Fairy Tail RP

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    War on the Horizon


    War on the Horizon Empty War on the Horizon

    Post by Guest 28th May 2017, 7:36 am

    War on the Horizon
    S Rank

    Player Requirements:
    3 Players, A Rank minimum
    Own a Ship
    Roll 15 Monster Dice

    Job Requirements:
    20,000 words

    Job Location:
    Neutral Ground

    Job Description:
    Word on the Sea's that there's some group of marauders setting up shop a few hundred miles off Fiore's west coast. There's not much information on them, only that they're numbers are increasing every day. A fellow wearing a black cloak approaches you and slams an envelope into your chest before vanishing into the crowd. Within that envelope is a letter.

    'Dear Guest, the fact that you're reading this letter means that my courior was less talkative than he was paid to be. There's a situation building up but I can't bring it up with the others quite yet, I lack evidence. I know this is an unorthodox way of giving you a job but I've got one for you...

    Using your own ship, go to the coordinates on the back of this page and infiltrate the base you find there. I'm suspecting it's either an uprising, or a conspiracy to start something between us and one of our allies. Whatever you do, don't get caught. If you are caught, the likelihood of their plans being sped up is almost guarenteed.~MCX'

    Weak: 20x Guards
    Average grunts, mostly just scrubs to alert others of your presence.

    Normal: 50x Guards
    More scrubs, except these ones are armed.

    Strong: 25x Brute Hounds
    Dogs the size of wolves with senses to match. Even if you're disguised, invisible, or undetectable the dogs can sense you and will attack you if you get too close.

    Boss: Notes
    The base is devoid of any form of leadership, presumably they're not home. Once you make it to their quarters in the top-middle of the base, on their desk is a letter with all the details of their plans. As it turns out, the plans are to release the demons of Sin on the world by destroying the only obstacle in their way, and their weapon of choice has Fiore's markings all over it. Take these notes back to Neutral Ground and leave them with the shady cloaked guy who got you started on this job.

    60k jewels

    ~~Credits to the Original God of Death

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 3:34 pm