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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]


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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by sagey 28th September 2017, 8:16 am

    Sage was excited, but in the same time he was scared. Sage was about to enter a guild as he is a full time mage now, before he is just a waiter in a local restaurant. However, Sage didnt know how he should do it, questions appeared in his head, 'is this right?', 'are there any specific way to join a guild?', and many more that awoken his anxiety. Sage was in the phoenix island and was walking through markets after markets, he was searching for the Golden Phoenix Guild, but it seems like he couldn't find it anywhere, and he heard that the only way he could get there is through the forest, which is filled with creatures, mythical creatures, phoenixes. Sage never seen one but he could tell that one will surely launch at him and bite his head off, so he think that it is best for him to not walk through the forest.

    After a few hours, Sage gave up, Sage stood one meter from the forest, he still felt like it is a bad idea, since he dont know how to really use his magic to fight yet.
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by Grey Masar 28th September 2017, 1:00 pm

    The energetic purple haired girl walked around the territory of the Golden Phoenix guild.She was just a little bit curious if there was someone who were to be just hanging around the portal,since that's what she did when she first came to this guild.Golden Phoenix was lacking in guildmembers compared to other guilds.She ran out of the guild hall through all of the markets and finally to the portal to go outside back to the mountains.She went through it happily,but to her surprise no-one was there.Maybe someone was stuck in the forest,yeah that would be more likely.So she went down the mountain,but she did keep in mind that this could just be a total waste of time and nobody would be there."Don't keep your hopes up Ebisawa" Her mind kept telling her.She finally made it down and she entered the forest.She almost had lost her hopes for finding a potential guildmate.She was already there for about an hour searching and searching till she made it back to the phoenix island.Maybe someone was in the forest there she thought.And she ran and ran till she found a black haired male standing in front of the forest entrance."Finally a person!" She thought,before she walked up to the male.

    The man was alot taller from up close,but this didn't bother her."Hello! Are you looking for the Golden Phoenix guild sir?" She asked the man.Now this was not very common to see her so very friendly,but she had to if she wanted anymore guildmembers to come.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] 6CAP4YvW_o

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    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by sagey 28th September 2017, 3:08 pm

    Suddenly Sage heard a voice, a voice that could only came from a girl, a sweet girl. Sage turned his head and saw a girl shorter than him, her hair tied into a pony tail and is indigo in colour. Sage didnt know how to reply, being shy and what-not. But Sage took a hold of himself and tried so hard to not make him look like a fool, "Oh, hello." Sage said to reply her greet. The thing that made Sage a little bit happy is that she asked whether he is searching for the golden phoenix guild or not. "Yes, I am searching for the guild, but I couldn't find it anywhere." Then something hit Sage's head, 'maybe she is one of the guild's member'. "Are you one of Golden Phoenix member?", Sage asked out of the blue.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] MM0wX3a
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by Grey Masar 28th September 2017, 4:05 pm

    Ebisawa expected something rude to come out of the male's mouth.But of course nothing had happened,the man just wanted some directions towards the guild,and yes luckily he did want to go the guild! "Follow me then! Now since we are going to be taking awhile before we make it to the guild how about we introduce ourselves to each other?" She told him,she took in breath and started to talk again."I'm Ebisawa Ukikono,And yes i'm a member of Golden Phoenix!" She told him smiling.She really couldn't help but smile at the man,talking with the man did make her feel a little nervous,as they were just alone in the forest."So what hobbies do you have?" Asking out of the blue like that was a bit weird for her.But she just wanted to make some small talk so it wasn't just an awkward walk towards the guild."He's a cutie" She thought as they walked further into the forest.An hour later they finally made it to the last forest exit."Here we are! Now all we have to do is walk up that mountain" She was pointing towards the tall hill in front of them.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] 6CAP4YvW_o

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    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by sagey 29th September 2017, 3:12 pm

    Luckily, the one who stumbled with Sage is a member of the Golden Phoenix guild, her name Ebisawa Ukikono, After she finished her introduction of herself, Sage thought that it would be his turn next,, things kept racing in his mind, he dont know what to say and whatnot, then Sage settled his mind with saying only his name, "Sage, Sage Elm." he said with a rather normal tone that he tried so hard to make because he dont want to look like a fool in front of someone he just met. Then Sage noticed that Ebisawa kept smiling, he couldnt help it, but to smile too, but rather, a small smile. 

    Suddenly Ebisawa asked him if he have any hobbies or not, Sage didnt hesitate even once, as he does have a hobby of his own and was hoping that he could still do it once he move to the guild. "I love to swim, especially in the summer where I could explore the ocean all by myself." and that was the longest sentence Sage has ever said that day. 

    When they have exited the forest, Ebisawa pointed towards a hill and said that they need to climb to the top of the mountain, it was peculiar, as Sage could see no sign of a guild being there, but he just followed Ebisawa as he believed her.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] MM0wX3a
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by Grey Masar 30th September 2017, 6:23 pm

    Ebisawa grabbed Sage's hand and ran with him up the mountain,now of course it did look like there was nothing on top of the mountain based on what Sage saw,but of course Ebisawa already knew that the portal was here.They were already mid way up the mountain,so she let go of the mans hand just in case he got uncomfortable with her being a stranger just grabbing his hand and dragging him up the mountain basically."Er.. Sorry for dragging you up here,should've just let you run on your own,anyways we should be almost up the hill!" She said smiling nervously.She ran up the hill since she did think that Sage was starting to get uncomfortable staying with her.She made it up to the top,now she was just waiting for Sage to come up.Whenever sage came up the hill Ebisawa smiled at him."Here's the portal to the guild,Now come along with me,Er.. you just have to hold onto me or something so you can actually trasnport as well." She said as she entered through the portal.After being teleported you could see the beautiful city that was surrounded by a large amount of water.This was the underwater city of Oahu."Welcome to Oahu!" She told him,smiling at him again.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] 6CAP4YvW_o

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    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by sagey 1st October 2017, 12:15 am

    Sage could feel her soft hand grabbing his hand and drag him to the top of the mountain, Sage was shocked at first, and weirdly he didnt feel like withdrawing his hand. Suddenly at the middle of the journey she released her hand and awkwardly apologised to Sage, but actually Sage doesnt care if she grab his hand, and he dont know why he is feeling like that as he is very sensitive when people touches him. When they reach the top of the mountain Sage still couldnt see anything but then he saw Ebisawa standing on something which looks like a portal. 

    Ebisawa told Sage to hold on her so he walked behind her back and touches both her shoulder with his hands, not knowing how else he should do it. The teleport then activated, Sage had never teleport before so it was an experience of his life. Then they reach the end of the portal, and what Sage saw amazed him, the underwater city of Oahu.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] MM0wX3a
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by Grey Masar 1st October 2017, 3:37 pm

    Ebisawa lead the black haired man over to the guild,it was the tallest building at the city,so it was hard to miss."So uh... Do you want to check out anything?" She asked the man just in case,since lots of people tend to wander around before signing up to the guild.As she awaited an answer she looked around the city again,it was a very beautiful city,and just the fact that it was placed underwater made it even better."How do you like the city? It's very beautiful in my opinion." She asked him,not knowing what else to say.

    She was fidgeting with her fingers since she really had no idea what to do."Well uhm.. Before i forget to say,if you ever get lost tyring to find th eguild it's the tallest building here." She blurted out,now at least she didn't blurt something else out.And plus it was probably helpful to Sage if something like that had ever happened for him to be lost."So what was the reason you had wanted to go the guild?" She asked him another question.She was just making alot of small talk now.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] 6CAP4YvW_o

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    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by sagey 1st October 2017, 3:57 pm

    The city is large, for Sage. He could see tall buildings and he was amazed by it cuz he haven't seen anything like it, plus he is underwater which made him drop his jaw even more. Ebisawa asked Sage a question and he thought of something, something important that he havent had since morning, "Why dont we have a break and try the food here? Im very hungry." Sage said while smiling, probably laughing too, he is getting quite comfortable around Ebisawa, and he had never get so comfortable around someone in just a short duration of time. Sage led Ebisawa to a nearby restaurant, Sage wanted to have lunch if he could.  

    Ebisawa started to chat with Sage, small talks, usually he would feel irritated if someone small talked him, but he didnt when Ebisawa did it, "I think the city is quite magnificent." Sage answered quite shortly. Ebisawa then told Sage the tallest building is the guild, Sage gazed towards the building and couldnt wait to enter the guild, he is having fun with only one member only, he couldnt imagine a whole guild. Ebisawa then asked why do Sage wanted to join the guild, now this isnt a small talk anymore, "Well i just think that it would be fun being in a guild, and I found Golden Phoenix the most attractive." Sage answered truthfully, and this is his longest sentence yet. 

    Once they reach the restaurant, Sage took the nearest seat and had himself seated, he looked at the restaurant and find it quite beautiful and peaceful, being underwater and all. Sage then fixed his gaze upon Ebisawa, he didnt noticed how beautiful she is and also how short she is.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] MM0wX3a
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by Grey Masar 1st October 2017, 5:17 pm

    Ebisawa was soon lead into a nearby restaurant."Oh i'll pay for the meal,so get whatever you'd like" She said giving a smile.Now that,that was settled she could relax and eat some food.Most of the food that intrigued her was the seafood.Mostly because Seafood is her favorite type of food,but she did want to try some other new stuff."What will you be getting? I'll be getting what you get,You seem like you would know what food is good and what isn't" She wondered and told Sage.As she looked though the menu once more she found something that did look good to her,it was just a drink,but it could be good right? Since she did need refreshments from the long walk from the forest.She took a look away from the menu and watched Sage look through the menu.He did look quite handsome,and he looked pretty strong.He was actually alot taller than her,which did make her feel a bit embarrassed.

    Soon enough their server came and of course,asked what they wanted to have."I'll take whatever he get's and a Strawberry lemonade please" She told the lady in reply to her question.Soon after the server ran off getting their orders.Now she's already talked way too much and decided to keep her mouth shut for this time being,since Sage did seem like the quiet type.Which made him even more cuter to Ebisawa,but sometimes she could be annoyed by this since she's more of the loud type.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] 6CAP4YvW_o

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    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by sagey 2nd October 2017, 7:54 am

    Ebisawa told him that she is going to pay for the meal Sage was a little bit embarrassed because he is a man and he should be treating a woman, but he is too lazy to argue as Ebisawa look so determined to pay for the both of them. Ebisawa also told Sage that she is getting what he gets, Sage didnt mind this at all, he is cool with it. 

    Sage looked through the menu and searched for some food that he would like to get. The server than came and Ebisawa ordered a Strawberry Lemonade. Sage like sweet things, especially strawberry, but he wont mix it with sour things like lemons. "Ill have a Strawberry Milkshake." Sage said to the waiter with no shame at all as most people would think that strawberry milkshake is for small kids. Sage then decided what he is going to have, "Im just going to have Fish N' Chip." This is because  he is too lazy to check on the other menu that they serve as it is quite confusing to him. He wants life to be simple and easy.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] MM0wX3a
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by Grey Masar 2nd October 2017, 8:26 pm

    Ebisawa was actually was going to get the Fish N' Chips,which was a huge coincidence.After this she just stared into Sage's eyes,his eyes were mesmerizing to her.But eventually she snapped out of it as Sage probably had noticed her just staring at him.She pretended to clear her throat and started some small talk again."So how old are you,you're quite handsome" She blurted out,since that was the only question that was circling her mind.But before she could think about what was happening she had noticed that she had added that he was handsome,she covered her face in embarrassment.

    To move the fact she said that she started to look around the restaurant once more,it seemed that the customers that came there were quite scarce.But it was fine since she could see the details of the restaurant and it was quite peaceful."So... What's your goal in life or for this guild? Mine is to hopefully rid violence of this planet.Of course it's a hard goal to actually reach but it's a goal i do want to reach one day!" She told him out of the blue as she looked around the restaurant trying not to show how red her face was.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] 6CAP4YvW_o

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    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by sagey 3rd October 2017, 6:59 am

    While waiting, Sage observed the table which were nicely decorated, the patterns that were craved were so amazing Sage cant stop looking at it, he then shifted his gaze to the person in front of him, Ebisawa, who were looking at him too but then she looked away as if she was embarrassed of something. She then asked Sage, "So how old are you," and Sage was about to answer her but then she added, "You are quite handsome." and Sage turned red as a cherry, he looked down, so that he wouldnt have to make eye contact with Ebisawa. 

    Words were running through his head, he dont know what to say, he get a hold of himself, "Im 17." Sage answered shortly, his face still red. "You are quite beautiful too you know." and that made him redder than the reddest cherry, Sage didnt know why he said that, maybe to make the situation less awkward? but then he think back and he just made the situation worse.

    Ebisawa then questioned Sage why he wanted to join the guild, "Just to spend my life, I have nothing else to do, I heard words about being a part of a guild is fun, so I decided to join one." he answered truthfully. The waiter then came and served the drinks and food. Sage quickly took a sip on his strawberry milkshake and want to say nothing else, telling someone that she is beautifully unlocked his true shyness.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] MM0wX3a
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by Grey Masar 3rd October 2017, 9:01 am

    As soon as the food came she started to dig in and not make any contact with her eyes with Sage anymore.She just stared into her food and quickly ate it,as she was eating she thought about what she did early this morning.This was mostly to get her mind off the fact that she had made this situation Very awkward.All she could think about however was about how she met the tomato that was eating right in front of her.She tried to keep her mind off of today but she couldn't really think of anything else.So she tried to talk again."Well um.... Sorry about making this a bit of a horrible situation,But it is true that you're handsome." She had told the tomato before drinking some of her strawberry lemonade.She then continued to finish her food extremely quickly,but she didn't make any mess at the same time.

    "I'll go to pay the food,do you want any dessert? I'll go get myself a strawberry shortcake" She asked him as she got up.Thinking about what she said she noticed that she had gotten two strawberry flavored items now.But she didn't mind since. It was her favorite flavor anyways.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] 6CAP4YvW_o

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    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by sagey 3rd October 2017, 3:33 pm

    Ebisawa seems to clam the situation, Sage felt honoured, and respected, and again Ebisawa said that he is handsome, Sage couldnt be shy anymore, so he throw his shyness out the window and act cool about it, "Thanks then" he said while looking at Ebisawa, and also smiling, he is getting quite comfortable around Ebisawa now, so he actualy have no reason to be shy in the first place. 
    Ebisawa then said that she is going for dessert and if Sage wants something, Ebisawa said that she is going to have strawberry shortcake and Sage realised that she is a fan of strawberry, he smiled and said, "i didnt know you are a fan of strawberry," and he giggled a little, "Well i am a fan of strawberry too so Im going to have what you have." he answered. and before Ebisawa went to pay for the food, Sage hold her hand, "Hey," there was a pause for a moment, "Thank you."


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] MM0wX3a
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by Grey Masar 3rd October 2017, 6:14 pm

    Ebi was quite happy that Sage was a fan of strawberry as well,and he wanted the same thing as her.She was about run away to get the desert and pay for the stuff but before she could there was a short pause between Sage and her.He held her hand and told her thank you,of course Ebisawa was freaking out on the inside a little bit but she was fine since it felt fine to her."It's no biggie really.." She said as she nervously laughed.She really couldn't help but laugh a little.

    After this she continued to run off to the front desk and tell the server that she needed two strawberry shortcakes,after this she gave the server the small bag of jewel as payment.She ran back towards her table smiling at Sage.Her face really wasn't red anymore,she just didn't want to look shy anymore since this really wasn't how she was.And thought that maybe they could have a competition on eating the strawberry shortcake the fastest,but another thing she thought of was smashing the shortcake into his face,but that would probably be a bit rude.But then again she could always give her cake to him.She sat in her chair and just smiled at Sage.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] 6CAP4YvW_o

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    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by sagey 5th October 2017, 7:56 am

    Ebisawa paid for the meal and ordered the desserts. Ebisawa returned to the table and smiled at Sage, and he smiled back now that he feel pretty cool around Ebisawa and maybe it is because of the food. Sage realized that she is still a mysterious person or perhaps, a person that Sage dont know that well, so he decided to dig more about her, "So where do you live?" Sage asked her.

    Then a waitress appeared and served the strawberry shortcakes, Sage couldn't wait to have some, he also loves the tiny spoon people use to eat their cakes, it makes the cake feel even more delicious, to Sage though.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] MM0wX3a
    Grey Masar
    Grey Masar

    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by Grey Masar 5th October 2017, 7:23 pm

    Ebisawa just smiled at Sage until a question came up.He asked where Ebisawa lived,and that was quite simple to answer since she lived pretty close to the guild."I live around here of course! I'll invite you sometime" She told Sage happily for some random reason.Shortly after a waitress came to give the 'duo' their Shortcakes.They looked cute especially because of the fact that there was a small strawberry on top of it.She took a small spoon and took a small spoonful of the delicate strawberry cake.She ate the small bite and some of the cream went on her lips.

    She looked back at Sage and asked him the same question that he asked her."Now that i've told you where i live tell me where you live" He told Sage.Before licking the cream that was on her lips.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] 6CAP4YvW_o

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    #9966ff= Ebisawa #990000=Jeanne


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    Lineage : Bringer of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 189
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    Experience : 3,362

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    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] Empty Re: Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro]

    Post by sagey 6th October 2017, 2:53 am

    Ebisawa answered Sage and told him that she live somewhere near here, and she cutely said that she'll invite him some other time. Ebisawa asked Sage where he live, "I dont have a place which I could call home, Ive been travelling since I became a mage, and before that I live with my aunt." Memories came back flooding through Sage's mind which would make him look like he was spacing out a bit, he came back to reality after a few while and enjoyed hi strawberry cake, he start with the edge first, he dont want to smash the strawberry first.

    As he chewed on the cake, he could feel its sweetness filling his mouth. He enjoyed that. He then fixed his eyes on Ebisawa, his mouth is full so he think that it is best to not say anything.


    Water Phoenix [Open|GuildIntro] MM0wX3a

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:20 am