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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Aoi 7th April 2016, 7:57 pm

    There was very little to say when she had decided upon leaving the premises of the guild hall after such a very thoroughly planned attack had been placed upon her and several others in the guild. To be fair, the idea of being unable to fight someone on an even ground wasn't new to her in the slightest, but the disadvantage given to her was extremely different compared to the other numerous times she had gotten into types of fights. Normally, her fights were with time magic and being able to counter and use even basic and simple fighting styles to overcome her opponents. Given the reason behind it, she needed something to be able to help her other friends, something that she could use to help protect them and give her something that she would be able to rely on partially, but not become dependent on it. There was little choice in the matter of how to go about it anymore, and though mostly one would think someone as pure hearted as Isabella could be, she would decide to pick alternatives or at least explore all the options, but a couple hundred years of researching and looking into things got her nowhere.

    Not a happy muscle in her face as she entered the cursed lands. They gave her the bumps, but they felt rather familiar to her dismay. The familiarity of the only demonic person she had met in quite some time, as compared to a simple human with an unholy magic. However, the victorian maiden sought another source. Long in her travels, she held myths and rituals that had been passed through time, said to be false profit that was just made up to instill fear and uneasiness in others. Something to help explain the unexplainable, but in current times was much more clear. Though, among such things was one never to be proven to be false, nor truthful in being able to work. The story there of a demon whom could grant wishes beyond humans reasons, but their costs were none too cheap either. Equivalent exchange some would call it, but there always seemed to be a bigger benefit to the contractor than to the one begging to it.

    Entering the old Sombras manor, she expected there to be some sort of spectral being or beings around. Room after room, she peeked in at the empty, yet wide open doors before coming to one large master bedroom. The room was lavishly refurbished to a normal setting, though this was her own doing. After all, she had taken trips back and forth for periods at a time to set this up, so sleeping in a cobweb and dust filled bed. Taking impatient steps now, the blood mage stepped up to a book case and opened a secret entrance by pulling on a book amongst others. She'd take stride descending the case until she'd happen upon her set up of a ritual, according to 300 year old documents that is. Who knew if this would even work, but it was worth a try. Everything was in place, and with a dagger in hand, Isabella would begin reading the words from her old parchments and slowly cutting her hand, black blood dripping onto the ritualistic summoning on the ground and finishing it up. Her wound would quickly heal up and after a moment and a sigh, she'd shrug and head towards the staircase to head home. It obviously was a false ritual that finally had it's results proven.

    588 words



    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Eris 10th April 2016, 5:55 pm


    The manor was different this time for Isabella.  Where the eerie manor was normally creepy, yes,  tonight it was grim.   Lights did not seem to be able to cut the the darkness,  dim and indistinct.  The house felt alive,  old wood creaking frequently,  knocks heard in the distance,  the feeling of cold breezes without sources.  A dusky haze obscuring the end to long halls  and twisting in the corners of rooms.   When she entered her hidden room, there was the sound of footsteps in the shadows,  a sound that seemed to indicate something having walked through a wall,  towards her,  with nothing to be seen but the cold sensation of something standing near her,  a cold breath on her neck.  A soft touch at the hip,  a hand trailing up along her spine.   But there was nothing there, but the growing sensation of more gazes.   Creaking of wood closing in on the ritual room,  like the house itself drew its attention to this one spot,  to her.

    (If)The ritual progressed,  the candles flickering,  occasionally behaving erratically. Almost as though something was trying to sabotage the circle by snuffing the flames.  The moment the first drop of blood hit the bowl a creaking occurred right outside the room,  on the steps.  Footsteps.  Again.  More real this time.  Something approached,  a feeling of dread coming with it.  Blood dripped from the ceiling and spilled down the walls,  which pealed away as though the minor was shrinking back from the presence at hand.   Where before it was cold,  an icy chill could be felt by even the most dense and head-strong of individuals in Isabelle's position.

    A hollow sound like bone striking bone and a chittering clack of teeth sounded behind her.   If this was a hallucination,  it felt incredibly real.  Every sense would be ablaze,  every nerve on edge.  Tearing the mind between a desire to look,  to see,  or to remain frozen in paralyzing fear.  To avoid witnessing whatever it was,  to acknowledge it is real or not.   

    The decision may have been made for her when whatever it was released a blood-curdling cry behind her,  the sound of hard bone on wood escalating as though it had rushed her.    A ravenous beast,  it was made of blood-soaked bones,  dripping in its wake.  Its limbs were too long and its form too tall,  forcing it to hunch over rather than stand straight, if it could at all,  elongated clawed skeletal arms reaching for Isabelle before she could finish her ritual.  


    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) NvVyM98

    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
    H 1 S 7 A 7+1 B 8+1 C 9 D 11
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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Aoi 10th April 2016, 7:14 pm

    While the Victorian maiden had looked around, she saw nothing. No sounds or signs around to prove her right or wrong in any way, but even then history has not proven all rituals to be the same way. With a small sigh, she flicked some of her hair behind her head and reached up to tighten her ponytail before she'd freeze up. Her head would shoot around as the sensations of something or someone touching her hips, rubbing up her spine sent tingling nervousness to her head. Looking around, there was nothing around her and no indications of anything even remotely moving from what she could even see. Then again, from the moment she stepped into the manor tonight, she could tell there was something amiss from it, but when you habitually enter an abandoned, possibly haunted building, chances are you'll feel really weirded out by it.

    A soft bite to her bottom lip came almost instinctively from the sounds revolving around her. From the bit of creaking from the floor boards above her to the echoing footsteps, her nerves were wracking already from it and she could barely keep herself together. Anything was possible at this point and she could never really tell if she would end up actually finding out if someone came into the mansion or if this ritual had actually worked or not. She turned her body away from the steps to give a second look around the room from which the ritual was performed with the feeling of being watched. The ornery gaze only started to grow and feel as though multiple people or things had their eyes set upon the blood mage. Though now that she thought about it, a small sense of her nervousness was gone thinking of the irony of a blood mage performing a ritual in need of using the persons own blood.

    Unfortunately, even that didn't stop her jumping as she heard the sound of a blood curdling scream having no time to react before something had tackled her like a football player. Pinned underneath some bloody creature, it's overbearing scent of blood drove her carnal fear of death into panic and without looking, she inhaled and blew a bellow directly into the face of the bloody skeleton. She then quickly would (if she could) scramble up onto her feet and panting from the still racing heart, black and red pools of blood laying in a hole in the underground ritual room, unknown of the fate of whatever she managed to hit with that spell. "Doth thou have no shame in fighting square if another being!?" However, she was ready this time, prepped for nearly anything to get thrown at her, if anything at all.

    456 words

    Spell used:



    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Eris 10th April 2016, 7:55 pm


    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Bloody10

    The undead monster's claws of bone tore into Isabelle when it rushed her,  catching her off guard as it did and bringing her to her back hitting the ground in her ritual circle with a thud and a meaty raking as heavy claws carved into flesh.  It was several times her size,  with hands large enough to wrap around her waist with one hand if it chose.  Rather,   it kept her pined,  thick claws penetrating her.   It's fanged skull dripped blood in her face as it its head got up in her face and made a guttural clatter-like noise before it adjusted as though about to Rend her with its claws,  to maul her on the spot.  It's fangs clearly capable of ripping out her throat if it so inclined.  It had the opportunity,  but seemed to prefer its claws.  

    Her saving grace was her roar.   The blood magic largely passing through the skeleton's flesh-less form,  but forcing it back a pace giving her the time and space necessary to get onto her own two feet.  But not a lot of it.   The skeleton seemed to have been staggered by the spell, pushed back by the volume of substance alone.   Where it's bones were blood stained and dripping before,  it was now soaked.   It seemed to shudder,  its head twitching and jerking to one side,  its jaw quivering.   It seemed to grow in size,  like it had absorbed some of the blood like a sponge and grew as a result.  

    It hunched over again,  claws digging into the floor as it tore forward towards the blood-mage again like a savage beast that towered over her in height.  It shrieked again like it did the first time it lunged.  They were missed last time,  but this time it could be heard the sound of at least three other shrieks throughout relatively nearby rooms in the manor.  

    316  (Last was 420)


    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) NvVyM98

    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Aoi 10th April 2016, 10:23 pm

    She could hardly believe the ambush she was just involved in. The dire fact of the attack being so sudden and unknowing was a little more frightening than anything else she had been a witness to in some time. More so that this abomination ripped and ruined her clothes, her attire in tatters and barely left anything to stay clung to her figure but revealing her bra and the clawed gashes on her. No doubt they would heal, but the fact of this creature being anything of a light weight was beyond her thinking at all. She was more worried about how this thing got here without her knowing, especially with her being able to smell out blood at an oddly large rate compared to most mages. In such a case, it would seem as though that was a blessing rather than a curse since having her fear of the Crimson liquid to be abolished from her thoughts.

    As she got to her feet, she looked down as her own blood would leak slowly down around the edge of the wound onto her skin, darkening to a near pitch black in color from her magic. Until the air would touch her blood, it would always remain the normal color, but once it did, it was freely usable by herself and not to her knowledge as of yet, but unable to be consumed by another blood slayer such as herself. Soon the creature became visible to her sight once more as it rose from the ground. It fixed itself physically of any damage that her Bellow did to the creature, but she was without knowing that in that time, her standing by an incomplete ritual was left unnoticed. With another shriek, the now larger creature would lunge toward Isabella the piercing scream echoing through the manor as of more of these were here. Her eyes would narrow and she would suck under the hulking skeleton and take some of her own blood and tossing droplets up at the creature and causing an explosion that would propel it into another separate wall, shaking the manor from its pure external force whilst leaving Isabella unharmed from its effects entirely (Via magic strength).

    Still in a panic, she would look over and find where she left off with the ritual, speeding along to grab up what she could of the rituals documents and skimming them over once more before being able to finish it. With more blood spilling onto the ritual circle, it would begin to glow and give off a red aura or sorts outlining it, before fading away. Her arms started to shake as she looked up and saw nothing before her, behind her, or anything of the sort. The only two living or even semi living beings in this area were Isabella and the hulking skeleton. Grabbing her abdomen, she would push herself up onto her feet, whole heartedly questioning what would happen. She could fight her way to at the least running away. There was the chance of being able to fight this thing off and kill it, but with the possibility of her hearing correctly of others in the manor, she only could smile as her aqua gaze starred at the skeletal figure against the wall and waited for it. If this was truly a hoax... They wouldn't be after her now of all times. They'd have gotten her any time, and place. Perhaps some time was just needed to be bought... "If thou is looking for a fight, thou shall get a fight!"

    596 words
    595/675 health



    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Eris 10th April 2016, 11:08 pm


    Charging its way towards Isabella the skeleton was rocked by the explosion of her attack.  Its claws however,  were firm,  and raked the floor even as the manor shuddered.   While savage,  the skeleton seemed intelligent to some extent,  and was not willing to let itself be thrown back again.    Thick grooves were carved into the floor as it was sent back a short distance,  but anchored,  allowing it to continue its forward charge with little reprieve.   This monster was out for blood and single-minded in its effort.    From the sounds outside the room the other monsters were rushing there way towards the room themselves.     As far as could tell the options were to remain,  maybe seal off the stairwell and remain with the single enemy,  or leave it open as a way to escape and chance a pack of these creatures.   If they could even be called creatures rather than things.

    Perhaps there was another option,  the ritual was interrupted.  If these skeletons were after her before hand then contacting this wish-granting demon could help her.  If they were a product of the ritual itself,  it could make matters worse to continue it.  It may realistically seem like the less likely scenario to most.  In the moment however,  there was a giant skeleton with claws and really long arms mid stride towards the blood mage between her and the stairwell.   A skeleton that seemed to be absorbing her blood magic,  much less being harmed by it.  Attempting to knock it back or stagger it at least seemed to be buying time.  Time that was preciously short with its long strides across the room,   clawed feet- or hind legs, perhaps- digging into the floor as it lashed out with both its front clawed hands reaching in for a two-handed double rending that seemed capable of gutting an elephant.


    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) NvVyM98

    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Aoi 10th April 2016, 11:49 pm

    As time went on facing this odd demonic skeletal creature, she began to grow more and more panicked. It was only a matter of time before others joined, and if that happened surely she'd end up being so painfully screwed... Or if she planned things out correctly, she could very well get away and buy herself some time to get help. Unfortunately, even in a time like this the Victorian maiden would be reminded of being without another outfit, though even that would only help her mind try to refocus on her survival. The rebounded skeleton had gotten back onto its feet rather quickly as to the last time she had blown it away, however even the explosion had come to show that she was nothing less then useless to fight against it. It seemed as though it's body was literally absorbing her magic, making it almost as if it wasn't being affected by it any longer outside of the blowback of the spell.

    Taking a step back, the ravenous creature lunged at Isabella quick it's normal quick, erratic lunging towards her. Her left foot would slip down, making her body follow just under before her should would be ripped open by a couple of its finger like claws and trying to attack it physically with a open palm to its hollow chest cavity. She could feel herself somewhat bouncing off the creatures chest and distancing herself as much as possible. The longer she tried to fight it, the more she could feel as though she wasn't going to get anywhere with this thing. As close she was to the steps, she attempted to get up to get up the steps, before the skeleton had cut her off, making Isabella scream in surprise before she would fall backwards, barreling down the steps until she would come to a halt on her back, writhing in pain and unable to get up from the dizziness of her rolling so many times.

    329 words
    565/675 words



    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Eris 11th April 2016, 7:45 am


    The skeletal monster did not seem to possess any special abilities so far, or perhaps it would have used them by now, other than soaking in her blood the monsters main attributes were clearly its size and its tall form. It's long legs and arms, clawed, and fanged skull were clearly predatory. The creature was built for its speed and viscous physical attacks. If the other shrieks heard beyond the room were any indication, it also was meant to hunt in packs like wolves, as capable as this one was on its own.

    As a result, Isabelle was in a rough spot with the monster at her again. She may have evaded the downwards raking of its claws but the skeleton was adjusting immediately with a set of new sideways swipes in a frenzied flurry and intent to kill, lashing out with its claws as Isabelle tried to move past it towards the stairwell. If she wasn't actively trying to dodge and avoid at the moment she may easily have claws carve their mark down her back, her spine at risk. To take a hit would mean that it's other claw would have an easier time finding its mark as well.

    But she did slip past, new wounds or not, enough to make it to the stairs. Unfortunately at the top of the stairs to make matters worse was the clattering noise of a second skeleton having found its way towards the call of the one already in the room, should she have even made it to the stairs she would have been in for a surprise it seemed. When Isabelle fell back, the both skeletons would be on her in seconds, intent on splitting her open with their claws.


    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) NvVyM98

    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Aoi 11th April 2016, 8:03 am

    It became harder and harder the more she tried to move at this point. Groaning in pain from her wounds and the tumbling she has just finished doing down the steps, the Victorian maiden has gripped her wounds as best they could, attempting to at least apply as much pressure as she could to keep herself from passing out from the blood loss. It's mere appearance above her at the staircase was frightening to look at in the position she was in currently. Her body shook as she at the least attempted to push herself up before looking up to see where the creature went, if it had moved at all at this point. Aqua orbs suddenly growing in size from the shock of what she witnessed. The second skeleton creature had just found her room, and its prey at the same time.

    Both hulking creatures stood at the steps for the moment, as of watching for Isabella to make a move at all or if she would just pass out right on the spot, which wasn't very off from what she had imagined would happen. It wasn't anything she had hoped for before when she started this ritual up. All she wanted was to find this mythical person, said to grant any wish. Not even caring for the cost she'd have to pay to live as well as what she originally intended to wish for from this demonic person of all things, she'd start to slowly slide back toward the ritual circle she made. No straight thought was moving through her head either. A mix of flashbacks, begging that her ritual worked, pleading these things would only be of some horrific nightmare. All just panicked mental thoughts acting on the fear of her death coming now of all times. The very thought of it now nearly paralyzing her with the fear.

    312 words



    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Eris 11th April 2016, 4:13 pm


    With little resistance given other than the weak effort to push herself back towards the ritual circle, the skeletons were upon her as she lifted her head up to see them and barely made it an inch when the bloody skeletons sunk their long claws into her body, the two skeletons on top of her and ravaging her flesh, chunks being torn free with cruel intent. One ripped into her chest with the crunching sound of her ribs and sternum cracking and breaking off by prying claws, this one clearly intent on carving its way to her heart by flaying her ribs open, the other one fresh from the stairway was tearing into the soft belly, intestines clearly visible with its digging, being tossed to one side in the process.

    Every single second brought her closer to death, every single second was a new mortal wound and irreparable damage by magic-less means. A lesser being than Isabelle would have already been slain, but her body did its best to resist them. Panic was sure to get her killed in this moment, if she did not do something now her fears would be realized, here, alone in what should have been an abandoned manor, monsters such as this or not. Who was to say how long it would be before her body could be discovered. Did the blood mage even tell anywhere where she was going? Why would she, out in the middle of the Cursed Lands trying to contact wish-granting demons. Would they fall to these monsters themselves while looking for her?

    Another sickening crack sounded as the original skeleton ripped the front of her ribs off, her flesh skinned aside to reveal a heart that head seen better days. Her own blood was pooled around her, a fanged skull poised to rip it free with a bite in a moment.


    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) NvVyM98

    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Aoi 11th April 2016, 7:09 pm

    The more that she tries to move her somehow increasingly heavier body, the more fear had begun to instill itself inside her. At first, the skeletal beings had slowly crept down one step at a time and looked at what she was doing. It seemed as though they had been watching to see if she was dead, until they had seen her dragging herself along the floor. Hair was slowly being dyed in her blood as it slid across the pooling plasma like a paintbrush over the pastel of colors. She wasn't looking forward to what they planned to do to her or with her if anything at all. Though with the numerous times she spent going through here, for them to be here of all times had her caught off guard from the whole situation. The only thing that she had even thought would be useful to her was even being used against her, making her unable to even buy time to run. Unfortunately by now, she was too physically weakened from the loss of her blood to do a thing but maybe a spell or two to buy herself a moment.

    Much to her dismay, it was too late. The feral undead creatures leapt on her like a fresh kill, slowly but painfully ripping her apart and making her feel the most horrific pain that she had ever felt. Each claw mark ripping into her, the bones snapping almost like twigs to their relentless attack had her kicking and begging for mercy. Anything she could do to end it faster if it didn't mean her death. "EEERRIIIISSSS!!" She'd scream the only name in her mind at the time in a blood curdling fashion it would seem, while she still had use of her lungs that is. She could only try to keep them from fully shredding her body apart, if she could even muster up the strength to do so.



    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Eris 11th April 2016, 8:14 pm


    Isabelle's last moments were not pleasant.  The last thing her mortal eyes witnessed was the fanged skull tearing her heart out,  her body stubbornly holding out for a moment longer held by the threads of her magic.  Her voice cutting out in the last syllable of the demonesses name as her lungs were torn.   The sound of a bell chimed from somewhere indistinct while what few light sources were left from the struggle were snuffed out sending the room into darkness.

    Eris stepped into the room from the center of what remained of the ritual circle and sighed.  The room was in disarray,  the circle ruined and the floor soaked in blood.   Eris's gaze shifted away from the circle towards the stairwell where two bloodhunters were feasting on the body of the woman who tried to summon her.   An improperly warded summoning circle was like shouting in a crowd.  Most circles in the paltry ritual books that many found in their possession were falsehoods,  fronts.   Petty displays,  the real power was in the intentions and with Eris's name itself,  no matter the name itself so long as it was hers or in reference to her.  This ritual on the other hand was more... official.   A real summoning circle.

    Eris watched as a thin wisp of white flame rose up from the girl's body.   In the ritual that was interrupted,  she had said Eris's name once.  Allowing her to hear everything that was occurring and get a sense of the Invoker.  She could sense the presence of the Bloodhunters, and other specters drawn to the room by the circle.  But she had never been to this place before,  she could not know where the girl was and could not see the area.   When she at last uttered her name a second time with her last breath,  Eris could see.  Seeing was enough for her to choose to travel to the location under her own power,  rather than the ancient customs of the Devil Pact.  A third use of her name would have allowed Eris to appear more easily without any effort on her part,  but a second name was enough.  

    Eris remained undetected by the bloodhunters as the spirit started to gain its form,  where it would be vulnerable.  Still, Eris waited.  As the spirit-body of the girl gained its shape,  a new presence appeared out from a black void in the corner of the room.  A large blood-red skeleton shrouded in robes of blackness stepped forward with a sickle in hand,  its other hand reaching for the soul...  A Reaper,  a specific reaper.   As most were,  in the service of a particular devil.

    Isabelle would be well aware of things now,  having missed a moment but it would have seemed like an instant to the dead.  Staring down at her own dead body and the monsters that were eating her corpse.   The reaper looming in from the side.    Now,  now would be the time Eris waited for.   With the deep sound of a heartbeat pulsating somewhere,  as though some colossal heart were beating in the outside,  the bloodhunters froze in the middle of their actions,  the reaper's sickle paused as it reached out for her head,  her spirit-body's head.  

    "Things aren't going so well for you it seems" Eris said,  taking physical form and leaning against a wall.  White skin and hair seemed almost pure in comparison to the dark room covered in blood.   "You seem to have pissed off a demon of some kind.  Either Shull,  Ymennon, or Bahamut I imagine.  They tend to use these bloodhunters on occasion. "  Eris gestured to Isabelle's body,  and the two bloodhunters.  "And that right there would be one of their reapers,  come to claim your soul..."  


    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) NvVyM98

    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) CkggyrF

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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Aoi 11th April 2016, 9:12 pm

    Her suffering had only lasted but a moment longer, taking a last breath of air in a gasp before all bodily motion and feeling would cease. Her eyes would dim and become lifeless, heart paused and then relaxed, without a purpose to beat any longer ever again. The shocked and fearful face of Isabella had a small streak of blood running down from her mouth as well. The demonic creatures continued to rip her to shreds and eat her organs as the very soul of Isabella would appear before the gory scene. Once she had her bearings back to her, she looked down and seen he feasting on her body, looking down to see the ethereal form of herself before looking back to come to the realization that this situation was real.

    Normally, the whole ordeal would have been more traumatizing, but has she not of seen this sort of thing before, this would have become a more a surprise... Had she not of been in a somewhat similar situation before. The circumstances were different, but with the premise being the same, she found it to be less shocking to her though not by much. A voice called out to her in some fashion. Looking around, she seen the very time around her paused and the shrouded figure in the shadows before turning to the only person with her. The moment Bahamut left her lips, the Victorian maidens body would make a light jump and her body turned fully to the woman. "Then, would one conclude thou art indeed the one whom I had performed such a ritual for?" She would pause and step toward the woman, almost as though the fact she was dead passed her mind momentarily. "Bahamut is indeed angered with me. I stole his lacrima he had created and infused it inside of myself, and refused to become his devilish bride instead of killing me for the lacrima. I doth assume he gave up trying to take me for his own..." She would peer over her shoulder before looking back to Eris, giving a humble curtsy with the tattered bits of her bottom. "How rude of me not to introduce thyself. I am Isabella Zachirou, of Blue Pegasus... Or... I used to be." A dreary, depressed look would form on her face, head facing the floor and sighing.

    395 words

    312 from last post, forgot to mention it.



    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Eris 13th April 2016, 4:29 pm


    "I am.  Unfortunate your circle had alerted your demon suitor to your whereabouts.  Had they not been lying in wait for your return, perhaps you'd have finished your invocation in time.   There are reasons why these sorts of affairs are labeled forbidden magic.  Even if your intended contact doesn't destroy you,  the slightest failure or miscalculation can invite so many different misfortunes."  Eris stepped towards the circle and picked up a candle in hand to turn it over to accentuate her words.   Very unfortunate,  in finding one of the more dangerous methods of contacting Eris,  and that she already had a demon searching for her as she described.  

    Eris sighed.  "Bahamut has always been something of an unsavory sort.   I wouldn't be so sure about him giving up on you.   If he can't have you in life it appears he's decided to take you in death."  Eris gestured towards the reaper frozen in time with the candle she picked up and tossed it,  landing squarely in its eye socket like some halloween carnival game.  Eris cocked her head slightly to one side.  "He'll have you now I'm afraid,  a slave to his will for eternity."  Eris flickered out of sight for an instant,  appearing before the reaper and holding its chin.   "Unpleasant.  But its the way of things.   Unless someone else were to claim you first." Eris looked back to the girl with an expression of sly amusement.  

    "You wouldn't happen to know anyone capable of that now, would you?"  


    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) NvVyM98

    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) CkggyrF

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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Aoi 13th April 2016, 5:52 pm

    Slowly but surely, her heart began to descend to normal levels... Well of one that you could say you may or may not have being a spirit and all. She watched the voluptuous being before her take casual steps toward the circle. The whole way over, she spoke to the blood Mage, explaining simply and without any tone or anything in the way she said it. She was a blunt person in Isabella's eyes right now, and more or less she was beautiful as well. Someone she would see as though would have person after person lining up to try to please her and convince her to date them. Maybe that's just the old fashioned thought of how high class, beautiful women had come to think and work back when she was among that crowd, but here it was different.

    She nodded along to what she had to say about Bahamut and smiled, letting out a little chuckle towards the commenting and how truthful a thing it was towards her last meetings with him. "Thou doth make a rather truthful point there, madam. He can be quite.. Stubborn and persistent." She would shake her head lightly as she enjoyed the idea of the two ranting on about Bahamut and his sleaziness like nothing else was going on around them. Aqua orbs would lose sight of her as Eris whisped from her view, coming back to attention as she spoke, further away now and touching the frozen reaper as though it was a statue that she were admiring. Her sly facial expression had been rather obvious in the way she put it, and the moment it snapped in her head, the more she thought to change her mind. However, she was in a dangerous crossroad now and it'd be impossible to change her mind now as it was. It was clear she had two choices; continue down the path she started, wish for not only the power she wanted- no, needed as well to save her... Or suffer the eternity under Bahamut as nothing but most likely some mindless slave. Immediately, she would drop to her knees, bowing down to the point her forehead was just a few inches from the ground, nothing but a ponytail and hair covering most of her body. "Please heed my plea, madam. I would give anything to have thine wish granted by you, no matter what. Thou can claim my soul for eternity for the power to help defend those I cherish! Tell me the toll and I shall pay!" She'd plead and pray, mentally depicting good and bad scenarios of how this could turn out, unsure of what she could offer to or give up to appease the demoness before her.

    459 words



    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Eris 13th April 2016, 6:47 pm


    Eris knew white well the situation Isabelle was in and her lack of options. Even if she had other alternatives available in general, it was this moment or forfeit. The reaper was here now, not later, caught right in the middle of harvesting the girls soul. At this point there was practically no other option but to deal with Eris and hope for the best based on what little she knew of her compared to what she knew of Bahamut and his intentions. True, Eris could have snatched her in the moment her name was called in that crucial moment and opened more options for the girl, but she owed the girl no favors.

    There was an allure in coming to someone's aid in desperate need however. Eris's attention was already on her from the first call, she could feel the intention woven into the circle itself before even then but it had not called her attention. When the actual ritual was started, she could feel the unique flavor of her magic. Coupled with the presence of demonoids, Eris would have responded regardless of the deal to be made or how great the desire. As she listened to the situation unfold it only added more to draw her, and lead to the present situation.

    Eris smiled lightly in satisfaction, just a slight shift in her expression she allowed herself to show as she towered over the kneeling girl as she prostrated herself at her feet. "Were I a less giving soul you'd be lucky to even be claimed and not left to your demon suitor. Fortunate for you, perhaps your only fortune this night, I am known to be quite generous. And I will deliver you up from the hands that seek you out, and bestow upon you the power you sought after, that which brought you into the hands of your enemy as it did bring you before me. I will claim your soul as my own, which itself is a gift to you. But your body, mine. Your will, as my own. Your service, whenever I ask of it. You may serve as you like beyond my request. Should you wish it, you may live among others who serve, or you may do so in the future after continuing to live your life as you were... for a time. This is my pact, this is what I offer." Eris seemed to grow as she spoke, darkness closing in drawing focus away from the reality at hand and to the devilish goddess who held the girl's fate in her hands, should she doubt, the Reaper at her back could be felt like a coldness that clung to her from behind, a contrast to the comforting warmth that emanated from Eris, caught between salvation and torment. A burning rune suspended in the air above Eris's palm, held out for the taking. The pact at the tips of her fingers, all she had to do was take Eris's hand and live again.


    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) NvVyM98

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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Aoi 13th April 2016, 7:58 pm

    In the moment of silence before Eris had come to make her choice and that Isabella pleaded her life to this demonic person she began to second guess herself, as would anyone else. Was there any other options available though? No matter what she had to pick and serve a demon for the rest of her life and more, and she was the one who stuck herself in the middle. There was nobody else to blame but herself for this, so the only person capable of picking and deciding that choice was here alone. Still, her hands trembled even horrors the towering over her praying figure would or wouldn't go unpunished. The choices were laid out flat, and even though she was still granted her own choice afterwards, the realization that she would be forced to still obey her was risky. Still, she had no other options and this was going to be her fate even if the situation had not of unfolded in the way it did.

    As she leaned up, taking a kneeling position instead of her previous praying one, she nodded to herself that she had finally made her decision. "If that is thy wish m'lady, than I shall accept your terms. I... I just do not know how thou plans to have me walk upon the living anymore, not after.. That." She would come to stand up now, gazing over her shoulder before turning back to look at Eris and bite her lip as a curious question came to mind, one she felt compelled to ask. Firstly, she would take Eris's hand, one containing a rune sitting in the palm of her hand and would take it as though she was accepting another gift or just giving a handshake in the greeting of another person. "So, I see this is not like sealing a normal contract? I assumed it's mere writing and signing a document, but I'm simply very old fashioned, and my age would prove that very statement." She'd play it off as a little joke to lighten her mindset so she wouldn't go stir crazy from the whole deal... At least not yet.

    363 words



    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Eris 14th April 2016, 9:27 am


    Making contact with the rune in taking Eris's hand,  the fiery symbol pulsed out to pass over her like a wave to the sound of a deep heartbeat, again as though some colossal heart were beating in the sky above.  Given that the price of the pact was her soul and she was a soul at the moment,  Isabelle would be shaken with a deep coldness as her soul hollowed out and faded,  as though the overwhelming majority of whatever constituted her form was taken leaving a thin faded visage of what once was.   All that was left was pure essence of her self-awareness and intellect stretched thin to form the appearance that stood now before Eris.    If some didn't know any better they'd assume it was a spirit, her soul,  but it was as a shadow left behind and held together by the remaining consciousness.

    If one thing stood out now in the faint specter it was the vivid red hand print that radiated a red glow within the spirit-like body.  A pact mark,  the mark of Eris.  She was hers now,  and anyone laying claim to her would find be rebuked and find themselves enemy of Eris should they persist.  The reaper would be unable to harvest her as she now was.  

    "Come along then" Eris said,  taking the specter of Isabelle in hand and pulling it along with her as Eris disappeared into Isabelle's physical body that lay in ruined tatters,  merging into the corpse with her in tow.   Despite missing its heart and its body cavity hanging barren the body of Isabella clenched a fist and slammed it into the skull that had eaten most of her chest,  caving it in with a shriek and flash of flame.    Her single functional leg,  the other was severed,  slammed into the side of the second bloodhunter hurtling it into the wall giving Eris room to stand on a skeletal leg of bone that exploded out from the gaping socket  where the missing leg had been torn free before.   On her two feet, Eris lifted an arm out before her as the same runes seen in her pact circled in the air before her like a barrier of fire and light,  with a hefty swirl of black smoke as the power of the Devil Pact manifested itself into what it divined as a magic that would suit the girl.  The shield set itself in place securely allowing her to swing her arm back to slam the shield into the skeleton who suffered her fist through its head.  Being undead,  it was relatively fine from such a blow.  The shield however sent it into the far wall with her slam and once again gave her more room to work with.  Eyes, though untouched by the undead, were burned from their sockets leaving marble-like balls of flame to make eye contact with the bloody reaper.  Eris's own hellfire eyes manifesting themselves in this new body,  Isabelle herself would share in this sight,  seeing the world as Eris did.  To prevent her from being overwhelmed,  Eris filtered the information herself to feed the girl only the details of the room around them,  giving her a 360' awareness of the situation at hand regardless of where she was looking.  No normal vision to be had,  her world was only one of fire,  as though every surface and every minute detail were written in flames.  

    "Your move" Eris said,  allowing Isabelle something of a drivers seat in something of a symbiotic relationship.  A temporary one, for sure.  But for now,  Eris lent her direct aid to get her out of her situation by her own action.   New magic  was at her finger tips as well in this moment drawn from the shield itself,  being rationed out by Eris serving for now as a filter and guideline.  A conduit,  keeping this body together and allowing Isabelle's will to seamlessly blend with Eris's action.   Whether it was Eris herself acting or Isabelle would be indistinguishable.  Her first taste of her new life was filled with ecstasy,  filled with the sensation of strength and power,  Eris's own confidence and nature bleeding over,  and in this moment that strength was at her disposal along with her own new shield.

    Eris has merged into Isabelle's corpse,  it's effectively Eris's body at the moment with Isabelle directing it.  HP and damage are negligible, just have fun.


    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) NvVyM98

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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Aoi 14th April 2016, 7:26 pm

    Her eyes widened as the hand that she grasped felt warm, inviting, but firm and empowered grip held her hand as though she was locked in. The moment each others palms touched, Isabella had felt as though anyone else making such a life changing choice would have; thoughts of the alternatives. However, given those choices and in light of everything she went through to go this far, the choice that she made felt right to her, and that was all that mattered in the end. The pact that would allow this single Victorian maiden to rise up and feel like she could do something for her guild, something for the world even. It had been that alone that left the smile in tact on her face as she looked up to Eris in her eyes, proud even of the choice she made in sealing her fate, selling her soul to this demon.

    She nodded to her new.. well guessing owner wouldn't be much of a far stretch from the terms to their pact anyway. It was more of her being a pet on call than being a subordinate that was under orders by a higher power, but that didn't matter. In due time, she'd come to be fine with that. For now, she would just follow in stride with Eris, watching as she would enter her own torn up body, unknown of her intentions. For a moment, it had felt as though her body was moving from a will that was not her own. Of course, it took a moment before she realized that Eris was the one whom had been in control. This particular demoness was far more superior than she had originally thought. The concaved skull she had witnessed being formed in almost the blink of an eye was intense and exciting. She watched in awe momentarily as she grew the blood mage a new leg to replace her severed one, as well as a new piece of equipment.

    This particular item seemed to be something Eris wanted her to have, or was her end of their deal. It fit right onto her arm and was rather light to hold, but that was unusual even for her. Everything seemed lighter and looking around had looked 1000% different for her as well. Everything was red, and seeing everything around her as though she was looking at the room from every single pheasable way at one time. The blood curdling scream of a third creature shambled down the steps with the scent of Isabella's blood and leaping right at her. Right behind it had been the last, doing the opposite by slowly prowling down the length of the steps and watching it's comrade rush into the fight.

    457 words



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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Aoi 14th April 2016, 7:45 pm

    A smirk lit the newly revived mage as she leaned her head away from the elongated claw like hand of her enemy and would grab it by the skull, starring with a sinister growing smirk and using her newfound borrows strength to crush its skull with no problem, popping it like a balloon and watching as the pieces of it's skull would fly everywhere like the debris of an explosion. "Ah, my word. That doth felt.. AMAZING! Such an invigorating feeling!" Unfortunately, she spoke through her mind to Eris rather than aloud, not trying to see if she could speak and didn't seem to want to see if being dead had affected her in any way. Suddenly, the second one that Eris had repelled with Isabella's leg had come to leap back into the fight, trying to outnumber the undead corpse. The shield hugged to her arm would enlarge, covering her entire form in height and expanding outward to cover the rest of her for the most part.

    The force would only push her arm back toward her form slightly before the shield would glow a red color and blast back, unleashing a backlash that would destroy the limb of the skeletal beast and dazed it for a moment. It cried out in anger and possibly pain before the other would come from the steps with an amazing hang time and distance ready to pounce on top and pin her down to finish her off. Using the shield as a balance, the blood mage would jump up, connecting her newly grown skeletal leg into the attacker and pulling herself down with the beast taking a large, hard crash into the ground, landing one foot at a time and using the momentum to swing the shield out of the ground, making a flip over top of the grounded hunter and taking her own momentum and shifting it to the shield, letting it's large shape crush the beast in half and crushing it's skull with her foot. "Hundreds of years of martial arts trainings and mixing and perfecting put to work. Doth thou seem in the slightest impressed by it, m'lady?" She'd ask her, still speaking between the two of them while her vision kept still to the last creature, waiting to see if it would still attack or if it would leave. Or if Eris would take control and do it herself.

    403 words



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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Aoi 15th April 2016, 11:16 am

    As fiery eyes laid witness to the work she had done, she lifted her shield from the ground and looked the object over in its large form. Still ought enough for her to carry, but massive enough to do damage on its own. She'd still have to test its bonds with something more, Mage like. These things were all well and good, but shields were meant to take physical damage by proxy, so the thought that they were going to leave not one scratch was a fair assumption on the blood mages part, as would any one others thoughts would conclude. She let out a single breath to calm herself down from attempting to get riled up and overly excited about the adrenaline rush. Of course, there was no heart to pump blood through, but that wouldn't stop her from being able to use what blood was already around her.

    Unfortunately for her, some of her blood already spilled was dried to the ground, so using it would become useless, but what was left looked around was still free game. Her next test would be to see how both of these magics coincided with one another in a way where she would be able to use both at one time in an effective manner. She'd need a good target dummy to do so against, and that's when her full field of vision would show her exactly that; The Reaper. He'd make an excellent starting target for the time being at least, and he'd be probably formidable at the least, or at least she would take precaution in doing so.

    269 words



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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Aoi 15th April 2016, 11:18 am

    Her full leftover form would face the reaper, whom only starred with a grin along his face and a scythe readied to claim her soul by force if needed. "Rise, my pets." He would raise his weapon and slam the staff down onto the ground. With curious eyes, despite them not being her own, she still observed what he planned to do. Four large holes would open up around him, one by one large skeletal hands would reach out and pull themselves out of the holes, closing up after they're full forms reached the human plane. Shaking her head lightly, she started to take small steps toward the grouping while they all lunged themselves at her.

    Playing the whole device and conquer card, she'd use the shield to block the advances of all other creatures while he newly bone leg would crush the skull of it into pieces and planting her foot into the ground. She'd then transfer her weight to her arms, using her full footing to push the others back with ease and peering underneath the blockade of a shield to gain insight on where they others were displaced. Bouncing up, she'd place her full body onto the back of the shield and crash down on top of two of the creatures, fully smashing one while one arm of the other kept the third alive, but not by much. She would sigh with a boredom of these creatures, looking towards the fourth one as it shook off the ease and got up, just biding itself a bit of time.

    262 words



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Aoi 15th April 2016, 11:19 am

    Her shield sat idle by her side, it's bottom dug slightly into the ground to keep Isabella from having to burden the full weight on her own. "Insolent brat. Lord Bahamut will have you one way or another, you harpy!" His voice was raspy and rather angered by her resistance and more so for Eris's interference in his work. To think, he was so close to completing it, getting his own wish fulfilled by the demon, but now he was halted to try and kill several birds with one stone. She'd smirk at his outcry of a threat, finding it rather amusing and shrugging the threat off with little care. The fourth of the creatures would take its chance to attack the blood Mage, reaching a clawed hand out to try and get her, being interrupted by her hand by grasping hold and using the momentum to swing it around into the back of her shield and letting it stumble back before taking its skull with her hand and headbutt it, smashing skull to skull and caving it's in, smashing its spinal cord with her hand, and letting it fall to the floor.

    Her shield would then pull to her front and a black magical extension would protrude from the shield as a large fireball would make impact with it. Shaking her head, another several large explosive fireballs would crash into it and blowing up the magical barrier connected. Nodding, she'd realize the extent her shield held magically for the most part, happy with what it could do for her and waving her hand in circles as she would bring some of her blood ready and send it in little shrapnel like shards flying straight for her target. The blood would then glow a darker black and upon impact, hack and slash into the body and wall behind him, dealing an impeccable amount of damage to the reaper. She watched him drop down and seem close to dropping, but slowly rising up. Amused, she'd chuckle and the pool of blood would once again rise up in shards and another wave of it would strike him down, leaving the bits and shards sticking out from his body as he dropped to the ground, dead. "Doth thou feel the loss of strength after that? Given the idea thou feels what I feel, that is. My magic allows me to use a number of unique aspects people may get very overwhelmed by." She would lower her shield as its form would revert back to its normal shape as she waited to see what would come next.

    435 words



    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Eris 17th April 2016, 9:19 pm


    Eris and Isabelle were merged in ways that would have made the girl uncomfortable should she realize.   Like a single cog in a great machine Isabelle was a part of Eris as a whole,  every action and thought coursing through Eris as she allowed the consciousness of Isabelle to maintain the gift of independent thought and the illusion of free will,  the fragment of her being brought forth hiding the larger whole.   She had died,  her soul given to this demon goddess allowing her to work it as she desired.   For now, it anchored them and served as an intense bond to instill in her the necessary insights and open channels to help cement insight and power in a brief moment of time in addition to allowing Eris to personally sustain the broken corpse and keep it animate.  

    Lungs,  heart,  intestines, blood.   It was of no consequence to Eris who dominated the dead body through force of will and her blasphemous aura that withered the bonds of mortality itself.  Isabelle herself while being on the forefront and having her self-awareness would find herself more than just stronger,  but actively fighting and operating on levels far above what her standardized "Rank" would classify her as,  as Eris's influence over her was dominate and provided what would be felt as "Instinct" to her.    Eris's own cursed power flowed through their body,  causing flames to dance across their skin and meld themselves into the girl's own magic.   Boiling blood and red flames hammering her enemies with power beyond her reach,  she would be able to guess that even a Wizard Saint would have been injured.  The Reaper was clearly a significant threat,  through Eris's hellfire gaze Isabelle could see that the enemy would have been overkill against her before, like sending a lion to hunt a cat but now the tables had turned with the power Eris had given, even if temporary.   The sense of power rightfully filling her with an incredible high,  a rush that exceeded that of adrenaline but was similar.   A taste of Eris, and the power of the shield.  How she handled it was up to her.  

    Over the course of the, albeit brief,  fight Isabelle's body had gradually begun to knit itself back together,  flesh creeping back over exposed bones,  budding new organs sprouting within the gaping body cavity like the bulbs of new flowers and ribs regrowing out,  the old broken ribs laying fragmented around the room from when they were torn away.   It was well enough for Eris to step out from the body,  a cold tearing sensation filling Isabelle as Eris's warmth and power left her and she formed in the air before her out of a black cloud of smoke.   The pain of all that damage to the body beginning to creep back without Eris suppressing it.

    "Enjoy the ride?  I trust you're accustomed to the shield by now.  I've accelerated the formation of a bond between it and yourself.  You're safe from the hunters now."  She said as fiery cracks appeared in the air and long black skeletal limbs gripped the fallen Reaper and dragged it through as it started to come back to life.   "The reaper will be busy for some time before I send him back to his... previous... master.   There is only one more matter."  Eris reached into the air and seemed to pluck an apple out of nothingness with a wisp of smoke following her gesture.  A fiery rune was emblazoned on its surface,  a mere glance at it would inform her of its purpose and usage,  along with baring what she understood to be her "True name" you could say. The universal reference to her and her alone as exists beyond the names thought up in life.

    Eris didn't need to say anything else about it,  the information was in the rune.   Taking a bite of this apple would renew Isabelle's, and Isabelle's alone, life in its entirety.  Until she did so,  she'd remain an immortal, of sorts.  Or rather,  she'd remain undead.  Ageless,  without need for a heart or to take breath.  She could still hold blood, surely,  but her heart would not be necessary.  "I leave the choice to reclaim mortality in your hands. Consider it a bonus from your generous new mistress."  Eris winked with a smirk and a burning portal opened up behind her with the apparent intention of leaving.   If nothing makes her linger and she leaves,  the portal would remain, but the location differing to reveal Clover Town.  A quick escape from these Cursed Lands.


    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) NvVyM98

    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
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    A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris) Empty Re: A Bad Action for a Good Intention (Closed/Training/Eris)

    Post by Aoi 17th April 2016, 11:01 pm

    Once the battle had finally come to an end, Isabella found herself rather compelled to look over the a few things she found herself curious to gaze over. Firstly, her new shield. At first she had wondered exactly what an item like this could do for her magically, but once she had seen it expand and do the work that it had done, she was more than convinced the wish she was given wasn't something taken advantage of with vague terms being able to enslave people with eternally binding contracts with little effort on the makers part while the contractee basically hands over their life to this person for little to nothing. It was a sad thought really to think she could have ended up like that, or had Eris not saved her life, that she would end up being some mindless most likely sex slave to Bahamut. Just the mere thought sent shivers up her partially made animated corpse.

    Secondly to look at, while on that topic was her body. It was ravaged from the inside out, literally. The newly formed limb and hollow chest cavity had only shown her what more of a powerful being Eris was than legend had depicted her to be, or to even be able to move was astounding, even as it began to grow back. A shiver shot up her spine as Eris began to leave her body, letting Isabella fully control this now undead corpse. Her body began to shake before the sudden pain began to pulsate from every nook and cranny of her body, causing her to drop to the ground and scream in pain for what would seem like hours, though only fora couple moments. The residual pain she hadn't felt in the mailing of her body was coming back, and this particular blood Mage wasn't any good at holding back in feeling any pain.

    After the pain had ceased, she panted and of her body try to recover as quick as it was physically, standing up slowly before she would turn to Eris and nod. "Yessum mistress. I am beyond pleased with the gift thy hath given. I shan't be very good without it though, though that is still up to you." She would stare now as she had formed an apple and bit into it, offering it to her to help her regain the life the hunters claimed. She began to reach for it, but paused. Something clicked in her mind in a point she had about it. The idea of not having to face death ever again... That fear she had carried for hundreds of years, using magic constantly to keep from getting herself near deaths grasp and here she was offered a way out!? On the other hand, there was this nagging feeling that she couldn't return to her guild, her loved ones, and not be nowhere near the same. To leave one way, and come back undead and not have an explanation as to why she ended up in such a predicament. She seemed frozen as her mind tore up in conflict of which path to take. The idea of it all was gut wrenching, but quickly, before she could change her mind again, she took a firm hold of the Apple and bit into it, chewing on her piece and swallowing it. "Thou art too kind to me, mistress. How shall I repay you for this? Anything thou wishes from thy new devotee." She'd give s curtsy, finally feeling as though her body was back to normal and awaiting for something to happen. Of course, hair and skin stained with blood seemed to be rather unappealing to some as well.

    618 words



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