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    [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman

    Serena von Edelweiss
    Serena von Edelweiss

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    [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman Empty [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman

    Post by Serena von Edelweiss 2nd April 2019, 9:44 pm

    [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman Tumblr_mp79yi6hXn1sqdehgo1_500

    "I find it in the pigments..."
    "Of your eyes as they glisten..."
    "Confirms I'm real in that instant..."

    "Listen... compare and contrast..."
    "The moments I've lived like a relapse..."
    "Didn't think I lived until we made contact..."

    "Trail and error... the Scientific method..."
    "You we're the catalyst, perfected..."
    "And so you talked me out of my depression..."
    "Every moment spent with you was simply..."

    "What are we made of? I often wondered..."
    "What happens after?..."
    "You know when we fall asleep to that eternal slumber?..."
    "Stop trying to solving this mystery, it doesn't really matter..."
    "What's important is we share some laughter..."

    "What are we?..."

    "We are all just stars that have people names..."
    "We have calcium in our bones..."
    "Iron in our veins..."
    "Carbon in our souls..."
    "And nitrogen in our brains..."
    "93 percent stardust..."
    "souls made of flames..."
    "We are all just stars that have people names..."

    The Mahogany body vibrated, as the sound of the steel sings being strummed rang in the hallowed body of the guitar. A song began to form as the melody played danced with somber lyrics at a waltz like pace. A small crowd of people gathered around a lone willowy figure of a young man who was singing to the open space. The musicians eye's glistened as if reflecting a far off emerald green sea. The cold air softly nipped on the ears of those who listened, as the song tickled their souls. An open guitar case with collected snow and a single white rose in the center, invited those who enjoyed the tune to make a small dedication of coin to the young man playing. The singers breath escaped his lungs as it let out a steady stream of notes. A puff vaporous condensation puffed out of his lips as he softly exhaled every rhyme. His fingers locked in a intricate dance with the strings using the fret boards of the guitar as the dance floor. The tempo of the song slowed as if lulling the whole melody to sleep. Eventually the guitar ceased to play, leaving the voice of the musician left alone to carry the burden of conveying the lyrics. His voice softened to a whisper as the song drew to a close.

    Then there was a silence that took the stage for a brief moment. Suddenly the silence was booed away with the cheering of the small crowd. The Musician smiled as he slid the guitar to his side and gave a graceful bow. The crowd began to divide into pairs or to singles. A few had some of their coin find its way into the open guitar case, decorating the white snow with a faint glitter. The lone white flower did not look so lonely anymore as it was surrounded by the coins. Coins that were tossed by those who enjoyed the song enough to open their wallets. The Young man thanked everyone that went up to greet him, which by the way was was not that much. A young girl with her mother approached. The small five year old took the coin her mother gave her and placed it gently into the open guitar case.

    "Thank you for the nice song....W-what's your name mister?" The child asked as she looked up at the tall young man. The musician chuckled as he knelt down to meet the child eye level. His sea green eyes sparkled as a he gave the child a smile as bright and warm as the sun.

    [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman Original

    "Thanks kid...My names Tamlin... you can call me Tam" Tam reached out and gave the girl a pat on the head, he reached in his pocket and fished out a small blue lacrima that had the song he had just sang embedded into it. "Thank you for the kind donation... here I want you to have this, just tap it three times like so... and ta-dah! The song will play." Tam demonstrated how the lacrima worked, the little girls eyes widened in awe. Her mother wanted to decline the kind offer saying that they didn't have the money for it. Tam insisted and gave it away without charging anymore. The child happily took it and went along her with her mother. He waved goodbye and when he thought he was by himself he scooped up what little coin he earned.

    Tam tossed the coins in a small pouch and to placed it in his bag. As he rummaged through his belongings Tam noticed another pouch. Tam let out a sigh and peered inside. The pouch glistened with small blue lacrimas, the same shape and make that he had just given to the little girl. There was about twenty of these lacrimas.

    "I could never break even with these...." chuckled Tam. He knew that it was foolish to spend the time and effort buying these lacrimas to record his songs if no one ever bought it. Often times he would just resort to just giving them away or erasing the songs inside and resorted to reselling them to a second hand shop. Regardless it didn't make him any profit, even so he found joy every time he could hand it out to those who really liked his songs. Besides... Tam wasn't after the fame or fortune, he just wanted to share his music and perhaps pick up a little coin along the way.

    Tam picked up the white rose gently brushing off and blowing off the snow that had accumulated on it's petals. He then lifted his guitar case and shook out the snow before placing his guitar inside. Tam closed the case and propped it on to the near by bench. He sat down and began humming to himself as he took out his worn note book that was stained with ink and coffee. The ratty pages we're scribbled with lyrics and doodles. Tam's green eyes scanned the pages as he took out a pen and bit on the cap to lazily uncap it. He placed the pen tip on the paper and began thinking as the pen cap protruded from his mouth like an unlit cigarette.

    "What to write...What to write..."

    (585 words)

    Last edited by Tamlin on 8th September 2019, 1:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman Empty Re: [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman

    Post by Saraphina 6th April 2019, 6:22 pm

    The Queen and the Singing Fisherman,
    This was a new place. Talonia. The queen has yet to come here before… but so far, the girl was simply adoring the various places that were around. Not so much the laws though. She takes a deep breath as she walked past the bar, not finding much interest in alcohol, not yet. She swore she’d try some when she married, on her wedding night. She wondered if her prince charming was here now. What a lovely thing to find out while traveling, coming across her charming right in plain sight. She pushes her hair behind her ear as she continues to walk on, passing by a marketplace with others calling out to various patrons walking the street to come and buy their wares. As she walked, she heard talk of the arena, and told herself she’d have to stop by there soon. Eventually, she had made her way over to a park and was walking around aimlessly, enjoying the view she had of the trees and flowers in the planters and in some areas for others to roam in. She then hears some music playing and had to go and investigate what it was that she was hearing. It wasn’t long before she spotted a crowd of people and she decided to join it.

    Wiggling her way in the crowd a bit, a white haired, pink eyed girl, wearing a satin white dress, matching white gloves that ran to her elbows, and a crown upon her head, was listening to the music that the man played for them all. Only one other male had she heard play an instrument. She didn’t know who was better as it’s been a bit since she heard the original guy play. She’d have to have him play for her again. He had been cute too, but he was also already married, so she couldn’t have him even if she wanted him. She smiles to herself as she sways to the music, giggling quietly to herself. She was surprised no one was really paying attention to her, as she had a bright purple swirled asterisk in the middle of her chest, right above her cleavage. The girl also wasn’t wearing a jacket or anything, so the most she got was a quick glance at her baring out the cold like it was nothing. She peered through the crowd of people, and raised an eyebrow at the man’s eyes, smirking slightly as she quite enjoyed the look of his face as he sung and strummed to the crowd. She gingerly claps her hands together as the song ends, and everyone else claps.

    She starts to walk forward a bit, but a little girl had stepped in front of her with her mother, making the girl make a slight face, but she heard the girls question. She’d spare her this time. A smirk was on her face as she heard his name. Tamlin. Would this be her prince charming at last? A blush formed on her cheeks at that thought. A group of people had passed by her by then, making it seem like she wasn’t going to approach him. The rose made her look down to her finger. She had a white rose on her finger in the form of a ring. It was a beautiful thing she had. Now she kind of wanted that other white rose… or maybe the jewels he possessed now. A grin formed on her face once again. As she approached, she hears him speaking to himself, questioning what to write. For a moment she herself didn’t know, but the lightbulb went off a second later. She slips next to the guy and has herself just a tad too close since she wasn’t too familiar with personal space.

    “Why don’t you write about a princess who goes around a country to liberate the people of an awful ruler and frees them, eventually ascending the throne and becoming queen? All with the help of just a few people as her swords and shields.” Sh giggles quietly as she glances up to the guys face, raising an eyebrow to see what he thought of her idea for him to write. She then backs up a little bit. “You told that little girl your name was… Tamlin, right? I’m Saraphina.” She bats her bright eyes rather wide, grinning adorably to him while she waited for his response. She had raised her hand and delicately placed it on her chest, letting her fingers near cage her guild mark, but letting it still be visible. “Could you perhaps play another song for me, please? Pretty please? I liked that song you just played for everyone, a lot! And I’d simply love to hear you play more!” She muses to him while delicately nibbling on her bottom lip and slightly swaying from side to side.
    Saraphina R. Zima
    809 WORDS
    TAG @Tamlin


    Serena von Edelweiss
    Serena von Edelweiss

    Lineage : None
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    [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman Empty Re: [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman

    Post by Serena von Edelweiss 6th April 2019, 10:43 pm

    Lost in thought for only a brief moment a voice rang in Tam’s ear. He looked up from his notebook to find himself quite close to a very pretty young lady. It surprised Tam causing him to jolt, his mouth wide agape causing the pen cap to stumble on to his lap. The tips of his ears grew a very slight shade of pink. His emerald green eyes took in the appearance of the curious girl in front of him. Tam couldn’t but help but stare, wasn't she cold in this weather? As he got a closer look at her it was as if winter itself had a child, a princess of the ice... or even perhaps the queen of the winter wonderland. Tam chuckled and collected himself, the pink of his ears fading back to it’s original color. He gave her a gentle warm smile just like the warm sun on a beach. "Yeah that's my name... but please Just call me Tam haha..."

    He watched at the little movements she made, quickly averting his eyes from her chest area once he noticed her put her hand on it.  Tam cleared his throat and remained calm. “Interesting topic...very specific....you want me to sing? Sure thing princess... just give me a moment, just gotta think and come up with some lyrics....” Tam laughed, he stood up and handed Saraphina the white rose that was in his guitar case earlier. He moved to his guitar case and took out the guitar once more. He slung the strap over his shoulder and walked in front of Saraphina. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a shiny blue crystal. Tam then tapped the crystal two times and clipped it to an empty silver locket on a black leather necklace. He then  then put the necklace on...

    "Saraphina right?...I like your name.... it's pretty... a-anyway...uh...lets see." Tam rubbed his hands together warming them up. He then placed his hands on the fret board and began strumming random chords, trying to see which could string together and make a catchy tune. A few off notes were played but eventually Tam found a set of chords that played along nicely. "One...And a Two...and a Three..." On the third count Tam began picking the strings, as soon as he began to play the blue crystal began to glow a faint blue light.

    "Once upon a time, there was a princess dressed in white"
    "Conquering evil left and right, from dawn until night"
    "Where did she get all this courage I certainly don't know"
    "She inspires and and facilitates this thing called hope"

    "Oh darling princess keep you're head up"
    "Fight through don't give up, your subjects trust you too much"
    "Don't you hear it? The throne it calls..."
    "Chin up my princess lest your jeweled crown falls"

    "Once upon a time there was a princes white as snow"
    "she had loyal subjects who followed her where ever she goes"
    "Sword and Shield they raised up to fight"
    "Loyal till the end they stayed right by her side"

    "So my darling princess keep you're head up"
    "Fight through don't give up, your subjects trust you too much"
    "Don't you hear it? The throne it calls..."
    "Chin up my princess lest your jeweled crown falls"

    "Together she and her loyal subjects over threw the tyrants"
    "Unwavering she stands tall, unmoved, and certainly not frightened."
    "The people rejoiced for the people were freed"
    "For they where all saved by the princess during their time of need "

    "So my darling queen you've kept you're head up"
    "You've won and now you're showered with your subjects love"
    "I see that you've heard how the throne calls"
    "Keep you chin up my queen, and never let your jeweled crown fall"

    Tam sang, his voice telling a tale of a brave princess. The guitar played a soothing mellow jazzy song. The words just came to Tam naturally. Eventually the song drew to a close and the blue crystal dimmed it's light till it was no more. Tam closed the locket of the necklace. He looked at Saraphina through his glasses and gave her a familiar smile.

    "Uh...I hoped you liked it... I guess I'll just call this song....uh Princess in White? Queen of Justice? Once Upon a Time?.... Uh I don't know....haha why don't you pick a name for the song?... after all you're the one who came up with the idea" Tam smiled as he set his guitar aside and sat down next to Saraphina.
    (756)1341 WORDS

    Last edited by Tamlin on 8th September 2019, 1:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman Empty Re: [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman

    Post by Saraphina 13th April 2019, 8:33 pm

    The Queen and the Singing Fisherman,
    A giggle escaped the white haired girls lips as she heard him tell her to just call him ‘Tam’ after she had noticed his ears turning slightly pink. She watched him as he spoke about her topic. Yeah, it might of been specific, but she wanted to see if he could sing a song about her. Him calling her princess though… made a blush form on her cheeks. Sure, she had been called princess before, but for some reason it felt different this time around. He didn’t know her. Sure it could have been from her crown, but still. She gingerly took the rose, smiling to him sweetly as she sat there. This is what the world should be like. Giving her the things she wants, right when she wanted it. A grin was on her face as she giggles and smells the flower delicately. Quietly, she waited for him to start playing for her, wondering how he’d play the song. She watched the lacrima be attached to the locket.

    She let up a soft gasp as he played and the lacrima glowed while he begun. She held the flower near her chest while she swayed from side to side. She silently giggles at the use of words. Of course she conquers evil. She grins widely to him as the song came to an end, and claps her hands softly. “Oh! That sounded so beautiful!” She giggles and bites her bottom lip. She thinks for a moment, putting a finger to her cheek as she thinks of what to name the song. “Hmm… I think ‘Queen of Justice’ sounds lovely.” She decided as she nods to him. She would be lying if she didn’t think that’s what she was either. She looked over to the guy next to her with a sweet smile. “You play very beautifully. I wish I could just drag you around and let you play for me all the time~!” She sings softly to him. She personally loved her singing voice, but whether others did or not, she didn’t care. Her voice wasn’t too terrible to the average ear, but typically normal people wanted her to stop singing.

    She begun humming the song to herself quietly. “You must have a lot of fans with how great your music is!” She leans over to him slightly, giggling as she still held the rose in her hand. She was looking into his eyes for a moment, and nearly grins wide enough to show off her sharp teeth. She didn’t get too far though. She heard a gasp as she looks over to someone who had spotted her guild mark and seemed to recognize it. Sure… her guild would be slightly known by now. Right? It was classed as a dark guild, which she was slightly upset about, but not really. Bertrand only had done as he had been told, so he was okay. It was apparently her goal that classed her sweet and beautiful guild as dark. She didn’t care though. She liked how grand it was. She shakes her head a little as she holds the rose up once more and giggles to herself. “What brought you here? To this park?” She couldn’t help but question him softly.
    Saraphina R. Zima
    (541) 1350 WORDS
    TAG @Tamlin


    Serena von Edelweiss
    Serena von Edelweiss

    Lineage : None
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    [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman Empty Re: [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman

    Post by Serena von Edelweiss 4th May 2019, 1:44 am

    Tam was glad that Saraphina enjoyed the song. instead of drawing back when he saw her razor-sharp smile, Tam simple tiled his head in curiosity. The closer he looked at Saraphina the more her cute and quirky features stood out to him. He couldn't help but chuckle softly and return a simple yet endearing gaze. He listened patiently to what she had to say, the girl had an odd aura to her. She possessed this childlike demeanor, immediately he felt a small semblance of a kindred spirit. Tam admired the confidence in her voice. Tam could easily fake confidence, in fact, he was quite proficient in putting up a face around others. A small shard of envy pricked Tam's heart. He wondered if he too could one day find that confidence and self-assurance. If he wasn't so worried about what others had to think, then just maybe... Tam could ease off the smile. Maybe for a moment, Tam could just be tired. Maybe for once, Tam could feel sad without the guilt of having people worry about him. Before Tam could fall deeper into the rabbit hole of his mind, he pulled himself out from his thoughts and focused on Saraphina. His eyes shined as he smiled.

    "Queen of Justice it is...."
    Tam smiled as he took out the lacrima from the locket. He then reached in his pocket and pulled out a small silver box. Inside a box was a small set of tools, one of which Tam picked out from the rest. Tam used the tool he chose and began to quickly, yet carefully, carve "Queen of Justice" on the blue lacrima. He would only pause to look up and listen to Saraphina as she spoke. "Thanks... To be completely honest I think I'm pretty average when it comes to singing and playing... it's nothing more than a hobby at most...but... hey if you want just Jam out and chill... I'm always down for that" Tam smiled as he gazed down to the lacrima. He lifted the blue crystal up to his eye to admire his handiwork. "Queen of Justice" was beautifully carved on the lacrima in an elegant cursive-like font. Once he was happy with the results of his work, Tam blew on the crystal to get rid of the leftover material from the carving. The crystalline dust from the lacrima refracted the nearby street lights, causing them to glow like fairy dust.

    "To be completely honest... don't really have many fans"
    Tam chuckled as he turned to Saraphina and held his hand forward. His fingers opened up to reveal the lacrima. "H-here it's a lacrima... I recorded the song... so you uhm... can listen to it again whenever you want." Tam's ears slightly turned a shade of pink as he mustered up the courage to offer his gift. "To be completely honest I don't really know why I came to this park...been kinda bored lately... don't have many people to hang out with... 'sides even if I didn't really have much of a reason to be here... I'm glad I did... I got to meet you." Tam smiled. Internally he wondered to himself what heck did he just say. He internally cringed at his corny pickup line and paired it up with a mental facepalm. Yet he was already too deep and decided to keep it up. Tam noticed a few people give an odd look at his and Saraphina's direction. He raised an eyebrow out of wonder. He then shook it off and dismissed it as nothing.

    "How about you? What brought a princess like you over here to play amongst us commoners?"
    Tam smirked playfully as he met Seraphina's gaze.


    (617)1958 WORDS

    Last edited by Tamlin on 8th September 2019, 1:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman Empty Re: [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman

    Post by Saraphina 6th May 2019, 2:48 pm

    The Queen and the Singing Fisherman,
    Typically, one shied away from her smile, unless they were people whom seemed to be rather crazy, but she didn't pay no mind to how people reacted to her anyways. As long as she wasn't insulted, she didn't care. She was clad he let her choose the name of the song, and eagerly watched him as he pulled out the box and seemed to start writing on the lacrima. She held her hands behind her back as she watched patiently, curious about it. She giggles at his humbleness. "Please! I bet you could get a concert if you really tried!" She tilts her head as she looked up to him, eyes shining a bit. She looked up at the lacrima when he held it up, and gasped a little. It looked rather pretty, and she wanted it too. She backed up though, when Tamlin was brushing away the dust bit off of the lacrima. He gave her the lacrima not long after that, and her eyes went wide while her cheeks blushed deeply. She was just being given thingy by him like it was near nothing it seemed. She loved this. "I bet if you played at a concert you'd have tons of fans~!" She giggles as she reached her hands forward and took the lacrima from between his fingers rather gingerly. She held it with the rose that he had given her, enjoying how the two seemed together.

    The girl didn't really pay much attention to his ears as she raised up the lacrima to admire the new shiny thing she got. She did glance to him though as he answered her question of why he was at the park. She grinned a bit as she puts a hand on her cheek. "Everyone should be glad to meet me~! I'm a delight to have around!" She giggles while tilting her head from side to side. She was blushing herself though as she realized what all he said. Her purplish pink eyes look up to him as she smiles, though, that smile only widened as he called her a princess, showing her teeth once more. She would definitely eat that up. "I'm traveling around Fiore! And decided to come here to see what the deal was about." She says honestly, waving her free hand not holding up the lacrima. Running a hand through her hair, Saraphina giggles to herself again. "I heard people gathered here, so I simply had to see! Especially in the stores here too, but there was nothing all too interesting." A pout formed on her lips as she slumped her shoulders. She wanted to find something shiny again, but then she looked down to the lacrima again, and realized something. This lacrima was shiny!

    Saraphina looked back at Tam, and smiles again. "I guess I'm glad I came here too~! I got a shiny lacrima that plays music, and got to hear you play!" She clapped her hands slightly, but then she paused as she looked to the lacrima, then to herself. "I… don't have anything to hold the lacrima with…" She didn't have a purse or pocketbook on her. She tended to not need to. All her stuff simply could be summoned with her magic. She slumps her shoulders while looking at the lacrima, then to Tam. "You wouldn't happen to have something I could carrying the flower and lacrima, right? I'd hate to lose em…" Her eyes grow wide as she pouts once more to Tamlin. She wanted to figure out her little dilemma now. She really didn't want to lose the stuff, but she didn't want to be the one to go and find something.
    Saraphina R. Zima
    (612) 1962 WORDS
    TAG @Tamlin


    Serena von Edelweiss
    Serena von Edelweiss

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    [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman Empty Re: [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman

    Post by Serena von Edelweiss 7th September 2019, 9:57 pm

    Tam blushed at Sara's enthusiasm, he never really thought about holding a concert seriously. "Fan huh... I guess... I dunno" Tam found her confidence him quite a bit jarring. He appreciated it, but he had his doubts of his own abilities. He watched her intently as Saraphina held on to the rose he gave to her. There was brief moment of silent as she admired the lacrima that Tam had given her. Tam was actually surprised how much she liked the simple gift. The lacrima wasn't all that expensive nor was it the prettiest but she held on to the trinket as if was some sort of sacred gem. Tam looked at the rose and the lacrima in Saraphina's hand and could not help how the two suited each other. Was it it too narcissistic for him to think that Sara was like the flower and he was like the gem? Before the thought could full plant itself into the recess of his mind, Tam's thoughts were stolen away by Saraphina's unique Charm.

    "Yeah who wouldn't be glad to meet you?" Smiled as he agreed with her like some sort of hypnotized yes man. As Saraphina smiled Tam couldn't help but notice her fanged grin and her beautiful purplish pink eyes... it was official this girls charm was growing on Tam. He thought deeply on how Saraphina reminded him that she was very much so like a beautiful white rose. Gorgeous, and beautiful, but is able to draw blood with her thorns as well. Saraphina was eerily captivating. That sense of unknown, that sense of beauty and danger seemed to beg for Tam's attention. She was like a manic pixie, some sort of over lord of charm that begged... DEMANDED to have Tam's undivided attention. Ironically Tam complied he gave every second with her and every word she said, his full attention.

    "So you came to explore... ya know I like that... I too enjoy exploring about... seeing new sights and what not." A chuckle escaped from Tam's lips as he breath displayed itself in the air due to the cold temperature. "Now if you really want an adventure... you should go visit the ocean, sail the seas!" Tam's smile shone even brightly with the mention of the sea. His smile was as if the sun god Apollo himself was shining.

    When Tam heard Saraphina's predicament, he was caught off gaurd as she pouted at him. She was so cute. He had to hold back his urge to cuddle her and say awwwwwwwwww~ Yet Tam maintained his composure as a gentleman and simply returned her gifted cute looks with a gentle smile. A smile filled with empathy for her momentary problem.

    Tam got up and dusted the snow off his jacket and pants and gave Saraphina a confident nod. He marched to his guitar and put it in it's case, then he slung it over his back as if it was some sort of musical great sword. "Well then my dearly beloved princess.... let us find a case or a bag to carry these humble gifts I offered to you" Tam smiled and bowed elegantly as if he was some sort butler or a some sort of make believe prince. It wasn't the most elegant, and it was primarily done out of as a cheesy joke. However... the light and snow hit the color of Tam's eyes and smile just right to give him some sort of ghostly prince vibe.

    "Shall we go off to an adventure you highness?" Tam asked as he held out his hand inviting her out into the night.

    (603)2561 WORDS

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman Empty Re: [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman

    Post by Saraphina 12th December 2019, 9:49 pm

    The White Queen
    When Tamlin agreed to her comment about herself being a delight to be around, she giggles, swaying her head from side to side more. Of course she was eating this up. “I still say you’d get fans if you kept on playing and played in front of others.~” She hummed to herself as she was trying to remember the lyrics without playing the lacrima again. She was ready to just give in though. She wanted to hear the beautiful singing voice that was Tamlin’s, but he seemed to be talking to her again before she was able to open the trinket. A grin stayed on her face as she listened to him. “I don’t think I’ve yet to be to the ocean? I’ve mainly stayed in Iceberg! It's lovely there during the summer~! People still say it’s cold, but I never felt it. It was a delight~!” She coos as she swayed again. Then came her issue with holding the flower and recording lacrima thing.

    She blinked as she noticed the male get up and watched as he walked over to his guitar case and held the rose and lacrima tight in her hands. He wasn’t leaving her so soon, was he? She’d be very sad if he did! He was rather dashing and honestly felt like she’d die if she didn’t spend anymore time with him! He offered a solution though, and she gasped rather happily. Her eyes lit up rather brightly and she skipped over next to him, grabbing his hand before she moved to grab one of his arms and hugged it between her chest with both her arms. “Yes, my prince~! Let go off on an adventure~!” She giggles. Her purplish pink eyes looked up eagerly at Tamlin as she giggles some. “I guess it’s back to the stores with me?” She giggles now. Before she didn’t have a purpose to go to them, but now she did with her goodies in hand.

    She smiles sweetly to the taller male, biting her bottom lip as she raised an eyebrow curiously. “Would you sing another song for me?” She asked as she squeezed his arm some. She didn’t want to be told ‘no’ that she couldn’t have another song. Honestly? She had no clue what she’d do if he told her no. He had been giving her what she wanted already without her asking for it! Why should now be any different? His voice was lovely, and his guitar playing skills were just as lovely too. It was a simple task he could do with minimal effort, right? He had to be able to! She pouts up to him, as her thoughts had quickly gone south from thinking he could reject her request, and her eyes seemed to grow wide, puppy dog eyeing him now while her bottom lip jutted out and she pouted to him more than before.
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    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman Empty Re: [Social Saraphina and Tamlin] The Queen and the Singing Fisherman

    Post by Saraphina 11th November 2020, 11:31 pm

    Word Count Total: 5449 Words


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