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    The challenge of a frozen nightmare


    The Noble Fairy

    The Noble Fairy

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect Of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 116
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 175

    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Empty The challenge of a frozen nightmare

    Post by Manayus 25th October 2014, 12:14 pm

    job info:

    If working with members from other guilds was any inclination on how this job was going to go, then it would be going pretty well. At least, he hoped so. The last team he had worked with were all women, meanwhile, here he was, stuck in a caravan with two other guys. He sighed sadly as he drew his winter jacket around him, looking out the back of the caravan longing for warm weather and a beautiful woman at his side. Oh how dreary it was to be here...

    Finally, Manayus turned to face the other two mages he was sitting with, wondering just who exactly he was working with... he had done little more than introduce himself and offer to come and help them on this mission.

    "So... What kind of magic do you both use? We might as well use this time to figure out some sort of a strategy."
    He offered the two mages while zipping up his jacket as he shivered. First a spooky forest, and then a frozen island... the things he did for his guild was just a little over the top.

    "Personally I have support magic, so please don't expect me to be on the front lines. I can make both of you stronger and faster, and make sure you don't die but that's about it. As for any fighting capabilities... I have a few tricks up my sleeves to get me out of trouble, but honestly I'm really relying on both of you..."
    He stated with an awkward little grin. He had a general idea of who they were from rumors around the guild... Krow was hot headed, just like his magic (or so the rumors stated). As for the other guy, well he frankly really wasn't sure...

    He at least hoped that they would be able to do the heavy lifting during this job...


    Shining Ace
    Shining Ace

    Lineage : Light of Luna
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 575

    Character Sheet
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    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Empty Re: The challenge of a frozen nightmare

    Post by Shining Ace 25th October 2014, 2:55 pm

    Ace sat in a carriage wearing a heavy fur lined cloak the size big enough for two people over what was his normal attire of what consisted of a grey-blue gakuran uniform kept in place by only one button while the rest the rest unbuttoned to reveal a yellow undershirt beneath the uniform, also wearing pants that went along with the same color as the gakuran uniform, a pair of tennis shoes with black, white and gold tones and his signature headphones that he wore at almost all times. Apart from the cloak it was far from anything made for cold weather unlike his partner Stella who also dressed in usual clothes of a green and white dress that would more suited for a warmer climate, the golden blonde, purple eyed wizard sighed and faintly smiled as he watched Stella shiver constantly warming herself up by igniting her fairy magic into small burst of flames "Well it is your own fault for not dressing properly we were told where we were being sent to." Stella frowned grinding her teeth and looked at Ace being extremely pissed "Shut up you simpleton, you were dressed in your normal attire as well but you took a winter cloak when I wasn't looking you st-stupid, idiotic, simpleton!" Ace laughed heart-fully as he listened to Stella's out burst "Any how I thought something like this would happen, that's why I grabbed the extra large one that we usually use as a winter blanket so you can get in it too."
    Stella turn her head away blushing but still looking pissed "As if I'd accept charity from you, humph! I am perfect in everyway and I don't need help from you."
    "Says the girl who stalked me for a few days and then decided to run away from home to travel with me."
    "T-That's not how it h-happened......"
    "Here I don't need it anyway, a little cold is nothing to me. So no need to be stubborn" Ace said taking off his cloak and wrapping it around Stella who then pulled the hood of it over her face to hide her blushing face. It was then he heard one of the other members of his guild speak up "So... What kind of magic do you both use? We might as well use this time to figure out some sort of a strategy."
    A mage who freakishly similar to himself asked the rest of them while zipping up his jacket as he shivered "Personally I have support magic, so please don't expect me to be on the front lines. I can make both of you stronger and faster, and make sure you don't die but that's about it. As for any fighting capabilities... I have a few tricks up my sleeves to get me out of trouble, but honestly I'm really relying on both of you..." the wizard stated with an awkward little grin. Ace smirked as he smirked "Yea you got it pal I usually solve all problems with my hands anyway." Ace said clenching his fist before smashing it into the palm of his other hand causing a burst of golden light that exploded into light particles looking like golden glitter and then a second later it a shockwave was produced from where is hands had made impact with each other as if two crash magic spells of the same rank had collided and cancelled each other out.  "So yea leave the front lines to my self and Krow, while you support us and Stella can protect you...oh yea you don't know who we are do yea?" Ace smirk crossing his arms standing tall before pointing to himself with his thumb "I'M ACE ARCHARD, LEADER OF THE EVER CHANGING TEAM BEACON AND ONE OF FAIRY TAIL RESIDENT BADASSES!" Ace then gestured to Stella who before he could say anything and kicked him in the shin but it seemed as if Ace was unaffected as he continued to smirk "ACE YOU SIMPLETON I CAN INTRODUCE MY SELF."
    *snickers* "Yea well you were hiding your face behind the hood so I didn't know if you wanted to." causing Stella to blush out of embarrassment let to Ace being kicked again before Stella turned to the other two "It's a pleasure to meet the both of you I am Stella Stella Ó hAodha, this simpleton's partner."


    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Ace11410
    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Stella10
    Regal Magic  | Home

    Missions Completed:
    D Rank: 2
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    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
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    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Age : 31

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
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    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Empty Re: The challenge of a frozen nightmare

    Post by Krow 28th October 2014, 8:24 am

    Krow groaned from his spot in the back of the caravan. Unlike his traveling companions and fellow guild-mates, he seemed to be suffering a great deal. His upper body hanging over the back of the caravan, his eyes being completely white, cheeks puffed up, teeth clenched, and the upper portion of his facial structure stricken with a sickly blueish shade. While he suffered he was made to listen to the casual bickering of two of his companions. He turned to peer over at one of the blond haired males, the one who looked a bit feminine who had just said, "So... What kind of magic do you both use? We might as well use this time to figure out some sort of a strategy." He didn't offer an actual answer, all he managed to do was groan before his head swung back around, his maw coming ajar as he up-chucked losing his last meal. He eventually managed to mutter, "Fi-Fire.... Dr-Dragon... Sla-Slayer... Ma-Magic...", before letting out yet another pained groan.

    Eventually the caravan would come to a halt. Krow was quick to throw himself over the back of it, his body hitting the ground he would lay there panting. "I'm never riding that damn thing ever again." He muttered as he steadily regained his composure and pulled himself off of the ground. He was still pissed that they had managed to trick him into getting on it in the first place. "What the hell did we come here for, anyways!?" He asked in earnest, having not even bothered to take a look at the request they were now taking up. Unlike his guild-mates he wasn't dressed as one normally would for this sort of climate. Instead he wore his usual black sleeveless shirt, a brown belt strapped around his waist holding up a ripped up white cloth upon his right leg. A pair of baggy black pants and his usual armor boots adorning the lower portion of his body.

    Last edited by Krow on 14th November 2014, 10:48 am; edited 2 times in total


    The challenge of a frozen nightmare GbnUMK2

    Missions In Progress:
    Total Exp.: 562.5 Exp
    Rank Up Ratio: 562.5/750= 187.5 Exp Needed.

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    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Empty Re: The challenge of a frozen nightmare

    Post by NPC 28th October 2014, 8:24 am

    The member 'Krow' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The challenge of a frozen nightmare NormalMonster The challenge of a frozen nightmare StrongMonster The challenge of a frozen nightmare NormalMonster The challenge of a frozen nightmare Boss The challenge of a frozen nightmare NormalMonster

    The Noble Fairy

    The Noble Fairy

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect Of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 116
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Empty Re: The challenge of a frozen nightmare

    Post by Manayus 28th October 2014, 1:17 pm


    “A pleasure to meet you Ace.”
    Manayus stated, wincing slightly however as he introduced himself yelling out an introduction. However, whenever Stella introduced himself, he couldn’t help but gently take her hand, offer her a polite bow and kiss her hand politely.

    “And a true honor to meet such a beautiful woman such as yourself Lady Stella. You can call me Manayus, I will be honored to have a woman such as yourself by my side during this mission.”
    He paused in his introduction as he heard something fall out of the carriage before them. He looked over to find their second partner now face first in the snow, having almost completely forgotten about the fire dragon slayer who had attempted to introduce himself earlier. Manayus gently leaped out of the Caravan to check on Krow who was already getting up to his feet.
    “I’m terribly sorry to of have tricked you that way Krow, but it was the only way to get you to come along on this mission, we do really need your help.  We’ll be facing an ice mage who can potentially create a frozen army… you’re flames are really what we need here.”
    He stated just as three figures popped up forming a triangle around them. A fourth figure suddenly popped up south of them while a larger figure popped up some ways away from them.
    Simultaneously, the four forms closest to the fairy tail wizards suddenly launched three jets of water and a tower of ice. Meanwhile, the larger mage that had appeared behind them began creating icy walls around all of the combatants to stop them from escaping, or even dodging the other ice sculptures attacks.
    Manayus was quick to react however, scooping Stella up bridal style and leaping high up into the air, leaving behind a light trail of glittering fairy dust as he remained hovering above the battleground, and avoiding the water strikes. It would b incredibly bad if he ended up getting soaked… especially in this environment.

    “Are you okay lady Stella?”


    Shining Ace
    Shining Ace

    Lineage : Light of Luna
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    Posts : 145
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 575

    Character Sheet
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    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Empty Re: The challenge of a frozen nightmare

    Post by Shining Ace 29th October 2014, 11:25 am

    Ace could hear Krow groaned from the back of the caravan and guessed he disliked traveling to the point Krow sound like he was suffering a great deal of pain, curiosity got the better of him and looked behind him to see Krow had his upper body hanging over the back of the caravan, with only the whites of his eyes visible Ace instently turned back around pretending he didn't see anything not wanting to make things worse for Krow. His attention was then drawn away when their other team member spoke up “A pleasure to meet you Ace.”
    he told him wincing slightly which made Ace wonder if he had intimidated him "Sorry mate but I never got your name...." as spoke up but however their other team mate had taken Stella's take her hand after she introduced herself, Ace watched him politely bow and kiss her hand which he then start giving the guy a death glare though Ace himself was unaware of this. “And a true honour to meet such a beautiful woman such as yourself Lady Stella. You can call me Manayus, I will be honoured to have a woman such as yourself by my side during this mission.” It was then the three of them then heard something fall out of the carriage before them. As Ace followed Stella out of the carriage to find Krow face first in the snow which made Ace chuckle and Stella hid her face behind the hood holding in her laughter. Ace began to walk around the area to pass the time as Manayus gently leaped out of the Caravan to check on Krow who was already getting up to his feet, panting. "I'm never riding that damn thing ever again." Ace heard him mutter as he steadily regained his composure and pulled himself off of the ground. "What the hell did we come here for, anyways!?" Ace then noticed that like himself and he wasn't dressed as one normally would for this sort of climate wearing his a black sleeveless shirt, a brown belt strapped around his waist holding up a ripped up white cloth upon his right leg. A pair of baggy black pants and his usual armour boots adorning the lower portion of his body.
    “I’m terribly sorry to of have tricked you that way Krow, but it was the only way to get you to come along on this mission, we do really need your help. We’ll be facing an ice mage who can potentially create a frozen army… you’re flames are really what we need here.” Stella ran over from Ace's side to check on Krow, he was about to walk over himself when three figures popped up forming a triangle around them. A fourth figure suddenly popped up to the south of the triangle to Ace's right while a larger figure popped up some ways away from them. "STELLA LOOK OUT!!!" he called out just as simultaneously, the three forms that formed a triangle around fairy tail wizards suddenly launched three jets of water and a tower of ice. Meanwhile, the larger mage that had appeared behind them began creating icy walls around all of the combatants to stop them from escaping, or even dodging the other ice sculptures attacks. Ace had the choice to go after the guy building the walls or to go after the eminent threat and the ones attack Stella, Manayus and Krow. "DAMN THIS ALL TO HELL!!" Ace yelled before dashing off at the form that was to his right being the closest of the four that attacked them, running at a speed that caused to blur slightly leaving a trail of golden light of where he had once been. Just as the figure noticed Ace's presence Ace boxed the person in the face with his fist glowing with a golden light sending him falling towards the ground with broken nose and a second later as if he had the man had been struck with crash magic slammed into the ground causing the ground below to crack. Ace then kicked the man up off the ground knowing that wasn't going to keep him down for long, though his kick brought the man back to sit up right a second later another crash impact came up from where Ace had kick the wizard lifting the man off the ground into the air barely above Ace. He the jumped into the air and glowing round house kicked sending the man flying into one of the three that had surrounded his friends causing them both to crash into the wall that the larger figure had made, Ace then made a finger pistol and pointed at the two he had sent flying as he fell to the ground which at the end of his finger glowed a blinding golden light "REGAL SHOT!" A beam of blinding golden light was fired from Ace's finger tip as if he had shot a laser gun and a burst of light hit the two, though one of the two pushed off the unconscious body of his comrade panting heavily, Ace was able to tell from the condensation coming off the man's breath. Ace glanced at his guild mates from the corner of his eyes only to see Manayus floating above the ground holding Stella in a bridal style leaving a trail of rather fake fairy dust (comparing it to Stella's) as he remained hovering above the battleground Ace had to repress the feeling to shoot Manayus when he heard him talk to her “Are you okay lady Stella?” Stella pushed herself out of Manayus' arms blushing out of embarrassment "YOU SIMPLETON WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!!! I NEVER ASKED FOR YOUR HELP I'M NOT SOME HELPLESS PRINCESS LOCKED IN A CASTLE TOWER I CAN TAKE CARE OF MY SELF! FURTHER MORE-"
    "QUIET BOTH OF YOU!" Ace said brushing himself off, standing up straight and speaking in a tone of voice that made those around him want to listen and giving off an aura of royalty, honour, power making Ace sound and look like a king who had decided to fight with his knights "Krow i'll leave those two to you, i'll take on the one that I left standing here, then we take on that big guy together. Manayus back us up like you send you would Stella I am counting on you to do the same and to protect Manayus...got it everybody?" Ace finished his speech with a question as he put on his headphones and music began to play "NOW LETS SHOW THEM THE POWER OF FAIRY TAIL!"

    Enemies defeated/over few:
    Strong:0/1 (in combat with Ace)


    Spells used:
    Regal Shot:
    duration:1/1, cool-down:0/2

    Attacks preformed:
    Normal strikes (non light embedded)X1:
    D-rank damage
    Normal strikes (light embedded)X2: D-rank damage

    Items in effect:
    Crash Band:
    Info: It adds a passive crash effect to the users physical attacks and strikes equal to the users strength.
    Damage dealt: x 3 D-rank


    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Ace11410
    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Stella10
    Regal Magic  | Home

    Missions Completed:
    D Rank: 2
    C Rank: 0
    B Rank: 0
    A Rank: 0
    Total EXP: 575
    Exp to rank up: 0

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Mark of Cain
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Empty Re: The challenge of a frozen nightmare

    Post by Krow 29th October 2014, 12:48 pm

    Krow grumbled angrily at Manayus's apology, "Shut up. Next time you do that I'm kickin' your ass, got it!?" He huffed angrily as he looked around, having just now realized they were in a frozen tundra of all places. "Damn it. Looks like you brought me somewhere annoying." He muttered as he scratched at the back of his head, the hair in this quadrint of his cranium being a stark jet black. They were soon surrounded by a bunch of weak looking ice women. He hadn't even paid attention to the ice wall now surrounding them. When the three within the circular wall launched their attacks, the fire dragon slayer easily bobbed and weaved out of their trajectory. While Ace took care of a single enemy, Krow dealt with his two weak enemies rather quickly and without even wasting any of his reserve of ethernano.

    Krow had begun his assault as soon as he evaded the first attack. His body instinctively knowing to drop down under the bursts of water. As he approached the nearest ice woman he would draw back his arms. His fingers curved as he was intending to make a fist, but his kept his palms flatly opened. Once in range launched them forward slamming his appendages into the mid-section of the ice woman sending her flying backward smashing into the ice wall. She fell without being convinced further that she was screwed by having him as her enemy. Krow without skipping a beat would swing around. His knees bending slightly only to snap back, sending him flying towards the other ice woman. This time instead of an assault with his upper appendages out-right, he would let his body fall forward just he would have been in range to repeat his earlier actions. This time his hands planted upon the icy ground, legs held together he would thrust his legs upward at a slant slamming his feet into the chin of the ice woman. The sheer force of this strike hurling her high up into the sky and over the ice wall. Krow keeping with this momentum would swing himself back around using his right arm as the focal point of this pivoting motion.

    Krow upon finishing this up would hear Ace say, "....then we take on that big guy together. ...", to which he simply scoffed and snapped back. "That's my prey stupid." This being said a fierce orange glow would gather around his feet as flames began to form. The fierce mixture of red and orange thrashing about violently melting away the snow beneath his every foot fall. The foot falls sounding almost thunderous as they echoed within the ice wall entrapment. Krow slamming his right foot upon the ground would take full advantage of the jet-propulsion aspect of such flames to shoot up into the air. His body twisting as his hands tapped down upon the ice wall for the briefest of moments before he dropped over it. From within his descent his body seemed to spiral as he slammed his flame coated legs upon the ice wall only four times before a fifth kick directed straight as the exterior of the ice wall launched him back behind the icy enemy would had tried to trap him.

    "You aren't strong enough to contain someone like me." He taunted cheerfully, as he watched the fruits of his earlier kicks to the ice wall. He hadn't intended to but, he had made each kick land within a near straight line down the ice wall. A large fissure coursing through it before a pathway crumbled into it. This pathway would give his comrades their freedom back. Krow was still pissed about being tricked, so he was in no mood to be sharing his prey with anyone, nor was such a thing really his style to begin with. The fire dragon slayer launching himself forward, feet still set ablaze, he would throw his left leg into what made up the mid spinal region of the ice woman's back slamming her into her own ice spell. He planted his hands upon the ground and used the momentum from this short drop to up-right his positioning. He would then go in for the kill. Krow this time launching himself into the air above the ice woman would let his body be carried into a flip that left him hurling the heel of flame-enhanced right foot down upon the top of the ice woman slamming her body upon the ground. He would have landed to her left. The second his feet hit the icy ground he throw his right leg forward, apply the jet-propulsion aspect as he followed through with this kick. This augmentative aspect providing the brute force needed to decapitate the ice woman sending her head soaring off into the distance. Krow now turning to the other fairy tail mages would snap at them, "Let's get going. I need someone stronger to beat up on." With this being said he turned his back on them and headed off ahead of his comrades.

    Krow's Stuff:

    Last edited by Krow on 14th November 2014, 10:48 am; edited 2 times in total


    The challenge of a frozen nightmare GbnUMK2

    Missions In Progress:
    Total Exp.: 562.5 Exp
    Rank Up Ratio: 562.5/750= 187.5 Exp Needed.

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Empty Re: The challenge of a frozen nightmare

    Post by NPC 29th October 2014, 12:48 pm

    The member 'Krow' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The challenge of a frozen nightmare WeakMonster The challenge of a frozen nightmare NormalMonster The challenge of a frozen nightmare NormalMonster The challenge of a frozen nightmare NormalMonster The challenge of a frozen nightmare StrongMonster The challenge of a frozen nightmare StrongMonster The challenge of a frozen nightmare NormalMonster The challenge of a frozen nightmare NormalMonster The challenge of a frozen nightmare WeakMonster The challenge of a frozen nightmare NormalMonster

    The Noble Fairy

    The Noble Fairy

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect Of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 116
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Empty Re: The challenge of a frozen nightmare

    Post by Manayus 30th October 2014, 3:50 am

    “My apologies, I mean’t no offence-“
    He began but was quickly cut off by Ace’s shouting. He immediately looked over at the other boy with a raised eyebrow, he couldn’t help but feel as if this man had no right to order him like that. It almost sounded like a younger version of his father yelling at him again and caused him to pause as he hovered there in mid-air. Just as he went to speak, he devised a plan however and Manayus said nothing to the subject and only fell back in line.
    He glanced over at all of the action that suddenly broke out below himself and stella, watching as both Ace and Krow began handing the icey creations their frozen butts before he finally snapped out of it. He had to do his part to help, no matter how little that help was. He extended both his arms to either side of his body as two bright yellow magic circles appeared before each of his hands, fairy dust slipping out slowly until he chanted the names of his spells.

    “Fairy support: Pouvoir et Vitesse”
    He stated as the dust suddenly shot out from the magic circles as if a sudden gust of wind had entrapped it. The dust flew towards Ace, Krow and Stella, surrounding them for only a brief moment before being inhaled by each, strengthening their bodies both with power and speed. Each individual would feel significantly stronger, while feeling nearly twice as fast as they did before. Finally, with his arms still at either side of his body, he felt he might as well try to do something against the opponents they faced himself.

    “Fairy Gatling Gun!”
    He then called off next, a swarm of bright yellow lights appearing in front of him, condensed fairy dust that he then raised down upon their nearby enemies, trapping them in a hail storm of his magic.



    Shining Ace
    Shining Ace

    Lineage : Light of Luna
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 575

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Regal Magic
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    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Empty Re: The challenge of a frozen nightmare

    Post by Shining Ace 6th November 2014, 12:42 pm

    OOC: I hope this length is more to your liking Manayus also Krow just a heads up you got some of your info wrong the one who was making the ice walls was the boss not a strong mage

    Ace's attention was drawn to Krow as he simply scoffed and snapped back in response to hearing his plan "That's my prey stupid." This being said a fierce orange glow would gather around his feet as flames began to form before he took down the big ice wizard causing Ace to sigh before sending he saviour of his attack into the person he had already knocked out with a glowing back handed slap that sent him flying and crashing into the other one, he cracked his knuckles when more opponents began appearing but the dozens, taking a deep breath he felt his power increase as he noticed fairy dust floating in the air before a hail storm of yellow light which Ace recognised as condensed fairy dust came raining down on their nearby enemies, trapping them thanks to Manyus' magic "Awesome, your up Stella!". he said before jumping doing a 360 spin kick sending another two mages to the ground which he then proceeded to knock out both with a swift kick in the spine to both before backing up even further taking care of the enemies that escaped or weren't caught of the hail storm of fairy dust.
    "Right!" Stella said in response to Ace and flew a circle of twenty metres with Manayus floating above the centre point around the enemies Manayus had trapped and, as she flew a thick could of fairy dust was left in her trail and spread around covering the complete area of the 20 metre radius that she had just flew around, before flying back up next to Manayus and extended her hands towards the cloud of real fairy dust "Glitter Bomb! the cloud of fairy dust exploded in an explosion of pure magical energy covering the entire 20 metres and sent a few of the people inside of the blast zone. Ace smirked and began to jump up and pounding them back into the ground again knocking them out could and counted beating down ten before he landed again and as the smoke cleared it could clearly be seen their were two left standing in the now cracked ground "Let's get going. I need someone stronger to beat up on." Ace heard Krow say walking back to them, Ace ran up to the one closest in Krow's direction "Hey Krow heads up!" he called out to he guild mate before punching the ice mage in the face sending him flying towards Krow while began fighting the other one that was still with him.

    Enemy Log:
    Weak: final one defeated when Stella's Glitter Bomb hit
    Normal: All defeated
    Strong: 2/3 (first one carrying over from last post, second one is in combat with Ace be ko'ed by next post and the final has been sent flying towards Krow)

    Spells used:

    Attacks preformed:
    Normal strikes (non light embedded)X16
    : D-rank damage
    Normal strikes (light embedded)X1: D-rank damage

    [b]Items in effect:
    Crash Band:
    Info: It adds a passive crash effect to the users physical attacks and strikes equal to the users strength.
    Damage dealt: all Ace's melee attacks (D-rank damage)

    Stella's Spells used:

    Glitter Bomb:

    Buffs activate:
    Fairy Support (casted by Manayus): pouvoir/vitesse - instant cast
    Grants an extra D rank damage to every strike.


    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Ace11410
    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Stella10
    Regal Magic  | Home

    Missions Completed:
    D Rank: 2
    C Rank: 0
    B Rank: 0
    A Rank: 0
    Total EXP: 575
    Exp to rank up: 0

    The Noble Fairy

    The Noble Fairy

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect Of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 116
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Empty Re: The challenge of a frozen nightmare

    Post by Manayus 14th November 2014, 12:26 am


    Even with Manayus’ magic infusing his companions magic and strikes with added strength and speed, the enemy still seemed to be popping up from every snow drift around them. This was absolutely crazy! How were a bunch of low ranked mages supposed to handle so many enemies at the same time? As Kow began ranting something about stronger enemies, he redirected his Fair Glitter attack, turning it so that he was covering the area that Stella couldn’t reach with his own display of explosive fairy dust. Though it wasn’t exactly the same as hers, in this instant, you wouldn’t have been able to tell that two different spells were raining down on the enemy unless you were used to seeing either ones magic.

    The blasts of the dual fairy glitter rained down on the enemy that found themselves just barely able to attack back, launching forward spikes of ice that emerged from the ground towards Krow and Ace, while others attempted to take down Manayus and Stella from the skies by launching ‘ living’ ice make magic. However, any construct that tried to get close to the two flying fairis was quickly shattered. The same wouldn’t be said for those on the ground however.

    The large ice sculpture seemed angry (if it could), I’s frozen features seeming to scowl as its comrades were taken out en mass. The sculpture raised it’s hand as a sudden snow storm kicked up from out of no where and was launched in a flurry towards the Fairy Tail wizards, hoping to blind them long enough to create more constructs, while those that remained managed to get in some attacks.

    The only remaining strong construct darted forward under snow cover, his body erupting into spiky icicles as he charged at Ace, creating a giant ice dagger which he swung at his target, hoping to smash him against the remains of the large ice wall.

    Manayus' Stats:



    The Noble Fairy

    The Noble Fairy

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect Of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 116
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 175

    The challenge of a frozen nightmare Empty Re: The challenge of a frozen nightmare

    Post by Manayus 21st November 2014, 8:49 pm



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