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    Viva La liberación! [Freedom at Last] [Job]

    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] Empty Viva La liberación! [Freedom at Last] [Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 15th August 2016, 2:06 pm

    Initial Request:  Here
    Adding Nao:  Here

    555 / 18,000
    Always the friggin Dark Guilds!
    Do something other that raiding villages

    Anastasia's patience is starting to erode as she continues to deal with the Dark Guilds in this manner.  They are constantly causing havoc and destruction regardless of where they go?  These people are beyond evil; they are insane.  Evil people do more than just raid villages and cause oppression to spread.  Couldn't the Dark Guilds think of something else other than the same thing over and over again?  She just recently finished a job with a member of Sabertooth where she encountered a mysterious stranger that tried to harm the mage of Sabertooth.  And that guild had the EXACT same premise that this dark guild had.  The only difference between those two guilds are this one had an occupation over a town instead of just randomly causing destruction because 'rawr, we're evil'.  

    Ana sat upon the captain's chair of the ship with a very visible look of annoyance on her face.  The ship continued to chug along towards the mission objective.  She received a job from one of her people about a Dark Guild currently occupying the Mountain Village; the town near the Infinity Hydra.  "Of all places, why isn't the Infinity Hydra taking care of these hoodlums?" she asked out-loud, regardless of if she was alone on the bridge or not.  

    Clearing her throat, she looked towards the command console up front.  "George, what's our estimated time of arrival to the Mountain Village?" she simply asked before a series of bleeps and bloops could be heard from the command console.  "Assuming we are remaining on-course; the estimated time of arrival would be 25 minutes and 10 seconds." the artificial intelligence stated.  A groan could be heard from Anastasia.  Well, this would be enough time to give a briefing to the members of the team.  Ashelia, once again, is taking a step out of this job.  Both her and Jessi aren't going to participate in this job.  Jessi was explainable as she wasn't nearly strong enough to deal with this job, but she didn't know why Ashelia was out and about so often.  Perhaps she found a boyfriend?  Girlfriend?  

    The door of the bridge opened up causing the Fire Moth to filter in and begin to float around Anastasia.  Along with the Fire Moth, Taliya walked in with a "Yo!" Ana looked at her for a brief moment and turned her head back towards the front.  "George, can you get the rest of the crew to the bridge?" she asked.  No better way to go through a briefing than to get everyone in 1 place, right?

    "Compliance," spoke the artificial intelligence before a pinging sound could be heard throughout the entirety of the ship.  "Attention on the ship, attention on the ship.  All members present are requested to appear on the bridge for a Mission Briefing.  There is 20 minutes remaining before the destination of Mountain Village will be reached.  Again, please make your way to the bridge for Mission Briefing," George said before a cracking sound could be heard over the intercomm system.  

    "Another one of these jobs, huh?" Taliya asked, placing her hands upon her exposed hips.  The only response given to the skimpily dressed guardian with a groan.  "Yes.  I hope this one goes by quicker than the last one does.  At the very least, I hope it isn't just all fighting."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0

    Last edited by Anastasia Isayev on 17th August 2016, 10:57 pm; edited 1 time in total


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Cosmic Coins : 41
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    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] Empty Re: Viva La liberación! [Freedom at Last] [Job]

    Post by Almyra Bys 17th August 2016, 6:21 pm

    Almyra had been asleep in her room when the ship made the announcement to come to the bridge. She didn't want to go. She hadn't been sleeping well and was even more sleepy than usual because of that. Groaning, she, quite literally, rolled out of her bed, landing on the floor with a whump. With another groan, she got up onto her feet and picked up the doll Timara resided in, hugging it to her chest before making her way out of her room.

    She arrived on the bridge, still barefoot, holding her doll to her chest with her injured arm and rubbing an eye with her hand. She yawned and looked around the bridge before smiling to Ana sleepily. It was rather clear Almyra had not been sleeping lately. She had had troubles with it ever since the incident with the Red Sand Bandits, really. Ashe strengthening her sister's spirit had helped significantly, but still, she was definitely more tired than she had been before she lost her hand. Before she was only occasionally sleepy, but for the most part still spry especially if she could squeeze in a catnap. Now though, she nearly always had bags under her eyes. She took more naps (or tried to anyway), and could often be found passed out on top of her work, asleep in a chair, or in other places where she clearly didn't mean to take a nap, often with the worried spirit of her sister doing her best to make the poor girl comfortable s she wouldn't be too sore when she awoke.

    She walked over to one of the chairs and sat down, putting the doll on her legs as she brought her knees up to her chest, hugging them, putting her feet on the chair with her. She looked ready to fall asleep right there as she leaned to one side a bit. "What's going on?" She asked Ana, curious as to why the crew had been called to the bridge. She wanted to help, but she would also love to go back to bed right now. Hopefully it wasn't something big happening so they could get it done quickly and she could resume her nap.

    She kept a smile on her face, despite her exhaustion, not wanting to worry any of her friends. Her sister was worried about her, sure, but she couldn't stop Timara from worrying, she was too good at doing that. Speaking of Timara, the ghost woman materialized next to Almy, putting a hand on her back, gently rubbing it. She was just trying to make her more comfortable, but unfortunately this left Almy nodding off, so she quickly stopped. The two sisters looked to Anastasia, waiting to hear what she had to say about what was going on.

    WC: 466
    Total: 1021


    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] 3MA5V3N
    Button count: 1035
    Other siggies:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Clone of the First Clone
    Position : None
    Posts : 444
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
    Third Skill:

    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] Empty Re: Viva La liberación! [Freedom at Last] [Job]

    Post by Nao 18th August 2016, 3:44 pm

    Nao was bored, motion sick and was sat out the back trying to work out how to deal with his apparent affliction of being a slayer. He had Charlie with him just in case he fell out of the airship and how somehow took a tumble into the abyss below. He wasn’t entirely sure what to do with himself while he was in this state.

    He let out a small jet stream of water out of his hand, before watching it fall to the ground below. He smiled, before giggle and then laughing as he let out jet stream after jet stream out of the palms of his hands. And suddenly the ground below would be covered in a strange rain they had not expected as the airship was now just a flying rainmaking machine.

    It would enjoy himself as his gryphon lay on the ground beside him, not enjoying what Nao was doing. What a real killjoy. At least humour him while he was sick on the airship! It would make Nao frown, his sickly pale green composure would look down to the gryphon, before spraying his face with water, making him jump up from the shock.

    ”Hey at least have some fun with me today,” Nao said as he splashed his companion once more, causing the gryphon to ruffle his feather and shake his head, before flying up into the air and blasting Nao with water, sending him flying back into the ship, and down the corridor.

    ”Oof!” he said as he hit the floor with a large thud, sliding across the ground a bit. ”Okay, okay you just want to rest, grumpy.” He would just get up in his now soaked clothes and make his way to his back to his dorms. Leaving a puddle trailing through the decks, and past the bridge, looking at the group that had gathered there for some reason, and taking note that they hadn’t arrived yet. Instead he would continue walking with his soaked clothes back to his quarters, and would find himself having to wring them out before entering.

    He would remove the wet clothes, grovelling to himself about how his gryphon was grumpy today and how he wasn’t going on the mission with them if it kept happening, and would move to wash himself down in warm water so that he didn’t get sick.

    Using this shower time, his shower thoughts drifted off into thinking about how if he ate Charlie’s water attacks that he might be able to go into force much quicker. In fact he might be able to go into force right away, and then keep Charlie using some of the defensive attacks to keep Nao safe after the force ran out.

    So many possibilities, and Nao was getting lost in all his thoughts. He would just let the water sink in and help restore his mana.

    MP:105% (30% inner resevoir)

    Status: Soaked my Charlie, shower thoughts, ate some water.


    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
    Third Skill:

    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] Empty Re: Viva La liberación! [Freedom at Last] [Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 20th August 2016, 2:11 pm

    Initial Request:  Here
    Adding Nao:  Here

    2048 / 18,000
    Just what, exactly
    Did the Gryphon drag in just now?

    Almyra was the first one of the rest of Team Four Star to appear on the bridge.  Her eyes drifted to the adorable dark-skinned girl on the team.  It was strange, that for the longest time. Ana believed that Almyra wasn't a mage and was just a cute and huggable friend that followed them on missions for the sake of adventure.  It wasn't until the Red Sands invasion of Almyra's town did she see the truly awesome and terrifying devastation of Almyra's power.  Such terrifying force at the cost of her hand.  However, upon Almyra's question being asked, all Ana could do was smile.  "Oh, just a dark guild attacking the Mountain Village and terrorizing them.  Our job is to stop them," Anastasia clearly stated.  Her eyes focused on Almyra.  

    Something about these kind of jobs, in Ana's opinion, would light a fire under Almyra.  The thought of losing other people or seeing others lose people may hit too close to home for the desert dweller.  "Unfortunately, I didn't accept the job.  It was kinda," she said with a shrug.  "dropped into our laps."  Sitting up, Anastasia's head tilted a bit as a figure began to materialize next to Almyra.  Timara; Almyra's sister.  She had seen her around the ship every so often, but never really took the time to acknowledge her.  As Timara appeared, Taliya quickly hid behind Ana's chair and quivered like a leaf in the wind.  "Something about her scares me," Taliya whispered to where only Ana should be able to hear.  Without looking, Ana attempted to swat at Taliya only to miss.

    "Hello Timara," Ana said with a smile.  This was quite strange, being able to see the ghost of someone who had been dead for quite some time.  She was used to seeing the spirits of those recently departed, but not those that stuck to the earth to linger.  Ana read about this phenomena and discovered that those who remain had some purpose to fulfill.  No different than the Einherjar that Anastasia recruits for combat.

    Nao appeared on the bridge only to see him completely drenched in water.  "Oh, hey Nao!  Good timing!" she said as she was about to start her briefing, only for Nao to just walk passed and towards the quarters.  "Um, right," Ana said as she settled down for a moment.   A little grumble came across Ana's lips as Nao disappeared into his quarters.  "Well, seems we're just going to have to wait until Nao returns before we can bother start with the briefing," Anastasia explained.  

    The ship called out "20 minutes before we arrive at our destination," called out the ship's artificial intelligence.  Narrowing her eyes out of annoyance, time wasn't necessarily on their side right now.  She turned to look back towards Almyra and Timara with a big smile.  "Do you think you're ready for a fight, Almyra?  Because we have some Dark Guildies to neutralize," she said in as level of a tone as possible.  

    "Since we only have 20 minutes, I think we should start getting ready," she advised to her friend.  "You can join me and Nao if you're up to it," she said.  If Almyra didn't feel like jumping into this job, she wasn't going to force her to do so.  
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
    Wave your banner!  
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    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 678
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 41
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    Age : 30
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    Experience : 1787.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chaos Theory
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    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] Empty Re: Viva La liberación! [Freedom at Last] [Job]

    Post by Almyra Bys 4th September 2016, 4:13 pm

    Almyra sat and listened to Anastasia explain what was going on, how a dark guild was attacking some village and needed to be stopped. Why couldn't people just get along? Why couldn't dark guilds do illegal things that weren't just random wanton destruction? They really weren't very creative with their whole evil attitude. What purpose did it even serve? There were plenty of other illegal activities that they could do for profit that were easier to do, harder to notice, and, even when noticed, less likely to attract large amounts of opposition. Apparently dark guilds just existed to be edgy and destructive though, not as any sort of business that guilds were generally used for. Of course, dark guilds apparently knew nothing of logic or reason... in fact many people in this world seemed to be lacking those qualities.

    She was a bit nervous about fighting the dark guild members, but she would certainly try to do her best. If worst came to worst, and she was totally useless in a fight, she could sit back and heal people, both her friends and any of the villagers that she could find. If she needed to escape trouble, well she had too methods of teleportation now, so she should be fine for the most part. She leaned against her sister sleepily and was greeted with the peculiar feeling of touching the ghost, who replicated being solid through her telekinetic abilities. It was like she was there, and offered resistance, but lacked definite texture. Almyra's head felt like it was being held up, yet at the same time, that there was nothing there. Timara simply put a hand on her sister's shoulder, patting it gently.

    The ghost smiled to Ana when addressed "Hello Ana." She blinked as she noticed Taliya move to hide behind Ana. "Is your friend alright?" She looked at the woman's fluffy tail as it was still visible coming out from behind Ana's chair.

    It was then that Nao entered the room. Almy perked up a bit and smiled to her friend as he... proceeded to walk past the girls and head back to his quarters. "Hi Na...oh." She frowned as he went by, ignoring her and Ana. Though he was sopping wet, so he was probably going to get dry clothes or the like. Ana then asked her if she was ready for a fight. She nodded a bit nervously. "I'll do my best. If I have to, I think I can just stay back and heal people." She said. Timara patted her shoulder and smiled down at her. "I'll make sure we both stay safe." She spoke with confidence, quite a bit of it for a ghost bound to the ragdoll held by her sister. Almy nodded when Ana said they should get ready, she was going to help her friends out on this. What sort of friend would she be if she didn't? She got up and left the bridge to go get her shoes on and grab her other things she'd need to either help the injured or fight the dark mages.

    WC: 517
    Total: 2565


    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] 3MA5V3N
    Button count: 1035
    Other siggies:
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] Empty Re: Viva La liberación! [Freedom at Last] [Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 24th September 2016, 3:10 pm

    Initial Request:  Here
    Adding Nao:  Here

    3238 / 18,000
    Okay, let's..
    Sally forth!

    Nao took this opportunity to take his sweet time in regards to coming back out.  She cleared her throat and looked to Taliya for a moment and peeled herself off of the captain's chair and cleared her throat.  "I'm going to go wash my face before we head out, so take your time and get ready alright, Almy?" she asked with a big bright smile.  She waved to both Almyra and Timara before walking off of the bridge, being accompanied by both the Fire Moth and Taliya.  Wherever Nao is, she's going to drag him by the collar to do this job after she cleans up a bit.

    Moving in towards her room, the trio walked in with Ana going straight to the wash room to wash up.  Taliya jumped upon Anastasia's bed and bounced a bit.  "You humans have it really nice.  Having these bouncy, comfortable beds and perfume and stuff like that," Taliya said as Ana shouted out, "What!?" from the washroom, unable to hear Taliya clearly.  Taliya looked around the room for a moment with a delighted grin upon her face.  "Nothing!" she said in an elevated voice.  

    After washing up, Anastasia walked out with make-up smeared upon her face causing Taliya and even The Fire Moth to recoil at what they saw.  Taliya pointed towards the bathroom with an irritated face.  "You look terrible.  Go back and finish!" she said.  Bewildered, Anastasia turned her head to look into a conveniently placed mirror and shriek.  "What the hell!  I thought that was supposed to be water-proof make-up!  I didn't even use soap!  Oh my god, i need to fix this!" she said before disappearing back into the bathroom, this time to completely clean her face and quickly apply a bit of foundation.  She doesn't wear much, but it was enough to make even Taliya to gasp in disgust.

    Taliya used this time to look around the room a bit, seeing all of the knick-knacks Ana has floating around.  Her eyes drifted to Ana's nightstand where she saw an old item that Ana called 'The Nyanplifiers', her first successful dip into electronics before she became an absolute engineering monster that she is now.  The product of disliking a certain guild gave rise to determination to become an engineer.  Whether that is something to be applauded or shunned is up to interpretation.  

    Anastasia came out of the wash room, looking like her usual self.  Her eyes noticed Taliya's gaze upon her stuff and cleared her throat.  This grabbed Taliya's attention for a moment.  "Oh! Ana!  Mind if I get my own room with my own bed and stuff?" Taliya asked with a big smile upon her face.  This was peculiar as Taliya would rather live carefree and without attachment.  Muddled, Ana simply looked at Taliya for a brief moment before returning the smile.  "Maybe after this job is done, we can set something up for you," she said.

    Taliya jumped upon the bed in elation and then ran up to Ana, hugging her.  "Thanks!  Thank you so much!" Taliya said as she rubbed her face upon Ana's breasts, forcing Ana to pry her away from her chest.  "Alright, alright.  Geez.  Before that, we need to go get Nao," she said before Taliya quickly ran out of the room and appeared a moment later with Nao over her shoulder.  

    "I got him!"  Taliya said as she moved her hand up to squeeze Nao's butt only for Ana to shoot a piercing gaze.  This piercing gaze caused Taliya to stop in her tracks, knowing that if she pisses off Ana, she might lose on her chance to get a room.  Turning her head, Taliya turned and looked to the gryphon.  "Yo, featherbutt, let's get going to the cargo-hold," she said before rushing towards the cargo hold with Nao in tow.

    A groan came across Anastasia's lips as she closed the door to her room and made her way to the cargo-hold.

    "Arriving to our destination in 2 minutes!" shouted George over the intercomm system.  
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Lineage : Clone of the First Clone
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
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    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] Empty Re: Viva La liberación! [Freedom at Last] [Job]

    Post by Nao 22nd October 2016, 1:27 pm

    The shower had been so soothing and relaxing after all the issues he had over the last years as a wizard. After losing his sight in a random world, and having to fight and kill off way too many humans… it was beginning to take a little toll on his mental state. But a scalding hot shower was doing wonders for him. Not only that but he was able to drink some more water to help him reenergise his body from all this motion sickness he was getting from having to be on the S.S Myrmidon all the time. He’d rather be sitting on Charlie and flying a little bit slower.

    Nao would get out of the shower and begin dry up the water on him. Instead of a normal mage who would use a towel, he would just instead absorb all the water that was on him and add it to his mana. He just had to be careful not to accidentally enter Dragon Form before even got to the destination. It would be hard to explain to Ana and Almy with “hey guys sorry about accidentally releasing too much energy in the ship and causing everywhere to flood, plus causing all the electrics and metal to be ruined due to all the water that was released. Oops?”

    No instead the rest would be wiped away with a towel. Simple and clean was the way that he was going to be as he walked out, causing Charlie to look away at the sight of Nao. The water mage would cover himself up more before rushing to put some more clothes on. He was meant to get back to the group before he heard his door slam wide open.

    Nao turned around as he was putting a top on, realising that Taliya was in front of him. This wasn’t the best time as he looked around in panic. She grabbed him and put him on her shoulders as he kicked and hit her with his fists.

    ”T-taliya! Put me down this instance!” Nao demanded as she carried him out with Charlie following behind them. He would still be kicking and insisting he walked., ”I was almost ready you know! We still have ages until we land. I’ll be sick if you don’t put me down!” But it seemed he was carried out to the rest of the group.

    ”Oh hi there Ana and Almy,” he said as the group entered the room. He felt his butt get attacked as he jumped, leaking water out of his armpits as he wriggled, trying to get out of the hold. ”You can let me go no-“ At that point he was taken to the cargo hold with the gryphon running behind.

    ”Taliya let me go now!” he demanded as he turned into his liquid state and ran down her body, before hitting the floor and turning back into his main form. ”I already get quite motion sickness here, and I don’t want to upchuck brine all over the place…” He sighed and smiled to her with a small wink.

    ”But thank you for the delivery service. I’ll be sure to ask you next time I need to be carried somewhere.”

    He would look around the Cargo bay and sit on Charlie’s back. Two minutes left was so short compared to their usual wait. He wondered what he was going to do once they actually got there.

    3811/ 18,000


    Profile Magic Bank
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 678
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 41
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1787.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chaos Theory
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    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] Empty Re: Viva La liberación! [Freedom at Last] [Job]

    Post by Almyra Bys 22nd October 2016, 6:50 pm

    Ana told Almy that she was going to go wash her face before they went out, which somewhat confused Almy. Why go wash your face if you're no doubt going to get dirty fighting people? She'd need to wash her face again to get the dust and blood and sweat and other things off of her from fighting. Wouldn't it be better for her skin to not wash before battle and then wash it after battle so she wouldn't dry her skin out by washing it so much? Considering how pretty Ana was, one would think she would know a bit more about proper skin care than that. Almyra may have to give her a bit of a lecture on that. Hopefully she didn't also shower and wash her hair mutliple times a day with shampoo, since that would no doubt lead to dandruff and dry, brittle hair. Almy wondered if Ana used makeup at all as she made her way back to her room, Timara following closely. Once there she found some socks and put them on, then slipped on and laced up her boots, making sure they were nice and snug and wouldn't slip off or slide around and potentially give her blisters.

    With her boots on, Almy then went about getting her other things, getting her bag of stuff, including various herbs and such that could be useful for healing, her book, and her survival knife. She probably wouldn't use her knife for combat really, but it was a useful tool to have for other stuff. Now that she was all ready, she made her way over to the cargo bay and sat down there to relax for a bit as she waited for Ana and Nao to get ready. She yawned as she started to doze off as she waited. By the time Nao was dragged into the cargo bay by Taliya and as Anastasia arrived as well, Almy had fallen fast asleep atop a large crate.

    Timara put a hand on Almy's shoulder and gently shook her. "Almy, it's time to get up." She said, her voice gentle as Almy stirred. The older woman smiled and stroked Almy's hair as the girl got up, rubbing her eyes. "Come on Almy, let's go help out this town." Almy smiled up at her and nodded, now up and ready to go, she walked over to Ana with a smile. "Ready!"

    Her little 20 minute nap had given her quite the boost. She was now much more bright-eyed and certainly looked ready to go. Her sister stood just behind her, waiting for the doors to open. The ghost was ready to do whatever was necessary to protect her sister, and her friends from harm.

    WC: 457
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    Post by Anastasia Isayev 24th October 2016, 5:35 pm

    Words:  4803 / 18,000
    We can be heroes
    Just for one day

    Upon being told that he would be sick, Taliya quickly put him down and shuddered, backing up a few paces.  The look of disgust still written upon her face.  This doesn't change her opinion on Nao-tan!  All Ana could do was place her forehead into her palms before noticing the group was ready.  Taliya stuck her tongue out at Nao for his appreciation of her taxi services.  

    Almyra appeared, as if on queue, for everyone to be ready.  The sound of the artificial intelligence rang throughout the entire ship.  "Arriving at the destination.  Beginning descending sequence," the artificial intelligence stated before going silent.  "Alright guys!" Ana said as she pumped her fist.  As soon as she did that, the airship lurched upon landing on the ground.  

    "You know, at least we don't have to worry about going to the Ruined City again," she said in reference to when the group had to deal with the Treasure Hunters and that stupid tape problem they had to deal with it.  But she doesn't remember much of that.  Clearing her throat, the cargo door of the ship began to lower, creating a ramp going downward.  

    "Well, let's get these guys and call it a wrap, eh?  Always fucking Dark Guilds," she said as she started to walk down the ramp and onto the ground.  She was escorted by Taliya, grabbing the Fire Moth and putting it between her breasts.  She skipped down before stopping just behind Anastasia.  

    "So yeah.  Same deal guys.  We stick together and take out these guys yeah?" she said, pumped up for this job for some unknown reason.  She smiled to her teammates and turned to look back towards the Mountain Village.  After she gave her teammates a smile, an explosion occurred within the village.  "Well, time to get to work!" Anastasia said as she and Taliya took point towards the village.

    Moments later..
    Anastasia and Taliya came to a screeching stop upon seeing the people completely losing their minds; and for good reason to.  Anastasia shouted out.  "Everyone, exit town this way!" she shouted out, causing everyone to begin panicking and running in her direction.  Taliya grabbed a hold of Anastasia with one of her hands and pulled her out of the way, saving her from getting rolled over.  

    "Be careful, Ana, geez," Taliya stated before releasing the Fire Moth, allowing the weapon to orbit around Anastasia.  "Why are you so crazy enthusiastic today?" Taliya asked.  Ana could be seen smiling and the vein in her forehead twitched a couple times.  "Yes..  So thrilled to fight nothing but Dark Mages.  Absolutely ecstatic on doing the same job over and over again," she said between clenched teeth.  It's obvious she wasn't too happy about doing this job.  Considering that all of the jobs taken by the group seem to be the exact same over and over again.  And the Magic Council doesn't even acknowledge her achievements.  It's getting to the point where she plans on saying 'screw the MC' and do her own thing without their approval.  

    But only time will tell.

    "Stop day-dreaming!  Let's get to work," Taliya shouted out.  Coming back to her senses, Anastasia nodded.  "Oh, crap, you're right.  Let's go!"
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    Post by Anastasia Isayev 24th October 2016, 5:35 pm



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    Post by NPC 24th October 2016, 5:35 pm

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    Post by Nao 9th November 2016, 2:10 pm

    (I'm back bby)

    Nao was quickly placed down and stepped away from. The queasy feelings he would be receiving from even being on the ship would not die down until at least a five-minute breather on actual solid ground. Oh it was horrible gaining all the powers of a dragon and not being able to fly like one of those things. The joys of actually being burdened by a magic rather than being able to change and do whatever they want with their magic. It was odd that he was even able to change his magic all willy nilly but he knew that the leviathan would be coming for him soon.

    He looked around, trying to look for Almy before she and another figure arrived from on top of a cargo crate? Nao seemed perplexed at first, wondering when they changed the team yet again. Ana didn’t always tell them who was in and who was out of Team Four Star. From crazy pony changing girls, to… other crazy girls. Come to think of it.

    Have I always been the only guy on Team Four Star? Nao asked himself, eyeing up the new girl, before smiling and turning around back to Ana and hearing the AI call them to their destination. Ana made a comment about not having to return to the ruined city where they fought the treasure hunters and he in return would shrug at the prospect.

    ”Hey at least it was all for treasure,” Nao commented, remembering the item he managed to get from that mission before he grinded it into dust to use in enchanting another item. ”But trimming down a dark guild or two doesn’t hurt. However balancing legal and dark guilds isn’t really our job… since you know… legals probably outnumber darks by 25 to one… at the same time murdering people isn’t something to stand for.” Moral dilemmas aside, the group would be preparing.

    It looked like the dark mages had already started their work with explosions, as Nao would follow the group, keeping behind to take watch in case of any ambushes. His senses were strong than the rest of them thanks to his slayer powers so he knew that any ambushes coming up would be easy to deal with. It was a simple concept to him, but to the others it may seem that he was just really slow to the rest of them.

    They finaly reached the village that they were here to save, and everyone in panic. Dark mages were swarming the place and they were going to be surrounded had they not started to clean up the mess around them. Ana released the fire moth to assist them as Nao called out Charlie to the scene. For some reason he hadn’t brought him along until this very situation.

    The gryphon would arrive as soon as the mages began to notice that they weren’t the only magical beings around. Five of them decided to turn their attention on the group, making Nao frown a little before getting ready to take on some attacks.

    The mages would first fire bolts of fire at the group, making Nao easily dissipate the spells with his own water magic. They would meet each other and turn into more vapour than you would see in one of these e-cig shops. Why he knew that was beyond him actually.

    Instead he would then pull out the small guns, and by that he meant his super soaker and spa strike attacks, searing one of the mages in hot and pressurised water. He would roll around and wince in pain as Charlie began to fire lightning strikes from his wings at another one of the mages.

    The dark mage would dodge out of the way, firing a fire bolts at Charlie, who would barely move and get his feather singed. A cry would be heard from the gyphon as he landed to the floor for a moment to rest up and put out any fires.

    “I got you Charlie!”Nao cried out as he breathed out a hazy mist that would enshroud him and begin to restore any damage done so far. But because of all the ruckus, the group would find that more mages would soon be on their way to stop their plans from being thwarted. “Can you just leave my gryphon alone?!”

    Nao would look to the group as more of them arrived. He felt a little uneasy about the fact that they were going to be outnumbered so very quickly without a plan of action coming to mind. At this rate they wouldn’t be able to move about and would be pinned down by all sorts of magical attacks. Just because one or two were easily beaten by water, didn’t mean that they all used first magic. Unless they were some kind of fire cult.

    “Hey you’re not some kind of fire cult here?” He asked one of the mages as he fired a small bolt of water at him. The dark mage would dodge of the way and in turn shake his head.

    “No, we’re not.” A rock would ping Nao right on the head, causing him to fall backwards with a large oof sound. He wasn’t going to get up that easily from being bashed so easily by a lousy dark mage. But sneak attacks were stronger and always did more damage, at least in this kind of world. Usually in most worlds it would be hitting their vitals would be the end of it. But mages had a weird system where losing your hand or organ was just a flesh wound.

    Nao slowly leaned back up, before seeing another rock come at his head. This time he slid using the water, using this time to get himself back up on his feet again. Luckily with having so many spells that didn’t cost any strength to him meant that Nao was able to use so many attacks against one or two mages without any concern.

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    Post by NPC 9th November 2016, 2:10 pm

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    Post by Almyra Bys 23rd November 2016, 10:28 pm

    Almyra followed after Nao and Anastasia, her sister disappearing to prepare herself for when Almyra needed her. She stuck closer to Ana than she did Nao, helping her to direct people towards safety, and avoiding the rush of people alongside her. She was clearly nervous, though, hugging herself as the people rushed by to safety. She looked after them, debating whether she should stick with her friends or follow them to treat the wounded. She decided against it though, figuring that Ana and Nao could use her help and healing in case they couldn't handle the dark mages. 

    The spirit reached out now, taking hold of her two opponent's throats, one in each hand as she began to fly upwards. "You will not hurt her." Her voice was icy and pitiless. No mercy would be given to those who dare harm her sister. The mages, panic stricken, flailed and swung at her with fist and weapon, only for them to harmlessly pass through the spirit. Once she reached a good height, Timara let go, letting the men fall to their deaths.
    A few fireballs and firebolts were slung their way, but Nao seemed to have a good handle on them, what with using water magic and all. Still, the sight of them stirred something in Almy and she shifted uncomfortably. She watched as Nao fired scalding water at one of the mages, sending him to the ground, rolling in agony from his burns. Almyra whimpered as she curled up into a ball, memories of her fight with the Red Sand Bandits and their leader flooding back to her.

    A quiet "No..." leaked its way out from between her lips as tears began to form in her eyes. The poor girl just sat there, hugging her knees to her chest, quaking in fear. She felt pain rise up in her chest and forearm, only making matters worse. The dark mages started to close in on her, Taliyah, and Anastasia now, some of them seeing her as an easy target to pick off. They were rather surprised when a small ragdoll appeared at their feet with a burst of force, causing them to stagger backwards a step or two as Timara's spirit flew from out of the doll before it teleported back into Almy's hand.

    Timara floated horizontally now, her arms outstretched, a horrific screech emanating from her mouth, with it wave after wave of rending force ripped away at the mage's faces and chest regions, and extending onwards, tearing up the ground for over 150 feet in the direction of her scream, catching a few other dark mages in their rampage. The two men collapsed, bleeding from their ears and with most of the skin torn from their upper chest and face by Timara's attack.


    Duration: Spirit Manifestation- 6 posts
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    Post by Anastasia Isayev 1st December 2016, 8:34 pm



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    Post by NPC 1st December 2016, 8:34 pm

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    Post by Anastasia Isayev 1st December 2016, 9:15 pm

    Words:  7154 / 18,000
    We can be heroes
    Just for one day

    Even Anastasia heard the extremely loud 'plink' sound of the rock bouncing off of Nao's skull.  She winced a bit and shouted into her microphone.  "Hey, you alright, Nao?" she asked before seeing him stand up.  A nod was given to him before she heard the sound of Taliya's voice shouting, "Holy shit!" Taliya said as she pointed towards Timara whose brutality seemed far greater than anything her or Anastasia could muster.  Taking a step back from seeing Timara's absolute cruelty towards the dark mages.  

    This wasn't something she remembered Almyra liking in the past.  No, this was something she had frowned upon in the past.  Her eyes turned to look towards Almyra, noticing her prone position.  There were mages coming from her back side, not even noticing any of this.  She was still in awe of what she saw Timara do only to see Timara, once again leap towards the feet of the mages converging upon Anastasia and Taliya.  She turned her mech to track the spirit only to see the her use some terrifying force to cause the dark mages to stagger.  Then suddenly, with a terrifying screech, the men that were staggered fell into a pile of meat.  At least that was what Anastasia and Taliya processed this as.

    "Holy shit, Ana," Taliya said trembling.  "We've got some really scary friends huh?" she asked as her voice fluttered in fear.  

    "Yeah, you can definitely say that.  Just be glad she's on our team," Anastasia said before turning to look back towards Almy.  "Almyra, get a grip on yourself!  Timara's doing too much work!" she said, trying to bring Almy back to reality.  

    As the other first wave of mages arrived, as if on queue, a second wave made their way towards them.  This time, they were met with the commander of the forces attacking this little hamlet.  A group of more grunts followed the more-than-obvious boss of this raiding party.  Charles Pierstz arrived upon the scene.  The man, or what appeared to be just a shadow, twitched a couple times.  

    "Nothing better than to commit a coup against those soft bastards running the guild, right boys?" the man asked as the entire body of the formless creature twitched a couple times. Loud shouts came from the men as they all walked in front of Charles and took up defensive positions.  

    "So, you are the group responsible for thwarting our efforts.  I was expecting someone like Blue Pegasus or Black Rose to do something.  No, it seems we're stuck with free-lancers," the man said with another twitch before looking towards Nao.  "How about you join us, hm?  I can promise you something better than that robot and that loli can give you.  We have plenty of women at our disposal for pleasure back at the guild.  What do you say, stranger?"

    Anastasia turned her mech around to look at Charles and his men with Taliya standing in front of the mech in a ready position.  "Hey, fuck off!  He belongs to us!" Ana shouted before Taliya nodded her head.  "Yeah!  That's my OUR Nao-Nao!" Taliya said as she hooked a thumb to herself for a moment.  Upon realizing the possessiveness she showed, she dissolved the gesture.

    Charles waved a 'hand' out towards the group and sent out his grunts towards Anastasia and Almyra.  "Men, don't kill the male.  Bring him back alive," he said in his voice before the men shouted.  "Aye Sir!" before rushing towards Anastasia and Almyra.  With a grumble, Anastasia turned on her Trans-Am system, causing a red aura to flare up around her mech.  

    "Time to bash these bastard's heads in, Taliya!" Anastasia stated.  

    "Aye!" Taliya shouted before she ran in towards the large collection of minions and slapped her gauntlets together, creating a black hole, sucking all of the minions into a tight hole.  Taking her mech to the sky, she pointed both of her arms towards the newly tightened collection of minions.  The minions shouted in horror as they are now being pulled together into a tight wad.

    "What the hell kinda voodoo is this, Eric?"
    "I don't know, Jim!  But it seems like we're stuck!"
    "Shut up, Jim and Eric!  We need to find our way out of this before something bad happens!"
    "I wouldn't have been in this position if you didn't drag me into this."
    "Me drag you into this?  He dragged me into this!"
    "Me?  But he dragged me into this."  This kept going for a short while before Taliya interrupted with "SHUT UP!  GEEZ!" she said before moving out of the tight collection of men before Anastasia let loose a single blue dragon of pure energy at the group.  The dragon exploded only for Anastasia to drop back to the ground, delivering a massive strike to everyone in the tight ball.  

    Reeling her dragon fangs back up to directly next to her, she looked at the pile of unconscious men that were Charles' army.  A little laugh came from Charles.  "Well, that's impressive.  That's impressive indeed," the man said, tilting his head before looking to Nao.  "Last chance, do you want to join me now?" he said in a rather tilted manner.  The raw power of Team Four Star was enough to spook him, causing his voice to crack when he asked the question.
    Yes, they're only unconscious.  If we need to, we can wake them up to help fill word count.
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    Post by Nao 26th December 2016, 3:15 pm


    Join us or die...

    The water mage turned to see Almy beginning to cower in fear. He hadn’t seen the girl begin to shake and shiver like that at all. In fact it puzzled him why such a tough cookie like Almyra Bys was now on the floor murmuring. Maybe the toughness was only really skin deep in all this. However there was a loud and large scream coming from her vicinity, but he couldn’t detect who caused it due to covering his eyes and ears. He didn’t want to feel the effects of whatever scream was happening, and he didn’t want to deal with what would happen with it.

    When the screams stopped he looked and saw the men attacking were on the floor, ears bleeding and skin ripped from their faces. He was glad he wasn’t really affected by it besides the huge psychological damage that would require a lot of counselling work to get him back to his usual self.

    He got up and looked at Almy, Ana and Talia and smiled that they showed them who was boss. However it was a very short lived win as another group appeared, much larger than the one they had just fought against. It seemed they were also met by the real bad guy. A shadowy figure who was Charles Pierstz.

    Nao looked at them all, and calculated how many men they would be facing as t hey took position to defend him. He frowned as he worked out very quickly that they were not only outnumbered, but they were outgunned by a huge amount. Even doing just fine with a group of people it would still take time for him to recharge his spells.

    They man called out to Nao, asking for him join his group and abandon Almy and Ana in return for lots of women back at their court. It was a strange, albeit tempting proposition. However, it wasn’t really something that he was really interested in. In fact, he hadn’t really been interested in anybody at all since he really started doing jobs. Too busy for all that, yo.

    Taliya began to attack, bringing all the weaker guys in with her black hole abilities. She always did try to attract many guys to her presence. Ana would use this opportunity to launch hell from above and incapacitate them for a little while. It impressed the man, but he was still interested in Nao more than anyone.

    ”You know you just saw what they did right? You know they’re much better f-fighters than I… y-you know?” He looked around, side stepping a little bit towards his team.

    ”I find it strange why y-you’d choose just a guy you know? You’re missing out on a range of scary mages by choosing only men in your team, huh? Might as well life the gender discrimination… m-might get some more people in your team, right?”

    He coughed slightly, before looking around, feeling a little uncomfortable.

    ”I-I think I will ummm…Pass?” He smiled softly, before running towards his team, holding as many of them as he could and using his Water Dragon’s Slide to slide back 15 metres. Before pushing them behind cover.

    ”He seems to be able to grab reinforcements quickly. It’s going to be a long battle unless we can ambush them all and pull out groups to take out quickly. Also the fact he seems to be a shadow… That might be a problem… Any ideas here or are we going to have to come up with some ideas on the fly?”

    Words: 7745 / 18,000

    OOC: Grabbed people and ran away to cover.



    Profile Magic Bank
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] Empty Re: Viva La liberación! [Freedom at Last] [Job]

    Post by Almyra Bys 1st January 2017, 8:01 pm

    Almyra was not in a good state. While her sister was fighting with the dark mages, she remained where she was, curled in a ball, hugging her doll as tightly as she could, sobbing quietly, too panicked to be of any use in the fight as her allies took out nearby dark mages with relatively little effort. Nao used one of his spells to move him and the others farther away from the dark mages that just arrived. Almyra crawled into a nook in the wall of a damaged house and hid there, closing her eyes to look through her sister's.

    The spirit woman hovered a few feet off the ground, glaring at Charles, her jaw clenched and arms slightly outstretched. "You will harm no one." She said, as their opponents began to weaken from the spirit sapping their strength. Almyra cast several of her spells through Timara, empowering her with entropic magic to help protect her sister. One of the mages rushed at her. Timara dodged a swing of his weapon, the aura Almy made around her lashing out at him. Almyra cast two more spells through her sister, hitting the mage, her magic tearing away at him as the spells impacted him.

    With her first opponent down, Timara ran to and struck a second mage. Her own attack was weak, but Almyra's magic empowered it, causing Timara's telekinetic force to not only cut the man slightly, but also ware away at his flesh and armor as Almyra's magic took hold. He struck the spirit, not hurting her much between the weakness she was inflicting upon him and the fact that she was a ghost. Almyra winced a bit as she felt her sister get struck by the dark mage, the aura once again lashing out at the fellow. Timara struck him again, her attack combined with Almyra's magic causing the man to take a step back, wincing in pain as the combination of Almyra's harmful aura and her and her sister's attacks starting to wear him down. His equipment was faring even worse as it rapidly began turning to dust.

    Almyra's eyes shot open now as she shut out her sister's senses, unable to bear the feeling of being in combat any longer. She made a small whining sound as she continued to cling to her doll. She shivered now, terrified at the prospect of battle, and even more terrified that she had harmed someone, and continued to do so by having her spells help Timara to strike their opponents, and by giving her sister the aura that would lash out at those that attacked her. She scooted herself backwards, trying to make her way deeper into the small space she had gotten herself into, wanting nothing more than to hide from the world.

    Timara HP: 185
    Almy HP: 445 MP: 82%

    Durations: Spirit Manifestation- 5 posts, Consequence- 4 posts, Degrading Blows- 4 posts
    Cooldowns: Tearing Wave- 2 posts, Apparition Burst- 2 posts



    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] 3MA5V3N
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    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] Empty Re: Viva La liberación! [Freedom at Last] [Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 7th January 2017, 5:08 pm

    Words:  8798 / 18,000
    We can be heroes
    Just for one day

    Timara's power was absolutely frightening; feeling like the embodiment of anger and rage that Almyra had suppressed, taken form as her sister.  Opening the cockpit of her mech, Anastasia jumped out of the robot and landing on the ground a small distance away from Almyra.  Running to Almyra's aid, she held the girl up by the back of her neck in a strange embrace; as if someone was cradling a dying person.  Almyra clutched her doll tightly before clearing her throat and looked towards Nao.

    "Almyra's not doing well!  I need to take her to safety!" Anastasia shouted out to her partner, Nao.  With a snap of her fingers, a strange pink armor enveloped Nao.  While the armor did look quite feminine, it also had strange powers that Nao wasn't used to.  The Pixie Armor had very little coverage in terms of armor, but it also gave Nao the power of flight and the ability to transform himself into a small airship as a form of transportation.  

    Anastasia looked back to Almyra for a moment before picking her up and escorting her towards her mech.  Ana expected some struggling and if Almyra struggled too much, she would let her go (but that's assuming Almyra did so).  "I need to get you somewhere safe, Almyra.  Being out here in the open isn't good for you," she said as the mech lowered it's hand down, allowing Ana and Almyra to catch a ride upwards towards the mech's cockpit, where Ana placed Almyra in the secondary seat behind the main pilot seat.  The addition of the second seat was for occasions like this one, thankfully.  

    Clearing her throat and narrowing her eyes, she lowered the cockpit door closed.  The Trans-Am system flared up once again, sending out red particles throughout the air.  However, the man named Charles twitched at Nao's answer, making strange twitching movements periodically; as if it was some form of nervous tick that he had.  "If that's your answer, then so be it," Charles said before raising both of his hands out in front of him and fired a black shadow bolt towards Nao.  "If you won't join me, then I'll just kill you," he said with a twitch.   As the black bolt grew closer to Nao, Anastasia extended the arm of her Dragon Fang out and summoned a barrier, allowing the barrier to take the damage from the bolt instead of Nao.  

    Anastasia reeled in the dragon fang before turning to look towards Charles before his minions began to rise again.  Ana sucked air in between her teeth upon seeing this and looked to Nao and Timara, speaking through her intercomm system.  "I have Almy inside the cockpit, she's safe.  You two should take on Charles and I'll take on the adds," she said.  While that was gamer terminology, it applied to this situation properly.  

    As the men were stirred awake, Anastasia activated the engines of her mech to flash forward towards the group before they had a chance to react and swung her arms, letting the dragon fangs drag along the ground.  She used the fangs like a flail, swinging it towards the group of men that were waking up, rolling over them like bowling pins struck by a fast ball.   The sound of the men screaming came through the intercom system, allowing Anastasia and Almyra to hear what's going on.  Realizing that Almyra might not like that sound, Anastasia placed her headsets over her head and changed the channel to headset only.  

    Yes, they're only unconscious.  If we need to, we can wake them up to help fill word count.
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    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] Empty Re: Viva La liberación! [Freedom at Last] [Job]

    Post by Nao 16th January 2017, 12:40 pm

    Nao was covered in an armour created by Ana. It was head to toe pink but he didn't really notice or think about it since you know… he was about to be fighting the big boss one on one. He wasn’t really too sure how it was going to go since Ana and Almy were moving away to a safer distance to get her over… whatever was happening to her. She had been acting very strangely since she had lost her hand in a job…

    Nao couldn’t see a connection between anything here.

    ”Okay I’ll be right here! Fighting the err…” Nao looked at the man who was now coming at him with his shadowy whip of some sort. ”I guess you’re the big bad boss in all of this huh?’ All the man did was nod before disappearing in a flash. He would appear moments later behind Nao and would kick him down onto the floor.

    The Water Slayer would fall, roll over, and then slide back about fifteen metres or so. He would then stretch his back for a second before frowning.

    ”You know… you’re not a fair fighter. Using your speed or something to get behind me and try to do some kind of cheap tripping moves.!” Nao was annoyed at the dirty fighting more than he was the fact he was left behind to fight all behind by himself.

    “Yeah I’m the boss of a Dark Guild so what? I’m here to kill you since you turned my offer down.” He would then fire a bolt of shadowy energy at the Mage, who would in turn throw a bolt of watery energy in counter. They would both hit and fizz out of existence due to their matching of power. It looked like they were equal in strength, but stamina was a different matter.

    Nao would pull out a bottle of water, guzzling it down despite the situation. He would then put the empty bottle inside his flak jacket to go back into the mini dimension inside it. He felt a little better from rehydrating, but not enough to really go into overload. Nope Nao would have to do better than that to fight this man.

    ”Alright… maybe you’re going to be a lot harder than I tho-“ the man disappeared again for a moment. Where the heck could he have gone in such a quick speed. ”Okay you’re a lot harder than I thought you were going to be here.” At that point a shadowy bolt just missed him, as he turned into a liquid form and dodged the next hail of attacks that would come his way from the shadows.

    ”Oh so you like to play in the shadows huh?” Nao would say as he fired a blast of hot, hazey steam at the shadows, before following it up with a slicing attack at the man who he was facing. He wouldn’t realize the slicing attack was there, and before he got a chance to dodge the steam he was hit by the slicing attack.

    Nao would hear a gag from the attack, before he disappeared from that shadow and onto another one. The man would avoid the steam, but would send another shadow bolt at Nao, who would use his Water Dragon Scales to block it. It seemed like he was just trying gauge how much Nao would do before he got tired, which was a lot.

    The slayer would form a watery tail on his back, forming it to protect himself from someone who liked to backstab a lot. He would swing it around him, trying to keep the man from getting too close again.

    He would hear nothing for a while, only the deathly silence, and the screams of people in the distance as Ana cleared through a bunch of recruits and mages. He realized then that he was separated from the rest of the group… wherever Timara was… he wasn’t with Nao right now. Instead Nao would have to try and work out how to get to the guy.

    First thing to do was that Nao needed to actually listen to the footsteps around him, and pinpoint where he would go. The direction of where Charles was was important. Because if he had the separated and could teleport… then he could strike at any time. Dammit.

    WC; 725
    Words: 9523/ 18,000


    Profile Magic Bank
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] Empty Re: Viva La liberación! [Freedom at Last] [Job]

    Post by Almyra Bys 23rd January 2017, 11:10 pm

    Almyra was hiding as best she could as Anastasia took hold of her. Her eyes shot open in panic for a moment before realizing who it was that had found her. She let out a small whimper before suddenly grabbing onto Anastasia, holding on as tightly as she could, burying her face in her friend's shoulder. She was shaking violently, unable to escape from the violence around her as she felt her sister working to defend her, Nao, and Ana.

    Ana picked her up now. It was a nice feeling, to be held by someone stronger than you, someone who can handle whatever dire situation they were placed in. Almyra wouldn't struggle at all, but instead simply curl up a bit, still holding onto Ana as the other woman carried her back to the mech, whose hand carried the duo back into the cockpit. She was placed in a seat now, and looked around, her dark eyes wide with panic.

    Almyra, please... you need to help us. Lend me your strength.

    Almyra heard her sister speaking in her mind as she clutched the doll once more, holding it to her chest as she closed her eyes, channeling more of her magic through Timara to help her sister fight. The spirit suddenly appeared next to Nao and stared at him for a moment. Nao would find himself suddenly vastly more aware of his surroundings, able to tell the exact power and speed of any spells around him and the exact velocities of allies and opponents. He would find himself able to react faster thanks to this as well. Timara hovered beside him now.

    "I'm with you, let's fight him together." She looked around, her eyes glowing a dull green color, with her hands alight with the same fire-like energy Nao had seen Almyra use before. The spirit was clearly ready for battle. She saw a spike in magical activity thanks to Amor Fati, and was able to reach out towards Charles as he appeared from within a shadow. The incorporeal woman's fist did little to harm him, but the fiery magic of entropy surrounding it wore away at his flesh and skin painfully, causing him to grunt in pain as he fired two shadow bolts directly into Timara, the spirit flying back with a yelp of pain.

    Meanwhile, back aboard Anastasia's mech, Ana went in for an attack on the weaker members of the dark guild, with the intercom still on, Almyra heard the screams of the men as Anastasia struck. She tensed up her breath becoming shallow and ragged at the sound along with the sensation of her sister being hurt. The damage transmitted to her through Timara was minor, but still enough to cause her nose to start bleeding. She let go of her doll now. It fell to the floor of the cockpit as Almyra's right hand slowly moved to gingerly grasp at the severed stump of her left. A quiet squeak of sorts escaping from her throat. She sat staring forward, her eyes seeing nothing now, her ears deaf to the real world as she heard the gunshots and screams echo out from within the rushing sands of Desierto. A single word escaped from her lips. "No."

    WC 540

    Timara HP: 92
    Almy HP: 430 MP: 59%

    Effect on Nao: D-rank 28% boost to reaction + heightened awareness of his surroundings
    Effect on enemies: Damage dealt reduced by 30% (B-rank)

    Durations: Spirit Manifestation- 4 posts, Consequence- 3 posts, Degrading Blows- 2 posts, Amor Fati- 5 posts (on Timara), Through My Eyes (on Nao) - 3 posts
    Cooldowns: Tearing Wave- 1 post, Apparition Burst- 1 post, Fettered Teleportation-3 posts


    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] 3MA5V3N
    Button count: 1035
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    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] Empty Re: Viva La liberación! [Freedom at Last] [Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 27th January 2017, 4:31 pm

    Words:  11214 / 18,000
    Where is mayonnaise
    When you need it?

    Anastasia finished off the additional men that were causing problems on the battlefield, assisting their guild master, Charles.  Forgetting to turn the intercoms off, a strange feeling came from Almyra; a single word 'no' escaped her lips.  Coming to a full-stop, Anastasia looked over as Nao struggled to fight Charles.  "Hold strong, Nao," she spoke to him over the mech communication system, able to speak to him from mech-to-mech.  She needed to help Nao, but something was wrong with Almyra.  This was quite the pickle she was in; either save the life of Nao or risk Almyra's mind from being destroyed.  

    Nao is strong enough to fend for himself for now.  Removing the belt that kept her in her seat, Ana walked around to the back-seat noticing blood coming out of Almyra's nose.  She placed a hand upon Almy's knee and looked up at her.  "Everything is going to be alright, Almy.  I didn't kill anyone so just get a grip for now alright?  You gotta be strong," she said as she heard explosions and a jarring hit go to her mech.  Klaxxon was ringing constantly, becoming a nuisance to the ear.  She looked outwards to see some of the mages she knocked unconscious return to consciousness.  "Shit," Anastasia whispered out, sucking air between her teeth slightly.

    She turned to look back towards Almyra and put a hand upon her face in a caring manner.  "You have to be strong Almyra.  Nao and your sister are out there fighting with everything they have.  If we don't get back out there, they will get really hurt.  Do you understand?  You need to keep your composure.  Don't lose yourself like you did the last time we were in Desierto," she said before recoiling a bit, realizing what she said was a bit insensitive.  After all, Almyra did have a lot of her people die that day, to include her sister.  ~Good going, stupid~

    Another heavy jarring could be felt upon her large armor before she shifted with the hit and returned her gaze back up to Almyra.  Anastasia tore a piece of her clothing and put it up to Almyra's nose to wipe away the blood.  Ana tried to give Almyra a comforting smile.  "You think you can be strong for us?  We need you to be strong, Almyra.  We can't do this without you," she said before leaning in and kissing Almyra lightly upon the cheek.  "I need you to be strong, okay?" Ana said before quickly returning to her seat, strapping on the seatbelt and placing her hands upon the control sticks.

    "Sorry for the delay, Nao.  I'm back in action," she said as the suit sprang back into life, holding it's arms together, clasping the suit's fingers.  The dragon fangs on either side of the arms opened up and a shower of super heated plasma bathed the men.  She quickly turned the intercom system off so their screams wouldn't be heard by Almyra.  Anastasia also turned off all cameras so she wouldn't be able to see.  Opening up the cockpit door, this was the only method Anastasia used to see anything.  Further damage to Almyra's psyche wasn't something she wanted, but it does put her in quite the handicap.  

    Clearing her throat, Anastasia took a deep breathe out.  Unclasping the seatbelt, she stepped out to the edge of the mech and raised a single hand into the air.  "Come forth, my noble Einherjar!" she said before dark clouds gathered, creating a supercell just above them.  The clouds swirled around quickly before a figure started to slowly float down.  A single black wing was spread out before the man pulled out an obnoxiously long sword.  Slowly descending to the ground, Anastasia nodded to the man and returned to her seat and rebuckled up.  She grabbed the control console once again only to see the one-winged man fly around, dispatching all of the additional mages in a single blow each.  Each strike from the man instantly decapitated the other mages, leaving no noise other than the subtle thud of their heads rolling upon the ground.

    Thankfully, Anastasia kept the cameras off while this happened.  She didn't feel good about this either, but it was something that had to have been done.  Those who commit themselves to evil should be struck down with the same force, if not more force, than they exert upon the weak.  This was one of the reasons she refused to be a savage and massacre innocent people when raiding their villages.  Leave them with enough to live and not kill any who just want to hide.  Those who resist are suppressed in a non-lethal manner.  Lethal force is only left as a last resort.  However, she cannot control the one she just summoned.  His sole purpose is to prove his worth to the Valkyrie and remain sharp until the time comes; that time being Ragnarok.

    While this happened, Taliya was throwing punch after punch towards the boss, only to have her punches avoided as the man created holes within his body to avoid the attacks made by Charles Piertsz.  After delivering another punch, she connected only for the shadowy body to bind her.  "Yes.  If that water mage won't come to me, I'll--" Charles said before a part of him was cut off, the part that was binding Taliya.  A long blade could be seen cleaving the body of the shadow mage before the Einherjar impaled Charles for a moment, causing a loud death wail.  The body evaporated with a loud laugh coming from the man, himself.  

    "A shadow clone?" the one-winged man questioned.  "I think I'm just going to kill everyone here?  All of those people you evacuated?  Well, I suppose I'll take their souls right now.  It would be quite delicious to do and it wouldn't be hard for someone like me," the man said with a chuckle.   A strange man appeared in between Taliya, the Einherjar, and Nao, holding two massive shotguns in his hands.  

    "So that's his true form?" Anastasia asked before looking down back towards Almyra and gave her another comforting smile.  "Everything will be alright, Almy.  Just keep being strong," she said before the man with the shotguns started to turn around, launching multiple shotgun shots towards Taliya, Nao, and the Einherjar.  The man with the large sword attempted to deflect as many attacks before a large dragon fang could be seen grabbing the man.  The man paused for a moment before being yanked towards Anastasia.  Without having a follow-through, the man changed his body into pure shadow before flying in through the cockpit of the mech and passed Anastasia, only to materialize directly in front of Almyra, holding both of the shotguns directly in her face.  

    "Crap!  No!" Anastasia said, trying to unbuckle the seatbelt.  Almyra seems to be in a very bad position right now.  "Kill him, Almyra!" Anastasia shouted.  
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    Post by Nao 5th February 2017, 4:34 pm

    Nao felt like every single shadow could be an attack waiting to happen when it came to fighting this guy. Wherever he got his magic from? Seemed to be stemming from somewhere dark and evil. A shady (heh) figure that manipulated the shadows around him seemed way too dangerous for this world. The attacks were way too sneaky and shadows didn’t really make a sound for the Slayer to really sense. So how was he going to even push for a quick win when he couldn’t even detect where the spells are going to come from unless he saw them? This was a real dilemma he was suffering from.

    Only soon afterwards did Nao find that his senses heightened, and that he felt like he could react quicker to the environment. A voice came into his ears and mind suggesting someone was with him. He looked around and saw nothing around him. For some reason Nao wasn’t really able to see spoopy ghost people like Timara.

    ”God… is that you?” he called out quietly, before feeling the air in one direction being pushed as Timara was using Almyra’s magic as her own. Nao saw it as just another attempt by Charles to go and cause more damage so he would dive out of the way. He looked up to see that Charles was instead more focused on fighting something near him. Was God now fighting against Charles? Whatever the almighty was doing to help was certainly a good distraction as he chucked a water bolt at the man, soaking him head to toe in water.

    Charles didn’t seem all that phased by the attack that hit him, instead sending his own bolt of shadows in return. Nao would dodge it this time, barely avoiding the attack in hand. Whatever deity gave this power… he was really glad they were on his side.

    Taliya joined in on the fight against the boss as Ana called to say she was back in the fight. She seemed busy enough as she summoned a man from the sky. A one winged angel with a very catchy theme as he arrived onto the battlefield. He seemed to be able to mop up the adds that had started to return to the battle. His attacks precise and quite amazing.

    In all that amazement Taliya was getting pretty beaten by Charles as he then grabbed her with his shadowy body, not paying attention to what was ongoing on behind him. The angel sliced through the arm, freeing her as he disappeared from the scene. Nao would look around to see where he went as the summon questioned what Charles had been.

    Only then would the Dark Mage appear once more, with multiple arms wielding multiple shotguns. Nao’s eyes widened as he formed into his liquid state, before jumping and pushing Taliya down to the floor. He would take a few bullets from the shotguns, feeling the pain yet was lucky that being made of water meant they passed through rather than just finding a new home inside his body. The armour Ana had given him had broken beyond repair at this point, disappearing back to Isayev Labs for repair and replacement parts. Hopefully it wasn’t too experience for them to repair…

    ”G-gah!” he let out a pained sound as he dropped out of the form. He felt the pain in his shoulder as he could still feel the shock of the bullets piercing through him. There wasn’t really any kind of physical damage, but the psychological and nerve damage from being hit by such an attack. He looked to the man, who had been attacked by the dragon fangs before disappearing into shadow.

    ”Ah shit, Ana!” Nao tried to push up from the floor and Taliya, but struggling to find the strength to get himself up from all the damage he had taken from being riddled with bullets. It hurt… it really hurt so very much.

    11873 / 18,000


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    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] Empty Re: Viva La liberación! [Freedom at Last] [Job]

    Post by Almyra Bys 21st May 2017, 7:48 pm

    Timara engaged the dark mage once more, using the enchantment Almyra had put upon her to strike at him further, the entropic magic wearing away at his skin and clothing. She tried alongside Nao to free Taliyah from his grasp before the Einherjar was summoned. Still, even the removal of the Charles' arm seemed to do little to phase him as he shifted form. The spirit moved between him, Nao, and Taliyah, blocking a shot from the shotguns and dispersing with a cry of pain. With her manifested form disrupted, Timara's soul returned to Almyra's doll. The shock of Timara's disruption hit Almyra like a kick to the chest, she gasped, snapping out of her state for a moment. She tried to move in her seat only to find she was held in by the seat belt. She groped at the buckle, frantically pawing at it until her magic ate away at the buckle, as the spells that were active on her sister were transferred back to her when Timara's manifestation was destroyed.

    As the straps of the seatbelt fell down to her sides, Almyra looked up to see Charles standing in front of her, his shotguns aimed directly at her face, she froze for a moment, her eyes meeting the dark mage's mask. She stood up quickly, lunging at the masked man as she took two shots to the chest, her blood sprayed across the seat and about the cockpit as the rounds tore through her, but still she continued, barely slowed as she reached out, her hand grabbing hold of Charles' mask, aglow with the green flame of her magic. A sizzling sound could be heard as her hand melted through the mask with ease. Charles cried out in agony as her hand touched his face now, her magic tearing the skin and muscle from the bone on which it lay. While she kept her hand pressed to the man's face, she wrapped her injured arm around him, holding onto him as tightly as she could to keep her magic eating away at his face.

    Charles dropped his guns and started to try to pull the small woman off of him, but she remained firmly attached with all her strength. She closed her eyes now, gritting her teeth as she focused, then, with a puff of wind, she and Charles disappeared from the cockpit, appearing down at the base of Anastasia's mech. The two struggled, with Charles starting to beat Almyra to try to get her off, but with each blow, her entropic aura lashed out at him, attacking his hands. At this point, Almyra's sole goal was to maintain contact so she could continue burning Charles, clinging onto him like some sort of acidic monkey, slowly melting the man's flesh while also enduring a heavy beating of her own.

    WC 472


    HP: 240 MP: 52%
    Durations:  Consequence- 2 posts, Degrading Blows- 1 post, Amor Fati- 4 posts, Through My Eyes (on Nao) - 3 posts
    Cooldowns: Fettered Teleportation-2 posts, Probabilistic Transportation- 4 posts


    Viva La  liberación!   [Freedom at Last] [Job] 3MA5V3N
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