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    History of an MMOGamer; Raiza


    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
    Position : Sinner #5: Wrath
    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 225,322.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Reckoning
    Second Skill: Death's Game
    Third Skill:

    History of an MMOGamer; Raiza Empty History of an MMOGamer; Raiza

    Post by Raiza 18th August 2015, 10:27 pm

    But...its just a game... right?
    [font=Trebuchet MS]

    Life is not always simple because it is truly not hard to believe what you see is not always what is there. For some, life is simple and everything just goes their way, everything just 'clicks' and is perfect. For others life is tragic, loss of parents or their sibling is some big evil bad ass. Well what about the other stories that are just never truly mentioned, because their stories were cast away as disillusions or insanity.

    Then there are the stories such as Raiza's. He was not some overly unique kid, or some oppressed child. Rather he was born in another world than that of the one Fairy tail exists. With Magic that governed time and space itself, would that truly be hard to believe? That a being would be able to be crossed to another dimension? Maybe this was true... or maybe these words are just written out by some insane illusion casting a net over the insanity that Raiza truly is? In either case, the story begins like this.

    At the age of 10, Raiza was still gamer, not the best, but far from the worst, and boy did he love to cheat to get to the top. What was his time consumer specialty you ask? The alternate worlds of MMORPGS, typical character creation, magic, sword, and gun combat. His cheats typically stuck only to PvE and data collection, rather than harmful or hurtful cheats. Typically viritual reality to it's best. it was his escape from reality, because reality to him...sucked. In his reality he was a child with a demonic secret. Cain's lineage flowed through his blood, and he was always constantly afraid of it being out and him being hunted for it(only to be found out later that it was that of a reaper, and not of Cain)

    You ask what about prior to age 10? Well... Raiza doesn't exactly remember it, or perhaps it no longer exists within himself or his soul. He doesn't remember any details of his past before the 'encounter' and what he encounters in the future. Truth be told while he doesn't remember the past events such as what his parents even look like, he is still capable of remembering he had them, just not what they ever did. It made life 'strange' for him to have to explain, and such he pawns most of it off as just being part of life's game after all. Though this is just the backround, how it all happened is simple...

    Life is but just a game... and thats how it happened. Deeply imbeded into an MMO, a breath was escaping the young youth's lips, guns in both hands as he was taking cover from the onslaught of digital bullets when sweat dripped from his face, adrenaline was rushing through his body. His appearance seemed 'normal' no part demon or demon in this world, no he could escape from that reality by coming here where no one would know. A soft smirk as he panted harder trying to catch his breath and regain his stamina bar.

    "What would you do... if those bullets were real?" A voice unlike any other he heard before called out to him, the sudden voice made Raiza jolt his head over, raising both sub-machine guns foreward to the woman standing before him. Bullets flying overhead still but not even aimed at her, it was as if she did not exist to anyone except Raiza at this moment. He didn't understand this though and two loud clicks of his gun as it seemed they were completely empty...but how? he just reloaded. When a quick H.U.B check it showed he no longer had any stamina, items, guns equiped, or ammo. Yet he was... wait no longer holding any guns when he looked back. To a ten year old, being in such a heated war mmo was already wrong, was it the mods? No... he appeared as an 18 year old, it was what he signed up as, and got parental consent. They didn't care either way.

    "H-hacker!" Raiza would exclaim "System log out!" he shouted, only to be transported to a black loading screen, the woman still standing before him. The air became stale and stiff, his body changed back to who he truly was, not some game avatar, and he realized it as the woman stared back at him, waiting for an answer to her question.

    "What do you want! I dont have anything of value, I'm just a slightly above average player... go hack one of the major league players they have the rarity ten gear... mine are only rarity six, anyone with decent skill can grind and get those...", the youth seemed not so much afraid but annoyed at this point, looking at the woman and then at his own hands, how? How did a hacker break past the optical digital gear he wore?

    The woman shook her head snapping her fingers and instantly Raiza was wielding a gold plated handgun, engraved with aztec symbols, and an easily legible word on the side. "Checkmate" he whispered. It was the developer exclusive gun from the MMORPG he was playing, a gun that developers used after admin-teleport to a player to humiliate them further, this was a gun meant not to ban a player but to 'ruin' them, it was easily enough to shoot, and instantly degrade everything they had, items, armors, weapons, money, status, time played, kills...everything. It was the ultimate reset gun, and it never missed. Seeing a player being shot by this made any other cheater shudder and shake in their boots, but now Raiza had it? Why? This hacker was showing their power off right now, easily.

    "Go on...shoot me, even a hacker cannot survive this gun" the woman chimed again. It was true, this gun's code was so strong, hackers could bypass i.p and computer system bans, but this gun was more personal, it was an AI changing code to always be different. To hack it in.. or to evade it was impossible.

    Raising the gun up, Raiza clicked the trigger, the bullet phased through the non-existent woman before him. The gun would too phase away as the woman smiled. "Now that I have your attention...what would you do if magic was real? If you would enter a new Game as a new identity, starting now, trading all your past away, From anything prior today, you will not have any further memory of, but the new game would be spectacular, you'd a new life"

    Seriously? Who says that? What kind of bullshit was this? Though Raiza didn't care if it was a bluff or not. "I'd play the game I suppose" he'd respond, a door opening up behind him, revealing an exit sign(continued after picture)

    History of an MMOGamer; Raiza Biange10

    "That door is your way out, but if you grab my hand, then there is no turning back no matter what" Extending her hand out the female youth dawned a bright smile, seeming to be happy to hear Raiza's words escape his lips so fluidly. Mortals to this woman were a funny thing, and she was a goddess of spacial magic. Hard to believe for many, but to Raiza he had no clue what she was.

    Turning his head towards the exit he worried a bit. "you sound like I'll be stuck in this game forever...." he muttered, turning back to her. Though he was confused about it all, why act like this, just leave right? Why venture to the unknown.

    "To grasp what I mean, young Raiza. This world you're going into is another universe all together. A game if you wish to call it that. You'll be starting out low, take your time, pace yourself. Everyone there is real, so actions such as death is real, both to them...and yourself. " Pausing only for a moment to smile as Raiza had grasped her hand, they began to fade into nothing, appearing in a small room. An Inn if you will, both Sitting on the bed, and it was obviously night time. "Raiza your lineage in the real world made you what you are. This is no different here. Except do not think what you are now, is what you will stay. Thats a free hint for you. Now you have three questions you can ask me about this 'game' before I fade away, and wish you good luck"

    IT struck him he would have to be careful from this point on. Though he already realized... all he remembered was this place, he didn't remember too much of the meeting in the mmo world. He realized he was in another universe or a 'game' perhaps but at the same time... he was too unsure anymore his mind was too far altered by such a powerful force that no one would undo this.

    It was then he shook his head, questions truly didn't come to mind right now. Though he thought of the basics. "Can I be taught and can I be given some starter stuff? Oh and um...What is my goal?" simple questions that were nothing but tutorial shit in essence. Any mmo player hates a tutorial but most wouldn't mind a tip

    "Starter stuff... sure" The woman whispered snapping her fingers, a new set of clothing would appear, more 'setting' for this place, and nice sturdy padded leather armor, a worn out metal shield, and a worn metal sword, as well as a 'Ring' of some kind. All in which looked rather abused but decent starting grade stuff so Raiza was satisfied.  "As for being taught anything... I'm sorry you must learn it all on your own. However Here are some basic information you'd find useful. Dont start trouble till you start to learn. There are legal and dark guilds, good and evil, you know alignments and such. So be careful. As for your goal? Your goal is to...play" the moment she said that, Raiza had blacked out. Only to awake in the morning, his life as he knew it was changed. His recollection of it all was all but a dream, and a foggy memory prior, as if anything prior never happened. Enough to drive someone insane, even as he dawned his gear, he began to wonder a lot.

    "Strange dream..." he whispered, looking at himself in the mirror, his messy crimson red and raven black hair fell in front of his face. His black robe covering over most of his body and he looked kind of weak even with the sword and shield. Though he noticed the ring was healing the wound on his hand from accidently grabbing the blade in a hurry. "I see... a regenerative item" his words escaping his lips before he nodded his head. "Welp...lets see what a ten year old can do here..." he chuckled, heading out... to his new life.

    --Dark Encounters: 8 year lapse--

    To say his first seven years in this mmo world was hell...would be an understatement, in fact his life was torture to a point of death. Some kid whom acted like this was a game, was seen as insane, most turned him away, and with no real magical presence yet he had no guild to go to. In fact, he was kidnapped by a group of bandits at a young age, tortured, but at the same time, learned to survive. He was not yet on a road of pure evil, these bandits had honor, but they were still rogue thieves. For eight grueling years, Raiza learned the harsh hopes.

    Eventually even developing his own magic during those eight years, only keeping it in secret until ready to escape. When he was eighteen, he knew he'd have a chance. He learned to fight fairly well, and was accustomed to so many broken limbs, cuts, and bruising. Even electrical torture was not unheard of to get him to speak when spoken to, and in fact it only hardened his life.

    After making his escape at eighteen, Raiza for the next four years trained as a simple mercenary, a dog to the highest pay, and an assassin to the richer client.

    (Adventure continues ic via Threads age 22 listed here )


    An Unknown Descent?

    "And there the children of dark Night have their dwellings, Sleep and Death, awful gods. The glowing Sun never looks upon them with his beams, neither as he goes up into heaven, nor as he comes down from heaven. And the former of them roams peacefully over the earth and the sea's broad back and is kindly to men; but the other has a heart of iron, and his spirit within him is pitiless as bronze: whomsoever of men he has once seized he holds fast: and he is hateful even to the deathless gods."

    Death comes in so many names, though who is 'death?' What is 'death?'. Many call death the gentle soul keeper, while others feel they are but a god of destruction. In truth, the reaper known as Death is also a 'god killer' as they are too a 'demon killer'. He held no measures to whose soul was taken so as long as it was their time.

    "I question if I have the power to kill a god"

    Gods are immortal and can only die by the power of a god. Its true, though his scythe was enough to cut any soul, and when gods approached him, even though they created him, they still showed fear.

    Can a god die?

    This was a question even Raiza had, when he had a dream that began to show the future when he was approached by a strange figure one night...............

    The night was cold, blistering cold even or was that just Raiza? The streets were empty, only a few flickers of a light as he found himself in the deep alleyway.  "You can stop following me kid", his voice cold as Raiza turned towards the small robed figure, the kid could not appear more than ten years of age, but the stare the child gave was compassion but cold, to show as if hes seen the world and back, to show as if he had the power to end Raiza.

    "Raiza...come row the boat with me will you?" spoke it a childish voice before they turned away, expecting Raiza to follow. Nearby was the port, they were in Hargeon Town after all. The mist began to settle around the air and Raiza began to feel chilled as if his soul was being torn from his body, his entire being began to become crippled as the child walked away, almost as if each step, Raiza's soul was being pulled further from his body

    "Why...wait how do you know my name?", Raiza found himself on the ground before the small child, and upon peering into the boy's eyes, he saw emptiness, he felt in less pain as he felt the touch of the child placed a hand on his head. "If you fall, do you think the angels will catch you?" the voice responded with a question, but Raiza swore the child didn't even open his mouth to talk.

    Vision began to blurr but yet he finally followed the child to the rowboat down at the port, though when he got there, Raiza was fed up with dealing with this soul rending pain and finally attacked the child, only to find no mater how many slices of the gunblade went through the child's body, no attack hit.

    "I have not killed you, yet my touch is that of death, have you no respect?" the child grasped Raiza's holder item the console key, and instantly it began to break apart while the child changed form.

    History of an MMOGamer; Raiza 3iRQN0y

    "Raiza, come, row the boat with me will you?", this time the figure lead Raiza to the old rowboat. It's oars were dark and black, while the boat itself was old looking. Brown and yet no moss even though it looked like it could hold some form of fungus.

    "D....death.." Raiza stuttered the name out sitting on the boat, but he'd find no words were spoken as the reaper sat down and began to row taking him down the port and into the ocean. Green water seemed to leak from the boat, to the point eventually he realized while looking around, the entire ocean was green and stretched out forever. The souls of fallen were floating among the ocean, and Raiza tilted his head in curiosity.

    "The souls of those that chose to leave the boat when their time was up. They swim in the sea of the lost", the man spoke, obviously answering Raiza's question before it even came up.

    "no...you're not dead and your time is not up", but it was as if..  "i was reading your mind?", yeah the god of death was still only that, a god that ruled over death. This however was no god. The man before Raiza was the hand of death, known as the Reaper. Many names he went by but the most common was the Grim Reaper. The reaper took the souls and guided them no matter mortal or immortal. The man that could reap the soul of even the gods of death. That was who he was, but Raiza had no exact clue of how much of a presence he was in.

    "Wh..why am I here?" , Raiza reached his hand towards the water only to be stung with a burn the moment his hand touched the water. The hand turned to bone and ash before the reaper placed his hand on the stub of a hand Raiza now had. Only to repair it completely back to normal. Lesson learned... dont touch the sea of the lost unless you were dead.

    "You maybe feel you've lost yourself, but you haven't. Embrace the path you are going down. Death requires good and evil. Don't steer from the corrupt path you're taking, but dont turn a blind eye to the world. Don't become blind." , though his words confused Raiza at first, he began to feel woozy as if suddenly drained of all his mana.

    "Raiza. The blood of cain is only a ruse to whose lineage you truly follow. Open your mind, embrace your magic, you'll unlock a new power and then, unlock the truth of whose lineage you truly follow"

    confused, but unable to focus, Raiza began to lean forward, his eyes fluttered shut before completely shutting them, unable to focus, unable to breath as the reaper brought him back home, satisfied with teaching the youth a new lesson, and having opened him up to the future path....

    That path was just the beginning to open the secondary magic.

    Secondary Magic obtained: HERE


    History of an MMOGamer; Raiza YdfXSKP

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:38 am