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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Oras Auro 5th August 2018, 9:31 pm

    Oras sat in a chair in his room in the guild hall, deep in thought. They had recently had received the translated version of the page Oras had snatched off of a cultist named Ruin, and were now discussing it. They being Oras and Amora. The letter was essentially an invitation to one of the cultists, presumably one who was getting a sort of promotion in the cult, to some sort of ritual known only as the 'Ritual of Embrace'. There were no details on this ritual save for the location and time. Bosco, and the ritual would undergo in only a few days. They were losing time so they should probably head out soon, but there was one rather massive problem. Their enemy was powerful, far more powerful than they were. They needed help. Not only that, but he had been talking with Amora, trying to establish a more stable team between the two for during battle. Regardless of what state Amora's magic or her icy aura's ability put her in, they needed to be able to work together. So they had worked on developing a plan for if that started to happen. If the code words didn't trigger any strategies they had set up then they'd go with plan B. So far they had three strategies that both of them have memorized to the point where they could dream about them. The first being Full on assault. Where the two of them select a target and attack that target and that one alone. The code word for this plan was "Manticore". The second was where they would switch targets, whether between each other or just moving to a different target. The code word for this was "Rotate". The third was for them to team up against one target rather than multiple. The code for this one was "Strength of the Pack". And the final was essentially a command to retreat, which required no code word. The idea was that they would attempt to use these to help make combat and teamwork easier for them in the future. Of course...

    "We still need to find someone willing to risk their lives to put an end to this cult. I would suggest someone from my guild, but I haven't made that many friends in here yet. So I doubt any of them would be willing to put their lives on the line. Or fight beside me just yet. You mentioned doing some jobs and meeting people while I was gone. Is there anyone you know?"

    425 // 425 // 7,500


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,787.5

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Amora Shade 5th August 2018, 9:42 pm

    Amora glances towards her partner while leaning against a wall and just nodding her head along to what he says able to understand the purpose of what is being spoken. Simple command phrases meant to allow quick efficient switches in strategy to take down opponents that they will go up against in the future. A word or phrase for every scenario eventually in the future hopefully that will be put to good use in one way or the other. A small smile on her face about the first code word 'manticore' a smile on her face imagining being able to take down such a beast. To make it part of her magic so that she can try to maybe replace some of the creatures she has to be more beneficial for herself. She then flashes back towards reality when hearing her partner mention the idea of trying to get someone to work with them on these jobs and she lets out a slightly nervous chuckle at that part. I mean...i've talked to a few people for certain Oras, but getting people on call is rather difficult. The only one i could maybe think of is maybe Artemis since i have his phone number, and he seemed like the type of person to have a relatively open schedule about things. Maybe might be in one too many of those parties that you are worried about for some reason, but besides that i think he could make for a good partner at least in terms of myself knowing him in a very small amount. She says with a shrug of her shoulders and brings out that phone thing that Artemis had given her as she looks it over pausing before really doing anything with it to try and remember how he had told her to contact him with it. She glances towards her partner and gives a questioning look towards him.

    So do you want him joining us Oras if he agrees, or should we try to hunt down one of the other people i have talked to or met and hope that i can get them to agree to come with us? She asks him in a questioning tone almost a sort of playful tone to her voice to try and differentiate how silly the other option is. To try and hunt down maybe 3 people at max within the entire world who could be doing anything and everything at this exact moment. She just waits to hear a response from her partner and looks towards the door that lead out towards the entire guild hall that is Black Rose. 'What if i get found here? Would Oras or myself get in trouble for having a non guild person in another bedroom?' She wonders to herself not really knowing or understanding how guild's function at all besides being some kind of pack group thing with a common goal towards something.



    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
    Position : None
    Posts : 605
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,399,882

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Incubus Soul Takeover
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 6th August 2018, 12:14 pm

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv2Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv2Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv2

    Artemis was strutting along the Rose Garden path, typical black leather jacket and jeans on. Trainers padding the ground at a leisurely pace, a bit of a bounce in his step. For the most part he had had a very good weekend, so good it seemed like something bad must be on it's way, to counter all the good karma he was getting. Of course, he didn't care to fear this karma, it would arrived when it wanted. He was inclined to enjoy himself until it did. As he reached the door to the guildhall, he pushed it open. So far, he was really enjoying his transfer to Black Rose, the guild suited him so much more than Silver Wolf had. He almost felt like he could fit in, almost. At the very least he could dissolve under the scrutiny of the higher ups in his family. If he was busy playing a good boy in a guild, they couldn't badger him with tedious malarkey.

    He pulled the door to the guild open and stepped inside, heading straight for the bar. He ordered himself a beer, leaning against the counter as he waited. He heard voices talking nearby, a group of guys talking amongst themselves. Normal folk might not be able to hear their conversation, but Art had heightened hearing abilities. So he picked up every word.

    "Earlier, did you see her-"
    "So hot, those legs though-"
    "I don't normally like tall girls but man she was something else."

    Art raised a brow, scanning the room, there were a few lovely ladies in the room, but none of them were especially tall. Maybe it was someone that had come and left, or maybe they were in another room. The lads conversation made him smirk as he began to think of the taller ladies he had pursued. Being shorter than a girl often made it harder to win them over, but Art's charm usually prevailed. Well, except with one girl. The image of her came to mind. He picked up the cider that had been placed on the bar next to him, taking a sip. He wondered what Amora was up to. Looking down at his pint, he licked the foam off his lips, Maybe I should call her... He thought.

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv23Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv23Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv23

    Job Link
    Word Count : 381 / 2500
    Total : 1295 / 7500


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Oras Auro 7th August 2018, 7:23 am

    Oras listened to Amora and how she still had Artemis' number.  He thought for a moment.  Yes, this would be the perfect time he thought to himself.  Apparently Artemis had tried hitting on her.  When that didn't work the man invited her to one of the parties he attended to, which apparently the authorities would become involved with.  Because of how Amora was raised she was completely unaware of what happened at these parties.  Whether it was destroying someone's house, getting into fights, or some other reason, they tended to do things that they shouldn't.  Teenagers acting as complete idiots thinking that the world belonged to them.  It wasn't that he didn't believe she could defend herself if need be.  It was more of a concern that she would be manipulated and tricked into activities he didn't want her getting into due to her lack of understanding.  Artemis wasn't going to do any of the sort with Oras watching her however.  Not only was she his only friend at the moment, but she was his apprentice still.  In his eyes at least.  If he coudln't teach her how to survive, he'd at least teach her their culture so that she wouldn't be easily manipulated.  "Go ahead and call him.  I still have to talk with him so this works out..  Could you ask him to meet us here so that I can talk with him?  And then if possible could you wait for me outside?  We won't be long..  And remind me to explain what those 'parties' are like.  I don't care for them because they are either nothing but stupid, a waste of time, and sometimes they do things that aren't worth it."

    Once Amora had done as he asked he would wait beside the door.  Specifically where the door opened so he wouldn't be seen.  Once Artemis walked in he'd close the door and keep any sound from exiting the room, using magic to lock the door.
     "Artemis...  I knew that name sounded familiar.  It figures that you were the one who hit on my apprentice two weeks ago."  He wasn't wearing his mask, but the shadow his hood gave his face could easily count as one.  His eyes shined from the light of the room and it would be clear that Oras wasn't going to be playing around.  He was leaning against the wall fully geared for adventuring.  Complete with his two daggers at the hips and his two void bags of throwing knives.  "According to her you attempted to hit on her and invite her to a few of your parties.  You had no idea she was my apprentice so you're getting a break.  But from this moment forward you are not to go any further than I see fit.  She's naive and innocent to our culture, having been raised by herself in the wilderness.  Because of this she's easily fooled and tricked, manipulated by silver tongues.  That's why I'm going to play the protective guardian for a bit until she has a full understanding of the world, and of people like you.  So let me make, this, clear.  Do not push your limits.  She can handle herself but if I sense you taking advantage at her lack of understanding of our culture.  You will be begging for death.....  If you understand and agree to this, then we can discuss the mission."

    566 // 991 // 7,500


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,787.5

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Amora Shade 7th August 2018, 2:00 pm

    Amora looks towards her partner and nods her head at hearing that she should call Artemis and get him to come into Oras' room. With a nod of her head she makes her way towards the door and exits it while beginning to go to tap his name she looks towards the guild hall and spots the familiar red hair. A small smile on Amora's face as she recognizes the person in question and makes her way over towards him from where she was standing. Just hoping that nobody would be doing anything stupid while she was  just trying to talk to her friend while she was on her way towards him or during the conversation. She makes her way across the guild hall wearing her familiar trench coat like jacket made of animal furs and a black t-shirt and shorts with a smile on her face as she makes her way towards Artemis Dagger. Once besides the man she smiles at him and gives a small nod of her head once confirming that it was indeed him and not someone else. How are you doing Artemis? It has been like two weeks or something yeah? Well i wish this could be more so on a friendly side of speaking with you, buuut my partner kinda wants to talk to you about something regarding a job. If you're interested at all in joining us on one that is. She says towards the red haired man with a smile on her face as she looks towards the man in front of her moving ever so slightly at all times. From moving herself one half step side to step or just standing still while moving herself right to left at all as she glances around at all of the people within the building. Keeping herself on high alert for any activity or suspicious people that could be trying to do something. Not really trusting anybody in this building besides her partner and Artemis at this point as she is quite surprised by he is even here. Wait....weren't you part of some other guild last we met? You here just because it was close or you now part of this one? She asks in confusion towards the red haired man in front of her. Her mind trying to process the idea of a person from one pack leaving it and then joining another rather quickly without any repercussions as her mind tries to alleviate the quickly forming headache with a simple thought. 'Humans are so weird.'

    If the red haired man would follow her she would lead him towards her partner Oras' room and gives a kind smile and a wave as she opens the door and lets him enter with saying. He asked me stay out here for a lil bit while he talks with you. Shouldn't be anything to bad he is a rather nice person in all honesty despite his rather cold exterior at first. She says with a small chuckle as she would then sit outside of the room just relaxing for the time being.

    517// 1508//7500


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
    Position : None
    Posts : 605
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,399,882

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Incubus Soul Takeover
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 8th August 2018, 12:52 pm

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv2Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv2Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv2

    Artemis had finished about half his pint when the sound of footsteps moving across the room caught his ears. Most definitely coming towards him, he glanced in their direction. Only to see the same little lady he had been thinking about. He stared at her in surprise, Now that was an eerily coincidence, He thought. The exact person he had been wondering about was now making her way towards him. His face lifted into a smile as she came closer, he quickly noticed that she looked as hot as ever. "Hey Amora, fancy seeing you here." He said silkily. She responded, quickly reeling off a greeting followed by the quick offer of a job. He stared at her for a moment, surprised by the sudden request. He had done a fair few jobs, but all of them thus far had been solo. For the most part he didn't really work with people, he wasn't quite sure about using Morte around others. The very idea of it made him uncomfortable. Yet he knew if he were to progress as a mage at all, he was going to have to start sooner rather than later. Less he remain the unstable wild child of the Dagger family.

    He felt the slight awkward feeling when she brought up Silver Wolf, of course Amora was one of the few people that knew he used to be a guild member there. He shrugged nonchalantly, "Let's just say there was a difference of opinion, I'm much more suited to Black Rose." He told her simply, deciding it was unnecessary to elaborate further than that. He didn't really fancy telling her how he had tried to play nice and found the only way not to pummel a certain arrogance little shit was by walking out completely. It was been an easy quit, but one he didn't regret at all.

    Amora began to lead him away from the bar, sighing he finished off her beer. Placing the empty glass on the counter as he made his way after her. He should atleast just listen to what the guy had to say, maybe it would prove interesting. He listened to Amora, raising a brow at her description of the guy in question. So far, this wasn't sounding like something he wanted to do. He didn't fancy sitting alone in a room with a guy if he was only going to be a stiff. But as he looked at Amora's pretty face, he found himself unable to deny her. Nodding at her with a warm smile, he stepped inside. He looked over at the 'partner' only to be mildly surprised. He'd seen this guy before around the guild. They'd never really interacted, but he'd heard about him in passing. "Ah, so you're the mystery mentor, Verus right?" He said, well this proved interesting. If he took the job, it meant working with another member of his guild. That would be good for status, as well as experience. He wanted to integrate himself as a part of Black Rose. It was just a little difficult. He took a seat opposite the guy, leaning back in his chair.

    The conversation however did not take the turn Artemis expected it to. For the most part, instead of actually discussing the job, it was actually a lecture on Art's behaviour a few weeks ago. Art's expression turned into that of incredulous surprise.  Artemis had somehow walked into the type of conversation he would have with the father of a girl he was dating. But the stickly was, he was actually dating Amora. Not even a little bit, Art couldn't believe what he was hearing. He raised his hands to his temples, rubbing circles on the sides of his head. The joke was, he hadn't even been that flirty with her, it had been unbelievably tame all things considered. 

    Then as Verus offered a threat, his eyes popped open, a dangerous glint to them. Art did not take threats lightly, he straightened up in his seat. The light and easy going demeanour he had when he walked in now gone. This was really starting to piss him off, why couldn't he join a guild where he wasn't judged the second he even spoke. He wanted to storm out, to tell the guy to stuff his job where the sun didn't shine. He would not allow himself to be spoken to like that, he didn't care who he was. There was just a level of decorum about such things.  Yet, he knew if he did that it would not benefit him at all. He would affect his reputation in the guild and curb his own potential. The first thing he needed to do was correct this guy, who was making him sound like some kind of sexual predator.

    "Listen, You've majorly got the wrong end of the stick. I don't know, nor do I care WHO you are to this girl. But it was a lunch, not going to lie I'm a flirty guy, If I see a hot girl I'll test the waters and see if there;s chemistry. But with Amora, the most that occurred was that I probably called her beautiful a couple times. Which if you've got eyes you'll know is true. However you're sitting here talking to me like I humped her leg and salivated on her. You don't know me, and you really shouldn't presume to know me. I don't take advantage of women, not unless they beg me to. So how about you take your little threats and put them back in your pocket until you actually can say you know a single fucking thing other than my name. " He said, his red eyes cold and stony. He was really sick of all the judgement, people trying to tell him how to be him. Why couldn't they just let him live his life, like was it so hard. "As for the parties, if she had come, all she would have had was a good time. Some socialising, some dancing, I wouldn't take such a pure girl to a dive club. It would have been pointless. You think it's a bad thing to introduce the girl, who grew up in outside of social norms to events where she could learn about social interactions and maybe make a few connections. There's being protective and then there's being controlling. Pick your flavour."

    Letting out a breathe, Art really wanted another beer after all that. He sat back in his chair, "Now despite this ridiculous insult of a greeting you've given me, call me crazy, but I'm still intrigued about this job. So we can either move forward or if what I've said doesn't sit with you. Then I'll just walk out right now, I don't fancy spending more time around folk who turn their nose down on me cause of shit they've heard."

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv23Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv23Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv23

    Job Link
    Word Count : 1150
    Arts WC: 1531 / 2500
    Total : 4577 / 7500

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 11th August 2018, 3:27 am; edited 1 time in total


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Oras Auro 8th August 2018, 8:31 pm

    Oras was quiet through the entire rant that Artemis had released on him. He noted that the man only seemed to be truly angry after the threat. He listened as Artemis yelled his anger at him, listening carefully to what was being said. The first thing he explained was that Oras had it wrong, and how it was nothing more than a lunch. He went into detail, stating how he tried to browse and see if there was anything between him and the girl he was with. Yet all that had happened was he called Amora beautiful (in his own way Oras knew), yet nothing had really happened. Or started for that matter. He took real offense now, stating how Oras was assuming he was obsessed with her in a negative way, and that he knew nothing of Artemis. That he had no right to judge him like that. He then told Oras that he wasn't the type of person to take advantage of Amora. All this time his eyes were focused on the boy's expressions, using his soul to keep track of his emotions. He'd been honest the entire time, which was a sort of relief to him. He then went on further, explaining how the party was going to be the usual type, and how he wouldn't have brought a pure girl to one of the more darker versions. He then accused Oras of being controlling and not protective. There was no immediate reaction from Oras, who was calm and neutral through the entire rant. When the boy finished he nodded. "Thank you Artemis. You're correct in that I don't know you, which was why I approached this with the mindset of a worst case scenario. I apologize if I offended you or if it seemed as if I was assuming who you were. As for the controlling bit, I wanted to teach her more culture before sharing with her the less appealing side of human nature. If presented to her too early, or especially if she was manipulated towards it, then there would be a whole new set of issues. I'm not going to shelter her, but it's a step by step process.

    "Now that everything is clarified, and that you have corrected me on what happened and the kind of person you are. We should probably get started on explaining the mission correct?" While Oras wasn't good at expressing emotion, he hoped Artemis would understand that he truly didn't mean to label him as any type of person. He had heard Amora describe it a certain way and wanted to double check and make sure that she wasn't running into a manipulative person who would twist her to how he desired. Now that it was no longer an issue, he would be interested in learning more about Artemis and his life. Especially since Izayuki gave him permission to investigate members he felt the need to. "To catch you up to speed, we're dealing with a cult who created a sort of plague that drains life force and mana from wherever it is. They are storing up mana for something and we don't know what that is. What we do know is that they worship every form of death, are very dedicated, and have seven high cultists. We fought two of them and barely managed to get a draw from the fight. We've been training but we still need assistance just in case. Apparently there is someone who is to be 'ascended' over in Bosco. That's our destination. Are you in?" If the man said yes, he would nod and send a message to Amora via Telepathy to go ahead and enter. When she did he would look at the two. "I just caught Artemis up to speed. We should probably set up a strategy of some sort before going in."

    644 // 5,221 // 7,500


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 484
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,787.5

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Amora Shade 8th August 2018, 9:21 pm

    Amora waits patiently outside the door to the room with a look of absolute boredom as she just watches what she can of this guild while doing nothing at all. Just trying to eaves drop on the conversation if she is able to and being able to pick up that Artemis sounds angry, and her partner sounds rather calm which isn't much of a surprise to her. Oras is usually calm in every approach when dealing with people with very rarely a deviation if any towards that approach when talking with others about business or even during battle. She just waits patiently for the talk to end and then smiles rather happily at finally being called into the room afterwards with the mental message as she gets up off of the floor as fast as her body would let her do so. She then turns towards the door and opens it up and glances about the room to get a sense for the atmosphere and possible tension that could be hanging around in it. When hearing what is going to be discussed Amora shrugs her shoulders ever so slightly before making her way over towards the bed and sitting on it while glancing towards the two other mages. Well before we can plan we must go over what we know when it comes to the fight ahead of us. First off there is our enemy which consists of a unknown amount of cultist who would be able to use magic most likely, and then the seven high cultist people we saw last time. The lady with a like demonic nature towards her takeover magic with fire, then the small quiet one that can summon spirits or something towards his side without any keys like those celestial mages do. Those are the confirmed magics of two out of the seven. Amora starts off while glancing between the mages to see if anybody would interject as she then would continue.

    Next up for people who are the high members is one called the voice of death we can assume he uses magic via sound waves so if we could stop that it might be enough. Then there is the quiet one known as silence who might be like a person specializing in sneaky around like a thief or something. Then there is Young girl called the destroyer we can guess she might specialize in wide area attacks. If we stick close to her teammates that might render her useless at the very least. Then there is the master of them all who seems to be the actual brains of everything and most likely stronger then all of the previous people combined. The guesses with the high cultist members obviously being about there names. She says just laying out the possibilities as she glances between the two people in front of her her right hand behind her pressed against the bed as a support for her to lazily sit there. now that we know our opponents we now need to know ourselves. She smiles and raises her hand into the air. All Offense Takeover user of beasts at your service. I only have three non attack which is cloaking by chameleon powers, a protective shell from a armadillo, and finally pistol shrimp claw to create a loud noise around me to disorient everyone. Which sadly includes people like you two i will have to say. She says while glancing between the two people in front of her then gestures for them to do the same. Her eyes starting at Artemis with just curiosity about what his magic will end up being if he feels the need to share it with the two of them.



    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of Jagers
    Position : None
    Posts : 605
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,399,882

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Incubus Soul Takeover
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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 10th August 2018, 6:16 am

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv23Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv23Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv23

    Although he liked to feign the hard nonchalant exterior he portrayed, for the most part. Art was just really done in with the judgement that seemed to come to him just for existing. So what he enjoyed women, so what he liked to party and drink regularly. He was only twenty-two, what was so wrong with a guy his age living his life. People expected so much from young mages these days, fight monsters, put your life at risk, kill bad people. It was just so intense, he didn't want to waste his life not enjoying his time, so he would continue to enjoy the moments her could. Cause they could disappear in a instant, and the next thing you know. You're a bitter old codger with a superiority complex, bullying his grandchildren into submission.

    Most importantly though, Art was a pretty simple soul. He had half expected the guy to lose his temper at Art's rather volatile rant and kick him out or attack him. Instead the guy remained completely calm, listening to his word and much to Art's surprise he even offered Art an apology. Art blinked at the guy in surprise, his shoulders relaxing as he leaned back into his chair. It had been the first apology he'd got in well...forever. Even if it was in regards to a misunderstanding, it still shook him. He felt his temper seep away as Verus spoke of only wanting the best for Amora. He nodded, "I can see how you'd want to ease her in." he agreed, his demeanour returning to normal, no longer hostile. As Verus offered to explain the mission, he nodded. Listening carefully, from what he could make of it, there were taking on some kind of evil cult. So basically, this would involve a lot of whoop ass. "I'm down." He told Verus.

    Moments later Amora joined them, he offered her a polite, but in no way flirty smile. He wasn't in the mood to get into again, that last rant had used a significant amount of his willpower. He listen to them discuss the strategy, taking it in. Standing up before addressing them both "I guess we should head out then." He pulled out a little hatchet than had been dangling off his belt. Spinning it in his palm, the hatchet transformed in a large iron axe, bright red crystal glowing in the centre of it's blades. "I'll be relying on Red Dwarf here for the most part, my magics a little temperamental, so It'll be more of a last result." He explained.

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv43Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv43Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv43

    Job Link
    Word Count : 430
    Art's WC: 1961 / 2500
    Total : 5006 / 7500

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 11th August 2018, 3:28 am; edited 3 times in total


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Oras Auro 10th August 2018, 10:10 am

    He was rather pleased that his guild mate had managed to calm down. Perhaps he was expecting a different response? Perhaps he wasn't ready for the words Oras had spoken? He wasn't sure. Regardless of that however, one thing would remain the same: Oras was blunt. He didn't care how you felt towards him most of the time, unless you were one of his friends. Which for now he only had one. He was especially pleased that Artemis agreed with him and his plan to introduce her to the world and it's culture one step at a time. This would make everything far more easy for the three of them. Now that they were on the same page that is. Oras wouldn't be spending much time now worrying about Artemis and Amora. Even if the man started having feelings for her, he knew Oras' threat and the lengths he'd go to protect her. He wasn't too concerned for her safety as far as Artemis went now. Hopefully, now that Artemis knew why Oras had spoken in that manner, and now that Oras had a general idea of how Artemis felt, perhaps they could try getting to know each other. That however, would depend on how smoothly this job of theirs went.

    Amora began sharing more detail on the individuals they had encountered, and Oras nodded as she spoke. Storing his additional info for after she had finished.
    "When she says wide variety she means it. One cultist was able to place some sort of spell on her that prevents her from expelling mana out of her body. Therefore preventing castor magic. That's the main reason she switched to takeover. As for the two cultists we fought. The high cultists. They are stronger than they may at first seem. The woman's transformations are powerful, but I suspect she wasn't using her strongest spells against us. We should be prepared for next time. The boy had summoned a wraith, but again, it seemed like he was holding back. Though I suspect it was because he didn't want to hurt us too badly... As for the other high cultists.... I suggest not relying on their names and titles too much. We should be ready for literally anything. Destroyer could mean anything. Destroyer of life. Destroyer of magic. Etc. Wide attacks or single doesn't matter, but.. There is something off about her....

    "As for our magics, my strong suit is illusion magic. I can alter the world to anything I wish, whether these changes are actual physical changes or illusions I cast. I'm also able to create living illusions that can fight, so I can create a physical duplicate of each of us, in an attempt to confuse the enemy. I have a few other tricks up my sleeves as well. As for Amora's sound attack we don't have to worry about that. If she gives me a heads up I can protect us from the sound wave." Oras listened as Artemis pulled out an ax, mentioning how he'd be using that weapon for the most part due to the fact that his magic was temperamental. Oras looked at Artemis for a moment. "Exactly how temperamental? No offense to you or your magic, but I would like to know how high on guard I should be, should you use your magic. If one of the high cultists are there then we very well might need it."

    572 // 5,579 // 7,500


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Amora Shade 10th August 2018, 10:35 am

    Amora looks towards the man known as Artemis with slight interest at hearing that his magic could be temperamental in some fashion or the other. Having a sense of innate curiosity about what such a vague term could hold for how unexpected the magic could be in a negative way. She glances down towards her hands and shakes her head to dismiss some self doubt about her own control issues at points as she focuses back on the conversation of trying to plan something for facing opponents possibly out of there league. She glances towards her partner and pats him gently on the shoulder and then glances towards Artemis with a smile. As he said Verus we can walk and talk as need be. We are traveling quite a bit away from this town if what you said is correct so plenty of time to talk and plan whatever we could want for our unknown foes. She says towards her partner wishing to at least be getting a move on towards there destination while talking the important stuff on the way there. 'Besides what is the worst Artemis' magic could possibly be. He seems like a kind enough person i am certain that if need be he could control it enough if the situation arises for its use. Though i can't help but agree with Oras when it comes to wanting to know what kind of magic he uses. Though maybe an idea is something like requip for the axe, or something to help with melee combat if he likes to use that axe possibly for a fight.' She thinks to herself in pondering before once more settling to deal with the present and all of its anxious waiting to see what arrives in her future for herself and her partners.

    She glances towards the red headed man known as Artemis and her partner Oras and gives a slight nod before making her way towards the door of this room and leaving the room. She makes her way towards the exit of the guild and leans against the wall near the door of the building. She keeps her gaze towards where her partner's room is to wait for him to come out with Artemis so the three can begin there job. The raven haired takeover user waiting patiently by the door as she already knows which person she is going to fight amongst the high cultists if she gets a chance. 'Round two demon takeover lady.' She thinks to herself with a small smile on her face at the thought of getting a second chance to try and show who the best hunter is.

    444// 6,013


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Guild Creator- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 11th August 2018, 3:22 am

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv23Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv23Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv23

    Art listened, taking in the information they were giving him, he wasn't exactly great at strategy when it came to group fights. In fact, he only ever fought solo, and tended to come up with things more in the moment more than anything. It was effective and for the most part harder to predict. At least that how he saw it, but if they wanted to share techniques and plan, he couldn't deny them.

    He sighed at Veru's question, he could've predicted the guy would want to know more, honestly he couldn't really blame him. He was trusting a stranger to join him and his mentee on a mission after all. "I'm combat trained so I can do a fair amount without using magic regardless. However if I do have to resort to it, my main concern in a certain change in personality that tends to occur. It's a little... intense. However the magic itself is reliable enough to get the job done." He glanced at Amora before looking back at Verus, Verus wouldn't be the one in danger if Morte lost it, that was for sure. "Don't worry, I'll keep it in check. Any issues, I'll give you a heads up." He told him, he wouldn't allow Morte to control him today, if he could somehow get through this relying on Red Dwarf only, things would move much easier.

    Art made his way out of the room, hearing Amora's comment, he pondered for a moment. He would be facing someone like himself, "Demon takeover huh? Interesting." He had plenty experience with that, maybe this meant he'd have a good chance against the girl. He'd be able to predict her moves at the very least. Although he didn't really like fighting women, demon or not. They made their way to the location of the Art kept quiet, not wanting to divulge information. He had a feeling that Morte would definitely be making an appearance. This didn't exactly sound like an easy job. He would just have to stop him from going all on, fighting the urge to kill was not an easy one when you were borrowing the magic of an evil incubus. But he was also very determined to prove to Verus that he wasn't some flake.

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv43Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv43Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv43

    Job Link
    WC: 380
    Arts WC : 2341 / 2500
    Total : 6393 / 7500


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Oras Auro 11th August 2018, 1:28 pm

    Oras nodded in agreement to Amora and opened the door for them.  "There is a transport we can take to Bosco.  Amora I am aware you don't have a passport at this time so when we get to the border I'll simply make you invisible to any form of detection.  Artemis, if you also don't have a passport I can do the same for you.  Well then what are we waiting for?  Let's talk on the way."  As they made their way he listened to Artemis explain...  Well briefly share bits of information about his magic.  Stating how his takeover was drastically different in personality than his own currently.  More intense and the like.  Artemis tried to assure Oras that not only was his magic enough to get the job done, but that he would be able to control it enough.  Oras however, stared at Artemist for a moment or two.  He felt something emotional wise coming from the man, but he didn't investigate it further..  No, he wouldn't do that unless he felt it was absolutely necessary.  He could make a guess, a shot in the dark..  But he'd roll with it for the moment.  "...Alright then..  I still advise precaution.  Which reminds me...  Artemis, there's something we should probably inform you of.  My soul is, unstable.  Izayuki and I are making attempts to find out what the hell my soul even is, but until we do what you need to know is this:  If in any event my body reaches the terms of 'death', my soul causes an explosion that kills, and absorbs, anything in said explosion.  And over time, it restores my body to it's original condition.  If either of you were caught in that state you would die instantly.  So instead of that happening, Amora and I decided that, if I do 'die', you would be warned and could try getting our enemies near me, while staying as far away as possible.  Two birds with one stone."

    Eventually they reached the edge of Rose Garden, taking some transportation towards the border.  As they made their way there he would begin explaining to them about Bosco if they didn't know already.  "Assuming you don't know about the city we're going to I'll explain it to you.  There is no magic where we going.  They know it exists, but they prefer their technology over our magic.  Amora, I believe I explained to you what technology was yesterday, and the levels of advancements though the years?  Well Bosco has the most advanced technology to date thus far.  They don't ban magic, but it's frowned upon so we should do our very best not to irritate them in any way.  Our objective is to infiltrate and take them out.  If for any reason you believe a cultist isn't there because he or she is dedicated to whatever gods they worship and is only there out of desperation do not kill them.  Actually I'd suggest not killing them period as we don't have the authority to in Bosco, unless we want to make things messy with the local enforcement.  And of course the highest priority is remaining safe.  If at any moment you believe we're in danger alert the others.  If you think we need to retreat let me know and I'll clear us a way.  Understood?"

    556 // 6,949 // 7,500


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Amora Shade 11th August 2018, 2:19 pm

    Amora turns her head towards Artemis with a look of understanding with the idea of a a change that could occur do to the use of magic. Having a bit of personal experience with such things herself though not entirely the same as what Artemis is describing with his magic. 'I wonder what kind of shift occurs when he uses takeover, or is it only full takeovers or even just partials that cause this change.' She thinks to herself with a bit of interest to possibly see that happen just to try and see what the difference is and how drastic it would be between Artemis and takeover Artemis. When hearing her partner talk about his soul she tunes it out to focus on just observing everything around her at just a relaxed pace as she gazes up at the sky watching the clouds lazily float on by. As they reach the edge of the Rose Garden she tunes back in to hear her partner talking about the country that they are heading towards as she smiles a bit in barely contained excitement at visiting a entirely new country. She then looks towards her partner and takes out a passport with a smirk on her face as she looks to Oras. I actually got one when exploring the town a bit during one of the days after we were training a bit. Heard they were allowing people to get them so i went over and grabbed one while i could. She says towards her partner with a grin as she then puts it back into her coat pocket while listening towards the vast difference between Bosco and Fiore.

    When hearing of the battle plan Amora lets out a soft sigh of a bit of disappointment when hearing that killing wouldn't be allowed once more. Understanding the reasoning behind and why it wouldn't be the best idea that they could do when trying to take on a force in a different country. However, doesn't fail to slightly annoy her that they can't just use the more permanent solution for taking out there prey that could come back to bite them later on if they somehow got away after the fighting. To herself could be a rather easy possibility since they can seemingly just teleport away to some location or anywhere depending on how it was done magically. Which isn't even taking into account that even with three people now they are still outnumbered 2 to 1 in this fight which if they went all out would leave them unable to do much possibly. She looks towards her partner and nods her head understanding of what the general idea of what to do in Bosco is from what she had been told. Even if it leaves the countries design a mystery to her to what to expect everything to look like compared to the nature wonderland Fiore is. Got it Verus i'll do my best not to go overboard with things. She says with a nod of her head as her mind wonders what the country would look like or be with how much technology would be there. She looks over towards Artemis and gives him a friendly smile. So then Artemis what have you been up to since last we talked? She asks curiously towards the red headed man to what he could have been up to all of this time during the stretch of time.

    576//7525//7500 (WC complete)


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 13th August 2018, 5:35 am

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv43Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv43Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv43

    Art nodded at Verus, "I have a passport," He told him, he had had a passport since before he could remember. It was pretty standard in wealthy family that being able to travel across to different countries was a necessity. Even for the children, who were made to attend the dullest and more menial of negotiations. Art had been no exception, as the heir of the Family business, he was required to attend every single one. In his families hopes that he may 'learn' a thing or two about running their faction.

    He listened to the explanation about Verus's soul So that explains it. Since having walked into the room, something about the guys energy had felt all over the place. Shifting from strong to weak and all the in between. Hearing the mention about the potential murderous explosion, Art raised his brows in surprise, the guy was shockingly nonchalant about his own death. Art didn't really know how he would handle the situation, obviously he wouldn't allow Amora to get hurt by the guys explosion but, to let him just die. Even to Art that seemed a bit, harsh. Verus then proceeded to explain about the magic ban, that didn't bother him. He preferred not to use magic anyway, so that wasn't going to be a difficult task.

    "Right." He said simply to it with a nod, he turned to look at Amora as she addressed him. He took a moment to wonder what he had been up to, there was the woman, but he couldn't exactly discuss that. Especially not following his chat with Verus. Then there was the fact he'd got arrested for starting a major pub brawl injuring several men in the process. Although he had only got off with a fine and a smack on the wrist. Although following that he had a brutal run in with his grandfather who gave him the scolding of the year. He sighed, he didn't really feel like bringing up any of it. "Nothing especially exciting," He lied casually, "You?"

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv7Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv7Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv7

    Job Link
    WC: 341
    Art's WC: 2682 / 2500
    Total : 7866 / 7500[/quote]

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 17th August 2018, 3:29 am; edited 1 time in total


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Oras Auro 15th August 2018, 6:42 am

    When both of them had informed him that they did in fact have a passport he nodded. That would make things go far more smoothly than having to smuggle them across the border and sneak around the city. Oras was a little surprised Amora had a passport but he knew she had taken it upon herself to take a few jobs here and there, so in the end it made sense. He watched as Amora moved from her promise of not going too far, to asking Artemis a daily question most people discussed. Artemis mentioned how he wasn't exactly up to anything, though.. As Oras observed him saying this, he caught signs of lying. He didn't say anything however, as they needed to focus on the mission and not doubt each other. He could investigate later on, or perhaps try talking with him directly. He was defensive yes, but that was because he believed Oras was assuming what kind of person he was. Perhaps he'd react more calmly to Oras wishing for the boy to tell him more about himself. At any rate, he leaned back to rest while Amora and Artemis had their chat. He was listening to them of course, but he was also thinking about what they would be facing soon. Trying to come up with a good strategy. Originally he was planning to play support and strategist for the two since they had takeover magic. However since Artemis was planning to use an ax instead, he'd need to change tactics...

    Time Shift

    They soon reached the city of Bosco. The massive city had technology that even impressed Oras. It really was a land of the future. He wondered what would happen if Fiore got a hand on this sort of technology. Magic and technology working together, hand in hand. Should be interesting he thought to himself. It hadn't taken very long for them to cross the border. Though from the looks of the civilians, their appearance made them look like either tourists or wizards. They would need to be careful not to do anything suspicious.
    "Remember, we're being watched at all times. Even when people aren't there, we're being watched." He was of course referencing the cameras hidden everywhere throughout the city. He began to lead the two through the city, not asking for directions. He simply observed, trying to make a map in his head.... Trying being the key word there. The city was so massive with so many passages, alleys, streets, tubes and buildings it was impossible for him to write a mental map. He looked at the letter again and looked specifically at the address the cultist had written on it. He walked over to an information stand and purchased a map before bringing it to Artemis and Amora. He opened it up, scanning the names and locations. It took him half a minute but he found it and pointed to it's location. "Here. This is where they are hiding. We'll go and scout it out, but whatever is happening starts tonight. So we'll simply scout it out for now, understand?"

    Total WC reached!


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Amora Shade 15th August 2018, 6:58 am

    Amora pouts ever so slightly at the rather unexciting answer she had received from the red haired new companion she has for this mission letting out a soft sigh then nods her head accepting that not everyone possibly lives a exciting life. Well for myself my time has been spent with varying levels of success in learning my takeover magic, and forming my way of fighting. Along with that taking on these cultists with my partner when we met up soon after we did so which didn't work out that well not surprisingly i guess. She says sounding rather annoyed her eyes having narrowed into a glare for a brief moment before lightening up quickly once she herself noticed she was glaring at a foe that is not near them. Though with your help it should be a lot easier taking care of these enemies then what we had to deal with last time since you're going to be able to provide a little more covering fire if the high cultists show up...assuming they don't send three of there members this time. She says while rubbing the back of there head at the thought of having to deal with three opponents who were basically toying with herself and Oras last time. Amora glances away as her mind begins to drift ever so slightly with those things now within her mind at the thought of having to deal with these members once more. Of how she is meant to fight an opponent that is made of fire seemingly at points with herself able to do so because of herself getting lucky. However, Oras and Artemis might not have similar luck in being able to strike opponents made of elements if they are stuck with the two same opponents they went off against last time.

    Amora looks towards the man known as Artemis and nods her head with a smile. Besides training i have also done a few jobs here and there to try and get to know others or at least doing a job that i deem is worthy. One that has a opponent that might be interesting to fight against is what i am really looking for. Amora says with a predatory like grin on her face as her eyes sparkle with a certain kind of excitement before returning to there normal look.

    --flash forward--

    She looks at the major city known as Bosco with a look of utter awestruck seeing everything around her as her mind tries to process every little thing that is bombarding her. Her eyes wide as she immediately grabs her partner's hand tightly to make sure she doesn't get lost as she moves ever so slightly closer to him. Not as some sort of act but as a actual form of protection as her mind tries to process what she is viewing from this brand new world she just got plunged into that is unusual compared to the normal towns she had visited while within Fiore. W..woah. She lets out in a soft tone of voice she then hears the part of how they're being watched as she turns to her partner brows furrowed. Being...watched? She says utterly confused while glancing around for what she would expect town guards or rune knights would be wearing and spotting nothing of that sort. She follows close to Oras her familiarity with her partner making her feel safer as she slowly processes everything and this new jungle that is Bosco. When looking at the location that gets pointed out Amora nods her head ever so slightly at that in understanding as she slowly relaxes. Okay..scout out the place. If we can maybe create a trap beforehand for them to deal with that could be useful also. She says outloud enough for both of them to hear just barely.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 17th August 2018, 3:43 am

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv43Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv43Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv43


    The journey to Bosco had been a pretty quiet one, aside from the small conversation he had share with Amora at the start about what she had been up to. They hadn't talked much, he just didn't quite feel relaxed anymore. With Verus's eyes constantly on him, and the anxious feeling that he was going to have to use his magic. He didn't care about the cultist so much, although he desperately hoped he didn't accidently kill anyone. It was more his two temporary comrades he was concerned about. He sincerely Morte didn't come out too strong later, or there was the likelihood that Amora would never speak to him again. Not to mention his reputation in the guild could be magically tarnished based on what Verus fed back to them later.

    He glanced at Verus when he told them they were being watched, nodding, he figured as much. Three foreigners entering their precious city. Of course eyes were going to be on them. Art tilted his head from side to side, clicking his neck. As they walked through town, Art looked around taking it in. The city was majorly ahead of it's time, everything looked so advanced and up to date. There was a lot of people too, all dressed in the highest quality modern fabrics. Art would've normally taken a look around, but they had a job to do.

    He noticed they got a few glances their way. Amora being the babe she was was undoubtedly catching the others of men and even some women. Then there was Verus, the ominous character that he was, Art watched in amusement as people stared in both uncertainty and a little fear. Then there was himself, he was pretty normal looking to be fair, he had returned Red Dwarf to it's normal hatchet size so he didn't stand out. The only reason he really got paid attention to was from the occasional glances of women. Intrigued by the attractive outlander, If only I had the time ladies... He thought amusedly. He stopped in his tracks, listening to Verus, he nodded. "Scout the scene, got it." He replied simply.

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv7Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv7Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv7

    Job Link
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    WC: 358 / 3500
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    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 22nd March 2019, 5:11 am; edited 1 time in total


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Oras Auro 17th August 2018, 8:52 am

    Oras nodded to Amora when she asked about them being watched. "They have technology that allows them to observe the viewed area. By placing these devices everywhere, they can observe the entire city from a single room. Furthermore, these observations are recorded, so that they can look at these observations at any time, and rewatch them over and over again. That way if something happens, they can go back to those observations and see what happened. It's very useful when it comes to criminal investigations and the like." He wanted to explain this to her thoroughly, him knowing all of this because he'd been reading up on Bosco and it's technology. Granted there was far too much for him to read up on, so he had selected what stood out to him as either extremely useful, or problematic to the three of them. When Amora suggested setting up a trap he thought carefully. "...That would prove to be extremely risky. We've already been found out in the last location so we can't walk in. If we sneak in then we'd be assuming they can't detect us, but if they do happen to do so then they won't do the ritual tonight. My suggestion would be to check for hidden passages connecting to the building. Looking for secret entrances or exits, escape routes, etc. These are cultists hiding in a city who don't care much for magic, so I'd assume they would take extreme caution. We don't want anyone escaping, so we should go a head and spend all our time finding their ways to escape."

    Now that they weren't in a confined space he wasn't keeping as much an eye on Artemis. Instead he was focusing on the job at hand. He looked to Artemis, as an ally not someone he needed to watch carefully.. Though his guard was never down. "Artemis. If you want you can join Amora and I in looking for passages and such, or you can speak with the civilians to try and gather useful information about the location we're heading to. I give this option because I have a feeling you have some useful people skills, while Amora and I aren't as skilled in that department... At least as a silver tongue," he said. He was more suited for, interrogations in his opinion. Not talking with people on the streets. "However if you do decide to go with the second option, I want you to stay close to us. With cultists in hiding, and this being a place none of us are used to, it would be wise to keep our group together and not separate. Agreed?"


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Amora Shade 17th August 2018, 10:06 am

    Amora glances around at the various people that are within the town seeing them in clothing that seems vastly different then the ones that she is use to seeing from what is comparatively the very simplistic country of Fiore. Finding herself rather surprised at hearing of this room that can view everything that happens within this city if the people had built it like that or at least some kind of majority through one or various rooms. She turns her gaze towards Artemis and gives him a small smile feeling a bit better that he is here to help out herself and her partner through this mission. Though feeling some weird vibe between Artemis and partner that feels ever so slightly tense. She shakes her head from one side to the next dismissing it as her imagination that is being clouded by the mission which could provide such a sense of tension for herself or the other two with her because of the nature of the enemy they would be facing off against. Thank you for being here Artemis i'm certain with your help this mission will be a lot easier since with another person, and one such as yourself that is probably rather competent at fighting. She says towards the man to give him some encouragement and to try and cheer him up. The black haired girl then glances back towards the rest of the city of the area they are within for anything that looks slightly out of place. Which is rather difficult to begin with due to the nature of a base needing to be very secretive to hide from an entire country to avoid being caught, and then piling on top of that the fact that they would have to spot some secret door in a advance city such as Bosco.

    So find the doors block them off or at least make note of them to possibly inform Bosco to try and cover the escape doors if we want to let the country know near the end. Amora glances towards her partner as he gives some options towards Artemis that would aid them in trying to push the job forward. She waits patiently to hear which side he would take while for herself she gazes around the spot they are in running her hand gently along the walls to try and spot any differences in how it feels.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 17th August 2018, 11:28 am

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv7Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv7Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv7

    Amora's words provided a small sense of comfort, he offered a smile in return. Despite his arrogance, he was not so self-absorbed as to not notice the act of kindness. He could tell she was trying to make him feel at ease, It was nice of her. It only proved to confirm the acknowledgement of how pure she was, too pure for the likes of me. He thought offhandedly.

    He listened to the options Verus offered him, a small smirk pertaining to his lip. Yes, he was very much gifted with the ability to talk, "I'll see if I can collect some information, don't worry. I shan't stray too far." He turned, his red eyes scanning the area around him. He needed someone with a loose tongue, the likelihood was the people of Bosco would most likely be tight-lipped. Unwilling to share any information with a stranger like himself. He spotted a gaggle of ladies, probably in their early thirties. He noticed the boisterous nature, their freshly preened hair and skin. His eyes scanned their hands, no ring on the wedding finger. Single older ladies out on the town, perfect. His smirk morphed into a grin set to charm as he waltz over to them. Running a hand through his head, a tall blonde caught his eye. She was pretty albeit for the excess make-up. Also her hair was clearly bleached within an inch of it's life. She nudged the red-head next to her and it was long before they were watching him confidently stride in their direction.

    "Afternoon, Ladies." He began, before setting into play a stream of narrative, about how he was visiting Bosco with some friends. Practically oozing with charm. "Rumour has it, there's something spooky going on in the city. My friends and I love a good ghost story, I don't suppose you would know of anything worth checking out. Other than yourselves that is." He offered with a wink, earning a chorus of blushes and giggles. These women were too easy to read, desperate to marry before their biological clocks failed them. A petite brunette leaned over,

    "Well, I don't know if much spooky stuff happens in Bosco." She offered, her tone sugary and light.

    "I mean, I suppose there's that place, you know the one we were talking about yesterday" The blonde replied looking over at the red-head.

    "What you mean the alleyway, I don't think he wants to see that." Art stepped closer to her, reaching forward he brushed a strand of loose hair on her face behind her ear.

    "Consider me intrigued." He told her softly, he watched as her cheeks became flushed, gazing deep into her eyes.

    "Umm, well there's this weird alleyway to the southwest of here, near Smythson's Weaponry store... and I guess it's a little spooky."

    "You totally get a weird feeling when you go there," The blonde continued, angling for Art's attention. He glanced over to her, "Plus sometimes you can see these weird guys leave, they're so pale and freaky looking. I'm pretty sure I overheard them muttering to themselves in this weird dialect." He smirked, bingo.

    "Thank you ladies, I think my friends and I will check it out. Who knows, we may bump into each other later, at least." His gazed returned to the red head, "I hope so." He whispered with a wink. Although the likelihood he would see these ladies again was very slim, who knew how long this job would take. Turning on his heel and heading back in the direction of Amora and Verus. When he reached them, his flirtatious charm had gone, replaced with completely seriousness. "There's an alleyway to the southwest, near to some Weaponry shop named Smythsons. It sounds like it could be an entrance."  

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv35Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv35Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv35

    Job Link
    WC: 629
    Total: 987 / 3500
    Art's Word Count Reached.
    Total Word Count Reached.

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 22nd March 2019, 5:15 am; edited 3 times in total


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Oras Auro 18th August 2018, 8:18 pm

    Amora supporting Artemis and attempting to encourage him didn't go unnoticed to Oras, but at the same time he saw no red flags there. From either her doing so, nor from Artemis' reaction. After seeing that interaction, he came to realize that they could become good friends if things worked out. While he still wasn't entirely sure about Artemis, he doubted he would lead Amora down a bad road. And with Oras' little influence earlier, he would probably keep her away from such a road. At the very least he knew Artemis wouldn't let anything bad to her and that's what really mattered in the end. At least for Oras. He watched Artemis smile at the extremely subtle praise, and told Oras that he would go look for information while not straying off too far. Oras nodded. "Right, we'll meet you over at the location then. Here's a spare map so that you don't get lost. I went ahead and marked the area." He nodded to Amora for her to follow and began to lead her to said building. As he listened to Amora he nodded. "Essentially yes. We could possibly block off the exits the cultists probably won't notice right away, but certain ones like back entrances, underground tunnels. We can't mess with those as they would notice and know something was up. If we can locate them all however, I could seal them using my magic before we go inside. Let's go ahead and take a look."

    Oras lead Amora around the building. He checked for every possible difference, anything that stood out. As he did so he would speak softly to her, so that they weren't overheard. Explaining everything he was seeing. What the buildings seemed to be made of typically. What was usually crowding the walls, the average detail and such. And soon enough, they found a wall that was different from the others, albeit slightly. He pointed this out to her and began scanning the wall in more detail. The wall was a bit different in color. It had a tiny different shade, and when observed closely one would see that it was a bit more fresh than the other walls.
    "In this instance, the highest possibility is that when the cultists came here, they created a hole in this building, and manually replaced the wall with a secret hidden door." He reached around and soon found a hidden button, which in turn opened the wall. He nodded. "That's one we've discovered," he said before closing the door.

    After Amora and Oras had explored a little bit, Artemis returned and told them about another entrance near the southwest in a blacksmith shop. Oras thought for a moment carefully.
    "...If that's the case then the entrances and exits could be spread out further than we originally thought.. I have a feeling that tonight won't be the last we see of these cultists... We may only be finding more clues or hints as to what their true goal is. We had supposedly hit their headquarters last time, but I don't think it really was. The high cultists didn't seem to care much about staying after all."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] TEm5Pci

    Amora Shade
    Amora Shade

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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Amora Shade 18th August 2018, 10:08 pm

    Amora lets her hand gently glide against the wall of the building they are investigating to start off at as she tries to spot the difference between the normal wall and any abnormalities. She glances around the wall seeing that it all manages to remain relatively similar except till it reaches a point where the material feels the same and looks the same at first glance. However, the texture was different ever so slightly and it looks a bit darker she could swear then the rest of the wall as she grins rather happily towards herself at having the location rather easily revealed itself towards her and her partner. However, it seems like her partner had spotted the difference also and points it out as she just nods her head in agreement to what he says as she gazes at the structure as she gazes forward. Though what Oras had told her about just the general building materials seems rather surprising to herself to hear what each building is usually made of and what people could go to what extents to make it. Well we've found one entrance that means we can use this or whatever Artemis finds out as our way of going in and tackling our problem. She says softly to herself with a small nod of her head and then watches as the door opens with a press of a button as she grins rather excitedly knowing that the exact method is now known to them. Well finding one door shouldn't be all that hard for us to find Ares. I mean between my senses and your ability to recognize basically when someone is trying to fool you i would hardly doubt something could get past us easily. Amora says in a very cheerful tone of voice as she then sees Artemis starting to walk over towards the two of them and gives a very friendly and excited wave of her hand.

    Once hearing what he has to say she nods her head with a smile and glances towards her partner for a brief moment and gives him a small smile as his only solace before she decides to speak. We know there are two entrances that we can try to go down to take care of our problem. We also know there is seven members of this high council that Verus and i met before. To me that means Artemis and I could take one entrance while you take the other Verus. That way we can try to handle two ways the regular cultists could try to escape and put them down. Plus if anything these exits should lead to the same place in the very end if they are all meant to lead up towards one location to allow them to leave their secret base quickly. She says towards her partner and Artemis offering her idea to what could be done when the time come to infiltrate. She then glances towards her partner and gives a rather animalistic toothy grin towards him when he mentions the enemy could hide more and not be the last they see. Verus the more they run and places we destroy in our wake the less places they have to hide eventually we will be able to corner them and wipe them out. They can try to run all they want eventually they'll just make it so they can't move anywhere else...that is to say if we let them get to that point. She says with a smirk on her face as the thrill of the hunt slowly becomes a rather exciting concept towards the black haired girl of amber colored eyes.


    Artemis Dagger
    Artemis Dagger

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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Artemis Dagger 20th August 2018, 4:48 am

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv7Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv7Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv7

    As Art listened to the back and forth between the mentor and mentee, he deduced how much of a good pair they made. For he was much more of a jump in and wreck it kind of guy, these two were really into planning and strategizing. working out what angles to go from and the possible outcomes. He listened quietly, not saying anything. It occurred to him how invested they were in this mission, he understood it sort of. But He couldn't help but if they were truly prepared for the likelihood that it could all go completely wrong and they would fail. The blasé way they had talked about Verus exploding and killing them all, it just seemed so tunnel viewed. Did beating these guys really matter that much if it meant dying for it. Didn't it makes more sense to live on and try again another day. He considered what Amora was saying about covering the entrances, it seemed so simple, yet they didn't know enough to say that it was full-proof. He sighed, deciding he may as well weigh in.

    "If tonight is supposed to be as big a deal for them as you suggest, then I doubt they'll be many willing to miss it. They'll probably have a few sentries looking out but probably not more than one or two. I doubt it'll be anyone high in command either, the likelihood the head honcho or whatever will be prepared for a possible attack and will have his closest men close by. There's three of us right," He kneeled down, reaching out, he began to draw a diagram in the dirt. Making a point in the centre, then drawing three points that represented each of them. He connected the three points to make a triangle, this was to show the range of attack they each had. "See if the leader is in the centre, they'll probably be several of his strongest fighters in his inner circle. The rest will most likely be dispersed amongst the weaker guys. We could try and form a triangle around the mass and attack from each side, blocking an entrance each. However this could be problematic depending on the lay out of wherever we are, because if there are several entrances, then they'll just pool out through those. Plus although mowing down the weaker guys probably wont be hard but if they're enough of them, it could use up a great deal of magical energy . Which really you wanna save for the big guys, cause that's were the hard fight is going to be. Ideally we want to take out the weak ones in an quick and easy sweep."

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv35Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv35Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Arv35

    Job Link
    WC: 450
    Total: 1437 /3500
    Art's Word Count Reached.
    Total Word Count Reached.

    Last edited by Artemis Dagger on 22nd March 2019, 5:15 am; edited 2 times in total


    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

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    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] Empty Re: Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4]

    Post by Oras Auro 22nd August 2018, 11:48 am

    Oras listened to Amora speak, and chuckled when she called him Ares again. "You really like that name don't you?" He heard her mention how there were two doors he shook his head. "No there are more. Underground passages, tunnels that lead to other buildings. It's clear they had built this facility carefully so that they could not be trapped or caged in. Even if we did try covering every entrance we could there may be another exit we were not aware of. Perhaps some of them can use magic to force a path open. We can't account for everything in this situation which makes it more difficult. If there were a method for keeping the cultists from escaping that would be ideal." He thought for a bit, but before he could come up with anything he heard Artemist speak up. He had started by stating that they probably wouldn't cancel it if they knew Oras and Amora were coming after them, if the event was as big as Oras made it out to be. He also mentioned that the top cultists probably wouldn't be here. Oras looked at him curiously. "While there is a strong chance they won't bail, I'd like to keep the element of surprise on our hands if possible. And it's true there doesn't seem to be a strong percentage that the high cultists will come to this. It seems important but not that important... What are you suggesting?" When Artemis continued Oras placed a hand underneath his chin, processing the wizard's words carefully. Even after Artemis finished he considered all the outcomes. Finally he would nod and speak. "That's a good plan. It's a solid formation and we can decide who would go where once we get an idea of where the targets are positioned. I can do that with my illusion magic. Amora would probably be best placed in front of any defenses the enemy may have. My magic is widespread, currently best with large groups, but I can also focus in on a few individuals rather than multiple. How about your fighting style Artemis? Are you more suited to dueling or crowd control?"

    Oras had a little more respect for Artemis than before. And was slowly wanting to learn more about the man's personality and past. He'd have to find the time to discuss this matter with him. Being a person who acted out of logic, caution and was just purely blunt in action and words. That and he had trust issues that he still struggled to get out of. He felt this need, this nagging feeling that he had to see more proof from Artemis. More proof of his personality and quality. This was one situation the man had proven to be intelligent and strategic, but what about other times? How would he react in the heat of the moment? When things didn't seem to be going their way? Would he lose his cool or would his nerves steel themselves? And something else he was curious about.. Did something happen in his childhood to spark such a flirting personality?


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Death's Gift [Thine Gods Do Answer 3/4] TEm5Pci

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