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    "Anger Management."


    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    "Anger Management." Empty "Anger Management."

    Post by Roya 19th April 2015, 10:53 pm

    An ivory colored Desierto cloak coconcealed the stranger's body, protecting
    a buxom figure and a bandage clad shoulder stub, the remnant of her right arm.  Her hood rested at her shoulders, a head of unorganized black hair still visible, bandage messily laced between. The pyro slid her left arm from beneath the cloth, resting her hand on the counter as a glass of amber liquid moved across the surface in her direction; she stopped and caught it it in her hand. Caressing her fingers around the whiskey, she led it to her lips for a swig.

    The Fiore News logo glimmering at the corner of her eye, Roya turned to bar mounted television screen. The reporters words were unheard, volume at zero. Her forest colored irises gazed on and the picture flickered. Black and white security footage from outside the once standing café in Hargeon town relapsed across the screen. Then, a feminine figure dressed in a parchment colored hood and wood sandals flew through the window in a flurry of glass, hauling a male with lengthy, unorganized raven hair and gold bracelets at the wrist. The duo proceeded to bolt down the road, off of the the screen. Just as a squad of Rune Knights darted by the café in pursuit... The building caught fire, exploding into silver flame.

    The soldiers, any civilians inside and in range had ultimately been burned alive. Nineteen dead at the scene, three critically injured. Still, the television was left mute, some kind of odd jazz playing through the bars speakers instead. Roya knew no one could hear the report… but she couldn’t risk someone else to watching, the very same terrorist within the room. 

    From beneath her cloak the mage ran her fingers across one another, the quiet sound of a snap looming out, drowned out by the sound of bar music and clattering of drinks. It was then that the lacrima board within was caught by a silver spark, the ember evolving inside the mechanism; It devoured it from the inside until ultimately the television screen fell black. The fire mage peered into the dead screen, left staring back at her reflection.

    No one seemed to notice, too busy with their drinks and side conversation to bother with news. The [size=49]Desierto[/size]-origined woman rested her head against the bar beside the glass. She clasped a bandaged palm back around her drink whilst sliding her arm out from beneath her cloak. Lowering her eyelids, Roya guided the scotch to her mouth for another sip. She eventually became annoyed by the loud, pointless, chatter in the background. She already had a headache as it was, dark lines beneath her eyes exaggerating her exhaustion. The glass trembled within her grip, crack traversing at its lip. Roya Nakano remained silent, as if someone had sown her lips shut leaving her unable to form words or a smile.


    "Anger Management." Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    First Skill: Hihiirogane (日色金) - Sun-Colored Metal
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    "Anger Management." Empty Re: "Anger Management."

    Post by Tuna 20th April 2015, 11:08 am

    Right now, it was not important why he had come here. Or rather, he had found something much more interesting. Lyserg's eyes darted in between the lacrima screen and the woman sitting at the counter. She was like a candle lit flame amidst a darkened room. Lyserg noticed her attempt to stay under the radar. It was her bad luck that Lyserg's radar was just about on her height. Sipping his whisky, the ice rung through the sound of the liquor entering his mouth. Lyserg sat at the bar, alone. His initial cause was to find information about Yugi. The man had never made it to the arranged rendevouz. A shame, and Lyserg was dead-set on finding out why. Little by little, of course. He had more important things he needed to deal with. A flock of children was forming in his home, and they required attendance and supervision.

    Finishing his drink, he gently placed it on the bar counter and left from his chair. Moving silently through the masses, the pub's population density allowed it to make his way to the young woman's table before she was able to notice. In a spur of impulse, his body fell down across from her. A bright face with a stoic expression and hair that had grown since the last time Lyserg looked in the mirror pierced the thick veil of hair and hood to reach her eyes. "Greetings." Lyserg said, letting a smile appear on his face. He was happy, or rather, excited to have such an opportunity open up to him. "I am someone who knows who you are, and knows what you just tried to keep a secret." He stated openly, letting his hands rest on the table to show that he had not come in an attempt to intimidate.

    "Please reconcile before you decide to either attack or flee. I am not your enemy." He added, not wanting to scare the obviously stressed woman away. He decided it was best to be open with someone who had shunned himself from the social scenery. He was not sure what kind of reaction would await him. But from what he had gathered, she was not exactly a functional member of Fioran society. She knew Yugi Sparrow, and she had committed a large-scale crime together with him. Something, she obviously regretted, but not because of the lives lost but because of the mental stress she was now required to endure in order to avoid someone recognizing her. That was how much Lyserg could read out of the information he had been opened to so far. Whatever was before him, he was confident that he would be able to play her like a fiddle.



    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    "Anger Management." Empty Re: "Anger Management."

    Post by Roya 20th April 2015, 9:16 pm



    An unfamiliar voice met the woman, its holder helping himself to a seat across from her. Roya's gaze skimmed over the man and his features with caution. The mage's forest colored pools went wide as he opened his mouth again... She felt her body fall tense, another crack spurring across the glass in her intensified grip. She glanced at the burned out lacrima television resting dead on the counter, unnoticed by anyone but the two. Judging by the strangers body language he seemed to not want to come off as hostile or intimidating towards the woman... but Roya could never be too careful, especially doing the things she had-- She could only pray he wasn’t here on the behalf of the council, sent to take her into custody. The woman couldn't stand the idea of being cuffed and degraded to a cell.

    'Huh... Not an enemy?...'
    Alarm quickly became defense with the those words. Everyone was her enemy… Roya was a criminal after all who just to happened to be holding up in Talonia, practically living with the Ex-chairman’s brother. “Then- Who the hell are you…” She narrowed her eyes at the man. “And what do you want?…” Roya murmured, faint hostility in her tone.



    "Anger Management." Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    First Skill: Hihiirogane (日色金) - Sun-Colored Metal
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    "Anger Management." Empty Re: "Anger Management."

    Post by Tuna 22nd April 2015, 7:08 pm

    Lyserg huffed in a disheartened manner and and let his head drop. "I thought you would give me better questions. I can tell who you are and what you want here just by looking at you." He asked in a provocative tone. He wanted to bait out an aggressive reaction from this woman. His ulterior motive was to make this woman lose her inhibitions and cause some ruckus so coming with him would be the only option left. "Who I am is unimportant for now, but call me Dante. And what I want is none of your business to be honest. But I'll play along with your inquiry." He stated in a nasal tone to come off as condescending.

    "I am currently searching for information about someone whom I presume in this city. Also, that kid that I just saw on the screen with you. I know him. Quite well, actually. I'll have to inquire about that later on." He stated, beginning to think about how he could provoke this woman to the point where she would lose restraint. "I have a proposition. You give me all the information you have, and I will act as if I have never seen you before." He stated with a smile. "I am searching for someone named Yugi Sparrow. You should have heard of him, especially in this city." He continued, conspicuously glancing into the girl's features to trace the reaction his name gave her.

    "I have business with him. I don't want to harm him, there is just something I need to ask him." He stated, just as a bartender came, allowing him to order two scotch. The bar, despite being an incredibly shady place to be, had good drinks to offer. "That drink is on me." He mentioned in passing as his gaze began to wander through the bar, making sure there was no one that would be listening to the two of them speak. Even though Yugi Sparrow's name was known, mentioning someone like him always had to be done with care.



    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Mentor : Monokuroen, Monochrome Demon
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    First Skill: Sinners White and Black Flame
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    "Anger Management." Empty Re: "Anger Management."

    Post by Roya 3rd May 2015, 8:34 pm



    “Maybe I’m just dense.” Roya growled, aggravated. The woman rose an eye or at his next statement. ‘Hmn. None of my business?’ she thought. It came to Roya that something didn’t quite feel right. Then, her forest colored eyes ran over the man again as if she would find answers.

    Eventually, Dante caught her attention. Of course she wanted him to pretend he had no idea who she was; the last thing she needed was for the Rune Knights to be called after her. She was all up for telling the guy what he wanted up until she learned just who he was here for.
    The girl’s eyes widened at Yugi’s name. She nearly choked on her drink, coughing in an attempt to play it off. With a knock, she hit the glass down against the counter. Her and Yugi Sparrow were actually ‘good friends’ or rather romantic interests. Long story short Roya was practically living with the man now.

    “The ex-chairman’s brother? I’d met him in this same bar just the other night. Quite the flirt.” She rolled her eyes, laying her head in her hands, elbow against the counter.

    What Roya said was the truth. Although, she made sure to hold her tongue. He told otherwise but maybe this man had a bone to pick with him. Yugi had brought great destruction and crisis upon Era after all. Perhaps this ‘Dante’ was a revenge seeker, lost his family and home in the city because of Yugi, and now he wanted his head.

    “You guys friends or what.” Roya added bitterly with a swig of her drink, attempting to choke some info out of him while she was at it.

    (OOC: so sorry its taken so long and the post isnt even that great... i wanted to give you something...)



    "Anger Management." Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    First Skill: Hihiirogane (日色金) - Sun-Colored Metal
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    "Anger Management." Empty Re: "Anger Management."

    Post by Tuna 1st June 2015, 6:15 am

    Find me the great
    And I will be greater
    "Oh no, you can be quite sure that you are very dense." Lyserg replied with sardonic scoffing, just as the drinks were dropped on the table half-heartedly and Lyserg chipped a few coins into the waiter's hand. The brown, broth-like substance inside two hand sized cups actually seemed potable. Gently pulling the glass up to his nose he breathed in the scent, just to furrow his eyebrows, but nonetheless take a sip and place the cup and its contents back on the table slightly harder than the waiter had. Lyserg was coy to admit it, but the stuff burned like hell. A disfigured face harrumphed and drew away in disgust. You had to have destroyed your tastebuds and throat in a special kind of way to be drinking this on a regular basis

    "I presumed him to hide around these corners. Mostly because I believe you could hide a polka-dotted elephant around these streets without anyone noticing." He stated, bringing the glass up to his lips once more. "It tastes like bollocks, by the way. But for some reason, I don't want to stop drinking it." Taking another sip to experience the burning once more, he brought the cup down to the table again. "But no..." Another harrumph in between words. "No, we're not friends. I actually hate him. Like an adult hates a teenager who smeared graffiti all over his house walls. But again, I'm not too interested in trying to harm him, I just need to know something." Lyserg finished. His hawk-slit eyes traced Roya's features. He could tell from ten miles away she was hiding something. Several things. Everything, as he felt. And amongst those things, one of them was information about Yugi. He was almost certain. 'Now how to get it out of her...'

    "Straying from that topic." He blurted out, interrupting Roya in whatever she was doing. "Let's talk about you for a moment. How come a girl like you, likely only around her twenties, has to stay in this gloomy place. I'm pretty sure anyone who wants to pursue this kind of lifestyle is either insane or a masochist. You don't strike me as either, so what exactly happened?" He asked with genuine interest in his tone. It seemed doubtful someone like him could be genuine about anything, not to mention menial matters like where someone came from and who someone was. But Lyserg was. Why he had not yet fallen into a permanent state of inquiry was thanks to his impeccable ability to stay in control of his impulses.

    Lyserg brought up the glass to his lips once more, but this time, downed everything in one go. "I think I'll have another one."

    Last edited by Lyserg on 13th June 2015, 1:46 am; edited 1 time in total



    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    "Anger Management." Empty Re: "Anger Management."

    Post by Roya 4th June 2015, 1:57 pm


    Roya suppressed a chuckle, lips curving devilishly against his comment. Her drink tasted fine… Oh boy how glad she was to be on on good terms with the bar tenders here. All she had to do was shoot em' a look… and they’d take a leak in just about anyone’s drink.

    “Hmn gloomy?” Roya echoed, shaking her head softly in disagreement. “I wouldn’t necessary say that.” She smiled subconsciously towards her glass, gently swirling the bevrage in her hand. The woman refreshed herself with views of her trips to Solemn park with Yugi, the way the sunrise veiled over the hills in the morning and refracted cotton-candy colored sunlight against the river. Memories of her time with him on the balcony also came. Her eyes remembered the spider web of city lights over the horizon. It had always been so beautiful there during the nights.

    “Talonia is actually… quite decent, the bar is just a pastime wh—“ ‘When Yugi’s not around? Is that what you were going to say?’ Roya mentally face palmed to herself. She quickly tried to spit something else out to brush it off “--Things happen you could say. Maybe I am insane or a little bitter at least.” She murmured, trying to close the conversation as soon as possible.

    She had to hold herself off from laughing again when he downed the glass completely, contemplating another.

    (OOC: sorry... kinda a weak post >~> been busy...)



    "Anger Management." Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hihiirogane (日色金) - Sun-Colored Metal
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    "Anger Management." Empty Re: "Anger Management."

    Post by Tuna 13th June 2015, 2:26 am

    Find me the great
    And I will be greater
    The next drink came. The throat burn was a good one. Fine scotch. Not laced with pee or anything. Like totally not.
    Laced with pee.
    Or anything.
    No pee inside his drink whatsoever. Because he would like, notice. Considering he smelt the drink and he knows how Scotch is intended to smell.

    "You don't strike me as a lunatic." Lyserg mused sloshing the one HUNDRED percent pee-less broth inside his glass. "And a little bitterniss has never prevented greatness. Only fueled it." She had a rugged determination about her. It told stories of accomplishment and success over her circumstances. He admired that about her. Although he himself had lived through a multitude of lives as dangerous as it was in the gutter these days, a person who visibly garnered the respect of those around him always left an impression on Lyserg. "But tell me, little miss... what exactly keeps you here?  Why have you never contemplated leaving this human sized dog kennel?"

    Last edited by Lyserg on 14th June 2015, 4:03 pm; edited 3 times in total



    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
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    "Anger Management." Empty Re: "Anger Management."

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 13th June 2015, 3:47 am

    Yugi strolled through the streets of Talonia at night. Street lights vivid; hands in his pockets. Tie loose as usual.

    'Man...............what the fuck was up with those Dwarves, they just keep drinking the entire time. Even on a Job.' Yugi had just worked with some comrades from Stella---one of whom broke his damn leg on the job by being careless and drunk. But he loved working with the Dwarves, because most of them would never come near someone found out to be a wizard or witch. Working with them was imperative for him to have a rare shot at this opportunity.

    The street lights let off swoops of darkness and light as people walked too and fro--laughing, some hailing cabs and horse carriages.

    "UGH, I should've taken my damn Bike......" Yugi saw someone go riding by on a Giant Eagle at that moment over the sound of traffic; only hearing a single wing flap as he continued to walk towards Soul Bar. "Yep, DEFINITELY, should've taken the bike!" a bit of jealousy overtook Yugi as he often forgot that he lived in a city full of free guildless wizards.

    Although peeling down the street in a futuristic Bosco Superbike might draw some attention; items from Bosco were common, but possessing something like that was Batman esque.

    Eventually he turned and saw the gigantic 'SOUL BAR' neons and jogged up ahead through the crowds of people outside the bar, most were other wizards showing off magic or just talking it up. As soon as Yugi entered he saw Roya at the main bar up ahead talking to some guy; although she seemed to be looking down at her glass rather than up like she would if he were a friend.

    Walking straight across the bar, he would lean casually next to Roya and the other guy and just speak.

    "Two bottles of Champagne. Three glasses ready." with a look of boyish charm, the middle aged bartender seemed happy to see him and gladly complied. Two Bartenders walked back, both simultaneously popping two bottles in a show of champagne splashing; a couple people cheering nearby as the bartenders set down three glassing with a 'clank, clank, clank.'

    "So.......it's good to see we're finally making some friends around here." Yugi would look at Roya and simply nod his head, staring right back at her. "You seem to be a wizard my friend, and a strong one at that." with a sideways almost brotherly smile he would just lean on the bar, slipping his hand around Roya's waist as he did so.

    The champagne glasses spilled over full, as Yugi grabbed his. Waiting for Roya and the new guy to grab theirs as well before talking again.

    "So......if you don't tell me your true name, the first time I meet you. Things aren't going to go as planned." Yugi knew some spells themselves were weaved off of this very lie, so he expected a fair answer. "Mine's Yugi by the way." he stated to this person with no fear, since he was beyond confident in his own might. Although some people staring into the eyes of the person who there were many stories behind, he had a feeling there was something different about this guy.

    A few people who had been looking appeared to go their own way now, and things resumed casually.  

    "And if you're an assassin, or want to know if I'm the same Yugi....your answer is yes my friend, but I suggest you make your first move your best." Yugi acted like he was checking his nails, but he casually rubbed his thumbs together and created a small pop of fire as he snapped once, the flame weaved through the air and settled playfully he looked at the lit a flame above one finger, like a match. "Oh, and Roya. You look fantastic as usual." Yugi was pretty relaxed, already having gotten off of a job. Just curious as to who the new wizard was.



    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Mentor : Monokuroen, Monochrome Demon
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinners White and Black Flame
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    "Anger Management." Empty Re: "Anger Management."

    Post by Roya 14th June 2015, 3:25 pm



    Why hadn’t she left the kennel? Well the answer would have been simple to tell him had she not been hiding Yugi over the entire encounter… Before she could manage a breath, that answer came waltzing in, leaning up against the tower between them.

    Those forest colored pools of hers flickered to the half stranger, Dante, this was exactly what he wanted. Roya had tried to keep things quiet for Yugi but he just came walking up to this guy anyways. Her teeth ground tightly against another.

    “…Friends? I wouldn’t necessarily say that.” She murmured in reply, but under her breath. The noise was practically inaudible, a grumble.  Roya was made attentive by a clatter a glass, she eyed the wine set out in front of them. The mage had never had actually tasted champagne before. Burning stuff didn’t exactly make Roya a lot of money after all. But, It wasn’t about the drinks right now; she glanced back to the man who had initially introduced himself to her as ‘Dante’.

    With confident words, Yugi snaked his grip around her waist. Roya held her hand to his, subconsciously pinning his palm to her waist. “You’re not doing too bad yourself.” She managed, forcing a smirk his way. Dante really had her irked... Yugi made that the slightest better even as much as she didnt want him here. Now at least. The woman was tempted to pepper a kiss at his cheek, nip his nose or something. Just to pick on him for being so relaxed today. PDA was a bit, unnecessary in the scenario though.

    Her gaze set back on the glass in front of her as they conversed. Yugi seemed on the cocky side today. Both of their auras were overwhelmingly strong compared to hers. Her little smile seemed to flatten against the pressure.


    Last edited by Roya on 14th June 2015, 4:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


    "Anger Management." Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    First Skill: Hihiirogane (日色金) - Sun-Colored Metal
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    "Anger Management." Empty Re: "Anger Management."

    Post by Tuna 14th June 2015, 4:03 pm

    Find me the great
    And I will be greater
    A creak. Dark hair, red eyes, glimmer all around him. Suspiscion arose. And the moment the figure whom had just entered the scene spoke, the turqoise plates nearly popped out of their hawk-like frame. The corner of Lyserg's lip pulled up. Satisfaction. Had he found what he was looking for? Not just yet. But soon he would, he just needed to keep digging. For now, he kept silent. Downing his, again, completely and absolutely, no-way-in-hell-he would-have-ingested-it-otherwise, pee-less scotch, he leaned back to enjoy the blatant show of overconfidence and conning Yugi put to the table.

    He was audacious, brazen, cocky and dastardly hasty in his tone and behavior. Before Lyserg brought out a tone, Yugi, the Yugi who had never arrived at their appointed meeting, started and finished a conversation all by himself. Calmly, Lyserg now leaned forward, a gaze full of confrontation and unwavering assurance steadily directed at Yugi's departing and re-arriving eyes. His target was looking around, trying to impress, frampling around like an adolescent steed wishing to make sure everyone knew he possessed the most vigor.

    "My voice." Lyserg spurted out. Loudly. Not a yell, a stern call. A loud one. No scream or ferocity attached. Just loud speech. Muting the laughing, murmuring, tumultuous audience around them. A volume that was sure to garner Yugi's attention. Perhaps not enough articulation to make him remember. "Do you remember?" He asked, phoning it as a quethe, not a question. A demand, a powerful reminder. "Can you remember?" Another reminder. The turqoise marbles, piercing underneath two eyelids formed to viscious and precise slits. A loud whisper in his tone. "We were to meet." Lyserg continued before Yugi could respond. "You never arrived. Why is that?"



    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
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    "Anger Management." Empty Re: "Anger Management."

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 15th June 2015, 2:21 pm

    Yugi waited for a response, anything. Out of the corner of his eye he caught a smirk. He felt Roya's hand tighten on his a bit---but he didn't really pay attention to it like he should have because of the sound of this person's voice.

    'Huh.......it can't be! That would be one in a million!' a mix of anger and a will to make this encounter something more than it hand to be overcame Yugi as he fumed inside. The second time he spoke; he pretty much confirmed that he was who Yugi originally thought he was. He still had that communication lacrima, he'd kept it just incase.

    'I remember...' a response mentally, loudly in Yugi's own voice inside of his head in response too the mans verbal question.

    Wondering for a moment if this was some kind of trap or spell, Yugi stared into the man's eyes turned slightly to the side he would just gaze at him for awhile. Well versed in biology, having used Magic itself...Living Arts too form organs, brains, legs, limbs, and skeletons themselves even gift beings he created with magic through the Dark Arts--he could tell that this person was infact a living being and not some spell woven out of light or an illusion of any kind. He was here in person.

    "Well................I see." without divulging too much, he would let this man know that he knew well who he was and what Guild he sat atop. A moment of reflection passed just before Yugi decided too talk again, rather than just go wild. "After I was released from Era's prisons, the only thing that was on my mind was revenge." Yugi chuckled shaking his head. "So I went seeking whatever was left of my Guild....but what did I hear? Only rumours that it had been ran through once, not twice, but three times. By a Guild, the Rune Knights, and then a bunch of unknowns. Heh...Thunder Island, such a dangerous place." he remembered the flashing Lighting as the first 3 Tartarus' Guild crests were magically woven. One into his own tongue, he thought it would be clever for it not to be visible. "Long story short, as I held that Lacrima in my hands I thought about how I'd gone through life spitting in peoples faces. For all I was given, and all I've learned." looking up, he turned towards the wizard.

    "I've learned that, respect cannot always be given or gained through power---it's your actions that will earn that." he reflected on billionares, or kings who made the wrong decisions, corporate executives with a perfect life who made it all tumble to the ground because of respect lost. "All I gained with my name was fear and hatred." he thought to himself about all the older brothers and kids that were killed as he spoke, his hand tapped once on his glass. The thought of it----he still had trouble looking children in the eye to this day. Even when out in public.

    "I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand." Yugi's background in biology and how magic worked allowed him to sense a few things about the man off gate. "Just in Era alone, 100,000 people died, were killed. Not to mention all of the Dark Wizards I brought it, summoning demons from nethers to posses them all in the name of the Guild, I did some really...bad stuff." his voice trailed off, as he thought about ordering around mindless assassins, possessed by Demons chained to his will just another day at Tartarus trying to manipulate the masses. It all came crashing down, as they could not sustain ultimate victory against the Guilds. Acnologia had broken free from the spell he himself designed for Warden in the middle of the battle. "I wish to free wizard kind from any type of servitude to regular humans. You don't see us posting 'JOBS' across the world for them like slaves right?" Yugi shook his head and got to the point. "If I thought I could achieve these goals at Tartarus, I would have returned as I had planned when we spoke."

    Yugi honestly still didn't care how many he had to destroy to achieve his goals--he just had a different perspective on things now.

    In truth, Yugi was one or two seconds from attacking when he first realized who he was. He had his reasons; but perhaps if he'd changed Tartarus into something more. Something that had bigger goals than just tearing families and people apart for money; he would have his respect.

    If this man however had taken any of the books from Tartarus' old Guild Hall, then Yugi wondered if he knew that he had some hands on some truly ancient lore wherever he'd moved the Guild Hall too. Books Yugi still had planned to read, he doubted this man had any respect for history--or time. But he could be wrong. There were also hidden notes and secrets about some pretty powerful people in Fiore and other Nations tucked away in those books. He was probably going to try and beat this guy up or figure out the location of Tartarus. Yugi infact wondered if some of his old comrades were still around. Then again, Yugi Sparrow was a pretty infamous 'persona' in general.

    Since his Pardon for mass murder, he'd been hunted by Bounty Hunters and families out for revenge day and night. Until he found solace of all places, the one place he hadn't looked. Among fellow wizards. Light, Dark, murderer, it mattered not. Here in Talonia he found peace among his own kind, some even understood what he'd done when they recognized him. However, trying to shed his image as a famous Dark Wizard had proven more difficult than he'd originally thought. Even here in Talonia he had enemies.

    The Rune Knights wouldn't come for him due to his official pardon, which could be revoked and overturned---but that didn't mean he felt comfortable with the fact that this wizard had actually tracked him down. Not to mention, Roya getting caught inbetween.



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    "Anger Management." Empty Re: "Anger Management."

    Post by Tuna 15th June 2015, 5:15 pm

    Find me the great
    And I will be greater
    Long-winded, pushing a clear agenda. Yugi felt secure. Up until now, he was exactly that. He and his woman. A stood woman, whom didn't seem in need of a boy-ish poster-boy of mischief. It almost seemed as if he held her back from something. Lyserg scoffed at his comment. Did not know what it was like, eh? More than anyone, more than warriors, kings, mothers and soldiers did Lyserg know what war was all about. Conflict was his essence, his reason to exist, his motivation to press forward. Outlasting any conflict. And this... boy. Genocides, cataclysmic wars, mind-shattering violence. All experiences Lyserg could share. And this boy possessed the audacity to think that his experiences weighed any heavier than anyone else's.

    Yugi ended on the self-righteous note that Lyserg owed him something. Anything. That he took out the right for himself to not make the meeting because his goals mattered. He was blinded by youthful arrogance. Pursuing goals with eyes wide shut. Believing in a fruitless ideal. Idiotic. And in just a bit, he would realize something. Lyserg, aggravated and in a confrontational mood drew his blade and jammed it into the table. Immediately, before Yugi could react, Lyserg's voice raised to immense heights. "You little brat think you know everything, don't you?" Furrowed eyebrows, the hawk-like slits spread wide open, his body creaked above and raised up. "You think your experiences are special and oh-so personal... you think your pointless ideal deserves pursuit more than anything else in this world, don't you? And before you get out of your chair carefully consider the implications of 'respect'. You know nothing about respect. You think these people respect you? You think they know what respect is?" Lyserg began cackling silently in a pause. "It's almost time... Yugi. Of all the opportunities through which we could have met, I did not think you barging in right before my eyes would be the one to happen." Lyserg finished, slowly lowering his body again.

    As his buttocks hit the hard-wood chair, Lyserg leaned back, a creaking noise cranked from the chairback. All eyes on him, this time, it had been a yell. None of the people present liked him talking to their superstar, their posterboy like that. Lyserg peered down, at the table. "Yugi, your fingers are burning to wrangle my neck. You probably think I questioned your pride, challenged the respect these people pretend to have for you. But you don't know how humans work. Magic is a powerful tool to make others do what you want... but it is not the only tool. A pindrop, a concept, an idea has sparked entire cultures to desecrate each other." Lyserg said, silently. Conspicuously. He was sure that Yugi would have liked to get at him, but he was just as sure that he wanted to hear him out, and then cave his head in. "People are so simple. And your ideas so fragile. When you know what people really want, all you have to do is wave it around in front of their faces, and they will become the worst they could possibly be. No magic needed, no illusions, no manipulation. No great motivation, no dreams." Lyserg, without looking at a clock stated "It's time...". Just then, the minute arm of the only lacrima depicting time in this bar turned to six pm.

    And after a short moment of silence, a phone rang. All eyes in the bar peered to the counter, where the barkeep was standing like a deer in the headlights. Carefully, he picked it up. The entire bar-folk had been muted at this point. Sweat pearls ripened on the barkeep's forehead as his arm steadily moved towards the phone. Lyserg sat upright, relaxing, arms crossed, with an unimpressed face, peering directly at Yugi. "H-hello?" the voice of the barkeep deep, but sheepish. "Y-yes... of course... I will make an announcement. Why it's so quiet..? Oh... n-nothing... just a break... Y-yes, sir. I will be sure to call it out..." The barkeep hung up the phone. His eyes, empty. Full of disbelief at what he had just heard. Several of the folk started demanding what was going on. Calling out to him, who that was, what the announcement was. The host could not make a move, starting to shake all over, gritting his teeth. Until the moment he broke, squeezing his eyelids as tight as humanly possible. His voice overlapped and he yelled throughout the entire bar. "TH-THAT WAS LUCKY LUKE!" And complete silence reigned once more.

    "H-he gave the order to call out a hunt. A bounty hunt. The prize... for catching... the target is... is...." He gulped, before resuming speech. "The clean slate." A murmur, a whisper, several gasps and an outcry of disbelief. Whilst the confusion and rage was going on, people yelling to demand who the target was, Lyserg silently bent forward to face Yugi. "You see, Yugi. The reason I knew to find you in this city was because I spoke to the man who owns half of it. I just happened to offer him a large sum of money for making an announcement." Inaudible to those around him. "The target..." The barkeep spoke up again. "Is Yugi Sparrow!!" He exclaimed with a wavering, shaking voice, pointing at Yugi with a naked index finger. And now, all eyes on him. Doubts were pronounced, concerns expressed. And now it was showtime.

    Swiftly getting up off his chair, Lyserg slammed one foot down on the table, whilst standing on the chair with his second one. "What the host says is true!" He called out excitedly. "This man sitting right here amidst you, the man you all 'respect' and admire so much is your ticket to a new life! Outside of this city! Completely released of all crimes. The rumored clean slate! I am Mister Luke's messenger and hereby confirm the truth of this! In every dark corner of town, Mister Luke is now calling to ensure that every last one of you people hears about this! Whoever hunts down Sparrow is a free man!" Lyserg's sparkling eyes leered down to Yugi. "That was the pindrop, Yugi." He jumped off of the table, and the first attacker was already blurting towards the black-haired youth with a loud yell.



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    "Anger Management." Empty Re: "Anger Management."

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 16th June 2015, 12:17 pm

    When the man randomly unsheathed his sword, Yugi tightened his grip on Roya as if he was ready to make a split second move. However--the man merely threw the blade into the bar, planting it with a wood shattering crunch. He decided to try and listen to the points he made even though he was yelling at him. It seems he thought that Yugi was arrogant---if anything he'd treated him nothing but good in Yugi's mind so far; especially for the situations involved. Continuing to listen, he wondered why he perceived his point of view as 'right beyond measure'. Yugi just had a certain point of view about how people gifted with Magic acted and were treated in society.

    Either they were worshiped like some kind of idols or gods at events like the Grand Magic Games or made out to be some kind of evil freaks---there usually was no middle ground. Yugi knew countless stories of kids abused just because they were different, and had Magic. But he wondered if this man saw it as nothing more than a gift. He described other ways of looking at things, about using other means besides magical ones to get what one wanted. He reminded Yugi a bit of his brother Lucien, the ex-chairman as he listened.

    "I am inclined to agree....things can be achieved without Magic. I've achieved a lot without it myself---but tell me. Who's in charge, the person with the gun? Or the person without it?" he smirked a bit---a huge conversation he'd had many times with his brother about what it meant to be gifted with Magic and born a wizard. But now wasn't the time--and this guy seemed to be planning something.

    "I don't mean to be arrogant....it's just my way of looking at things." Yugi looked at his reflection gleaming in the blade for only a split second.

    Yugi listened carefully to the situation unfolding as be would, after the phone ringing furrow his eyebrows. 'This man couldn't be that clever.....' he wondered just what level of schemer he was dealing with.

    When the bartender said there was a bounty, Yugi listened intrigued---this was rare. 'Someone calling in a Bounty to Soul Bar? What the hell....'. Something didn't feel right about this at all. As he took his hand from around Roya's waist, as soon as he heard the conclusion of the phone conversation. Yugi felt and heard several people getting up from their chairs behind him.

    As soon as Lyserg made his reference to a pin drop, something he'd mentioned earlier. Yugi nodded.

    'Tsk, yeah sometimes there are other motivations...' a clean slate being more valuable to these guys than any amount of money or jewels. He felt like he was caught up in one of his brothers schemes all over again---standing up without turning his back. He would only say once.

    "I'm going to walk out of here, I'm taking this girl with me." Yugi pointed to the side at Roya without looking at her. "I don't really feel like hurting anybody..but if you guys don't let me go---" with that Yugi would nod to Roya and make a step forward away from the bar, Roya, and the Tartarus wizard.

    The entire bar seemed to shift, and make a motion, everyone standing clenching their weapons and stepping into a huge crowd. Some of them were visibly scared, others went for the door and left, others looked like they were about to try their luck. Suddenly---an arguement broke out in the crowd as spells of all kind began to explode from all directions the wizards began fighting amongst one another; eventually they refocused their attention on Yugi who only did one thing.  

    'CLAP!' a close up of Yugi's hands clapping together was shown as he bent his knees slightly.

    A huge amount of heatwave filled air and magical pressure seemed to sway outward away from Yugi and vibrate, as the temperature in the entire bar skyrocketed. People's hair and clothes swayed as sweat formed on skin--heatwaves in the air.

    "It's so hot!!! Shit!!!"
    "I'm getting dizzy!!!"
    "Damn my sword!"

    People holding metal objects began to drop them from the sizzling heat of holding them, like seatbelts in the sun. Yugi would then, hands still clapped and heat still rising smile---and for no reason, seemingly rip off his shirt like a crazed frat brother his pants getting thrown off in the process too.

    "All aboard!!!" a shot outside of Soul Bar was shown, as the camera panned up too a 'Steam Engine Train' made completely of fire, snapping into existence on a street in a mixture of pressure and fire. A huge 'WHOOOOSH' going off as it passed people on the street, flipping cars and anything else out of it's way on the way towards Soul Bar. With a mighty 'CHOOOO CHOOO!' the train roared onwards, spewing flames instead of smoke from the top.

    'KABLOOOOOOM!' the front half of Soul Bar was blown open by what looked to be a huge wall of flames just moving 400 MPH, at this exact moment; Yugi's pants had just hit the ground from when he'd shown them.

    "Dear god!!! He did that with just one spell!!!" the bar shook, creaked, and groaned, as sunlight, and the streets outside were now plainly visible. Dust falling from the edges of the remaining half of soul bar. People outside on the street were having mixed reactions as a gigantic Train of fire just steamed through and cut the most popular bar in Talonia in half. Yugi had made it miss on purpose.

    The heat inside began to die down as everything stopped melting, and swaying. The bartender cowered behind a bar that was barely standing, the bottles blackened and scorched with heat, some shattered, some had fallen.

    The phone swung off of the hook, beeping loudly as Yugi--wearing only boxers with hearts on them would look back at the bartender cowering.

    "Call Luke if that phone is still working---tell him that was a bad move, and that I won't be seeing him for Lunch next week. But maybe some other time." from out of nowhere, a giant bird of flames would materialize with a 'Snap!' of heatwaves and pressure as Yugi just thought of it. In his Unlimited state he would Make with mere thought.

    The gigantic eagle of hottest orange and white flames would bow down as Yugi hopped on, extending a hand to Roya and nodding to let her know the flames wouldn't burn her, or her clothes at all. As she hopped on, a single 'flap' of the birds wings would shatter most of the remaining windows in the bar with licks of fire dancing on the wind from it.

    From outside, a huge trail of flames would explode weaving behind like a rope as the Eagle dipped into a barrel roll, rising into the sky from the bar as half of it was---blown of and exposed to the outside. As it reached the heights over Talonia, Yugi looked at the city beneath them---stretching like L.A in all directions.

    "Tsk, now that I've done that the Rune Knights'll probably ransack my place..." thinking about the train of fire....maybe it was a bit overboard. He floated above the city, the giant bird made of fire just flapping there in the clouds as he and Roya held on...Yugi was still in his boxers...sitting on a flaming eagle.

    With a very small pop of heat pressure and flames, a tiny sparrow of Fire would materialize next to the giant Eagle he and Roya were riding on.

    "Find that guy....spell out in fire 'Oak Town' for him if you would." the sparrow would flap up and down excitedly, and take off with a swoosh of flames.  "Guess you're gonna meet my family after all." the eagle would then open it's wings and with a mighty caw take off in a blaze of fire as Yugi kept one hand on the eagles neck, and another reached back around Roya.

    'Why would he do that........some kind of vendetta? To get back at me for what? If he wants my attention he's sure gotten it.......what a bastard. He seemed powerful though...if he wanted a battle with me why didn't he just start off that way...'

    Lost in his own thoughts as they flew over Fiore, eventually peeling across the Desert, and Crocus Mountains, the capital city gleaming off in the distance as they flew West for Oak Town. Yugi's expression and mood was so serious he'd completely forgotten Roya was flying with him. He looked back at her over the flaming wings of this giant Eagle.

    "Roya I'm really sorry about all of this...I promise we'll be safe soon." he said looking back at her, for once not smiling at all. His usual warm flame of an aura seemed to be replaced by one of a raging inferno briefly, but he seemed to be calming down now. Maybe it was the sky air. Not really in the mood to speak much a shot of the Eagle peeling across Fiore at night, flames against the dark would be shown as they flew off.


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    See you in hell

    See you in hell

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    "Anger Management." Empty Re: "Anger Management."

    Post by Roya 16th June 2015, 6:03 pm

    "The Meaning of Family, Oak town."


    "Anger Management." Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500

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