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    Vanity Repaid [Marceline Exam]


    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Devil's Conquest
    Position : None
    Posts : 1471
    Guild : Grim Heresy [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunset Eclipse - The Sandstorm GS
    Second Skill: Titan Eclipse • Devil Pact
    Third Skill:

    Vanity Repaid [Marceline Exam] Empty Vanity Repaid [Marceline Exam]

    Post by Eris 28th May 2016, 4:12 pm


    Eris stood on a shadowy balcony in a dark room decorated in reds and golds overlooking a brightly lit stage framed with thick velvet curtains as a crowd of well dressed civilians watched on from the rows of comfortable seats in the stands,  and others sitting in other balconies like Eris's own that were set into the walls to watch the performance in privacy, set apart from the more common man who couldn't reserve such a seat.  Even those below were well off,  or middle class individuals who saved up for these events.

    A man dressed in all black, with a dark veil hiding his face and gloved hands stood near the door behind her,  black attire keeping him better out of sight and out of mind, as the sorts who occupied these balcony seats preferred.  Unaware that he was perfectly visible to her as though he were dressed in neon,  as many others in this land within different walks of life here in Bosco.  They were waiting on her,  ready to listen to her requests and serve.  Food, drink, services, and more.  Anything within their ability to acquire.

    The lengths the establishment went to cater to the demands of the high class and elites that frequented it was almost admirable,  though each of the black veiled servants were more than the wait staff.   Eris could see them,  the augments.  Hidden behind the full suits of black and their veils the technology ran deem.  Not just on the one behind her,  but on all the others.  She could see them walking the halls and standing around on the other balconies and around the perimeter of the room below,  behind the stage and more through service tunnels hidden in the walls.  

    They appeared to share the same core augments before some then having more unique personal attachments on top of the core.   They had no eyes to start,  replaced by false orbs that didn't even attempt to look human beyond being able to comfortably sit in the socket,  even then some had protruding extensions,  that made their eyes appear completely black with silver dots forming X marks along the black surface of the "Eyes".   Visible black "Seams" were visible near all the joins and in other places where different plates intersected.  They were still human,  to an extent.  Eris could see the organic, though augmented,  brains shielded in their reinforced skulls and the core nervous system that ran down along their plastic spines.  Most seemed to retain flesh between the legs,  others had nothing or even those prosthetic.  

    The extent to which they were modified made them closer to androids than cyborgs or humans,  each one a living weapon,  standing around serving the men and women who laughed and sipped their drinks in their dresses and suits,  many of whom had some augmentations themselves.  Usually cosmetic,  improving their features or providing some convenience.  Most retained attractive appearances,  avoiding obvious augmentations.   All but a handful paled in comparison to the wait staff.   The few exceptions were those who appeared to have military or Peacekeeper backgrounds.

    They were formidable.   Together,  they would be able to be a threat to Eris personally.   Eris took out a novelty pair of old vintage Opera Glasses normally designed in the past to more easily view the stage from afar.  They certainly served that purpose if one needed them,  it was all part of the experience,  but one could simply adjust the zoom level of the barely perceptible field that separated the balcony from the air beyond it,  serving as a window of sorts but allowing one to magnify the events on the stage as though it were nearer.  

    Holding the opera glasses to her eyes, a gesture to blend in along with her voluminous head of red curled hair and vintage green dress with a touch of modern flair to it in the way the dress fit and was shaped while retaining the style of the past it intended to emulate.   Though that past was still quite alive and well in the other country of Minstrel.  The cultural dynamics of Earthland were strange to say the least. Eris watched the stage,  or appeared to.  Where she was looking was irrelevant,  as she witnessed the activities throughout the building as a whole unfold,  watching,  observing.  Still and silent on her own disguised among the many elites present.  

    Her husband would arrive shortly,  running late as usual,  but adding to her credibility.  The man had made a wish of her,  for marriage.   She used the opportunity to insert herself into the equation,  giving her more links into important positions.   When she wasn't around personally there was a perfectly suitable doppelganger she had created.  

    Similarly, a wish was made by the blond haired singer who now dominated the spotlight.  A wish for fame, for wealth, for beauty, for longevity.   All Eris had asked in return was her service in return, that she'd answer when called upon and that her children be offered up to Eris to serve until they earned their release on their own.   The woman instead had a regulator implanted preventing pregnancy,  and had avoided Eris's summons.    At the time Eris had granted this wish her power on Earthland was limited,  but now it was no longer.  

    Rather than deal with her personally,  Eris was here today to watch events unfold,  as one of her new Grims was put to the task of luring her away,  taking her for Grim Heresy where she would bare Eris her dues.  And in the mean time...  replace the woman and take her spotlight and influence herself.   But for now,  her task was to retrieve the woman sometime during intermission,  under the noses of her costars,  stage crews,  and the lethal wait staff who would easily overpower her if she got into a fight with one of them as well as overwhelm her with their numbers.   This wasn't a job for fighting one's way to victory,  this required subtlety, tact, and disguise.

    • Goal is to stealthily kidnap and/or seduce The Celebrity.  (Feel free to name her yourself)  You can bring her to a "Door" off premise leading to our Guild Hall.
    • Avoid the Butlers (S-ranked combat effectiveness individually, enhanced perceptions and potentially non-standard senses (Thermal.  Night. X-Ray.  Ect)
    They’re each individually S-ranks. They’d have around 600hp and deal around 60 melee damage, and carry built-in weapons and effects dealing 120+ damage, and have the ability to create defensive fields around themselves, which at the same time serve like a warp field increasing their speed.
    • Don't disrupt the play / musical / theater.  
    • Do not kill The Celebrity.


    Vanity Repaid [Marceline Exam] NvVyM98

    Vanity Repaid [Marceline Exam] CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
    H 1 S 7 A 7+1 B 8+1 C 9 D 11
    d a m n a t i o n

    Vanity Repaid [Marceline Exam] Empty Re: Vanity Repaid [Marceline Exam]

    Post by Guest 31st May 2016, 10:59 am

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: 3,215   |  NOTES: ...
    Despite how busy the the Temple of the Undying typically was, today was a rather silent day; hardly any Grim Heresy cultists were around the ground level. To the left, off in the Hall of Respite, few of the cult members were dining there, being served by skeletal waiters. Marceline could here the soft chatter of her workmates as they conversed with each other, seated in booths and various tables. The succulent scent of the food being dined on wafted in through the corridor and out into the Council Meeting room. She breathed in the sweet scent and drooled a little at the thought of being able to chow down on some delicious food. However, she wouldn't have the opportunity to do such a thing when she needed to get herself busy with errands and jobs. Having just recently become a Grim Heresy member, herself, the woman felt it necessary to show her devout nature to her master.

    Steam rose up and out from a hallway just beyond where the undead woman stood, chatter there being heard, too. As enticing as that area was, clay and water did not mix very well, and was not a place the female trusted going into. Deeper into the steamy room, the gentle splashing of blood could be heard as it filled an obsidian pool from statues of sorrowful princesses. That was a pool she would be more willing to try, but alas, she could not join in on the fun without being distracted. Turning away from the two tempting rooms, Marceline sauntered casually toward the Hall of Attainment, where the Augurs were. Perhaps, they would have a job for her to take up, one that would be quite easy and fun to do than the previous ones she had been on. Quietly, the deathly woman entered the corridor that opened up into a large chamber, filled with papers, reports, and files.

    However, before all of the papers and files, various things that the undead didn't care to look at or look for, was a corridor of doors. Each one led to a separate Augur's office, all for different purposes, but for the one she was looking for, it was not far off. Picking a door close to the entrance of the Hall of Attainment, the young woman pressed it open and walked inside. A creature, disturbed by the entering of someone unfamiliar, stopped the caring of its files and looked at the lady. It blinked each of its eyes, though they were only single on the multiple heads that it carried on its body. Tentacle-like limbs slowly moved around as it finished putting away the papers and reports that it had out. Marceline silently walked up to the booth, in which a glass-like substance blockaded her from being able to climb over it.

    She stood there and watched as the tendril-like limbs moved turtle-like around the room, hanging down from the ceiling. Her ruby red eyes guided upward, to stare at the multi-headed creature as it dully continued on with its duties. Carefully, Marcy raised a curled fist and knocked on the window of the bank teller booth, gaining its apparent attention. Slowly, one of the heads moved downward, coming to rest at the window and clasp two of the tentacles together as it waited. Marceline cocked an eyebrow at the strangeness of the Augur, but didn't say any words toward the ghastly being. Instead, she looked around at the back of the room behind the Augur, then let her gaze fall back onto it.

    "Do you have any jobs for me?" Marcy inquired, leaning closer to the window, waiting for an answer from the Augur.

    Momentarily, a tentacle that had been clasped politely in front of it, moved away from the window and toward the back. The Augur shook its head in reply to Marceline; however, it told her with a single movement to wait at the window. She scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion as the Augur left the window and subsequently, her in the silence. If there had been no jobs for her to take, then why was the Augur making her wait here at the window for it? Marcy bit her lip and raised herself to her toes, hoping to catch a glimpse to see what the creature was looking for exactly. To no avail was she able to see what was going on and in defeat, fell back onto her heels and played the waiting game. Luckily, it was no more than a few minutes before the Augur returned and handed a piece of paper to Marceline.

    Curiously, she took the parchment from the creature and unfolded it, reading what had been written inside of the paper. Once she had read the information over, the undead woman nodded her head once and handed it back to the Augur. "I didn't realize Master was preparing a special job for me; I'll get to her right away," she exclaimed in a rather giddy tone for her nature. To be honest, she had believed Eris would have made her wait a little longer to give her such a dangerous and tasking job, but this was exciting news. Smiling, the woman turned away from the window and headed back through the door and out into the hallway. She heard a slapping sound as a tentacle from within the Job Augur's room smacked against the bank teller's desk. Likely a goodbye sign as she was sent on her way to meet Eris in Bosco, wherever Bosco happened to be.

    She ducked through the entryway and back into the Council Meeting room, once again passing by the steam room and bedrooms chambers, turning down a corridor. This corridor, much like the hallway in the Hall of Attainment, had many doors lining the cavern walls of the temple. Each door led to a different destination, in which the cult member opening the door would have to summon up. Marceline walked the long distance of the hallway, searching for the door that would be correctly labeled for what she was looking for. So far, each of the doors she had passed lead to one of the six remaining nations and the rest were towns within those nations. It didn't take long for Marcy to come across the door for that nation of Bosco, and opened it excitedly. What stood before though was simply a brick wall, so she had to figure out how to activate the door in the first place.

    "I know there's a way to get this door working, it's just a matter of getting it to work the proper way," she mumbled to herself.

    Quietly, the woman placed a hand on the wall that the door opened to, and watched as it wavered and gave way. What stood before her was a vast land of technology and vehicles, of mages and humans alike, roaming the streets. Bosco was a rather nice looking country; she knew about it, but she had never been there before in her entire life. It was one of the reasons why she had to take one of the doors rather than effectively using her ash travel to get there. Because her physical form had not gone to Bosco before now, she was not able to travel by ash to the country. To her, it was amazing at what these doors could do, and she quietly stepped through the wavering visage. She stepped foot into Bosco the moment she crossed over, quite shocked at how easy and painless that was.

    Eris was located in an opera house, but she didn't exactly know where one would be at in such a large country. So, the death mage walked forward and grabbed hold of the nearest person, instantly gaining their attention, which happened to be angry. A quick look of helplessness and the mage had them in the palm of her hand like pudding, smiling kindly at them. "I just wanted to ask if you knew where I could find an opera house or a theatre; I'm supposed to meet someone there for an important job." Their face didn't look as angry as it had been and they merely nodded in understanding, pointing a finger to the left. "Just beyond that block up ahead, if you turn right and walk about half a block down, you'll come across the theatre." Marceline smiled widely again and hugged them before bouncing off down the block, throwing a "thank you" over her shoulder.

    Marceline did as she was instructed and as she reached the end of the first block, she turned right and headed down the other. It was only a few minutes after turning down the right way that she had come across a tall-standing, elegant building. The building had a name scrolled across it, but it was in such fancy lettering that she wasn't quite able to read it. Looking both ways, the woman crossed the street and quickly entered the building, following those toward the auditorium. People gathered in quite the large room and as she looked around, she spotted her master in the balcony, seated in a fancy chair. Silently, the magus dispersed into a cloud of ash and appeared at the side of her master, turning to look down at the stage. So, that happened to be her goal? Eris wanted her to kidnap the lead actress of the play and replace her on the stage.

    Not wanting to keep her master waiting for long, the young mage shifted from her material form to her immaterial form instantly. The flecks of ash floated downward into the crowd of humans and mages, weaving through the rows of seats and away from them. Chatter was still filling the air as the scene wasn't yet ready to be displayed to the audience, though she had a feeling it was to be soon. Popping out from the front row, the subtle cloud of ash meandered toward the door to the backstage with ease, almost too much ease. They swirled together in a flurry as Marceline reappeared at the backdoor, pressed tightly up against the farthest wall of the room. Looking to the crowd, she smiled, as it appeared to her that the throng of people were far too busy conversing with each other to have noticed her. However, it was the guards that she had to be wary of, as they were patrolling the sidelines, looking for the unruly ones.

    Just as she turned her gaze away from the people, the lights in the room dimmed and everyone seemingly hushed into silence. Her ears rung from the suddenness of it, though she was able to bite back making any harsh comments toward it. All eyes were upon the stage now, and she tilted her head a little, hair falling over her shoulder, as she looked to see the curtains rising. They rose slowly, but behind them, she could see a bright light at center stage, meaning the lead actress would be starting first. As much as she liked the idea of being here, operas were not something that she completely enjoyed, rather she liked the scenery. The loud singing was what turned her away as it hurt her sensitive ears and it was clear this was what the actress was planning. For as the curtains showed a bit more than her waist, the sound of singing began to echo into the air, but softly at first.

    Trying to ignore the singing, the undead woman turned back to the door and grabbed hold of the handle, despite it starting to decay on her. She turned the knob and flung the door open as quietly as she could, and disappeared into the darkness of the backstage. Led down a dark hallway, she turned a corner and was instantly blinded by the brilliant light of what would be the backstage. Standing there in the doorway to the backstage, she found that she couldn't quite move herself to get into the room. It was almost as if her mind was trying to stop her from doing such a thing, but she didn't understand why it would be doing that. Pursing her lips, she shook her head, then took a step inside and looked around at the scenery that was displayed before her. Yet the moment she had stepped in, a voice shouted behind her and she swiveled on her heels to face one of the guards.

    Out of instinct, the woman instantly dispersed into her ashen form and darted away from the S rank butler for safety. She turned through the hallway in which she had entered, slamming the door behind her and disrupting the crowd for a second. Many eyes were upon her and she sweat-dropped at the fact, smiling and silently apologizing to them before they looked back to the opera. Marceline breathed in deeply, only to had banging on the door as the butler behind it tried opening it to get out.

    All right, plan B. . . she thought to herself as she shifted into her ash travel again and darted through the door she went through to get into the current room.
    Weaving through the empty hallways, she looked for another door to get into the backstage, one filled with less guards. Looking around, she darted down another hallway and along the ceiling, looking at the marked doors that led to insignificant places.

    Marcy could hear footsteps as they bounded along the ground in search of her, though they had long since passed the hallway she went down. Sneaking back to the entrance of it, she dashed toward the opposite direction the butler came from and back into the auditorium. Shifting back into her human state, the woman looked around and at the people intently watching the actress singing on stage. It would be a lot easier to just take her from there, but she didn't want to make a huge scene like she had already started to. Shaking her head, the lady ran back down to the door she had originally gone through and ducked through the entrance quickly. Closing the door behind her, Marceline saunter calmly down the dark hallway, until she turned the corner and entered the backstage. Many people were running around like chickens with their heads cut off, simply making sure the play was running smoothly.

    Despite looking like a foreigner, someone had run past her and started yelling things at her, only to come back and drag her along. Wide-eyed, she wasn't certain how to respond to this, for she was soon stuffed into a different outfit and shoved onto the stage. Warily, Marceline walked along the stage, coming to the center by the actress and turning to face the crowd. She wasn't certain what she was supposed to do, but looking to the other people on the stage, she simply followed along with them. Thrown into the throng of the dance, Marcy was a bit nervous with how the performance was going and if she was doing all right. However, that state of mind quickly diminished and her sole focus became that of the lady that was the lead of the play. Just as she was nearing the center of the stage though, the curtain came down on the stage, ending the scene it was on.

    With the curtain down and the audience applauding, the people of the play meandering away, Marcy darted toward the actress. A slender hand snaked around the woman's wrist and she pulled her into her cloud of ash, darting through the congregation of play members. Another person called out already, asking if they had seen Marissa, who happened to be the woman she just kidnapped, but no one could answer her. They simply assured the other lady that Marissa had gone ahead to her dressing room and would see her later. Unfortunately, they may never see her again, for Marcy was dragging her along to the back of the building, where a door to the guild was. This would happen to be a much more daunting task, for as she exited the backstage and reformed into her natural state, the woman was trying to pry herself free. The two argued with each other, with Marcy pulling Marissa along harshly, then ultimately bumping into another of the butlers.

    Freaking out, Marceline yanked the woman forward and dashed past the butler, narrowly dodging the first of fired bullets. "What the hell are those things?!" Marcy shouted out, wide-eyed as another bullet flew past her and Marissa as they turned a sharp corner.

    "They're the high tech butlers for the opera house; used to serve and tend to the players of the operas and the audience. They were also meant to be a source of protection for those who are famous in the opera world, such as myself," Marissa answered her. "Now, would you kindly, unhand me?" The woman yanked herself free and managed to get a little distance between Marcy and her. However, Marceline simply reappeared at her side from her ash travel and snagged her by the hair, dragging her along.

    "Bitch, you aren't going anywhere; you're my catch and I'm going to bring you back to Master for her to handle you," Marceline snapped back.

    Reaching the door to their guild hall, Marcy tore it open and threw the blonde down through the portal and into the guild. She slammed it shut and darted off back toward the play, knowing that she was gone too long, the play would be thrown into panic. Yet she still had the butler chasing her and had to lose him first, though it wouldn't be that hard since all that machinery made them a tad slow. Weaving a labyrinth through the opera house, Marceline eventually lost sight of the butler chasing her and headed back to the backstage. Once she returned, she donned a blonde wig, put on the extra outfit that Marissa had been wearing, and got onto the stage. Breathing in deeply, the curtain was pulled up and the spotlight was dropped onto her, all eyes staring back at her. Marcy bit her lip and glanced back at all of her background members, who nodded and queued for her to start again.

    Despite a few hiccups and trying to retain the composure that Marissa had on the stage, Marcy did fairly well in mocking her. Her master might notice, but other than that the ones watching the play weren't aware that she was not the true lead actress. Perhaps being on the stage was punishment for her in someway; she didn't know how, she felt that it was. Yet as the play progressed, Marcy found the longer she stood on the stage, the less she felt nervous and more like she was meant to be there. It was likely her personality kicking in, the old royalty-like persona that she donned back when she had once been a princess. This was in her blood to be a leading character and while the character was just that in a play, she was starting to take it seriously. Of course, she was merely winging the play now and acting on what her background characters did to get the hang of it.
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Devil's Conquest
    Position : None
    Posts : 1471
    Guild : Grim Heresy [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunset Eclipse - The Sandstorm GS
    Second Skill: Titan Eclipse • Devil Pact
    Third Skill:

    Vanity Repaid [Marceline Exam] Empty Re: Vanity Repaid [Marceline Exam]

    Post by Eris 2nd June 2016, 6:08 pm


    Wordlessly Eris dismissed her "husband" before he had the chance to arrive at the theater,  reaching through to the connection she had with the man to issue her command.   She wasn't ready to casually discard the cover he provided and the play wouldn't be continuing much longer,  she grew certain,  as her Grim made her way around the theater oblivious or careless to the many watchful eyes of cameras,  guardsmen,  and the common man,  the lowliest of civilians being risks themselves.   

    The job she had directed the Augur to deliver to the newer member of her following had told her all the basics leaving her to scope the place out on her own and pursue the goal at her discretion,  and Eris in disguise laid in wait to watch how she did so, to see how the new woman would act unaware of Eris's observation.  And in finding herself on stage before intermission by some intense lack of professionalism behind stage and the curtains drew to a close cementing the fate of all those in the audience and in the theater itself,  even among the other rooms as lavish as this.    
    None would be leaving this day.

    Already the grand theater locking itself down as the butler-like guardsmen mobilized towards one of the many stages in the complex and taking positions at all entrances and exits,  internal communications allowing them all to take action without breaking the silence in order to carry out their job smoothly without interfering with the noble atmosphere the theater provided to its guests.

    It would be unlikely for her new Grim to escape on her own.  Technically the job was a failure,  but the job wasn't the purpose of the affair.  The intent was to watch how Marceline handled herself,  how she worked with a force that was more directly superior,  how she acted in situations requiring more thought and subtlety.  Eris got her answer,  it wasn't pleasing,  but it wasn't the end of the world.  As a Grim,  she would need more training in these ways.   Deception and Destruction were two sides of the same coin here,  and Eris would have to use the latter now to bring the situation to a close.

    A red hot point of light formed near the back of the theater,  a link bringing itself to the attention of Marceline as a new gateway appeared if she could just get to it without running in to any guards,  who were focusing on the building's actual exits.  Eris saw the movement as it happened,   A team of three rounded the corner in time to watch her leave,  a butler's arm raised with a blur of speed as Marceline turned,  not entering the exit herself yet.   Rather,  a skeletal limb with fingers as long as arms wrapped around her from behind and dragged her through as the rocket slammed into the wall where the gateway was a moment before bursting relatively quietly into a shroud of paralyzing vapors crackling with flickers of electricity.

    Standing in her seat upon the balcony light died in the theater,  colors warped and distorted while wallpaper frayed and withered,   the electricity flickering in the lights and wires around as Eris raised her hands as though conducting a performance of her own,  fingers flexed powerfully in the air her palms rising up as flames erupted among the audience as flesh ignited in blue flames burning away.   

    The building shook and trembled under some force before the floor started falling away in the center of the theater chamber,  rather than seeing the floor below it there was only heat, flames, and the wailing of damned demons in various states of decay punctuated by the roar of some large beast in the land below following a long drop.   Skeletons from the burned bodies of the audience rained down on the undead demons along with brick and steel,   the wood of the stage,  red curtains and props.  The building itself was crumbling inward into the hole that ripped itself open in this world,  falling away into hell itself.  One of many iterations at least,  Eris's home of the Burning Endless.

    All the colors in Eris's body drained away,  her body itself adjusting and reclaiming her standard appearance.   Red hair and fair skin becoming a vivid white before blackening as her body broke apart into a black smoke that rose up free from the rubble that fell into the hole below.    Outside above the destruction Eris hovered in mid air over the severed top half of a skyscraper that the theater had capped as the highest level surrounded by hundreds of other buildings that stretched even further into the sky.   It was night and the lights sparkled all around her in the windows of the buildings and in the many flying vehicles that traveled in orderly fashion guided by rails of light that formed the 'streets'.   Walkways ringed the different levels across all the tall buildings forming layers to the city,  each nearly fifty meters apart.   

    The skyscrapers revolved around a central point and from there all the buildings seemed to get shorter the closer to the outer edges of the city they got.  Following the curve of the great Dome that shielded the city from the colossal monsters beyond and providing a false night sky keeping the illusion of separation from the world beyond.    

    This theater was close to the center of the city and looking down the city stretched far, far below her with growing darkness as the lower levels could scarcely afford to keep lights on,  down in the impoverished lower levels of the city that dug down into the earth to make use of the limited space they had to work with within the Domes of Bosco. 

    This tower was now missing its capstone,  a great flat plane marking a sheer end to the tower's skyward reach where it's rift had devoured what had been the crowning adorning its peak,  the renowned theater now simply gone.  Survivors and near-android butlers fighting for their lives as demon kind tore them to pieces while Eris watched from above,  looking down through the portal into hell from her position above surrounded by the city lights.   

    If Marceline was witnessed,  Eris certainly was now.  But there was a difference in purpose and intent.  Witnesses to the events inside would cause long term problems.  Witnesses to Eris's actions now would view only a terrorist action with brutal disregard to the hundreds within, without specific intent or purpose. Only a stark white figure wreathed in black vapors hovering where their grand theater once was with thousands of bystanders going about their nightlife.   Her hair caught by a breeze fluttered beside her as she disappeared,  collapsing in on herself as a cloud of smoke shrinking in on a small point at her center.

    Eris appeared in the Temple of the Undying stepping out from a crack in the air with smoke trailing her white figure before Marceline and the distraught Marissa.  Not paying her Grim any mind at the moment,  Eris stared at the blonde woman as skeletal limbs appeared from the floor, ceiling, and even the thin air to grab her and push her into a bound kneeling position,  a sharp clawed hand forcing her head up to look at Eris, who's eyes narrowed coldly.

    Eris stepped closer and crouched down to meet her face to face,  a white finger touching her cheek tracing the gift that she gave her a decade ago.  Her beauty.   She let her squirm for a moment before speaking.

    "You've been neglecting your promises, Annie.  What am I to do about that?"  The woman quivered,  eyes wide with recognition of Eris and the use of her birth name before she had it changed with her new fame,  and the realization of her misdeeds.   "I made you who you are.   I showered you with your desires.   But not once have you repaid me.   You've sought ways around our bargain,  and refused to answer my call.   Your time is up."   Eris traced her finger up along the woman's throat and flicking off from her chin,  blue flames rose up from the woman's flesh and followed along with Eris's gesture,  the blue flames concentrating around Eris's hand as the woman shrieked in pain.    She could have made a show of ripping her skin off,  But Eris wanted her mostly in tact.

    "Take her to the breeding pits" Eris commanded of a skeleton nearby that clasped a chain around the woman's neck and dragged her away to the 'breeding pits'.   They weren't literal pits.  Not these ones at least.   Just the cages holding the slaves kept for purposes one might infer by the name.    The woman,  Annie.  Or Marissa as she so named herself.  Had promised Eris her children.   And Eris would have them despite her efforts to prevent ever having any in the first place.   

    With the blue flames enshrouding her hand Eris turned to Marceline.   "Some better training in the art of stealth and subterfuge may be necessary.  This was for you." Eris said,  bouncing her hand up in the air once causing the flames to spin in on themselves into a ball and fall back into her palm.   Eris's intentions were to establish a source of wealth for her new recruit,  and a disguise she might fall back on when she desired it.   With the Theater eliminated it was not the best idea.   It would be suspicious if their star celebrity happened to survive the disappearance of the entire theater.  An alternate life all for herself,  similar to the many lives Eris had already seeded for herself.

    Eris reached out and touched Marceline with the flames,  blue fire expanding to wash over her and shrink away into her flesh.  A sensation not of pain but of ecstasy welling up as her body was reshaped and molded into the very likeness of the woman she had just abducted in but a moment.  

    "It is yours none the less.   The situation will blow over in time.  But the life of the celebrity is yours to claim.  It may take a bit of work,  the spotlight will be on miss Marissa for now as a lucky survivor of a terrorist attack.   When you wish it you may trade places with a doppelganger to go about your business as usual.  Free to come and go as it pleases you."   At the mention of a doppelganger a skull set into the wall broke free and rolled closer,  rapidly growing bone and flesh as blue fires traced off from Marceline into the growing body and yet another copy of the celebrity woman stood by.   Both Marceline and the Doppelganger having memories and personality ripped straight from the woman herself.   A connection inside of her told her all she needed to know,  that she may dismiss this body or take by transferring it into this doppelganger through touch.    

    With that,  Eris left as abruptly as she came, disappearing as she walked into a wall.  Leaving Marceline imbued with new tricks and infused with an increase in strength from the flames Eris had flooded her with and a whole new life she could lead and come and go from at her whim, or let grow on its own without ever having to bother with it.   There were still other theaters to play in,  panels to attend,  movies to be made,  guest appearances on talk shows.   Miss Marissa's life wasn't lost with the theater, but was ripe for the taking.


    Vanity Repaid [Marceline Exam] NvVyM98

    Vanity Repaid [Marceline Exam] CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
    H 1 S 7 A 7+1 B 8+1 C 9 D 11
    d a m n a t i o n

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:13 am