is over. She knew there was no more delays as she had to face the music. She started with the tail and ate through the being slowly with massive bites and stressing her slayer lungs with inhales breaking apart the body bit by bit. As Luna ate more and more she learned more about the golem. The reason she was having such trouble with it was it was not just earth, it was magically reinforced earth. The density alone reminded Luna of part of a mountain, and with every bite Luna could feel an immense surge of magical power. 

    Luna was recalling when she first experienced force, back when she, Amelia, her mother, Solaris, and the goddess Carpo had traveled to a foreign world for Luna's training. Near the end, Carpo had generated enough crops for Luna to enter force so she could be prepared. Each fruit and vegetable and fruits that each sent a surge throughout her being from her lungs out to the tip of her skin, throughout every nerve. Luna had felt a lesser sensation whenever she ate any other earth or plant after, but it was only now that Luna could feel such a sensation once more.

    Any reservations she had faded quickly as the idea of consuming the being turned into a delight as Luna got a quarter way through the main body. She kept eating, wanting more as the pulse sensation lasted longer each time. Eventually it came to a point where the feeling was constant and growing intense As Luna went through the body, and finally consumed the head. After the head was consumed the ground seemed to shake as out from the center of the island the inert beacon emerged from the ground. The light of the crystal flickered a few times before suddenly glowing a light brown as a beacon of the same color shined into the sky. 

    Amelia looked at Luna as she could see pink vapor leak off of Luna, she was standing behind Luna but she could tell what was going on. She knew the best course of action would be to hold back for the meantime. "I see. So she was loaded enough to enter that state..."

    Luna was breathing heavily as she felt an overwhelming surge of energy course through and envelop her being. Taking a deep breath as felt the energy surge until there was a moment. A single moment of clarity before she could feel her physical and magical strength surge to knew heights. A darkness enveloped her hands, forearms before a darkness traced along her body. Her hair seemed to grow as it instead of ending near her waste, now reached down to her knees.  Luna took a deep breath in as she was adjusting to the boost, knowing full well what it was as a surge of feelings consisting of pleasure, alertness, and energy were rushing through her mind. She felt like she had just woken up fresh from a good sleep and hitting an adrenaline high at the same time.

    Luna let out a small laugh as she was worried before that force wouldn't be the same high it was the first time, but this experience proved she couldn't be more wrong. Amelia slowly climbed the hill approaching the slayer. "Uh, Luna, are you doing alright?"

    The enhanced reflexes allowed Luna to turn her head at rapid speed, but the slight smile on her face was scaring Amelia way more. "Never been better in my life..." She said as she was stretching out her arms. "Honestly force, it's a rush. I feel everything and nothing at once. Every type of pleasure and rush without the downside. I am ready to go. What's next... ah, right, Crescent Island."

    Her hand slowly reached for the dagger on the back of her belt as she got a firm grip. Amelia nervously stepped back as there was something not quite vicious but still deadly about Luna's demeanor in Force. Amelia long suspected that only in the state of God Force, Luna embraces the deadly nature of a slayer. While Luna seemed to show she was in control, Amelia felt it was best for Luna to stay focused on the beacon's corruptors and burn off the energy that way.

    Luna gripped the blade and quickly drew the blade smirked as she put magic into the blade and slashed the air, cutting into the fabric of reality with the thrill of a fight at Crescent Island flooding her mind she slashed again crossing the previous one, before pulling the dagger out and stabbing into the intersection. As a result a larger portal then before was burst open and Luna started to run through, preparing herself for the next fight with Amelia following right behind from a safe distance. Amelia was starting to regret encouraging Luna to go into force and was starting to wonder if they'd have been better off actually fighting the turtle golem.

    WC 2330
    TWC 11099


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 2:22 pm