Fairy Tail RP

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    [Black Rose] Ratatouille


    [Black Rose] Ratatouille Empty [Black Rose] Ratatouille

    Post by Guest 8th September 2018, 10:16 am

    Job Title: Ratatouille
    Rank: C
    Job Location: Silver Moon Inn
    Solo Word Count: 1,500
    Group Word Count: 2,500
    Additional Requirements: Must be in Black Rose.

    Job Description: Recently the Silver Moon Inn has been experiencing... An invasion. Specifically in the kitchen. Rats from the alleyway just behind the Inn have started breaking in at night and taking a good portion of the food! This leaves the staff little to no food to serve their customers once day comes and usually leaves them with a very busy morning of gathering what they can to sustain their five star reputation. They have tried everything to get rid of these vermin. Traps, exterminators, locks. But nothing works. It's almost like they're sentient or something.
    Out of options, the staff put up a notice in the main guild hall asking for Black Rose members to help with the problem secretly and discreetly as to maintain their clean reputation.

    Go into the back alley and fight them head on, or sit back and wait for night and catch them in the act. Either way it doesn't matter, it just needs to be done at any cost.

    Weak;; Juvenile Rats (x5): The smallest yet the quickest and most agile of the rats. Because their bites are so weak they tend to stay in groups of large numbers, but can easily overwhelm if given the chance.

    Normal;; Adult Rats (x3): Full adult rats. While a bit slower and less agile than juveniles, their bites are far more powerful, causing deep marks that are very hard to heal if not done by a high rank mage.

    Strong;; Diseased Rats (x2): Rats that have been infected by illnesses from living in the sewers and back alleys for so long. They're unmerciful and insane, quick and powerful, and very much a threat. A bite from these are very powerful, almost deadly. If bitten, healing spells will not work on the wound, and the character will suffer DoT damage throughout the entire thread. This illness can be cured once the thread is done, or can carry over to other threads for plot purposes.

    Boss;; Itamae: The head rat. All he wants to do is cook and make a restaurant of his own to serve all rat-kind, but in order to do so has resorted to stealing food and ingredients from all restaurants he comes across. He has kitchen Requip magic (knives, spatula, spoons, etc) and will fight his little rat heart out in order to see his dream come true. It is possible to make him see the error of his ways, which will lead him to leave the kitchen and never bother anyone again... But he's much easier to kill.

    Reward: 15k jewels and free meals from the Inn for life.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:33 am