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    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]


    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Guest 15th October 2015, 9:01 pm

    Job Description:

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget


    Kuro had not been outside of the continent of Fiore before but she supposed there was a first time for everything. Even Rune Knights had to help out neighboring countries from time to time. In response to that thought Kuro glanced at the job description again reading if for the hundredth time as she waited the airship. The client had sent this ship for the mage willing to take on the challenge of dealing with her chaotic wardrobe and well life. "What a strange world it is outside of Fiore." The Rune Knight mused as she sat. She had shown up early, far too early for the airship. She was a stickler for being on time and as a Rune Knight she believed that she had a certain image to uphold.

    Caught in her thoughts Kuro did not notice the salesman trying to catch her attention. Poor guy couldn't figure out that she couldn't hear him, or thought that she was just ignoring him. Once she heard the sound of footsteps Kuro finally turned her icy gaze onto the upset salesman. At first she could not decipher as to why he was so angry until he berated her for being rude. Realization dawned across her features, and quickly she looked around to make sure that no one she knew happened to be there. Turning her cold glare to the hot tempered man she pointed to her ears and then made an x with her hands.


    It was only half a life, she was voice deaf but not completely deaf. A curse that had been placed on her so that she could not hear any sounds produced by people. She could hear footsteps or a door shutting but a persons voice was elusive to her ears. It was something that bothered her to no end, and she made sure to hide it from her fellow Rune Knights. It would be hard to explain as to just how she found that curse cast upon her. Besides it wasn't as if she couldn't understand or decipher what people were saying. She was more than adept at reading lips, and she had various ways of communicating back.

    361 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 15th October 2015, 10:01 pm

    Lexa had made contact with her new contract, some lady who'd gone and screwed herself hard when trying to learn a new spell. More like, she used the spell before she'd learned it, and it worked in the worst ways. Without Taranis, Lexa would be alone on this venture. She'd contacted the woman ahead of time, much surprised to find her partner had gone and called for transportation to ferry Lexa to Seven. A sigh of relief that this one seemed civil, instead of expecting the mage to get there of her own accord. Granted she could just go there and come back at the speed of light, literally, it would be fun to take the long route.

    Upon entering the large ship, Lexa overheard loud yelling coming from one of the rooms. Following the sound, Lexa saw a girl who looked around her age, making a gesture at her ear with an 'X' letting him know she couldn't hear him. However, his yelling at the girl continued without relent. Lexa frowned and turned into pure light, reappearing mid air in a punching position. The speed behind her was enough to deliver a small hit, that would get the message across without killing the civilian. "She's deaf you stupid asshole!" she shouted with arms crossed over her chest. Lexa then turned to the person and gave her an extremely warm hug suddenly, backing up after the brief second and sat in the seat across from her. She shifted around, trying to find something to write on. A crumpled, but clean napkin tucked away in the fold of the seat would be her only option, so she sent energy into the magic circuits on her finger causing them to short out and heat up like any other circuit would. She wrote on the page, burning her message into it. Lexa would give the note to the girl, and perform a modest curtsy before sitting back down and smiling. The note written was 'My name's Alexandria Lexicus Grimoire, Lexa for short!'


    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Posts : 365
    Guild : Tartarus (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
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    Third Skill:

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by King Gil 15th October 2015, 10:15 pm


    even though i do bad things


    such horrible things

    At long last a job had come Gil's way, one that would take him far out of Fiore and away from his guild. They had always served to irritate him to no end, his guild members pushing all of his buttons in the wrong way. Of course, his guild mates were at fault but to some extent Gil was also in the wrong, not that he was capable of realizing just how difficult he was to get along with. The job itself sounded like a tedious one, some idiotic witch having screwed up a spell. "Not everyone can be a great mage like I am." The egotistical thought was accompanied with a smirk. The job was also in a different country, and his client was generous enough to provide the transportation.


    It took Gil sometime to travel from the distant grounds of Tartarus all the way to the airship docks. They were surprisingly busy bustling with mages and non-mages alike. "Gate C2 flight B2." He looked at the scrawl on the bottom of the job description along with the flight details. He still had a few minutes to spare before the airship was to arrive but he traveled towards the designated gate anyways. Much to his surprise yelling came from the general direction of the gate but when he arrived there was a rather dejected looking sales person and two girls. "Hmph!" The tall blonde narrowed his gleaming red eyes, leaning against a wall as far away from the others as possible. They must have been there for the next flight. There was no way that there was going to be others on the same flight with someone as great as himself.
    « tag: @Y'All // Words: 282 »


    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:

    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 15th October 2015, 10:55 pm

    Seikatsu decided having spent several days screwing around, meditating, practicing his sword technique, and screwing around some more; it would be a good idea to get out and do a job. Sneaking into a nearby guildhall, some minor guild called Dragon-Water, had a single job posted on their board. Looking at the job, it was actually the property of a different guild entirely. 'Not a very good guild...' Altsoba said to Seikatsu in his head. 'Indeed.' he replied as he tore the page from the wall. The job had a notice at the bottom that an airship would be leaving in a week or so. It took a few days, but Seikatsu had made it to the port more than early for the ship. Since the time to leave would be considerably later, the mage went and found a nice patch of area to relax in while he waited on the proper time to make it to the vessel. Meanwhile, he would snack on Taiyaki to stave off his hunger, or... satisfy a sweet tooth.

    On the day for the ship to take off, Seikatsu managed to make it just early enough to spot an old face entering the ship. "It appears I will have an ally." he said in a low, almost inaudible voice. 'That self-righteous pretty boy with that pathetic lizard?' Altsoba asked, detesting the man for his personality above all else. 'Indeed. But a meat shield is always valued.' he responded. Seikatsu walked up the gangplank to the airship and through the door, standing behind the tall male as he leaned against a wall to watch some guy looking at a tiny girl with a dumb look on his face. "It seems we're late to this celebration." Seikatsu said, standing a good six or so inches behind Gil, who's name he didn't know, hoping the man would move aside so he can take a seat. "~static~ This is your captain speaking, we'll be taking off for Seven in a few minutes, please find your seats." a voice called on the intercoms.

    HP: 300
    MP: 112%

    +2% MP Regen
    Can Store max +50% MP
    Legendary/Strong(+) Weapons: +10% Base MP

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Guest 16th October 2015, 6:15 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    The man who was apparently too stupid to realize what she was trying to say continued his yelling. Just as Kuro was about to arrest him for disturbing the peace as well as harassing her, another had stepped in. The blonde girl gave the man a brutal punch. Kuro's icy blue eyes widened standing from her seat, in a defensive position. She wasn't able to catch the girl's lips to see what she had said, but next thing Kuro knew the girl who had punched the sales person was suddenly hugging her. The dark haired mage grit her teeth, not one to have her personal space invaded by a complete stranger, one who was willing to punch a civilian, "A Fairy Tail mage perhaps?" She was half tempted to try and arrest the girl then and there but considering she had done Kuro a favor she was willing to overlook it for now.

    Straightening out her appearance the female Rune Knight looked up just as a note was transcribed to her. She glanced it over, somewhat amazed that the blonde was able to burn a message into paper with nothing but her fingertips. It was a sweet gesture, not many took that much time out of their day just to communicate with Kuro. Biting her lip in thought Kuro decided to keep her ability to read lips a secret for now, and instead played along with the act. Not one to simply show her magic to others, Kuro instead pulled a pen, feather and all out of her bag. In a neat cursive scrawl she wrote her name on the paper before showing it to the blonde,

    "Kuro. Pleasure to meet you."

    The airship had arrived by then and already two men, one rather suspicious looking and the other a handsome man had entered the airship. "Odd I thought it was a private flight. Oh well." She didn't think much of it, not realizing just yet that the other three were also mages who happened to find themselves on this job.

    361 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 16th October 2015, 7:01 pm

    Lexa saw the girl writing on the paper with a rather fancy looking pen. The note came back to Lexa who took it gently, it read 'Kuro. Pleasure to meet you.' causing Lexa's eyes to shimmer, looking like a sea's surface on a sunny day as she formed a large smile at having made a new friend. She heard a pair of men at the entrance. She sprang up with a quick jump and ran over to the first, a very tall one with hair similar to her own, quickly jumping to hug him. Afterwards she immediately transitioning to hugging the shorter, but still very tall, man behind him. She gave a few quick skips to stand in front the two, twirling to face them with a bright and generous smile on her face. She gave a polite curtsy, "Alexandria Lexicus Grimoire!" She announced, her voice sounding like a very young child instead of a true adult. She then straightened out, holding her hands behind her back with her still generous smile "You can call me Lexa!" she announced with glee. "That pretty girl over there is... umm..." she hesitated to remember the name, quickly pulling out the paper from earlier. "Kuro! Her name's Kuro, looks like we're gonna be working together the lot of us!" She said, showing no signs of remorse for forgetting a name so quickly.

    Lexa skipped over to her seat, not bothering to buckle herself in, and looked out the window. Her knees were resting on the seat, with her hand propped against the glass so she could get a look outside while the airship was taking off. The joy in her eyes were a dead give away that she loved being in the air, and that she was truly a child at heart.


    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 365
    Guild : Tartarus (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by King Gil 16th October 2015, 9:30 pm


    even though i do bad things


    such horrible things

    The blonde hardly noticed as a familiar figured approached, and even when the man had spoke Gil hardly gave a reaction. It would appear that his attention was not something that could easily be grasped unless of course he was riled enough or flattered enough. A sudden announcement had pulled him from his thoughts, at last they'd be boarding the ship and Gil would be farther from Tartarus for what he saw as an extended vacation. Just as he was about to board the ship a sudden weight crashed into him and the almost unpleasant feeling of arms wrapped about him in what one might call an embrace. Gil wasn't exactly the most affectionate being, and his personal space bubble was a rather large one. He only permitted the most beautiful beings to be within his presence, and even though only a select few had the privilege of touching him. To have someone hug him without his permission was unheard of and it made a foul grimace appear on his visage.

    The high pitched voice of the girl only served to add salt to the wound, "How rude." He sneered and brushed himself off as if she might be carrying some sort of disease, the girl had at least detached herself from him moving on to hug- well, to hug a man that Gil would pretend he did not know. "It's just a coincidence that he's here on this job." Things were beginning to seem rather hectic, all of them on the same ship. A mage in which Gil had interacted with only once before but his strength was note worthy, a boisterous young girl that had introduced herself as Lexa, and a- "Rune Knight." His red gaze flickered to the obvious emblem upon the dark haired girl's hand. All of them together on one small private airship, it couldn't be that they were all there for the same reason?
    « tag: @Y'All // Words: 320 »


    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:

    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 16th October 2015, 10:02 pm

    The warmth of a kind embrace christened Seikatsu's waist as the small, near child-like being had held him for little more than a brief second before trotting several paces away. She introduced herself, as bearing a rather eloquent name, but asked to be addressed with a quite informal one. Before the man could respond, the small person had already skipped merrily to her seat, next to a person she'd introduced by the name of Kuro. A woman dressed in a very professional manner approached him, as the man in front Seikatsu had simply went to sit alone, and stated "Please sir, take your seat before the ship takes off. It can be quite a bumpy ride, and we'd be very distraught if one of our valued passengers fell and injured themselves." with a very earnest voice. Seikatsu met her gaze, her body tensing up as the demonic scars riddling his body began glowing with a crimson and black, smoky aura. He nodded in agreement, but first walked up to the two girls. Seikatsu gave a slight polite, oriental bow and rose back to a straight standing position while looking at the two of them. "I am Niyol, of the Tribe of Souls. I did not expect to be blessed with partners, but the mother does not reveal such small details to me. I will be greatly honored to be at your sides Lady Grimoire, and Lady Kuro." he said in a very level, almost monotoned voice. Seikatsu's eyes were naturally a dark purple, but were dull, dead looking, and seemed as if he were piercing your soul; such a look gave little insight as to Seikatsu's mood, so whether or no he were lying, or telling the truth to the girls would remain ambiguous. He looked at the mark on Kuro's hand, 'Rune Knight.' he thought to himself. 'Watch out, she'll probably arrest you if you sit down incorrectly.' Altsoba jested with Seikatsu. 'No, they're not so vein. I'd have to sit wrong, and be breathing too soft for her to arrest me.' he joked back, the two entities seldomly got along, but both shared a dislike of the magic council, and the councils favorite puppets. If the guilds were the council's left hands, the hand they use to jerk off Fiore, then the Rune Knights were the right hand that they used to jerk themselves. He gave a final courteous bow before turning away to go sit at a table in the far corner of the ship that had a map of seven for him to study.

    HP: 300
    MP: 114%

    +2% MP Regen
    Can Store max +50% MP
    Legendary/Strong(+) Weapons: +10% Base MP

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Guest 16th October 2015, 10:35 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    After having given her name to Lexa, the blonde seemed almost too happy at such a simple thing as an exchange of names. Luckily, the strange girl did not go to maul Kuro a second time. Lexa was a rather energetic looking girl with an apparently short attention span. Letting loose a sigh of relief now that the blonde had turned her attention to the two approaching men, Kuro took the time to put away her pen. The two men only caught Kuro's attention for a moment, one of them significantly more suspicious than the other but Kuro knew better than to trust someone just because they were attractive. Besides the blonde male had a rather arrogant look about him did not bode well with Kuro who unfortunately had her own vain streak.


    The airship wasn't particularly large but it was just large enough for all of them to board. It still had yet to dawn on Kuro that these strange people, the only other one's aboard the ship, were all going to be her job partners. It was going to be a let down for sure considering that Kuro believed that she alone could handle such a silly matter. Out of the corner of her eye that suspicious figure from earlier had approached her, and her blonde haired companion that eagerly sat next to her. He gave the two a bow before speaking not that Kuro could hear a single word but she could read his lips, not that he or the girl next to her knew of that. "Partners?" Her head tilted to the side, everything take a moment to click. That meant that the three others that had boarded this airhsip as well were... The Rune Knight frowned for no apparent reason or at least one that the others would not be able to pick up on.

    361 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 16th October 2015, 10:48 pm

    Lexa was too busy looking out the window to catch the man's introduction, but did hear certain parts of it. she picked up on the frown on Kuro's face out the corner of her eye, but decided to draw no attention to it. The airship had taken off, but was moving a lot slower than Lexa was used to. Lexa, who was able to move at the speed of light, didn't like long journeys like this when there was nothing to do. The only other girl wizard on the ship was deaf, and Lexa couldn't write as fast as she could talk, and there was little emotion in writing. One of the men wanted to be a jerk and horde himself in his own little world of arrogance, and the other seemed a bit uptight, being the one who stuck to a map instead of interacting with people. It'd been a few hours and according to the lacrima screen that displayed the air ship's current position, they were halfway to Seven... only halfway. "This is boring." Lexa said as she jumped from her seat and took a few steps back, facing the window. A smile went across her face seconds before she ran at the window and burst into pure light, reforming on the other side and allowing herself to fall. While falling, Lexa activated the circuits on her back, causing a pair of white, feathery wings to appear with blue circuit markings on them. Lexa's magic circuits were all alight now, causing her arms to look like a fleshy motherboard as she continued falling. She angled her wings, immediately changing direction to flying upwards, and then leveled out to fly beside the air ship. Passing Kuro's window, Lexa waved with a childish smile on her face before speeding up again to try and catch up to some birds that flew a bit ahead of the ship.


    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 365
    Guild : Tartarus (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by King Gil 17th October 2015, 4:39 pm


    even though i do bad things


    such horrible things

    Numerous complaints were raised forth within the blonde's head. Luckily, none of those within the rather tight airship had to hear them just yet. The seat wasn't comfortable enough, the cabin was too warm, and the airship wasn't to his standards. Those of course were just his complains about the ship itself, he had countless others to accompany that set of complaints. One of them being his dislike of suddenly acquiring not one but three partners for a job in which he had believed to be completing on his own. "What a terrible combination of people." Another complaint of his, he disliked all of his current partners, and would have taken even Nai over them in a heartbeat. Yet just thinking of the name, Nai, made a rather unpleasant image of his dark haired guild mate come to mind. Perhaps he wouldn't have so readily agreed to having Nai be his partner instead.

    The fact that Niyol had gone as far as to introduce himself to the two girl's even referring to them as "Lady" this or "Lady" that, Gil did not receive the same courtesy. Though the two of them had met before Gil would have loved nothing more than to hear someone refer to him as "Sir Gil" a title that brought a smirk to his lips. Then of course the take off of the ship was more than unpleasant and Gil was quick to move away from the window seat deciding that he did not like the view. The ride was even worse, the blonde girl seemed to be rather antsy, and the others on the ship were hardly worth Gil's attention. Finally, halfway through the blonde had disappeared from the ship only to reappear flying outside of it. "How annoying." He had half hoped that she had fallen to her death but now was a good time to study his partners magics. He already had a general idea of Niyol's, Lexa's was strange, and the dark haired girl remained a silent mystery that Gil would still complain about because she had yet to give him an ounce of her attention.
    « tag: @Y'All // Words: 354 »


    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:

    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 17th October 2015, 5:38 pm

    Studying the map, Seikatsu was able to get a good idea of exactly where this ship would be taking the quad of mages. Evidently, they would be dropped off in a town near their clients' home, and a vehicle would be waiting to take them to the location of their task. Accompanying the map was a detailed list of what their opponents would be. The smaller items; clocks, radios, lamps and such items were at the top of the list. They were described as old trinkets, odds and ends from different places, but the client said it'd be fine to destroy them as she had a spell to fix it. The next set of larger furniture; chairs, tables, counters, and such that are a bit sturdier than her little trinkets. The description said the spell seemed to increase their speed as well... something that seemed out of place since the average speed of furniture was zero meter per second... Next was a wardrobe, another piece of furniture but for some reason wasn't included with the others. Reading further, it evidently shoots out magical clothing as a projectile. Finally was a tiger, in the commotion her pet seems to have been slammed with a bit of magic causing it to go insane. 'It should be preferable to not kill it Niyol.' Altsoba said. 'Duly noted, an attempt at salvation will be prioritized.' he replied in his head. He began cleaning his two blades, as the group had a few hours before landing, and he wanted to keep the two swords as pristine as possible. However, he was interrupted by the sound of laughter coming from outside the air ship, the source was the young girl flying about. His expression remained the same, lifeless, plain and uninterested look as always as he questioned how in Lexa'd managed to get out the ship without alerting the worker...

    HP: 300
    MP: 116%

    +2% MP Regen
    Can Store max +50% MP
    Legendary/Strong(+) Weapons: +10% Base MP

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Guest 18th October 2015, 11:16 am

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    The flight was uneventful save for when the blonde girl next to her suddenly burst up from her seat, startling Kuro out of her light slumber. The way the blonde's body was angled cued Kuro as to what she was planning. Blue eyes widened, her fingertips just brushed against the girl's sleeve until she had....disappeared from the plane? Jumping from her seat as well Kuro dashed to the window scanning the clear skies until she saw the girl....flying. For a moment or two the quiet mage watched almost in fascination before she frowned as the girl waved at her. With more force than necessary the Rune Knight shut the blinds to the window before returning to her seat with an annoyed huff of air. Could Lexa be anymore irresponsible? She sat in anger for a little while, foot tapping against the floor before she was once more lulled back into the promise of a light sleep.


    The rough landing of the airship awoke the Rune Knight, icy eyes flying open, and her body tensing as if for combat. It took her a few groggy glanced about the ship to realize that nothing had happened. Once they had safely docked, the dark haired girl arose from her seat. She stretched her arms high above her head, making a tiny noise as she stretched. Then a few startling loud pops ran up her back. The sound might have been unpleasant to others but to Kuro the sound itself was nice and the feeling was nothing but bliss. Her constant tenseness often found its way into the muscles of her back and thus the mage could constantly crack it. Stepping off of the airship she cracked her knuckles to, this one was more a habit than a necessity but that sound was also a calming one to her. Besides she had the hands of a make mage, long elegant fingers like a pianist, and the tenseness in her fingers was because of her craftsmanship.

    338 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

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    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 18th October 2015, 4:08 pm

    Lexa enjoyed flying around with the large birds, most of which gave her fairly confused looks as the average human didn't come equipped with wings. She continued flying around for the duration of the airships' flight, only landing after she'd noticed it was landing. She waited for the vessel to finish is landing before she went down, getting impacted by a jet stream on the way down, her wings shuddered and the gale knocked her against the side of the airship. Her wings were dispersed immediately, having been the only thing preventing her from taking damage but sent her hurdling towards the ground. She'd noticed a tall, blond haired individual as she fell and placed her arms in front her face. Unfortunately for her, Lexa's Silent Circuits prevented her from making any sounds and she'd completely forgotten to scream for him to move out the way. Lexa felt her arms impact something, and she began rolling forwards stopping with her sitting on her knees. She began rubbing her head, trying to connect the dots as to what she'd just impacted, not quite sure if Gil had a type of spidey sense that let him move out of the way in time. The girl looked back to the group to see if Gil was hit by her falling, or if he was able to dodge in time.


    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

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    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by King Gil 18th October 2015, 9:51 pm


    even though i do bad things


    such horrible things

    Despite Gil's myriad of complaints he had at least managed to doze off while on the plain. It was a light sleep, one that he had managed to induce by asking, more like demanding one of the flight attendants to give him some alcohol. He might have made it through the flight sober if not for the blonde suddenly jumping from the airship and not falling to her death. It was such an utter disappointment that he had to drink his sorrows away. Just as he was beginning to fall into a deeper slumber the airship gave a horrible lurch that made his eyes fly open, and his hands grip his armrests so tightly that he might have left indents on it. By no means was he afraid of heights, Gil was incapable of fear, and being almost cat like he enjoyed high places. Yet cats weren't exactly meant to fly, and neither was Gil.


    "Ugh what a nightmare." He suppressed a groan as he forced himself off of the ship. Somehow despite wanting to throw up he had still managed to at least appear confident and unaffected by the whole thing. His temporary companions all seemed to be rather unaffected by the flight, one of the being especially chipper. That idiotic, accursed flying one had done something stupid that he had just managed to catch out of the corner of his eye. Through a series of unfortunate of events the blonde girl was hurdling towards him and not being one to take a hit, even if meant that he'd be catching her in the process Gil did what he had wanted to do from the start. Snatching a well placed and long forgotten bag of some poor passenger Gil swung with all his might using the luggage as a shield to reflect the female mage away from him.
    « tag: @Y'All // Words: 309 »


    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:

    Ninetails Derpfox

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    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 19th October 2015, 5:53 am

    Seikatsu didn't mind the ride, while a bit jumpy at times he was accustomed to flying. Upon getting off the airship, he'd noticed Gil throwing a bag at something that fell from the sky, sending the small being a good distance away. He looked at Gil with his dull, dead looking purple eyes and deduced that he was unharmed. He then walked over to the girl who'd introduced herself as 'Lexa' and held out a hand to help her up as she rubbed her head. "Perhaps it would be best to keep your feet on the ground Lady Grimoire." he said with a monotoned voice, portraying no emotions. After helping the small girl get to her feet, he walked on wards and collected his weapons from the vessels' attendant and gently slid the blades into the sash around his waist. A short car ride would take the group of mages to the residence of their contractor, Hilda. The mage would be waiting outside wearing a short red dress with black trimming, her bust peeking through the top of it revealing a good bit of cleavage. She wore a black pointed hat that had a trimming around the brim to match her dress. In one hand she held her wand, keeping it pointed to the ground. The woman sprang up upon seeing the mages, immediately running towards them. Seikatsu was walking in front the group, having been the last one in the car he was the first one out. The she-mage attempted to jump into giving him a hug while crying tears of joy, but being surprised when he stepped aside and let her trip, falling on top of the smallest of their group. He said nothing to the woman, but rather stared at her as she laid on top of the small blonde girl, who was wriggling and writhing under her breasts. His eyes gave no sign of feeling remorse over the event. "So that's what an elf is..." he stated in a half-intrigued voice.

    HP: 300
    MP: 118%

    +2% MP Regen
    Can Store max +50% MP
    Legendary/Strong(+) Weapons: +10% Base MP

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Guest 19th October 2015, 6:35 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    "So unprofessional."

    The dark haired mage's nose crinkled as the young girl had landed none to gracefully a few feet away from her. The other blonde mage had seemingly struck the other girl, or at least defended himself from Lexa's abrupt landing. The only one on the trip thus far that had conducted themselves in a rather professional manner was the hooded figure but he was less than sociable. Kuro could only pray that three of them had some semblance of combat ability.


    The car ride was a short and rather awkward one, the four of them pressed into the back of the car. Kuro had been the unlucky one to be wedged in between the two blonde mages. Despite not being a touchy person, she had practically melded herself to Lexa, the male beside her having pressed himself into the door so as to avoid physical contact with Kuro, apparently their feelings about one another were mutual. The overwhelming about of disgust and arrogance emanating from the two of them was almost comedic. At least the car ride was a short one, and the moment Gil had opened the door Kuro was quick to leap out after him.

    "Ah-" Kuro turned her icy gaze towards Hilda, the elf woman was without a doubt their client, the ears and the hat a dead give away. She had wanted to give a proper introduction to the woman but by the time she had made her way about the car, Hilda was embracing Lexa upon the ground, seemingly suffocating the girl in her absurdly large bust. Instinctively, her own hands grasped at the fabric over her own rather average sized chest, a vein almost bursting in agitation. "STAHP THAT!" It was perhaps the first time that she had spoken on the trip, her voice, a voice she hadn't heard in years was further proof of her "deafness". Her words were awkward sounding, trying her best to be lady like but their was little to no volume control as if she had forgotten how to, and certain vowels got mixed up simply because she forgot what they sounded like. All in all, it was at least enough to gain the elf woman's attention but in a rather negative way as she had suddenly sprung at Kuro wrapping her in a more than loving embrace.

    391 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

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    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 19th October 2015, 7:09 pm

    The force of the large breasts wasn't what cause Lexa's flailing under the woman, but rather they were so large they were suffocating her. It was only after Kuro yelled 'STAHP THAT!' though her voice was a bit off. Her words were slightly wrong, showing that she had been deaf for quite some time. Lexa was just glad the melons had been lifted from her face. Lexa gave a displeased look to the shirtless mage, as it was his fault that she was assaulted in the first place. However, Lexa noticed that the elf was now attacking Kuro. She quickly jumped in the air while spinning, sending her knee into the witch's side, causing her to flop to the side. She then grabbed hold of Kuro, holding her like a scared child held their eldest sibling. She pressed her face into Kuro's stomach, which gave notice of exactly how short Lexa was, while saying "Thank you nee-san!!!" with a shaky voice. It was then that she remembered Kuro couldn't hear a thing she was saying, and her arms loosened as the sadness set in eventually allowing her arms to drop entirely. Lexa backed up slowly, the tears falling from her chin and calling small circles on the ground to appear. "Ow-ow-ow... you're a strong little girl, you really shouldn't hit people..." the ditzy elf said to Lexa, who was beginning to walk away. Lexa already knew the mission, and was no longer in a happy mood so she simply decided to go get to work.


    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

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    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by King Gil 19th October 2015, 8:16 pm


    even though i do bad things


    such horrible things

    The only bit of satisfaction that Gil had was just how pleasant he had felt after watching Lexa go flying into the dirt twice that day. The first time being at his hands, and the second time was because of their oh so voluptuous client. It was not enough to make up for his sour mood. The car ride was bumpy and he didn't care for the Rune Knight he had been stuck sitting next to. The entire ride he had to crane his neck away from her, to hide the crimson bark that felt as if it was burning upon his neck. By no means was he afraid of the little Rune Knight, he simply didn't want more trouble than necessary. The job was already too much of a hassle as is and complicating it further with their conflicting factions was not on Gil's agenda. Scratching at the back of his neck before pulling at the hood of his coat so it would hide his neck, Gil sent a glance of warning at Seikatsu as if to say,

    "Don't say anything."

    The elven woman despite her charming appearance was far too...Energetic? For someone such as Gil. The male had already had a taste or perfection, and this client was far from it. "Let's get this over with." He commanded to no one in particular as he followed after Lexa, neither of the blondes seeming particularly enthralled. He could only imagine what state of disarray the woman's house might be in.
    « tag: @Y'All // Words: 252 »


    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:

    Ninetails Derpfox

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    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 19th October 2015, 9:01 pm

    The blonde woman brushed herself off, making a final attempt to hug Seikatsu but ending up with the tip of a pure white blade pointed between her eyes. Logic setting in on the woman, she stopped in place and backed away. "I'm here to put an end to things, not make friends. I have enough liabilities as is." he said with a cold tone before turning to the house and walking forwards. It wasn't very far before he'd seen a massive cluster of brooms flying out the house, all aiming directly for him and the other three. He took a few casual steps forwards, accidentally bumping one of the other mages on the shoulders as he passed. He gave no apology as his current priority was preventing them all from getting skewered. He gently pulled his Thorn of Betrayal out, a sword with a 6 inch dagger on the hilt, and a 3 foot long straight black blade. The blade had a single white line running near the spine, and three glowing blood colored jewels on each side of a protrusion that looked similar to the thorn of a rose bush. This protrusion was close to the guard of the weapon, and was possibly the sharpest part of the weapon. He flicked his wrist while saying "Reap" causing the blade to turn into a nine foot long scythe with two menacing heads on one side. The heads slid to the floor as Seikatsu slid his finger through the loop on the very end of the pole, using a few circular movements the weapon began spinning rapidly. The brooms were near the group now, approaching quite fast, but being torn to splinters as they all impacted the spinning weapon. Once the group of brooms had passed, he ceased the spinning of the weapon and continued looking forward as he said, "To whomever I touched not too long ago, I offer my sincerest apologies for intruding on your personal space." with a blank, emotionless voice that conveyed no sign of his words being as sincere as he wanted them to be.

    HP: 300
    MP: 130%

    +2% MP Regen
    Can Store max +50% MP
    Legendary/Strong(+) Weapons: +10% Base MP

    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] OdAaNwh , The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] OdAaNwh , The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] OdAaNwh

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Guest 19th October 2015, 9:38 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    Desperately she tried to claw the woman off of her, not relishing in her touch. "Disgusting." Busty women, especially such clingy and energetic one's, were nothing but annoying to Kuro. Perhaps it was just because she was slightly jealous with wanting to completely admit to it. Lexa had at least saved her from Hilda but then ended up embracing Kuro in her stead. Her touch was at least bearable, she imagined that a little sisters hug would feel similar but Lexa had quickly retracted from the Rune Knight looking almost....sad? "How moody." Unaware that she was the cause of Lexa's sudden sadness, Kuro gave a slight bow of her head to the elven woman, though her eyes remained fixed into their usual icy glare before taking off after the other two.

    "Ah!" She had been knocked aside by Seikatsu, not intentionally, and surely he didn't mean to bump into her with that much force but Kuro was fairly light weight. She had seemed irritated, giving him a look that would have killed, and if she was capable of speaking properly than she would have shared more than few words with him. However, a certain sound caught her ears, one that Kuro could actually hear seeing as it wasn't produced by a human. "Oh my." Her eyes widened in surprise at the horde of brooms that was fleeing from the house and coming straight towards them. She tried to scramble to her feet only to lose her balance in her panic, she thought that a broom might decapitate her at any second but Seikatsu had sliced down the first wave of them with ease. "What a suspicious weapon." Even after saving her life, or at least helping her Kuro still had managed to find a way to be suspicious of him. That and she didn't exactly want to be shown up.

    Another wave of brooms was fast approaching and this time Kuro dashed forward ahead of the ground, heading straight for the brooms. Once they were within in range Kuro snapped her fingers, creating a clean, and crisp sound that almost echoed. Five red crystals appeared in the shape of a star surrounding the brooms, and the ground beneath them was alight with a red magic circle. All of a sudden that brooms dropped hitting the ground. One didn't have to be within the field to at least recognize its neutralizing effects, and even from a distance a mage would feel the need to steer clear of the energy of the barrier.

    391 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

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    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 19th October 2015, 10:01 pm

    Lexa watched as the taller man used some sort of glorified gardening tool to rip apart a horde of brooms that came for them. Then as her big sister used some sort of magic draining barrier. Lexa figured it drained magic, or completely canceled it since the brooms that entered just dropped out of mid air. Still, more came after them, this time Lexa was the intended target. It seemed that the enchanted items knew why the mages had came, and weren't too happy with it. Still melancholy, Lexa didn't really feel like fighting and ended up doing nothing more than look at the ground, feeling sad that she couldn't properly talk to her sister. Standing at the left flank of the group of wizards, she paid no heed when ten of the brooms came in on her end. She simply put her hand to the left, saying "Reflect" with a somewhat depressed tone. At first, it looked like nothing was there as nothing happened, not even a bit of spatial distortion that was akin to this kind of magic. All of a sudden, when five of the brooms his he barrier at once a massive ripple of energy appeared, accompanied by a huge wave of energy rivaling the shockwave caused by a tank round. Her short, blonde hair flickered and whipped as the energy was expelled. All of a sudden, the brooms exploded into splinters and the wind stopped all together. Another small wave came from above Lexa, her only reaction was to place her right hand above her head, knowing exactly what would happen. Without saying a word, the first broom impacted something mere nanoseconds before the others causing the exact same thing to trigger, except this barrier was a bloody red color, mixed with light filtering in from the area. The five brooms all exploded into splinters just as the previous group. Finally, another group of ten came in from above, but arranged in a circular pattern that was fairly spaced out, showing they were sentient to a degree, trying to plot to avoid a possible third barrier. Lexa's magic circuits on her arms, as well as the rest of her body except the head and neck all began to glow brightly. Still, she didn't move or even bother looking up. The brooms were dangerously close, almost about to ram her when a flash occurred and the brooms fell to the ground in a single piece, all smoking. Still, Lexa's head stayed facing the ground, lost in thought as she tried to find some way to communicate with her slightly older sister.

    HP: 450/450
    MP: 90/100

    Reflect - 3 Posts
    Bright Flash - 3 Posts
    Gloves of Perdition - Next Encounter


    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

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    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by King Gil 20th October 2015, 3:52 pm


    even though i do bad things


    such horrible things

    The house wasn't too far away, Lexa being the closest one to it. They had yet to reach it when brooms, too many to count had come forth from it. Brooms of all shapes, sizes, and color were flying from the house, but there was one thing that all of the brooms had in common: Their malicious intent. "What the-" He grit his teeth together narrowly dodging one of the brooms that threatened to impale him. They were coming far too fast for him to properly summon a creature but a sudden glowing beneath his feet caught his attention. Five crystals had appeared about him, covering a rather large area and Gil was one of the unfortunate one's to have gotten caught in it. He felt....Suppressed and it was downright terrifying.

    At the least the brooms about the area had fallen to the ground, hitting the earth will dull thuds, and any that dared to enter the field had a similar reaction. He grunted not liking the feeling of having his magic repressed, it made him feel sick, and brought back memories of a time that he wished he could forget. He had managed to claw his way to the edge of the magic circle at least escaping its boundaries and relishing in the feeling of his magic flowing freely once more. He sent a sharp glare at the female mage that had cast the thing without properly thinking about him beforehand. Now that his magic was back up and running he raised a hand to the air a golden light appearing at his finger tips,

    "I command thee-"
    « tag: @Y'All // Words: 270 »


    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:

    Ninetails Derpfox

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    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 20th October 2015, 5:28 pm

    An additional wave of brooms came from the house, causing Seikatsu to question exactly how many brooms this woman kept in her house, and where she stored them all. He noticed an area that seemed to be volatile to stand in as it was littered with fallen brooms. He nonchalantly walked into the area, feeling something attempt to stop his magic but felt no reason to panic. He could still feel his own power, more than likely was that the negating effect was lesser than his own power so it held no effect on the man. He turned to face the brooms, not bothering to even move as the brooms entered the field and all began falling upon moving past a certain distance. He held his two blades together, swiping the edges together sent out a spark as well as a metallic sound. The spark hit the bristles of one of the brooms and caused it to immediately catch fire. Seikatsu walked away as the pile of wood was set ablaze, stopping in front the group when he saw a wardrobe flying out the house door. Out of the wardrobe, a tiger flew out and gave a fierce roar. Seikatsu gently held the pure white sword out, and quickly threw it at the tiger. The blade poked the tiger in the nose and erupted into thin air, dealing no damage to the tiger in the least. However, it did cause the tiger to become extremely enraged, and choose Seikatsu as its sole target, leaving the wardrobe to face the other mages.

    HP: 300
    MP: 132%

    +2% MP Regen
    Can Store max +50% MP
    Legendary/Strong(+) Weapons: +10% Base MP

    The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa] Empty Re: The Legal, The Dark, and The Neutral [Job/Seikatsu/Gil/Lexa]

    Post by Guest 21st October 2015, 3:26 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    "Ooops." Kuro mouthed noticing that the blonde male had accidentally gotten caught in her neutralizing filed. Despite her mistake Kuro's lips couldn't help but pull into a smirk of sorts, somewhat glad that the arrogant blonde, who's arrogance was so prominent that she didn't even need to hear it to know it was there, had gotten trapped in a barrier of her own creation. If it was one of her other partners she might have felt a little bad at her carelessness. Speaking of other partners, Kuro's eyes couldn't help but widen when she spotted Seikatsu walking near it and then eventually entering it. She had wanted to call out to him telling him to stop but her voice got caught in her throat, not a single sound escaping her lips, a common thing that happened all to often to Kuro.

    Despite her warning attempt it seemed like it was for naught seeing as Seikatsu appeared to be unaffected by her negating barrier. "Did I mess up one of the runes?" She half wondered but her theory had to have been wrong since the brooms and the blonde's magic had ceased when entering the field, "He must be very powerful then..." At that moment a wardrobe burst forth from the house, and from the wardrobe came a tiger that ran towards Seikatsu. She wasn't able to see if her barrier worked on the tiger or if Seikatsu could handle the feline, since  a wardrobe almost twice her size was heading straight for her. The doors to the wardrobe were wide open almost like a mouth, threatening to eat her. Kuro shrieked, this time the sound did not get caught in her throat. Out of reflex alone her hands, accustomed to her make magic, moved on their own accord. Both hands placed together forming a circle she aimed the circle at the wardrobe heading towards her. A crystal ring appeared about it, a ring which hurt the wardrobe if it so much as tried to use one of the spells within. At the least the ring had stopped the piece of furniture in its tracks, dancing about in confusion before wildly flailing its doors in a panic.

    308 Words
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 10:14 am