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    The Spider Queen


    The Spider Queen Empty The Spider Queen

    Post by Guest 4th April 2016, 1:03 pm

    rimary Magic: The Spider Queen
    Secondary Magic: N/a
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: A long time ago, in the Greek time period of life, there had been a fair maiden in the country of Greece that was known for her prowess in weaving. Her ability to weave was compared to that of Athena's own magnificence and was coupled with the idea she had been unknowingly taught by her. The maiden's name was Arachne, and although the idea was meant as a compliment, this angered the young Arachne. She saw her prowess as better than the goddesses, going as far to say that she should teach Athena a thing or two. This did not come in the favor of the goddess, for when Athena had heard of the lady's attitude, she appeared at her doorway. Athena, in the doorway of this young maiden's home, was dressed as an old woman in a dark cloak, concealing her true self. When asked by the cloaked goddess to respect the gods and goddesses, Arachne only laughed and said that even if Athena challenged her, it'd be an easy win.

    After the declaration of a challenge, Athena revealed herself to Arachne and challenged her to a weaving contest. The ending of the challenge, whosoever lost the competition, would promise to never weave another thing in their life again. With the challenge accepted, Athena wove a wondrous tapestry of the people of Greece, with Poseidon and herself over them, deciding whose name should be given to the city. Athena's rival, Arachne, wove a tapestry of the story of Zeus and how he seduced Europa and others. Despite how she had insulted the gods with her braggery, Athena saw how beautiful her tapestry was and was awed by it. It was now known by the goddess that Arachne could not live without weaving, so to make Arachne realize her mistake, she touched her forehead with the tip of her hand. Unfortunately, the magic only worked partially, in which Arachne felt the guilt of her insolence and hung herself.

    Out of pity, Arachne was brought back to life by Athena to live her life as a spider, weaving the most beautiful of webs. Thus, the first spider was born and the Celestial King, who had been watching the entire time, continued to watch over Arachne. He observed her grow and blossom as a beautiful black widow spider, creating and weaving magnificent webs. However, as time passed on, it was only natural for all living things lives to come to an end at some point. Arachne's body was beginning to fail her, and out of fear of losing the beautiful creatures created by Athena, he placed Arachne among the stars. There, her story had been preserved for all eternity, and instead of dying like all living things, she was birthed as a Celestial Spirit. Her constellation was appropriately named Arachnea, and she was given life as the Spirit named Elspeth Abott.

    Arachnea, the Long-Legged Spider, was the firstborn spider of the world and as a constellation, had been given reign over them. She is commonly referred to as "The Spider Queen," in which she is able to command and control all arachnids. Since she had previously been a spider before she was brought into the Celestial Spirit World as her own constellation, she still retains control of her own spider's silk. With this magic, she has been known to be able to communicate through her spiderlings, command them, and manipulate her own silk. After she had taken on a humanoid form again as a Celestial Spirit, she wields this magic in the form of caster magic. Silk is spun out from her fingertips, arachnids commanded by a single point of a finger, and means of communication brought through by her hatchlings. More so, she is able to summon her own arachnids, bringing them from their world known as the "Spider Realm."

    • Allows the user to be able to summon and manipulate both physical spiders and attributes of spiders at will
    • Because there is no type of slayer that is able to eat this type of magic, this magic cannot be eaten by anyone
    • Stealth is very nearly an almost always utilized ability of spiders and as such, stealth is heavily used with this magic


    • With spiders comes the fear of fire; those who have fire magic or spells deal 50% more in damage to the user
    • Spiders also drown easily in water, so water magic or spells have a 50% damage increase to the user
    • They're tiny arachnids, so stepping on them is a lot more useful than trying to fight back with magic. . . unless they're giant
    • Most spells can be fought off with the correct opposite element, so it's easy to negate or reduce the damage they do

    Malefic Illusions:
    Unique Abilities:

    • Spider Form: Being the queen of spiders, the user is able to not only be able to control and manipulate spiders to their discretion, but also change into one. Outside of combat, the user can freely change forms from their human form to their arachnid form without expending mana or having a set duration and cooldown. Inside of combat, the user is able to change forms with the drawback of having a reduced attack range, being forced to fight in close proximity to the opponent. On the upside, for the lack of attack range, the user has a permanent speed increase of 25% (+5% per rank up to H-rank) whenever in this form. The duration for this ability is nonexistent, but once the user exits the form, it's set on a cooldown of duration +1 posts. When in this form, the user takes on the look of a Blackwidow and is easily around the average size of an adult human male. Due to the user's duel appearance, each of their abilities has two different effects, one for in the human form and one for in their spider form. If the user is one form, they do not gain the ability of the other form and lose the ability of the other form upon changing forms.
    • Neurotoxin: Due to the user's arachnid physiology, they are known for having what is considered to be a venomous punch. . . or rather, bite in this case. This venomous bite allows the user to deal extra damage when they are either in their human or arachnid form. If the user is in their human form, this ability allows the user to spit a stream of venomous toxin at an opponent. It has a range of fifteen (15) meters (+15 meters per rank up to H-rank) and is able to deal +25% user-ranked damage. The ability can be used either in close combat range or in long range, but if used in close combat range, it acts as a physical strength buff instead. When in their arachnid form, the user has to lunge at an opponent and if the lunge hits, they're able to deal +25% in user-ranked damage. While in their arachnid form, this acts as both a buff to magical and physical damage that they deal to an opponent. This ability has a duration of one (post) when in human form and a cooldown of three (3) posts before being able to be used again.
    • Skittering Frenzy: The user has the ability to cast out a venom-gorged spiderling at an opponent that is fifteen (15) meters (+15 meters per rank up to H-rank) away from them. This venom-gorged spiderling travels at a rate of half the current range in meters per second until it explodes upon nearing the target. It has a five (5) meter diameter explosion that deals user-ranked damage to a target at epicenter (two (2) meters) and 75% user-rank damage outside of the epicenter (three plus (3+) meters). When in human form, the user can instantaneously cast this ability, but at the cost of a cooldown of three (3) posts. If the user uses this ability when in their arachnid form, the user and their spiderlings instead gain +25% to their speed. In which, the duration of the buff is then changed to three (3) posts long, with a cooldown of four (4) posts afterward. If in their arachnid form, the user does not have access to the venom-gorged spiderling they can fire off at an opponent. Just like how the user does not have access to the additional speed that is given to their spiderlings and them when in their arachnid form.

    Future UAs:
    credit to nat of adoxography.

    Last edited by Elspeth Abbott on 27th December 2016, 2:09 pm; edited 2 times in total

    The Spider Queen Empty Re: The Spider Queen

    Post by Guest 27th December 2016, 1:42 pm

    Name: Spider's Bite
    Rank: D
    Type: Arachnid, Instant, Offensive, Poison
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: The user is able to cast out a thread of silk that weaves itself into the shape of jaws and moves at a rate of ten (10) meters per second. These jaws are capable of enveloping a person whole and clamping down on them to deal damage to them. They around three (3) meters in height and width and can move in a range of twenty (20) meters in all directions before being dispelled. When they clamp down onto a target, the victim will feel as if the affected part of their body was chomped on by an alligator. This feeling only only last for a bit before it changes into an agonizing burning sensation as venom spills into their blood system. Damage is then dealt to them instantaneously, the target receiving 1.75x D-rank damage in a split second of the attack. It also takes 4% of their mana, or a little less than half a D-rank spell's worth of mana, before it dispells.

    • This spell warps into three (3) by three (3) meter jaws that can travel at a rate of ten (10) meters per second to a range of twenty (20) meters
    • It is capable of dealing 1.75x D-rank damage to a single opponent instantaneously before it dissipates
    • The jaws are capable of not only draining HP, but also taking 4% of MP upon contact that then becomes wasted energy


    • The silk is thin and shiny, a target may be able to see it beforehand and dodge what oncoming attack it makes
    • Completely made of silk, a sword may be able to cut through its thickness, negating the damage it can do
    • Fire-based attacks deal +50% in damage to the silk; catching it on fire and completely burning it to ashes
    • Water-based attacks deal +50% in damage to the silk; soaking it so that it falls apart instantaneously

    Name: Spider's Embrace
    Rank: D
    Type: Arachnid, Instant, Offensive, Poison
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Casting out silk, the user manipulates it into the shape of eight [8] spider legs that move at a rate of ten (10) meters per second to a range of twenty (20) meters. The spider legs, upon locking in on a target, latch into and begin to constrict the target until they are struggling to breathe. They are connected to what looks like to be the basic anatomy of a spider that is around three (3) meters in height and width. A target will begin to feel as if their life is being sapped out of them, pain radiating where the sharp feet of the legs dig into them. Damage is dealt instantaneously upon the spider legs wrapping around and constricting the target to the point they can't breathe. It also roots targets, that are equal to or lower in rank to the user, to the ground for that single post, disallowing them in being able to move until the spell wears off. Targets receive 1.75x D-rank damage when the constricting begin and cannot move the second the legs wrap around them.

    • Casts out a three (3) by three (3) meter spider anatomy, whose legs are opposable and can latch onto a target
    • Saps the life out of a target, dealing 1.75x D-rank damage the moment the legs begin to constrict the target
    • Roots the target in place, disallowing for them to be able to move in order to dodge any future oncoming attacks


    • As the spell is made completely from silk, swords may be able to cut through the silk's thickness, negating any damage it can do
    • Higher ranking magi can avoid being rooted to the ground, as the rooting is really only effective against same or lower ranking magi
    • Fire deals +50% in damage to the silk and can burn the silk to the point that it turns into ashes and negates its damage
    • Water deals +50% in damage to the silk and can soak the silk to the point that it tears apart and becomes useless

    Name: The Spider's Web
    Rank: D
    Type: Arachnid, Debuff, Poison, Supportive
    Duration: 4 posts
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Description: Poison-gorged silk threads can be cast out in a range of twenty (20) meters, at a rate of ten (10) meters per second, that latch onto a target within the range. These threads can attach themselves onto up to five (5) people in any given twenty (20) meters and no more. The silk then releases the toxins inside of itself once it has latched onto the target and seeps into the clothing and flesh of the person. When the toxin as thoroughly soaked through, the target will begin to feel nauseated and dizzy from its potent nature. They will also come to find that they do not move as quickly as they were able to, their speed reduced by 25%. Afflicted targets may find it impossible move at all, such as magi that are lower in rank to the user. However, any magi higher that is equal to or higher in rank than the user will simply suffer a reduced speed count.

    • Targets up to five (5) people in any given twenty (20) meters that the silk is shot into, wrapping onto them
    • Victims will feel nauseated or dizzy when the poison that leaks from the silk begins to soak into their clothing and flesh
    • Roots lower ranking magi into place and reduces the speed of higher ranking magi by 25% for the spell's duration


    • Silk is not as durable as it may look and thus, swords may be able to cut through the silk, negating its effects
    • Fire-based attacks deal +50% in damage to the silk, catching it on fire and burning it into ashes entirely
    • Water-based attacks deal +50% in damage to the silk, getting it soaked to the point it merely falls apart
    • Thin pieces of thread that can be seen when sunlight shines on them and can also easily be misfired or dodged

    Name: Spider's Curse
    Rank: D
    Type: Arachnid, Area of Effect, Damage Over Time, Poison
    Duration: 4 posts
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Description: In the air, a silken exoskeleton of a spider's face will appear in front of the user, dripping what looks to be venom from its fangs. When this appears, a wave of gaseous poison will be sent out in a range of twenty (20) meters all around the user. Anyone that is within five (5) meters or closer to the user will experience nausea and vomiting and damage that equates to 50% D-rank damage. The damage for them will continue for another three (3) posts at a rate of 50% of D-rank damage damage until 2x D-rank damage has been dealt. Those that are within six (6) to eleven (11) meters of the user will experience only slight nausea and dizziness, and damage that equates to 37.5% D-rank damage. Damage continues for another three (3) posts for them just as those in the epicenter, dealing 37.5% of D-rank damage until 1.5x D-rank damage is dealt. People that are twelve (12) to seventeen (17) meters away from the user will experience a tiny bit of nausea and be dealt 25% of D-rank damage. Again, damage for them lasts for three (3) posts like the others, until 1x D-rank damage as been dealt to them. For those that are eighteen [18] to twenty (20) meters away from the user will only be dealt 12.5% D-rank damage. Like the others, damage for them continues for another three (3) posts, up until .5x D-rank damage has been dealt.

    • Anyone that is within twenty (20) meters of the user will experience nausea and vomiting from the spell's potent nature
    • The spell is capable of dealing an upwards of 2x D-rank damage to a target depending on where they are located
    • Has a large range of effect, so a multitude of opponents can be affected by the magic for the spell's duration


    • Destroying the silken skull will result in the spells effects being negated and no damage being dealt at all
    • Damage varies depending on where a person stands, so as little as 50% of D-rank damage may be dealt
    • Fire-based attacks deal +50% damage to the silken skull, catching it on fire and burning it to ashes so it negates its effect
    • Water-based attacks deal +50% in damage to the silken skull, soaking it enough that it just falls apart


    credit to nat of adoxography.

    Last edited by Elspeth Abbott on 27th December 2016, 4:03 pm; edited 2 times in total

    The Spider Queen Empty Re: The Spider Queen

    Post by Guest 27th December 2016, 1:42 pm


    The Spider Queen Empty Re: The Spider Queen

    Post by Guest 27th December 2016, 1:43 pm


    The Spider Queen Empty Re: The Spider Queen

    Post by Guest 27th December 2016, 1:44 pm


    The Spider Queen Empty Re: The Spider Queen

    Post by Guest 27th December 2016, 1:44 pm


    The Spider Queen Empty Re: The Spider Queen

    Post by Guest 27th December 2016, 1:44 pm


    The Spider Queen Empty Re: The Spider Queen

    Post by Guest 27th December 2016, 1:44 pm

    Signature and Fusion spells

    The Spider Queen Empty Re: The Spider Queen

    Post by Guest 27th December 2016, 1:45 pm

    Raffle-Earned Celestial Keys

    The Spider Queen Empty Re: The Spider Queen

    Post by Guest 28th December 2016, 5:09 am

    The Spider Queen VkztGmZ

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