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    Demons' Den - Job


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Frostfire
    Position : None
    Posts : 60
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Demons' Den - Job  Empty Demons' Den - Job

    Post by Yakone 6th March 2020, 5:19 am

    WC: 2,373

    A transportation boat which goes from city to city was already on route towards the city known as Lavanitir Port City. Based on the rumors of the place, they don't care about ones guild status and that's fine by Yagi considering that he had just joined his guild not to long ago. Yagi sat at the corner of the boat with his arms folded across his chest and a straw hat that he had acquired at a nearby shop during his last visit in another town. There he sat there slouched over with his head aimed to the ground. He was sleeping. He felt a short impact as the boat had stopped soon after and hitting one of the docks indirectly as the boat service man was tying up his boat and looking down at the now awoken Yagi. He let out a loud yawn and cracked his neck as he got up. Beside him was his trusted snow wolf in which he had picked up during his time in the mountains. He'd look to the boat service man and handed him the fare amount and left on his way with his wolf.

    Taking a deep breath of fresh air, he decided to go to one of the local bars known as the "Black Cat Lounge" He immediately saw some commotion, the owner being a scrawny individual by the name of Agil. Agil at this point was on his hands and knees begging the mage who was a C rank to do the job. The mage got tired of explaining why he wouldn't do it and made it clear to everyone as he shouted. Meanwhile Yagi sat close to the bar and ordered himself a whiskey.

    "LISTEN, I would do the job if this was someone else entirely! But I am not going against the boss of the Demons' Den! Why don't you get a B rank mage to do it or heck even an A rank!"

    Agil at this point had tears in his eyes and his head to the ground.

    "I would if they were any here! But most of them don't come by this city very often!"

    The mage sighed to himself and just walked away, apologizing to the owner. Just when the owner was about to give up and composing himself in a proper manner with the other locals who were about to come in for the day. He spotted Yagi sitting down and beside him was his snow wolf who was laying on the ground and trying to get some sleep. The owner wandering over to his direction and began to fiddly play with his index fingers as he pressed them together.

    "Hello there sir, you wouldn't happen to be a mage would you?"

    Yagi shifted his eyes towards the man and smirked.

    "You bet I am. I'm a C rank mage though. I overheard your guys conversation. I normally would be incline to do this type of job however. This city doesn't want mages to disobey laws and whatnot. And I just got here so I don't want to get kicked out of the city."

    The owner placing his hand on the counter and smiled.

    "That drink is on the house. As far as trouble is concern. You won't be in any. The city already approved of any mage willing to help out."

    Agil was quick to show Yagi the paperwork, along with showing him a briefcase of money.

    "20,000 can be yours if you also take down that boss and run him out of here."

    Yagi chuckled and finished his drink quickly.

    "You got yourself a deal!"

    After being told where the bar was, him and his wolf would travel over to the Demons' Den which was a block away. Upon entering, he immediately got the stares of demon patrons lurking about and minding their own business. He would head his way over to the bartender who was a fairly muscular sized human. After sitting down and asking about some questions about how the city is around here. He stopped the games and went for the real reason he was here.

    "You guys have been giving trouble to the Black Cat Lounge, I suggest you guys stop messing with them. Now get your boss over here now."

    The bartender nodded, heading over to the back and speaking to the employees in the back. The demon patrons caught wind of the chatter and proceeded to walk out of the establishment. Yagi also took notice of two human thugs going over to the only entrance to the bar and locking it down by turning the knob. He would look back at the bartender and smirked.

    "You know if I had known you would close the bar just for me, I would of made reservations!"

    One of the thugs proceeded to walk over towards the direction of Yagi's back. The bartender then proceeded to try to right hook him in the face. Yagi was too quick to kick the counter and leaning backwards of his stool. Landing on his upper back and performing a back roll with the stool being held in between his legs as he fired it away immediately at the incoming thug from behind him. Being smashed by the stool and flying backwards to the wall. Yagi got up and immediately proceeded to get into a fighting stance. From the looks of it, the thug had been knocked out. The second man came chasing after him with a knife in hand. Yagi was quick to place his hand towards the man's wrist holding the knife and proceed to move behind the man while holding onto his wrist. Twisting it effective while he kick the man's back of the knee with a hard thrust. Breaking the man's arm effectively and sending a strong right hook to the side of his face.

    The fight would then proceed to invite others into it. Ten more had shown up including the bartender. They each dawned a unique weapon to them. They had surrounded him and proceeded to charge straight at him one at a time. Climbing the tables nearby, he proceeded to grab a couple of plates and hurling it straight at two of them who proceed to go after him. Striking them straight in the face and ending it with two boots to their faces at the same time. Eight more had remained and charging him from the back were two more guys coming in. The snow wolf wouldn't just wait and immediately charged at one of them and destroying his ribcage upon impact with the large thrust involved. The wolf then proceed to bite down hard of the other thug's arm. The pain was enough to distract the thug and give Yagi enough time to twirl his kick and smashing both their faces in. Now six had remained and boy were they angry.

    Charging straight at the both of them at the same time, Yagi had simply chuckled as he also got on all fours and started to charge straight at two of them. Body slamming one of them by impacting his head against their stomach and hugging them right after. He would then mount on top of them and sending a straight right and left hook to finish the job. The wolf on the other hand bit down of the back of the neck of the other thug just before he could stab Yagi in his back. The four who had remained grew sick and tired of their antics and before they could do anything, coming from the side doors of the establishment would be 3 class C ogres. Easily towering over the others within the room, they cracked their necks and raised their clubs over their shoulders. The four remaining thugs proceeded to just watch as the three decided to go to work.

    Yagi took notice and immediately placed his hands in his pants pockets.

    "I see, so you three must be the reinforcements huh. Y'all definitely don't look tough at all huh! So how are we doing this? All three against me huh?"

    They nodded and proceeded to charge straight at him one by one. Yagi was quick to go on the defensive, evading the giant club that was coming his way and going to the left of the ogre. However, the other two was just right behind him. The second one shoulder bashing him quickly and causing him to fly back and impacting a nearby table. The third ogre however, was too busy with the snow wolf who immediately began to bite down on his forearm where his weapon was.

    The bite was so powerful that his entire forearm began to leak badly and at this point it became a limp. The third ogre bomb rushing towards the wall and bashing the wolf against it, causing a whimper noise to come out. The first and second ogre wasn't done yet and proceeded to straight straight at Yagi. He rose up and immediately got into his defensive style once again. Instead of using weapons, they would use their fist. Yagi was quick to evade the first ogres tactics and pulling out his hidden dagger, he stabbed the ogre straight in his eyes causing him to become blind. With this tactic, he pushed the ogre over to the second one. Causing them both to collapse to the ground. Yagi was quick to finish the job and slicing the jugulars of both of the ogres.

    At this point he was already tired but he couldn't give up. Before the third ogre could do some serious damage to the wolf as he raised his club high. Yagi immediately stabbed him straight in his back. Causing the ogre to drop his weapon and staggering backwards. Yagi raising the ogre's club and bashing his skull in from behind. The deed was done and now Yagi aiding his wolf with tears in his eyes.

    "Don't worry buddy, we will get o-"

    A sharp piercing bolt struck Yagi in his lower back and his body collapsing against the wall as he turned to see who had done it. The four thugs who were idly watching wasn't watching no more. Yagi's began to simply chuckle and his wolf immediately came to his defense. Before they could hope to finish the job, another human had shown up, much bulkier than the others and from the looks of it he was the big boss in charge. The boss proceeded to take off his shirt and began to laugh menacingly.

    "You were a fool to take the job. So many have tried in your position and failed. From the way you fight and struggled with the ogres. It looks to me you aren't even my rank."

    The four thugs stood down and the boss proceeded to walk towards his direction.

    "I think its time I end this, your wolf will make a fine rug."

    He charged straight at the wolf first, Yagi didn't even hesitate as he pulled out the bolt and went straight pass his wolf and collided fist with the man. Easily overpowered as he found himself being placed on his back by the blow itself. The wolf then charged straight at the man and attempted to bite down on his forearm. It worked for a brief moment as Yagi rose to his feet and immediately stabbed the guy's eye out quickly. The boss didn't even waste time and punched the wolf in his face, causing him to let go and being too injured to even move. Yagi immediately came to the aid of his wolf as the boss leaped away from him. Yagi had more tears in his eyes and looked to the boss in anger. The boss simply folded his arms across his chest and began to transform into a demon. He began to fire his fire magic around the both of them. A circle of flames started to surround them instantly as it began to rise higher and higher and slowly closing in on them.

    The wolf was too injured to even move and Yagi brought his face close to his. The wolf started to cry and Yagi whispered in his ear.

    "I was too weak and a fool to even try this job.. I'm sorry that I failed us both.."

    With one last act, he would use his body to shelter the wolf, his entire being engulfed by the flames as he escaped the flame circle and his back immediately impacting the wall nearby. With severe burnt marks on his back and blooding escaping his mouth, he looked to the wolf who was slowly dying in his arms.

    "This is it buddy..."

    Walking through the flames in his demonic form, the boss now was just within arm reach of Yagi. Aiming the open palm of his hand towards Yagi's face, a ball of fire emerged.

    "You were able to take down the small runts of the litter. It's truly unfortunate that your mage career ends here."

    A cold breezed had come forth, encasing the demon itself in a large ice prison. The flame in his hand had extinguish. Yagi begin confused, raised to his feet to see the owner of his place entering the building through a window.

    "I couldn't just leave you and your wolf to do the job on your own. Its time I end this once and for all."

    The owner then went straight to the four thugs right after and freezing them in place as well. The demon started to break free from his ice prison and Yagi already have the intense rage within him as he saw the last breath of his wolf take. His blood began to boil so much so that he didn't care that he was badly burnt. The adrenaline took over. He dashed straight at the demon, pounding him so many times until both of Yagi's hands were completely broken. Bruised up and tired, it still wasn't enough to beat the demon boss. The owner however, had plenty of strength to finish the job by hurling a powerful ice beam at him, finishing the job. After the situation was over, Yagi received the 20,000. He also buried his wolf later on.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 1:14 pm