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    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu)

    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 41
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fey Moonlight Weaving
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) Empty Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu)

    Post by The Lunatic 13th August 2016, 7:11 am

    Hmmm. How boring. The semi-fey leaned back against the trunk of the tree she currently sat in, relaxing easily even if she was many feet above ground. Occasionally, her silver eyes would skim the people walking on by, though it was quite obvious she had little interest. Once more, she self-consciously tugged at the sleeve of her stolen jacket, feeling uncomfortably exposed wearing the jean shorts instead of her usual dirt-caked leggings. "Uurgahhh, how humans can wear such deathly clothes I will never understand," she groaned, rolling over onto her stomach. Draped over the thick branch with a roughly scrubbed up check squashed against the bark, she would lose herself temporarily in the talk of the insects who lived within.

    See, being the wanderer she was, Yuzuki had decided she'd had enough of Central District a while ago and decided to go somewhere new. Having heard that events of interest had occurred in the lovely city of Magnolia recently, she had hesitantly entered, and was forced to switch from her street rat clothing to this stiff, uncomfortable Magnolia clothing. In places like the Neutral Grounds and Talonia, street rats, gangs, and beggars were a very common occurrence. However, Magnolia was a fresh and successful little town, and you would only spot the shadow of a beggar on the rarest occasions. If she had worn the ragged, dirty, and stinking clothes of the streets here, she would be singled out immediately.

    At the moment, she was skimming the ground, looking about for interesting people. After all, being a trickster character, the semi-fey's task of pranking people was never quite done!


    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) Empty Re: Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu)

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 13th August 2016, 4:20 pm

    What in the world was she doing in mongolia this time anyways? Jiyu could not recall some mission or such that had lead her to come here. All the rising star really knew? Was the fact she now happened to be wandering the streets of the town, her hands clasped behind her back, humming softly to herself as she wandered about. Honestly she kinda stuck out in a quaint little place like this one! Jiyu was clad in a bikini top with nothing else besides a pair of jean shorts covering her ass, so it was odd compared to the people in more clothing. However after so long of going around like this? Even if the marks on her body made her uncomfortable, the bruises and burn marks, Jiyu could not just stop dressing like a hooker. Luckily thought, her confidence and attitude shouted about her being a mage. Plus? Anyone who kept up on things in the wizard world would have to know things like the guild master's, sinners, wizards saints, coming storms and rising stars. Since she was one of the Rising Star's? She was getting recognized a lot more these days.

    "So what am I going to do first?" wouldn't it be funny if she fell into one of Yuzuki's pranks, not even knowing who the other girl was. Oh well, she was going to fall for something, might as well be something she could fake not being upset about.


    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM

    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 41
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fey Moonlight Weaving
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) Empty Re: Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu)

    Post by The Lunatic 14th August 2016, 7:24 am

    As the semi-fey laid there, flopped upon her stomach, the sudden presence of a mage flashed below her. Now, several mages had passed below her already, but they were all rather plain people. She knew what their reactions would probably be, and didn't feel like re-experiencing it again. Opening an eye partially, a smile slowly crawled up her face as she saw who this one was. Dressed in a bikini-top and jeans, this was very obviously an outsider. In fact, the citizens of the town of festivities were already giving the mage strange looks, for such showy appearances weren't common here.

    Tch. How dumb. If you looked like an outsider, how could you ever get anything done? The greatest freedom to Yuzuki was disguise. As long as one remained so unnoticeable that a person's eyes simply skimmed over you, you would be fine! Letting herself roll off the branch with ease, she landed lightly on a park bench, stretching invisible and barely substantial wings behind her. This would be fun. With a jump into the air, her feeble wings would give her a slight boost, propelling the mage onto a nearby roof. Here, she could easily run along the street, keeping an eye on this outsider mage.

    Following along, silver eyes lit up as a small street market opened up in front of the outsider: Yuzuki's perfect chance to strike. Casually walking in behind Jiyu, she was unnoticeable compared to the attention Jiyu drew, and blended in perfectly. Pretending to observe the items on one table, the semi-fey casually fingered an expensive-looking ring and slipped it into her sleeve just as Jiyu passed in front of that spot. "Ai ya! Mister Manager, someone stole your ring!" she exclaimed, being sure to discreetly point her toes and one casual hand in the direction of Jiyu, and pointing her eyes in that direction as well. Naturally, the manager followed her pose, finding his eyes right on her retreating back.

    "Mister Manager, you go chase after the thief, and I'll phone the police!" Yuzuki continued, pretending to rummage in her pockets for a cell phone. "Thanks girl!" He growled gruffly, eyes focused on the outsider. After all, outsiders were never trusted in any city: any wanderer would know that!


    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) Empty Re: Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu)

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 14th August 2016, 9:13 pm

    People always looked at Jiyu when she passed through somewhere before. Actually? She guessed that was one reason she had risen in ranks so easily. Whether she let her two different colored eyes show or hid one whether by eye patch or her hair? It would draw attention on someone with such creamy shaded skin and dark ebony locks, especially when the orange dyed tips were factored in. So even excluding how the woman with Black Roses symbol clear on her stomach, dressed? Kazehime drew attention to herself simply because she was a short woman, with a decent sized bust and generous curves, well shaped body and at one time it had been perfectly toned from her training. Even after the perfection in toning faded due to her two year imprisonment? She was still certainly something that when passed casually in the street, deserved a second glance at the very least. Thus Jiyu did not bother looking like she belonged, ever, it was far too easy for anyone outside her home village to tell she did not belong, and even back at Peace Village she really did not fit in anymore, considering she'd run away. Honestly she had no reason to try and disguise herself, especially with her current standing in the magic world.

          After a few minutes of being in Mongolia and looking around at the shops with no intent to purchase, but strong curiosity? She had heard the whisper's start up, about a rising star visiting the town, and she knew that today she was the only one of those here, considering only ten rising stars existed. Recalling that fact? Jiyu figured she'd have to get to know other's of the current Star's who where not the three, including herself, that Black Rose held. Anyway's, it was not long before a crowd, that was trying to look like casual daily activity, started gathering in the area's she went, and Jiyu guessed she'd have to get used to that now, being watched. However she didn't even know the half of being in the spot light.

          When she heard about someone stealing a ring from people, the wind mage turned around, her green eye focusing on what was going on. Hopefully? She could help capture the thief, considering it would increase her good reputation, which was already decent considering she was recognized as a rising star by the magic council. "Oh." but from the looks of disbelief she finally connected that people thought she took the ring, and oh damn, she wondered why that would be, honestly she'd worked hard! Actually? Several of her missions had been helping out here. "First off, I don't wear jewelry to begin with, and my missions make me a pretty cent." she first started giving reasons that she would never steal the ring as the shop keeper walked up to her with an angry look on his face, and she sighed rolling her eyes. "Fine, not convinced? Where do I really have to hide your ring dude? I'm wearing a bikini top that barely holds my boobs, much less anything else, and my shorts, which lack pockets, are skin tight. Do you want to shove your hand in my underwear to make sure it's not there?" the female spoke up and utter shocked crossed the faces of everyone around, several people taking steps back and whispering. Anyone being that confident? Was a rather rare trait, but the wind user had no reason to be afraid of her words being abused, since she did not steal the ring.

           "Hey look, I'll help you look for it, I very well can't walk away knowing you got robbed." he seemed unable to counter the way she swayed from side to side, nor how she walked forward towards him, after making the statements she had. "Tell me, where did you last see it? I should be able to sniff for whoever took it." she did have a good sense of smell after-all, and that was going to come out eventually, why not show case it doing something good.


    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM

    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 41
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fey Moonlight Weaving
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) Empty Re: Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu)

    Post by The Lunatic 15th August 2016, 6:35 am

    Perched atop a nearby street lamp, the semi-fey would remain unnoticed for now as the top was shaded by the leaves of a tree. Having perfected looking so plain and uninteresting that no one could quite focus on her, the street rat observed the going-ons below. As expected, the manager immediately charged after her, while the woman started out by looking a bit confused. It was only natural, for with that legal guild mark so obviously stamped on her stomach, how could she possibly know was going on? But, then again, that immortal know-it-all had caught her many times as well... Legal mages weren't always all that dumb, huh?

    Sharpening her senses carefully, Yuzuki easily caught what Jiyu said, and grinned a bit. Aha, a calmer one, huh? She would try and reason with the man, logical reasons, for sure. But hey! Yuzuki could say the exact same thing, couldn't she? She didn't wear jewelry, and she could make enough money if she wished on mage-style jobs as well. They weren't quite as quick and free as her usual thefts though, so she didn't like them quite as much. The manager, unconvinced, started yelling accusations at her, drawing quite a crowd. Among the gossiping and whispering, Yuzuki froze as she caught a strand of one conversation. "...Rising Star? A thief? My, what a scandal!"

    W-wait... Ms. Showy Outsider was a council pet? A drop of sweat rolled down her face. Hopefully that wouldn't bring the council after her... She lead a life that was fairly safe from government influence, but this... ughhh. Even if the immortal know-it-all had been a council pet as well, he was more amused by her than angry. In fact, the only time he'd ever been irked off at her was after Hargeon fell and many of his loved ones died. Still... Besides the dragon-kin, he had been the only council pet who was unique in the way he would more likely brush her off as a fly than consider doing anything more serious. Then again, hadn't he disappeared a while back? Yuzuki wouldn't know.

    Even with these more serious thoughts, the mage stifled a giggle at Jiyu's following rebuttals to the manager. Heh! The council pet got lucky this time! If she'd happened to be wandering around in Talonia or Central District, the accused really would strip her down! Every amateur street thief knew how to hide treasures in areas better not mentioned, and Yuzuki herself had done that a few times back when she was younger. At 33 years old now though, she was much to experienced to have to be so thorough in her hiding. Blending in was much easier and much more effective. However, in a respectable place like this, the manager's face reddened in embarrassment, and with a quick apology, backed into his stall again, looking rather forlorn.

    However, his face brightened at her offer for help, and he nodded eagerly, bowing a few times to her. "Ah, crap," Yuzuki hissed, upon learning that the mage could scent. It was time for a certain someone to take her leave! Heightening her sense of smell, she soon found the scent of fresh, flowing water, a river nearby. Looking nervously at the scar on her hand, she raced across rooftops and tree branches, making her way to the nearest source of water. Pausing, she would tighten her weapon around her belt, and slowly pulled a few strands of moonlight out from her tattoo. The threads flew into the air, weaving themselves into a net that stretched and tightened over her body, rendering the girl invisible.

    Now, Yuzuki dove into the water, feeling an odd tingling in her scarred hand. After the encounter in Hargeon with the man sharks, she had received a shark-shaped scar on her hand. Ever since, she had discovered the mark allowed her to breathe under water. And thus, she was off on her five thousandth something escape attempt!


    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) Empty Re: Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu)

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 16th August 2016, 10:19 pm

    In the beginning of her life? Jiyu had been one of those few in a world full of magic, who had not even known it existed! As she grew up and learned by seeing a mage or two pass through peace village; Well she was never particularly interested in wizardry. In all honesty? If you looked at the Rising Star any day before her seventh birthday, you’d think she’d be an average citizen, never spectacular and certainly never any sort of mage! However that all changed in a single day, the moment her mother died in flames and she inherited the woman's magic book, and found her mother had been a mage, discovered magic was the only remaining connection between them! Ever since than, someone could predict Jiyu would be in the mage world and that whether good or bad, she would do something big eventually, but beyond that she was a wild card. Luckily she fell in with light mages, pulled over to the good side before she really knew how good bad girls could have it! Thus the mage never really felt the urge to steal or anything, the worst she’d done in her life was flaunted her once gorgeous body to get her way with everyone she came across, those attracted to girls fell most times, and the other half of the time she was intimidating with her confidence. However that was off topic, especially when she had bruises, burn marks and scratches all over her body, way off topic.

    When she heard people calling her a scandal and such? She looked back at the crowd, gesturing her hand to the store manager, who took it. Despite not expecting the public aspect from her new position in the mage world? Jiyu was swiftly growing used to it, and she knew that she had to maintain a good image, she couldn’t just threaten these people into believing she stole nothing. ”It wasn’t her.” the store manager got a handle on what she wanted, and quickly spoke up, eager to keep the help and good graces of a council pet. Thought if anyone ever called Jiyu that to her face? She would main the sucker! However for now, everything was smooth and the hype from what everyone thought would be something big, suddenly calmed down, as Kazehime grinned, putting her semi balled fist in front of mouth, an adorable move that shot the hearts of anyone who liked that sort of thing, an action she took often to gain favor. ”I’m going to help find the culprit, so you can all go about your day with the certainty that I’ll find the thief and return his ware to him~” most people happened to be convinced after that, and went about their days, though some people seemed to be staying around, wanting to see how she planned to track down the real thief.

    Honestly standing there, the wind user realized she would have made a wonderful thief, they barely questioned her, what with the doe eyes and rising star position! Kazehime swore if people trusted anymore blindly, it would get every last human on earth killed, but eh it worked well, especially when she was working. ”Why did you think I stole from you to begin with?” the female asked, offering this small little smirk, sitting on his counter, finger under his chin, making the slightly older man blush, as this forced his eyes to around the short womans chest level. ”Well this woman told me-.” than he realized his mistake, just as Jiyu’s eyes lit up the information. Finding out what the other girl looked like? Was nothing, she knew where the ring was picked up from and knew it was the scent of a woman she was searching out, from there it should be fairly easy to pick up where she should go! Metal? Had its own scent, and if the girl did not ditch the goods, she’d be very easy to track.

    Now that she had ditched the shop owner and the onlookers? Jiyu  was free to run along the ground, pushing with her legs that were made for running. Moving so fast, with almost nothing except the wind against her body? Was one of the most amazing sensations she could ever experience, and it was why she wore so little clothing, sans the years she’d spent on boats, they affected her dress too! No matter how much stares due to her injuries made her uncomfortable, she could not stay fully clothed for very long. Now thought, all she had to do was remember who she was in the world, and she could convince herself that people stared because of that, not due to the marks all over her body.

    “Dead end for the scent?” she spoke up, humming something to herself briefly, before falling silent and closing her eyes. Normally? People were only advanced in one sense, they would easily think she was considering how to explain not finding the thief and ring, however she had kept quiet about the fact her other senses were just as sharp! Instead of thinking of a way to give up, the girl was listening for the sound of the culprits heart, and found it peculiar she could hear someone’s heart beating lightly, beneath and nearly drown out by the sound of the river. Somehow she was going to have to grab the thief, not let the ring get swept down river, and well do everything at once! Jiyu was not looking forward to this, sighing and dipping her bare feet into the water, sitting down on the bank, for all expressed purposes she seemed to have given up and decided to relax.

    “I guess I won’t” she trailed off, a giggle being the only warning the older female would have, because Jiyu suddenly lunged forward, into the water. “Hide the fact I know you're there. I can hear your heart beating.” it would likely confuse the other woman unless she confessed the fact she could actually hear her, the water up to Jiyu’s hips, but not seeming to bother the wind mage. “Now why don’t we go give that ring back, or am I going to have to arrest you to get it back for him?” honestly this seemed like a prank, considering she’d been framed. “And next time you try to frame me, make it believable at least.” she put her hands behind her head, making a small noise as she kicked one leg in the water, waiting for the woman she knew was there to appear from whatever cloak she was using.


    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM

    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 41
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fey Moonlight Weaving
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) Empty Re: Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu)

    Post by The Lunatic 17th August 2016, 7:37 am

    Laying flat against the river floor, Yuzuki lazily listened in to the conversation of a few minnows swimming around, mostly complaining about the space she was taking up. "Well, I'm sorry, but I'm kinda hiding, ya know? Like, from what I suppose I could call a predator?" The second the words were breathed out into the river, the entire swarm of minnows swarmed away in fright, their little minds miniature alarms that left Yuzuki dazed and surprised by how much power such a tiny creature could muster in a language that didn't even utilize sound. Rolling lazily onto her back, the girl yawned in exhaustion; she had barely slept last night during her trip here. It hadn't been a full moon either, which meant she wasn't as charged up for today.

    Without really making much of a conscious choice, the peculiar thief's eyes slowly closed, and she fell asleep. Invisibly. Underwater. While being hunted. Well... somebody was one of a kind, huh? Awaking to the rippling of water next to her face, the semi-fey lazily began to roll over, then froze at the sight of a foot right next to her cheek. Immediately freezing, Yuzuki lifted the tip of her nose out of the water just enough for her to get a full whiff of the foot owner's scent. Ah... crap... Catching the end of Jiyu's words, all Yuzuki heard was, “...And next time you try to frame me, make it believable at least.”

    An inward sigh drifted from Yuzuki's mind, the semi fey casually letting invisible ribbons of moonfire drift from her tattoo. Seeping through the ground to the space behind Jiyu, they would slowly rise from the ground, spiraling into the form of a young girl, somewhat similar to Yuzuki's appearance. However, with childish but stylish clothing and short, brown hair, it would still be tough to mistake her for a fey. "Ehehe~!" Yuzuki mentally controlled the illusion as she slowly unsheathed the point of Katsuki. "Onee-chan, I'm surprised you thought I was in there! Perhaps my skill at transmitting certain aspects of myself has improved, hmm? Still, it is rather impressive that you've managed to track my scent all the way here!" Having remembered that Jiyu had this ability, the semi-fey included it.

    "So, Onee-chan! Are you here just for a lovely chat? You seem to have a purpose in mind! Oh, by the way, Onee-chan, do you think I'd honestly be so good at framing people? I'm only an amateur at that art! But Magnolians are soooooooooo easy to fool, ya know?"
    Flinging her arms outward in a "too kawaii" gesture, the illusion made a silly grin, then extended a hand with an illusory ring on the finger. "Perhaps... this is your target?" If Jiyu now tried to grab it, or if she tried to touch the illusion at all, she would hop away nimbly. Only magic could catch up with a magical illusion, after all.

    Meanwhile, underwater, Yuzuki finally freed her companion weapon from its sheath, and carved her way through her own shadow. Reappearing in the shadows at the top of a nearby tree, the trickster simply couldn't resist the temptation to stay and watch.

    Illusion Appearance :


    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) Empty Re: Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu)

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 3rd September 2016, 12:33 pm

    Sorry for the long wait, I have been busy RL, do you still wish to continue? I can post by tomorrow if you do.


    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) H6NcPbM

    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 41
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fey Moonlight Weaving
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) Empty Re: Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu)

    Post by The Lunatic 4th September 2016, 6:19 am

    Hmm, it would certainly be fun to continue since I haven't finished a social images xD

    However, if you really are museless for this then I wouldn't recommend continuing. Otherwise, I kinda wanna go on with it


    Never busy, never without work(Social/Jiyu) TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 10:35 am