Fairy Tail RP

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    Questline: The plague <The Unusual Weed> (1/5)

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Questline:  The plague  <The Unusual Weed>  (1/5) Empty Questline: The plague <The Unusual Weed> (1/5)

    Post by Oras Auro 21st August 2017, 7:21 pm

    Job Title: The unusual Weed.
    Rank: D
    Player Requirements: 500 word requirement.  
    Job Requirements:  Locate and remove the seven weeds.  Bring a single sample back.
    Job Location: Beanstalk Village
    Job Description: Discovered by seeing a notice on the board:  I’m an herbalist in Beanstalk Village and I had heard reports about a unique plant never before seen in Fiore.  However it would seem that the plants sting anyone who touch it.  Those who have touched it ended up in the hospital for a day or two.  Nothing serious, but I’d like you to go remove them for the people’s protection.  I would however, like a sample.  

    Once you return to the herbalist with at least one weed she thanks you and gives you the jewel

    Tiny purple plants with a single leaf that deal D rank damage upon physical contact.  Takes 1 D rank attack to destroy.

    Purple plants the size of one’s hand with two leaves that deal D rank damage on contact.  Takes 2 D rank attacks to destroy.

    Purple plants with three large leaves  that are larger and more durable that deal D rank damage if approached.  Takes 3 D rank attacks to destroy.

    500 Jewel


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Questline:  The plague  <The Unusual Weed>  (1/5) TEm5Pci


    Questline:  The plague  <The Unusual Weed>  (1/5) Empty Re: Questline: The plague <The Unusual Weed> (1/5)

    Post by Guest 23rd August 2017, 8:10 am

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