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    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)


    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Cirven 30th May 2018, 5:29 pm

    Job Sign Up/Job Info:

    Cirven could barely see ahead of him while he could feet himself being held up and being dragged across the floor with his legs dragging across it. Someone had a grip on his clothes and was pulling him by it. His sight was very blurred for some reason and he did not remember anything that was going on. His body felt much more different too. It was as if someone had cut his legs into half their usual size but there was no residual pain or anything for him to think that was the actual case. He tried to move or speak out but his body felt too weak to do either only allowing him to make a small grunt and small flinch as he was continuing to be pulled. He quickly tried to remember what had been going on up until now but this caused him to fade away into a short rest as he did so.


    The CEO of the West Fiore Trading Company sat on the inside of one of the company's smaller airships that was usually used for cargo and supplies but it was to be used as a disguise and way for them to sneak around Fiore and into the air above the Silent Glaciers. He was accompanied by his three Vice Presidents of the company in the older gentleman, Johann, his adopted brother, Ruvel and in the Dragon King, Sol. He looked towards each of them before he started to speak. "Ruvel knows most of this but not all of it." He let out a small sigh before continuing. It was not an easy thing for him to talk about. "I was an experiment created by a dark guild. I was born into this world by my mother and came from her womb but she spliced her DNA with a long dead devil to give birth to me with what abilities I was destined to have. I was part of a project where myself and other children were born into a life of being trained and gaining the experience of others who were much, much older through the use of using forbidden magic to inject what knowledge they wanted into us while we slept. Many of the kids did not make it through the training but luckily or unfortunately myself and some of the others did." He looked towards each of his most trusted friends. "Those that survived were placed into a group that was simply known under the code name Family. We were trained more and put through jobs where we were made to kill anyone that stood against Cor Torva as a test to the power we held. We fought each other for training but were not able to kill each other as we were family and needed to work together. They assigned a man named Lucan to keep an eye on us and make sure we were not stepping over the line against each other. Lucan became a big brother to us and came up with a wager system where we would wager things against each other when we sparred. Food, help, friendship and more was wagered between us kids. It kept us from just killing each other as we always wanted to get what the other wagered. We were trained to kill gods because the government caught wind of some prophecy that had the gods attacking and destroying mortals of the world. I didn't learn about this until later." He let out a deep sigh. "I was removed from all of it when I was around seven years old. My memory was wiped of all of it and I was given a false life with my mother that I assumed was real. Horrible situation after horrible situation later found myself remembering bits and pieces and bringing down Cor Torva myself. My mother had tried for years to bring it down herself but finally was able to by using me to kill her or that was what we thought. The guild has reemerged suddenly under the name of Neo-Cor Torva. I suspect Lucan leads it but I have no proof of it at this point." His trip down memory lane was cut short as the co-pilot of the ship called back to them. "We are coming over the coordinates now, sir!"

    Cirven gave a nod and walked to the back of the ship where the loading bay was opened for him. "We are separating here. Remember that we are attacking this base from each corner and are to destroy and kill everything in our way besides those who are a part of Family. They are being forced to do what they are doing and can be brought to our side. I know it." He grabbed his mask from the inside of his coat and put it on, completely changing his appearance and clothing to that of the Blank Jester. "If you run into any of the members of Family, make sure to contact me with the communication magic we have connecting us together." He started to move forward to jump off but stopped and turned his head. "Also, do not get in over your head. If you need to retreat then do it. I will not lose either of you here." With that said the devil jumped from the ship using his ability to fly to soar his way down towards the Cor Torva base below him. He had given the group a briefing on the job they were doing before hand so they knew what each member of the Family looked like and an idea of their abilities as well as knew this job was to completely destroy this base while they were masked. It was not a job they could do as the West Fiore Trading Company but a job where they had to take all of the action into their own hands as Onyx Moon.

    Cirven landed inside of the grounds of the building and quickly jumped into a shadow where  he traveled through the area taking out guard after guard in the area he arrived in. He did not take the time to hide the bodies as the entire facility was their target and no one was meant to survive the encounter. He traveled inside of the large facility where he was brought into a room that had multiple people and other things in large tubes of liquid. They had things stabbed into them and some sort of mask over their faces to breath through it seemed. The sight caused Cirven to remember his training of when he was younger slightly. Memories that he never wanted to relive. He quickly made his way through the lab while in the shadows so that he could not be seen or detected. He found himself near a squad of guards and came out of the shadows to attack them but something happened suddenly. Something that he did not expect in the slightest. When he reached out his clawed hand to attack on of the guards his arm suddenly shrunk down in size causing him to look at it in fear. His body suddenly started to feel as though something was wrong with it; Something he could not control at all. He didn't feel any pain but there was this constant pressure all over his body and before he could react properly to it the back of a ethernano rifle was slammed into his skull which knocked him out.


    He started to stir awake again but this time he remembered that something was wrong with him but he knew where he was and what he had to do. The knives that sat around his waist slowly flew out and cut across the body of the man that was dragging him causing the man to scream out in pain and let go of him. Cirven was able to quickly move away from the guard but for some reason felt that his speed was slower somehow. It was as if his steps themselves were smaller. After getting away from the guards he happened to look into a mirror and see that he was much, much shorter and looked as he did when he was seven years old. "Wha-what?!" He moved closer to the mirror and saw that his clothes had shrunk with him too along with the mask he wore. "What the hell did you do?! Which one of you took my mask too?!" He yelled out at the six guards that stood across from him aiming their weapons at him. The now seven year old looked towards the multiple guards with no fear of them shooting upon him as he questioned what was going on. "No answer? Then I will forcefully get my mask back from who ever has it after I deal with each of you." Black electricity erupted out around the now young Cirven as he readied himself to fight the team of the guards.


    Last edited by Cirven on 21st June 2018, 4:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Ruvel 1st June 2018, 4:35 am

    After what happened in Hargeon the young vice president of the west fiore trading company had seem to distance himself from everyone and everything without a word to anyone. He had even hadn't been in the place he usually rested at the back of the companies headquarters the swallow family seemingly being tended to by one of his summons. This wasn't due to wanting to abandon what was now his life and responsibility to the guild, instead it was because he knew what happened would have the eldest of them having several questions many of them he himself wasn't ready to answer. He hadn't been away from his facility long enough for the damage to really begin healing, with how close the thing was he knew there was a high chance there where a few people in the company that worked for the ones he wished to avoid. He was happy that he looked nothing like they knew him and that they didn't know he had gained access to magic and had even gained some strong allies to it, still if what happened was anything to go by there was a storm coming... one that he wanted no part in, one he was sure Cirven wanted to avoid too but it would be clear to them both that wouldn't be allowed. It was due to this he needed to prepare himself, well that and he wanted to yell at Demi for the stunt she pulled in the park.

    'Our summoner it's time' Shindara said receiving a message from Cirven, the youth opened his eyes and laid silently for a long moment looking to the sky, his hand reaching to the birds that were flying over head. 'Our summoner, you will return...' Amuul sent to Ruvel a concerned look in his eyes as he looked to his twin knowing that Ruvel was scared, they both knew he thought he wasn't going to be returning and was okay with it so longs the others got out fine. 'We will make sure you return home our summoner.' Shindara finished his brothers sentence, they had seen everything as if it had been them going through the trials the one they contracted to themselves with. This gave them an understanding that the other summons excluding Demi and Korvin wouldn't understand. "I know... I just..." his eyes closed as he let out a saddened breath before starting to get up "Where are we to meet Cirven?" he asked as he moved back towards the headquarters at a steady pace since he was an hour or so walk away. 'It's one of the smaller cargo airships.' Amuul informed the other making Ruvel nodded knowing that there would only be one of those that Cirven would use for such a thing. The reason this was done was for the youths ease so he'd always know which to head for.

    He managed to beat his time and get there in forty-five minutes and headed on deck silently, he made sure to pick up his mask and summoning dagger along the way but left his rapier behind. Something told him that it be a hindrance this time around and if he truly needed it he could request a portal from Korvin so he may retrieve it; as for Seiyuki's charms he could make those along the way since it was only safe for him to make two at any time. He wasn't to surprised to see Johann there as he had met one of Demi's former family not to long ago, what did surprise him was when he seen Sol there. "We have company on this one Cirven?" he asked wanting off this ship already, he hated the fake sense of freedom that it gave but there was little that could be done. His dragonic summons wouldn't come to his aid today due to it being a sacred festival within their realm, he didn't trust his demonic summon not to try something stupid with him at least once and he was sure that his angelic summons would be busy dealing with something. Then again if he had chosen any of them or even Bennu then it would raise alarms and that was the last thing any of them needed in all honesty.

    He moved out of the way and sat down, though he remained close to the other three his eyes closing as Cirven spoke. His hands Clenched at his trousers his head lowering as he looked away, he didn't want to hear it; all those terrible things they had to endure for some sick purpose of other people. Cirven, himself, Korvin, Demi and many others nothing more than puppets on a string that others pulled. "Cirven stop... please..." he whispered unsure if anyone other than Cirven himself would pick up on his words. He wanted to just get off and forget this stupid idea of a mission but what would that accomplish? They would end up just bringing the fight to them and if they done that then innocent people would be hurt, but doing it this way gave them no advantage. The ones they had fought before would expect them to turn up and this time they would have home field advantage, the young male didn't like this in any way. "Will this fix anything?" he asked more to himself than anyone else his eyes closing as he summoned Shindara to him. The tall albino male stepped out of the shadows and sat in front of his young summoner though remained in the shadow cast by the area he usually used when travelling. Ruvel looked to Shindara and nodded takking a deep breath closing his eyes and placed his forehead on Shindara's and remained that way for the journey, out of the three others only Cirven would realise exactly what Ruvel was doing and possibly why he would do something so dangerous right now.

    After a while he cried out making the summon move quickly and hug him looking to Cirven with a concerned look on his face, he remembered what it was like when they went to the facility and the aftermath that came with it. He found himself wondering if he knew just exactly what he was asking of the one he served and feared for what this would take from Ruvel this time. Ruvel was still shaking by the time they drew closer "I said I would answer the questions you had Mr. Weiss in truth, I am not yet ready to give that information. I ask that you please be a little more patient." He hadn't lied because he would give the information if asked even now, he just hoped that the other would allow him the added time he requested to feel at peace. Soon he stood bringing out his mask and placed it on, his clothing turning into his normal white priest garb, his black hair turning white while both of his eyes turned a golden amber. Shindara then moved into his shadow 'I will remain using my own energy so I can help if there are issues in communication, this means however I will not be of much use in any other method' he sent to the four before going all but silent.

    Hearing the co-pilot he followed Cirven listening to his words "You know I don't like killing Cirven, especially if it's not needed." his tone showed he was far from happy with this but there was nothing he could do, these were the orders given to him and that meant they would have to be followed so hoped he wouldn't find many people along the way. "We know the drill Cirven, but you forget I have two of them working for me so I have an upper hand over the others." he said with a sigh before jumping out the cargo hold aiming to where he was to enter from. 'Shade, I need to get inside safely and unseen.' he sent to his wraith like summon as he was free falling, he showed absolutely no fear as he neared the ground as he had complete faith his summon would come through which he did a portal of shadow opening. The problem was that shade had never been inside and so when he opened the other side of the portal it was from the ceiling, causing the youth to fall on to the floor hard making him cry out a little his hand going to his mask as he tried to muffle the noise. Luckily no-one was around to hear the loud thud.

    He wanted to be angry with Shade given what just happened but he also knew it couldn't be helped, at least he wasn't overly injured. Standing his hand going to his ear "I'm in the north east quarter, infiltrated with ease." he whispered allowing the other to know before he started to cautiously creeped through the corridors, he felt on edge almost like he was being watched but as his eyes scanned his surroundings he could see nothing that would give him such a feeling. 'Shindara is there anyone around?' he asked the summon in his shadow 'Our summoner, you know our rules.' Sighing Ruvel nodded a little, he knew unless he was in immediate danger that the twin princes wouldn't tell him of other people and their intentions. He understood why and never pushed them for such information even if it was needed to make him feel at ease. Ruvel now wished that he had created some charms on the ship but he had forgotten amongst what he had done with Shindara, he now internally scolded himself for being so hind-sighted but nothing could be done now.

    He stopped suddenly hearing a faint noise though before he could react he felt a sharp pinch on the back of his neck making him feel woozy, his hand going to his head as he fell forward his eyes closing not knowing what was to come. When he finally awoke his eyes looked around the room, he stumbled back seeing tall men, his hand going to his ear but he was surprised to see his mask was gone "S'abbia's zes zozt?" his eyes going wide as he heard his words, a language he hadn't spoken for the longest time, he knew this was the language of his homeland and but was forced to learn the language of those who would 'care' for him. The next thing he knew he was struck so hard on the cheek making him cry out tears falling, he had no idea what he had done wrong, as he raised his sleeve to wipe away the tears his eyes went wide once more seeing his old 'uniform' but more than that he noticed his hands where smaller "S'oq gig esaeu gae qae za? s'es gig esaeu gae iq? qazz za..." his voice sounding frightened and confused 'Shindara, qazz yaz s'abbia I oz oth s'oq's gethrisjir aer' he sent through the bond but heard no reply, he moved back as the tall male came close knowing right now he was at their whim.


    Word Count: 1'856


    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Sol 3rd June 2018, 11:03 pm

    Just like his Leader Sol was being dragged along the ground and by his back as well and his vision was blurry and dark from what had happened to him, his body seemed different and his  limbs did not want to responded to him at all. It was as if they had powerful weights on them which even with his dragonic strength he could not even move. His mind was jarred from the blow he has sustained and all he could really must up the strength to do was twitch his fingers or his foot but whoever was carrying him paid no mind since they assumed he was too weak to even mount any kind of attack. As he tried to remember what had happened Sol started to feel himself fade in and out of consciousness  untill finally his body gave out for a while.

    ---- ---- -- Past -- ---- ----

    Sol sat in his chair  as he looked at Cirven with intense focus and seriousness on his features,if it involved  Cirven, himself, Ruvel, and Johann then this was a very serious and potentially life threatening mission. As Cirven explained his past and how he had been an exparament by a dark guild the dragon kings hands balled into fists as his claws dug into his flesh almost hard enough to draw blood.he could only offer a look of sympathy to his Guildmaster and the story brought him back into his own memorys of being in a dark guild. Sol admited to himself that he had done horrifying things and many of them were beyond the point of forgiveness in his eyes. It had taken a few major things to shake him from the darkness he had resided in and make him leave Basilisk Fang for good. Now it seemed that  this Neo Cor Torva was intent on continuing its operations and planned to make trouble for the world.

    Sol looked at his guild master who seemed troubled by this turn of events and then he looked down at his own hands and he released a breath he did not know he was even holding. Ever since the event at the dragon temple Sol had been dealing with immense mental trauma that the two guardians had put him thru to see if he was worthy, none scarred him more however then the trip thru his memorys and the sight of every atrocity he had ever done and some were even from the eyes of the victims. Sol saw his hands start to shake as he started to remember but he quickly balled them into fists and they stopped shaking.’I have to remain strong for this mission I cannot afford to have something happen’ he thought as he remembered how he had awoken in the temple after his memory trip.Sol who was considered one of if not the strongest dragon was on the ground and was terrified but he was not terrified of the guardians. No Sol had been terrified of himself and the monster that lurked inside of him that wanted out and to continue its rampage.

    The whole trip had made him even more against killing needlessly and it made him even more repentant  as he sought  to try and prove he was not the monster he had been anymore.’just relax Sol these people deserve it, they want to cause untold death and strife. Its not slaughter its protecting the country’ he thought as he took another deep breath. Sometimes he had to remind himself that he was killing to protect not out of pleasure which is what he used to do when he was still a dark mage. As  Cirven stood and started to head back towards the loading bay.”Cirven I know that was not an easy thing to tell me and Johann but thank you for letting us know what we could be expecting. Hopefully the four of us can put an end to this guild for good” he said being thankful for the knowledge that Cirven had told him and hopeful that they could close this painful chapter of his past for good.

    As Cirven grabbed his mask Sol pulled his out from a shadow portal and placed it on, The Skull like mask wrapped him in shadows and in place of his normal oufit was his armored and concealing Oynx Moon uniform known as Reaper.at his leaders orders of contacting him in the event of meeting a family member  Reaper gave a nod that showed he understood. “I understand but that goes for you as well Cirven and you two as well. I won’t let any of us fall as long as there is strength in my body” he said with his voice modifier off  before he jumped out of the ship as well. As he jumped out he twisted in the air like a drill towards his corner of the building and as he got closer he stopped twisting and his wings emerged thru his back as he slowed his descent and he  landed on the roof and saw two guards outside his entrance he needed to get into.

    Reaper quickly dropped down behind and he snapped the one guards neck quickly before he slammed  the butt of his shotgun into the others temple so hard it killed him instantly. After he silenced them  he saw how they were dressed and he shook his head at  it before he saw a large power cabinat as tall as he was and looked to have enough room to hide the bodys and he dragged them inside before he shut the doors and he quickly shifted to shadow form before ducking into the building and moving across the ceiling in a corner to dodge  suspicion. As he reached a squad of guards he moved to the middle to get the drop on them but as he emerged something happened. As he hit the ground he suddenly relized the guards were much taller then him and one struck him in the back with a kick before another kicked him in the side of the head to disorient him.”you bastards” he growled before one more came up and struck him in the back of the head with the butt of their rifle and rendering him almost unconscious.

    ---- ---- -- Present -- ---- ----

    As the world came back into focus for Sol he found himself bound and his mask was off but his outfit was still on him thankfully, glancing at his chains he noticed they were not magic sealing chains and he smirked before he caused the shadows to cover his face so his identity was still hidden. he started to secrete powerful poison from his skin that the chains were touching and they started to eat away at the metal untill Sol was able to slip his limbs from the chains and he hit the ground before he saw the metal floor and his reflection on it and he made his shadows vanish for a moment to reveal a very young face, somehow he had been aged back to when he was around eight years old. He growled lowly as the shadows covered his face again as a group of guards entered the room and Sol turned and faced them as an aura of poison and shadow cloaked him.”what the hell did you do!” he snarled as they all pointed their rifles at him and he glanced around for his mask before he saw it  was not in the room.”alright you tell me where my mask it or I get Violent and trust me” he said as his pupils slitted further with his anger white the red bleeding out slowly into the rest of his eyes .”you don’t want me to get Violent"he threatened at the end as he got ready to deal with the guards before him.

    wc 1316/6000


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 6th June 2018, 4:52 pm

    The old man sat silently in the comfortable, black leather armchair in his darkened office, staring down at the two palms he held up, his elbows on his knees. He had closed the curtains, the only light inside the relatively sizeable workspace coming from a candle on his desk, illuminating the various disorganized journals and sheets on it with dim, yellow flickering twilight. It had been about a week since Johann had returned from Sakuramori, with "return" being an overexaggeration, his motionless body dragged back to one of the Company's ships by Artorias, his friend and companion, Johann himself only awakening from his state of unconsciousness a full 2 days after the fact when they were already well on their way back to the nation of Tolgalen. Johann himself knew what he had done there, tracking down members of the bandit guild he had sought to eradicate from the face of the planet as part of his personal, sinister vendetta and remembered everything up to him making his way to a large stone door. After that, his mind was blank, the next thing he remembered being waking up on the ships medical section, and no matter how hard he concentrated, only sporadic, contextless flashes of light and images of blood and death would find their way back to his mind. Artorias, who had a hard time understanding his master's state himself, had filled in the blanks after the old man had had some rest, telling a story that left the Vice President of the West Fiore Trading Company startled, overwhelmed, yet still strangely happy and fulfilled, hearing that he had indeed managed to end his self-imposed mission with success, seemingly slaughtering them all and gathering valuable information about those that had dared defile his sacred home, torn apart his life and destroyed his family.

    Johann's hands formed two cramped fists. Just thinking about it had him in a state of rage again, a state that commanded him to jump out of the chair and storm out of the HQ to search every nook, every corner of this world for more information, for those he was searching, to bring upon them the justice they deserved, his own twisted and hateful judgement. But, for the time being, there were two things preventing him from doing so. First, he had received a direct order from Cirven, who had instructed him and the other Vice Presidents of the West Fiore Trading Company before and ordered them to rally on one of the Company's airships, ready for battle, naturally. The other thing was a deep, unsettling uneasiness that dominated all conscious moments, almost as if there was someone always watching his every move from within, a most strange feeling that left him restless, at times feeling like a faint, intangible whisper creeping up the back of his head to proclaim its sick agenda. Yet, when the old man tried focussing his mind, concentrate on the perceived scratching and scraping at the back of his senses, it disappeared back into the nothingness it had come from, leaving him back to himself, surrounded only by the endless quiet of his own silence.

    Sitting in the same silence he stared down at his hands, unsure what to make of any of this, this whole situation spawning more questions than answers, and by the gods, he could've used some answers, thinking to himself when a familiar voice ripped him from his these same thoughts, his hand slowly going up to his ear as he rose from the armchair, speaking back with calm and steady voice "Understood, I'll be on my way" before lowering the arm again and starting a slow walk over to a small, runed chest at the other side of the room. With a single, short motion of the man's hand a small rune on the container lit up and it sprung open to reveal its contents, a runed sheath, a sword's hilt sticking out of one end, a pair of gloves, black scripture lining their outsides, an onyx leather mask and two amulets, one a black cross and the other a small amber stone, firmly placed in what looked like a drop of white silver colour. Reaching for the equipment he pulled the white gloves over his hands, tied the sheath to his belt, placed the amulets around his neck and put the dark mask in one of the pockets of his ivory coat before closing the chest and turning towards the door, not giving a look back as he pushed it open with one hand and closed it, making his way to the skydock where the airship was waiting and the others would be meeting soon.

    The door to the room opened with a subtle creak before the Vice President stepped inside, seeing that the others had already found their way to the vessel, Cirven, Sol and Ruvel present as they had been instructed. Johann stepped in, greeting those present with a short bow and a nod of acknowledgement, wordless, in contrast to what he usually did, this time seemingly somewhat distracted before sitting down in one of the seats. Quite frankly, he would've liked to spend his time with actually tracking down the remains of Blood Seal, but he knew that Cirven took this very seriously, and, if he was honest with himself, he himself wouldn't pass up the opportunity to see Cor Torva once more, to tie up a loose end that had was still bugging him from a short while ago, something that made the tips of his fingers itch just thinking about it. The zest for action was quickly extinguished, however, when Cirven began speaking, Johann's unshared attention shifting to the man's words and story, the story of his nature, his existence, his pain and his life, the only thing staying to linger his hate for the group that called itself Cor Torva, hate for what they had done to his family, his friends. When Cirven had finished talking he simply lowered his head and gave a deep nod to signal that he had understood. It satisfied his want for answers regarding the nature of their last encounter with the group, and when Ruvel approached him directly he had no qualms to tell the youth "It's fine, Ruvel. Please, take your time, if you want to tell me, after all. Be comfortable with your decision and then we'll see ..." before turning his attention to Sol and Cirven "As for what Sol said" Johann gave them both a nod "I agree. Thank you for informing me, it clarifies things a lot and I appreciate your trust, Cirven. I will remind you of the oath I have given to not just Ruvel, but this guild, too" grasping the hilt rapier at his side with one hand "I will follow all of you to the depths of hell and back should it help the guild", his eyes shining with almost zealous determination.

    Following the others to the open bay he gave a nod to Cirven's last words towards them as he put on his mask, his slowly shifting from their white, ivory colour to a deep black, the cold air soaring around them from below causing streaks of his now black hair to dance in the wind, becoming the White Wolf of Onyx Moon "Understood. See you all on the other side". Jumping after the others, on the old man's back unfurled a pair of dark, ebony wings seemingly comprised solely of runic scripture lifting him through the crashing of the wind around, gently carrying Johann towards the ground before vanishing into strings of darkness, the VP dropping before a set of large steel doors. Where the others were maybe a little more subtle and stealthy, Johann wasn't exactly equipped for covertness, and thus unsheathed his rapier, bending the steel doors inward with a overwhelming wave of pressure, their loud crunching echoing through the halls behind. Quickly, Johann utilized the only rune that helped him in this situation, a bright, almost white glow surrounding him before he turned invisible, slowly and on silent feet making his way into the facility, leaving behind a good dozen of baffled guards that swarmed towards the cracked entrance. He was more than uncomfortable though, and despite his invisible form, he had the unsettling feeling of being watched, much the same way he had felt in recent days, and with a quiet whisper the voice in the back of his mind rang out again "Whyyyy don't you smiiile a little, old man ? You should be happyyy, after all, you and your comrades are going to waaaar". The VP stopped in his tracks immediately, one of his hands clutching the side of his head as he struggled to focus on the voice and his surroundings when suddenly, behind and before him, the hallway was closed off by large steel plates. He tried to throw out a wave of pressure, but before he could do even as much as take an action, a gas had already filled the space with a quiet sizzling sound, and before he knew, Johann stared down his form, his arms and at his legs as his consciousness slowly slipped from him. Had he always been this short ?

    Johann awoke in a room of complete darkness, chained to a wall, his head heavy and a dizziness clouding his thoughts. It took a bit to regain control of his senses, his mask seemingly gone from his head, which made it easier for his black left eye to pierce the darkness, looking at his arms to see that they were held in place by chains. Easily enough, the runes on his body still worked, the chains turning brittle as they were frozen to absolute zero, Johann simply shattering the metal with a decent pull from his extremities. Crouching on the floor and rubbing his wrists he wondered if he had always been this weak, but shoved that thought to the side when he heard voices approach, getting closer to the door of this improvised cell to get a better idea of what exactly was going on when his eyes met his own image in a small puddle on the ground, his own eyes staring into their reflection with shock and surprise. He had the regained the appearance of his own, younger self, probably around 9 to 10 years of age, whispering to himself more than anyone else "By the gods ... What is going on here ?!"

    Word Count: 1.751
    Word Count Total: 1.751 / 6.000



    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Posts : 2448
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Cirven 10th June 2018, 8:36 pm

    Black electricity ripped through the building causing havoc to the machines inside of a room filled with all kinds of different machines for conducting experiments on objects; Non-living, living or even dead. A guards body flew into the large experimentation sector of the building with a flash of dark electricity pushing him across the ground as he let out a painful yell. The barely three foot tall Cirven walked into the room from a hole he had just produced into it as he left the hallway he was in that was littered with the fallen guards. "None of you wanted to tell me or knew the information I wanted to hear. Pretty much a waste of space and time, aren't you?" The young boy spoke out as he moved towards the guard he had propelled into the room with a blast of his magic earlier. "No worries. I will figure this out without any of your help." He spoke and then with a burst of speed made his way to the guard quickly and finished him off with a quick slash of his clawed hand.

    He looked around the area and saw test tubes with bodies but unlike the earlier room he was in before his change, this room had different machines connected to each one. The sight of the tubes brought a memory to him that was of when Korvin was placed inside one of the tubes during his return to Cor Torva when they forced him to work for them by using his sister, Aayla. Feelings of anger and sorrow swelled up inside of him causing his magic power to build up in his body uncontrolled by him and at first he did not even notice it. A thought of destroying everything in this lab came over him and before he could think it through more he lifted his hand out in front of him and released a blast of dark electricity that ripped through the machines in front of him as well as danced around into the others near him, destroying them. Cirven would go from machine to machine destroying them as he was lost in some sort of rage that he could not contain. The power in the building would flicker over and over again until it shut down suddenly for a short time before turning back on. When the young boy came back to his senses he realized that he had not only destroyed the machines in the room but had also probably killed those who were being experimented on inside of the test tubes. He dropped to his knees as the thought crossed him because he remembered of how Korvin somehow survived the testing done to her and the possibility could have been the same for those in the ones around him here. All he could feel was regret and sadness for what he had done but the emotions he felt were so strong that he lost himself. He did not want anymore people to become like him or any of the other experiments that he would sacrifice the current experiments to do it. "Who.. Am.. I.. Right now?" He questioned himself as he looked at his hands. It was like he was inside another body that he had little control over.

    On another side of the building where neither of the Onyx Moon members had made their appearance yet, a familiar group were quickly making preparations for battle inside of an armory were their weapons laid. They each suited up in their battle gear as well as got their weapons if they had any. They were members of the 'Family' that Cirven, Demiara and Korvin were apart of in the past. "We know he is here and he has help but for him to come at us with little to no remorse like this.." Laniiar spoke out about everything going on in the facility. A man in a suit which was not a common thing at all to ready yourself in for battle, stood next to her fixing how his clothes fit on him. "He is here to destroy Cor Torva once and for all but I wonder if he expects us to be here? I wonder if he wants to kill us or save us? Even with my ability I can't know for sure without asking him." Vés spoke as he finished readying himself. It was a hassle to pull off a suit with the armor he wore under it even if the armor was super thin but magically enhanced. A brownish-red haired, red-eyed woman suited up into some light dark colored armor and placed a sheathed sword on her side. After finishing getting ready she spoke her part. "I wonder if he still wants me dead for the past..?" She spoke out to them before another woman made her appearance into the room through a nearby door casually. She wore a white robe over a black dress and had her hair tied down under her neck. "Worrying about this attack should not be a problem much anymore. Those who are attacking will be suffering from a new change to their bodies thanks to the curse spell we have been researching. It does sadden me that I will not be able to see what that failure could really do.." She spoke with little to no fear of the situation at hand. Laniiar and Vés both took on more concerned looks as they heard the woman speak. "You used that curse to change him into a child, Unerlin?!" Laniiar exclaimed. "You did not look at or not of the reports of when he was a child, did you?" Laniiar had raised her voice in a sort of fear filled tone and was going to talk more but the auburn haired woman placed her hand on Laniiar's shoulder. "Laniiar, calm down. I'll explain." Laniiar obeyed her ally and calmed herself as the woman explained. "When Cir-erm-Trase was a child he was powerful enough to handle each of us by himself through his abilities. We are stronger now but it wasn't exactly his strength or power that allowed him to overcome us. It was his mercilessness for not only others but himself."

    Back with Cirven who was still on his knees in front of the destroyed laboratory, memories started to come to him. Memories of a time where he had fought each member of the 'Family'. He remembered beating them down to near death after he lost himself to his power and his instincts. He remembered taking amounts of pain from them and simply laughing as he continued to fight back, not caring for himself or if he killed them. He was the reason the had a wager system put in place so that they did not kill each other sparing as well s giving more incentive for them to spar against each other. It helped him keep himself in check but he still had problems with losing himself which escalated at one point during a sparring session with a new member to their group. Cirven lost himself and killed the newly recruited child which was against the wager rules and breaking the rules meant you were an enemy. He remembered being beaten to near death by their caretaker and proclaimed big brother, Lucian who was able to negate the child's abilities as well as overcome his abilities but before a killing blow could be dealt Demiara. He remembered watching from the ground as he was near death as the closest person to him was beaten down by Lucian for protecting him until she too was near death on the ground. The last thing he remembered before passing out then was that an older female voice called out "STOP!". From there he only remembered flashes of consciousness until suddenly being in the wooden house he lived in near Magnolia with his mother. "That was why they see me as a failure... That is when they took all of my memories away..." He mumbled to himself as a feeling kept poking at him at the back of his mind. "They hurt her because of me.. Where is she..?" Black electricity erupted out over his body again as multiple guards came into the laboratory. They yelled at him to get down but he could not hear them as his mind was being swarmed with the thoughts of his past and how he failed the closest person to him then. He stood up and quickly turned to see multiple guard in front of him with their rifles aimed at him where he swiped his hand out in front of him sending out a powerful shockwave at the men. "Where is Demi?! Tell me!!" He yelled out as he swiped his hand. The shockwave sent the guards all flying towards the wall behind them and caused the side of the building that he swiped towards to buckle and break and could be felt as the building itself shook from the power he sent out. The guards tried to stand up but Cirven quickly assaulted them and dealt with each of them besides one who he grabbed by the throat as he floated into the air and slammed into the wall, causing a imprint of the man he was holding to form around him as he was pressed against it. "Where is Demi?!" The guard whimpered and was about to speak but took too long to say anything as Cirven used his other hand to swipe across the man's throat and slit it then dropping him to the floor. "Useless. I need to find her.." He spoke to himself as he floated his way through the air out of the lab. His eyes taking on an orange color as well as some purplish-black aura started to form over his body.



    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Ruvel 13th June 2018, 2:54 pm

    Ruvel had managed to dodge out of the way of the men that where trying to grab him, finding a place his smaller body could fit so he could at least try to get in touch with the others to let him know what was going on. His hand went to his ear "Jivven, kaldaka, vriwhulth shilta wux nymuer ve? creolnali ui xuut... si mi moxt tenamalo... sia arcaniss tiric ti tawura vur mobi re xiekivi xoalir ekess itrewic ve ekik di wer rerk oium si mi houpeir persvek." he whispered not realising that the bond had been broken by the magic that had not only just de-aged him but the others too. It hadn't even crossed his mind that they wouldn't even understand what he was saying even if he could get in touch with each other. It was then he felt his ankle being grabbed and he let out a yelp visibly shaking trying to keep inside his hiding spot "Sahd za!" he cried out tears falling "jikapr! opsola! Sahd za!" he continued to cry out unable to really do much else his body was light and weak, if handled the wrong way he could get seriously sick or hurt. He had no idea why he was calling to them, he knew they where gone, he had witnessed the massacre first hand but he was frightened and this was his first instinct. "Careful you idiot! You're going to hurt him then it'll be both our heads!" one of the men growled "Not like he's giving me much of a choice more so giving where he decided to crawl to" the other one as he pulled Ruvel out by his ankles and dangled him upside down.

    As imagined this caused the small glowing youth additional distress causing him to bawl louder, to the point he was finding it hard to breath and was about to be emotionally sick. "Will you kindly put him down before I get upset." a young female voice rang from behind the men "It's clear he's in distress and I will be beyond angry if he gets sick." she continued, the two men where surprised to hear the voice behind them, cautiously they turned around. Standing there with white hair tied in red and white silk cord, white skin, blood ruby eyes, dressed within black and red ninja garb a scythe in her hand was Demi. "I warn you, do not try my patience, now set him down gently." she said leaning against the large scythe she wielded, Ruvel's eyes going wide as she remembered her "D-Demi!" he cried out his hands reaching for her. The men could only laugh at her when she put her demand forward, she didn't seem threatening "Little girl stop playing with the adult toys and run along this doesn't concern you." the one holding Ruvel said making her glare. "Organisation affiliation: Cor Torva. Type: Elite. Unit: Family. Designation: Wraith... want me to continue because I'm already annoyed, if you do make me continue you will die. Put him down nicely and say sorry, then I may consider only taking an arm." her voice deadly serious and as cold as the weather outside.

    On hearing everything that was just said they put the crying Ruvel down on the floor, her ruby eyes went to him as she brought up her hands to her eyes as if instructing him to do what she was doing. She knew this boy inside and out, she knew blood scared him and she intended to make a blood bath inside this room. She didn't want to be the one scaring him more than he already was especially at this age. Ruvel looked at the gesture and began to sit down his eyes closing tightly as he covered his ears. When Demi was satisfied that he wouldn't peek her eyes went to the men "You made a big mistake... by the way I lied, attacking him is like attacking a member of family. This means you are an enemy to us and will pay for your actions with your lives, then we'll consider the matter settled." her voice still ice cold as the glaciers that surrounded them but dripped with a venom never heard by her before "Y-you said..." one of the other guard stuttered "M-mercy..." the one who had pulled Ruvel out roughly "Where was the mercy when we called for it?! When he just called for it?! Besides... I said I would consider it, not that you'd be getting off with no punishment." her voice raising a black and purple aura flaring off her "M-my wife... s-she's p-pregnant..." the second man stuttered backing away "You should have thought about that before... picking on an innocent and sick child you fool." she said all emotion gone from her voice, she was the tool that they created in that instant as she sliced through the one who had manhandled the young Ruvel, twirling it with precision and ease the blood splatter went over the walls but she made sure none went near the one she swore to protect. Her eyes going to the one who continued to plead for forgiveness as she moved towards him "Demi, edaed. Zes donaaiz s'abbia qotar mnaez za. gae raeq gae iq qae oraeyabbi, iq makes esaeu rae xaqqabbi" he said his eyes still clenched closed, his ears covered. There would only be one reason she'd have told him to close his eyes and reacted on that.

    Demi lowered her scythe reluctantly looking to the man "He's just given you a second chance, do not squander it because believe me I will be watching and waiting. Even one slip up and it will be the last thing you do. Understand?" her voice showed she wasn't joking on her words, the man nodded quickly and ran out of the room noticeably having soiled himself. Placing her scythe on her back she picked Ruvel up and walked out of the room closing the door before bringing his hands down to show it was all over. She knew how to hear his language but speaking it wasn't something she had ever learned, this was going to make communication a little difficult more so between him and the others. "what has he gotten us into this time." she scowled holding Ruvel's hand walking down the hallway only letting go to deal with the guards that came their way, the moment she let go he closed his eyes and covered his ears before allowing her to guide him to a point where she brought down his hand. Her hand going to her ear 'Trase, I swear to the gods I'm going to kick your ass when we see each other... what the fuck have you gotten us into this time!' it wouldn't have been the first time they got into trouble for one of the others hair brained schemes but he always had the families best interest at heart when the other side of him wasn't out. She couldn't blame him for that, they all had that trigger inside them somewhere. The task was all that mattered to them after all no matter what it cost them or those around them, what concerned her was that the safety protocol would have been set in motion when they realised that Cirven and the others where there.

    She knew she could defend herself and could bring Korvin forth using the locked magic within their summoner and she could help defend or attack, Cirven would be able to protect himself without a doubt and was sure the other two would be able to do so. The only one she knew was helpless was her own summoner as his body was to weak at this age to actively use magic. meaning that he would now be a burden to the others. This was the last thing she needed to be honest, but there was nothing to be done. She got to a room and looked withing her hand going to her head as she got a sharp pain in her head as something that was suppressed unlocked. "Th-the bastards almost killed him!" her voice calm so not to startle Ruvel "Then almost killed me for protecting him... those bastards!" she continued "D-Demi?" Ruvel stuttered making her looking down to him shaking her head smiling showing it was nothing to worry about, however, they'd wish they killed  them when they had a chance. She'd make sure of it...

    Word count: 1'417
    Total word count: 3'273


    Last edited by Ruvel on 21st June 2018, 12:22 pm; edited 6 times in total


    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Sol 16th June 2018, 5:03 pm

    Sol blinked as he realized something as the soldiers advanced on him and he realized that they had allowed him to keep his locket he kept on his waist to restrain his anger as he glared up at the soldiers as he cursed his luck.’at least I still have my locket, they were dumb enough to take that from me. But I still need to be careful of this could get bad fast.’ He thought as they got closer and closer before he growled and he quickly lunged at the guards quickly  sliding under them as they pulled the trigger and rained  bullets at the young dragon .Sol managed to knock one off his feet before he snatched the gun and slammed his palm into the mans nose so hard h e sent the mans cartilage into his brain and killed him. He quickly grabbed the gun before he used the butt of the gun and knock the next mans leg out from under him before he pointed his gun at mans head and shot a round into his head. As he finished the man he quickly pointed his gun and drove a round into the heads of the remaining four soldiers. As he finished them off Sol heard the radio on one guard go off.”Report what is going on is the target secure?” the voice asked as Sol snatched the radio before he spoke.

    Target is free and very pissed off I hope you have prayed to your gods because your going to meet them” Sol threatened and before the voice spoke back to him.”We shall see in the end Sol Terumi” the voice taunted before Sol crushed the radio and he heard the men behind him die finally and he walked outside of the room before he  quickly  ran out of the room as he tried to find any of his team mates.”Moon, Wolf, Jester where are you”?” he called out trying to hopefully get an answer as he rushed down the halls  looking and hearing for any sign of his allies. As he rounded the corner Sol suddenly caught the sight of a man escaping a room and from the smell of him something had frightend him immensely. The slayer quickly headed towards the room and he  saw inside and the first thing he caught sight of was the woman in ninja garb and a scythe on her as well, it instantly put Sol on edge but he brought his arms up and  brought his hood down to allow Demi and Ruvel to see his face fully. The first thing they  would see was his trademark jet black hair and red slitted eyes but other then that the only changes in his face was that it was more youthful and his hair was shorter but still messy.

    Locking eyes with the woman Sol held his hands up to show he was not an enemy. he started to approach the two but as he did he noticed that the blond child seemed to get scared and the woman then reached for her scythe which made Sol pause and back up a bit " its ok Im sorry Im not a threat, and I mean no harm. my name is Sol and I am the dragon king and I was captured not that long ago." he explained before he took a few steps back so that he would not scare the boy and cause the woman to attack. "who are you two if I may ask?" he questioned trying to get some information.  Meanwhile in another part of the lab a lone scientist was hard at work trying to locate the dragon that had been captured and his eyes were slightly insane if you looked at them. “this creature is amazing, even among his race he is insanely powerful and if we could get our hands on it the results would be amazing” the man seemed to drone on to himself as he looked at a few other monitors and they showed surveillance pictures taken of Yuiisai, Aguya and Sophitia.

    his associates are also just as interesting, especially the females but I suppose that will be a task for a later time and a personal venture.” He added as he smirked a bit before he looked at Sols picture again.”To have the power of the dragon king and the unbridled potential of the dragon race at our fingertips, the thought is intoxicating  well I suppose I should go hunt down our wayward dragon” the man muttered before he sighed and took his coat off of his desk as he ran a hand thru his silver hair to smooth it back and fixed his square glasses  as he walked out of the room while he put his black coat on.  As he emerged from the room he also put on a set of gauntlets which  were solic metal but had joints around the fingers and seemed to be engraved with dragonic ruins that glowed a faint green. As he headed in the direction of where Sol had broken out and his face seemed to gain a demented grin  as he got excited about the potential reward he could get if he caught the dragon again.

    882 wc



    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 17th June 2018, 8:48 am

    His eyes still locked on his own reflection in the small puddle of water on the ground Johann's hands went to his cheeks, the Vice President his fingers wandering over his face in utter disbelief. The shocked expression, however, would have barely any time at all to settle in as a key was placed in the metal lock of the door with a slight creaking sound before being turned, the locking bars snapping out of place audibly. Johann had only a couple seconds, maybe, to decide what to do as the massive door was slowly being pushed open, the man now turned boy dashing to a dark corner and pressing against the wall. His hand instinctively reached for the hilt of his rapier which ... much to his surprise was still in its sheath tied to his belt ? It made no sense. Why would they take his mask but not his equipment ? No matter, now was not the right time to think about that at all. The kid with the white gold hair drew the blade, it felt heavier than before, but he could still comfortably hold it, this was where Johann thanked his father for the daily, harsh training, and so he unsheathed it just as the door swung open, 2 guards with shouldered weapons slowly walking in while a third one took a step back, a keychain in one and a pistol in the other. Since the Vice President had already figured out that his runes still worked perfectly fine he figured it would be worth a try.

    The guards stopped, seemingly confused that Johann was no longer chained and apparently had escaped. This was the perfect moment. With his high pitched, child like voice Johann shouted "Hey !", both guards turning their heads in unison as the runes on the Vice President's body flared up in a hallowed, bright yellow colour, a string of runes along the weapon's blade doing the same. "Iridescent Light !", the verbal command activating the runes effect, producing an enormously bright light, "AHHH" both guards raising their hands up to try and protect themselves from the blinding light "MY EYES !", dropping their weapons, the ethernano guns hitting the ground with two loud thumps as the light retreated to the blade. If there was ever a time to strike it was now. Johann jumped forward at one of them, the guard still blind, and with minor effort on his part, the rapier pierced the man's chest, a groaning gurgle escaping the man before he dropped to the ground. The other one had dropped to his knees and was trying to find his weapon on the ground, fumbling around for a second before his hand met the stock, grasping the weapon, though still blinded. Johann lost no time, and even with this younger version of himself he had retained his enchantments and magic, or more precisely, his enormous speed, zapping forward through the air to take off a part of the guards left and the majority of his right arm in a large swing, screams of pain filling the small cell as flashes from the weapon periodically lit up the room, until, with a strong slash across the guard's rump, everything went silent once more.

    The guard outside the cell, who had witnessed all of this, stared into the darkness of the room from the sparsely lit hallway outside, his trembling right hand pointing the pistol at the doorway. A single, small, red orb lit up and pierced the darkness, streaks of crimson, bloodshot veins all around, enough to freak the guard out "M-Monster !", his finger pulling back the trigger again and again as he fired the weapon, projectile after projectile leaving the weapon with a brief flash of light. Johann responded accordingly, raising the rapier up and deflecting hit after hit with an immeasurably quick strike from his own weapon, the projectiles bouncing off into the darkness, dealing no damage at all. The guard kept pressing the trigger, but the weapon had long overheated, each pull only producing a quiet snapping sound as the hammer hit the gun over and over with no effect, Johann slowly stepping out of the darkness and into the light, lifting up his left arm and pointing a finger at the guard, using his own hands to form a "gun", aiming it straight at the guards head. "Bang", a small, marble sized projectile of extremely compressed air being launched from his fingertip, cleanly penetrating his enemies head and spreading out its contents on the wall behind, the lifeless body of the guard falling limp and sinking to the ground.

    Johann sighed, his hand going to his ear. "Moon, are you there ? Reaper ? Jester, please respond" lowering his hand again as he realized that the connection was gone and he would get no response "Gods dammit". Not only had he no idea what had happened to him, he also didn't know where his comrades were and, most importantly, where he himself was. From the looks of it still in the Cor Torva facility, that much he could guess, but where exactly ? No clue at all. Maybe he should've asked one of the guards for directions before ending them ? He hadn't thought about that at all. Well, too late now. At least he acted according to his mission, and until he would find out what exactly he would do about this whole situation and restore contact to the others he would continue to follow his previous orders.

    Getting accustomed to this new body of his took a little bit of finesse, but it worked pretty well after just a short while, Johann turning a corner in one of the hallways as he stretched, ran, slowed and tried all sorts of things. Well, it wasn't too surprising, it was his own body, after all, all that changed was that it had been reverted back to its 10 year old form. Regardless this would most definitely prove to be a nuisance. Arriving at a large set of steel double doors Johann stopped, staring up at the heavy gate before him, whispering to himself "... I'm really getting tired of all this", feeling the sense of anger swell up within again before pushing one hand forward, an enormous wave of pressure following the motion to rip the doors from their hinges and blow them away to reveal behind them some sort of lab, broken machines, glass and dead bodies littering the ground. The walls were completely broken in places and some kind of ominous, greenish liquid mixed in with traces of blood was visible in puddles on the ground. "So that was all those little explosions earlier, huh ?"

    "There he is ! We found one !", a voice echoed through the sizeable room before, once again, projectiles started flying left and right. About a dozen guards had somehow found their way into this lab of sorts, Johann almost sighing out loud again, ever increasingly growing more impatient and tired with the situation, losing his emotional control partially due to being in a more childlike mindset, partially due to being presented with this pesky situation. Bursting through the air his blade slammed into the side of one of the men, ripping out the weapon with a spout of blood before moving on to the next one, taking them apart one by one by one, adding more bodies and blood to the already stained room around.

    Word Count: 1.250
    Word Count Total: 3.001 / 6.000



    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Cirven 17th June 2018, 3:09 pm

    He had made his way through hallway after hallway and room after room but all he found was guard after guard that did not want to tell him anything as more memories rushed through his mind. The rush of memories caused issues with his consciousness and threw him into moments where he ran off pure instinct like earlier where he attacked guards mercilessly, covering his tracks in the fallen. The entirety of his actions were being watched and monitored by those who ran the facility and even though he had shown how powerful he was over and over again, more guards would be sent his way. In his stupor he could not tell and rationalize that he was being forced into a corner while he was at his weakest. Falling directly into the hands of his enemies that wanted nothing more but to see him lay near death and waiting to fall under their control again.

    He struck down another guard using his claws to do so with what most would be able to only see as a flash of speed. "I have to see her... I have to see if she is okay and I have to apologize.." He spoke out weakly as he leaned his shoulder against a wall while grasping his head. More memories were flooding in. Memories of when he was being trained. The memories of the pain he felt as his fingers and toes were cut off to build up his tolerance to pain to beyond human quality. The times where he was forced to sleep over a magic circle that flooded his mind forcefully with knowledge of battle, strategy, history, techniques, etc so that they could teach him and the others at a much more accelerated rate to become the child assassins known as the 'Family'. He remembered waking up with drool and foam coming out of his mouth while at the age of three or four, feeling barely alive. Finding out the the friends and other kids around him were dead from the over exposure of knowledge forced into their minds. All of this hit him as he used the wall to stay standing from the memories coming to him so quickly. Tears fell from his eyes as he remembered the faces of those who he become friends with who had died and then he remembered the faces of each of the 'Family' members. His breathing became heavier as he remembered them, their quirks and other things about them. "Demi.. Korvin.. Laniiar.. Lanis.. Vés.. Even Naki.." They each meant a lot to him because all they ever had was themselves and they had to protect what they had. They had to protect their family.

    His stumbling across the wall was stopped as he saw a guard who was running through the halls in fear. The sight somehow brought him back to reality from the deepest parts of his own mind. Along with him returning to his senses a bit he caught the scent of someone near him. Someone he had just remembered very well. He followed the scent after regaining his footing and being able to walk without the help of the wall. His mind still had memories coming back to him but none of it was as strong as they were earlier. He moved to an entrance of a room where he heard voices with the scents of other he knew inside of it too. The other scents were not his priority at this point at all though and he quickly turned the corner into the entrance where he saw her finally. "D-Demi!" He yelled out. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't want any of that to happen to you! It was all my fault that you were put in the hellish place.. All my fault!" He yelled out more with watery eyes as he had succumbed to the emotion that he was feeling. Something his child self was not able to control well along with other things. "Demi, I' saying.. I'm saying this because lo-" His sentence was cut off as a shining greenish rock pierced through the side of his neck like some sort of snake-like spear and then picked him up into the air. He tried to speak but his ability to do so was prevented by the vicious attack that was done to him. "De..Mi.." He managed to get out but the greenish rock substance enveloped him quickly, making him look like some sort of emerald-like sculpture of himself before pulling him away from the entrance of the door and down the hall. The greenish rock moved through the hallway like some sort of snake as it carried the impaled Cirven through the hallways until arriving at a intersecting corridor with four paths coming together where Unerlin held out her hand that was connected to the snake-like rock. She pulled the rock out of the young devil's neck and smiled at her work. "It is a shame that we could not simply fight when you were in better condition, Trase. It is such a waste but soon you will have everything you know and love taken from you again and will be replaced with new things to love and new motivations. Maybe we will fight then, hm?" She spoke to him in a one sided conversation. Next to her was a test tube that some guards were standing next to. Unerlin snapped her fingers and the guards quickly grabbed Cirven and placed him inside of the test tube, placing the head gear on him, closing it and turning it on surrounding the young devil in a liquid. "A place fit for soon to be reborn experiment." Unerlin smiled at Cirven while the emerald substance started to disperse from his body. Leaving him floating in the tube unconscious. The guards then took started to move Cirven as a dimensional hole was opened up in front of them and they started to cart Cirven into it with Unerlin behind them.

    How He looks:



    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Ruvel 18th June 2018, 2:54 pm

    Ruvel continued to walk down the corridor holding onto the taller, albino woman's hand though with how short his leg were he was almost jogging. "Demi, zhael gaelr, si yor raeq taad ud." he whispered making Demi look back to him, she understood that the pace was hard for him but at the same time they couldn't afford to slow down or they would be a target for any amount of guards inside the facility. She knew the last thing they needed was to come across a member of family as it would come to blows, she wouldn't be able to concentrate on the fight as she would be worrying on her younger summoner and the possibility of him being harmed. She bit her lip though he wouldn't be able to see it shaking her head showing that they couldn't slow down. She wanted to tell him what was going on but knew for a fact that he wouldn't understand a single word that came out of her mouth, she actually picked up her pace making the small Ruvel stumble rubbing his eyes as he was ready to cry. This kind of thing was hard on his smaller weaker self, on seeing a youth they didn't know Demi pulled Ruvel behind her and took her scythe from her back and with ease swung it at the young male in front of him "Identify yourself or I will kill you." her tone showing she wasn't fooling around at the moment, her ruby orbs quickly glancing back to Ruvel to make sure he was still close.

    She could see him stop the moment that she moved for her weapon, his hand moving as if to surrender but that meant nothing to her in this place. She knew the tricks, she had been taught them herself and so took nothing at face value. When she heard his name she lowered her scythe a bit so not as threatening but still on guard enough that if anything happened she would still be able to take it out. "My name is Demi, this is Rui." she said introducing them both, Ruvel blinked hearing Sol's name his dual coloured eyes going wide "Sol!" he called out looking up to Demi "Yoq's aera aem ya iyriki, s'oq yentair qae za zued sowa yentair qae yaz qaeae. Dnaexchz iz si gaer'q trael s'oq sa's tinguus oth I trael sa's raeq kampi'unin za." he said to the one that was defending him "He said that you are one of the others he was with, that what happened to him must have happened to all of us. The problem is he doesn't understand what your saying to him and you can't understand him." she said giving the translation "Don't think about using me as a translator I only understand his native tongue, I can't speak it though my cousins can." she explained to him so he knew the deal. "Would you happen to know where Trase is? I only ask because I want to kill him for causing this." he voice emotionless as she spoke that sentence "He was always a damned trouble maker." she added to the end, but then that was one of the things she liked about him but right now wasn't something to be thinking on.

    She was about to continue walking to try find Cirven and Johann when a familiar energy echoed through the halls making her take pause her scythe going back on her back as she heard her name being called "Trase!" she called out noticing he was in bad shape starting to run over her hand letting go of Ruvel's knowing that he was safe at least for a short time with the other being around. She held her hands open like she was about to hug him but at the last moment punched him "You clown! Taking him here what the hell where you thinking?! You know they don't play fair especially to us!" tears started falling from her eyes and rolling down her snow white cheeks as she moved to hug him "Thought we agreed never to apologise to each other you fool." she cried into his neck but pulled back hearing him take the blame for her being transferred to the facility only to shake her head "I went against the rules, I defended and protected you... I took the punishment because you are my family... It was the correct course of action!" she yelled at him, she couldn't bare to think of a world without him in it even now. She stopped hearing him speak her eyes going wide as she heard his words "This is not the time for th-" her words were cut off as she watched the events unfold her blood orbs glowing in anger as a black and royal purple colour aura came off her.

    "Demi, esaeu raph qae yohz gaelr, esaeu'll gaednaees ya k'oya!" Ruvel called out shaking, he was visibly afraid at seeing her like this, it had been the first time ever and didn't know what to expect but knew it wasn't anything good. "What I have planned Rui." she said back not translating what had been said for Sol, she started to run after the emerald statue of Cirven as she grabbed the scythe from her back. "We aren't puppets anymore! Get it through your head Unerlin!" she said with a tone as cold as death, but was only met with chuckling from the woman she was yelling at "How much you seem to have forgotten, don't worry we'll remedy that and send the god back home. He's nor ready yet." she said with a almost gloat filled tone only making Demi's rage worse which was never good as when angry at that age she often made mistakes that where costly to her and the family she was a member of, that being said it also made her unpredictable and dangerous. "Let Trase go!" she called bringing her scythe down but only to stop as the emerald statue of Cirven was put in front of her "Aww, you care for him so if you don't want him to be a pile of emerald rubble on the floor deal with the threat and bring the god through the portal like a good little girl." she laughed once more the patronising tone of the other woman's voice making her clench the rod of her scythe tightly as she turned to look at Sol "I won't apologise, it's you or him and there's no contest for me." she explained looking to Ruvel moving her hand beckoning him over. Ruvel not knowing what was going on made his way over to her on shaky legs, tears flowing like waterfalls. The moment that Ruvel was out of harms way she swung her scythe an arc of black energy coming free of it aimed at Sol, Unerlin grabbing Ruvel's arm dragging him with her through the portal. He ran to the test tube banging on it "Cirven! Cirven!" he cried out trying to get him to do something "Esaeu're stronger yor yiz, miksq iq!" he cried continuing to bang his hands against the glass even though he was doing nothing, he tried not to pay attention to the woman behind him laughing at his futile attempts to save the one he looked up to.

    Word Count: 1'228
    Total Word Count: 4'501



    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Sol 24th June 2018, 12:05 am

    Sol heard what Demi said and thankfully before she could get violent at all it seemed the Blond child recognized him though he was a bit confused, Demi referred to him as Rui and then also asked if he had seen Trase and since he had joined the company the dragon had never heard either of those names. She then explained that  he was one of the childs allies that came here but the problem was that both of them could not understand one another. “alright I understand I wont ask to translate but as far as someone named Trase goes I don’t know someone by that name or if I do it is by another name” the VP explained before he relized he could feel his magic again and he quickly reached into his shadow portals and pulled out his shotguns while they moved thru the facility trying to find the remainder of the group.
    When Demi rushed forward Sol made sure he stayed with Ruvel in order to keep him safe and they managed to catch up rather quickly. He then escorted Ruvel as quick as he could to where Demi had run to but unfortunately it seemed that Cirven or Trase as Demi called him was now caught and the woman who caught him was  mocking Demi. Sol narrowed his eyes when the woman ordered her to kill him or Cirven would become a pile of rubbles and he pointed his guns at her.”I don’t blame you but at the same time I cannot let you kill me not when I have people to protect” he said as he quickly rolled out of the way of the arc of energy and he quickly started to fire his shotguns at Demi making sure to angle it so Ruvel was not a target. However at one point he moved to fire and suddenly his arm froze and he could pull the trigger.” My My your are rather violent aren’t you “ the man in glasses said as he appeared from behind Sol and he had a hand outstretched with glowing green dragonic ruins shining on his gauntlets. “how is this possible?” Sol demanded as he suddenly backstepped to dodge a swipe from Demis scythe.

    its rather simple these gauntlets allow me to control the bodies of those with dragon blood in them. Though you’re a very tough cookie that’s for sure” the man said while Sol gritted his teeth.”Human what is your name so I know what to put on your tombstone” he asked as the man smirked.”You may call me Xersus and once we get your power the others in your home are next” he explained while he pointed at Sol again and caused him to freeze and  he bearly managed to avoid a slash from Demi that grazed his chest lightly. He growled as his eyes started to bleed red in anger.”You will leave them alone they have done nothing wrong” Sol snarled at the man while simple  pushed his glasses up and gave him a bored look. “that irrelevant the abilitys they have are too good to not obtain for our organization” he said as he created three lacrima screens before he smirked and shut two of them leaving a picture of Yuiisai up and made it a bit larger.

    she is especially interesting perhaps  Ill be allowed to experiment on her personally after I am done with with you” he taunted as he gained a devious on his face as Sol felt his anger skyrocket before something in him broke as he let his gaze hit the floor.  Xersus took advantage of this and held out his arms to use his gauntlets magic to hold Sol still before Demi would bring her scythe  down and try to cut Sol in two. Sol however would suddenly bring his guns up and managed to block the strike to the surprise of  Xersus.”H..how I have you completely frozen” he said before Sol responded to Demis strike before in a sudden surprising burst of speed and strength  the dragon  shot forward  before he suddenly knocked the scythe away with his guns and he dropped one before he would drive his fist into Demis ribs so hard he would send her  skidding across the floor  and just short of bouncing of the metal floor like a stone. It was then that he raised his gaze and to Xersus surprise Sols eyes were pitch black with a  narrow red slit in them. Poison and shadow started to swirl around his body as his marking on his body appeared and glowed vibrant blue as he looked at Xersus who was still in shock as Sol approached slowly. To Xersus Sol did not seem normal he was much more intent on killing him for some reason but Sols calm exterior was  very unnerving. “

    His expression was calm but it was eerie as the dragon spoke to Demi.”Your not a threat to them  stay out of my way or I will not show mercy “ he said his tone cold and calm as Xersus took a step back. “this is impossible.. you should be at the mercy of my gauntlets power how is it you can move!” the twisted scientist  uttered before Sol kept up his approach and he stared at the with those eerie black eyes.”I am the dragon king Sol Terumi, Son of Ballom the Poison dragon and Successor to Acnologia  no man creature or spirit can command me” Sol said as he shot forward and struck Xersus across the face so hard that the man felt his jaw break as he got up from his spot after he stopped bouncing off the floor and  he stood while his gauntlets got even brighter from the runes glow.”You threatened my precious people and to keep them safe I will do what I must even snuffing out the candle of your pathetic soul you useless scrap of flesh” Sol declared his tone still soft and calm which combined with the words made him even more frightening. This was the monster that Lurked inside of the dragon king, this was the monster that killed and enjoyed it and savored every bit of agony it could put a person thru.

    3251/6000 words



    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 25th June 2018, 3:09 pm

    His rapier went straight through the man's throat like through butter, a horrible gurgle echoing through the laboratory as the last of the guards was struck down by Johann's blade, the Vice President pulling it from the bleeding wound with a metallic scrape, the lifeless body of the man collapsing onto the ground, they heavily breathing Johann standing in the motionless remains of the group of guards he had just killed, one after the other. "This might be a problem after all, looks like I don't have my regular stamina ...", Johann coughed out as he managed to, with some finesse and effort, sheath the blade to his side, the weapon being somewhat larger than what he was used to. Annoyed and angry he walked off to investigate this place a little closer, nothing wrong with trying to find more information on what exactly was being played here, especially since he had been brought back to a more ... youthful form. After a good few minutes of inspecting those burst tanks and bloody remains, some of them seemingly guards, some of them the contents of these large fluid tanks, Johann came to no conclusion. He figured that all of this was some sort of experiment done by Neo Cor Torva on the unfortunate souls that were now not so alive anymore, but what exactly were the parameters of these experiments and, perhaps most importantly, the end results, remained enigmatic. In any case, he couldn't linger around for too much longer, perhaps his youthful curiosity had had him bound to this place for too long already, and he still had a mission to fulfil, apart from the troubles of losing the others and being turned into a kid.

    Walking through a burst open set of steel doors Johann starred down into another dimly lit hallway, a flickering neon light sporadically giving off a slight buzz above as he walked along the concrete floor, the rapier on his side at the ready, but apart from a slight rumbling of the ground every now and then, there was nothing that warranted drawing the weapon. "Ruvel ... Cirven ... Sol. What is going on here ? Where are you guys ?". This place was a maze of hallways and doors, and he had trouble navigating the place, his senses apparently not as refined, not as trained as they were before, heading for the source of this tumult and noise, hoping to find answers to his questions, opening a small passageway through a steel door, walking up a st of stairs and around a corner into a wider hallway, freezing in place as he laid eyes on the sight before him. About 20 armed guards, one rank kneeling and another rank standing up behind them, had their weapons trained directly on him, seemingly as if they had known where exactly the boy would appear ... as if they had known ? "Please, No, please don't let it be him". It would be a complete and utter disaster at worst and terrible at best, especially after Cirven's orders to under no circumstances kill members of the "family". Not only that, Johann remembered Cirven saying something along the lines of "if you kill any of my family I won't hold back" when he had delved into the old man's memory after what had happened with Yona, reminiscing the speech he had given back on the airship Johann couldn't help but wonder if Vés, the member of Cor Torva with the peculiar ability of enhanced clairvoyance and insight that Johann had met on a previous job with the other keepers and the GM was still family for the CEO in more than just name ... . Additionally, there was also Demi, one of Ruvel's summons, who had threatened him should he ever lose control near Cirven or Ruvel ... and he couldn't exactly guarantee a calm mind with the Cor Torva assassin. There were so many things about the man that just irritated Johann to no end, the tiny, flickering flame of anger and hate in his chest bursting into an inferno even thinking about his arrogance, his personality, the way he had toyed with his underlings, the subtle, cruel nature that cherished violence and domination. He despised it.

    But, naturally, fate is a cruel mistress, and so it happened that, between the parting lines of defense comprised of Cor Torva guards walked forward a man with black hair, red eyes, wearing heavy body armor, yet still dressed in his usual, elegant clothing. Vés of Neo Cor Torva, member of the group that Cirven referred to as the "Family". Johann couldn't help but curse inwardly. "Well, if that isn't our Wolf ... although right now you seem to resemble a pup more than anything ? What's wrong, looking for the others ?", the words ringing in the Vice Presidents ears as the familiar voice echoed through the hallways of this facility, his fury gripping his mind tightly "No, I have to get away from him and out of here, NOW", but before he had even finished this thought of his, before he had even made a move Vés began speaking again "Nuh uh uh, I wouldn't do that if I was you. You know, if you're looking for your friends, they're right behind me, just down the hallway, but beware, we have Cirven. If you run away then a few ... bad things might happen to him, and you wouldn't want that, would you, little Johann", Vés speaking the Vice Presidents real name for the first time accompanied by a smug laugh, infuriating the old man turned youth even more than he already was. Of course, Vés wasn't exactly too much truthful in his words, but his opponent wasn't one for reading the others mind and playing games like the Cor Torva mage who seemed visibly amused by the circumstances of their meeting. Johann wasn't sure if he could hold it together when confronted with the mockery of Vés, his hands forming cramped claws as he stared into the red, calculating orbs fixed on his own eyes. He had to get to the others somehow and regroup, help Cirven, and get the hell out of here without getting too rough on the member of the Family. Then on the other hand he couldn't be sure how this form of his would hold up against Vés, but no matter how many times he thought this through in his head, he ended back at the same solution. He had no other choice. His right hand gripping the hilt of his rapier tightly he offered the mage of Neo Cor Torva and his underlings a simple reply, the command for the runes to do his will, to mold into a shape that would help him with his plan. "Suscitatio", both his eyes turning black, glowing, crimson red pupils surrounded by bloodshot veins in their middle.

    Word Count: 1.154
    Word Count Total: 4.155 / 6.000



    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Cirven 26th June 2018, 8:20 pm

    The now young devil was in and out of consciousness. He could hear bits and pieces of the words being spoken out around him but he did not have the energy or strength to move or try talking back. Air bubbles would float out from near his mouth as he heard any words being spoken, showing that he was responsive but it was all he could do. "We aren't puppets anymore! Get it through your head Unerlin!" A familiar female voice spoke out causing his mind to trail into another memory. A memory where he felt as if he was being held up and manipulated by some strings over parts of his body to the whim of some type of masters. Death after death, life after life;none of it mattered then. All that mattered was they did what they were told in order to save each other. His consciousness returned a bit as he heard another voice that spoke directly to him this time. "Cirven! Cirven! Esaeu're stronger yor yiz, miksq iq!" A younger boy's voice spoke to him that was not exactly familiar to him at all. He managed to open up his one uncovered eye and could make out a blonde haired child in front of him that he did not recognize at all but reminded him of another time again.


    "Fight me!" A blonde haired boy yelled at a blue haired boy with dual colored eyes. "Show me what the others are so scared of! I want to experience your power!" The blue haired boy scoffed at the other boy and started to walk away but was grabbed by the wrist. "I won't let you go! Unless you want me to hurt the others again...?" The young Cirven turned his head and used his red eye to glare into the other boy's face. "You will not hurt any of them... You aren't strong enough.." He then snatched his arm away from the boy and continued walking away. Cirven figured that would be it. The new boy that had joined them was just some newbie who had survived their training but he was nothing compared to who they were;the ones who had already completed mission after mission while having survived more and more training sessions. If only things could have gone that way.

    The next day had the new blonde boy sparring against Vés who in sparring sessions always had a advantage with his clairvoyance ability. Something was different with this boy though. He quickly overwhelmed Vés and disarmed him with continued strikes from a sword that he had summoned from out of a magical dimension. Each were a greenish color and made from rocky material. More blades formed out from dimensional pockets near the boy and around Vés. "Remember my name! Remember codename, BL4D3, Taisun!" The blades were about to move towards Vés when a boot came across the face of Taisun that stopped the spell and caused the blades to disperse. Taisun was sent tumbling across the ground but managed to roll onto his feet and look up towards Cirven who was helping Vés up. A smile came onto Taisun's face as he pushed himself up from the ground. "Do you see my power now? Do you see that these others are just fodder for me to toy with until I get bored of them?!" Cirven locked eyes with Taisun after helping Vés up and away. He shook his head. "I used to be like you. I used to think my power was everything but I found out that somethings were worth much more. I won't fight you. But-" Cirven's eyes started to glow a orange color. "-If you do something like this again. I will kill you." The atmosphere completely changed in the room as he gave the threat and Taisun stumbled back a bit from the sight. It was the first time he had seen something like that. Not even in the forced history training they went through at night had he seen something like this or felt something like it. His chest was beating harshly but he knew he wanted to fight the devil boy. He needed to.

    A day went by with the typical things happening until later when Taisun took up sparring with Demiari. The sparring went with both seemingly equal in skill and power even with Demiari gaining the upper hand a few times but Taisun kept up the fight against her until her. He would eventually lose against her after a quick succession of attacks from the scythe she loved to use so much. Taisun would attack Demiari in a fit of rage for losing, cutting a sword across her back. Taisun smiled at his handy work. Cirven who was watching the fight did not waste a second and charged Taisun with his claws out. Taisun just managed to block a strike at his throat. "Finally want to fight me, huh?" Taisun spoke but only received a another attack aimed directly to a vital spot on his body again. Cirven did not give any words to the other boy he now found a way to detest. He only aimed to kill him in a fit of rage. Taisun managed to block and dodge attack after attack and before Cirven could get him he summoned multiple portals around the devil boy and unleashed multiple blades that skewered the child's body. "Die! You are nothing! I am everything!" Taisun yelled out as the blades erupted through his opponent's body. Something unexpected happened though; Cirven kept moving towards him. "Wh-what?" Taisun threw another sword at his opponent but it was quickly deflected. Cirven suddenly disappeared and before Taisun could react his head was grabbed by the devil's hand and slammed into the ground with a surge of electricity rushing through him that caused him to go numb all over. Cirven used his claws to tear into Taisun over and over until a sudden attack hit his head and caused him to be sent into a nearby wall, leaving Lucian standing over the now dead Taisun. "Trase.. You have broken the rules and are now an enemy of the 'family'. An enemy of us. I'm sorry.."


    You know what? I don't care what happens anymore. Unerlin spoke out and grinned. "I want to fight that devil but he needs a little incentive to fight back, doesn't he? I wonder if you will be enough..." Unerlin let out a barrage of large emerald spikes towards Ruvel in order to try and kill him but just before the spikes could hit him someone appeared between the child and the spikes; them taking the attack instead. "Not today, bitch.." A young Korvin stood in front of Ruvel after shielding him from the attack. "Are you okay... Ru-" She tried to speak but fell to the ground as the pain got to her.

    Cirven snapped out of his memory as he remembered the pieces of the past that lead him and Demiari to where they were now. His one uncovered eye opened to see a familiar face of a young girl just as she fell to the ground from her injuries. Bubbles aggressively started to come out around him in the tank of liquid. Unerlin smiled and then let loose another attack of emerald shards towards Ruvel but before as the shards flew out a swirl of fire erupted out around the tank, Ruvel and the downed Korvin that easily deflected the attack. The flames dispersed to reveal a new adult-like form that the devil was in. He stood in front of Ruvel and Korvin. He put out his hand and a white dome of flame went out around both Ruvel and Korvin. The dome would heal them of any injuries they had while protecting them. "What did you do...?" He spoke to Unerlin who looked at amazed to see Cirven in such a form after being changed into a child. "How are you in an adult form now? You should be stuck in the form of a child from the spell we cast on you!?" Cirven did not care at all about what the woman had just said. "That was not what I asked." He put out his hand towards the woman and shot out multiple spears of black electricity towards her that she managed to block through a emerald shield that she summoned in front of her to block her face and upper body. "That type of attack won't work on me! I am the one who helped create you after all! I will be the one who will kill you too!" Cirven shook his head. "Idiot." Unerlin would look down to her leg and see that one of the spears had stabbed through. The spears quickly dispersed. "This is not just some regular fight. I will kill you here and will not show you any remorse, Unerlin. I don't care who you are or were or if you want some sort of revenge for your son, Taisun. I'll you here. Rules or not, simple as that."



    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
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    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
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    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Ruvel 28th June 2018, 1:11 pm

    Demi blinked hearing at the words of the other wondering just how she couldn't know the one she worked under, then she remembered that she called Cirven by his name within their 'family'; it was a habit for her and it wasn't one that was about to leave regardless if it was a painful memory for them both. "The one you know as Cirven, I call Trase as this is his name within our family as messed up as that is." she said with a sigh in the hopes to make things clearer for him, she would have thought him an idiot but this had the first time they had met each other so it could be forgiven. "The one I call Rui is the one you call Ruvel. I rather you didn't call him that though, as Ruvel means cursed moon, it's cruel." she said looking to Ruvel making sure he was still nearby and safe, that was until the whole issue with Cirven and Unerlin. She hated the bitch with a passion and in the reaper's opinion her son got exactly what he deserved, the members of 'Family' were the best of the best. Designed and warped into the weapons they now had become from the moment they drew their first breaths. He had boasted that he was the best within their unit, that he could defeat the rest of them at the top of their games; that they weren't allowed to hold back or he'd make up some stupid reason for them to be punished. At that age she and Cirven weren't known as the most stable when pushed against a wall or overly emotional, so they'd never hold back at that point and as expected it was fatal.

    Cirven was a victim of the idiot that died due to breaking rules and yet he was beaten to the near point of death. She had used her own body as a shield taking what would have been the fatal blow from their eldest brother. She then had to take a beating of her own for interfering all the while being reminded of the rules. That he was now her enemy and the enemy of her family. She took each hit not bothering to fight back, she knew it would be pointless to fight against their eldest brother; after all he was created to shut each of their abilities down. During the whole time her punishment was taking place she remembered that she made no sound, it would have just made it worse for her; still she had reached her hand towards Cirven but he was just out of her reach. She wanted to tell him to fight for his survival, that it wasn't his fault what had happened to her or to him but it had all turned fuzzy then black. When she opened her eyes once more she found herself in place she didn't recognise. The first thing she heard was that was broken so no longer worthy of being with the family she grew with, that Trase was gone. She remembered just how heartbroken she had been after receiving the news of his death, how she just wished for death to take her so they could be reunited; but before long she was partnered with the one that would later become her summoner. This gave her a new reason to live and over the years she seemingly forgot the one who was most important to her. Now she wondered if it was her trying to protect her memories of him or if it was the experiments and drugs trying to make her more malleable to there wants that made her forget him. Regardless she now remembered him and these all of people all had things to answer for and she sure as hell would make them answer them.

    Demi looked at her opponent as he aimed his guns at her, his words bringing her out of her own mind, she knew that people normally glared when in danger but that was beneath her. She had faced stronger opponents that him and been through hell twice after all, then there was the fact that Cirven had been her regular sparring partner and they did aim to kill each other. She let out a small chuckle as she remembered how it always ended, in a tie with them so exhausted and sore that they could barely breath let alone move. Even if it was hell it was more bearable in her mind because they could lean on each other for support, a support system that was taken from them both because of the whispers of grandeur in ear of an over confident child by their sick in the head mother. In one day three people had been killed all because of one bitch scientist who once again was pulling their strings. "Look, Sol is it?" she began calmly "Where you play at being 'Reaper', I'm the real deal so fight with everything you have or I will kill you." her scythe moved into a ready position as she moved forward slowly "I understand wanting to protect those close to you, but I have a duty to Rui and I refuse to lose Trase for a second time. This is nothing personal." with that she had began her onslaught against her now would be opponent that should have been her ally, all because she couldn't bare the thought of losing those she held dear again.

    She paid little attention as another person at first stepped out or that the the two seemed have business, the only thing that mattered was to her right now was that Sol had to die. During one of her strikes she got a chance to see who it was "Rhul, lose your ability to fight fairly?" she asked in a mocking tone, she remembered him from the earliest of her training but where he was unfit to be in family it seemed he had some usefulness to Cor Torva and had survived where others had been killed. She wanted to fill Sol in but what was the point of wasting her breath on a dead man? As she went in for her next strike however something seemed to change in her opponent, the one she knew as Rhul seemed to have pushed the wrong button allowing Sol to get within her defences and hit at her side hard enough that she heard at least one of her ribs crack while making her slide back a few feet. "Nice hit, it'll cost you though." the hit had seemingly not phased her as she stood once more and dashed towards Sol as if she was unharmed. With a single swipe from right to left across Sol's chest cutting it open enough to make it bleed but not fatal she looked at him with almost sad eyes "Thanks for playing, I'll take care of those you love and tell them you died honourably as a warrior." as she said that her scythe moved the tip of it on Sol's jugular as she was about to deal the finishing blow unaware what was happening where the others where.

    Ruvel kept his eyes on Cirven continuing to bang at the glass calling his name while tears fell, he guessed that he looked so different and that because he couldn't speak like he once did, the other wouldn't recognise him so pushed his left wrist at the glass while still pounding with his right. Even though barely disable his guild mark still showed through his glow hoping that would explain who he was to the other. It was then he heard a woman's voice and turned around though had no idea who she was or what she was saying, but by the tone alone he could tell it wasn't good. His eyes went wide as he seen emerald spikes aiming for him, he brought his hands up in the hopes to protect himself from what was coming his way. His mind wasn't being rational but acting on the instincts of a child, just as he was about to be hit a portal opened and a younger Korvin walked out quickly running in front of Ruvel "Not today bitch!" She said creating a shield to defend them, The shield protected against most of them but due to the weakened form of Ruvel a few managed to get through piercing Korvin's flesh. "Are you okay.. Ru-" she tried to get the rest out but her breathing was laboured due to her lungs being punctured "KORVIN!" Ruvel screamed out falling to his knees crawling over to her fallen body glowing tears falling like starlight as he looked to her shaking her hoping to keep her conscious not understanding why she would do it. He cared nothing of the other woman, he had resigned himself to the fact that he created nothing but pain to those around him, he believed that perhaps this woman would do the universe a favour and kill him. Hearing the yelling Demi ran into the room to see her downed little sister, Ruvel trying to help her, Cirven inside a healing tube and Unerlin throwing another attack.

    Before she could say or do anything Cirven had broken free showing a form that she had only seen once before, when they pushed passed their limitations and both got to a new stage, a stage they kept hidden from everyone. It was their secret one now that seemed to be blown. "Trase what the hell are you thinking?!" she called to him though she knew it was useless at current, in these 'ascended' forms they were single minded in their actions. She was about to say something else when something gleamed just at the corner of her eye "Don't even think about it, he's not the enemy of our family." she warned Laniiar, he had never been the enemy of family she closed her eyes connecting to each member of family like she had when they where younger 'I think it's about time you all got the real story of what happened the day Taisun was killed.' she sent forgetting just how tiring this was but it was needed. 'On that day I was sparing with Taisun as I was the one designated, he managed for the most part to keep up with me but I kept getting the upper hand... as was expected I eventually won.' she continued allowing the memories of the day to seep into each of them so they would know that she was telling them the truth 'As you know when sparring is finished no fighting within family is permitted, it's a punishable offence but Taisun threw a tantrum because he lost...' her hands clenched around her scythe 'He attacked me while my back was turned doing serious injury, I had my daily sparring with Trase right afterwards so was getting a drink and my capsule to replenish my spent energy when it happened. Yes, Trase attacked Taisun and yes, he killed him but we were 'ALL' taught that to attack our family made you an enemy and that, that enemies had to be eliminated.' her hands had clenched so tightly now that blood was seeping from her hands  'Taisun broke the rules when he attacked me outside of training! He became a traitor and an enemy of our family in that instant! Trase done exactly as we had been taught as did I and we were both labelled as enemies to our family! WE DONE NOTHING WRONG! WE BROKE NO RULES AND WHERE PUNISHED!' she sent to them all the feeling of betrayal and anger would easily be felt by each 'How can you really follow those who broke our rules? Who would punish us without knowing the whole story? Tell me!' blood tears would be seen in her eyes 'I mean we were also taught that the gods had a comfortable life, I was part of the 'gods' world and I can tell you if you thought we had it bad you're deluded! To add to that Unerlin just attacked one.. not once but twice almost killing Korvin in the first attack!' she sent one of her bloodied hands going to her head as she felt the strain 'So are you going to continue being puppets on strings to the ones who mean to harm and use us or are you going to break free of them and attack the true enemy of our family so we can be together again?' she sent to them now going silent allowing the others to take in everything she had said and showed, she could see the tip of the arrow falling 'Is... Is this true?' Laniiar was the first to speak even her mental voice was shaken to the reveal of what was now brought to light.

    Word Count: 2'152
    Total Word Count: 6'653

    (Word count met)


    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
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    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
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    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Sol 29th June 2018, 12:36 am

    Sols eyes widened a bit when Demi explained who Trase was which to him was Cirven and then told him that Ruvels actually name was Rui and that the name Ruvel ment Cursed Moon. “I did not know the only name I heard him called was Ruvel but now that I know I will call him Rui” he said . when they started fighting Demi told him that she understood his reasons for wanting to live but she also explained her own and said that this was not personal Sol simply kept firing at her with his shotguns trying to keep her away from close range.” I understand and the same goes for me this is not personal” he said as he kept firing at her. Once he had entered the state of deathrage Sol was single mindedly focused on killing Xersus or Rhul as Demi had called him and the slightly insane man seemed to take offense to her words.”Nothing wrong with using what you have to in order to win its how I managed to survive “ he grunted. Sol had turned his back to Demi when she had spoke so when she suddenly spoke and rushed him he was unprepared for when she suddenly managed to bring her scythe across his chest and she hit right across his upper chest and toxic blood suddenly splattered the walls as Sol suddenly hit his knees.

    Even in his dark state Sol was stunned as he coughed up dark blood as the wound poured blood and he suddenly went from calm to glaring up at Demi murderously even when she pointed her scythe at his throat and he heard her words.”You better you allow them to come to harm and I will never rest until I see you dragged to hell with me” he threatened his tone low but menacing. However before Demi could land the final blow something seemed to gain her attention and she ran to help Ruvel and Cirven. As she left Sol suddenly hit the ground seemingly passed out to which Rhul started to laugh even thru his jaw pain. “Hahaha even the mighty dragon king falls before us! I guess you were not as tough as you made yourself out to” he stopped as he suddenly saw one of Sols arms shoot forward and his fingers were now wicked claws and the dug into the metal of the floor and cut thru it like it was butter as the other arm shot forward and suddenly Sol lifted himself up and Rhul was about ready to start sweating in terror. Sols eyes were still black and the red slits were locked on him as he had his mouth open and it was revealed that he had two sets of razor sharp fangs in his mouth and his eyes were void of any emotion other then bloodlust.

    Sol then suddenly shot himself forward with his arms and landed right on Rhuls chest and his toxic blood poared from his wound and onto the mans chest while the blood hissed and ate at the clothing due to the strength of it.”do not mock the dragon king you will regret it and not im going to make you suffer puny human” he said as Rhul suddenly gasped as the pain from the poison touching his skin kicked in.”ow ow get off me GET OFF ME!” he screamed as he balled one of his gauntlet covered hands up and started to punch Sol in the face before after three punches Sol suddenly surprised the man by opening his mouth and catching the fist with his fangs before he suddenly tore his head to the side and ripped all of Rhuls fingers off on his right hand, Sol then spit them out and he went from calm to suddenly sprouting a grin that threatened to split his face.”Your bloods disgusting your not even worth eating but I think its time I see just what makes you tick” he said his tone going from calm to demented and almost playful.

    Sol then took his claws and started to scratch gashes into the mans chest using one claw at a time while Rhul screamed out in agony.” Ah that sound that beautiful sound scream more for me. Scream until you go silent” he said as he used his claws to pry the gashes open and make them bigger. All the while the blood he was losing was pouring into the mans wounds and he was feeling his body burn up from the poison in his system.”God make it end make it AHHHH” Rhul started to beg before Sol suddenly decided to shove his claws into the mans eye socket and ripped the eyeball out while he made sure to leave rough jagged wounds in the mans eye hole. Sol looked at the eye with a grin before he then pointed the eye at him with spoke.” Heres looking at you human how does it feel to get a good look at your own face” he said mockingly before he tossed the eye behind him before he then cracked his fingers and got his claws ready as Rhul was bordering on life and death and in one last act of defiance he spit right in Sols face. The dragon slowly brought a hand up beforehe triggered his poison in the mans body to burn and Rhuls eye widened before he released an earsplitting scream as his body suddenly turned black before he turned to dust and ash as his body broke down from the poison. However now that he had finished his opponent he was still bleeding profusely and he had no way of stopping it, he put a hand on the wall as he moved in the direction that Demi Cirven and Ruvel were in and he pressed a hand to his wound as he felt his movements getting sluggish. He bearly managed to round the corner and catch sight of Demi and the others before he hit his knees and could only focus on not bleeding to death.

    4272/6000 WC


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 1st July 2018, 12:36 pm

    A deeply red, crimson aura of magical energy flared up around the childlike form of Johann, his two black, trembling eyes locked on Vés. He had no choice. He had to fight his way through, eliminate the guards and take the first opportunity that presented itself to make an escape towards the others. He knew he was outclassed like this, and he knew it would be difficult to escape Vés at all with the man's abilities, but he had to try. He just had to. It was certainly not an optimal situation, and he would rather have avoided fighting the Neo Cor Torva assassin completely, but he had to help Cirven. If Vés was true in what he was saying Ruvel, Sol and Cirven would all be in danger, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing any of them. He had lost enough family, enough friends for a lifetime. He would charge his opponents and hope for the best. Before Johann could do even as much as move a muscle, though, Vés opened his mouth. As expected, the black haired male had foreseen the Vice President's actions. "Fire". Johann bit his lip, drawing his rapier as the guards simultaneously all fired their weapons, a hail of projectiles raining down on the young VP.

    Where Johann wasn't sure what to do, today it was Vés who was intent on eliminating his target with the same hatred that Johann held. Ever since he had stumbled over the Vice President of the West Fiore Trading Company and Keeper of Onyx Moon on the streets of Hargeon he held nothing but disdain for the other's perceived arrogance, presuming he could hold himself against his future sight ability. In his opinion, Johann was nothing more than a busybody who managed to land a lucky hit on him. Another reason why he despised Johann. Only very few people outside the family actually managed to keep up with him and his abilities that, beside future sight and clairvoyance, included his transmutation magic, but the old man had somehow exploited a window and launched him off his feet and through a building. He had broken a rib in the process, and while his tolerance for pain had been altered so much that it had proven to be an annoyance at best, Johann was exactly that to Vés: an annoyance. He couldn't help but wonder what Trase had been thinking making him one of his direct subordinates. In his mind the other had been a role model, something to chase after, something inspiring, until the day he had betrayed the family by killing one of them. As much as Vés had hated Taisun for what he was, an annoying show-off with a disgusting personality, he had still been a part of their "family", and Cirven had overstepped his boundaries when he had killed him in cold blood. Or at least that was what he was told by the others. It's not like they were his real family, he had been taken from them due to what he was born as, an Oracle, but they were all he had. A part of him was hurting, hurting that the man who was calling himself "Cirven" now had abandoned them, hurting that he surrounded himself with a new family, but Vés was still loyal to his own family, and he was convinced that Trase could be brought back, too. The others ? As far as he was concerned they should be eliminated, but the others had their own plans. If everything would be going according to plan they would've already captured Trase, though. Still, he couldn't rid himself of that one thought that played in repeat in his mind ever since he had seen the airship approach with his insight "Why have you come back to us voluntarily, Trase ?". Was it to tell them something ? To convince them to defect ? Or, the most plausible situation, he had come to take them all down and eradicate the facility. Even Vés with his abilities couldn't be 100% sure, but the attitude and killing intent they had displayed convinced him he was in the right. And so, Vés would show no mercy to those that posed a threat to his family., much like Johann would in the same situation. Perhaps the two weren't so different, after all ?

    Johann, on the other side of this wide hallway, now had to try and execute his plan somehow. There was no time to dwell and think about it as the myriad of projectiles zoomed through the air towards him, Johann using his rapier to deflect them, impacting into the walls, the ceiling, the floor, cracking parts of the solid concrete construction, a neon light spewing forth sparks with a zapping sound as it was struck above, hit after hit, projectile after projectile deflected by a strike of the rapier so fast it would be impossible to follow the movements with the naked eye. Despite the constant bombardment of bullets, Johann pushed forward, projectiles ricocheting off the smooth steel blade until he had gotten closer, leaping forward in a moment of stunning acceleration, bursting through the group with incredible speed. "This is my chance !". Johann could hear the voices of the others behind the bend of the hallway, he was so close, only a little more. Of course, he had made his calculations without Vés. Stopping suddenly Johann found himself held in place, unable to move with sharp pain, his eyes widening as he realized that a spear had dug itself through his chest and into the ground, blood trickling from the corners of his mouth. For a second Johann could feel his consciousness slip from his grasp, feeling as if watched, a subtle giggle echoing in the back of his head as the runes flared up, a surge of adrenaline rushing and rage rushing through his body. The Vice President grasped the hilt of the spear still stuck in his torso before breaking apart the weapon, the blade still firmly embedded into the ground before pulling out the shaft, the piece hitting the ground with a metallic clinking sound, blood briefly seeping from the wound before it closed. Johann tried to turn around but before he could react, Vés hand grabbed his throat, lifting up the young Johann with one hand, the Vice President clawing at the man's arm as he gasped for air. Vés gave a sadistic smile, glad he could finally get his opportunity at payback

    "Today is the day of our reckoning, little Johann, so ...", still holding the VP up he turned before building up momentum, stretching out his arm and throwing Johann back into the direction he had come from "... it's a little early to run away so soon !", Johann impacting into a concrete wall, the material shattering by the force of the impact, a cloud of dust swirling up around. Johann opened his eyes, pulling out his partially embedded, broken arm from the concrete wall, coughing out blood as he came back to his senses, the bruises, the broken bones, the cuts healing in merely a few moments. Was he really that much weaker in this form ? Or had Vés simply gotten stronger, too ? It was probably the both of these circumstances combined that formed a gap between the two mages abilities that Johann couldn't bridge. Not like this, not in this state. While Johann was still getting up, sheathing the rapier he had managed to hold on to to free his hands, Vés approached rapidly, his movements shrouded by the dust cloud, Johann noticing the clawed hand rushing towards his head only at the last second, even with his speed barely managing to dodge the strike, dark, metallic claws strafing his cheek, drawing deep, bloody lines across it. This, however, left oe of the Cor Torva mages sides wide open, air rushing to the kids fist as he swung it towards the man's torso. But, as with many things, Vés had seen it coming, and, with almost graceful elegance, swung his body around, lifting one leg up before swinging it down on Johann's back with a swift, yet unproportionally powerful kick, Johann skidding across the floor for a couple seconds before coming to a halt. His teeth grinding against each other, an expression marked with pain on his face, he lifted himself up, taking a horrified look to his left as he saw the 20 odd rifles pointed straight at him, muzzles flashing with light as another storm of projectiles was unleashed. Johann quickly unleashed a burst of air from one hand that launched him back violently, uncontrolled, more out of reflex than anything, managing to dodge most of the magical projectiles. Most. One had struck his shoulder, piercing right through before he impacted the concrete wall behind with a loud thud, hitting his head. Once again Johann felt his consciousness slip from his grasp, a voice briefly speaking to him "Unleash meeee" before the wound closed and the damage repaired itself. Johann immediately raised his voice, more out of reflex than anything, screaming out loud "NO" as he sunk to the ground, growing ever increasingly more desperate. "What's wrong, giving up already ?"

    A viciously grinning Vés approached from the one side, gridding his steel claws against each other, the guards with shouldered rifles closing in from the other. He had no choice. He had to thin them out before he could even think about getting closer to the others, and even then Vés would still be a problem, but there was no other alternative. Like an animal backed into the corner Johann desperately accessed his last, but also strongest reserves. Something that he had sworn to himself he would keep in check. He was at his limits. He had to, for his family, he would take any punishment from Cirven or Demi if it meant that he could protect them. Though only syphoning a little of the demon's power, his eyes changed their colour, the glowing, crimson red of his pupils shifting, an amethyst hue flooding in in its stead, wind swirling around his hands, streaks of amaranthine purple crystallizing around his fingers to form sharp, long claws. Immediately, Johann's aura changed, subtly, though still noticeable, a twisted grin spreading across the young mages face. The Neo Cor Torva guards reacted, firing at will, trails of white magical energy following the bullets as they zapped past, Johann's speed exploding, shaking the ground behind him with an enormous sonic boom as he leapt at the nearest guard, one strike at mach 14 taking the man's head clean off, a fountain of blood erupting from the spot it had been just a second ago, his limp body falling to the ground. "I can't give up here. It's on, Vés. This time I'm coming for you", the two bloodshot, black eyes turning towards the Cor Torva mage who, retaining his pleased smile, simply stared, unmoving, with unchanging expression as the next guard stepped forward, drawing a knife and charging towards the silver haired boy. With unchanged speed an aura of dark, swirling stormwind formed around Johann's right fist, the battlecry of the charging guard stopped when his fist dug itself into the man's chest, exploding with black, pressurized air that launched the guard off his feet and away, impacting into one of the walls with a rumble. "Oh, there he is. The fierce fighter I remember. Would be boring just beating up a helpless child now, wouldn't it ?" Johann responded, with childlike voice, but still trembling with hate "Yeah, but it's gonna be fun beating you up anyway because you're still the same insufferable asshole", a vein swelling up on Vés temple. What he lacked in patience he made up as a fighter, and so Vés wouldn't tolerate this insult, storming forward, clawed hands swinging for Johann who countered with his own clawed hands, sparks flying as the two exchanged blows, both not managing to land a single hit on the other due to both their respective abilities.

    The rage inside Johann, however, was still swelling up more and more, reaching threatening levels, and his mind went blank with burning hate and anger as he kept slashing at Vés who blocked the attacks with his own metallic claws. "Very well, little Johann, I think it's time to stop playing around, I've toyed enough", clenching his hand to a steel fist, pulling it back wide before throwing a punch at Johann that audibly cracked his jaw, hitting the VP mid swing, again delivering a kinetic force that launched him into a wall. Johann's head was spinning. He could barely even see, let alone manage to keep himself awake. Pressed into the wall he lifted his head, Vés touching the ground, pulling out the metals in it with his magic before shaping it into long, needle like steel javelins that shot off, two hitting Johann's arms and two his legs, pinning him to the wall, a scream of pain and surprise echoing out from his mouth, the pain only helping to amplify his rage. Vés laughed to himself, getting closer, playfully swirling around another one of the steel javelins in his hands, displaying same attitude from when they had fought in Hargeon, arrogant, condescending. "Looks like you're all big words but can't actually deliver, boy. But ... very well, I've had my fun and I grow tired. Rhul should have dealt with the one you call Sol by now, Ruvel would be gone too, and Trase ... Cirven, he will be back with us once more. Time for you to say goodbye, little Johann. See ya", he had walked up to the VP, bringing around the Javelin and, with one large swing, rammed it into the boy's heart, all light fading from Johann's eyes as the world around him turned black, and consciousness slipped from his grasp.

    This was when Vés heard a familiar voice. A voice he hadn't heard in a long time. A voice telling a story of betrayal, a story of lies, a story of injustice, a story of his past. "D-demi ?" tears lighting up in the corners of his eyes "I-is that true ? You and Trase ... all those years ... I believed that you betrayed us ... I believed them" his eyes trembling at the realization that he had hated people who used to be like family for him because he naively believed the lies he had been told. But ... this all made sense, it sounded like Taisun to pull exactly that, and it didn't wonder him one bit that he had gotten what he deserved. How could he have just believed it like he did. "I have been loyal to Cor Torva for all this time ... What have I done to deserve this ? I trusted the family ! I trusted Lucan !", Vés was in shock, his hands forming cramped fists, his tears only adding fuel to the fire that was his disappointment, his anger "Cor Torva ... I will never forgive you for this ! I will-".

    "Finallyyy, about time ... felt like an eternity", a deep, distorted voice whispered from Johann's mouth, interrupting Vés in his monologue, entirely different from his previous, altered voice of a child. "Oh ? You smell familiar. Yes, the old man lost it when you fought him before, the first time I had seen the light of day in ... centuries. Weakened the cage just enough for me to catch a glimpse ... tseehehehe" Vés taking a step back in confusion as the echoing voice spoke from the VP's mouth. A wave of magical pressure exploded from his form, obliterating the javelins into tiny pieces as Johann's limp body fell to the ground, swirling, black wind, then fog, then smoke starting to surround him, the black substance getting denser and denser before, ultimately, crystalizing, forming a deeply amethyst purple sphere around him. A few moments passed, time seemed to stand still as nobody made a moved, confused looks meeting each other before the sphere cracked, one guard catiously getting closer with slow steps, approaching the cocoon of crystal, taking the stock of his rifle to tap it, with no reaction. He pulled back the rifle, this time for another, more forceful tap, but couldn't execute his plan as before he was eviscerated violently, the crystal sphere exploding outward, sharp shards and shrapnel spreading throughout the entirety of the hallway, cutting down all of the guards in a storm of blood and purple crystals. Vés, of course, had foreseen this, his face going pale as he ducked to the ground and touched it, raising up a barrier of steel in between himself and the center of the explosion just a moment before it happened.

    Where the crystal with Johann inside had been there was now just a cloud of black smoke, ominous movement inside before it dispersed, revealing what had become of the VP. A monstrous, wolf like demonic creature standing in his place, antlers decorating its head, a skeletal frame around what seemed like swirling black smoke, a long, skeletal tail extending from its back, letting out a deep, bone shaking roar that echoed through the hallways of the facility, an aura of intense magical energy sending ripple after ripple through the air around the creature. From this point on, the events that unfolded after happened fast, spanning only a few seconds as Vés cried out loud "What the Fu-", raising up his arm in confusion to unleash a spell at the demon, his future sight not alerting him to this whatsoever, but in less than the blink of an eye the demon opened his mouth wide, a laser like ray of darkness and flame shooting from it, seperating the arm cleanly from the shoulder, the hallway behind bursting into a blazing firestorm, shaking the entirety of the facility with loud, booming noise as a good portion of it was obliterated. Vés was frozen in shock, tumbling back a few steps before falling onto the ground, the creature slowly stepping towards him, towering over his form, a clawed hand ready to end his existence. About to strike towards the man on the ground the creature suddenly froze in place, the colour in its eyes fading. "NO ! I told you to get out of my head" "And you will do what exactly to make me go away, old man ? Tsehehe", the eyes flaring up again, but instead of slashing at Vés, the hand firmly grasped him by the collar before launching him through a wall with seemingly playful ease, hurling itself in the air to hurry after him with incredible speed and agility. Reappearing on the other side of the hallway, the others would see Vés emerge from a wall and smash into the other side of the hallway, missing an arm, staring with empty, confused and shocked eyes at the roaring demon that came to a stop, now catching glimpse of the other Cor Torva members and some people he hadn't seen before, though in obvious opposition to the members of the dark guild. But two of them Johann recognised instantly: Demi, who, despite her obviously younger self, still retained her physical appearance. Then there was Sol, who looked like a younger version of himself, though still recognisable. Did this mean that the other two ... ? Johann couldn't give this a second thought as he laid eyes on Sol who, clinging himself to a wall for support, was bleeding profusely from a deep wound on his chest. It didn't look good.

    At this moment, all limits broke, and Johann finally got his act together, assembling all the strength he could, speaking, ironically, to himself, his own body controlled by another consciousness. "If you do not leave RIGHT NOW, I swear, with all my heart, with all my strength, I will find out who you are, what you are, and why you are here. I will find out how to cause you pain beyond what your vile imagination is capable of. I will drag you through hells unimaginable to an abomination like you, and I will make sure you never come back, no matter the cost. OUT. OF. MY. HEAD", a loud, ominous cackle the only physical reaction that followed "Tsssehehe, I like you, old man, you have spirit. Fine then, but I'll come back to play another time, see you later ... tsehehehe", the form around the childlike VP slowly dispersing before Johann dropped to his knees, regaining his consciousness and wasting no time rushing over to Sol as fast as he could. Every single muscle in his body ached, but he couldn't stop now. Sol was as much part of his family as everyone else around, and he had sworn to himself he would never let one of his family die. Not if he could at all do something about it. Pressing his hand against the wound a sizzling sound could be heard as the skin evaporated from it, but Johann barely noticed the pain, his eyes still black, bloodshot, though returned back to a crimson colour, a crazed, almost fanatical look on his face as surge of magical energy rushed down his arms and towards Sol, accumulating at his head before forming two antler like horns. His wounds would close, his broken body would heal, and all damage would fade away in a matter of moments. For Johann however, he was way past the point of his limit, stumbling back with a semi happy smile, glad that he had managed to reach the others, glad that they were okay. "Everyone ... finally", whispering before his feet could no longer support him, breaking away from under him as he collapsed forward.

    Word Count: 3.639
    Word Count Total: 7.794 / 6.000 (wc met)



    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Cirven 1st July 2018, 3:58 pm

    Cirven stood still and stared down the now wounded woman in front of him with a stern look. He was thinking of his next move while also getting his thoughts together in order to deal with her once and for all. She was the cause for most of the pain and suffering they went through because she was the head scientist then and continued her position with the revived version of the group. "Even if you didn't do what you did in the past, you would have to die here so don't beg at all. Show some pride in your last moments alive." Unerlin had her hands on her leg that had been pierced through as she was still in shock that he was able to get through her shielding so quickly. "Yo-you...! How are you older now? How do you have your stamina back?! I don't understand!?" The older woman yelled out at him. Cirven shook his head to her. "This isn't some questionnaire for you to issue. I am something you helped to create so if there are things you don't understand then figure it out for yourself like any other scientist would." His tone was very nonchalant and nothing like his usual comical persona at all. "I will just have to do that then, won't I?" Unerlin wrapped her injured leg in the emerald-like rock she could create out of thin air. She then put both of her hands out in front of her and released a barrage of emerald-green shards towards the devil who quickly moved across the room at such speed to dodge them that she could not keep up with him. He was able to stop moving with each time he moved before she took a second to find out where he was and unleash another barrage on his position. Her attacks damaged the area they were in badly but neither seemed to care.

    While he was dodging the attacks, voices spoke into his mind from Demi, Laniiar and Vés. He continued dodging as he replied to each of them in his own mind. "Lani, V." He addressed both of his 'Family' members on the opposite side. "You both are weaker than I thought if you believed a word they told you." He then cut himself off from the mental conversation between each of them so he could focus on his battle with Unerlin.

    The head scientist of Cor Torva past and present, did not let up in her attacks at all even though she was not hitting him at all. "Will you just keep dodging like this? I don't think you understand that you will run our of stamina before all do. Your new form can't be in that good of condition with how you were before it!" She spoke out in a triumphant way even though she could not land a single hit. Cirven did not respond and simply kept dodging as if he did not want to attack him. She grew annoyed with their current situation and an idea came to her mind. An idea where she would take full advantage of other targets in the room. She moved her hands towards where Demiari was along with Ruvel and Korvin who were still inside of the fire dome. Before she could release her barrage of shards Cirven had quickly made his move and came in behind her with his claws moving through the air towards her. His claws cut through the air towards the back of her head but stopped within inches of hitting her as a large emerald spike plunged through his chest and impaled him. Blood rushed out from his mouth and from the wound and all he could do was stare towards his enemy with a shocked expression. Unerlin turned herself around to face the devil. "I knew you would slip up protecting them. Just like when you were beaten near death by Lucan. Sad that your mother's sacrifices will have lead to this end though. She was brilliant with what she envisioned, you know?" The spike plunged deeper into Cirven's chest as Unerlin grabbed it with her hand and pushed it deeper into him but where most would gasp out in pain Cirven merely smiled. "I don't think it is so bad for it to end this way." He spoke out as a sudden flash of steel cut through his own chest and across the emerald spike. The impaled Cirven then dispersed into magical energy as another Cirven was on the other side of the spike holding a long nodachi and its scabbard. The emerald spike split into half and Unerlin's arm along with it as well as a gash came across her upper chest from the attack. She let out a scream as the pain erupted through her now disabled limb as Cirven watched as her blood spilled onto the floor. She lifted up her other arm to attack but saw Cirven was ready and she tried to quickly divert her offense into defense as a the blade came close to hitting her again. A block of emerald rock appeared around her in order to protect her but as if it were water the blade quickly moved through it and cut across her chest three times. A look of pure shock rushed over her face as more of her own blood was spilled onto the ground. She fell to her knees before collapsing onto the ground. "Ho-How did you... I have his power... Just to defeat.. You.." She was barely able to speak but managed to get her words out. "It was because he decided to show you no mercy at all and use me. You stood no chance with that pathetic power you had. None at all." A voice came from near Cirven. "Shut up, Pride. She isn't worth the words from either of us." He lifted up his talking weapon and readied to end the woman but before he could a large bang could be heard from nearby that took his focus away from his attack. A large obsidian spike came flying through a wall towards him that forced him to move. The spike gave off a dark and weird feeling to the devil even when he managed to get away from it.

    "Did you really think I'd let you kill my savior?" A voice spoke out from the other side of the hole that was created where a man came through it a few seconds later. "I can't let you kill my mother. Especially you." The man stared at Cirven almost as if he was filled with some sort of dark memories from seeing him. He was clad in the same type of dark obsidian as the spike that was thrown towards Cirven and walked forward without any fear. "You left me dead on the floor and my dear, sweat mother had to bring me back from death. This entire facility has been used to do so and keep me alive just for this day where I get my revenge on you." Cirven did not respond physically to the words and only stared towards the man. "This just means I have to kill you again and then I will kill her after you. Simple as that." Taisun shook his head. "No." With that word spoken Taisun moved with as much speed as Cirven had earlier and created a sword made out of the obsidian he seemed to have control over, into his hand and cut it down towards Cirven who was forced to block the attack. The blades clashed and Taisun used his momentum to push Cirven back quickly into the wall behind him causing it to crumble around them and create a cloud of dust. "It will be much different from the last time." Taisun spoke as they both had their blades still clashing. Cirven managed to push Taisun's blade to the side and move out of the way of it but not before Taisun was able to swipe the blade through the air and cut across the devil's chest, creating a small wound. A large amount of pain rushed through Cirven's body from the attack causing him to visibly show how painful it was on his face by his eyes widening. It didn't make any sense because the wound was not wide enough to really warrant such pain which left Cirven confused at first but he figured it out.

    "The pain must be intense, huh? You won't be able to heal from that either so this fight will be an even one." Taisun spoke as he spun his blade around and then charged Cirven again. This time the blonde man swiped his weapon towards Cirven over and over while only aiming for vital areas of his body. Knowing that any of the attacks would be fatal, Cirven parried and dodged the attacks away at his life but could not find an opening to attack himself quick enough. He found an opening where he used the knives placed along his waist to attack at Taisun but the knives simply where destroyed by clashing with an obsidian-like shield Taisun formed or from the man's sword cutting them down. Cirven quickly used this opportunity to take a shot on Taisun with Date and brought his blade down to cut through the shield that Taisun formed but the Date bounced off of the shield causing the devil to be open for an attack as Taisun's blade cut through the air again and dug into the devil's left arm. Again, his body was wracked with pain. The sword was then ripped out from his arm and swung to hit him again but Cirven managed to get away from that attack back quickly moving backward. Cirven dug the Date into the ground as he moved backwards and Taisun quickly followed just behind him in order to keep the oppression going but Cirven had planned for it. White flames erupted out of the crack in the ground aggressively like some sort of condensed explosion and covered Taisun and the area of the crack in white flames. Cirven who stood on the outside of the flames was suddenly hit by a black blade again that dug into his right arm which quickly wracked his body with pain again. He knew another attack was coming and tried to jump back but the pain was so intense that he stumbled backward and dropped the Date. Taisun emerged from the flames and plunged his sword into Cirven's chest causing more blood to be spilled onto the ground and for Cirven to gasp out from the air being taken out of him. Taisun pulled the blade form out of Cirven and let the devil collapse to the ground. The flame dome around Korvin and Ruvel dispersed. "That's it? This doesn't feel right. I feel unsatisfied with this." Taisun looked around the room and saw Demiari was there. A smile came across his face. "This involves you too. You should have died that day with him." Taisun turned around to move towards Demiri but Cirven grabbed his ankle with what strength he had left. "Try touch her or anyone of my family here... And all of my wrath that I have.." Cirven moved his head to stare daggers at Taisun even in his horrid state. "..I will give it to you... All of it.." Taisun laughed and kicked Cirven's arm away. "That is just incentive, you know?"

    Taisun held his weapon to his side and started to swing it in order to release some sort of attack towards Demiari, Korvin and Ruvel. The attack looked invisible but something was cutting through the air towards them quickly. Just before it could hit them though Cirven appeared in front of them covered in white flames causing a black explosion to engulf him. The explosion dispersed and Cirven's body laid on the ground not moving. "So you had that much left? Doesn't look like much else is left." Taisun spoke but then the atmosphere in the room changed. It was almost as if something had started to suck the air away from around them and whatever was doing it was coming from the downed Cirven. A dark aura quickly erupted out from Cirven and engulfed him before shooting up into the sky above him and ripping through the ceiling causing a pillar of pure darkness to be formed. The pillar then started to shrink suddenly and condensed down to the size of a man. The aura had two red orbs inside of it that looked directly towards Taisun before it settled revealing Cirven in a much darker form where he was completely covered in the dark aura. The form itself gave off a feeling of dread to all those around it, even Taisun and Demiri. Cirven did not speak at all in his new form but started to walk forward. "It-it doesn't matter what form you take! I'll kill you!" Taisun placed his hands out and formed a massive spike of his obsidian and shot it forward towards Cirven. Cirven did not move as the spike neared him but the spike dispersed in the air completely before hitting him causing Taisun to step back slowly, unsure of what to do next it looked like. He shot out more of the same spikes but each was grabbed by appendages that was formed from the dark aura Cirven had taken up. Taisun shook his head as he tried to shake off the thoughts that he was powerless in the presence of whatever it was he was fighting and placed his hands together in the shape of an open circle with Cirven in the distance in between it. A ball of obsidian formed around Cirven and encased him. Inside of the ball Taisun caused it to shoot out a barrage of spikes at Cirven but the ball suddenly was shattered and sent flying around the room and Cirven walked from out of the debris to keep moving towards Taisun, silently. Taisun started to use another spell but suddenly was erupted into white flames and then black lightning surged all over him. Cirven did not move threateningly as these spells were cast and it only showed the level of power the devil had suddenly come to possess. The flames and lightning stopped leaving Taisun charred and breathing heavily with Cirven now standing in front of him. Taisun quickly covered himself in a thick amount of the obsidian just when Cirven used the dark aura to try and hit him. The aura hit but only managed to barely damage the new shielding. Cirven's red eyes looked at the piece of aura that had failed him confused. "Y-yo-you can't break through this! This is the strongest defense spell I have!" Cirven's head turned silently to Taisun and at first seemed like he was not going to attack anymore but that changed when a large amount of the aura surrounding Cirven came off of him in the form of new clawed hands. Taisun had no time to count them as a barrage of slashes was brought down onto him over and over again, downing him to the ground. The attacks came with such force each time that the spell Taisun used was destroyed within seconds but that did not end the barrage at all. Taisun's body was ripped apart by claw after claw so quickly and badly that the man had no time at all to even scream out from the pain he was experiencing. One of the new limbs lifted up above Cirven as he was attacking Taisun and then brought itself downwards while bringing with it a massive black lightning bolt that consumed the area where Cirven and Taisun were standing and caused a explosion to destroy even more of the area.

    Not much was left of Taisun after the attack he had taken. It was as if the lightning bolt had erased him completely from existence as even most of his blood had been vaporized by the bolt. Unerlin was caught up in the blast also and vaporized but Cirven stood in his new form over where his enemy had been laying. Cirven turned to look towards Demiari and Ruvel showing them a face that showed no emotion at all about what he had just done. He then fell to the ground and the dark aura surrounding his body quickly disappeared, leaving the body of a seven year old unconscious Cirven on the ground. A red haired and red eyed woman came out from the hole created by Taisun earlier and found her way to Cirven. "Demiari, he just used a forbidden form! He isn't supposed to go into that form. The elders would not allow it." Nakiya explained to Demiari as she stood over Cirven and brought out a key from her pocket. She put the key into the air and turned it as if opening a door. A light shined after she had done so and a small pixie-like creature suddenly appeared from out of a dimension pocket from in front of her. It nodded to her and looked over Cirven before nodding back to her. "He is okay somehow but we should all get out of here. I doubt that any of us want to be here with what has happened today. It looks like you will have three more added members to your ranks too." Nakiya said and from a distance Demiari could see the woman smiling at her.

    WC Completed +:


    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)  Empty Re: Sized Circumstances (Job w/ Johann, Ruvel, Sol)

    Post by Sol 3rd July 2018, 3:06 pm

    Sol was struggling to stay awake, his black eyes were shifting back to normal and his breathing was labored as he felt the blood continue to ooze down his chest from his wound and he could feel his vision starting to blur as he fought to keep himself from passing out, something told Sol that if he blacked out he would most likely never wake due to blood loss. However before he could think to struggle more he suddenly saw another kid approach him but he could not find the strength to bring up one of his guns.”F..friend or F..Foe?” he asked sluggishly,however the youth did not answer him and instead helped prop him up before he pressed his hand into Sols wound and the dragon looked at Johan with heavy and tired eyes.”Y..You Idiot I..I’m Poisonous to people. Y..Your gonna G..Get Hurt” he tried to argue but he couldn’t make Johan let go of him even as he heard the sound of skin sizzling.”Y..your stupid for touching M..My blood” he said before he suddenly felt strength flow into his body and the exhaustion that the bloodloss had inflected upon him was beginning to lift
    It was at that moment that Sol saw the horns on his head and he blinked before he saw the boy falling towards him and he quickly reach out and caught him.”he passed out but he saved my life?” he questioned more to himself then to anyone else before he saw the boys silver hair and he thought for a moment.”Johann?” he questioned before he quickly helped the boy up and started to go forward carrying Johann though the silver haired boys feet scrapped the floor with every step Sol took.” God your heavy this wouldn’t be a problem if I was my full size and I didn’t get cut to hell” he grumbled as they moved.Sol had a hard time remembering what had just recently happened though the only thing he remembered was that creep with the glasses threatened that Yuiisai and the others would be targets in the future and the creep had wanted to experiment on Yuiisai personally. The memory of that started to make Sols blood boil and he took a few deep breaths before he felt his temper calm. Sol knew he could not let whatever happened to him happen again lest something very bad happen to his allies or himself.

    god Im guessing demi was the one that cut me, that girls scythe is something wicked but I can’t fault her for her decision I would have done the same in her position it’s a shame though I can only wonder what she would have done to that bitch if she hadent had to fight me”he muttered as he turned the corner and saw the group that was fighting, Sol quickly brought Johann over to Ruvel as quick as he could before he gently set him down and looked at Ruvel and spoke”Rui its Sol and I think this is Johann” he explained even though he knew most likely the four year old would not understand him at all. After he explained all that Sol turned his attention to what was going on and from what he could tell the being that looked like cirven was beginning to enguage in a very dangerous battle and even worse had been impaled with a emerald spike.”who the hell is making such spikes wait that woman that was talking to Demi and blackmailed her she mentioned it so that means?” he questioned more to himself as he suddenly saw Cirvens opponent and he narrowed his eyes.”Cirven Kick her ass!” Sol cheered though he was still rather weak. He moved to be close to Ruvel as he focused on the fight but then he saw two more soldiers appear and point their guns at him and Ruvel, Sol brought up his shotguns and he started to fire but the other two had also taken a few shots. Sol however acted quickly and he moved infront of Ruvel as he felt two bullets go into his body but they did not pierce thru and harm Ruvel. Sol just allowed his guns to keep fireing none stop as the soldiers were then pumped full of deadly burning poison shrapnel and dropped to the ground dead. Thanks to Johanns crown Sols body pushed the bullets out and his body started to seal the wound and left clear unblemished skin in its wake.

    Sol turned and gave Ruvel a small smile even though he was exhausted. He may have healed but his body was still struggling with the trauma it had gone thru along with the extreme burst of emotion that he had to deal with earlier.”god Im going to need at least a three day nap after all this is done” he grumbled as he heard another voice and saw someone else had joined the battle agains Cirven and it seemed that it was someone from his past and had intent to kill him even more then the last opponent had.this new opponent Taisun also seemed to be able to make Obsidian which despite being an enemy the dragon king found fascinating since he had never seen such a ability before. Sol grew very concerned however when it seemed that Taisun had the upper hand and was causing Cirven great pain and seemed to be keeping the President on the defensive. Somehow not even Cirvens waist knives could catch the opponent of guard as he managed to knock them away one by one with an obsidian shield or his own sword. Sol tried to get up but even with his body heal it seemed that his wounds and the stress of battle had taken it toll on him and he could no more then watch and protect Ruvel and Johann from his position.”this isn’t good I can’t help cirven and my body feels like its made of cement how could this get any worse” he muttered to himself as he grabbed his shotguns and stayed on alert for anything that could go wrong.

    However once Cirven seemed to shift into a much darker and menacing form Sol suddenly felt something hit him and he felt his hands tremble as he suddenly dropped his shotguns, then it hit him Sol started to see blood on his hands that was not from this mission and he suddenly start to see visions of things he had done as he started to shake violently. All he could see was the terrified faces of men as he cut them down and woman holding children as Sol had approached them with the intent to kill without mercy. The sounds of screams and agony filled Sols mind as he suddenly hit the ground and curled into himself as his eyes were wide and frightened but it was clear that it wasent the current situation that was the cause for this No something had triggered Sols trauma from his time at the dragon temple. It seemed for the moment that Sols fear had a solid grip on him as his past sins were now haunting him and tormenting him to no end.”make it stop make it stop” he muttered to himself over and over again as he struggled to block out the screams and the blood soaked faces of his past victims. The crys of the dead were loud in Sols ears as he heard them all. “you killed my men like an animal!” one called out while another that sol could see was missing parts of his arm and torso suddenly yelled " You started eating me while I was still alive!” Sol brought his hands to his head and he closed his eyes and he wished everything would go away and that the specters would stop tormenting him. However after a while Sol managed to get enough focus that he brought his hand to his face and he bit down on his flesh hard which caused the pain he felt to snap him out of his fear and he spit out the blood in his mouth as he kept his eyes on the ground for fear that if he saw cirvens form again it could trigger him back into another panic attack. However the moment he had released his teeth Demi spoke. “Are you kidding me? Just how well do you know the people you work with you idiot? Perhaps I should have killed you" she said glaring at the so called dragon king as she moved to hug the crying Ruvel close to her chest hiding the still dripping blood from his sight. “He has a fear of blood you damned ignorant reptile! Start learning more about those around you or I swear next time I will reap you and I will feel no remorse in doing so" her tone cold as a blizzard in the middle of the glaciers during winter "And lizard if I reap you because of you not having brains I swear I will take pleasure in every second I torture your soul. Do I make myself clear?" her voice clear in her intentions against the other if he happened to make such a mistake for a second time, as there wouldn't ever be a third chance as far as the female reaper was concerned. Sol while scared of her nodded and now that it seemed that everything was calming down managed to get to his feet and picked Johann up as well as they got ready to leave since it seemed the mission was over. The dragon king could only question how things could have gone so awry.”Im sorry but I needed to wake up from my attack Demi” he explained weakly as they started to leave. As they walked he absent mindedly wondered just how long he would be in this form and what the long term effects could be.” I hope this wears off soon I don’t want to be a kid again for the rest of my life I would never be able to live it down” he grumbled as they moved. Sol could see all the devastation and it made him remember what happened when he was still in Basilisk fang and he sighed, it still made his heart heavy to remember what he had done to so many innocent souls because he was so lost in the dark.



    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 9:53 am