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    A Wizards Curse (One Time Only.)


    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Black Memories
    Position : None
    Posts : 413
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 900

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    A Wizards Curse (One Time Only.) Empty A Wizards Curse (One Time Only.)

    Post by Celine 21st May 2016, 8:16 pm

    Job Title: A Wizards Curse.

    Rank: D-Ranked Wizard (Solo Only)

    Player Requirements: Thread must be 20 posts long, 200 words per post. Job may only be completed ONCE per character.

    Job Requirements: Must kill 5 groups of enemies and either killing or at least heavily wounding the boss (Will be summoned after the 5 packs are beaten.) to buy time for a mage to pollute and corrupt the beanstalk villages crops while not using magic that would damage said crops so thy may be corrupted.

    Job Description: A dark mage has been working on cursing the farms of Beanstalk Village trying to make a legion of crop demons while highly impacting the crop of the year. This mage with all his actions has been detected by the Rune Knights and has hired your guild to act as distractions while he completes the most crucial part of his curse.

    With your mission laid out before you the goal is to kill as many Rune Knights you need to draw out their captain and either slay him or send him back to Era unable to serve again in the corp as a message.

    Once the goal has been met and the Rune Knights are dealt with the crops will wither and die at first before beginning a wicked transformation. With a great cackle the once dead crops will rise again as a wild thicket of thorns as the water turns brown and unusable in the ground causing the entire farmland of the Beanstalk Village to be ruined until help can come to purify the lands. Crop demons roam the area as the thicket of wild thorns twist and moves to give them passage. And you are given your just reward as the twisted mage thanks you for the help.


    Weak: 5x Rune Knight Privates: These mages have been brought in thinking that this was a simple fix type job of a couple demons here or there unaware of the truth. They are quite simple to fight being inexperienced in their magic preferring to use ReQuip to bring either swords or pole-arm type weapons into battle. Each Private has 30 hp and their weapons deal 10 damage for the swords and 5 for the pole-arms.

    Normal: 5x Senior Privates: These have had a little more time in the ranks of the Rune Knights having a better grasp on their own magics and while they can still bring in the swords or pole-arms they also have access to more advanced weapons in the form of spears or even crossbows. These mages are still the same as th previous having a more boosted 35 hp to them and also having the added benefit of using the spears to throw for either 5 damage or jab for 10 and the crossbow which can be used to deal 15 damage at the cost of a longer reload per round having it take no less than a full 25 seconds to bring in a new arrow.

    Strong: 2x Rune Knight Corporal: These knights have been in the corp much longer than any of the others brought and have the bonus of not being ExQuip users. They focus more on the elements focusing on using six different elements to fight but only focusing on two. These mages mainly focus on Fire, Ice, Thunder, Metal, Wind and a preferred one Light magic. Each mage uses two of them with them being able to cycle between them at will. The first spell they can use is a typical but reliable bolt spell which fires out a condensed form of the element 20m towards the opponent in a straight line. This spell deals a substantial 20hp in damage but is rather easy to avoid. Their other spell enchants their swords to deal their elements damage as bonus adding another 10 damage of that element to the sword. Finally the most dangerous part of these knights is that they can inspire the privates at their command giving them a boost to their damage by 25%. The burly mages have 35HP Each and are recommended to be taken down first.

    Boss: Sergeant Rukk: A man who was known for brutality and his fondness for bladed weapons. More of a brute than a leader he is a man that commands absolute respect and loyalty from those below him. Known to have a silver tongue for the higher ups in the corp while also having a heavy hand on those below him Rukk is not one to shy away from publicly shaming and beat his subordinates that disobey him. With this in mind he has a magic that fits his title very well "The Scourge of the Knights." Rukk is never seen without his primary weapon with him at all times an ancient weapon known as a scourge. A massive bladed whip which many would assume to be the weapon more fitted to a dark mage than a Rune Knight. Through his Scourge Rukk is capable of sending out massive waves of blades from the whip itself dealing 5 damage per blade and with it sending out 10 of the blades in total 5 in one slash while 5 in another all in a cone area in front of Rukk. Using his magic to the fullest Rukk causes anyone within at least 5 meters of himself to be struck with terror lowering damage dealt by 5% even to his own allies. The worst Rukk has to offer however comes in the form of his only spell, By channeling his own magic power into the scourge Rukk can cause each slash of it against his opponents to be inflicted with bleeding wounds which deal damage over time stacking up to 3 times. These slashes are much slower due to Rukk needing to focus to keep the magic power in his scourge but even with his swings being slowed by half three strikes could be fatal. Each stack of his bleed causes 5 damage per post for 2 posts. The scourge itself deals 15 damage per strike but is slow to start the swing. Rukk has 50HP in total.

    Reward: 10,000 Jewels + 2 Extra D-Ranks worth of EXP (Added after any bonus calculations)

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