Fairy Tail RP

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    Rushing to get one of those new things that everyone is screaming about.


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Strength of Hercules
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kenjutsu: Yonezu Style
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Rushing to get one of those new things that everyone is screaming about. Empty Rushing to get one of those new things that everyone is screaming about.

    Post by Blank 26th October 2017, 11:11 am

    Nanashi had made his way to the city that is called 'Neutral Grounds'. The reason that he went out of his way to get here as fast as was due to everyone in the guild talking about how useful that the thing called 'iLac' is on jobs. He would have completely blow off the idea of getting if it wasn't a 'must have' or 'required' item to have to go on jobs with a group of people. This being said Nanashi had little to no choice to go obtain one for himself.

    Now that Nanashi is here at this town all that is left is finding the factory of the 'iLac'. After looking around for someone to ask for help of finding this unknown place to him would be located at, lucky there had been someone standing just down the street a bit. As he sprinted down the street while hoping it would a beautiful maiden for him to talk to. Once there he was at lost of words, the one standing before him was that of a very handsome young man. This young man had long flowing hair as if it was that of a females golden locks. Those it did seem a bit odd he still needs to find out where the factory is so he can get an 'iLac'. "Hello young sir, by any chance would you know where the factory that is giving out the iLac's is located at in this town?" Nanashi had asked the odd hair having young man. "Oh, why hello there sir, I know where it is. Just follow the signs all over the place that begin just one street over there." The young man had said with a smile while pointing towards his right. "Thank you!" Nanashi had yelled out while sprinting off towards the next street over so that he could be one step closer to where he wants to be.

    Once he had arrived at the street he saw lots of sign all over. "Talk about over kill..." Nanashi had said out loud to him self from the shock of seeing way to many signs. They were all pointed towards some small looking building way on the other side of the town. Now knowing where his goal had been located at, he took of running all the way a cross town to get to the building as fast as he could. Luckily for Nanashi as a swordsmen he is always training his body and keeping it at a top peek preference so that little run was nothing for him. After a few moments of reaching the factory he noticed a small stand off on its own right in front of the building. So to his wishful thinking of that being the place to get the iLac from he had walked up to it. "Is there where I can get one of those iLac's from?" Nanashi had said the person that was standing there as he walked up to the stand. An again he was shocked because there before was another young man just like the one from before. They looked so much alike that they had to be twin or related in some way, those he pushed all those thoughts a side because he was here to get his hands on an iLac. "Yes sir, if you would please just state your name and if you are a mage state the guild you're a part of." The other young man had said towards him with a smile. "My name is Nanashi and I'm a mage that is from the guild of Infinite Hydra." Nanashi had said to the young man before himself. After a few things of him messing with some brick like thing in his hands then reaching under the stand. The young man had two brick like things in his hands, those the first one was that of a white color and the other was that of a red color. Then it had finally hit him that those most be the iLac things that everyone owns. After a few more minutes of messing with the red one, he had looked at Nanashi with a smile and handed him the red brick. "Here you are sir, this is your own personal iLac and the red color is a magic link to your guild. So that way if it is ever lost that all you have to do is get a guild mate to do a recall code of your name an it will be summoned in from of them. Now that you know how it works, have a great day sir." The young man said without ever breaking his smile not once. "Thanks you for the iLac and the information on how to recover it if it's lost or stolen." Nanashi had said happily, as he then turned around and head back home towards his guild.

    818 words out of a total 500 words

    Credit @Des


    Rushing to get one of those new things that everyone is screaming about. 42hKQJw

    EXP to Rank Up
    150 out of 1200
    1. Closed / 2. Closed / 3. Open
    4. Open / 5. Open / 6. Open
    D - 4 / C - 0

    Leads to the Unknown
    Rushing to get one of those new things that everyone is screaming about. Images10

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 1:22 pm