Fairy Tail RP

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    Steal the Famous Fudge Recipe!

    Kismet Clover
    Kismet Clover

    Lineage : Blood of a Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,011

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zangan Way
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Steal the Famous Fudge Recipe! Empty Steal the Famous Fudge Recipe!

    Post by Kismet Clover 17th October 2021, 7:19 am

    Kismet had only lately learned magic, which had elevated her from a lowly underground fighter to a guild's bottom-of-the-totem-poll wizard. After winning a few amateur fights in the underground arenas, she gained the right to learn magic from a prior champion. The man, posing as a martial artist, moved from city to city instructing young people in ancient magic. She did enjoy the guild she joined, however, because they didn't have many regulations. She snatched three of the jobs available to her and went, eager to prove her worth. The first job required her to steal a secret fudge recipe from a rival chef while he was on vacation for the week. The work required paying a hefty amount for the recipe, indicating either that the fudge was of exceptional quality or that something was afoot.

    She had to travel to the serene metropolis of Peace City for her work. The name was nearly repulsive. The city wished for such a moniker, but only provided there were numerous restrictions in place to secure it. She noticed an increase of officers doing patrols and assisting civilians with various jobs as she reached the city. The city was spotless. She shook her head, knowing full well what was going on. There were at least a few corrupt government officials in the city, with their big boots on the necks of those in charge.

    Going to the establishment it would  seem it was locked, but she noticed a back alley and heard some noises coming from there. As she approached, she noticed a young man, perhaps 18, with a huge nose, glasses, and pimples. He was a shop employee who was loading items into the store. It appeared to be a mixture of commodities, including wheat, sugar, and culinary colours. She approached him, thinking this would be too simple.

    As she came closer to the young man, Kismet smelled like pineapple and hope. Kismet didn't say anything; she just took off his spectacles, smiled, and tilted his head as she kissed him on the lips. As he passed out from the event, she could feel his blood pressure rise.

    She walked into the shop by the back door. Inside, it smelled lovely. She took a couple cookies and some fudge and went around the back office looking for the recipe. She'd create copies of his other famous recipes as well, in the hopes of getting future paydays from them as well. When she got out of the shop, she'd wake up the young man and put on a show, saying he'd just passed out.

    "I'm so sorry, I saw you and just couldn't resist. You were out only a few seconds so don't feel embarrassed sweetie."

    The young man was speechless and wouldn't even respond. With a big silly joyful smile on his face, he just stared at her blankly. He had a lovely smile on his face, and she could tell he was going to be a good-looking man one day. Before turning away and departing to turn in the recipe and collect her Jewels, she'd murmur goodbye to him in his ear as she helped him up.

    Word Count: 526

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 12:23 pm