Fairy Tail RP

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    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private Empty Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private

    Post by ○Kaori 16th April 2017, 3:13 pm

    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private Nviajx11

    mission info:

    Sitting atop the highest point of the mage's castle, Kaori watched the sun rise over the horizon. She was contemplating a strange dream she had been having lately, one where she's standing among a hazy land that was coated in a type of slightly green mist. She looked around and saw a trail of light leading outwards and decided to follow it. Under-informed, Kaori followed it in the dream; which is something she'd never do in the real world. As she moved along the trail illuminated by the light, Kaori saw the city turn to a densely wooded forest that became rocky terrain and continuing to a flat plain. In the middle of this plain, the white haired girl had reached out to a pillar that obstructed her path and seemed to be the final destination. Another reason she knew it was a dream, she wasn't wearing her mask.

    As the warm light hit Kaori's white and red mask, filtering through the slits for eyes and warming the girl's eyelids she began wondering whether or not she was supposed to go to that strange place. 'This world is full of magic... anything can happen right?' she pondered mentally. The fact was that this mission had no guarenteed pay, for all she new the pillar in her dream could turn out to be a wooden pole with paint slapped on it. Or worse, the pillar could simply not exist at all. A slightly less horrible scenario is the one where the world itself doesn't exist, but at that point she'd be in the library which means she didn't waste any time, just learned a bunch of things she didn't intend to. The rays had consumed Kaori's body and she began standing up, deciding it might be time to get a move on.

    After several hours in the library she did find a place that seemed to match the one from her dream. It was a planet called 'Kyoka' and was famed for enhancing magical talents. Such things were a bit vain to Kaori since her magic wasn't for dealing damage so much as it being for getting in close, or getting away. She didn't like going into strange places alone, especially strange places she'd never been before. She didn't know many people in the guild... she actually only knew one, which means he was the best guy she knew for the job. She didn't exactly know where to find him so instead of searching the entire castle and/or port for him, Kaori simple sat at a table near the entrance with her gear ready. If anyone else came across her while she was waiting, she would immediately call out to them saying "Hey, you there!" with that kind of tone people have when they wanna ask something. Naturally, because of the porcelain mask on her face, her voice would be a bit muffled, even after she'd say to the person "I'm heading to some place and might need a bit of help, you wanna come?"

    As for Dmitry, she'd have a special way of asking him for help. Upon seeing him, Kaori would run up and gently pinch the end of his sleeve. A gentle tug to catch his attention along with her saying "Hey Mits...?" in a soft tone that carried a sense of dependency to it. If he would turn, Kaori  would release his sleeve; if not, she'd grab the sleeve with both her hands to slow him further. "I'm going some place and I'd like you to come with me." she'd say in her normal tone. Immediately after, in an embarrassed and denial filled tone she'd follow up with "It-it's not like I'm afraid to go alone! Ju-just... I'd... feel more comfortable..." The angle of her masked turned towards the floor before she said with a softer, less audible voice "With a friend."

    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private J6q08l11

    WC: 646/2,633

    Last edited by ○Kaori on 18th April 2017, 11:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
    Second Skill:
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    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private

    Post by Benjamin 18th April 2017, 1:10 pm

    The Town of Hargeon.

    Home to both a port and a working railway station, recently rebuilt after an attack on the city. Since then, the town has regained a large amount of it's business back between trade and fishing, Helping it's citizens to recover financially at the very least. Of course, it is also home to the wizard's guild known as Lamia Scale, a place of learning and knowledge. Having led both the defense and reconstruction of the Hargeon, members of this guild were well appreciated by the people it has served and in turn have come to see the port town as home. Well, not all of its members have taken to that mentality just yet, evidenced by a certain grey-haired wizard attempting to make his way to the Lamia Scale guild hall.

    Dmitry Kazakov was finally making some progress in regards to navigating the home town of his guild, having gone in the wrong direction only three times today, a record low. 'Well done, boy.' The voice of his mentor/tormentor rang through. 'There may be hope for you just yet.' The wizard sighed, despite his...accomplishment. 'Now if I can just figure out this whole money thing...' He responded to the old wolf, still at a loss when it came to societal norms. Thank fully, he soon arrived at the guild hall of his new...whatever they were to him. He still hadn't been able to understand what it was that Lamia Scale was, such being one of his primary reasons for joining. Still, he hadn't been a member for very long, having only joined about a month ago. Hopefully, if he continued to work under its banner, he would come to understand these wizards. And perhaps he might understand a bit about himself as well. Of course, none of that was going to happen while he was standing in front of the door, a thought that prompted him to open the mighty entrance to the guild and step inside.

    Almost immediately after entering, amid the hustle and bustle of wizards taking or turning in jobs, a familiar...face greeted him near the door. His face souring, Dmitry attempted to briskly walk past the tiny ball of trouble and off to another part of the hall, but his sleeve was pinched before that could happen. "No." He said flatly, before she could make any sort of request and kept walking. However, the woman would not quit and grabbed the sleeve with both hands in another bid to stop him. Even then, the mage pulled against her alarmingly strong grip as she made her plea, managing to drag her along at a slowed pace if she didn't let go. He had managed to ignore most of her inane prattle after that until she came to the word 'friend', causing the wizard to stop for some reason. He could understand why, such a thing had never been in his thoughts before. But oddly enough, it gave the young gray-hair pause. A sigh escaped his lips as he finally turned to look at the masked woman for a moment.

    "You'll just find a way to drag me along anyway, won't you shrimp." He said, not intending the irony in his words.

    "Alright, where're we headed?"

    WC: 542/2,633

    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 93
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private

    Post by Meletzo 18th April 2017, 4:35 pm

    Maya let out a sigh, stretching lightly as she stepped through the streets of Hargeon. It had been a while since she had been out and about, and longer still since she had worried about money. Not needing to eat saved Maya a lot of money, and also stopped the necessity of trips to the store. As such, the green-haired girl hadn't needed to be anywhere other than the guild hall or the library for a while. Still, she was starting to feel a bit lonely. She hadn't seen most of her friends from the guild around for a while, and the near-isolation was starting to grate on her a bit. She decided she needed to get out more, and that a breath of fresh air was a great place to start.

    As she wandered throughout the street, she considered her options. She was a mage, yes, but she hadn't done any mage-ey things in recent memory. The last time she remembered going on official mage business was back when she had gone on the trip in the canyon with Gisen, where they had fought the beastlike man; that had been a while ago. Maybe she should go on a job, or at least a trip. A change of scenery was boring without any people to go on it with, however. She could always ask some random people about it, but the idea of being the one to approach a stranger made her stomach (or what passed for it now) roil. Even if she'd become more powerful, anxiety was still a crippling force; there was no way she would be able to make the first move. Unless somebody else made the first move, she'd be stuck.

    Maya snapped out of her reverie as she realized she had reached the entrance of the Guild Hall. She stepped inside, brushing a lock of green hair out of her face as she did so, only to slow her pace significantly as she saw the small commotion occurring inside. A strange girl with an oriental mask and outfit on was clinging to a fierce-looking, tall man with grey hair. They seemed to be conversing with one another, the girl soft and pleading while the man was exasperated. A quick application of Spellsight revealed that both were mages.

    The idea of joining in their conversation quickly passed through Maya's mind, but she immediately rejected it; the two seemed well-acquainted, so she'd probably just be intruding. She passed by them, hoping to get back to her room, but she was halted by the masked girl suddenly calling out to her. She didn't move as the masked girl tossed her proposal at her. They wanted her to join them? This was almost too good to be true. She turned around to face the pair, trying extremely hard to mask her conflicting emotions beneath an air of calmness. It was easier than before, she noticed; maybe she was getting better at hiding her feelings. She wasn't sure how to feel about that. Still, she had an offer to accept. "If you'll have me along for the adventure, I'm game," Maya said, taking a seat a short distance away from the other two with as much of a casual air as she could manage. "My name's Maya. I'm a Lamia Scale mage, as you might've guessed. Who are you two? And where are we heading?"

    566 wc

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private

    Post by ○Kaori 19th April 2017, 11:46 am

    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private Nviajx11

    Dmitry had agreed to come along, yielding a very happy sound from the masked ninja. She moved forward and pressed herself against Dmitry's body, while giving him a gentle embrace. "Thank you Mitsy!" she shouted with an overjoyed tone. If he didn't force her away immediately, he wouldn't receive the full hug but still get the thank you. Out the corner of the slit in her mask she saw someone walking past who obviously had something they wanted to say but was suppressing it. "Hey! You there!" she called out to the green haired girl in tom-boyish attire. "We're heading somewhere and might need a bit of help, you wanna come?" she asked with a friendly enough tone. Kaori had no way of reading minds, she could speak directly to them, but not read them; however, she was good at reading people to an extent. She got the feeling this person was thinking about her and Mits but didn't get a misleading vibe from her.

    She hadn't had a chance to answer Dmitry's question before inviting the third person along for the ride. Upon her agreeing to come along, she sat down and introduced herself. Kaori held both her hands behind her back and crossed a leg behind the other. Smiling and speaking with a tone that was much friendlier than her outfit would let off, she said "I'm Kaori, but you can call me Kay." She pointed to Dmitry and teased saying "The edge lord's Mits." She straightened her posture out and began walking over to her bike which wasn't very far from them. Kneeling down, she pressed a button on the side that caused two green canisters to pop out from both sides of the engine block. "As for where we're going, I'm not exactly sure. As far as I could tell, the place is called 'Kyoka' but I don't know how to get there." she admitted with not a single drop of shame in her voice.

    The two cores she pulled were both roughly fist sized and she stuffed them inside a small satchel, along with two rectangular prisms. Kaori had a slight affinity for anything that she could use to get an edge on enemies, the fact that each of the bike's fuel cores were essentially pocket nukes made them an asset. At the same time, the two rectangular prisms were explosive charges. The belt she wore had several small pockets with clasps on it containing smoke balls, flashers, shockwave bombs, and explosion lacrima. As cheery as her demeanor was, she was a dangerous person when she wanted to be. "The book I read about the place said we gotta go through some portal with a funky name, if either of you know where to find em I'll follow." She said, ready to get this party started.

    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private J6q08l11

    WC: 1,118/2,633

    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private

    Post by Benjamin 21st April 2017, 10:10 pm

    Dmitry was shocked when the small woman embraced him, holding his arms up as if in confusion as to what he was supposed to do. It was quite clear that he was completely unaccustomed to such a display of affection or, for that matter, any display of affection...or simply affection in general. Not sure if he should move her or not, he simply froze there until she let go. "Uh, yeah. Sure thing, shrimp." He said tensely, not sure how to feel about this situation. 'Oh my...' Chimed in the spirit, clearly poking fun. 'I had no idea it was like that between you and her, boy.' Dmitry raised his eyebrow at what appeared to be nobody, not understanding what the old wolf was talking about. 'You finally going senile, old man?' The response he received was simply laughter from the wolf. 'I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. I should have expected that reaction.'

    With that confusion out of the way, Dmitry was relieved to find that he was being unhanded by the tiny masked demon. Letting out a sigh of relief, he finally turned his head and regarded the young girl that had now been roped into this mess as well. He wasn't sure what it was, but he had a strange feeling from the girl. No, that wasn't quite right. It felt more like she was missing something from the presence he normally felt from humans, but he didn't have the slightest idea what it could have been. "Suit yourself, lady." He said with his usually lazy tone, deciding to forget about the matter so long as he had no way to investigate it. It was around this time that Kaori mentioned a place by the name of Kyoka, as well as the portals needed to cross them.

    "Wakusei." He blurted out plainly, not all that fond of the thought of crossing one such doorway. "You're thinking of the Wakusei portals. I've been to most of them, at least the ones in Fiore. I know where the one to Kyoka is." For a moment, a deep scowl formed on the wizard's face. In truth, he had never passed through any of the portals, only having a passing knowledge of where they went. What he did know was that they lead to places outside of this world, a disconcerting though to someone who's magic comes from a spirit of this world. At the same time, a part of him seem to spring to life at the thought. Passing into unknown territory, traveling to an entirely different planet and seeing just how far his powers could reach. Even Dmitry had his curiosity, else he'd have no place in a guild of learners. A wild grin poured across his face.

    "Alright then, lets head out!" He said, far more excited than when he had walked in earlier. "And no, we're not taking that death trap on wheels again. I hear there's train that heads out there now-a-days. We can take that, although I prefer walkin'."

    WC: 1110

    Last edited by Dmitry on 24th April 2017, 12:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 93
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

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    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private

    Post by Meletzo 22nd April 2017, 6:27 pm

    Maya sat down and listened to the pair, Kaori and Mits, as they spoke. Kaori seemed much nicer than her intimidating appearance let on; Maya idly wondered what she was hiding behind that mask. Was it a scar? Shyness? Some personal principle? Either way, Maya figured she'd be much cuter if she showed her face. As it was now, she looked frightening. Mits seemed more terse and coarser than his masked friend, but he also seemed very laid back. She wondered why he was Mits; the name didn't seem fitting for somebody like him. Maybe she'd find out later. Hopefully, she'd be able to get along with both of them. She couldn't bear the awkwardness of what would happen otherwise.

    Despite her best efforts, Maya felt her anxiety rising again as she listened. The two of them were very different, but they both seemed skilled. At the very least, they felt far more experienced than she was. Would she really be able to pull her weight here? Plus, it seemed like they had worked together before. She really hoped that she wasn't intruding on anything by being here. Noticing that she was starting to fidget nervously, she took a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself. Kaori had invited her; it wasn't like she had invited herself in or something. They wanted her to be here. God only knows why they had called out to her, but now that she was here, she needed to do her best and not disappoint those around her.

    Once she had sufficiently convinced herself to not break down yet, she turned her attention back to the conversation at hand. At the mention of Kyoka, she tilted her head to the side. "Kyoka? Kyoka, Kyoka..." she muttered, turning the word over in her mouth. She had definitely heard it somewhere before, but where? It was right on the tip of her tongue, but the context wasn't coming to her. As soon as Mits blurted out the word Wakusei, her eyes lit up, literally flashing red for a moment before returning to her normal brown. "Wakusei! Thanks, Mits," she blurted, smiling with thanks and relief at the grey haired man. "I've heard of Kyoka before," Maya continued, unaware that she had referred to her new companion with Kaori's nickname. "It came up before, while I was researching magical theory. If I remember right, the whole realm is pretty much a massive magic amp. Basically, everything is super powered up compared to here, including any visitors. Whatever we're going there for, we should be ready for a lot of mana." She paused, realization dawning upon her as to what she had just done, and shied away. "Of course, if you knew that already, please disregard everything I just said," she muttered quietly and quickly.

    She watched as Kaori pulled out several devices, some definitely magical and some she had no idea of, and backed away a bit more. "You, uh, probably shouldn't let me handle those, just as a warning," she stammered. "Magic items and I don't exactly get along well." Trying to calm her nerves compared to the two seeming professionals beside her, Maya fumbled through her bag for a Lacrima candy and popped it into her mouth. The soothing taste of the magic within managed to calm her nerves slightly, and she turned her attention back to Mits drawling about transportation.

    She didn't know what Mits meant when he mentioned a death trap on wheels, but she figured it was better to not ask at this point. Instead, she chimed in on what she did know. "I'd rather take a train than walk the whole way," Maya replied. "It sounds like a long trip, and I'd rather not be tired before we even make it through the portal." No matter the path, however, Maya would follow her new companions through the portal with only minimal complaining.

    WC 1218/2633

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private

    Post by ○Kaori 24th April 2017, 4:19 am

    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private Nviajx11

    Dmitry had stated he had no desire to ride Kaori's metal horse, calling it a death trap on wheels. Kaori cocked her head to the side, not exactly sure what he was talking about with that name but she didn't bother to question it. He recommended using the train, or walking to the portals. Kaori's eyes blinked a couple times, context had told her that the train was an alternative mode of transportation, but the name didn't ring any bells. Her right hand moved up and was bent as though she were holding a book; the left slit in her mask over her eye began to glow bright violet, and within moments a large book shot across the room coming from the library before it slammed into her hand. She held the book with one hand and began flipping through the pages, the title of the book was "Travelers' Directory and Transportation Services Index" which was exactly what she would need. A fellow had came out from the library, obviously chasing the book Kaori had just procured from him and slowed himself to a halt a couple feet from the girl, hunched over, resting his hands on his legs while panting. "Train, train, train..." Kaori muttered, muffled by her mask while flipping through the pages. "Ex... Excuse me, miss? Can I have my book back?" he asked but got no response from the masked warrior. He slowly reached his hand over and pinched the corner of the book as if he were about to take it, but his plans didn't account for Kaori being Kaori. The second his fingers touched the book, Kaori spun around while closing the book with a finger between the pages she was on. She lept into the air and slammed the spine of the book on the scholars' dome, immediately sending him to the ground so hard his head became one with the world. At the same time, his lower half was raised into the air, and his feet tapped the back of his head to put the man in the Scorpion position. "Don't interrupt me." Kaori said with a cold, apathetic voice while flipping through the pages ones more. After several more pages she came to a large, long machine one tracks; one she'd ridden before but didn't know the name. She jumped with joy and announced with an happy voice while holding the book up victoriously "I found it!"

    After landing, Kaori turned her head to the strange man on the floor and blinked a couple times inquisitively. She kneeled down and poked his head saying "Hey guy, you okay?" as though she didn't just bash him over the head with a text book. His legs finally uncurled, flopping to the ground and leaving the man flat as a human rug. Kaori pinched his ear and lifted his head before gently sliding the book under it and resting the head down. "You can use this as a pillow, make sure to put it back when your done... and don't sleep on the ground, you'll get pneumonia." she said while rubbing his head, completely ignorant of the fact that she had hit him. She popped back up and said with an innocently happy tone "Let's go!" before switching to a requesting one "Umm... hey Mits can you lead the way? I have no idea where the trains are sleeping..." Her lack of knowledge of modern society soaking the request thoroughly.

    While walking to the train station, Kaori had made sure to keep pace with Dmitry. However, the thought of their interaction with Maya was weighing heavily on her mind. If Maya was behind them, or in front them; Kaori would speed up or slow down to match her. She then would slide her hand into Maya's and gently hold in. "Hey Maya..." she would say to redirect the girls' attention. Her voice was friendly, gentle, and supportive. "I know you're not really used to us, and it's hard to work with people who already know each other but don't worry. If you're ever feeling week, we'll be your strength. If you're afraid, we'll be your courage; and if you stray from your path, we'll help you find your way. That's what friends do after all." Kaori would shift her hand to lock her fingers with Maya's if she hadn't already pulled away. Moving closer she whispered in her ear "And don't be afraid to poke fun at Mits, he's harmless."

    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private J6q08l11

    WC: 1,865/2,633

    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Dmitry, Meletzo: Songs Collide: Soulsmoke; B Rank: Private

    Post by Benjamin 25th April 2017, 11:35 am

    "Me?" Dmitry asked in surprise, making his lack of understanding in the ways of the urban all the more apparent. "How the hell should I know where they put those things?" It was then that he looked over to the newcomer to the group, an expectant look on his face as he pointed to her. "You know where the trains are right? We'll follow you." He seemed to declare before walking out the door despite everything he just said, coming back shortly after remembering he didn't know the way.

    When they finally arrived, Dmitry had a sour look on his face. "I still say we oughta walk." He grumbled discontentedly, much like a child that didn't get his favorite toy from the store. 'Don't worry, boy.' Hati said, as he was wont to do. 'I'm sure you'll have another chance to wander aimlessly before you know it.' The druid's discomfort was not eased in the slightest as they boarded the metal monstrosity, his scowl deepening still at the sight of the tight space along with the people inside. When they found their seat, Dmitry pushed up against the wall and stared out the window, seeing it as the only direction he could look in other than his companions' that offered a less than irritating view. As the train began to move, he felt a minor curiosity towards the manner in which the scenery passed them by. However, upon the train's departure from Hargeon and pick up speed, he began to display a child like wonder at the world passing by, even going so far as to his hands and forehead against the glass. All his previous anger over having to take the train faded as he began fiddling with the window to get it open, shoving his head outside upon succeeding. It was in this seemingly out of character position, much like a dog on his first car ride, that he would remain until either the train arrived at its destination or someone dragged him back inside.

    WC: 1,448/2,633

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 9:27 am