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    Challenge Accepted!

    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Challenge Accepted! Empty Challenge Accepted!

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 9th January 2016, 4:27 am


    hirtless... the tall man stood in the midst of the snowstorm with not an ounce of emotion in his dull eyes. The demonic scars that lined his left cheek, back, right arm, and hand all glowing a dark crimson aura against the blanket of frozen fluff. He took in a breath, exhaling a cloud of frozen joy as he embraced the gifts of this world. Looking down at his bandage covered abdomen, he noticed a blanket of snow had begun to collect on it and gently brushed the flakes off to prevent the gauze from freezing over. "So my love, you seem to be happier than most days." the voice called from his shadow. It was feminine, and seemingly more upbeat than her usual sarcastic self. "Indeed, though I do not recall permitting you to use my shadow wench." he replied with a cold, emotionless voice. Niyol's hatred of the demon Altsoba had been born from many years of being around her, as well as not forgiving the woman, if you could still consider her one, for the foul deeds she'd committed through Niyol. All in all, if an exorcism were enough to get rid of the vermin, he would have already gotten one...

    A blast of icy wind had completely engulfed the surrounding world, hiding it from Niyol's eyes as they were scanning about for enemies. When the gust was over, the shirtless mage saw nothing but the pure, white, desolate isolation that is Snowfall Island. For some, the desert was a relaxing area as the vast emptiness allowed them to pull away from the pains of reality. For Niyol, such was the same while standing amidst the frozen wastes. "You wanna tell me why you're here?" Altsoba asked from Niyol's shadow. The sound of the woman's voice nearly made him stab his own shadow, but the scenery was beautiful enough to forego such a reaction. "I was called by the spirits to await the arrival of someone. As well as to accompany that person on his or her journey through this place." he said calmly. Niyol began walking to the side of the path, taking a seat on a rocky outcrop indian style. "So you're going to just wait?" Altsoba asked inquisitively. "Patience is a virtue demon. Something time should have taught you." he said impatiently, his irritation with the demoness beginning to bleed through. Here, Niyol would wait, meditating until the one the spirits told him to accompany had arrived.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Lineage : Bringer of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 87
    Guild : Basilisk Fang
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Shadow Dragon slayer, 2'nd gen
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    Challenge Accepted! Empty Re: Challenge Accepted!

    Post by Aioai 10th January 2016, 3:21 am

    Icy and desolate. Avoid of life, an icy landscape of nothing more than a dismal existence—Layers after layers, flake after flake, sheets of snow danced disorderly over the vast and in which, claiming and painting all in white. Supposedly, once a beautiful island full amazing people and lovely hotspots laid nothing more than abandoned and left frozen, but within the mind of lone wander, despite the danger, the cold and weather, the abandonment these cities were left in looked like nothing more than a perfect memory. Motion along a solid path painted in white a faint glow of a figure swayed in the distance, a single silhouette walking—Aioai, a blessed creature in appearance, but a cursed one in experience; a wander within all lands. A set of shining orbs in dim color of midnight purple scanned out, looking beyond the lighten up snowfall before it instantly carried back on with it’s storm—Nothing more than a lost one casually strolling or possibly looking for one’s painful end on a suicidal note, she was fully aware of the stories about this place, the failures and needs of others.

    Dressed in nothing more than a black Cheongsam cut short to the thighs with a barely noticeable star pattern within it’s silk design; within this horrid weather, it appeared that she relied on black thigh high leggings to keep her warm—But natural cold seemed not bother her at all. Strings to the light breeze dancing, these hairs were painted in pink with lavender shades looped and tied by two dim-glowing arctic flower pinning her hair allowing the extra to hang in ponytails—Connected to the two flower was a gold-beaded headdress jewel in the center was a single star lined with her nose. Pondering within her own mind, she wondered was it her inner desire for ‘death’, the money or a form of service—The fact she did not look prepared seemed to answer. Masking the light rings of two metallic objects tapping against eachother, an old-fashioned golden and black key bound to a choker on the neck hit against the two buttons of her dress—A key found atop of the ashes of her beloved adoptive mother and father, but a key with more meaning than she simply realized, more than that of a simple memory of that of her mother and father. Wandering around without a bit of idea of where to go, she simply followed the path as she was told and trouble would find her, but as soon as she recollected the directions and words said to her, she noticed something or rather, someone and she found herself not to be mistaken on it being a person. Pressing her golden heels harder into the snowy ground below her, her casually little walk turned into more of a sped up walk, but still a walk towards this person—Distance between them, she noticed the person’s stillness aside the path. Was she suppose to have met up with someone or was this a random encounter? By far he didn’t seem like any ice mage or ice creature she was told about—As she advanced, she reached a good five feet within distance between this person, she had attempted to sum of this person’s characteristics and annoyance level by appearance, but she found something a bit worrisome and she couldn’t quite pick it out.

    Stopping directly five feet away from this person, this unknown male sitting aside of the path, she turned her head and than body to face this man and as she did so, she spoke out in a simple-single question “Are you lost?” as each word passed her pink lips, her tone would seem like the cause of this snowstorm due to the lack of expression and emotion. Despite being two sides of unsure, one side about the person and one side of unsure if she was wasting her time, but if he was indeed lost she could give him advice on that and if he was here to be some type of help then at she had help, not like that meant anything to her.. But if he was some form of the enemy, then she didn’t really have the emotion to support how she’d feel about it.
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Challenge Accepted! Empty Re: Challenge Accepted!

    Post by Azurius Tade 10th January 2016, 3:20 pm

    he air was frigid as high up as she and Shadow were. Flying so high that the jet black, elongated creature looked like nothing more than a strand of thread from the ground. It was only after flying directly over a white clad dot on a map that Kateri had finally sensed her father's presence. "Shadow, take us down." she commanded the wyvern. "I sense a second presence. It's considerably weaker, but whatever it is, it has grand potential master." he replied, waiting for Kateri's order to either change or remain. "Hmmm... Dad's probably doing some work." Kateri said, thinking out loud. "Take us down, but make sure to keep some distance so we're not seen." she said, fixing her previous order. Kateri dropped her magic power all the way, making it so she couldn't be sensed by anyone unless they were literally right next to her. "Very well master." Shadow replied. It had been nearly a year the two had been together, but it still bothered Kateri that Shadow addressed her as his master instead of his friend. She didn't like the idea of the only reason he stayed by her side was out of a false sense of obligation to serve her. The creature banked hard and dropped to the water's surface, staying lower than the cliffs at the edge of the island would allow. He dropped Kateri off at the edge of the island, far enough for her to not interrupt Niyol, but close enough for her to provide cover fire. The large creature went ahead and flew back to the sky to provide over watch while Kateri found a vantage point. By now, she knew her father was aware of her presence. It was a part of being a contracted human, that others who were contracted to demons were able to sense you. Thankfully, the only ones currently alive were he and her father so she didn't worry about being tracked by some assassin from hell.

    WC: 833

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Challenge Accepted! Empty Re: Challenge Accepted!

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 10th January 2016, 4:03 pm

    re you lost? the simple voice came out. To most, the emotionless tone would be frightening, strange, and even a cause for worry. To Niyol, it was harmonious, beautiful, and a blessing from the mother herself. To find another who lacked emotion, to find one who requires help with attaining their own closure was truly interesting. He unfolded his legs and began standing, the plethora of snow that collected on him began sliding off and flopping to the ground to reveal the numerous scars on his exposed upper body. "Not at all my lady." he said with a calm, emotionless tone. His dark purple, dull, and dead looking eyes examined the girl before him. She was only a matter of inches shorter than him, five maybe six... definitely no more than six. Her hair was long, and her clothes were inadequate for the environment not that he had room to speak since he wore bandages over his abdomen, a highly battered and torn hakama, and nothing else. The man gave a polite bow, saying "I a Niyol, the Guardian of Souls. Might I have the name of the beautiful flower which blooms before me?" he said calmly. His voice held no true sense of value in the words, it held little emotion at all but still gave a feeling that he was a humble man.

    Niyol studied her further, his eyes narrowing in on her as he realized she held no weapon. The man pulled out a block of wood and pulled on one end to reveal inside was a blade. It was small, no longer than nineteen inches in length. No wider than an inch and a half at best, and being only three fourths of an inch thick. The metal was shining like silver, and the blade itself was sharp enough that it made a high pitched sound as Niyol flicked the air with it. "This is a blade I personally crafted. It holds little use to me, but you lack any defense that I can see. Please, do my the honor of using this. I shall safeguard you, but I shall also expect you to not let yourself be taken by surprise." he said while sliding the weapon back in its sheath and extending it to Aioai who was yet to introduce herself.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Challenge Accepted! PzArA86 , Challenge Accepted! NXDHjfc

    Lineage : Bringer of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 87
    Guild : Basilisk Fang
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    Experience : 450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Shadow Dragon slayer, 2'nd gen
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    Challenge Accepted! Empty Re: Challenge Accepted!

    Post by Aioai 15th January 2016, 6:18 am

    Just break. Go deep into the dark. Stop the eerie song surrounding me. It’s making me weaker in the dark. I saw the figure waving

    Aioai | Theme
    Does it matter?
    Won't it matter?
    No. Not really.
    Hm. Moving not an inch back nor an each forward, Aioai’s eyes trailed the man’s movement upon the slightest movement to when he got up, but her eyes changed to what they were watch. So many... Scars. It was one of the first things she had noticed upon the man finding his stance before her, she found herself using it as a judge of character of those she did not know—Glowing in vain or another reason? Was it silly to be so curious of such a feature.. Like the scars upon her wrists, the unfading memory of a bird in a cage, each scar held a story and no doubt each one he had was a story—So what was his? It wasn’t the time for such wondrous questions nor to be so curious about a man who may or may not be the end of her, but with that thought in mind.. It didn’t seem to bother her and with such low standards of this man like every other, his words or rather his choice found themselves unexpected. ‘My.. Lady..? That’s.. different and he isn’t lost.. so why..?’ A circling thought, what was more confusing or puzzling, the fact someone knew how to be more humble than the town’s folk or he was in the middle of a snow storm for no reason.. After all, she didn’t seem him when they talked to her about this little mission.. Actually.. They told her she was to be all alone, but the changing tides seemed that her experience would be brighter with this person around, no matter how bizarre it was.

    Readjusting her sight, she lifted her head up just a bit to look up to the man addressing her, she found it important to keep eye contact when someone was speaking to you—Not only that, but staring was rude and she had took a noticeable second or two staring. As soon as her eyes caught a glimpse of his, she noted his eyes hard a darker shade of purple than hers, but before she could defined the perfect name for this color, he did something more unexpected and it was that of a bow as he introduced himself to her—Niyol, was his name and he held a title of ‘guardian of souls’. Despite his emotionless tone, a tone mirrored after her’s, she noticed his humble nature, but the more he spoke on, he caused Aioai to feel a bit Aioai timid, better known as Shy—She wished she could blame the freezing weather, but she was in a dress and showed no signs of being effected by it and thus, it would be a lie. Due to this shyness, her head quickly turned to left, showing him only her right cheek that found itself a slight rosy color, but that could be to the snow gracing along it, however, due to her reaction, not doubt her shyness was showing.  “Uhh...” a nervous expression given out by the only sound she could produce, her lack of words seemed to show. For this moment, she found herself at a lack of words and recollecting the words spoken to her, he addressed her a beautiful flower have never truly been spoken to her—Scum or trash, the leftovers that never got taken out was normally the lingering insults.

    As her cheek turned, her right eye did keep trace of his movement and upon his wandering hand, he pulled out a block of wood or something like that and with a swift movement, it revealed a blade and a sharp that, sharp enough to give off a beautiful sound as he slash through the air—Normally, she would have been concerned as a blade was pulled out, but if he was going to hurt her, he would’ve did it sooner no doubt. In-taking a cold, icy and snowflake filled breathe, she exhaled a hot, steamy and relaxing breathe—Only take a mere few seconds to recover some composure. Offering out his blade to her, a weapon he crafted, she found herself feeling rather grateful and worried. She took a step forward, extending her left hand slowly as her chilling rosy lips parted to speak “Aren’t you a gold-tongued charmer. Nevertheless. I thank you for.. Your humble nature, as it’s greatly un-expecting as normally treated differently.” she said. Having her index glide over the offered weapon, her hand gripped it as upon this her head was lowered—Humbly bowing her head, and speaking once more, this time with more femininity; qualities of a female voice. “I am Aioai Nightstray. It’s a pleasure to meet you, m’sir.  And I believe all surprises have escaped the trick hat.”. As her last name escaped her mouth, she stepped backwards as she rose her head with a light smile, a smile that soon faded—Dropping her hand to her side, she held the offered blade within her hand. As soon as she moved away with a good foot between them, within the back of her mind, she found her ideal suicidal mission or her ideal desire for something suicidal to change a bit, she found herself not quite wanting to stroll down that path, not him being titled as ‘Guardian of Souls’, but for some other reason.

    “Can you humor me for a moment? Anything starts. May I ask why you are out here? I didn’t see you at the village, nor did I hear about you being someone to a company me.” She found herself asking in curiosity, even though, she could feel somewhere in her gut this was not a good time to ask such a question, but she wouldn’t feel better until she knew. That or, the feeling within her gut was the person out in the far out distance that she didn't know about, as far as she knew, it was only him and Aioai. But. Trouble was always when you least expect it.
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Challenge Accepted! Empty Re: Challenge Accepted!

    Post by Azurius Tade 15th January 2016, 8:12 am

    he cold icy wind flew past Kateri as she ducked and dodge thorns, pine cones, and squirrels on her way through the tree tops. Soon however, she came to a spot where she had no choice but to enter the snow itself. Upon landing Kateri felt the cold react with her, absorbing into her skin and empowering her further. "Black-Ice..." she said while placing both arm straight out, each palm facing the world in front it. A black magic circle with an icy glow materialized before her, slowly spinning while waiting for Kateri's execution command. "Tank!" she called, a large tank made of black ice appeared in the snow. She hopped up on the massive thing, questioning how in hell she was supposed to control it. The spell was one she'd learned from reading one of the books in Lamia Scale's library, the... non-public section to be exact. Kateri pulled out her HUD panel and began swiping the screen, looking for piloting instructions for her new toy. From what she could gather, inside was a series of controls that she could use to steer it, control the main gun, some rockets, or the 6 barrel gun on it. She read further down "Oh thank the gods the damn thing has an auto pilot, let's fuckin' go!" she said to her self with a sigh of relief. Kateri jumped in the tank by flipping open the hatch and jumping down a hole, finding herself in something that was shat out from a cubicle's ass and had a bunch of shiny screens. Each screen had a different control for it, and made Kateri wonder how in the hell she was supposed to control all this stuff with two arms. She reached her hand out and a set of magic circles appeared at her finger tips. "Oh... that's how..." she said feeling a bit amazed at the level of sophistication of the spell. She focused on one of the circles, making it turn and noticed the turret overhead turned. She decided before making her grand entry, she'd take a bit of time to learn the controls for this.

    HP: 300/300

    MP: 115/300
    Spell Used: Black Ice Tank
    Duration: 5 Posts

    WC: 356

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Challenge Accepted! Empty Re: Challenge Accepted!

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 15th January 2016, 12:50 pm

    he look in her eyes, that distinct shade of pink on her cheeks... Niyol remembered it too well. It wasn't something he was used to seeing, and was definitely something he didn't need happening to him. A hesitance was about her as she stepped back, asking for him to state his purpose. He sensed it about this one, she... wanted to die? Niyol's purple hues narrowed, locking in on her grimly. "I am here to ensure you survive. While I am human, I am not bound by the rules humans set forth. The spirits that govern this world tell me where to go, and guide me to those who's souls are linked to mine by the chains of fate." Niyol said with a cold, blunt voice. "Do not attempt an easy death here, for I refuse to allow you the dishonor." he added.

    "Don't blush too much around him, you'll get pregnant without trying..."

    A feminine voice called from Aioai's shadow with a somewhat teasing tone behind it. Niyol instantly grew more irritated as he heard it, saying "I do not believe I permitted you to enter this world wench." with an unhappy voice. "Well I was bored!" the voice shouted back sounding a bit whiny. The shadow began to bulge up from the floor, as though it were a bubble in a glass of molasses, soon forming to the shape of a woman clad in black. Her skin was black, and her face held no true features aside from a nose and a pair of black lips that moved when she spoke. "Plus I couldn't resist considering the circumstance..." Altsoba said while lifting up a few strands of the girl's hair, letting it slide through her fingers as the black figure moved behind Aioai. Altsoba ran her hand along the edge of the girl's face while placing her mouth to her ear whispering "If you want, I can be gentle..." the hand moved to her shoulders "...I can be rough..." Altsoba whispered before placing both hands on Aioai's sides while sliding them towards her hips "...or we can be adventurous..." she said softly. "Just you and me, I'd invite Niyol but he doesn't like to-" "Dance." "-yeah, he doesn't like to d- wha- wait a minute..." Altsoba cut herself off after realizing what was said. A white pillar appeared between Aioai's back and Altsoba before it split in half and the back shot outward, slamming Altsoba into a tree. Ten holes appeared in the one pinning the dark woman, and the half pillar still standing behind Aioai turned into ten spikes that launched into the figure. "Hey that was rude!" Altsoba shouted at Niyol. "Lady Nightstray, my humblest apologies. That is Altsoba, A repulsive harlot." Niyol said with an unamused look about him. "I am not repulsive!" Altsoba argued. "Begone demon, I have no need for your stench poisoning this world." Niyol ordered. "Fine, be like that." Altsoba said, the ten spikes that impaled her still kept her on the tree. The dark figure exploded into a shadowy mist that merged with Niyol's shadow, turning it into a female shape that blew a kiss at Aioai. "Consider my offer" a white crescent shape on the shadow moved as the words came out. A pair of crimson circles on the shadow would mimic eyes, one of them turned black for a second before Niyol's shadow turned to a masculine shape again. Niyol bowed "Again, I am sorry. It is difficult to control a demon, at least with the meager amount of power I have it is." Niyol said with a rather humiliated tone.

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 119/160
    WC: 604

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Lineage : Bringer of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 87
    Guild : Basilisk Fang
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Shadow Dragon slayer, 2'nd gen
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    Challenge Accepted! Empty Re: Challenge Accepted!

    Post by Aioai 16th January 2016, 7:47 am

    Just break. Go deep into the dark. Stop the eerie song surrounding me. It’s making me weaker in the dark. I saw the figure waving

    Aioai | Theme
    Does it matter?
    Won't it matter?
    No. Not really.
    Truly, was called upon for her sake? Asking to be humored, the answer given in reply was discomforting and differentiating—Was his tone at this point or his look upon her? Floating within the darkness of her mind, the thought had always circled in a danced and than with time’s passage, it bloomed into an action—First, it was humans who adopted her, both the mother and father died, second, it was Shadarria, a dragon that adopted her, third a family died due to just helping her, fourth, by her hands she stabbed one whom was close to her heart and stomped on three others and finally, she resulted on being alone and she found her in sureness with her desire to perish. Beyond the simple world of a human, wished upon a star or a misplaced heart, it seemed life hadn’t deemed it time for Aioai to foreit—Who had she been kidding, it appeared that things beyond held better cards than what she had in her fold. Most people would find themselves lashing out as to why they should consider such words or who would care if they were to meet their end, but Aioai reacted quick differently—Someon--Something cared, something still wanted her here and something called him to make sure of it. Reconsidering her misplaced feelings, the choices and the choice she doesn’t truly have, she resulted her indifference by taking Niyol’s words and very much heeded his warning, or rather the determination of something beyond her and him.

    It wouldn’t have been much use to lie or deny it, even if she held a mask—Hidden from the eyes and ears around her, she couldn’t hide the truth from the dead and it had just been proven, death was not a forté for her. Curling along the corners of her lips, she smiled lightly in a form of vain, awhile shaking her head left to right and reversed in order, simultaneously talking as she did this. “This is the fourth time I’ve been denied.” Naturally, it was beyond uncharacteristic for Aioai to even speak this much about a personal struggle, yet alone willingly admit such attempts to a stranger, it almost seemed she was in a form of denial or anger at the situation. By the nigh ending her sentence, unbeknownst to Aioai whom had been talking, it appeared that something had made itself rather comfortable within her shadow—Speaking from behind her, the sound of a female emerged from her shadow. Instantly upon the words stated, Niyol spoke displeased in both expression, words and tone and to his reply, the female behind her stated she was ‘bored’. Naturally, someone could fear the worse and most would turn around, but Aioai didn’t find herself doing that for many reasons, such as, it had been addressed that Aioai wasn’t just going to simply die out here, in fact, it was foreshadowed that she wasn’t going to die at all, even if she tried to place effort into it and atop of this, Niyol hadn’t quite made the expression ‘Your life is in danger’ or any movement stating that—Turning her head to the left, she glazed to look towards the voice. Seeing what was forming did not prepare for the events to unfold upon her, as the shadowy figure of a female formed, it made an abnormal advance upon her—From playing with the few strings of hair to brushing along her face, the flirtous and teasing words of a bewitching voice hadn’t ceased.

    Possibly caught off-guard by the first statement or simply too scared to move, Aioai simply stood as this shadowy figure spoke and explored. if these were normal circumstances, Aioai would’ve expressed a form of ‘pain’ from any physical touch of a normal fleshy being, but possibly due to the element of this figure, that rule didn’t apply—An offer given to Aioai, the shadow spoke about them having an adventure between the two. Upon being caught on that small bit, she body shivered slightly awhile her a single hand near the end of her dress, grabbing the end as she pulled it down, stretching it as much as she could without ripping it—”Please don’t..” she mumbled embarrassed and worried, concerned even. Until this point, she had showed no sides of expression or reaction until the hands moved down her sides near her waist. Atop of this, blushing a tiny bit, she frowned with the lower of her head and as she did this, and as her head tilted down, even if she didn’t do touching or any physical contact, the girl was find with being touched, even being hugged and such, yet, she draws the line completely upon going lower than her waste and this was a simple reason, or fact, she still held onto her ‘cherry’. Upon the forced removal of the shadowy female, Aioai swiftly turned around and shook a step backwards as her eyes looked towards the shadow figure that once had it’s hands upon her—Thankfully, those hands didn’t make it under her dress, which was relief to Aioai.

    Swallowing down whatever uneasiness she had, she released the end of her dress and simply adjusted it back in it’s place neatly—Upon his apologize, she was only able to shake her head twice adding a wave with her hand, suggesting that it was fine. “I don’t believe anyone is ever going to beat the greeting Altsoba gave me.” She said with soft discomforting smile, with her head slightly turned to him. Dismissing the shadowy figure known as Altsoba, of course, after it blew a kiss to the girl and giving  a reminder of it’s ‘offer’ before returning back from once it came. “If I ever want to lose my virginity, you’d be the first to know. I’m sure..” she mumbled upon the sheer reminder of that offer.. Turning her attention back to Niyol, awhile attempting to avoid all means of eye to eye contact, as she tried to do that, she caught the little wink of the supposed demon who wanted to seduce her and thankfully, it had not done so. Taking a good look back to Niyol, whom seemed beyond the words of displeased, he started to bow and express another sorry—Aioai was far from mad, atleast, at this point she was, the experience she just had was a weird one and she couldn’t really find a way to even feel about it, besides just accept it just happen and move on. “Truly, it’s fine. I can understand controlling such a creature can be difficult.. But maybe..” She started to say something related the demon, but she found that it wasn’t really her place to talk—Stepping off her right foot, she simply started walking as she shook her head. “We should start moving before I start getting cold. I can only be in such extreme weather before it starts doing things to me” she said, attempting to cover up what she wanted to say. And to be quite honest, she has never really once had a problem with being out in extreme weather, then again, she has never truly been in any.

    As she casually stroked by him, she stopped walking as soon as she got to his side, having a small gap between their arms, with this pause, she said something. "It's insignificant to you.. Maybe.. But you know.. Behind the façade. I wished for this place to be an end, simply telling myself noone would never be out here, but a suicidal wish that could be granted. Yet, once more a creature appears to cease my progress, or rather a person sent here by an outside force that denied me once again. I'm left to always wonder why.. But. Nevertheless. Even though I'm not sure to be thankful, I guess I can admit it's nice to have someone who doesn't react me like scum." After she finished, she simply found herself stepping away.
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Post by Azurius Tade 16th January 2016, 4:32 pm

    arreling through the snow, Kateri caught glimpse of a man who was walking alone on top the snow. He was wearing tattered, beat up clothes, and walking with a stick. Magic kept him from falling through the ice, but obviously didn't stop him from looking dog tired. Kateri pulled the tank up next to him, displacing a considerable amount of snow as it slid to a halt, and poked her head from the hatch. The man spun around, charging a spell and getting ready to attack for fear of his own safety. "Whoa there, I don't wanna fight." she said while smiling, having no fear of ice magic anymore. The spell was undone by the man who lowered his staff and looked at Kateri. "What do you want with me then?" he asked, his voice implied he'd gone through some deal of hardship. "Was wonderin' if ya needed a ride somewhere?" she asked with a kind voice. The man looked at the large object, it being twice as tall, and much more in terms of length than he was. He didn't know what it was, but he did know it moved a hell of a lot faster than he did. "I'm going to the other side of the island to train with an ancient monk who resides there. I have no way to pay you, but if you're offering it for free than I'll owe you a favor." he said with a less defensive tone. "My old man's somewhere in that direction so how 'bout I get you that much closer? If we run into some baddies on the way you can help me out." she said with a smile. The man nodded and began climbing onto the vehicle. He took a seat on the tread, materializing an Ice-Make Crossbow in his hands. Kateri set the tank to auto pilot its way to where she last saw her father, and then came back out to sit up top with her new friend. "Name's Kateri, 'can call me Kat if ya like." she said with a bright smile. The man, seemingly a bit older than she was but not by much, turned a slight shade of red as she did so. He was used to people being nice, and he never had a problem with females before, but he was young still, and this girl was both pretty and extremely kind to him. Such a lethal combination could brew desire in a man's heart, no matter how steeled their will.

    WC: 420

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 16th January 2016, 5:13 pm

    iyol stopped in the middle of a large clearing with a frozen forest lining it. He let out a sigh, and decided that if he's going to work with someone... someone who's similar to him, then she should at least know who she's dealing with. He turned slowly, walking closer to her. He got within smacking range of the girl, only two, maybe two and a half feet were between them. His eyes were softer for some reason, as though he knew how she felt. "Be not fooled, I bear no pity towards you. I would not dishonor someone with such a vain emotion. Understand that you are a beautiful woman, and you have a purpose that this world and its laws have yet to reveal to you." he said softly. A hand reached out, firmly grabbing her shoulder and drawing her in rapidly. He pressed the girl against his bare chest, the only barrier between her and Niyol's abdomen was a set of bandages. Nothing would prevent her from feeling the skin from his diaphragm, and above that. Niyol gave a deep breath and let go of her, taking a few steps back. "I am someone who has no belonging. My purpose is to wander in purgatory until a mortal finds themself requiring my aid. I live to die, I survive to serve... that is the sum of my existence." Niyol said. He drew the black sword from his side, holding it out horizontally as it turned into a scythe. One of his eyes turned pure black, the darkness extending beyond the iris and consuming the entire orb. The demonic scar on his left cheek did the same, flowing like a creek, the darkness spread to his back and then up his right arm, spiraling around and ending on his right hand. A shadowy aura took over his body, seeping off as if it were smoke. The tribal tattoo on his left arm began to burn, literally on fire. It was a blue and black flame that spread across the arm and formed a claw on his hand. "This is something I show no one... I am unsure why it is I have decided to show you, but because of this form of mine I am unwelcome in many cities. I have no true reasons to live, and many reasons to die... if you would kill me on this task, I would be thankful to you... if you were to kill me, you would be free to die as you see fit. But I'll only allow you to do it, and not the one who's watching from behind those trees." he said calmly.

    A small, glass like drop on the snow... the frozen manifestation of Niyol's brief moment of remembering that he was in fact despised by this world. He turned back around to face their newcomer saying "Until I die, you're obligated to live." with an emotionless voice. A spike of ice flew out from the trees that Niyol extended his scythe at. Upon hitting the tip of the weapon, it erupted in an icy mist. "You're already exposed, come out and die with honor." Niyol said to the failure of an assassin.

    HP: 300/300
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    Post by Aioai 4th February 2016, 7:03 pm

    Just break. Go deep into the dark. Stop the eerie song surrounding me. It’s making me weaker in the dark. I saw the figure waving

    Aioai | Theme

    Does it matter?
    Won't it matter?
    No. Not really.
    It was a wonder or rather a thought. It felt like a theme or rather a pattern, within the endless drops of icy flakes, an answer was always found to which, she never understood—Birth by a star within the beauty of winter, the two loving purities of a heart, adopting a child found within a dint of melted snow, ash and floating embers. At the night of a winter, the course expressed and summoned, hinting a change, an end for a new begin; a winter's icy cold breathe danced around, telling the story of a fate and destiny, a reminder that freewill meant nothing to a higher being. As she pondered, it was a haze, a blur and most unclear, the last time she remembered being in an icy, lifeless, frozen and blizzard abyss like this was years ago—In her mind, looking for death in a theme it all began, seemed like the perfect way and the best way to end a story.. The share the end of how she began. As she carried on within her steps, a memory formed and flashed like specks of glitter falling, it teased and taunted from within the dark of her mind—Reminding of smell the burning flesh, the joyous laugh of men and the final vision of the perfect mixture dance of flames, embers and ashes swaying to the sky as it snowed.

    Extending her right arm, the forearm turned with the raise of her palm, lifted as her fingers' sides pressed together, her thumb folding against her palm as the raising of her hand turned to the right—Within her own mind, she couldn't help but ask ‘why'. The seed of ‘why' questioned everything, a tree of why bother, why even express, why have emotions, why try to converse, why have a friend.. Why keep her alive—Bottled up like mishearted notes, Aioai questioned the point of why deny her, everything she does or everyone she knows combusts into flames or simply fades away, or atleast, she was left to feel this way. It naturally wasn't her style to express anything to a random, unless it to comfort a child, but sometimes, it was just great to see someone who wasn't scumish or treated her like the maggots of earth—Needlessly to say, as Niyol expressed his opinion about her appearance and an ideal purpose, after he explained he didn't hold pity towards, of course. She instantly felt some type of way, possibly for the worse, as whom was he to attempt to explain the workings of the world—Instantly upon the end his opinion, her hand collecting snow clenched tightly, the melted flakes pouring out the sides of her palm and between her fingers and thus, no thought a nerve or distasteful emotion was hit by his ‘opinion'; for the worst or for the better, realization or not. Digging her nails into her palm, her narrowing eyes signaled in sadness and yet, the corners of her rosy pink lips curled upward in a light, humorous smile awhile a single fine pointed canine tooth bit into her lower lip—A mixture of sadness, pain, humor and topped with cherry of anger. Naturally, it was normal for Aioai to attempt to conceal her pain with blankness and emptiness, but she couldn't and this male was pressing a few buttons and all being illogical to her; hostility was also a final case and yet, she could't hold that facade.

    Before she could even consider a reply, she felt something a touch and a grip, warm unlike the icy hell around, this grip pulled and forced her body to turn and follow into it's direction—Ultimately drew into an embrace of another, a hug. Motion and unable to follow, upon the bumping into something, she simply produced the sound "Oof.". Solid and hard, it almost felt like she walked into a wall and simply laid rested against it and out of impact reaction, a hand could be found pressed next to where her head rested—From lips to nose, they pressed into his chest and spelled nothing more than ‘accident' as she figured the events. Like a gentle kiss to his chest by means of accident, that didn't quite register, within her remained silence as her mind processed what had happened and head locked to an even level, her eyes didn't sway to look as he moved away, her hand dropped as her arm returned resting to her side—Shades of pink and bright crimson laced to her cheeks, her head tilted downward-left, her eyes looking to her hand that formerly laid upon his chest. Under the influence of a warm sensation all too familiar, yet never explored, she did her best to ignore it, despite how fluster she appeared and addressed something and felt more important to her, the fact it didn't burn or hurt her.. The bare touch and the hug itself..

    "To which. Atleast you know.. Unlike I. I simply live based on vow and promise—Nothing more than the will of another from the beyond. I simply dance in misfortune" She said collectively however in a mumble, almost under her breath, as she attempted to kill any timidness. Dropping her arm back to her side, her head shook left to right and right to left in attempt to shake off this ‘blush' or to make it fade faster—Catching her eye, the shine of a blade shined awhile she immediately looked towards what people would class as ‘unnatural demonic' changes, however known simply to Aioai as unique or different. Narrowing her eyes just a bit, she wasn't yet bothered by scar becoming defined nor his sword simply changing to a scythe—To the point of a single appearance of a ‘flame' despite being that of what Aioai would define as a ‘friendly' shadow's flame, she stepped back immediately as she noticed it and it was quite on a point of a notice. Not expressed in her far, she was placed in an minor fear of the flame, despite it's appearance; fire or anything that familiarized or hinted towards the element of fire, she feared. After about five steps back, she stopped and this was due to Niyol speaking and her remembering herself, he was here to ensure her safety—Less than the feeling of ‘honored' to witness such a power or form, special to a degree, maybe. As he spoke, despite the reasons of being unwelcomed or unwanted, she started to paint the picture and her fear had found itself completely subsided due to a single memory from Shadarria, her dragon father. Her hands motion once again, however to rub against her temples, as she thought about the situation "Hm.. Shadarria.. No doubt. Even in death, your will is influence." She whispered. From the things beyond her, it wouldn't shock her if her father was forcing with all his will, a new candle to aid the shadows she lurked in.

    Almost like a savor from the heavens, the indirect mention of an enemy of some type; these ice creatures they were to kill—Aioai sighed in relief, something was finally going to change the course of this topic or rather, she could pin this for later. "I believe it would be best to speak about this another time. And. I'll assume you will take care of it" She said awhile she tilted her head to the right to look around to what Niyol happened to see awhile she stepped back a bit more, a placement of another distance to still see the man and out of range of their new found ‘friend', awhile not being to far to be jump by more friends—Ideally, just about a total of ten feet away from Niyol before she would find a stop against a tree.
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Post by Azurius Tade 5th February 2016, 8:20 pm

    the new passenger looked off into the distance to avoid making eye contact with Kateri, hiding his red face, and trying to keep his nearly erect dick in his pants. "S-so... this dad of yours... is he umm... is he friendly?" the man asked through the embarrassment he felt by simply sitting near the girl. Kateri switched to a horizontal position, resting her head on the man's thigh with a bright smile on her face. The man lifted his arms, flinching as he said "Wha-!?" with a shocked voice. His face became even more red as the smile was seen yet again, accompanied by eyes that resembled the very glaciers of the north. The frozen tundra seated in her gaze, but the absolute tropical warmth of her smile accompanied by a friendly nature all melded together to cause the young man, and his hormones, to feel more attracted. "My pop's a super kind person, ain't got no worries 'bout him randomly killin' some dude I found. Unless I screw em for no damn reason, but I'm waaaay too young for that." Kateri answered. She shifted over, laying on her side instead of her back and watching the snow as it passed. "How old are you?" the guy asked inquisitively, having though for certain she and he were nearly the same age. "I'm six, only look and act a bit older through magic shit that I don't understand still." she said calmly. Her voice was so nonchalant that the boy could tell she'd coped with the sudden aging, as well as she wasn't screwing with him. Just like Kateri dropped the bomb, the man's penis slowly slid back to its burrow as his mind pondered whether he was a pedophile or not.

    The tank rolled over some compressed, but angled ice and caught air, slamming down on an opening where she saw her father with his scythe pointed in the tank's general direction. Having assumed he heard her coming, and was preparing to attack if she were an enemy, Kateri flew over to him and gave Niyol a very warm hug. The blizzard around them subsided, revealing a slight sparkle off in the distance, only 10 feet away from her dad though. "OH MY GOD SPARKLY!!!!" she shouted before flying across the distance at alarming speeds and tackling the source to the ground. She embraced Aioai, who's name she didn't know, warmly before sitting up with a leg on each side of the target. Kateri's words were blurted out fast, as if she were a child on a shit ton of sugar bombs. "Holy crap those sparkles are actually your skin! I'm super jealous!" Kateri pulled the girl up, looking her in the eyes before turning to her dad. "Hey dad you guys have nearly the same eyes!" she continued blurting before removing one of her legs from Aioai's side and spun around to her back placing her hands on both of Aioai's shoulders. "Hey dad can we keep her, pretty please!" she blurted before wrapping her arms around the woman, pressing their cheeks together and saying at a normal pace "She can be my new mommy..." with a very cute voice. Meanwhile the man sitting on the tank was watching with a slightly disturbed look, not at Kateri acting her age, but at how fast she'd moved.

    WC: 558

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 5th February 2016, 9:30 pm

    iyol watched as a massive black object (tank) slammed on the area where his target was hiding out. On it was his beloved daughter Kateri, and some guy. A blank expression about is face as the poor flat fucker turned into a pancake of ungodly proportions, and a look of surprise as a pair of loving arms wrapped around him. As fast as it happened it ended as his daughter flew to Aioai, tackle hugging her before going on a rampage of nonsense. At the question of making Aioai her mother, Niyol rested his forehead in the palm of his free hand. "Lady Nightstray... this is my daughter Kateri. Please excuse her comments, while she may look older she is merely 6 years of age." he said with a humble voice. "No Kateri, we cannot make Lady Nightstray my woman, no we cannot 'keep' her as she is not a pet, and no you cannot convince me otherwise." he said matter of factly, sounding like a father should when putting his foot down. 

    Niyol walked over to his daughter and gently grabbed her hands, lifting her up while looking at her pouting face. He gently pulled her in, a hand on her back and an arm rested across the middle of her back would form a warm, loving embrace in her direction. Kateri relaxed into it, pouting even more since she got caught in the dad-hug trap. "Now you know better than to just claim new moms like that." he said in a soft voice, gently scolding Kateri as she relaxed herself to returning the hug. For Niyol, he didn't even know who Kateri's mom was. For Kateri, she didn't actually want another mom, just wanted to see her dad smile more. She knew Niyol was lonely, he was always unhappy looking even when Lisa was around. He fell into darkness after her death, and Kateri wanted to see him join her in the light and smile at least once in her lifetime. Niyol separated the hug and gave his daughter a gentle kiss on the forehead, not noticing her shutting her eyes tightly out of surprise. Kateri turned to Aioai and reached out her hand, her bright blue eyes giving off a strange warmth as she did so. "Name's Kateri, you can call me Kat if ya like." she said with a warm smile.

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    WC: 334

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    Post by Aioai 23rd February 2016, 9:49 pm

    Just break. Go deep into the dark. Stop the eerie song surrounding me. It’s making me weaker in the dark. I saw the figure waving

    Aioai | Theme

    Does it matter?
    Won't it matter?
    No. Not really.
    Breaking. Compressed crystal caused to shatter, the sound everso clearly was heard by the delicate senses of Aioai—Compared to a finer things in life, a single slip of a finger as a glass fell and scattered to pieces, the picture in mind familiarized with the sound. Upon a unfortunate luck stroke twice, the eyes of an attentive participant witnessed a ‘season’ change, dissolved by the death of a creature, the blizzard disbanded. “That’s not good..” she whispered to herself as her head tilted upwards the sky, as the storm ceased almost instantly, she could feel the unwelcoming feel of a bright day, that of an annoying light called the sun and worse than that, the thing she tries to hide the most, but can’t—Her diamond dust embedded flesh. Flickering along the flesh of her cheeks, dancing sparkles revealed themselves as the first ray of light graced upon her face, as the ray of sunlight grew, the female’s flesh lit up—Confused for thousand specks of glitter, located along the sides of her cheeks tracing down her neck to both arms side to even down between her legs to her feet, thousands upon thousands sparkles flickered. Insecure or not, it didn’t even matter anymore, what was done was done, but she couldn’t help but feel she could’ve just dashed towards that creature and got crushed with it, but that would make her ‘lucky’.

    The rise of her right hand placed itself to her cheek, her index and middle finger reached out to brush her side bangs over her cheeks, as her attention turned to look towards whatever object was in the distance.  Before her eyes could peer upon the metallic surface shimmered, a voice held loud and uncomfortable, the equivalent of child’s screeching—Registering only a single word, ‘SPARKLY’, Aioai instantly stared towards a black object parked, as a figure blurred directly towards her, a speed beyond her normal movement, her mind was unable to identify due to the simple fact, something triggered in her mind. Screaming within the depths of her mind, a place so scarred up that seems like cuts over cuts with stitches over stitches only to be ripped open again, held so dreary but quiet and lone, a single voice screamed in a joy or happiness(?) ‘You are like a star!’—Familiar, a memory of a single boy, a picture perfect smile that flickered into nothing but a busted lip, missing eyes, burnt flesh and ripped arms and messy hair. Within this flash of a memory, only for a minor millisecond, the circle black pupils of her eyes transformed into a slit, her facial expression showed as if she saw a ghost and as her arms reached forward towards the blur running towards her and like that, she felt painless, but forceful impact that sent her straight into the snowy ground. Softened by the snow, her body imprinted into snow and despite not being able to ‘simply’ get cold by ice and snow, she did feel the unwanted snow melting between her thighs and her neck—Along with some girl sitting atop of her, speaking one hundred miles an hour about

    Questioning this girl atop of her, she simply stared as she was sat on and she didn’t hold a friendly expression, so she tried to change that, the ends of her lips curled upward into a soft smile and her eyes softened up a small bit and somewhere between the girl spoke about her sparkly skin, jealousy and her eyes, she spoke. “Nice to meet you too” She said softly, even though in the back of her mind it felt like fourth of july and she was terrified of loud sounds and fire, even firewords, so this was really uncomfortable and displeasing, but she was trying, she really was, she had been nice so far, she could keep doing it—But it hurt.. It burnt.. it was annoying and bothersome.. this touch.. this feel.. Why was it starting now..? Why not when she was hugged or touched unwantedly by that shadow thing Altsoba. Turning her head to the right, towards Niyol who addressed her and spoke about his daughter and her being merely six, as he then shot down every last comment and dream she had before he got her off of Aioai—As soon as the ‘child’ was removed from off her, Aioai placed her hands on her stomach, taking in a huge nice breathe of air and than exhaling as she closed her eyes to do so, missing the whole cutesy thing they were doing. It ceased, that feeling that was building along her skin and that tightening feeling within her stomach.. What was going on today and why was she bothering..?

    ‘What is the deal today.. I have been sexually assaulted by some shadow female creature, hugged by a random man and now tackled to the ground by a woman who is merely six years of age... By far worse can happen.. Why.. today..? Why no--’ cutting her core of thought, she heard the name of the child, opening her eyes, she looked up to the child named ‘Kateri’ who didn’t mind the moniker Kat—Offering a hand to pick Aioai up, she couldn’t must up the strength to accept that offer of help and simply spoke. “Well.. Kateri, Kat. I am Aioai Nightstray. And I’m fine. I can help myself up, thank you though.” She said, holding a soft smile, but she felt rather rude, despite sound friendly and nice—Even though, she had been shook by that flashback and was ceased by the snowy impact into the ground, as she placed both hands to her side and lifted herself up from the ground, ultimately rejected the offer of help. As she made it to her feet, she simply padded herself down to remove any snow on her short dress, and hair—Even leaning back down to pick up the sword she dropped from being tackled. She felt shook, she felt uneasy and very distressed to a degree... She is becoming to friendly, too social and that means, she’d end up being close and thus.. meaning she’d make friends.. but.. If she made friends.. Wouldn’t they perish.. Like those in her past..? Would they betray her..?

    As her fingers picked up the sword she dropped, she stood herself straight up and sighed softly to herself, now she was questioning it all and she was at a standstill with herself—It had been so long.. So long since she even got to talk to people in such a friendly way.. And now, she can’t find herself wanting to even speak to simply converse. “We should.. Hurry this up.. Before someone gets a cold or something worse.. Right?” She mumbled as she turned away, loud enough to hear, of course, being that the storm is gone—Tilting her head down to look at the snowy ground below her, she simply saw her reflection in her golden heels. Despite how she felt on the inside, she held her friendly smile to hide how she felt and even kept her eyes held to a soft nature that made it all the more passable. Upon anyone who desired to take first step and lead, she’d simply follow behind at a normal pace equal to their’s as she simply relived the thoughts of what she wished to forget and how horrible of a person she was..

    Was this close to being over..? Nevertheless, that was one down.

    Aioai carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Challenge Accepted! OdAaNwh , Challenge Accepted! OdAaNwh
    Aioai carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Challenge Accepted! R2fEWNz , Challenge Accepted! R2fEWNz
    Aioai carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Challenge Accepted! R2fEWNz , Challenge Accepted! PzArA86
    Aioai carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Challenge Accepted! PzArA86 , Challenge Accepted! OdAaNwh
    Aioai carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Challenge Accepted! R2fEWNz , Challenge Accepted! PzArA86
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Challenge Accepted! Empty Re: Challenge Accepted!

    Post by Azurius Tade 24th February 2016, 9:00 pm

    ateri felt a small shot of emotion from Aioai as her hand was refused, though didn't react to it. She'd noticed at last that the woman was wearing horrible winter clothes, and unlike her and her father, actually seemed to mind the frost. Kateri pulled the string on her cloak, removing the black item and revealing a plethora of weapons on her person. At her legs on each side dangles a revolver and a sub machine gun. On her back was a sniper rifle that had its barrel stuffed into the body of the gun, making recoil a bitch, but thank god the gun was small-ish. There was an assault rifle also on her back, on the other shoulder and between those was a rocket launcher. At her lumbar, house in the same holster as the two larger guns, was a sawed off shotgun that looked a lot like a musket rifle from way old times.

    She tossed the cloak around the shiny lady, and tied it off saying "Here... My dad and I aren't effected by the cold weather, so you can use it." with a soft, loving tone that was accompanied by an equally loving smile. The man seated on the tank, having seen the amount of guns the girl had on her, felt something between his legs getting a bit stiff. 'Please dear god kill me now...' he thought as he remembered her and her father saying that she was only six years old, and he really didn't want to be labeled a pedophile. The clouds having gone away, Kateri's hair changed color to a shining white, resembling the very snow beneath her feet as it gently kissed the ground. She spun around and trotted to catch up with her father, who had already began walking ahead on the path, he hair seeming to act as ribbons in gymnastics as they gently spiraled around her while she turned.

    WC: 321

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Second Skill: Ice
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    Challenge Accepted! Empty Re: Challenge Accepted!

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 24th February 2016, 9:57 pm

    iyol saw it. The look of terror in her eyes as Kateri had charged at her with glee. A person afraid to show others her face for fear of being rejected, not a vain fear either as she was rejected multiple times according to her reaction. He had decided to not acknowledge the sparkles, though it did spark a strange interest in him. He wanted to know their origins, why they sparkle so beautifully, and why it is that it reminded him of the night sky above the silent glaciers. These questions would have to wait until the woman felt comfortable to answer them, or until she died and Niyol could examine her soul. He turned as Kateri began taking off her cloak and started walking towards the path that lead away from their starting point. He'd begun sensing many souls entering closer range than he'd wanted, and soon, he stopped in a massive, circular opening. The sound of air splitting was heard as something rushed towards Aioai, Niyol's eyes opening wide as he dashed, getting between the objects and her physical being. Strong, warm arms wrapped around the woman as black particles began moving towards his back forming feathers mid air before taking their individual places on a pair of black wings that wrapped around her. Entering free fall as the tackle continued, Niyol winced at the sharp pain radiating from his back as the three spikes entered him. Laying on top the woman trembling with his eyes shut, the adrenaline rushing through his veins from the fatal wound he'd been inflicted with, Niyol slowly unwrapped his arms and wings. He pressed his palms against the snow and straightened his arms, the two black wings rising high above the ground, forming a 'V' shape as they assumed their normal positions. Niyol eyed the woman, noticing her gentle features and being drawn in by the sparkles about her. He let out a pained sound as he felt another shot of pain on his side, another thin, long spike of ice impaling him. His eyes opened slowly, glaring at Aioai with determination to keep her safe as more spikes hit. Suddenly, the spikes stopped as Kateri began inhaling, causing all the ice particles heading towards him to directly enter her mouth. Several men all stepped out from the woods, pointing various sharp objects at the group. Some of them had summoned large ice creatures to combat the three mages but none had expected what would happen next...

    Kateri pressed her middle finger, along with half of her ring and index fingers to her lips. A small wink before she parted the hand, blowing a kiss to her enemies while spinning. Thousands of much, much larger ice spikes formed in circles around her and fired immediately, all impaling her enemies or destroying their golems. Bodies hitting the floor with gaping holes and dead looking eyes, faces all filled with shock and awe at the sight of their nearly instant demise were all accompanied by the sounds of fighting while Niyol remained positioned over Aioai. The sounds of fighting stopped and Kateri ran to his side, inhaling the ice spikes inside him and exposing the wounds to the bitter cold. "D-dad!" she shouted, fearing her only family may die on her. Niyol stood up using Kateri as a crutch, his massive, well toned body seeming to be colossal compared to his daughter's. He let out a deep breath, followed by the demonic scar under his left eye beginning to glow black with shots of dark red strewn about. He inhaled, causing all the blood that stained the snow and his body to rise up and begin seeping back into the wounds. Pain radiated as his inhale staggered itself, but he continued nonetheless. When he finished, he let all the air out at once and began breathing heavily. While he felt like absolute hammered shit, he looked as though he never took a hit in the first place. "Are you alright!?" Kateri asked, while clenching his hand with both of hers, small beads of sadness forming at the ends of her eyes. Niyol looks at her softly, his dark purple eyes seeming to come alive for a single instance as his offspring showed concern. He gave a gentle smile to Kateri, placing a hand on the side of her head and saying "Worry not my child. Had I been in danger of dying, a force greater than I would have stopped it." the words were soft, and comforting as Kateri pulled herself in to hug him, tears streaming down her face from having nearly lost her father. Niyol used an arm to return the hug, gently rubbing her back with a less intense look about him. His gaze shifted towards the woman he protected, and his expression returned to business mode. "Lady Nightstray, are you injured?" he asked with a cold, but somewhat concerned tone.

    HP: 50/300
    MP: 123/160
    WC: 822

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    enemy rolls:

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    Challenge Accepted! Empty Re: Challenge Accepted!

    Post by Aioai 8th March 2016, 6:51 pm

    Just break. Go deep into the dark. Stop the eerie song surrounding me. It’s making me weaker in the dark. I saw the figure waving

    Aioai | Theme

    Health 001/100
    Mana 100/100
    Status Emotionally wrecked; mentally conflicted: Bleeding

    Does it matter?
    Won't it matter?
    No. Not really.
    Placing each palm within the snow, she sat up before digging her heels into the stained snow, standing up straight as the snow flakes one by one, group by group, slide off her body. At the moment, that moment where he used himself as a shield, no doubt she had an expression of shock if not concern or scared for his sake—Embedded into her mind, like the scars on her wrists, the both action of protection and sound of pain would remain as a perfect memory; good and bad, as scar could be both good and bad. As she moved to her feet, she heard Kateri express her concerns and worry over her father as Aioai couldn’t find a single word to say, infact, her expression couldn’t be found and whatever she had expressed became empty and dismissed, leaving nothing more than blankness across her face—Even avoiding looking anywhere near the new, inside she felt some type of way, and no doubt it was a horrible feeling. Everything she came in contact with dead or simply felt pain.. So.. She felt like it was her fault, she wanted to be friendly, but she knew, or felt like she knew that it was all her fault and her luck, that was nothing more than a ‘curse’. As words even came to address her, she found herself speaking without the slightest form of emotion in her voice—Which was assumed emotionally and mentally disconnecting one’s self from ideal trauma or something that could emotionally overload her. “No.. I am fine.” Cutting the man off, she almost seemed a bit rude, but in actuality, she felt so many types of ways, if she more likely looked to him, it’ll show through her eyes—Turning her body away, ideally her back faced both Niyol and Kateri, her eyes looking over to the blown and dead bodies laid to the snow as if some war zone.

    This twist.. This turn.. Her mind.. Her thoughts.. bloody blurred pictures and faces bagged; unfamiliar in appearance.. But familiar in taste—Nightmare after nightmare, but it was all called reality and actuality. A moment of pause to locate some type of ease, her mind was trapped within a factor unlocked by Niyol, she couldn’t understand, she can’t understand—No. She refused to understand, but.. She couldn’t find herself being narrow-minded, it wasn’t allowed.. She could act it, but she’ll never be it. Trailing on the snow, the dancing water underneath the ice bodies drained towards Aioai’s feet—Ringing out the coat, the black jacket offered to her, the flakes fell in slow as she thought by not trying to think. Yet, something felt a miss and she hasn’t really dropped her guard, as her eyes looked to the ground below—Water to Ice, ice to water and before her lips could part, her body could even move. She couldn’t hear.. She couldn’t connect.. She felt alone.. But Niyol and Kateri were only a few feet away—So.. Alone.. So distant.. So desolated.. And it hit her. The forming eyes below her feet, the moist snow that appeared in a puddle.. She realized it. It was a warning and as soon as this warned.. It happened. An idiot..

    Emerging faster than her own body could move, the instinct reaction allowed her right hand to cover her eyes—Blink not once, her nightlit eye of the left stared between the index and middle, eyeing the formed creature. It was so quick.. Alot faster than her body could keep up or rather her mind and body.. Cold with the felt of ever-so emptiness, the numbed pain embedding through the center of her palm called her hand to lock and intertwined with the fingers and hand of something cold and massive in size, a hand far more monstrous than the frail and gentle hands she had—An ice made knife through her hand, her instinctual reaction allowed her hand to simply guard her face, almost as if she knew the head was where it desired to attack.. No doubt, she had been through this aspects of fighting for life more than once. Yet, as her hand locked with the creature’s whom stabbed it, another source of pain was felt in her torso and the loud sounds of ripping flesh—Torn and ripped within a twisting motion, an icy drill embedded into her chest. It was organized and fluent.. and simultaneous, the creature attacked her within a moment of unsureness, a moment where her mentality attempted to find an answer to something she couldn’t understand or comprehend—Mentally forcing a barrier between reality and her mind, clouding between the two that no doubt would end within her own death, but the creature simply didn’t know..

    No doubt, to the other two it appeared simple before them—A creature popped up from water and formed into ice, stabbing her simultaneously through the left hand aimed to the face and drilling into her torso. Breaking the icy breeze held to silence, a smooth and gentle voice spoke—Held to the words define ‘Divine’, ‘alluring’ and ‘enchanting’, the voice and it’s tone didn’t hold any sense of pain. Instead the words connect reality to mentality, the state of her mind and her disability to understand—Both her inner fear of getting others hurt and relationship, the ideal of losing someone whom she cared about. The ceasing circular motion of the drill allowed these words to be heard. “It still kills me..” Curling off her lips stained in flickering silver, the dim paint dripping off her lip—Coursing up her severed spine, the echoing pain of a drill turned, it’s rough ice-sharped edges ripping through the upper torso, into the chest passed the ribcage, through the ‘lungs’ and partially through the ‘heart’ with the stained silver point of the crystal ice drill dipping; glitter and silver painting the snow below their feet—The creature and Aioai.  

    Humming through the air, the movement of an arm and the singing sound of a shape blade; motioning between the fingers of a steady hand—Two movements of her hand, flying towards the two arms and another motioned to the neck of the creature, a shine through the air. “Still dreaming..” Muzzled by the sound of her voice, the blade offered to her severed the arm drilled within her chest and the wrist that stabbed an ice blade within her palm—Fluent and clear movements, the strength used was complemented the reliability of the blade. The first motion of her hand holding the weapon given to her by Niyol, the blade severed the elbow area of the drill within her chest and, within the same slash severed the wrist of the arm that stabbed into her palm—Second in motion, the second swing was nothing more than her stabbing the blade into the creature’s neck, than pulling it and turning it like clockwork, beheading the creature. “The cold.. The light.. The fear.. Returning.”  Upon her hand returning to her hand, the one with the sword, the body started to fall apart, melting into nothing more than water and snow—Draining out of the hole in her chest, was more snow than water, as for her hand, only water drained out.

    “Emptiness surrounds nothing again..”
    Upon the creature being slain, it appeared it had many many more guests circling around the group—Trailing her index finger of the left hand along her lips, as her thumb trailed against her chin; cleaning the silvery blood that glitter in vein within the light. Tilting her head down to the ground, her eyes stared to water mixed within the silvery liquid known as her blood. Where her blood came in contact with her golden heels, the silver turned to black—As her blood only turns to black when it comes into anything without magic object wise or lifeless; water being a sign of ‘life’, thus why it silver-glimmered within the light.

    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Challenge Accepted! Empty Re: Challenge Accepted!

    Post by Azurius Tade 8th March 2016, 8:37 pm

    error filled Kateri's eyes as she saw it... the thing flying out the water with Aioai as its target. It forged a blade from its hand and aimed for Aioai's face, and using skill, or sheer dumb luck Aioai blocked it with her hand. She took a good portion of damage from it, but not as much as she would have taken if it slammed her in the skull. This joy however was short lived as a second blade came out, impaling Kateri's adopted mother in the chest and drilling. Had this been any other time... any other form of wound, Kateri would marvel at the blood since it was a beautiful and very abnormal color for blood. "SHADOW!" Kateri shouted seconds before an enormous blast of orange, draconic energy slammed down on the opponents coming at the rear, towards Aioai's front. A black creature, covered in scales with leathery wings, though not containing the classic visage of this world's dragons shot down, wrapping its massive body around Aioai. From the inside, it would be dark and Aioai wouldn't see the large beast breathing fire and melting the attackers. "Dad, I need you to funnel them in!" She shouted with a concerned tone. "Take care of mom, I'll handle the enemy!" she shouted afterwards, more of an order than an option. Kateri would be seen with several black and blue magic circles at her finger tips, followed by the tank lurching and rolling itself next to Kateri. She then outstretched her hands and said "Ice-130!" with a strong, affirmative voice that caused a massive magic circle to appear behind her accompanied by a large air craft. The tank was positioned in the middle of the craft with its machine gun facing forwards, and Kateri took her stance on top the left side. The man who'd rode with her realized his only method of survival was fighting, and he stood up with his staff in hand ready to do just that.

    Kateri had seen her mother die before, she held onto that pain for years before finally finding Niyol to take her in. She kept the pain in her heart even beyond that, right up till she'd become the Ace of Seas in Lamia Scale. What changed with that was Kateri having killed the same monster that killed her mom, and finally getting the closure she needed. She would wait for her father to do something and make a type of funnel, placing all the enemies in her line of fire. Once that happened, the enemy would see that you can't kill a mage from the Tribe of Souls with mere numbers... no, you needed true power to stop them. Kateri pulled out her HUD and pressed several icons on the screen, calling in a predator missile to blast the ground in the distance behind her where Shadow was fighting. The frozen terrain took up the entire path, but left the forests open. Another spell was activated when Kateri loaded a ball of ice in a rocket launcher she pulled from her back, firing the round into the air and then targeting the forests. A third attack would be caused by a magic circle appearing in the sky, sending a large missile down that split off into ten smaller missiles. Kateri, having mastered this spell, controlled the missiles to explode in a near perfect circle around her, Shadow, and Niyol to make a type of pseudo barrier. The only open area for the enemy to easily enter was directly in front her....

    Enemies began pouring through the entrance as expected, Kateri's tank began unloading rounds into them firing in two second bursts with one second intervals to let its barrels warm back up. In perfect sync with the tank, firing when the tank ceased, the Ice-130 fired its multitude of machine guns to cover. Meanwhile, Kateri would create thousands upon thousands of tiny spikes of ice and fire them at around twenty five spikes per second, or half the fire rate of her summon's guns. The man who'd come to regret accepting the ride had mimicked Kateri's ability and fired much in the same fashion. Shadow had uncloiled himself from Aioai, allowing light to renter her world, looking down on her momentarily the words "Znam nekoliko dragonkin . Nećeš umreti ovde , ćerka senki ." escaped him, though his mouth didn't move at all. Shadow spread his massive, four hundred foot wingspan and his teeth began glowing in every possible color. A blast of many colors would fly from his mouth and open a path in the wall of bodies that began piling up, letting more targets enter the death zone.

    The joy was soon to be short lived as enemies began pouring through the walls of ice Kateri had made, a sense of impending doom overcame her but didn't stop her onslaught...

    WC: 2,795
    Out of 3,133

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Challenge Accepted! Empty Re: Challenge Accepted!

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 8th March 2016, 9:19 pm

    iyol saw it, the scene, the world in slow motion as Aioai was mortally wounded. Kateri quickly shut down the invasion long enough for Niyol to come to his senses. He spun around, sending a wave of blue and black energy and impacting hundreds of enemies as they all ran into it, and then the gunfire, and died immediately. Niyol had siphoned the energy from their souls and healed himself. Niyol took a deep breath and walked over to Shadow, asking him to let him pass while he had an unlimited supply of souls. The beast uncoiled and spoke to Aioai in a foreign tongue before taking the fight to the front and leaving the two alone. Niyol stepped forwards, grabbing Aioai by the wrist and staring at her eyes deeply with intent. "Please, don't forgive me." he said with a calm voice before jerking her inwards, pressing his lips to her and moving his left arm behind her back and directly over the wound. He kept the hand over it without touching the silver blood coated area. His tongue was inserted into her mouth, tasting of blood and something sweet... honey? He didn't focus on it for too long before dark blue energy flowed around the two of them, a pair of massive ten foot wide wings materialized, both pure black and coated in a crimson aura as they wrapped around her. Niyol, through his lips transferred a portion of his very soul to Aioai. Through his body, now firmly pressed to hers with his right arm wrapping around her body, laying virtically on the back of her shoulder, would serve to keep her from simply pushing him away more of his soul would be transferred. Through the kiss alone, Niyol used his own soul to repair the damage and remove any bits of the weapon from Aioai's body. More of his soul poured through the hand elevated over the back of her heart, repairing her spine, restoring the synovial fluid, replenishing all tissue, cartilage, bone, and then covering it up with true flesh. Meanwhile, much further up, Niyol's eyes had instinctively closed as his tongue danced in her mouth. He found himself strangely addicted to the taste she had, not the honey, certainly not the blood... but... something made him want to keep going even when the spell would finish in a few moments. He continued tying not one, not two, but three knots of a cherry stem with his tongue inside her mouth, pulling himself closer as time continued and the spell's healing intensified.

    Blue energy swirled immeasurably strong around the two, and soon subsided as Niyol pulled away. The healing so perfect even the blood she spilled had been restored. A string of saliva connected their mouths, soon breaking and slowly disappearing as Niyol separated further with a crimson face. It was then he saw more enemies pouring through, having no time to formally apologize if that were her first kiss. "Stand..." he said with a calm voice, despite being as flustered as physically possible. Twelve pillars arranged themselves fifteen meters from Niyol as though they were the numbers on a clock. "Dance, Tamashi Reitoko." he said causing the pillars to all dissipate in a spiraling blast of white metallic powder that resembled a snow geyser. The massive barrage, the avalanche of metal began encircling the group rapidly. "Render." Niyol said, causing a massive wave of energy to shoot inwards from the walls of the attack. Enemies began pouring in still, many being absolutely decimated by the wall itself and their corpses piling at the edges. Kateri looked around in amazement at the power her father had been hiding from her. A blade then appeared in his hand and all enemies who hadn't died from the wall would begin being assaulted by apparitions that looked exactly like Niyol except all were entirely white, right down to their hair, eyes, and the insides of their mouths. Thousands of them appeared and disappeared immediately and soon, all the enemies ceased entering the fray and had either died or fled. Niyol counted the bodies, and all the strongest had been killed... only the weakest would survive this day. A wave of healing came over the area, restoring health and soul energy to Niyol to replenish the bits of his soul he'd given to Aioai. The avalanche disappeared as well, and Niyol's face was still bright crimson as he avoided eye contact with his 'Lady Nightstray' for fear he may go back for seconds.

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 330/330
    WC: 3,908
    Out of 3,133

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 3:39 pm