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    Unforgettable Voices


    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 2,080

    Private Unforgettable Voices

    Post by Lilynette 5th September 2020, 9:53 am

    0380/1500 WORDS
    Lilynette D.
    One day, I'll experience it all!
    HP: 350/350
    MP: 194/200
    Active Spells:
    Cooldown: -
    Passives/Buffs: -
    + Boots of Asmodeus
    +Corset of Asmodeus
    -Gauntlets of Asmodeus
    Monsters Killed: 0/0
    Muse Dark Forest Tunes
    The static creeped its way around the lacrima, brushing up against every nerve of Lilynette's body. This was her second time hearing the recording, and it had only gotten more horrifying as time went on. She looked away from the poor boy she had begged to come along with her, Jade, who was hearing all of this just for the first time. She didn't dare look at his reaction. Hopefully, he would be calm, undisturbed by the story unfolded by the lacrima; but Lilynette couldn't risk finding out. If she caught him looking even the tiniest bit unsettled, she would begin to panic. So, instead, she fixated her gaze towards the woods just a few steps in front of them.

    Goosebumps coated the beauties body from head to toe as she glared into the darkness that lurked behind the tree line. Lilynette took a deep breath, holding her hands together in front of her chest as she clutched the journal pages that were sent to her doorstep within them. She had never been a religious girl, but she might have to make her way towards the nearest nunnery after this job, if it didn't get her killed that is.

    The Rune Knights voice echoed throughout her head as if the recording of his voice had never stopped. The panting, the screaming, the fear, had all infused itself with Lilynette. Lieutenant Lars's fear had sunk its teeth so deep into Lily that it had practically become her own. Did she dare turn back to the guild hall? Had this all been a mistake?

    She turned her head towards Jade, gripping the journal pages even tighter. No, this wasn't a mistake. Two members of sabertooth could handle the "spooky forest." Even if one of them wasn't a mage yet. Lily had to figure out what happened to the writer of these journal entries, what had happened to Lieutenant Lars, and what had happened to the girl named Mary. Most importantly, she had to find out why these things had been sent to her estate.

    Lilynette reached forward, shutting off the Lacrima and finally putting the seemingly endless loop of static to a holt.

    "Are you ready for this, Jade?" She asking him, tucking the lacrima and journal pages back into her bag.
    @Bulwark your go. The Dark Forest tunes are really creepy, 10/10 would recomment listening to them while you post.

    Last edited by Lilynette on 9th September 2020, 1:01 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 16
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 218

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    Private Re: Unforgettable Voices

    Post by Bulwark 5th September 2020, 3:00 pm

    Bulwark ╪ D Rank

    Jade had never heard true fear in someone's voice before, never truly experienced the adrenaline-fueled panic of human fear... but he imagined it sounded like what he heard. Lieutenant Jacob Lars' frantic voice, his shaky breath, the persistent static, it was all too genuine to be a ruse and just hearing it put Bulwark on edge. It chilled him to the bones. He was terrified.

    Yet, he couldn't help but become giddy.

    The paladin bounced on his heels. He had learned, practiced, and trained for three years to become a mage. He sacrificed several sleepless nights to get to where he was now, he wasn't going to back away from his first tasks as a mage because he was scared. On the contrary, he was going to embrace it. It was his opportunity to translate the last three years into real world experience.

    Jade exhaled and shook his hands out in preparation. He couldn't let his oddly fearful excitement distract him from his role. He was a paladin, and it was his responsibility to support the other mage on this mission. He couldn't let any amount of fear or excitement make him forget that. If he did, whatever happened next would be his fault. Bulwark knew that.

    The mage was pulled from his thoughts by the tall woman beside him. "Are you ready for this, Jade?" She said. Lilynette was a tall and slender woman, easily beating Jade in height by nearly half a foot. It didn't take much for Jade to feel small again, as the beauty beside him boasted a presence that demanded attention, but he did his best to focus on the task at hand. Lilynette came to him with this job. He couldn't risk failing because of his own distractions.

    "I'm ready, ma'am," Jade said, bouncing on his shaky heels once more. "I'll stick close and follow your lead."

    Location;; Spooky Forest
    Lilynette Word Count;; 380
    Bulwark Word Count;; 313
    Total Word Count;; 693 / 3,000
    OOC Notes;; Good call on the Dark Forest tunes. That really helped!

    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 2,080

    Private Re: Unforgettable Voices

    Post by Lilynette 5th September 2020, 3:16 pm

    0825/1500 WORDS
    Lilynette D.
    One day, I'll experience it all!
    HP: 350/350
    MP: 194/200
    Active Spells: -
    Cooldown: -
    Passives/Buffs: -
    + Boots of Asmodeus
    +Corset of Asmodeus
    -Gauntlets of Asmodeus
    Boss HP: 150/150
    Monsters Killed: 0/1
    Muse Dark Forest Tunes
    That certainly wasn't the response that she was hoping for, but it was the response she had received. Lilinette and Jaden might have been the same rank, but she was older than him, and she was the one who brought him along onto this mission. "Alright then." Lilynette replied, composing herself as she turned towards back towards the woods. "Lets get going."
    The plant life spindled its way upon the trees, allowing for nothing but darkness to be visible throughout the forest. Every ounce of energy Lilynette had was now dedicated towards keeping her breathing under control, stopping her from panting, shaking, screaming. Mist filled the dark areas between the trees, making it even harder to see before herself. She took out the lacrima and turned it back on. The same static filled the area around her, causing her to feel so scared that nausea began to crawl its way into her stomach; but it provided light. Not a lot, but enough to see a good meter in front of her.

    The thought that she should turn and check in on Jade occurred to Lilynette time and time again, but she refused to give into it. the sound of his footsteps is enough. she thought to herself; for Lilynette knew that if she turned around and found anything other than her fellow guild member, that would be the end of it all.

    She didn't dare stop, look around, or speak. The quieter she could be, the better it would be for the both of them. What are we even looking for? She thought to herself. What kind of clue would we-

    "What was that?" She asked, stopping dead in her tracks. Her eyes widened with fear as she began to hasty look around in all directions. "I heard something." She whispered, tightening her fist around the lacrima as she tried to figure out what it was she heard in the distance. "Jaden," She whispered, her voice shaking as if it was fire in the wind.

    Lilynette held up the glowing lacrima, trying to get a better look at her surroundings. "I can't- I- I- I can't see anything." She whispered again to Jaden.

    She took in a deep breath of hair and felt every nerve of her body scream. She heard it again, the crunching of leaves beneath the feet of something just a few meters before them. "Jaden," She whispered, taking a step back, and reaching for the boys hand.

    The lacrima continued to let out static as her breathing shook in unison. Lilynette squeezed Jaden's hand tightly, for she now saw what was stepping on those leaves.




    "Unforgettable Voices Latchboy.regular"
    @Bulwark your go. Guess it's time to piss our pants.

    Last edited by Lilynette on 9th September 2020, 12:58 pm; edited 12 times in total

    Posts : 23944
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    Private Re: Unforgettable Voices

    Post by NPC 5th September 2020, 3:16 pm

    The member 'Lilynette' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Unforgettable Voices PzArA86

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 16
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 218

    Character Sheet
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    Private Re: Unforgettable Voices

    Post by Bulwark 6th September 2020, 4:27 pm

    Bulwark ╪ D Rank

    The further Jade and Lilynette went into the forest, the more Jade could feel his excitement diminishing. He was initially eager, happy to accept a job as a mage, but the reality of the situation finally began to dawn on him. They weren't stopping a petty theft, they weren't delivering something to a salesman, they were investigating a possible murder involving exorcisms and demons. Death could have very well been a single misstep away from the two of them.

    With this realization, bounce in the paladin's stride slowly faded into steady and hesitant steps across the mossy forest floor and his eyes began darting around his surroundings. Moments ago his grip was relaxed, but now his fists were clenched so hard his nails began drawing blood. Jade found himself considerably less excited compared to when they first arrived at the Spooky Forest. His confidence was disappearing at an alarming rate.

    The deeper into the forest Jade and Lilynette ventured, the thicker the fog got. It had taken less than five minutes of walking for their vision to become surrounded on all sides by a darkness only broken by the faint glow of the lacrima in Lily's hand. For the two Sabertooth members, everything beyond a meter in front of them was encased in fog. It took Jade constantly glancing at his feet to stop himself from tripping over a stray root or vine.

    Minutes began to feel like hours. The forest around them, the sounds, the silhouettes of trees barely visible beyond the fog, it dug into Jade's head. He wanted to leave... so bad. Perhaps if he told Lilynette, he could convince her to turn around and they could never come back to the forest. He wanted to ask her, but he never got the chance.

    Lilynette came to a halt, causing Bulwark to lightly bump into her back. "What was that?" She whispered. "I heard something."

    "Don't mess with me like that, ma'am," Jade whispered back. "It's not fun-"

    Jade froze. He didn't know whether it was just him or not, but the forest became unnaturally quiet. Every sensation he felt suddenly became very clear. Jade could feel Lilynette squeeze his hand, he could feel the blood from his palms running across his knuckles. His footsteps became louder, Lilynette's breathing became louder... and the footsteps less than ten meters in front of them Jade hadn't heard before became loud enough to hear. And as the silhouette of the massive figure in front of the two became apparent, Jade's excitement quickly dissipated into nothing and all the color drained from his skin.


    The paladin yanked on Lilynette's hand and took off away from the figure, trees and boulders blurring past him as he weaved a path through the vegetation. He couldn't hear anything but his heart beating out of his chest. He could barely get himself to breathe properly, but his grip on Lilynette remained vice-like as the two of them sprinted through the trees.

    After what felt like an eternity of full-force sprinting, Jade found himself face to face with a small cliff that stretched for as far as they could see. He only had enough time to stop himself from slamming his face into the rock wall. There were no good ledges or anything to grab on to, but Jade spotted a risky way up to their side. There was no time for anything else. Jade could hear the heavy stomping of whatever hell spawn was chasing them getting closer. "TO THE LEFT! UP THE WALL! HURRY!" he roared as he began climbing.

    Location;; Spooky Forest
    Lilynette Word Count;; 825
    Bulwark Word Count;; 910
    Total Word Count;; 1,735 / 3,000
    OOC Notes;;

    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 2,080

    Private Re: Unforgettable Voices

    Post by Lilynette 6th September 2020, 6:38 pm

    1340/1500 WORDS
    Lilynette D.
    One day, I'll experience it all!
    HP: 350/350
    MP: 194/200
    Active Spells:
    Cooldown: -
    Passives/Buffs: -
    + Boots of Asmodeus
    +Corset of Asmodeus
    -Gauntlets of Asmodeus
    Boss HP: 150/150
    Monsters Killed: 0/1
    Muse Monster Tunes
    Lilynette had screamed, the word "run" coming out of her mouth like an opera singers final fermata. Despite have screamed the word her legs remained motionless, unmoved by her call to action. All of her energy was spent on widening her eyes and fastening the pace of her breathing as a cloaked silhouette began to make its way towards them through the fog. Lilynette could feel the nausea tingling up her throat.

    "Run..." She muttered again, helplessly paralyzed by her own fear.

    "ru-" Before she knew it, she was pulled off in the other direction. Lilynette let out a yelp in fear as she had almost forgotten that she was with another person, Jaden. She snapped out of her confusion, the sensation of blood oozing over her fingers bringing her back into reality. She wasn't even concerned with who's blood it was, or if it was even blood to begin with; her only concern was sprinting through this decaying forest.

    She could feel herself bubbling with paranoia. Every fog covered tree looked like the silhouette of a man. Her eyes darting from left to right, up to down, her head moving forwards and backwards as she tried to keep an eye out for the figure that they had seen just moments ago; but everything looked like a man. Everything appeared to be moving. Everything seemed to be chasing after them. Fear began to confuse her, engulfing her body with thought of horrifying worst case scenarios. Lilynette wasn't sure if she was hearing screams or if it was just the winds brushing past her ear. She wasn't sure if someone was grabbing at her neck or if her throat was simply closing up.

    Where they about to die?

    Was she about to die?


    Jadens voice snapped her back into reality as she watched him began to scale the small cliff before them. Lilynette wasn't even sure when they had arrived at the cliff, or when it had even appeared, but that wasn't the main concern. She reached up, gripping the first rock and getting her footing onto the cliff. She was just a meter off the ground when she began to hear it.

    The sounds of someone sobbing.

    She spun her head around, "Mary?" She whispered, inquiring if it was the girl written about in the journal, the girl who had gone missing in these very woods.

    But her curiosity was a mistake. Lilynette let out a blood curdling  scream as a hand wedged its way onto her face, pulling her back into the fog. She opened her mouth but fear filled it faster than any words could exit. Her feet tried desperatly to jam themselves into the dirt, slowing herself down but alas it was no help. Her destination was no longer her choice.

    She quickly threw her body onto the ground, freeing her face from the creatures grip for just a second, "JADEEEN!" She finally managed to scream. A slimy, vine-like structure began to wrap itself around her leg, and slowly drag her away in the dirt.

    @Bulwark help please!

    Last edited by Lilynette on 9th September 2020, 12:59 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Unforgettable Voices 6d1n2ap
                                                                                                                           source credit to Kirinismywaifu
    Lilynette M. Drakus Her Closet
    Ruler of the 9 Rings

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 16
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 218

    Character Sheet
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    Private Re: Unforgettable Voices

    Post by Bulwark 9th September 2020, 10:01 am

    Bulwark ╪ D Rank

    One hand to the rock, one foot up. Another hand to another rock... Shit, it's too sloped. There's another rock. Grab and pull up to that one. Now the other foot up.

    Jade desperately clung his body to the wall, his arms clawing at any possible holds. The cliff was not tall, yet the landing above only seemed to grow further away to longer he pulled himself up. The figure behind him and Lilynette left no room for hesitation. Every bone in Bulwark's body was crying out, frightful and anxious, as the shadow came closer and closer. He could only focus on the holds above him, not on Lilynette, not on the shadow, not on the... the crying?

    Before Jade could process what he had heard, a sky-piercing shriek rang out in his ears. Muddled thoughts were forced to come into focus when he looked down. A blur of black and lavender purple plummeted down and away from the cliff, writhing and pulling on the ground. Only the faint glow of the lacrima illuminated the area, but it was overwhelmed by the fog around Jade. His hands refused to move from their holds as he stared down at the ground, unsure of his eyes, until he was brought back to consciousness by another scream: "JADEEEN!"

    It was Lilynette, tangled up with the black mass.

    Jade's hands remained on the rocks. No matter how hard he told himself to move, he couldn't get his hands to do anything. What could he do? He was close to the top of the cliff... He could keep going... But would it be worth it?

    A black tendril lunged from the fog and whipped at Jade's left hand, forcing it to drop to his side and leave Jade hanging by his right hand. The wound ran along the entire back of his hand, deep enough to reveal the muscles and tendons below the skin. Jade's hyperventilation worsened, and his mind returned to the question: What could he do?

    He didn't know. Everything was moving too fast. In a final effort, Jade outstretched his hands and began activating the only spell he could think of. With a deep inhale, he prepared to shout as loud as his lungs would allow him. "EGO ADS-"

    Another tendril lashed out. This one struck Jade in the head, gashing him across the temple and putting him into a daze. His grip on the cliff loosened and he tumbled 5 meters to the ground in a jumbled heap.

    Fog engulfed the area around Jade as his vision blurred, only the glow of the lacrima revealing the shadow in front of him. Eventually, the shadow blocked out the lacrima's light, leaving Jade in absolute darkness. Every fiber of Jade's being screamed at him to get up, but his body felt as if it was no longer his own. He couldn't feel his legs. He couldn't feel his arms.

    He could only watch as the dark figure picked him up by his head and dragged him away from the cliff.


    Location;; Spooky Forest
    Lilynette Word Count;; 1,340
    Bulwark Word Count;; 1,417
    Total Word Count;; 2,757 / 3,000
    OOC Notes;; I'm still awake, but barely...

    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 2,080

    Private Re: Unforgettable Voices

    Post by Lilynette 9th September 2020, 12:54 pm

    2062/1500 WORDS
    Lilynette D.
    One day, I'll experience it all!
    HP: 270/350
    MP: 194/200
    Base Melee Dmg: 20
    Current Melee Dmg: 32
    Active Spells:
    - Lineage: The Knight of Swords
    - Boots Ability: Temptress
    - Corset Ability: Asmodeus's revenge
    Cooldown: -
    - The Knight of Swords: +12 melee damage
    + Boots of Asmodeus
    +Corset of Asmodeus
    -Gauntlets of Asmodeus
    Boss HP: 46/150
    - 32hp: Sword Strike
    - 32hp: Sword Strike
    - 40hp : Asmodeus's Revenge
    Monsters Killed: 0/1
    Muse Monster Tunes
    Lilynettes eyes opened wide as she watched the silhouette of the monster lift Jaden up. It had knocked her unconscious, laving her face first in the dirt while one of his tentacles remained wrapped around her leg. She could feel blood rushing down her cheek as the world began to focus itself before her very eyes. Her breathing began to quicken as she began to remember her situation. This had been a mistake. They were going to die here. And it was going to be her fault.

    Tears swelled the woman eyes as she began to see her foolish mistake. This had been a death wish from the start. I should have gone to Master Aura, to Gaia, to Master Luceam! Even Mai would have been able to handle this situation, and she was a mere child! Lilynettes nails sunk into the mulch beneath her as she began to curse herself for being stupid.

    "I'm pathetic," She spoke, tears beginning to make their way over the edge of her eye lids. "I thought I could do this. I thought I could be a mage... I-I-I thought this was be an adventure! But I'm just a pathetic, stupid wo-"

    No! A startling voice shouted,  interrupting her train of thought.

    Her eyes opened with confusion as she heard a voice bellow from inside her head. Could it be the monster? Could Jade have used some form of telepathy?


    NO! The voice shouted, echoing throughout the walls of Lilynettes own imagination. you are a child of the knight of swords! Rage seemed to fuel the creatures voice as it scowled the helpless young women. Lilynette could feel an overwhelming sense of pride take over her body.

    "Who... Who are you?" She whispered allowed.

    The question is not who am I, girl. The question is' who are you?

    Her eyes opened as a blue light began to illuminate from her chest.

    YOU ARE MY CHILD! the voice raged on.

    Calm yourself, child. And go forth! Go forth and slay any beast that may cause you or your kingdom harm!

    Her breathing steadied as the glow began to feel like steel. Without looking at what was in her hand, the purple haired maiden slowly began to stand up on her feet. She tightened her grip on the object that had formed in her hand, and plunged it into the ground, straight through the tentacle that dared to lie in her path.

    The creature let out a scream as she ripped the gift out from its flesh. The voluptuous beauty starred in a bit of awe at the object, it was a black sword, glowing with the blue energy that had come forth from her heart. The woman had never touched a sword before, except for one occasion where she held a prop for a photoshoot in Magnolia a few years ago. And yet, she knew exactly how to use it. It was as if she had been born with the muscle memory of thousands of swordsmen before her.

    The creature quickly whipped one of his tendrals towards her, but Lilynettes boots of Asmodeus began to activate. She leaped up, landing perpedictular onto the trunk of a tree, swiftly using it as a pushing point. She propelled herself into the direction of the beast, slicing right through the tendril which held Jaden captive.

    The monster let out another shriek, lashing out once more at Lilynette. Striking her in the side, the beast tossed her to the side like a rag doll. Lilynette could feel blood gush out of the cut left behind on her hip, but she didn't have time to concern herself with it. Her boots glowed once more with Asmodeus's energy, allowing for her to land on her feet. The monster was to busy paying attention to his lost tendril to notice, allowing for Lilynette to counter. Her corset began to glow in return. "Asmodeus's Revenge!" She shouted, watching as a burst of light from her chest, striking distracted beast in the back of the head, causing him to shriek once more.  

    "JADEN! RU-" The creature had lost all interest in their lost limb. The creature lept towards Lilynette at full speeds, practically teleporting over to Lilynette in the blink of an eye. Before Lilynette knew it, a tendril had made its way around her throat.

    @Bulwark So close!!!


    Unforgettable Voices 6d1n2ap
                                                                                                                           source credit to Kirinismywaifu
    Lilynette M. Drakus Her Closet
    Ruler of the 9 Rings

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 16
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 218

    Character Sheet
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    Private Re: Unforgettable Voices

    Post by Bulwark 9th September 2020, 3:09 pm

    Bulwark ╪ D Rank

    Jade knew not how much time had passed. Hours? Seconds? Days? It all blurred together as the paladin was dragged off through the forest, bleeding out through the side of his head. He thought about the events leading up to his demise: his childhood, his time as a student, his brief time as a Sabertooth.

    Had he made a mistake? Was he not ready to be a mage? Perhaps he had rushed too fast into this lifestyle. If he had practiced his craft as a paladin just a little longer, would he have been fine... Or would it have changed nothing?

    While his knees dragged through the dirt, Jade used the remaining energy to look around. He spotted a head full of purple hair off to the side, and was reminded just what his failures meant. Lilynette was the very first person to approach him, to ask for his help, and he let her down. When she yelled out to him, he did nothing. He froze in fear. With blurry vision, Jade couldn't see her face, but he could imagine the look of dis-contempt that Lilynette bore. Her death would be his fault.

    Jade's eyes grew tired. He had lost too much blood... yet, he noticed a faint glow out of the corner of his vision. A faint blue glow. Jade looked back up to Lilynette. The glow became brighter and brighter, eventually taking shape. A... a sword?

    The woman in front of him struck with renewed vigor, attacking the beast directly. She leapt with incredible agility and grace around their attacker. Jade was amazed, and a familiar excitement crept back into his heart. The excitement only grew when Lilynette dashed towards him and sliced clean through the tendril wrapped around his head.

    Jade dropped to the ground on all fours. The beast tried to grab him again but was stopped in its tracks by a bolt of light. As it was blasted in the back of its head, it turned its attention back to Lilynette.

    "JADEN! RU-" Lilynette called out before she was cut short. A tentacle lashed towards her and wrapped around her neck, immobilizing her.

    "Percuro." Jade's eyes focused again and blood returned to his limbs with a warm flow of energy. He picked himself off the floor with gritted teeth and stared down the shadowed beast in front of him. The paladin steeled his nerves and burned away the fear in his heart, replacing it with anger. If he wanted to survive, he had to hate what he was fighting.

    Jade leaped to his feet and sprinted directly towards the monster, launching off a rock and over its back. Using all of his momentum and weight, Bulwark pulled down towards the ground and slammed the beast's head into the hard-packed dirt. While it was dazed, Jade ran over to Lilynette and did his best to pull off the tentacle around her neck. "Come on! Come on! Let's get. This. Thing. Off!" With a final violent tug, the dark tendril broke loose.

    Behind the two, the beast began to stand up, quickly coming back to its senses. Jade made a quick rallying gesture to Lilynette then turned around back to the monster. The paladin stepped forward, throwing his arms outward and shouting "Ego Adsum!" Gold light encompassed his body like a suit of armor. When the beast tried to attack Lilynette with another whipping tendril, Bulwark tanked the hit and swiftly followed up with a solid hit to the shadow's solar plexus. "I've got its attention! Take it down, quick!"


    Boss HP;; 6/150

    Effects;; Nearby enemies focused on Bulwark, Bulwark shielded
    Spell HP;; 140/180HP

    Location;; Spooky Forest
    Lilynette Word Count;; 2,062
    Bulwark Word Count;; 2,000
    Total Word Count;; 4,062 / 3,000
    OOC Notes;; Sorry, post became longer than I thought it would

    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 2,080

    Private Re: Unforgettable Voices

    Post by Lilynette 9th September 2020, 3:39 pm

    2432/1500 WORDS
    Lilynette D.
    One day, I'll experience it all!
    HP: 190/350
    MP: 194/200
    Base Melee Dmg: 20
    Current Melee Dmg: 32
    Active Spells:
    - Lineage: The Knight of Swords
    - Boots Ability: Temptress
    Cooldown: -
    - The Knight of Swords: +12 melee damage
    + Boots of Asmodeus
    - Corset of Asmodeus
    - Gauntlets of Asmodeus
    Boss HP: 000/150
    - 32hp:
    Monsters Killed: 0/1
    Muse [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9840msu1CM]Ass-Kicking Tunes[/url]
    Now was her chance. The Paladin Jade had joined the fight, freeing Lilynette from death by tentacle amd blocking the monstrosities incoming attacks. There was no time for thank you's, her boots of Amodeus glew one last time as she leapt forward, her sword raised high above her head.

    The monster let out a screach louder than any they had heard before, and before Lilynette knew it, a tendril had formed a gash on her shoulder midair, just barely missing her throat. She opened her mouth in an attempt to make a cool, edgy resort to the lashing, but she just couldn't think of anything in time. Her flade sliced right through the creatures tendril, slicing off a piece of its arm as it had raised its hands up high to protect its face. Black blood squired onto Lilynette, getting in her eyes and causing her to stumble back.

    "Oh g-d that's gross," The complained, dropping her sword to ground and stumbling back as she brought her hands up to her face in an attempt to wipe off the fowl juices of the beast.  


    One last tendril struck Lilinette in the gut, sending her flying back and landing before the paladins feet.

    Her vision was foggy, but she watched as the monstrosity practically vanished into thin air. "What... What are those?" She managed to ask through the pain, watching as what appeared to be pieces of paper fall slowly onto the ground.

    She slowly tried to get up, but it hurt far too much. She winced in a bit of pain and held her stomach in her arms, "Too soon for movement, understood." She muttered, rolling over towards Jade, and looking up at him from the ground. "I'll just need a minute," she managed to tell him through her clenched teeth, quickly giving him a half-assed smile.

    "Okay, *winces* good to know we can hold our own out here, *Gasp*"
    She spoke fast and quickly took a deep breath in afterwords, the wind having been knocked out of her and send kilometers out of view. "Lets go home. We *winces* find Mary and the Lieutenant after I no longer feel like death*giggle* ow ow ow, okay hurts to laugh..."  

    @Bulwark Alright soldier, grab those papers and get Lily the f*** out there!!!


    Unforgettable Voices 6d1n2ap
                                                                                                                           source credit to Kirinismywaifu
    Lilynette M. Drakus Her Closet
    Ruler of the 9 Rings

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 16
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 218

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Unforgettable Voices

    Post by Bulwark 9th September 2020, 4:35 pm

    Bulwark ╪ D Rank

    Jade wanted to let out a breath of relief when the monster turned away, but in adding insult to injury, one last tendril lashed out before it disappeared. Lilynette was flung back with a harsh smack to Jade's feet. "Oh god! Ma'am, are you okay!?" Jade knelt down and held Lily's head underneath his hand, checking for any wounds too severe for him to heal. However, Lilynette's attention was elsewhere.
    "What... What are those?" she said, barely audible enough for Jade to hear.
    Jade raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What are you talking about?" He followed her gaze over to where the monster used to be, finding several pieces of paper floating down to the forest floor. Gently lowering the woman's head back to the ground, Jade walked over and picked up the pages. They looked similar to the other journal entries Lilynette had shown him before they arrived at the forest. "It's more journal pages..."
    Jade turned back when he heard Lilynette struggling to speak, gasping for air as she mentioned Mary and Lieutenant Lars. She was still worried about the job. Jade carefully folded the pages and stuffed them in Lilynette's bag. "Percuro." A bolt of energy left Jade's palm and absorbed into Lilynette's body. Slowly, but surely, her open wounds and bruises began to shrink and heal.
    For the first time since they arrived at the forest, Jade felt that could finally take a breath of relief. The fog engulfing the forest had lifted and they could see a way back into the late afternoon light. "We'll worry about them later. For now, let's just... let's just go. I hate this place." Without another word, Jade gently lifted Lilynette off the ground and the two made their way out of the forest.


    Boss Status;; HP drained, boss escaped

    Location;; Spooky Forest
    Lilynette Word Count;; 2,432
    Bulwark Word Count;; 2,295
    Total Word Count;; 4,727 / 3,000

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 5:56 am