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    As the wind dances among the leaves


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    Lineage : Armoured Beast
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    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Age : 27
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    As the wind dances among the leaves Empty As the wind dances among the leaves

    Post by Noheme 18th March 2017, 5:28 pm

    The moon goddess was simply sitting in the somewhat lush grass that danced to the whim of wind, her long green and golden locks doing exactly the same. Her legs were crossed and her whole figure appeared to be in a position that many assumed when they were trying to focus and mediate. And honestly, that thought was not all that far from the truth itself. Noheme was simply waiting for a certain someone, as she send one of her servants to a mission. Cornix was her trusted and loyal pet, one that was capable of delivering messaging across long distances and even spying on others for the goddess. Usually, one could find him somewhere near Cirven, the girl's teammate. But this time, the creature had a very important letter tied to it's leg as it made it's way towards Silvermoon Inn, guild hall for Black Rose. The place where four-faced goddess pretty much lived.

    She to come to this place as soon as was humanly possible. Which hopefully meant that the fox girl would not be waiting here for several days. There was also a long straight sword jabbed into the ground next to the sitting body, moonlight weapon that served it's owner very well these past few days. A small sigh. It was kinda hard for the girl to believe everything that had happened as her eyes wandered the many trees that were slowly bending to the wind's will, guarding the cursed village. Honestly, she wasn't quite interested in sitting her for too long. But this business was in fact very important, at least according to some. So it just had to be done... only few words and then she could hopefully leave. Yes, it was that little for her, yet it had a great deal of importance.


    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    As the wind dances among the leaves Empty Re: As the wind dances among the leaves

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 18th March 2017, 5:48 pm

    Jiyu was actually not all that eager to communicate with the moon goddess known as Noheme she honestly did not know how to feel about Leila's sister. Of course? That was likely part of a lie, it was partly the deceased Eden mage she did not know what to feel about, most of the time when someone was gone expect for her Mother she simply forgot about them, pushed all thoughts of the person from her frail little head. However, the white-haired melon loving girl was not vanishing as easily as other's had poofed from her brain. Kazehime knew she should not have expected the girl to fade away from memory so swiftly, but holding onto the memories hurt just as much as the prospect of letting those images of a dead girl go to the wind. How was she suppose to move on with her life, when she couldn't shake those thoughts.

    Mysterious why are you so fixated on her, I mean what she did for us, I know that, but I don't get the rest of this. The thoughts had come back full force once she got the letter from the fox girl asking she come to the Haunted Village, but she remained laying on her bed the opened letter in one hand. Assertive, you can't understand this, you feel negativity only, she was something good. there was a huff in her head before the other voice went silent, the other two girls not getting involved within it for the moment. Jiyu wanted to say more to herself about Leila, but if she did that would mean addressing what she was supposed to do without her best friend from now on and Kazehime just didn't want to do that.

    "She knows where I live." the inugami noticed this as she glanced at the letter again if she didn't go to the meeting place right now it was likely the stupid goddess would simply come here instead. With that in mind? Jiyu stood up and walked to her window, simply leaping out of it and letting her body free fall. If anyone random walked by they would think she had jumped with deadly intent. However as a wind user, she could now make her body part of it, so she did so. By the time she finished falling her feet touched down on the slightly decayed ground of the village in front of Noheme. "I was about to go to sleep." the canine spoke, her tail twitching from side to side once as she yawned and sighed flopping down onto the ground and falling back. if either of them was agressive with the other, with the intent to cause harm? One of them would have been dead already.


    As the wind dances among the leaves Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    As the wind dances among the leaves H6NcPbM As the wind dances among the leaves H6NcPbM As the wind dances among the leaves H6NcPbM As the wind dances among the leaves H6NcPbM


    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Armoured Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 872,660

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    As the wind dances among the leaves Empty Re: As the wind dances among the leaves

    Post by Noheme 18th March 2017, 5:54 pm

    The sight of Jiyu didn't really even surprise Noheme. Well, why would it? She was expecting her. Even if she did not know at which hour she would arrive, this was still something that was bound to happen soon. She merely smiled a little with her eyes closed, her position unchanging. She did not interact with the four-faced goddess much yet, which mean that it was natural for her not to react much. Just continued to sit there in the same position. Well, there was something quite important going to happen today. Something that strangely did not concern her all that much in all honestly. She was nothing more than just a messenger, just like her crow Cornix who was the one to call the girl here.

    "Jiyu Kazehime, From Black Rose. Name's Leila Vergious, mage from Golden Phoenix. We're from allied guilds aren't we?" A very familiar figure suddenly moved from behind the nearby trees, one that remained hidden rather well up until now. She even took a proper care to mask her scent and sounds, anything that would ruin her cover in the face of her dear old friend. But her composure quickly broke when she actually saw the smaller black haired girl. She wanted to appear friendly and cool, but instead, only an awkward laugh would be presented as she scratched the back of her head, silver hair dancing in the wind and appearing quite mysterious as it's end became nearly invisible to the naked eye. Even the armor she wore last was exactly the same, one that she adored quite a bit as it was the very first thing she had bought with the jewels she earned from being a mage. "I guess trying to repeat our very first meeting ever is a bit too much, huh? And I even chose the exact same spot..." Was that what you call try hard? Well, in any case, the two girls surely had plenty of things they had to catch up. Especially since the last thing Jiyu saw of her old friend was how she sacrificed her very own being for her. "My job here is done. But unlike you two, I have more work to do elsewhere. So enjoy." With those simple words, the Astral goddess would got up, grabbing her sword in the process. A sudden black rift opened next to her as well, and before anyone could do anything, she was completely gone. Leaving only the two females completely alone in front of the place where they met for the first time.


    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    As the wind dances among the leaves Empty Re: As the wind dances among the leaves

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 25th March 2017, 7:21 pm

    The words echoed so painfully in her slightly long elfin ears as if someone was dragging their nails down the chalkboard with the express purpose of throwing one of her most sensitive organs into agony. No matter how she tried to process what was going on at that very moment? Everything faded out into the past and suddenly she was on the outskirts of this village again watching her own life go by as tears fell freely down her face. Many sleepless nights lately she had wished that she could have just minded her own damn business on that date because if she had the agony ripping through her heart right now wouldn’t exist. Some people had the ability to travel in time and change it, that was an ability that Kazehime would die for, she knew that she couldn’t change something like her mother’s death, or her own capture, but surely she could stop herself from making that contract which lead to the death of her best friend! If she wasn’t directly intervening in someone’s death, surely she could alter just one day, change a single thing to prevent the heinous unbearable future waiting for them. None of it was fair, she had lost so much in her life, and the very second when she had thought it was alright to actually start moving on from the pain she had to suffer more pain in silence to save the world built around her, than her silence amount to nothing because Leila had to go and do that! Not that Jiyu was not happy to be alive, because who would not want to be of the living, but she despised that it had come at the price of her best friends own life. Some days within the first few weeks she had considered seeing if she found a way to truly end it if the energy Leila had given her would return to the eden mage, but clearly, people had been there to keep from doing such things. In spite of how much she wanted her best friend back, she had to accept that such an event would never be able to take place because what had happened was done, she couldn’t undo it, she couldn’t save one of the people she had wanted to protect most.

    At least Jiyu had been thinking that as time went on, while she tried desperately to hold on and let go at the same exact time. Everything that transpired kept playing back behind her water locked optics the whole world blurrier than it normally was, turning to face the location her ears thought the noise came from. The girl had not been expecting to see anything whatsoever, honestly, she had expected it to be a trick of her brain played on her because this was the first time she returned here since leila had died. Jiyu couldn’t believe what she was seeing for the moment, convinced she was hallucinating as the white haired girl kept speaking and moving, her own newly shifted form failing rendering her into the body Leila was familiar with. “Leila.” the word rolling off her tongue felt like pouring burning hot poison into her own body, lightning every single nerve on fire and then brutally destroying each one slowly. If losing her mother had been the first defining moment in her life, and her capture the second, one could easily without a doubt call losing Leila the third. Growing up in peace village Jiyu had made some friends but they were one’s she’d been forced to leave behind they weren’t one’s who knew ‘jiyu’ they knew someone else. Once she became a ship rat, she wasn’t very good at making deep meaningful connections! Leila had been one of the first real things she had in her career as a mage, in her life as one, one of the first friends she had made in a long time. Losing someone like that? Was devastating, yet seeing the figure was just shattering, crushing, she was standing and yet she could not get back up!

    Noheme’s leaving was not even noted by the wind mage. Suddenly the markings on Jiyu’s face turned red, this color bleeding to her claws as well, movement quicker than anyone could anticipate “Why” the thought faded away as the assertive face grabbed the front of the other girls outfit roughly, yanking on it to pull the other girl down closer to her height, but it ended up in a weird position with the top of Jiyu’s ebony head pushed into her friend’s chest between her own hands. In spite of its nature? The vengeful spirit suddenly loosened its grip, opened hands remaining that way as the arms tentatively moved to embrace the other girl, slowly feeling and learning that what she held was indeed real. “Leila.” the word slipped again, the name uttered but the voice was much different from the normal kazehime’s voice more filled with bitterness, laced with pain, betrayal, agony! Assertive was all the negativity that Mysterious and the other two drown out, denied and ignored, so it only made sense she’d emerge in a straining situation like this. “She say’s I can’t understand because I only feel our negativity..” the gruff almost animalistic voice faded off as she shifted herself slightly, legs not quite wanting to hold her own weight thus entrusting all of that meager mass to the woman she clung to. “I thought they were right until right now. They all wanted you back, so why am I the one talking to you, why do we hurt so much right now!” she held vengeance and it was what assertive was most well known for, but it was not just spite that made this face real, it was all negativity, including sorrow. The assertive face lifted her head slightly, tear streaked visage looking at the blue eyed woman once more before embracing her again a deep growl stemming from her throat. “I want to send you back to the afterlife for putting us through this, but our body won’t listen to me!” as the statement faded into the air, red clawed finger’s twined in white hair, gripping it somewhat roughly.


    As the wind dances among the leaves Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    As the wind dances among the leaves H6NcPbM As the wind dances among the leaves H6NcPbM As the wind dances among the leaves H6NcPbM As the wind dances among the leaves H6NcPbM

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 1:55 pm