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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)


    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
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    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by Sol 3rd June 2017, 10:31 pm

    Sol and Feitan stood on the beaches of Shadow Island, the slayer had flown both of them here since he didn’t want to be anywhere near a boat and they made it before the sun was even half way thru the sky. Sol motioned for the mage to follow him as he headed for the edge of the woods near the beach.”Now I’m sure you wonder why I brought you all the way out here, fret not I’m not going to kill you quite the opposite you have been showing promise in our line of work so Famine and I feel its time to truly test your skills” the slayer explained with a smirk on his face.

    now the reason we are on this island is because something in hidden deep in the forests and the ruins on this island and its something I greatly desire a treasure called the Abyssal Orb. This orb is said to wield incredible dark and evil magic and that is something I think can help myself and our guild out immensely however” he said before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a square lacrima crystal only it was jet black.”I get the feeling that only beings of great power can touch the stone such as a dragon like myself but I found a way around that, with this lacrima you can touch it to the stone and it will phase into my shadow realm so I can access it later” he said as he gave the stone to the man.

    now what I want is for you to go into the island and fetch this item for me, however your only going to have 3 days to find it, be aware your going to have to find your own food and water and also fend off any deadly animals. I’ll be waiting here on the beach for you to arrive if your early that’s fine but if your even a minute late you fail this test understand” Sol said as they stopped at the edge of the woods.”my only advice to you the orb was last rumored to be near the center of the island anything else you might find useful your more then welcome to bring me but the orb is required to pass Good luck” the dragon said as he motioned for Feitan to head into the woods.

    Exam Rules:


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 4th June 2017, 9:02 am

    Feitan stood on the beaches of Shadow Island. He could tell why they called it so, and he had to admit he loved it. He thought that if Haruhi had managed to survive the destruction of their home and was still alive, if she ever came back to him to take him under her thumb again he would suggest they build a new guild on this island. Yet, he stood here today with the one who had snapped him free of his madness and promised him retribution against his former master Hisoka who was the one responsible for taking all that Feitan had called his. Feitan glanced over to Sol as he spoke and shrugged his shoulders slowly “You could’ve killed me at the guild hall. Dead men tell no tales and you could’ve spun your own, but I figured since I have been bringing money to the guild and I have yet to bring the rune knights down upon our heads that I haven’t done anything worth killing me for.” He paused and then shrugged “unless I killed someone in a fit of madness. It is highly possible with me.” He allowed in his most disinterested tone ever. Feitan was a practical man if nothing else and he could understand that putting down a mad dog like him would be the best option. Feitan’s madness had begun to grow steadily since the destruction of Laughing Coffin, and yet Sol and Famine were able to keep it focused in a highly productive way for them. This being why Feitan was so loyal to Basilisk Fang and would’ve been perfectly fine with the outcome should Sol have decided he needed to die.

    Listening to the talk about this orb made Feitan frown in thought as he looked out into the forest. He would find it and he took the stone looking it over. Sol was a dragon slayer and like Feitan’s own magic the demon had heard that eventually, Dragon slayers became dragons, or at least that was a rumor he had heard at some point. He muttered to himself “I would imagine demons are equally powerful if not more so in most respects.” He didn’t know he said this, but Sol could’ve picked up on it.

    The explanation was done and Feitan understood his task there was nothing more he needed to hear. He ignored most of the other things he was told, but instead he only nodded his head “Very well.” At that point he moved through the first part of the foliage heading into the heart of the island.

    WC: 431


    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

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    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 9th June 2017, 5:07 am

    Feitan couldn’t believe what he was after, but it wasn’t like there was much of a choice for him, after all he had to finish this job and he had to make sure that being that he did succeed he would get a good reward for such a feat. Walking through the forest on Shadow Island wasn’t going to be much of a problem what would be a problem was when he found those ruins how he would handle them, and how he would handle whatever guarded the orb. Not even Feitan’s madness would make him so foolish as to think that such a treasure would be left unguarded. He wasn’t sure what would guard this thing, but he would be sure that it didn’t kill him; there was no time to die while Hisoka still lived and breathed threatening his own existence simply by existing himself.

    He would have to put all of that behind him and he tugged at the collar of his cloak smirking and watching it transform into the scarf of the Overlord Laharl. This was the best part of his transformations and with it in hand he could get around wherever he needed to go whenever. So, the scarf took on the shape of two large wings before they flapped lifting him into the air. If Sol was still on the beach he would see the demon soul wizard now in the air and moving towards the center of the Island. They had taken most of the day to get here and Night was soon on moving around him as he slowly moved to land down closer to the center of the island. He thought that he could see some kind of buildings or things ahead of him, and that would be the wonderful bit of luck.

    As he landed however, he startled a great big cat of some kind. It was black as night and big enough to be sure. Yet, there was nothing he needed to be afraid of slowly he drew his blade licking his lips slowly as he let the blade come out to full life ready to kill this animal.

    WC: 360


    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 14th June 2017, 6:10 am

    The large feline launched itself at him, but there was a great sized blade in the way that speared the beast all the way through smooth as if nothing was wrong. Yet, there was such a force of velocity that the dead body crashed into him sending him sprawling in the dirt. With a groan and a grunt, he slowly pushed himself up to his feet and managed to push the great big cat down off himself. This was what he needed to have happen so he could get things together. As soon as he got his prey off of his body he went to work cutting it up into portions where he could eat it. The starting of a fire wasn’t very hard either so he soon had a nice fire going and began to cook the meat that he had just slain. This was not the best feast that he could’ve come up with, but this would be enough for him tonight. He was not very far from the ruins and soon enough he would find his way into them and locate this stupid orb that was supposed to be of some value to the dragon slayer as well as his guild mistress. There was no reason for him to be interested in the artifact, but who really cares. After all, he was supposed to be a member of the guild, and this was his home no matter how temporary, or permanent it might be.

    WC: 247


    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

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    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 16th June 2017, 7:37 am

    The demon soul wizard had slept through the night rather soundly being that he didn’t care much where he slept the meal he had was poor but it served its purpose. However, the fire slowly crept to life and grew larger. Slowly it shaped and grew into the image of a man. This man wore the armor of brilliant red his skin was the same color as flames, he wore no shirt, huge beads made of bronze around his neck, over his plate waist armor he wore the skin of a tiger, but it was a fire red and black color of his netherworld. When he was done forming he bellowed out “SHORTY!”

    Feitan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the figure with a raised brow “Oh, the red overlord. What do I owe this pleasure to?”

    The man folded his arms again scowling “You spoke to the Tyrant, the Wolf King, Mao, and Overlord Laharl, but you have not come to me! Do you find me to be lesser than they!? I am the red overlord Magnus!!! I am the true Fire Emperor! How dare you think me lesser than these other overlords! You dare!”

    Sighing he rose to his feet slowly shaking his head “Grand Emperor of the demonic flames, I am sorry for not speaking to you sooner, I have never gone to your netherworld known as the realm of flames. My former master Hisoka kept me with him at all times, he only traveled to the Netherworld academy, to the First Netherworld, and to the Tyrant’s kingdom. I could not get away to come seek your glorious aid in my life. Yet, oh great Red Overlord I would consider it a personal honor if you would allow me the gift of your flames, and power as my own. What do you require of me great Overlord?”

    This seemed to mollify the fire emperor and he nodded his head slowly sitting down cross-legged in the flames “hmmm, AH! I know just the thing! This orb you are seeking, it is guarded by a creature that is not quite a demon, not quite a deity, and is very powerful. When you kill it, drink it’s blood. This creature will bleed, and its blood will burn your throat like fire. Yet, you shall drink as much as you are able, from the inside and out you shall be consumed by my fire and only should you survive this will you be able to call upon my power. Now get going, dawn is coming and I am anxious to stretch my powers in your mortal world again.” He said before vanishing the flames dying down to embers.

    Sure, enough the sun was rising and Feitan only had the rest of this day and the next to finish his task. He rolled his eyes and rushed forward heading in the direction that he had seen the ruins in when he flew using the overlord’s scarf that he was no longer using.

    Wc: 501


    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 23rd June 2017, 1:46 pm

    As he walked through the forest towards the ruins he couldn’t help but start to hum and sing a wordless song that made him bob his head from left to right with the steps and pace of the tune. After several long moments, he found himself at the ruins smiling widely behind the collar of his cloak “Mmmm, yes, this is just the place. I can feel the power coming off that orb. Truly this will be where I can find that treasure.” He moved through into the ruins looking around as best he could. He didn’t think that there would be an easy way into the ruins. However, he felt something very strange coming from some of the runes and symbols that were inscribed throughout the place. There was something sick, evil, and yet hungry in this reaction.

    He couldn’t understand why this place was having this kind of reaction, but he felt drawn to a certain stone wall. This wall was glowing softly with energy and demonic influence. There was no reason why a stone like this should glow like this, but as he touched it he felt something familiar, and he hissed softly “This place, the Netherworld is connected to here so strongly. I wonder….”

    He sent a pulse of his magic through it and the runes on the wall began to move shape and change into the form of a little girl wearing a cute (In her mind) outfit. She held a staff horizontally behind her back that had a sewn together cat’s head resting on the top of it. She giggled looking at him “Ah, the madman, I was wondering who would come looking for the orb. I trust you know that the orb comes from the netherworlds.”

    Feitan nodded his head slowly “Now the question is, why would the Witch Who Controls Death, be interested in this island, and in this orb?”

    The girl beamed as he repeated her title causing her to spin her staff in a happy- go- lucky way “Ah, well you see the orb came from my netherworld. Well, rather it was stolen and then lost by that someone. It was I that created and summoned the beast that now guards it. Your brand of magic will not harm this creature more than normal. Why do you seek the orb?”

    This made him shrug “I want it. Well, rather those I owe a debt to want it. Should I bring this orb back to them then they shall be grateful to me. Would you tell me about the way this thing fights?”

    She smirked and licked her lips slowly “What is in it for me little wizard?”

    Feitan sighed as he shook his head “I don’t have anything you want. Other than the offer that I would wield your powers in this world and hopefully give you more slaves in death. Besides I know you are at least partially interested in further conversations with me.”

    “Oh? How would you know this?”

    He smirked folding his arms over his chest “Because you wouldn’t have bestirred yourself if you couldn’t have seen, sensed, or known who was here. Come, you are curious about me and what I can do. Perhaps you are afraid that I can beat your little monster.”

    This got the girl angry. She stomped her foot on this portrait and hissed at him “What the hell did you say to me?! You couldn’t kill that monster of mine even if I were to give you the powers to do so!”

    This made Feitan smile behind his shield as he knew he had her. Shrugging he looked at her 2D portrait with a bored expression on his face “Oh, well, I don’t suppose you would care to make a little wager about that.”

    She frowned at him her eyes filling with suspicion “What kind of wager?”

    He turned back to face her full on “I wager that I can destroy this creature of yours, and should I kill this creature then I get to use your powers as my own.”

    She licked her lips as she leaned forward although it was a strange thing to see in a 2d format “And if my creature kills you, then your spirt will come here to my netherworld, so I can Kill and recycle you until I get bored with you. Should you agree to this then place your hand on the wall again.”

    WC: 741


    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

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    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 23rd June 2017, 2:19 pm

    Feitan smirked as he touched the wall again considering the eyes of the strange looking image “I take that bet. By these words, and this bond the deal is set.” He felt a jolt of pain surge up his arm looking down he saw some of the runes travel from the wall and onto his arm, the burning pain was incredible. Trembling he pulled his hand away, but quickly hid the burning arm in the sleeve of his cloak.

    Majorita smiled wickedly down at him nodding “Very good, I shall light up the entrance for five minutes. Get there before the light goes out or you shall have to find it for yourself. The mark will keep you on the right path to the sanctuary, but it shall be a long path to travel. Starting now.” A purple light came piercing the land on the other side of the ruins and Feitan swore softly to himself.

    Holding up his hands in the form of a ninjutsu seal known as “Tiger” his cloak changed dramatically into the garb of a shinobi from the demon world. Across his back was strapped the sword he was given by someone called “The Herald”. In this guise, he moved much faster so there were no worries if he would catch the entrance. Moving as fast as was now inhumanly possible he moved through the ruins jumping over small obstacles, climbing over larger ones and moving as fast as was possible. Even still, with all his speed time was running out and he ran a good long way.

    He stopped and looked at the wall in the side of a building, the wall was glowing purple, and it was clear that he wasn’t going to get through the wall without a struggle. Coming to a stop he let the transformation drop away replacing it with another. This one covered his arms in his aura changing them into the arms of the Mujin. Moving closer to the wall he inhaled deeply shaking his head “Time to get going with this damned job.” Slamming his fist into the wall with all his might it shattered crumbling to reveal a staircase leading down into the depths of the earth. With the way cleared he started to descend the stairs.

    WC: 380


    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


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    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 23rd June 2017, 2:33 pm

    As he descended into the stairs he could feel the drain from the uniform he had just taken off start to affect him. This was going to be a long time going, but at least he would be able to recover before he had to fight the beast in question. The witch’s information was helpful and knowing that his betterment over demons wouldn’t avail him anything was worth contacting her. As he moved down into the passage it was a long stone tiled passageway that was pitch dark. The only light that allowed him to see by was the light of his aura as it flicked, rolled, and crackled off his body. There was also a more solid light that came from the mark on his arm which was now exposed to the outside world. It shone with a bright, but steady light which started to guide him.

    He wasn’t sure why this mark was guiding him the way it was, but soon he had his answer. As he passed a torch that was stuck against the wall the light from his mark shot out to the torch catching it and causing it to burst out with purple flames which cast enough illumination to see by, but there were shadows between the torches. Much like dominos once the first one was lit the corridor seemed to come alight with purple flames leading deeper through the tunnel, and showing Feitan exactly where to go.

    WC: 243


    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 23rd June 2017, 2:42 pm

    Feitan walked through the corridor with a smile licking his lips in anticipation. The purple torches were all along the walls the only large gaps were caused by various other openings and doorways, but these were half hidden in shadows and darkness. It was clear that since there were no torches guiding the way that they wouldn’t lead him to what he wanted to find. He decided to test this theory by moving into one of the open hallways, and he only just made out the shape of other torches lining these walls as well, but as he noticed that the mark burned him so painfully he stepped quickly back into the light of the purple torches.

    Glaring down at the mark on his arm he shook his head in hatred at Majorita and the mark itself. He decided that he would keep following the purple torches and do nothing else. Majorita had made a deal to keep him on the track to his destination, but she had told him it would be a long journey. With this in mind he started to jog picking up his pace respectably. He was sure that there would be quite a journey in these tunnels. As he arrived at another set of stairs he took them down ignoring the openings of other entrances into the stairwell he shook his head feeling how slowly he was actually moving.

    Up above midday was passing and he wasn’t getting to the treasure fast enough for his liking, but that would hopefully stop soon enough and he could get to the orb with the proper speed he usually could muster.

    WC: 273


    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 25th June 2017, 8:47 am

    Feitan continued to jog through the halls as he finally felt the draining effect of his partial takeover start to ebb away. With this speed coming back to him he started to run, not a full sprint, but fast enough to cover distance at a substantial rate. The torches however, could not only keep up with him, but even outpace him despite how much speed he was putting on. The path led through twists turns, another staircase, and a long empty hallway. This was the first hallway that had a doorway that was sealed. The flames were intense and no less than a dozen purple torches were blazing around a solid slab of steel.

    As Feitan drew closer to the slab he could see that it had runes that were like his own. Placing his marked arm on the slab of metal he watched in amazement as the runes ran down his arm, swarming over the door causing the whole of it to glow. Giving off one last powerful pulse of purple light the door began to slowly rise into the ceiling. It crashed into place loudly above so now it was completely open for Feitan to come and go as he wished. So, he moved into the room, and no sooner had he gone into the room three feet before the door slammed back down behind him with a finality that made him look back to the door with a frown creasing his face. “Well, I’m trapped in here….damnit….”

    WC: 250



    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 1st July 2017, 8:23 am

    The room that Feitan was in was easily over 100 meters tall. He was not going to be surprised if the mountain was part of this chamber. In the center of it clear as day was a raised dais pillar which held on the very center a sphere of purple, red, black, and blue all swirling together radiating such dark energy that Feitan’s mind was slowly sinking away. He trembled as he beheld the sphere resting on a stand of gold, standing in the center of the room. The aura that flowed off of the sphere was the same dark energy one would get from the netherworlds and he instantly knew why this thing had drawn such desire. There was no question that having this thing would give whomever held it some serious power, but there was also no question that this was an object that one would have to be careful with.

    As he moved towards the dais he looked around to see if he could find this beast. His powers against demons, and whatever skills he had that would make him a better fighter of the denizens of the netherworlds would avail him not or so he had been told. There was no reason to doubt this either. He had to be very careful, and he did not trust the peaceful scene before him. Slowly he reached up to his back pulling Tessaiga from its sheath holding it in one hand before he flushed it through with his magic to send it into its fighting form. Holding the much larger he continued his advance moving slowly closer to the orb.

    The trap didn’t take long to spring on him however, with a sudden groan throughout the whole chamber a great rift suddenly appeared between him and the dais. From the rift between this world and another came the creature that the witch overlord warned him of. The creature was a hand, or rather the bulk of its body was shaped like a hand. From the center of where the palm would be there was instead a torso, the torso had no stomach, but instead had a mouth, and the chest was likewise replaced. The head did have hair, or something like hair which was thick and rich, but there was no face, or anything more than an empty space inside the darkness created by the hair. Sprouting from the back were two great wings that spread out between the fingers, and it was just now that Feitan noticed this creature had a great red eye in the center of each finger.

    It opened the mouth in the center of its chest and spoke “You have trespassed on forbidden ground, this is the vault that houses the Abyssal Orb, which is the stolen property of the Witch who controls death; the overlord of the netherworlds Miserable Corpse, and Spirit Interment. For this crime of trespassing your life has been placed in forfeit!” The creature bellowed loudly before it seemed to flap its wings moving forward pulling the rift along with it as well. “The hand of the Netherworld shall never let the likes of you steal the Abyssal Orb!!”

    Feitan sighed as he shook his head pulling up his blade “I shall not allow some half-baked creation of that witch stop me!” He inhaled and gripped the blade tightly in both hands although using the arms of the Mujin he didn’t need to wield the blade with two hands at all. Ignoring this little fact, he gripped the weapon firmly in hand and then slashed it forward with all his might. The slash sent five long, claw- like slashes through the ground between the two. The creature was directly between him and the Orb so he didn’t have to worry about the attack hitting the orb. Three of the five slashes were going to hit the creature, but two of its eyes opened wide shooting out thick beams of purple/pink energy that slammed into these slashed the two forces collided and extinguished each other. The third only glanced off of the beast’s left wing causing it some harm, but not enough to be a serious injury.

    With this the fight was truly on, and Feitan could tell that it was going to be his biggest fight yet.

    WC: 718


    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 1st July 2017, 9:11 am

    The beast gave a great screech of pain as he was hit by the attack. However, the sound served two purposes, the first was to express pain and rage causing both of his mouths to open, but the sound waves appeared as wide purple and black circles that flew from his mouths towards his foe. Feitan’s eyes went wide as he quickly dove aside as fast as he could in order to avoid the blast, and yet he was unable to completely avoid it. The blast ripped across his back tearing away his cloak but not the sheath of his blade. Now bare backed the mark of his former guild could be seen clear as day. The coffin with the open laughing face was clear as day. As Feitan picked himself up from the ground of the cavern he hissed in agony shaking his head. He felt the mark on his back and his eyes filled with swirls of his magic showing how lost in his madness he was becoming.

    With a bellow of great rage, he faced the creature again bringing his hands before him he clapped them loudly, but the sound was incredibly strange. It sounded like the tolling of a great big bell. Feitan smirked as his body began the change “For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee! Class is in session!” with that his body became engulfed in darkness and shadows. That was before he emerged in the form of Mao, the son of the Overlord.

    The beast stopped dead in confusion at this; tilting it’s head and fingers in all kinds of directions “Mao? The Son of the great Overlord, of the Nether Institute Evil Academy? How did you get here?”

    This made Feitan smirk as his hands began to glow with a sickly green aura right before he charged the creature “That’s my magic, you foolish abomination! You weren’t expecting this were you!?” he managed to close in the distance laying his hand on the creature’s body “Rapture.” He said right as the beast lashed out with one of its finger limbs smacking Feitan full in the chest and sending him flying. Of course, as it did so Feitan’s shadow lashed out punching the creature’s appendage to lessen the blow.

    As Feitan landed and rolled in the dirt he shot up to his feet and clapped his hands together as loudly as before. Suddenly the beast’s whole body became engulfed in the green light. It looked itself over with its five different eyes before an explosion seemed to happen inside of the creature and it screeched in agony, but this time it didn’t use the sound attack that it had the last time. Feitan chuckled and pointed his finger at the creature again smirking “This is the power of an overlord.” And at that point more mana inside of the creature exploded dealing it more damage from within.

    WC: 486


    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 4th July 2017, 7:22 am

    The creature’s pain was intense and it had enough. Suddenly all five of its eyes began to glow with that same light as earlier only there was something darker about it. Feitan wasn’t sure what it was, but he was not taking any chances. He quickly used his powers over shadow to summon snakes made from his shadow to surround him in their coils encasing him completely so he could only just make out the light of the five glowing eyes. In so doing he was mostly protected when the five beams of strange energy came flying out at him. The five beams slowly formed into one larger beam which collided with his shield. The greatest portion of the blast was deflected by his shield, and yet it wasn’t enough Feitan was sent flying rolling in the dirt panting and groaning in pain as he struggled to rise again.

    The creature laughed wickedly as it flew/floated closer to Feitan who had only just regained his feet “You may look like Mao, but you are nowhere near as strong as him.”

    Slowly Feitan smirked reaching up to his face pulling off his glasses with one hand shaking his head slowly “You’d think that, but I have a few more tricks up my sleeve.” Glaring at the creature he crushed the glasses in one hand. In an instant, he was engulfed in shadow and darkness again. This time however, it grew into a 4-meter-tall sphere of sorts. All at once it vanished leaving Feitan in a truly monstrous form, he didn’t allow the creature time to react instead the wings he now had begun to glow with dark-light energy and his hands also matched the same power. Throwing his hands out he aimed the blast at the Dais that was now undefended. The creature gave a shriek moving much faster than Feitan could’ve believed, and put itself between the blast and the Orb taking the full impact of the attack which drove it back several feet. By some miracle it didn’t slam into the dais or injure the orb in any way.

    The ability wasn’t very long and instead it ended slowly leaving Feitan in the shape of Mao once again. He smirked at the creature as he ended the transformation letting it end so he could do another one. Folding his hands together as if he was praying he spoke “I am a servant of the netherworld.” His clothes then began to change at once into the form of the demon Monk’s robes. Despite the transformation he didn’t waste time with any other words. Instead he drew a finger across his chest muttering “Dark Ecriture: Darkness.” His body changed in a few breaths and soon enough he stood seven feet tall, dark of skin, and looking more like a person’s nightmare of a demon.

    The creature of the netherworld rushed after him now full fury and anger written on its face. Slowly the creature’s claws began to glow large and bright both on its body’s fingers and on the claws of its arms. As it neared Feitan he let his wings lift him up off of the ground and he flew backwards towards the door holding his right hand out. In it he focused his dark magic and shot the sphere out towards the floor between both him and his foe. It hit with a powerful crack exploding outwards and engulfing the creature as it rushed forward. The attack served its purpose and Feitan surged forward with all his haste and speed slamming into the beast grappling with it and dragging a finger across the thing he spoke out “Dark Ecriture: Pain!” it was all he managed before he was slammed back by two of the massive body digits causing him to go flying into the upper parts of the atrium.

    WC: 640



    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 4th July 2017, 9:33 am

    Feitan looked around trying to figure out his next plan of attack, but he couldn’t find a good idea. The choice was taken away from him as the beast soared up towards him screaming, but the spell that it seemed to use to make this sound deadly wasn’t available to it at this moment. This was one lucky thing for Feitan as he knew he couldn’t last much longer. He dove down towards the floor of the atrium knowing that what he had just thought of wouldn’t give him any room to be this high up. He hit the floor with force making it crack underneath him. Snapping his gaze up he saw the beast was charging at him. As he focused his magic into his left hand he knew that the creature would get to him before he could manage to launch the attack. Instead he flicked his right hand at the creature as it came within the range of his attack.

    The creature never saw the blow coming because there wasn’t a blow that could be seen. The Dark force that the Demon Monk controlled was powerful enough to inflict damage to things and people unseen. The blow slammed the creature full force in the chest stalling and knocking it back so he could get enough time for his final attack. Holding his left hand back until it filled with light and powerful magic he sent it forward sending a great beam of light magic forward piercing straight through the creature taking out most of its torso and the middle finger of the hand it was sprouting from. The beast crashed to the ground bleeding immensely from the wound that had been made in its body. As it hit the ground it coughed out “You…. You do not know what a terrible thing you are going to stealing…. It isn’t meant fo-for the regular world….I-It belongs i-in the Netherworlds.”

    Feitan’s transformation ended and he moved or rather limped towards his great blade pulling it up and dragging it over to the creature “Yes, I know what it is. I do not want this damned orb, those who keep my leash want it. I only want to kill you…if I kill you then I shall gain more power.” With that he drove the blade of his weapon into the beast’s hand body dragging it up and causing a great open wound which began to bleed a lot more. With this the guardian was dead and his prize was won. He left the blade where it was and moved over to the dais. The orb was still resting right where it was supposed to be, and it hadn’t been disturbed at all. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out the lacrima touching it to the Abyssal orb sending it to the shadow realm that belonged to Sol.

    He was about to head back to the body when the arm with the runes began to glow hot and bright and with a real scream he dropped to the ground writhing in agony.

    WC: 513


    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 7th July 2017, 2:18 am

    The pain that Feitan was feeling was nothing like he had ever felt before. He heard the voice inside of his head then and it made him grind his teeth in his pain. “Well, well, a deal’s a deal and I owe you my power, but that doesn’t mean I won’t make you suffer for the privilege of using my power. No this shall be as painful as I can make it, and if you live then I will know that you truly are worthy of using my powers.” The purple light surged up his body and began to change it in various different ways shrinking him in some places, making him look more like a girl, and after several long agonizing minutes of his whole body feeling it was a flame the pain finally died and for the briefest of instances he was in the shape of the Overlord Majorita, also known as “The Witch Who Controls Death” however, the time was only a very brief moment and then he was himself again laying on the ground of the atrium panting heavily.

    This was one half of the power that he wanted to obtain. Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to stand up so instead he half crawled half dragged himself over towards the body of the monster. The dark thick ichor that was its blood was oozing out of every wound that Feitan had managed to inflict upon the thing. He pulled himself to a small pool of the thick ink looking substance and pressed his face into it slurping up as much of the stuff as he could. No sooner had he swallowed the first mouthful than his whole throat felt as if it was a flame. He opened his mouth to scream, but instead the black and red flames of the Fire Emperor’s netherworld were all that came out. These flames caught on his mouth and spread along his skin, as well as his clothes until he was cloaked outside in a blanket of flames that were hotter than any he had ever felt before.

    The flames that kept coming out of his mouth slowly formed into the image of the flaming emperor and he nodded his head slowly “Survive this, and my awesome might and power shall be yours! Should you die your soul shall be burned to a crisp!” With that flames sprang out of Feitan’s nose, ears, and eyes causing him to writhe and scream again trying to smother these unholy flames.

    This process was much longer than his first grab for power had been. It was well into the second night before the flames died and Feitan was lying unconscious in the form of the Fire Emperor his red skin glistening as if it were brand new skin. There he stayed until the sun rose on the third and last day of his trial. Only then did he stir somehow now back in his own skin. Looking up he saw that there was a light coming from the very top of the atrium and he knew it to be the light of day. He moved to collect his sword and the sheath it came in as well as make sure he had the lacrima that was the whole reason he came here. Making sure he had everything he needed he looked back up at the light again. Heaving a great sigh, he shook his head and pulled on the neck of his cloak letting it change into a long red scarf that took the shape of two giant wings “Well, that was unpleasant…. I owe them for this slight against me.” He muttered to himself before taking off into the air heading straight for the light.

    WC: 623


    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 7th July 2017, 5:00 am

    He flew out of the ruins and into the light of day. He was right, and the atrium had indeed incorporated the mountain that was on the island. There was no way that he could understand the mechanics of the ruins he had, or what civilization had built such a great old place, but what he did know was that he had the orb, he had the lacrima that was what he needed to deliver to the poison dragon slayer of his guild. The great red wings flapped every now and then to help him get to the beach where he had taken off from. The travel wasn’t hard, and really, he didn’t need to worry overmuch about the whole thing. The job was over, he had the orb now all he had to do was give it over.

    After a few long minutes of flight, he arrived at the very same spot that they had put ashore. Landing on the beach he allowed his cloak to become normal again ending his transformation. At least, he tried, as this was due to the fact that his scarf flew off of him and began to shape into the form of a very familiar face. Laharl stood there a being made of cloth and silk. He nodded his head in approval speaking at once “Well, you are growing much stronger. I am very impressed that you have managed to gain this level of power. Very well, I shall allow you to use my form. If you would like.” He looked around and smiled nodded his head “We won’t be alone long. See that you do not bring dishonor to the Netherworlds. One day soon, we shall connect a path to this world, and we will have a use for you.” The scarf began to rip itself into pieces letting the wind take them away.

    Feitan stood there and looked around for the Poison Dragon Slayer pulling out the Lacrima from his pocket “I have what you wanted, Sol.” He said to the air if the dragon slayer wasn’t in ear shot or visible.

    WC: 351


    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by Sol 9th July 2017, 5:55 pm

    At the sound of his name Sol emerged from the shadow munching on a few nightshade berries before he grinned at the tombkeeper.”very good and I see your in one piece as well I had heard the guardian of the orb was fearsome but you seem no less worse for the wear” he said as he approached and took the lacrima from the man and by pushing a bit of his own magic into the crystal it caused the orb to appear which the dragon took and inspected.”its in perfect condition and the rumors were true its dark power is increadable and yet you would think such a time away from anyone would cause impurity in it yet I can sense nothing but pure dark magic” he said in awe as he grinned before sealing the orb away again.

    After he sealed it away he smirked at the mage.”Feitan you have succeeded in your test and I approve of your ranking up in our guild, keep up the good work” he praised before he then shifted into his dragon form once more and held out his hand for feitan to step onto.”Come on lets go home I’ll buy you a drink” Sol said before taking off once the man was in his hand.


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

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    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) Empty Re: A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 9th July 2017, 10:36 pm

    Feitan looked to see Sol, and acted as if nothing had just happened. He couldn't know how much of what he and the image of Overlord Laharl had been talking about, so he acted as if he hadn't been talking to any creature at all. He presently said "That is a stolen treasure from the Netherworlds. You would do well to be careful with that thing. The Netherworld never creates something that will not harm anyone who is not meant to wield it. Even to those who are the rightful master of an item can find it willing to betray them."

    He took Sol's hand not saying another word as it was not his place anymore, and so that was that. He wasn't going to ask why Sol wanted the orb, or what the Basilisk Fang guild would use it for. It wasn't his business, and he didn't bother trying to find it out mostly because he didn't really care. As they flew away Feitan thought about the new power he had gotten and what it would mean for his already fragile sanity.


    A Dark Treasure Hunt(Feitans B Rank Exam) TwlZpF6
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