Fairy Tail RP

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    [Intro] Here I am [Intro]

    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 161
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,599

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Chronos
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Empty [Intro] Here I am [Intro]

    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 5th July 2019, 12:51 pm

    The fluffy white clouds gently floated above the cargo ship that was destined for Tolgalen. Tomura was forced to pay for his passage to Tolgalen by working on the ship. It was a bland job- he was mostly tasked with cleaning the ship, sometimes he would cook for the passages. Currently, Tomura was on break watching the clouds calmly pass by- one cloud resembled a makeshift crow. At least, Tomura thought it resembled a makeshift crow, no doubt someone thought otherwise. He started to wonder how far they were from Tolgalen, the captain probably knew the answer. With a small sigh, Tomura decided to get up from the chair that he was sitting on and go find the captain.  When he did find a captain, Tomura was informed that they would arrive very soon, to which he replied with a nod. 

    Tomura silently grew excited as they drew nearer to the continent. A firm smirk had formed across his lips, and his eyes were filled with excitement and anticipation. He had learned that a guild made Tolgalen their base of operations and that they were also rather successful. Tomura was hoping that he would be able to join the guild and maybe even make a legacy in that guild. Whatever the case, Tomura had grown weary of the boat ride to Tolgalen and he was tired of the mundane tasked placed upon him. When the continent came into view Tomura decided to join the captain and view what he was doing. There were three docks, Tomura worried that the captain wouldn’t know where to go, however, he managed to appear calm and confident in the captain’s ability. The captain pulled into the visitor’s dock.

    Before he got off the boat Tomura thanked the captain and acknowledge the crew. Tomura then followed a path to a white building with a floating diamond-shaped lacrima. The building looked well maintained and resembled a giant block a white sandstone that was made hollow. He entered into the building and made his way to the reception area.  



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- S-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Experience : 960,162

    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Empty Re: [Intro] Here I am [Intro]

    Post by Zincarla 5th July 2019, 7:14 pm

    Yona Hisamori had settled into her new position as vp of the West Fiore Trading Company. She had helped members with jobs, had increased her own training regimen, and many noted a stark contrast to whom she had once been with nods and expressions of approval. The only thing she struggled with seemed to be the same thing Johann had always complained of: paperwork. Whereas she had always thought that he was proficient with the dynamics of plans and papers, it was concrete that none of the vp's enjoyed the aspect. She sat at the desk, signing her name on a line for confirmation, then realizing she signed in the wrong place, she retrieved a white liquid and fixed the mistake. Between misplaced checkmarks, signatures, or poor filing, Yona had been at this for hours. She stayed up the entire night working, determined to complete the tasks and papers to Sol and Ruvel's satisfaction.

    Her pen worked across the pages until she became increasingly adept at filling the papers out. "I'm finally getting the hang of this," She smiled. Ketsueki, her resident demon had succumbed to quiet misery the past few days. It took a simple reminder of the encounter with Oykai for him to grumble himself into submission. Finally having something to hold over the vampire tree demon was quite a powerful tool. Yona herself felt relief like a good night's sleep whenever Ketsueki obeyed her wishes. She stretched her hands over her head and looked out the window, seeing the ships in the harbor beyond as the pink light of a sunrise slipping over the horizon. She could see ships docking and seabirds soaring around the masts, looking for the catch of the day from the fishyard. Yona rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and sighed, "No point in going to bed now, I suppose. Time for some of Benvolio's coffee."

    Yona stretched one more time, smoothing out her white skirt and white coat. She straightened her collar and her black lined cuffs. She pushed her feet back into her black ankle boots and left the office and the desk. She made her way back to the dining area and got herself a coffee in a tall ceramic mug. Chef Ben still tended to avoid her, given her monstrous and accidental transformation in front of him over the Winter Ball. Still, tensions were much lowered than when she had joined the guild and tried to poison the man. Progress was still progress, she thought as she inhaled the steam and took a deep drink of the hot liquid. Yona straightened her back, fixing her flowing green hair with her right hand while stepping into the main entrance of the company building.

    Standing there was a dark haired male stranger. "Welcome, good morning!" Yona greeted, summoning all of her sleepless energy to smile. "My name is Yona Hisamori and I am a VP for the Company. Can I help you with something?" Judging by the smell of brine on his attire, Yona assumed he must have recently traveled here by sea.


    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Empty Re: [Intro] Here I am [Intro]

    Post by Sol 5th July 2019, 11:37 pm

    It was just another day at the West Fiore Trading Company as employees moved to and from inside the building and down at the docks making sure the cargo was being shipped and being pulled from the boats. Inside the building one of the CEOS of the company was hard at work filling out papers and going thru meetings that were arranged for later in the week.Sol was hard at work in his office right next to Ruvels as he worked on his new duties. He was still getting used to his new position as a CEO but he was doing very well and kept up with the pace that was asked of him. As he finished his last paper he put his pen down and he sighed before he glanced at his lacrima on his desk and saw that he had a few hours before his next meeting he had and he stacked his papers nicely before he put them in the box on his desk and sent them to the proper place with the touch of a lacrima. “time to get some tea and air before I get back to work” he muttered to himself before he ducked out of his office and to the elevator before he would hit the button to take him down to the main floor.

    As the door opened Sol emerged with his Uniform looking nice and his Pin on display as he glanced around. It seemed that everything was as it normally was in the building. He then spotted a new face he had never seen before and came to the conclusion that either they were someone seeking employment with the company or they were here on business from one of the many companies they were employed by. The Reaper approached his blood ruby eyes looked at the man as he approached. The man was fair skinned but even he had more color then Sol did with his snow white skin. The next thing the CEO noticed was that he had a foot of height on the newcomer as well. once he was close enough he saw Yona and smiled a bit as he put a hand on her shoulder gently.”Miss Hisamori you seem well today how has paperwork been treating you?” he asked with a small smile on his face. While he was hesitant at first about her being promoted Sol was pleasantly surprised how she had adapted to the challenge and he was rather proud of her. Turning his attention to the newcomer.”My Name is Sol Detholusin a CEO of the company it is nice to meet you”he said kindly.

    WC- 443


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 161
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,599

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Chronos
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Empty Re: [Intro] Here I am [Intro]

    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 6th July 2019, 12:05 pm

    The headquarters for the West Fiore Trading Company was admittedly, an interesting place to explore. Tomura couldn’t help but look around this marvelous establishment. The walls seemed to be made from white stone, the stone was possible marble- at least that is what Tomura guessed. With a hand clasping his chin, Tomura continued to allow his eyes to roam around while he waited. Various beautiful murals were delicately painted onto the polished stone walls. Tomura was tempted to curiously go inspect one of these murals, but decided that business should come first. He clasped his hands behind his back and then started to make his way down the gold and red carpet, to the busy reception desk that was operated by five receptionist.

    As he took a step forward, he was stopped by a woman with green hair. Tomura smiled softly at her and dipped his head towards her in respect, “Good morning madame, nice to meet you. " he paused for a moment and heard that she was apart of the company. "I was actually looking to join the company, where are my manners. I'm Tomura Momochi" He paused for a moment and wondered if he appeared decent. Tomura started to realize that coming here immediately after getting off the boat could have been a mistake. Currently, Tomura was dressed in a black suit with a purple button-up shirt, so he wasn't worried about his attire. Instead, he was worried that he might smell like sweat or something worst. Eventually, someone else joined the conversation a man with black hair, Tomura turned to face him. “The pleasure is all mine sir” he dipped his head in respect once more.



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- S-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Posts : 631
    Guild : Luminous Rose
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    Experience : 960,162

    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Empty Re: [Intro] Here I am [Intro]

    Post by Zincarla 6th July 2019, 3:11 pm

    The green haired young woman pursed her lips. Hearing the title "madame" grated her somewhat, though she couldn't name why. She supposed as a VP, she would be better off getting used to the respectful titles, given that she herself had used them on Sol, Johann and Ruvel. She supposed it was just odd to hear it in reference to her own self. That would take some getting used to. "Just call me Yona, please, Tomura. And looking to join the West Fiore Trading Company, hm? What makes you want to do that?" She had to also admit it was a non professional curiosity that drove the question.

    When Sol stepped into place behind her and settled a hand on her shoulder, she breathed out a relaxed sigh. "Oh this is the man you're looking for then, Tomura, my new friend." Yona looked up at Sol, certain that he would take over from here. She didn't actually know yet what to do with new arrivals. Was there an interview? A test? Her own introduction had been controversial and aggressive to say the least, landing her in a battle between the guild leaders and herself. She recalled a sparring test for Leylin and Darius both awhile back. Since then, she hadn't much spent time with newcomers to the guild. As a VP, that was definitely going to change. Yona watched Sol, hoping he might show her just what the next step was so in the future, she would be better suited to do it. Instead, Sol asked her about her paperwork and she winced visibly. "I didn't sleep last night, but all the work is done. Piece of cake," She added a lie on the end to go with her radiant smile. He had to ask about the paperwork, didn't he?

    She gestured to the new dark haired man before her, "I am sure you want to get acquainted or something, Sol. Should I get out of the way or... tag along?" Yona drank more from her mug, feeling the warmth and caffeine rejuvenating her. It was as if she felt her skin both relaxing and straining to stretch into place, fighting off the expression of tiredness in her eyes. Yona hoped she could watch Sol at work and glean useful tips, but with her luck, if it wasn't a lecture, then her former poisons teacher would have her learn by doing. The green haired woman said nothing else, finding patience and appropriate silence her friend lately. Being hasty had only ever led her into trouble.


    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Fan Art Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Omen Angel
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 2673
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
    Third Skill:

    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Empty Re: [Intro] Here I am [Intro]

    Post by Aliannah 6th July 2019, 10:00 pm

    My Light...

    The blonde didn't often run around in the company, usually off somewhere else 'running around' as Oya would claim, or in one of the branches. But yet here she was, wandering through the halls with a copper coloured annoying self-centered stoat on her shoulder. It wasn't that she had gotten lost, no that wasn't it, it was that she had gotten bored of just sitting around and decided to stretch her legs. It had been a couple days since she had done something productive, and through the fog of boredom she had made her way to the company. Maybe not the best idea as she had been roped into doing some paperwork, which drove her nuts. The moment, though, she had finished it, the girl was no where to be found.

    But walking around led the girl back to the main doors where voices slipped into her ears. Someone else was here, someone new. Poking her head around the corner the girl looked at the new comer and at the CEO and the VP who were there as well. Aliannah really couldn't say that she had met the two of them personally, kind of appearing and disappearing the entire time she was employed by West Fiore Trading Company. Goodness knows she didn't just leave through another door, but she proceeded to stay where she was and watch the interaction.

    HP: 600/600  MP: 600/600
    ...shines for you

    NOTES: Welcome



    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Empty Re: [Intro] Here I am [Intro]

    Post by Sol 6th July 2019, 10:04 pm

    Sol heard the new Vice President mention that he was the person the newcomer would want to talk to as he introduced himself as Tomura Momochi and he was wanting to join the company which made the Slayer nod before he saw Yona wince and  mentioned that she didn’t sleep but she got the job done. Sol nodded before he pulled out a small vial about the size of a shotglass  with vibrant green liquid in it and passed it to Yona “here this should give you a boost that you need but make sure to get a good nights sleep tonight ok Yona” he said before he gave her a small but approving smile. “I like that your working so hard in your new position but if you need advice or help don’t be afraid to let me know  infact Ill give you a tip or two over lunch how does that sound” he offered since he knew  the hardships of paperwork and the more shortcuts you had to make it easier the better your life got in the long run. The vial he passed her was a stimulant he developed and refined to make it safe but it could only be used once and a while.

    When Yona then asked if she should get out of the way or tag along and Sol simply smiled.”You can tag along Yona  Ill help you go thru the steps that you will need to do in the future” he explained, he knew she was still learning and this was another part of her new position that she would have to get used to but Sol would help her get better at it and get her a solid base to work from. Turning his attention to the newcomer he spoke once more.”Mr Tomura if you are interested in joining then you are in luck I happen to have some free time so I along with Miss Hisamori will test you to see if you have what it takes to join please follow me” he said as he motioned for  Tomura to follow him as Yona would walk alongside him. The Reaper would take the newcomer to the training grounds with Yona so he could administer a test of his choosing no if that was a physical test or a mental test truly depended on the CEOs Mood and what ideas he had.

    wc- 404

    total wc- 848


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 161
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,599

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Chronos
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Empty Re: [Intro] Here I am [Intro]

    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 8th July 2019, 1:05 pm

    He noticed that the green hair girl didn’t enjoy his usage of the term madame. It would be difficult for him not to address her in an honorific of some sort, but he would manage. Tomura nodded his head and placed on a gentle smile then chuckled softly. “Forgive me, Ms. Yona, I mean Yona.” He quickly corrected himself and rubbed the back of his neck. “My mother taught me that manners maketh man, and I’ve lived by that for most of my life, so please forgive me.” He took a moment to consider her question, “I simply want a place to call home, and of course, a place to create a legacy”  Tomura paused and glanced up at the man who placed a hand onto Yona’s shoulder. He gave the man named Sol a quizzical look before realizing that the two worked with one another. He decided that it would be rude to interrupt their conversation and remained quiet until he was spoken to. Quietly, Tomura hoped that he would be in the same position as Yona. He honestly did not want to be stuck in a small office doing nothing but tedious paperwork- he wanted a more hands-on job.

    While Tomura was zoning out of the conversation, he was unintentionally starring over Sol’s shoulder, and over towards a girl that was looking over the corner of the hallway. He was tempted to say something, but he snapped out of his trance when the conversation turns towards him. “Hmmm? Sorry, I must have zoned out, awfully tired myself.” Tomura quickly apologized and focused on the two guild members in front of him. For the most part, most of his attention was on Sol- since the black hair male was the one in charge of his fate in the guild. Another smile formed across Tomura’s lips when Sol said that ‘he was in luck’. But then that smile quickly vanished at the mentioning of some sort of test, Tomura reassumed his confident demeanor to successfully hide his anxiety about whatever test Sol was going to give him. “I hope that I’ll be able to impress you Mr. Sol, tell me what kind of test are you going to give me?” Tomura asked respectfully as he started to follow Sol and Yona.



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- S-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Posts : 631
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 960,162

    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Empty Re: [Intro] Here I am [Intro]

    Post by Zincarla 13th July 2019, 3:10 pm

    Yona noticed the blonde peeking out. She debated offering for the girl to come over, but she appeared content to just observe and Yona didn't much mind being observed within this situation. It wasn't particularly private after all. She took the vial from Sol and poured it into her coffee, sniffing the vial afterward and regretting it. Her nose curled up and her lips turned as she jerked her head back. "I appreciate it, just don't tell me which one of your scaly or slimy friends produced this stuff." She looked at the coffee, distrust in her eyes, still speaking to Sol. "I'd like lunch and some tips as well, thanks." She nodded as Sol addressed the newcomer, making evident that she would take the leader up on his offer to show her the ropes for bringing someone new into the Company.

    The green-haired mage assumed that Sol would take them to the training grounds if he meant to impose some sort of test on Tomura. She kept up with Sol and before leaving the main area of the guild, she used her head and a slight nod to indicate to the blonde girl that if she wanted to join she too would have to follow them. Yona turned her attention to Tomura as he stumbled through an apology out of obvious respect for the female mage. It brought a genuine smile to her face and she turned to him with kindness, "Manners are usually important, so no harm done." She sipped at her coffee, feeling the warm but smelly liquid rejuvenate her. She felt an intense buzzing in her heart, in her pulse, almost like an itch that was impossible to scratch just beneath the skin of her entire body. Yona glanced at Sol, wanting to ask him now just what was in that vial, but thought better of it. She really didn't want to know.

    Yona tried to hide her grimace as she drank down more than half the cup in her hands, swallowing it swiftly as if it were some horrible medicine. She choked a little and wet her lips. "Pardon me," Yona began wiping wetness from her green eyes, "This tastes wretched. I shouldn't have put it in my coffee." Yona laughed a little as they entered the training grounds. It was a familiar place from when she fought with Ruvel and Oykai that first time, desperate to prove herself and in the process discovering who she truly was. With former leader Cirven's help, she had apologized to Ruvel back then and was reconnected with her lost brother in a moment that Yona could never forget. She shook her head away to try to clear that memory away and faced Tomura, speaking somewhat distantly, "I found a place to call home here. I hope you will too." The plant mage smirked then, teasing, "Well, if you can pass his test."


    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Fan Art Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Omen Angel
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 2673
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Deniel
    Experience : 1,362,393

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
    Third Skill:

    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Empty Re: [Intro] Here I am [Intro]

    Post by Aliannah 14th July 2019, 5:27 pm

    My Light...

    She watched a little longer, over hearing a little bit of their conversation. Bringing someone new into the company was not something that Aliannah had ever seen before as she had joined the company with Cirven so long ago and as some of the first members there wasn't a lot of tests to pass. She bit her lip and pushed down the urge to go over and ask if she could watch the induction of the person.

    it would have worked too if the stoat on her shoulder hadn't thought the same, but rather instead of suppressing the urges, gave into them. The copper coloured rodent leaped from her shoulder and skittered across the ground towards where the others were. A small curse escaped the lips of the blonde as she reached for the small animal and missed. Cringing internally as the animal raced across the floor before leaping and digging her claws into the pant leg of the new arrival.

    Good job. Wonderful.

    Wincing to herself the girl moved to stand straight and looked away in embarrassment. She silently walked over to the group, she knew that her magic wouldn't be able to be sensed by them and she thanked it. The only ones who really knew of what she could do was Elias and Ruvel, maybe Sol if the information had been shared.

    "Uhhh... Hi. I'm sorry about... Oya... my companion, she doesn't listen well and if curious." Aliannah squatted and reached for the stoat that only clung harder and chose to ignore the presence of the blonde who could only sigh.

    HP: 600/600  MP: 600/600
    ...shines for you

    NOTES: Welcome



    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Empty Re: [Intro] Here I am [Intro]

    Post by Sol 20th July 2019, 12:54 am

    At Yonas reaction to the Scent of the vial Sol chuckled a bit since it was not meant to taste good or smell good but the strength it has was more then enough to keep someone awake for 24 hours easily.”Relax Yona I made that myself from my magic and some natural plants I should have warned you though that it was… unpleasant tasting” he caught the end of his words as the green haired girl poured the vial into her coffee and he sighed.”I guess that works but that coffee will taste god awful” he said before he heard her confirm that and then heard the sound of skittering claws on the ground before he saw something that made him smirk at the cuteness of the scene, a stout had rushed across the ground and was biting the newcomers pantleg and a blond woman came up. If Sol remembered right her name was Aliannah and he had very little interaction with her until now.”Its Fine Aliannah but if you could remove your little friend that would be great” he said with a chuckle before he spoke again.”If you like Aliannah I was just about to escort Miss Hisamori and Mr Tomura to the training grounds to perform his test if you would like to join us” he offered kindly.

    As Tomura then asked him what test he would be giving to allow the man entry into the guild Sol stopped for a moment when they got outside before he suddenly smiled and put a hand on Yonas shoulder.”Actually I will not be the one testing you but Miss Hisamori here but I will be supervising this test” he explained knowing that might catch Yona off guard but she did need to learn how to give such tests and the sooner the better. While Sol was very used to giving the tests out he would take a backseat for this one to see just what Yona would come up with.

    Wc- 335

    total wc- 1,183


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

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    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 24th July 2019, 9:08 am

    Tomura curiously watched her pour the vial into her coffee and wondered what was in it. More importantly, he wanted to know what Yona meant by scaly or slimy friends, he decided that would be something he would inquire about later. At the mentioning of sleep, Tomura perked up a little, and decided to add in his two cents, “Sleep would honestly be nice,” He nodded in agreement and followed both Sol and Yona to whatever location they were taking him. Tomura guessed that he would be taken to the training grounds for his test, at least to him that made sense.   

    While they were walking, a cooper colored rodent somehow managed to scurry across the floor and claw at Tomura’s pants leg. Tomura squeaked in shock and his instincts immediately took control, his leg started to transform into white and blue ice- However, he immediately stopped what he was doing when a girl picked up the mouse and muttered an apology. Tomura’s leg returned to normal. “Oh, that is your pet" he muttered softly, “For a moment I thought I was being attacked” he placed on a gentle smile, “No worries, everyone has a right to be curious, though he might need to be more cautious” Tomura glared down at the mouse, but gave the door a soft and gentle smile. “My name is Tomura Momochi, and yours?” he questioned but paused then Sol addressed her, "Walk with me? We can chat as we walk."

    With that Tomura continued to follow Sol and Yona until they arrived at their destination. He was slightly confused when Sol informed him that Yona would be giving out the test. Admittedly, Tomura didn’t mind or cared who gave him the test, he just wanted to prove himself. Once more, Tomura wanted to make connections with these three, they seemed powerful and well established within the guild. “Very well.” He turned to Yona, “What should I do? Show my magic? Fight? I’ll do anything”



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    Post by Zincarla 28th July 2019, 2:29 pm

    Yona stepped in time with Sol, trying to desperately finish off the coffee. She gagged once, covering her lips with a hand so that nobody could tell. She noted the stoat cling to Tomura's leg temporarily and Alianna's slight embarrassment. Yona said nothing on the matter, it didn't bother her and no harm was done so there was no need to get involved. She wondered why Oya was so disobedient, then wondering if it was his age, his personality, or if it was something greater. There was no malintent that Yona could tell. She looked down at the rest of her coffee just as Sol rested a hand on her shoulder. She wished she had heard his warning about the taste before mixing the vial into her morning cup.

    The plant mage swallowed one more gulp and looked up at the guild leader, ready to be addressed however he would do so. She was sure it would be more advice or a suggestion to stand in a specific place out of the way in the training grounds. Instead, his words caught her off guard and her green eyes widened for a second before quickly reasserting her confidence. "Uh, I will?" She whispered, leaning towards Sol who was certainly much taller than she was. She blinked at Tomura and Alianna and then gave an amused chuckle, "I guess, I will." Yona had to ponder then what sort of test would be sufficient here. A test of magic itself seemed to be boring and lacking in evidence for what Tomura was really capable of. His ice magic displayed earlier was curious but all mages had magic and varieties were often profound. A straight-up fight seemed a useless strategy as well, given that even those who were physically weak could have magic that more than made up for that on the job. What she really needed to find out about Tomura, Yona deduced, was how he held up under stress and fear. Their guild had a strong loyalty to it and for many, it became like a family. Could he handle the pressure? Would he put others first? Did he have a natural tendency to put himself in danger and act recklessly, like she herself once did, or did he think about his moves before he made them?

    Yona gestured with a hand then and led the group towards and through a rune-covered door. It seemed most wise to do this in the magical training hall, just in case there was some sort of accident. Sol might not have been as strict, but she knew Ruvel well enough to know that if something got broken, Yona would end up having to fix it. "Given how prepared you are to fight or use your magic, I do believe I have something in mind for you." The large empty room they went through had walls covered in runes and once the group was fully assembled, Yona had decided on her plan. She was grateful for the couple of minutes it took to enter the room with everyone. "Drink this," Yona said, passing her cup of unpleasant coffee to Tomura. She gave him an apologetic look as she added, "I would rather you were awake and at your best for the test, wouldn't you agree?" If Tomura took the cup and finished it, he too would feel the buzzing rejuvenation that jolted around inside of Yona's cells.

    She cleared her throat, "I am going to put you through a mental test. You will be allowed to handle the situation however you desire, magic included, but Sol and I will be watching. I'm going to cast the magic upon your mid, but please, do not resist the spell or it could cause you some damage." Yona waited for Tomura's answer and then continued on, "Just do your best. Are you ready?" If Tomura indicated that he was ready, Yona would begin. She wanted to start off small for Tomura's benefit but saw no good reason why to not give him the full challenge. She remembered how she joined the Company and it was not easy. The green-haired mage hoped that she wouldn't damage his mind as badly as her's had been. "Just close your eyes and count up to ten, then open them." This way, she hoped the transition would be easier for Tomura.

    Her spell was powerful, and if he resisted it for even a moment, he would feel the aggressive and immoveable influence of her magic guiding him into the spell regardless. When he opened his eyes, the place would transform into a nightmare world designed by his own greatest horrors and fears. She wondered what his deepest fears, what his darkest thoughts might create. Would the landscape remind her of hell? Could it be his childhood home or a provocative memory? Would it be a bloodied battlefield, a sinking ship surrounded by monsters, or a single shadowy figure? Yona herself knew what her own fears would create in this room. Once the image transformed the room, Yona and the others would be invisible to him, but not their voices. Yona called out gently, "Just breathe for a moment."


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    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Empty Re: [Intro] Here I am [Intro]

    Post by Aliannah 4th August 2019, 10:29 am

    My Light...

    She had finally managed to get the stoat off of the pant leg of the new person, luckily the entire fiasco had been taken relatively well. Holding the stoat, gently yet without wiggle room the girl nodded. It would be interesting to see how new members joined cause she could only imagine it had changed since she was with Cirven when they transferred to the guild as some of the very first members.

    She walked along with the group to the magical training hall. Listening and watching everything as it happened. She couldn't remember having to go through any of this, but then again, different times, different people. The blonde moved to put the stoat on her shoulder before crossing her arms in front of her. This was an interesting process and one she was glad she didn't have to do now.

    The girl wasn't quite sure what was going on. Listening carefully she realized not much was really described to the new comer, where they were, what exactly was going on, but if the idea of placing a person under new conditions without prior knowledge was part of the test, then she would give it a 10/10.

    The girl had found herself side by side with Sol, sitting and watching from the back seat.

    HP: 600/600  MP: 600/600
    ...shines for you

    NOTES: Welcome



    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

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    Post by Sol 7th August 2019, 1:21 am

    Sol watched as Yona became stunned at knowing she would be doing such a test before he watched the new vice president had the newcomer drink the rest of her coffee which Sol could only pity him since it was not a good concoction from the smell of it alone. As Yona then explained that she would be giving him a mental test not a physical one and once she finished explaining Sol leaned down and smirked.”good choice your doing great so far Yona” he praised as he saw her start to weave her magic on the newcomer Tomura and the Reaper watched with interest. He could only wonder what the spell would do to his mind and what he would have to face, after a moment the CEO whispered a question into Yonas ear.”Yona by chance what does this spell do and how damaging could it be?” he asked curiously so only she could hear him.

    While Sol was no stranger to pushing peoples limits be it Physically or mentally or even emotionally he tried to make sure he didn’t permanently scar hopefuls wanting to join the company.seeing Aliannah watching from beside him Sol smiled a bit.”First time watching someone join the company?” he asked quietly so Tomura would not hear it but the angelic mage would. The CEO was rather used to bringing in new members but with his new promotion he knew that he had to rely on the Vice Presidents more since his work load was much greater now, however he was already pleasantly surprised at how Yona was handling the work she was given and he knew Ada could do her job very well.suprisingly the Slayer was drawn back to his memorys of when he had left the darkness of Basilisk Fang and landed here on Tolgalen. He had left the darkness though not fully since it was impossible to given his upbringing but he now had balance in his life and he was better for it,when he thought of the people he had met and the friends and allies he had gained he nearly smiled but then came out of his nostalgia to focus on Tomuras test.

    wc- 365

    total wc -1548


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

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    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Empty Re: [Intro] Here I am [Intro]

    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 4th February 2020, 12:40 pm

    Tomura would be ready for anything that Yona and the others could throw at him. He had already displayed his magic earlier, so he wondered what and how they were going to test him. If he was in Yona’s position he would have tested his physical and magical might. Mostly, because, he wouldn’t want weaklings and people who couldn’t handle themselves in his guild. But he wasn’t the one carrying out the test, and therefore, he held no power or say in determining what kind of test to deliver. Tomura also recognized that Yona might also be searching for something else, something he was blind to. 

    A protest was not offered when they walked through a rune-carved door. Tomura made sure to take note of the surrounding area, careful to memorize anything of importance that may aid him in battle. But for the most part, the room was empty, simply another magical training hall. The only interesting thing about the room was that it was covered in runes, runes that he could not read. I do believe I have something in mind for you, Yona would comment and Tomura cocked an eyebrow in reply. It seems she did see something that he had not foreseen. She passed the unpleasant coffee to him, and he accepted. “Thank you.” He took it, not because he wanted it, but because he didn’t want to seem rude. He took a sip of the coffee and pursued his lips at the taste- it wasn't good, not at all. But he did not say anything to her about the horrible taste, he didn't have to, his face said it all. "I thank you for your concern about my tiredness....." He would murmured and find a way to pass off or hide the coffee. 

    So, it seems that she did take into account something that he did not. Tomura would not have thought about giving out a mental test, save to test someone’s loyalty. He placed on a soft smile and nodded in agreement as she explained the test. "I hope that I would not disappoint you in this test of yours, hopefully, I will excel and you all would accept me into the guild. Though, I have no doubt that my abilities and mental fortitude would impress you." He would comment. Admittedly he was not ready for the spell, and his first reaction was to resist the spell’s effects. But, he managed to resist that urge and allowed the spell to take a hold of him. Darkness consumed him and all since of reality was lost to him. He was in a dark room where damask chains bound him in unseen walls, and he was stripped down to his undies. Tomura was blind folded in the illusion, but he could hear a voice and sense a man standing in front of him.

    “Your name will be erased from the history books, your achievements forgotten, your friends and allies have abandoned you, and for now you are stuck with me.” A spear had punctured his stomach, causing Tomura to split out blood. “How does it feel, knowing that your friend and mentor had turned you in, eh?” the man would call out, this time thrusting the spear into his chest. “To know, that in the end you are nothing, but helpless to defend yourself. You are nothing, but stinking filith.

    As the illusion continued the man continued to insult Tomura and attempt to break his ego, the spear would continue to make puncture marks and weaken his resolve. For a while, five or more minutes, Tomura’s will seemed to have been completely broken. He was a shadow for the longest time, a broken image of a once proud and refined man. But then something changed, something in him snapped and he started to laugh amusingly. “I must have done something very horrible and memorable for a punishment so intense and terrible.” Blood would splatter onto the floor, “But if I am forgotten then it seems that I need to do better, and better I will do.” Tomura would release his magical aura, which would scream and hist violently. When the illusion broke, Tomura would be on the ground panting and exhausted. "Such a terrible little trick that  you have." he huffed out.



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    Post by Zincarla 7th February 2020, 9:28 am

    Yona clasped her hands together lightly, keeping her green eyes on Tomura even as she replied to Sol's question. "It's really only half a spell. He is in an illusory world of his own fears' creation. What he sees, feels, even smells is up to his own mind. It won't physically harm him unless he resists." Which was precisely why she had asked him not to do so. If he resisted her mind spell and hurt himself, she would feel pretty terrible about it. As Tomura sipped the foul coffee and set the cup aside the wall, Yona had waited until she had thought he was ready. He spoke of his fortitude and strengths confidently and with a smirk, the VP wondered to herself if he was bluffing or not.

    She watched as his fears came to life for the room to see, though Tomura would not see them. It went without saying that such an intimate reveal should not be publicly discussed without Tomura's approval and so Yona said nothing. There was a dark shadow of a man, without any true form. Tomura stripped down and blindfolded was a shock to see, and Yona blushed. Should she stop the spell? Would he be upset to know that they had seen him battle his fears in such a state of undress? She swallowed hard as a spear formed fully in the blurry shadow of a man's grip. First, undressed, second intense violence. It worried her now and she glanced at Sol, biting her lip. For a first test, she could only hope she hadn't gone too far. The blindfold was symbolic, though it needn't have been given the cruelty in the shapeless man's voice as he pointed out how alone, abandoned and forgotten Tomura was. He was being stabbed, tortured really, and Yona physically winced as she forced herself to continue watching. She took a half step forward, ready to stop the spell, finally having seen enough. Of course, she hadn't seen what she had been seeking in the guild applicant, but she still felt nervous of having gone too far. Such a fact was written all over her face and inside she wondered if Sol thought she had gone too far.

    Before she could do anything else, Tomura's own words rang clearly in the training room. With a release of magical energy, her spell was ended and the physical form of his fears vanished. He knelt gasping, but alive and Yona fought to find her own composure again. He had seemed broken by the loss of his friends, the forgetting of his achievements. He had seemed physically broken and at a lost too. He had been isolated mentally and physically and yet, in what she thought was the climax of the illusion, Tomura had shown that which he had been most afraid of losing. It went beyond bravery and loyalty, it was his own self righteousness, his own need to keep his honor in tact that seemed to conclude her test. She had honestly expected some sort of cocky display of magical or physical prowess, and of course had hoped to see the man's bravery. By the end, he had given his mysterious attacker no information on himself and no pleas for mercy- and no claim over his life. The honor aspect had truly impressed her.

    Yona knew he would be even more exhausted than before. She bent and retrieved the coffee and passed the cup into Tomura's hands. "I insist you finish it this time," Yona answered his comment going without a reply for a moment. She crouched in front of him and gave a nod, "Haven't quite seen a fear played out like that before. I think I can speak for Sol and I both," Yona added tossing her head in the other VP's direction. "Your display of bravery was expected, but even more powerful than any promise you could make to me or this Company... was your own sense of honor. In fact, I think I trust you more than I have trusted any other new member before because I can see in you that you would not betray or harm the people of this Company out of your own deep need to do right by yourself and your commitments. Does that ring true, Tomura? Are you deserving of our trust?"

    After he replied, and assuming he said it was true, the green haired mage looked at him gently, "I hope welcoming you into the company is enough to get forgiveness for that ordeal. I wouldn't want any bad blood between us, Tomura."


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    Post by Aranea 7th February 2020, 11:57 am

    Aranea wished she had gotten to sleep in this morning. The celestial spider had flown in from a village in Myazhe, leaving the village and arriving in the main Togalen port all before the first rays of sun had peaked over the horizon. It felt strange for this nocturnal hunter to fall into mortal rhythms up in the mountains.

    As the Celestial Spider, a mortal's dreams could be as real as the waking world to her. And since a mortal's dreams provided the magic to sustain her in the mortal world, she was used to a rest schedule the mirror opposite of most mortals. Thus being active in the wee hours of the morning had been the norm, and today she needed the ritual of morning coffee to stay awake.

    That's why she had stopped by headquarters instead of just simply flying straight back to the village. To pick up her coffee. Lucy already had the dyes for a clothier in the village. They were why she had flown out so early in the first place.

    The clothier needed the dyes as soon as possible, and they had been due to arrive on one of the ships due in first thing this morning. Lucy had volunteered to retrieve them, since she could fly to the port and back again, all before noon.

    Looking for a quiet place to sit and enjoy her coffee before taking the dyes back to the village, she gambled that no one would be using the training room yet. It was a poor gamble, it looked like she found an on going test. The blonde spirit blushed in embarrassment and smiled sheepishly. "Uh.. hey guys.. so very sorry about that! uh welcome! and... I'll just be going. Didn't mean to interrupt."

    Lucy quietly slipped back out and only went a few steps down the hallway to start her coffee. Apparently, she needed the wake up boost more than she thought.


    [Intro] Here I am [Intro] Rts9LMb
    ~*✿*☆♥Aranea ~ Silver Key Spirit/Celestial Spider♥☆*✿*~
    Gilderoy D. Portgas
    Gilderoy D. Portgas

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    Post by Gilderoy D. Portgas 16th March 2020, 8:07 pm

    It was embarrassing that they had seen him in such a vulnerable state. For a moment, Tomura felt nothing more but rage and embarrassment at how vulnerable they saw him. In between breaths he managed to calm down, instead hoping that what they saw would inspire fear or respect. He clenched his fist for a moment, letting his anger go, and pushed himself off the floor. Still feeling a little weak in his knees, Tomura stumbled a little at first, but then he managed to successfully push himself up and stand on his two fee. A hand ran through his green hair, as he exhaled his frustration and anger out of his body with his deep breath. He did not make eye contact with Yona until he was completely calm, and when he did, he simply smiled at her. His cool demeanor returned, though at a bit slower pace than usual. “I must admit I agree.” He stated and took the cup, sipping on it lightly- he ignored the bitter taste. “I think it needs more sugar” He joked, attempting to avoid any mentioning of the illusion.

    "......." Fear, indeed, she did see Tomura scared- well, at least only for a moment. Tomura found that fear was only present when you had things to lose, as he did at the start of the spell. But what Yona saw was more than a ‘scared man’, the illusion caused Tomura to fear hopelessness and despair. He was nothing in that illusion, nothing but a broken and shattered man left for the rodents to feed off of. That entire ordeal reminded him of something his teacher would say- ‘there are fates worst then death’. Apparently his old mentor was right, and well, Tomura vowed that he would never allow that to happen again. And that he would never allow anyone to see him in such a weaken state again, but in order to do that he needed power.

    A smirk formed across his face as Yona continued to speak, and as she praised him for his bravery and since of honor Tomura couldn’t help but facepalm and allow twisted laughter to escape. He did not break out of the illusion because of his honor, he broke out of the illusion due to ambition, and of course, his own sense of self-preservation and stubbornness and arrogance“Yona-san, you insult me.” He mused as he allowed his hand to drop to his side. “It was not honor that I broke out of that illusion, but more so, ambition and arrogance.” he explained and then cocked an eyebrow when Yona mentioned that she felt like she could trust him. "While I appreciate your trust in me Yona-san, I would advise that you trust my sense of self-preservation, and my willingness to make a legacy within this guild."

    He studied her for a moment, and bowed while touching his chest. "Of course, Yona-san. I would happily accept your apology, and this induction into the guild. There is no bad blood between us. Now, madam, what is next?" 



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    Post by Zincarla 24th March 2020, 1:15 pm

    Yona watched the man, reassessing him as he spoke. She had indeed seemed to have misread him, and that bothered her a bit. She wasn't usually so bad with her intuition, her gut, her eyes. In this case, his smirk and laughter sent a feeling like bugs crawling all over her skin and she worried that maybe she would make the wrong choice. Without wanting to take away his opportunity for growth and change, she took a single breath and met his eyes directly. She allowed him to see her emotions, though she never was good at hiding them anyway. Behind those green eyes were the promise of a threat if he betrayed the guild or her personal trust.

    "Show me where you want me to place your mark then," She called her magic to her fingers until they softly glowed. As she placed the mark upon his skin she set her eyes harder upon his face, "We at the West Fiore Trading Company expect great things from you. Feel free to explore headquarters and town, perhaps settle into a room here, get a meal in our dining area." She pulled her hand away from his skin and repeated herself, "We have high expectations for all our members. The company is well trusted and there are plenty of jobs for you to take. Remember to act as a vassal of this great company or there will be consequences." She softened a bit and gave him a light smile.

    "After that spell, you probably should eat something or rest, Tomura. I look forward to working with you in the future," Yona trailed off with a shrug. She plucked the empty cup from him and left him on his own to decide what he wanted to do next.


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    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc

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